Kirby: Squeak Squad - AntDude

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[Music] welcome back everybody to the Kirby Marathon where I'm talking about all the Kirby games not featured in Kirby's Dream collection on the Wii but you probably already knew that didn't you let's just get right into it last time I covered Kirby in the amazing mirror the first of two games in the series primarily handled by a different company flagship today we're gonna talk about game 2 Kirby squeak squad for the DS where that further ado let's just get right onto it shall we 2006 was an interesting year for Nintendo to say the least though we was just about to begin its path to world domination meanwhile the D s was just sort of coasting along touching is good oh my god what so that holiday while everyone's off playing Wii Sports Nintendo kinda just tossed another Kirby game on the DS with squeaks quad that's not to say the game is bad or anything but how we'll get to that this time the plot is all about cake that was a weird sentence one peaceful day in dreamland Kirby is off celebrating his favorite time of the day snack time with one of the most beautifully designed slices of strawberry shortcake ever created but suddenly his cake vanishes right before his very eyes without thinking about it at all Kirby just assumes that King Dedede is at fault and heads off to find him upon storming the castle and beating him up which seems incredibly rude by the way it turns out that he had nothing to do about the stolen cake and Kirby just mindlessly attacked someone in their own home Kirby dude it's kind of messed up and then a group of mice known as the squeak squad can show up and make off with DVDs treasure and the cake the King takes Kirby tosses them towards the mice pushing them all down a cavern and now it is up to Kirby to find the true location of the cake and discover more about the mysterious squeaks quad it's altogether a solid enough premise for a Kirby game despite the whole you know Kirby breaking into someone's house and beating them up but you know you know aside from that huh you know what slow down that opening cutscene oh my god now the most notable thing right off the bat is despite being on newer hardware squeaks quadri uses nightmare in dreamland assets once again sure there's obviously plenty of new stuff to see but aside from the screen size being bigger it looks nearly identical to the games coming before it and in my brilliant attempt at using this as a segue the game plays like the games coming before it as well and nailed it however despite coming off of the open worlds amazing mirror squeaks quad falls more in line with traditional Kirby now I made a little tease at the end of the amazing mirror video that I was saying that squeaks quad is simply not a bigger and better game but really people are looking too deep into that this is what I meant Kirby AM was ambitious in trying to create a big world that's playable with multiple players but still enjoyable when going solo but Kirby's instead went for a return to form with a level by level setup and a lack of co-op I believe some people thought I was implying that I just outright didn't like the game but really this is all I meant with that tease no need to look too deep into it black with that said the goal is exactly what you think it is jump into a level make it to the end do that until the credits roll there you go pink out of 10 carry it over from the amazing mirror or a plethora of treasure chests scattered all over the place levels have anywhere from one to three somewhere within them and while really calling them hidden may be pushing it just a bit while I do miss the open-world setup I much prefer this usage of treasure because regardless of what's inside them I am obligated to collect them all since levels are only so long and I will not let the game developers beat me on solving their secrets however while the rewards within chests are still fairly uninteresting the ratio of useful items is definitely higher than before extra hearts tracks for the music player and spray paint all returned and honestly the rest of the goodies are basically just groups of graphics that unlock one thing once you find them all like by beating a boss you get a boss trophy and after collecting all of the trophies you unlock the boss endurance mode by finding pieces of a map throughout each of the worlds you unlock the ability room which again houses every ability in the game and at the very least the more important items are found in a levels bigger silver chest but they are no more hidden than the rest of them so it kind of feels like a really roundabout way of unlocking things not every chest is right for the picking though you're not the only one who wants the bigger ones here come the squeaks when you get your hands on the silver chest one member of the squeak squad shows up and begins chasing you bringing the chest into their lair if they get a hold of it there's the fast one spinny the smart one doc the big one store oh and the leader the roach wave await his name is door o j-- now this is really the only thing that makes this game stick out from the rest of the series unfortunately but at least they have pretty cool designs just toss these guys in with mappy and Miss Mouse you got a good set of video game mice they're not you Mouser nobody likes you the levels are incredibly short this time around as well so at least if you do miss a chest it doesn't take long to finally get it in fact each world can be beaten in roughly 20 minutes and I know this is a portable game so being easy to pick up and play is important but man the game goes by far too quick and again like amazing mirror there really isn't much in terms of memorable set pieces so the levels kinda just come and go without much thought I would even say that some levels are offensively short like here look at that that was one whole level what also the game was known as Kirby Mouse attack in Europe uh I don't know Europeans you tell me is the word squeak or squad more offensive I just I don't know and alright that's not the only thing making squeak squad unique here look it's the inside of Kirby stomach I mean really Who am I to judge but Kirby he has a pretty impressive stomach seriously though guys here's the thing it was 2006 the DS has two screens on it it was kind of an unwritten rule that practically every game everyone had to use both screens to the highest capacity the developers can think of there was no real in between there and here it's stomache management the adventure is filled with bubbles holding items and copy abilities they get stored in your stomach in five open slots and you touch the one you want to use whenever you want to the chest each take a spot up as well honestly the whole concept is pretty unnecessary as you all are probably well aware Kirby games were never really known for being difficult that much is obvious but something like giving you multiple ability bubbles to hold on to for a boss fight so losing your current ability means you just have plenty of backup is just overkill it ends up being kind of a hassle too when you were stocking up on items the whole time I need to clear out space to get a chest in there you can mix items together to create combinations and save space which is neat but again since the game is now too difficult it's not really solving any purpose you can also combine two abilities to make a brand new one as well but if you are like me and thought this meant the return of b64 combo abilities then no you can eventually add elements to bomb and sword but that's it to be fair elements do have an effect on the environment which is a first for the series but it has such a small effect that really why bring back ability combos at all you can also unlock different designs for Kirby stomach yeah yeah I got nothing on that it's just weird speaking of abilities one of the better chess rewards are Scrolls that each give one new skill - an ability you probably won't really notice most of them but the effort was definitely appreciated anything that gets us closer to superstars level of ability options is fine by me and also cook mini missile and smash are all gone not too upset about those as for the new abilities well magic actually has a move set now making it surprisingly fun to use animal let you dig through dirt scratch enemies and puts Kirby in a little bear like costume making him more durable than he already was metal makes you invincible but incredibly slow and heavy a solid contender for the worst ability in the series haha solid and bubble transforms enemies into bubbles but also actually does damage making it more useful than you would think which is good because a bubble ability could be much much worse lastly by collecting all of the pieces of a medallion these big ghosts show up out of nowhere and scatter around to all the worlds and give you the ghosts ability when you defeat them which lets you take control of enemies but you don't get it until near the end of the game so you don't even really get a good chance to use it actually it's kind of similar to that cancelled bottles revenge mode from banjo tooie man I am really pulling out all of the game comparisons today aren't I so once again the new ability is kind of suck but at least the old ones are still as good as ever high jump even makes a return and Kirby now builds up his jump instead of just doing it and it's adorable woohoo and now when it comes to these sub games they all use the touchscreen as to be expected in speedy teatime it's a race to eat more cake in store oh and avoid the bombs so it's basically just a touch controlled speed eaters in smash ride you swipe Kirby around an arena trying to knock off these squeaker enemies and spinny more times than they do to you and last up is treasure shot which is a race to throw more coloured balls at sweets that pop up out of chests while avoiding bombs to get more points than Doc so it's pretty similar to speedy tea time which is already pretty similar to speed eaters so much for that pretty lackluster set of games this time around but better than nothing I suppose and hey there's multiplayer for these at least now to end off the adventure after defeating the roach Kirby is so close to his precious shortcake before Meta Knight comes in and takes the chest what a way to make an entrance there buddy after taking him out because I will be damned if anybody steals my cake and gets away with it the roach comes back and steals the chest again and upon opening it the cake emits a powerful darkness smoke and takes control of the squeaks leader and he makes off for space that's one messed up shortcake after a battle with dark dorocha which is actually pretty cool and the hardest fight in the game the darkness removes itself from his body and runs off while we get a hold of dorocha scepter the triple star does this remind anybody of those old ball catching toys or is that just me finally it is time to take out Dark Nebula probably one of the famous designs for a final boss the series has ever seen the first phase is pretty easy you just shoot stars out of the whole bunch but once you take that out oh oh wait wait that was it man flagship really can't make a good final boss worth a damn it turns out that Meta Knight simply wanted to keep the darkness inside of the chest concealed but despite Kirby unleashing darkness onto the world again his plan failed but regardless the day is finally saved the squeaks decide to search for treasure elsewhere and Kirby gets a nice slice of strawberry shortcake courtesy of these squeeks themselves and in Kirby squeak squad this whole game was about a cake overall squeak squad is all right taking away my disappointment of not seeing a bigger and better open-world game between the lack of any substantial unique gimmicks short levels and the unnecessary ability storing mechanic this is actually one of my least favorite games in the series there is a little speedrun styled mode called extra game one should beat the main game 100% but couldn't really bring myself to do it honestly the game is still totally enjoyable don't get me wrong but it's certainly not one that I go to replay multiple times like a few of the others like Super Star Ultra definitely the better value on DS well that about covers it probably not the outcome that many of you were expecting but hey what can I tell you Kirby squeaks quad would be the last game developed by flagship not even just for Kirby the last game in general this is the last game that company ever made I don't know what that says about them you tell me that wouldn't be the last main game in this series made by another company next time on the Kirby marathon we're gonna talk about Kirby's Epic Yarn on the Wii made by good feel good feel indeed oh and before people start calling me out in the comments if you start the game up on your birthday the game gives you a happy birthday message and it's kind of cute so yeah I didn't forget you can delete your comment now thanks for watching everyone if you liked it you should subscribe there's more Kirby on the way along with a bunch more stuff I'm hoping to get Epic Yarn out soon and I hope you're all looking forward to it if you want more Kirby right now here's my amazing mirror video and a link back to the very first Kirby marathon I did there a couple years old so the audio quality is kind of crap but hey you may like them regardless maybe I don't know but alright it's time to get out of here bye bye you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 984,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude92, Dude Reviews, Rapid Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, Kirby, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby: Squeak Squad, AntDude Kirby, Kirby Star Allies, Nintendo Switch, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Planet Robobot, Nintendo 3DS, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Kirby: Mass Attack, Kirby: Rainbow Curse
Id: y3RMEp-dEi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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