Mordecai and Haman by Joey Campetella

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[Music] so proud of the people the response last night unreal we were downstairs eating it was after 10 o'clock I believe and some of the young people walked in and they couldn't even walk straight it was just awesome when we left people were just coming out of this sanctuary so proud of you the book of Esther is an amazing an intimate snapshot of one of the greatest kingdoms to ever exist on planet Earth the median Persian Empire was one of the kingdoms one of the world empires that Daniel saw in his vision that would be ordained by God and orchestrate the political direction of the world and when you see the book of Esther you are entering at the height of its power this empires power you see that there was a king by the name of Ahasuerus he was just made King he ruled 127 provinces provinces and he was a world king and he was a foolish man I think he was ready to be ruled by a beautiful woman in a wise advisor you look in the book of Esther and this man rarely made a single decision on his own after only two years of reigning he threw a party for himself that lasted a hundred and eighty days to celebrate his glory in my opinion two years is not a very long time to establish a successful track record of leadership but he was pretty with himself after two years and he had a beautiful wife by the name of Vashti which means beauty beautiful and to be the culmination of this 180 day celebration he sent word to his wife Vashti I come dance before the princes of the kingdom and I can imagine the level of morality in this nation she was not going to dance modestly and she refused to do so and it angered the king it embarrassed the king and his advisers told him it's time to get a new wife some of you were laughing it's time to get a new bride that will honor you and respect you and so the King obeyed his counselors and they sought out young virgins throughout the kingdom and found a little girl named - dasa dasa was an orphan many scholars believed that her parents died when they were taken captive by the Babylonians and she was brought into the Persian Empire she was taken in by her cousin Mordecai and raised up by him Mordecai was a wise man he had preeminence in the kingdom he was a counselor to the king one of the rulers and dasa was taken in because the Bible says she was very fair to look upon and of course I'm I'm sure you've heard the story the king would take in one of the virgins and check her out and after a while he got around to Esther and discovered her beauty love at first sight and he decides this is going to be my bride she was selected by the King made the Queen she went from being a nobody to the queen of the greatest empire on earth she went from the hardship of her captivity to the pinnacle of luxury she began to live the good life she had servants she had an entourage if she wanted her nails done she could get him done anytime she wanted if she wanted her toes massaged she could get that done anytime she wanted she was spoiled she had food probably like she never had in her life every meal was a banquet she was pampered and through the process of time we see Esther become totally disconnected from the outside world she loses her perspective of what's really going on out there and little did Esther know that while she was enjoying the benefits of the Kings favor she was oblivious to a particular battle that was happening outside the king in another amazing lack of judgment promoted a very wicked man by the name of Haman Haman was given dominion over the kingdom and the king commanded everyone to bow to Haman because you will acknowledge the status that I have given to him he got the Kings ring he has the Kings authority he was the number two man in the kingdom and out of fear for their lives I'm sure that when Haman approached everyone would bow the pressure is there the people are watching you do not disobey the Edict of the king and everyone did bow it probably meant death if you didn't but as Haman walked through the Kings gate there was one man who decided he would not bow and that was more to KI and at first Heyman didn't notice but all of Mordecai's friends noticed they said why why aren't you acting like us why aren't you bowing everybody's bowing how come you're not bowing and Mordecai who had hid his lineage until then he had hid his identity he was afraid of the repercussions but it reached a place in the spiritual and political climate where he could no longer hide what he was and he said I cannot bow and I will not bow because I am NOT of this country I'm in your country but I'm not of your country I obey your laws to a certain extent but when your laws violate a higher law I cannot bow I am a Jew and I only bow to God and it's so interesting the language that is used because his friends revealed his lack of submission to Haman the Bible says to particularly see whether or not his matters would stand let's see if you got the guts to do it when the guy you're supposed to be balanced who is watching who needs friends like this and so they told Haman and Haman probably got mad and he decided to go test and see what was going on and he walked out near Mordecai and everybody is paying homage to Haman and order ki is just looking at him he refused to bow he refused to yield to the pressure and and he gets very angry Haman becomes incredibly overboard angry and he decides that Mordecai is gonna die not only is more 2ki gonna die because his where ki his friends had revealed to him and that he is not a Persian this man is a Jew Mordecai I was just one man but he was part of a lineage of people that probably follow the same and the same standards as he does and so I'm gonna kill them all this was an Haman's heart and I want to pause here and say that the world Jesus said the world does not hate you because you're doing anything to hurt them the world hates you because you refuse to bow Peter said dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul having your conversation honest that word conversation is your behavior honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation they're not speaking against you as evildoers because you're hurting them they're speaking against you as evildoers because you refused to yield to what they have yielded to you refuse to be bound by what they are bound by Mordecai I was a mirror of truth that forced these men to see their own lack of backbone his strength revealed their weakness and they hated him for it Haman is filled with wrath he's convinced the king now we got to kill all these people the king is oblivious to reality he says do whatever you have to do these people are the greatest enemy the greatest threat to this kingdom these people are your main problem if they refuse to bow they deserve to die I want to tell you something the enemy of our soul knows there is no greater threat to his kingdom than someone who refuses to be conformed to it I want to tell you we are we are not under a direct physical attack right now but the devil knows us I promise you he knows us and he knows we're different we're not like the church down the road folks the devil knows the difference he's heard through social media that we baptize a little bit different he's heard through the grapevine that when people come to this church they get the Holy Ghost talking in tongues and it looks as though he is leaving us alone but everything that is happening in the world right now in the devil's mind we are the ultimate target Esther gets a shocking report in her luxury somebody who's feeding her a grape and messenger comes to her in her seclusion and her sheltering from the reality of the outside word they say Mordecai is crying in the streets Esther something's wrong he's acting like a madman and what's even worse is that he's told everybody he's a Jew and what's even worse is that he's ripped off all his pretty palace clothing and he's wearing sackcloth and ashes does anybody ever worn sackcloth has anybody ever done a sack race that burlap thick burlap multiply that by a few times and you gets a cloth something that's ugly uncomfortable he's got ashes what they would do is take a handful of ashes and put it on their head and it would fall down and it would meld with the sweat and just cause him to look really disgusting and now this man who was a sophisticated high ranking ruler in the median Persian Empire is now walking around in the street gathering every Jew he can find and everyone he finds is putting on sackcloth the ripping off their clothing I'm sure it was Persian clothing because they were hiding who they were and now they are walking up to the Kings gate and they are screaming and they are acting like fools and this message is like a shock to Esther's seclusion and her luxurious world because it puts her in an extremely awkward position because you see Esther was just happy to be the bride she is living the good life she does not want to rock the boat she knows she has a secret but she's never had it so good the Bible says she was estranged from her husband she had not seen the King for 30 days but it doesn't bother her that much for some reason because my God everywhere she looks she's being pampered she is happy to live off of the blessing of the King she's got so many things to entertain her it doesn't bother her that she has no access to her husband it doesn't bother her that she has no intimacy with her husband it doesn't bother her that she's not operating in the authority of the queen of the greatest empire on earth Esther was an expert at hiding what she was around the people of her world she is focused on a false image because in her mind it is her image that got her where she is she's more beautiful than any woman in the whole country she better keep it going and because of these things she becomes a prisoner of the palace she doesn't understand the threat outside because everywhere she looks as luxury she's content to live behind closed doors while the people are fighting for their lives outside of the gate she is so concerned about staying pretty and protecting her image and making sure her life remains easy that as soon as she got the message that Mordechai had R in his clothes he's walking around wearing sackcloth and ashes and he's crying in the streets as soon as she got the message before she inquired to find out the reason for his cry she tried to get him to change his clothes she was more concerned about the tears in his clothing than the tears on his face she is more concerned about the threat to their image than the threat to their people Esther was living in a place where she was bound by her blessings she was a prisoner of the palace Mordecai why are you dressing like that sackcloth and ashes are pretty uncomfortable you need to put some clothes on how to make you look good again we will we don't want to blow our cover why are you crying and making the fuss in the streets that's how we use that we don't do that no more that's old-fashioned that's the generation previous now we live the high life we're just like everybody else we look like everybody else we talk like everybody else we fit right in you're you're gonna make this thing all fall apart this is a new time everybody likes us now let's keep it that way we need to keep our appeal level up with the world around us more decay I said no I will not accept these pretty garments more decay I would rather die crying in the streets than live hiding in the palace I want to tell you with a surety that we are dealing with a spirit in our day that wants to make us like everybody else pretty Church image focused Church this is the day that we live in but an image conscious church is a church without Authority image-conscious Church everything is real pretty but it doesn't have power holy rollin is outdated we got to protect our image and s-sir is thinking just as long as I am no longer captive that's all that matters just as long as she's been delivered that's all that matters just as long as the King noticed her that's all that matters just as long as she's found her place that's all that matters but you see when you're addicted to the palace you end up resisting his purpose and Mordecai is screaming from the gate Esther you're not there just so you can look per day you are there so you can save the world do you think you're safe and you luzhin Esther you think you're safe behind your pretty walls Pentecostals everything the enemy is working on right now has us as the target every time hate speeches mentioned the devil zeroing in on us it's already happening folks there are pastors right now dealing with lawsuits just because they preach the Bible across the pulpit how do we get here well all the stuff that's been happening out there and now it's coming to the church every time God is mocked the church is the target every time religion is isolated in government the church is the target and the only thing that can save the kingdom is for someone who's willing to get dirty in the streets sackcloth and ashes it's an uncomfortable way to dress but but but we got people who are who are wanting to dress like everybody else you go ahead and dress like everybody else I'm gonna dress in a way that gets God's attention we got to get out of this illusion we we have this illusion when we come behind these walls that that everything's everything's okay and everything's everything's just happening but when you look in this world there's more young people killing themselves than ever before we got to get out of the palace more people died you don't have to clap more people died from opioid addiction this year then car accidents we got to get out of the palace 42 million babies were murdered in 2018 that's the minimum we got to get out of the palace false religion is sweeping this country we got to get out of Powell's we tell you what a prisoner of the palace looks like you can dance like a fool at church but you can't say hallelujah in public you're up to date on the latest fashions but you're oblivious to the spirit realm you know how to sing but you don't know how to sob you know how to connect to people but you've forgotten how to connect to God you haven't really been in the presence of the king I mean the presence of the king I just feeling goose pimples I'm talking you know he's there with you right now I haven't been there for weeks on in but you're okay with that because you're enjoying his blessings anyway I want to tell you our biggest challenge is not a lack of resources not a lack of opportunity not a lack of need our biggest problem is the abundance of distractions distraction is the enemy of Dominion distraction is the enemy of spiritual desire distraction is the enemy of destiny and the devil knows about our capacity our potential for Dominion this is a theme that recurs throughout the Bible the very first place it's so glaringly obvious is with Abraham Abraham he's just doing what God told him he's walking out the desert he's following after God and he gets word that his nephew lot has been captured he's been taken captive a king named Chedorlaomer had brought some kings and they fought against Kings that were allied with Sodom and Gomorrah and they whooped him and they took a lot captive and all the goods that were in Sodom and Gomorrah and so Abraham takes his servants servants I believe 350 servants and goes and challenges these five armies it's one of the greatest god-ordained victories in all of Scripture 350 servants destroy these armies and they rescue the four kings which included the king of sodom whose name was birra and they rescued a lot and on the way back to King's meet Abraham on his return from the slaughter of these kings the first king that met him was Melchizedek Acosta Dec is king of Salem which is interpreted the king of peace and the king of righteousness it goes on and on and on this this was a man of God very possibly a theophany of God and Abraham goes to him and for the first time he hears Abram you are serving the Most High God and he brought forth bread and wine bread and wine means something very significant in the church don't they when do we use bread and wine communion what is communion it's entering a covenant partnership with Jesus Christ you literally are partaking of the body and the blood of Jesus Christ it is a joint ownership of the body and Melchizedek comes to Abram and he offers him communion and he takes it and he blesses him and Abram submits himself through paying tithes to Melchizedek spiritual authority and after all that takes place another King shows up King birra of Sodom and Gomorrah and he goes and he thanks Abram for his service and he says listen he says I want you to take all the spoils of this victory to yourself keep all the stuff but leave the people to me leave the people that are under my Dominion alone I'll give you all the stuff you want I'll you can have everything you need to entertain yourself you can have all this rich you can have all these blessings I'll give you anything you want as long as you don't put your focus on the people that are under my domain because birra understood who now had authority and Dominion and power to do whatever he wanted to do in the region and his only response was to distract him what if Abram sets his sights on the people of sodom and gomorrah what if he sets his sights on the on these people that are under my power listen I'm gonna throw everything I can your way I'll give you whatever bless me I'll make you rich I'll give you open doors you'll that way you'll miss church I'll bless your business so much you can't come to church every service I'll give you the biggest screen TV you want in your bedroom that way you never step out of your house when you come home from work and you don't talk to anybody I'll give you as many Facebook or Instagram followers you want well it's kind of quiet right now just don't get your mind on the people distraction is the enemy of Dominion what does the devil do with us folk see his only response to our Dominion is to negotiate with us he's not gonna do some head headlong direct attack against you got total power over him he's not gonna come at you fangs bared and and swords brandishing he's not gonna show you a head-on confrontation what's he gonna do he's going to entice you he's going to distract you he may even bless you well it's tight but it's right lord have mercy a survey was done average time among Pentecostals ten minutes to pray 10 minutes I don't really think you're establishing your spiritual influence in ten minutes of daily prayer this is unpopular I know it man up we used to be pushed to pray an hour a day that used to be the thing you gotta pray if you I've even heard some preachers that I highly respect say if you ain't praying an hour a day there's a good chance you ain't going to heaven scared me half to death I started praying an hour a day I want to go to heaven but there's such a pressure I have never felt such pressure in my life such anti prayer pressure in my life I have never felt such forces that are in the spirit realm that distract the mind in prayer anybody anybody deal with distractions when you're praying God it's like your mind is and you're saying hallelujah and hallelujah and you're thinking about this and think and you're oblivious because these there's such a there's such an a white noise going through the atmosphere what is that Satan understands that if you ever demand your mind to focus you're gonna mess him up if you ever demand of yourself I'm gonna stay here a little bit longer whether I feel like it or not he understands you're gonna mess him up that's the kind of power I am totally convinced that one shade one single Saint can turn the whole city upside down totally convinced it was one man Daniel he just got the Holy Ghost that's what his problem is Daniel that's even better it was one man Daniel who turned a whole nation upside down it was one man Joseph who turned a whole nation upside down it was one man Paul who turned a whole a whole continent upside down let me tell you something one saint of God on their knees I can flip the whole spirit realm around but we got a make up in our mind I'm done with distractions [Applause] I just read an article today the average adult spends seven hours that is half of your waking day in front of a screen 7 hours hours on social media hours on videogames hours in front of a TV hours feasting off of an image possessed Society everything in our societies about image people couldn't care less how smart you are what kind of character you are if you look good that's all that matters there are complete and total idiots with platforms telling us how to think and they don't have a brain but they got a good image and the more you can pretend and the better you are at pretending the more validity your words have in our society our society folks is literally overrun and influenced by people who are experts at pretending image this is our day it's a shallow shallow place and it's affecting the church it's affecting the church hours doing these things minutes in prayer no appetite for the supernatural and yet at the same time the spirits of this world are being released on an entirely new level the boldness of the spirits of darkness have increased and we are trying to deal with their upping their game on the same consecration we had last year well I don't know if y'all gonna like me after this service y'all weren't real happy last night but I'm getting a lot of just stares tonight I was just recently I was preaching at a church and I was in a restaurant parking lot and sitting there waiting and there was a kid maybe early 20s he was in a parked car across from me across the other side of the grass median there in the parking lot this is Fort Lauderdale Florida there's a million people every you know parking lot and people walking all around people getting in their cars doing all kinds of stuff and he's reading I saw he was reading the Quran he's got the Muslim cap on and and he's reading and we're like we're just maybe 15 yards from each other and we're directly across from each other so I'm just sitting there and I can't help but look at him I just I can't help but look at people I just and he would be reading and then he would drop his book and he would just look at me then he would go back to reading and after I don't know 20 minutes of this he got out of the car and walked around to the front in the parking lot and he got on his knees it was 5 o'clock he got on his knees put the Quran down and begin to bow in the parking lot in front of everybody to Allah he prayed for five minutes he grabbed his Quran he stood up and when he did he looked at me and man something struck me like lightning because his spirit spoke to me we are getting stronger we are getting bolder I don't care what you think it doesn't bother me what do you think I'm going to praise my god in spite of you everywhere I go now I get on planes everywhere I go the immoral spirit of sodomy is being pushed down our throats I'm telling you it is just six months ago there's a different spirit it is it is growing at such a rapid pace the strength of this spirit is growing at such a rapid pace that young people in schools are faking homosexuality and transgenderism just to get the approval of their peers and they couldn't care less what do you think about them they will take over the atmosphere and I've learned the only thing that can push against that is to let the Holy Ghost come out of my mouth it doesn't work if it comes out of my eyes it doesn't work if it comes out of my face but when it comes out of my mouth everything changes [Applause] uh there's something that is so liberating about showing everybody what you really are it's powerful I was sitting next to a high-end pastor from Texas I was upgraded to first class sitting with the hottie Tottie's and they were ordering all their meals and everything and I felt pretty sophisticated so I'm sitting there and I always start conversations typically I start conversations hey how you doing what do you do cuz it's a trigger question if I ask them what do they do they end up asking me what do I do and that's that's where I want to go so so what do you do I'm a pastor really where do you pastor I passed her such-and-such Church you know it's got like 11 million people in Dallas Texas Wow special forces guy told me his whole he's got medals you know hanging off of every square inch of his body and in all these things and and he went down the list and I'm I'm feeling smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller you know we took our yard and we went to Europe and did a whole tour reviewer for 19 years straight and bla bla bla bla bla bla and then I began to almost dread the question what do you do it stacked his side so high and when he said it he told me he is a Baptist minister Baptist pastor when he's finally got around to it well what do you do and the Holy Ghost came home normally I'm a little bit more tactful about this and I would just say I'm a minister but the Holy Ghost came on me and I said I am a oneness Pentecostal preacher and I said it with authority I did I said I'm a oneness pentecostals looked at it and he said oh and he said my wife is dying I mean everything changed right there everything changed the next words out of his mouth my wife is dying she's had strokes she keeps having strokes the doctors do not know how to stop but they say it's gonna get worse she is on her way down unless God does a miracle and in the touring we've been doing I've been doing it in a wheelchair she's been in a wheelchair when I'm trying to spend these last few years of her life together showing her love and and tears start coming down his face I mean he begins to bawl in first class and we were almost landed in Dallas and and he's telling me all these things and man I'm telling you the Holy Ghost is raging inside of me let me out and I could feel different spirits begin to try to interfere with what God was about to do several of the flight attendants begin to distract and begin to talk to him and they were kind of patting him and rubbing him and begin to offer their own opinions about something I knew what I was gonna do I was gonna I was gonna command these strokes to end in Jesus name in front of everybody and I couldn't care less and and they they started doing it and so another another flight attendant another flight attendant began to to offer her opinion I said hold on one second I said we're gonna pray for your wife right now and I grabbed his hand whether he liked it or not I don't normally do this but he was crying and the Holy Ghost was moving on him I said and I begin to Fran said in the name of Jesus Christ we rebuke these strokes out of your wife's body I command her to be healed I'm telling you I did it loudly I did it loudly [Music] and after we prayed of course everybody that was gathered around was just like and after we prayed I started speaking in tongues loudly listen I'm not telling you this I'm not telling you any of this to say toot my horn or anything I'm I just want to tell you why why haven't we done this why don't we release what is inside of us [Music] [Applause] listen I understand why there is such a pressure and I've done it I've done it we we are we become hypocrites in a way I become a hypocrite I was a hypocrite because in here I would pray and I would lay hands upon you and I would speak in tongues and I would proclaim and and prophesy and then when I would go pray for somebody out there I would become a different denomination oh you need prayer okay Oh father I never prayed with anybody like that in my life in church I'm like we don't want to freak people out no brother Seth just showed me I'm so proud of this couple so proud of them I'll tell you why I'll tell you why number one he likes me and secondly we were just had a conference together and he was one of the first ones to commit to some pretty serious consecration to the Lord before before I even laid it out there his hands were up and the Holy Ghost was on him anyway he showed me a picture on his phone of some piece seven kids in their middle school classroom high school classroom laying hands on their teacher praying her through to the Holy Ghost [Applause] once you lift your hands right now I'm telling you something just came on me Sharla bah ha hallelujah look at your neighbor and say we got to get out of the palace we got to take this out the very that we're all about precedent the the whole scripture is about precedent first mention the reason why we know we know that speaking in tongues accompanies the baptism of the Holy Ghost is because there's a precedent that's established in Scripture when they got the Holy Ghost from the very first time they spoke with tongues we also have a precedent of how to release the Holy Ghost in a city y'all know where I'm going they got so fill what we had last night we were filled with the Holy Ghost some of these kids were praying to ours but if I calculated correctly we were in there to like 10:30 I stopped preaching like 8:15 my God have mercy bunch of freaks over here [Applause] and that's that's what happened in Acts chapter 2 but but that precedent was not it didn't end there they didn't just receive the Holy Ghost and talking tongue something got all of them and said we got to take this outside right now just all died right there we got to take this outside I think I'm gonna go dancing the parking lot for though I don't know why I feel it I just feel the dance like a freak in the parking lot and speak in tongues oh now brother Campitelli you're getting a little unbalanced now we need to let's think about this Woodard you know there's gonna be some people watching if we get exactly yeah see thanks for clapping thanks for clapping I appreciate it but see this is like far-fetched I mean we work this is far-fetched I mean come on you know that's all old-fashioned that's the that's how they used to act you know what I tell you what happened in just a moment ago I I don't know how else to describe it man I saw like a Holy Ghost bomb falling on this city but there's [Applause] I saw like old-time apostolic fire spreading across the whole city the whole city the whole city the whole city but it's hard it's hard to say I'm done with distractions Amy easy we are so integrated we are so connected do you know what I found out and I hope y'all don't beat me up about this and I probably need to explain this a lot more but I'm just not right now what I have found is the more integrated I become the more connected I become the less authority I have in the spirit the greatest power you will have to change this world is your disconnection from it you look right before Jesus came the first time God raised up a particular spirit spirit of John the Baptist John the Baptist was a little different than everybody else he dressed a little different Campbell's hair clothing was not really the style of the day grasshoppers and wild honey it wouldn't delight too many people to live like that but that's where he lived he did not integrate himself to the city he lived in a place where he was totally connected to God and when he opened his mouth the city came out to hear him John do you have scripture for that level of consecration where do you get that that you have to live like that is the Bible say you have to do that no I can't find camels hair standards in the Bible where do you where do you get that scripture where you got to eat locusts and wild honey come on give me some scripture you just trying to make everybody feel bad III can't explain it to you this is where I feel to live disconnected from what everybody else is feasting off of but when the man spoke it was just one continual baptismal service his messages were not complex repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand prepare the way of the Lord make it make his paths straight people would get in the water be baptized before the first coming of Jesus Christ right before the second coming of Jesus Christ God is releasing the spirit of John the Baptist there is a call to a level of consecration that you have no scripture for I can't explain to you why I live this way through Scripture if you want the scripture I don't have it for you I just feel it I don't feel to eat what everybody else is eating I don't feel to dress like everybody else is dressing and I'm gonna live in a place that not too many people live but that is the spirit that ushers in the coming of the Lord and I see this spirit getting on our young people I see it happening it is happening right now across our movement it's happening right now I want to tell you something Jesus is about to come back make no mistake about it this thing's that that's a wrap up he's not coming back for a bride that hasn't been in his presence as soon as Esther revealed what she was the King said unto the half of the kingdom you want to know what kind of authority you have we're equal in this kingdom man everything started changing the Bible says at the end of the book of Esther that many people of the land became Jews why cuz the bride got fed up being distracted and she begin to liver purpose you know it's harder to pray and pleasure than it is in pain it's harder to fast when there's a feast available than when there's famine that's why God doesn't bless some people blessing you would be the worst thing he could do to you because that blessing will become your bondage I don't want to be like that I want to be blessed I want to be blessed but I've had to pray I've been in places where God was blessing me and I became distracted by that blessing that God had to jolt me God had to shock me you you were being bound by this stuff that I have given you you have lost your first love you have stepped away from the consecration that I have called you to and God is sending a message out to the bride listen stop being a prisoner of the palace listen we got a good I used to be bound but my chains have been broken I used to be depressed but when I got delivered now I live in life that's a good place to be and listen I have been listen to me I have been whole for so long I have been healed for so long that I have forgotten the taste and the bitterness of bondage I've forgotten what it felt like because I've been in the palace for so long god help us God help us lift your hands right now we're about to bring this thing to a close shell of a hot rock i'ma holla just talk to the Lord whatever you want to say just let it out of your mouth in the name of Jesus Christ God God caused us to be free from distraction caused us to step into the Dominion that is available to us caused us God to be bold as lions caused us to be aware of the Dominion that we have gained in the palace so we can exercise that Dominion in the streets caliber Iike a Land Rover ocotilla Biot Allah micaiah in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus something you're feeling that right now just let your voice out some of you were feeling it so powerfully so strongly that's your voice out yeah there's a burden that's a burden there's an interception burden on you that's what it is there's there's kind of a groaning in a weight and a heaviness to this message sha de aterrizaje medical cannabis acaba hiya let me tell you something here me I've been preaching to a lot of young people across the movement in and something very peculiar has been happening it started at a camp when I was preaching about the power of distraction especially on young people their minds are inundated with information it just numbs them and I talked about the spirit of pornography there's estimates that say 90% of young men have seen pornography and particularly on their smartphones and so I I was preaching about this and how you've got a sever Satan's access to your brain people are putting just to get on Facebook people are having accountability partners and they're accountable to their pastor and they've got programs to guard their online presence and they got 18 different passwords and they have to if you've got to have all that stuff in place just to get on Facebook you ever thought about getting rid of Facebook and the same with smartphones these kids have their parents have their passwords they've got like they can find them on the smartphone if you got all this stuff and there's so much temptation to get on that smartphone you ever thought about getting rid of the smartphone and I just kind of food out I wasn't really expecting what was going to happen and and and it hit the young people because they knew it I had just said in a fake altar call ensued people came up and they started kind of acting like they were prayers because ain't nobody want to give up their smartphone you look like a dork with it without a smartphone so during the fake altar call very handsome young man came up on the platform and he walked up to me much taller than me and he whispered in my ear tears were running down his face I said whether can't patellar I'm addicted to child pornography it's good was 17 years old I am addicted to child pornography which is federal offense sex offender for the rest of your life horrible prison and I said where do you access child pornography he said on my smartphone I said where is your smartphone he said it's in the dorm I said we'll go get it he said the dorms locked I said we'll go tell the counselor to unlock the dorm so you can get your phone and so he kind of sheepishly walked out five minutes later the door on the side of the camp building burst open and this kid was sobbing and he had a smartphone in his hand and in front of everybody there the fake altar call he climbed up on the platform and threw his phone on the ground and began to stomp on his phone [Applause] it ended the fake altar call and they all just were looking at this kid crushing his very expensive iPhone and another kids eyes I will never forget as long as I live another kids eyes just open wide and he reached into his pocket and he threw his phone on the platform handsome young man beautiful young man came up on the platform and began to stomp so now we had two guys while everybody was watching crush their phones and I begin to hear things fly and hit the platform cell phones begin to fly out of this crowd there were young people I don't know 300 young people begin to I mean people were taking it danger who cares throwing it on the platform in just a matter of minutes the platform was covered with cell phones and what surprised me the most is the girls that were throwing them up there and I'm thinking okay there's gonna be lawsuits I'm in so much trouble these parents are coming after me but I want to tell you the level of deliverance that happened for those young people I have to this day young people come up to me from that camp and they say I have never been the same I have never been the same and so I begin to preach this message on distractions and organically people would auditing people would automatically understand I am totally bound by my smartphone and they would throw it I had commitments this year this past year from whole districts of young people saying we are done with social media we are done with Internet we are done I'm telling and that's extreme folks that is extremely we're done with movies look who's poppin listen listen I got calls I got calls from pastors I never even met brother cam Patel I want to tell you something our youth group is different our young people have been coming to church during our coming to the church during mid weeks when there's no church have an hour-long prayer meetings their office social media and I I was I had a very nice iPhone X and it hit me just a few months ago but I'm preaching to these kids and they're doing this stuff and I had an iPhone next time like I'm done with it I got this dumb irritating irritating blackberry I don't even know how to do anything on it I don't know it's a dumb phone but there is a movement and I'm not telling you to have revival you got to get rid of your smartphone but you better hear what I'm saying don't you know it's the devil's business to numb your brain to distract you we spend so much time on things that are totally irrelevant listen you got to make up in your mind I'm done living off of this distraction I'm gonna be a numb I don't be a distracted there's a hole that's way to get ready for apostolic [Applause] god help us god help us because people use entertainment to numb themselves I'm tired I'm stressed I'm gonna go watch football you know everything about those games you know everything about the players you forgot how to connect to the game is that stuff in itself a sin I don't know probably not has it become a snare to you yes there's a whole world of Dominion apostolic power it's waiting for someone to say I'm done I'm done lift your hands the Holy Ghost is here right now just distraction is the enemy of your destiny distraction is the enemy of your Dominion distraction is the enemy of spiritual desire what's the key it's time to kill that distraction it's time to draw the line in the sand I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm gonna step into something I've never been in in my life I'm gonna step into a realm I'm gonna step into a prayer life I've been what's been the greatest Hindemith hindrance to my prayer life not that I don't have time it said I'm not making the time it's that I'm not setting aside the time why I'm so distracted I'm so numb I've got to get my mind back on the Lord back in the Word of God well this altar is open you can come up and pray if you want to just pray however you want to pray if you feel like coming down I'm making us some commitments to the Lord it's a new year it's 2019 we might as well go into it and say Lord I'm gonna embrace the spirit of John the Baptist I'm gonna live in a level of consecration that I can't even describe scripturally I'm gonna live in a place I'm gonna live in a place of total devotion to the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ God help us help us help us help us to usher in the coming of the Lord help us God help us God to bring back the coming of the Lord Jesus coming back in this city hyah come on Oprah quietly don't pray casually let your voice sound let something come out let something come out gosh a hell of a hire some of you feel the bondage I'm talking about you feel the addiction I'm talking about you feel the change pulling on you that I'm talking about as soon as you make a commitment there's gonna be a river of living water released upon you as soon as you make a commitment to God there's gonna be a river released upon you one God is a treasure chest understand the one God you open up the treasure chest of other great gifts from this God in Deuteronomy 6 and 4 Moses told that the daily diet of the Jews would be to here every morning here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord thousands a few thousand of years later Jesus is asked by semaine would you tell us what is the greatest commandment of all the first and the greatest he said it is hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord there is no disputing the one god doctrine throughout the Bible thousands of times over 7,000 times to be exact the Bible refers to God as being one God one Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 2,495
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), christian theology (field of study), Lee Stoneking
Id: MosvXbR9y40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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