A Mission of Miracles by Josh Herring

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] sighs like geez is great [Music] [Applause] Leavitt Bobby here come the side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you happy [Music] [Music] [Music] we're doing [Applause] [Music] [Music] we reached my somebody say man there's nothing like his spirit and what we felt today in this house when his spirit begins to move in there is a shift in the atmosphere things begin to happen and there's a spirit of expectation that's here tonight we're going to just continue to reach up stand our worship to him lay everything we are at the feet of him I believe something great is gonna happen in this house tonight hey man come on church amen come on hey man we believe that tonight nor we come to YouTube we expect all expectable we expect eulogies things like [Applause] [Music] shifting [Music] shifty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] feel that shifting in the atmosphere tonight I believe this season if someone sees that God is about to open up the windows of heaven and pour blessing down some people in this church but church I don't know about you but I believe this season he's our season can we thank God for what he's about to do [Music] well I tell you what to all the guests that are present and watching over our internet campus you are at the right place at the right time and we are so thankful to have you first church why don't we give them their warm welcome here let's show some love [Music] I'm telling you there are so many awesome things taking place this month we got this small group fair we got next steps we got first sets we've got all types of steps right there are so many awesome things to take place and so make sure that when you come to church that you pick up your weekly bulletin because we want to make sure that all of our family is connected with what's going on amen this morning at our early morning prayer there's a powerful move of God and I've just been seeing all the great reports that are taking place within our early morning prayers and this starts at 5:30 and it goes until 8:00 and our focused prayer time is from 6 to 7 so if you find some time to be a part of that you want to be a part of a family that's praying and breaking through to God and them part of the power and presence of God in a mighty way before you start your day make sure to attend early morning prayer in just a moment we're gonna say a word of prayer but before we do I wanted to let you know that after we pray we're going to give you an opportunity to give and before you give I just want to take my hat off to you and thank you for everything that you have done to give towards the kingdom we just had I love my church so many sacrifices so much generosity that was shown during that time first church give yourselves a hand for all the giving that you've extended and so I'm excited about tonight earlier we had 42 people filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost why don't you look at the person next to you give them a high five and say I love my church and so tonight God is not done yet so tonight let our prayer be Lord there are things I'm believing for and I will not be moved and I believe you're going to answer it first Church family let's pray all together right now God right now we come together with expectation God with unshakable faith God believing for the miraculous God we won't be moved out we're content with what you've done in our lives God but we're not satisfied and we want to continue to reach and press towards the mark of what you have in store for this church god I pray for every knee that's represented here God I pray for the Keaton family Lord I pray for babies er II God Lord I'm asking especially that you would work a miracle within these situations God because Lord nothing is impossible for you God and regardless of doctor reports regardless of what's going on around us we will not be moved and we believe you God to do a great work god bless this offering bless the family here today everybody say in Jesus name let's clap our hands one more time to the Lord that's the yes let's go [Music] [Music] changing we will not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where can I go receive basic peace [Music] we will not be moved [Music] [Music] the oceans rage the mountains say we will try rusty on a real morning class your promise what we say I'm sales man [Music] go we will not be you're spending the sweet [Music] [Music] turn around to about seven people and just say Happy New Year through 2017 [Music] I'm still staying [Music] come on give me some friends right now [Music] I just wanted to step up here and say before God does whatever God is going to do tonight it is our honor to have Josh herring with us kicking off this year what a way to start off a year and he's gonna be he's gonna be mad at me for saying all this and doing all of this but I just I just want you to know that it is such a comfort to us as a church leadership team to realize and to understand and to fully wholeheartedly believe that the right man for the hour is here he's letting God used him and we get to be a part of that it's a beautiful thing when the people of God can step in to a purpose and into a calling and into a divine appointment because that's what I believe is happening around here this church has stepped into a divine appointment with the hand of God and with the moving of God and with the working of God and we just get to be a part of it I have no idea what God is gonna do tonight but I know it's gonna be something incredible so one more time will you put your hands together for Josh herring and for the God he serves praise the Lord everybody thank you very much we're so glad to be with you what an awesome day we had what a bad day the devil had this morning huh I like it when he has bad days and when 42 people get the Holy Ghost and heaven gets larger and hell gets smaller it's a wonderful thing and I give honor to Bishop Gurley and passed away all the ministers on staff and we're so glad to be with you tonight tonight God is gonna heal several people in this room and there will be miracles not just in this room but outside this building tonight there'll be financial miracles this week there'll be all kind of miracles that take place and I'm so thankful the Lord is going to do that Acts chapter 19 verse 11 and 12 in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 through 10 let have my sweetheart here with me one time at a young man say why do you always honor your wife when you preach i said are you married he said no i said i can see why-- acts 19 11 through 12 it's much harder on her traveling every week with the kids and everything than it is on me but she's a trouper I appreciate her very much acts nineteen eleven and twelve and God wrought special miracle somebody say special miracles by the hands of Paul so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 through verse number 10 but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another though gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles some one say the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues I want to release something here tonight and I want to release something in the atmosphere and and watch the Lord work because the Lord is gonna work tonight and do wonders among us and so I want to talk to you about the dimension of special miracles the dimension of special miracles why don't you just in faith in advance turn to your neighbor and tell them you're about to get a miracle and say it with authority you're about to get a miracle see God honors the words out of your mouth because life and death are in your tongue so when you start to declare life in the presence of the Lord life starts to move can we worship the Lord one more time we magnify his name Lord Jesus loose the gift of faith right now in the atmosphere the working of miracles the gifts of healing I pray I magnify you in Jesus name praise the name of the Lord and you may be seated hello wanted no part of Jesus when he came out of that forty day fast and went on a rampage healing everything they wanted nothing to do with him he was so powerful and so amazing they stayed away from him the moment the devil ran away in the wilderness there was a three and a half year binge of miracles that took place we know there was 37 that were recorded but John said if we recorded everything he did we couldn't even all the books in the world couldn't contain what he actually did he was that powerful he was so powerful the first miracle that he ever did he did it with his mind didn't do anything didn't say anything they needed want they needed water or they didn't why and so he said fill the waterpots with water and while they filled them with water his mind thought about the water pots full of water and the water turned into wine inside the pots because even the water had to obey the mind of God because his thoughts are above our thoughts and his ways are above our ways and when he begins to think of something he does not do anything else in this room tonight if he just thinks about the first Church of pearland miracles will explode in the balcony and the risers everywhere because when people understand the mind of God literally creates thing by just thinking that's how powerful he actually is his his clothes were powerful his clothes were so powerful that you could touch them and you'd be healed of whatever disease was in your body no matter how long it bit 12 years the one lady touched to him of his garment and instantly a twelve-year disease went right back to Hell where it came from because she had touched the clothes the virtue of God was in his clothes your suit might be nice but the next time it heals someone let me know that's how powerful he was his clothes literally he people that's dangerous anointing on someone's life when when it's not you don't have to touch their body just their clothes could cause the disease to leave his ears were powerful he could hear his ears were so powerful that he heard in a crowd of screaming people bartimaeus in a crowd of people screaming yell about the crowd Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and he stopped in his tracks because his ears heard the cry of someone that should have never been heard because the crowd should have overtaken his cry but when you cry out to God no matter how many people are around you afflicting your demons attacking you he can hear you right now his ears were so powerful that on the cross when the rest of his body was beaten and bloody and destroyed his ears were working just fine because he heard the cry of a thief on another cross saying remember me and the Lord even though he was nailed to a cross and couldn't move and couldn't do anything somehow those ears could not reject the cry of someone in need and so he turn is that today you will be with me in paradise his ears still worked even while he was dying his feet were powerful his feet walked on water like it was a red carpet in a storm is he were so powerful that in Matthew 15 they brought them the the blind the lame the the maned all these was crazy situations the dumb and they threw them all at his feet and his Bibles that He healed all of them when they landed at the feet of Jesus that's this greatest place to land when you land near the feet of the Lord something's going to happen in your situation remember when Martha and Lazarus died and they had sent word to Jesus come on Lord he's sick come come touch him come pray and nothing jesus didn't come and then Lazarus dies and Martha runs out to Jesus and said had you been here my brother would not have died face to face she tells him this and he doesn't even acknowledge her he said I'm not he said go get me married go get me the worshiper the the one that will worship me and so he stays right where he and Martha leaves him he's on his way to the miracle but because of her approach to him he stopped God in his tracks and so he said I'm not taking one more step until you get me a worshiper and so Mary runs to him and says the exact same words Martha did if you have been here my brother would not have died the only difference was the Bible said Mary came and bowed at his feet you see Martha came to his face and complain Mary and the same complaint but she acknowledged if I get in the right position no matter what I'm going through if I come to your face I'm saying we're equal but if I come to your feet I'm saying you're still greater than I am and everything that I'm involved with and when you near the feet of Jesus something's going to happen and we haven't even talked about his eyes his eyes were so good he could see in the pitch black of night four miles out into the lake and see a boat and the disciples toiling and rolling from a mountaintop and he ran walk down there walked on the water to them his eyes were so good in a crowd of 5,000 people he could see a lunch bag with a few loaves and a few fish and so he told the disciples have everybody sit down because he saw a miracle in the midst of a crowd of people his eyes were so good he saw a donkey on the way to Calvary he saw a donkey tied up in a different town than the town and he was actually in a different village and you want to tell me he can't see you right now in what you're going through you're crazy if you think God cannot see what your family is fighting right now he can see everything if he can see an animal tied up he can see a human tied up in trouble period his eyes were so powerful that on the cross he saw you and he saw me and hid by Isaiah said he saw his seed when he was on the cross dying for us he saw 2018 years later and that's why we're here tonight because he had a vision of us while he was dying the eyes of God can see absolutely anything and we have not even talked about his hands his hands were so powerful that when Peter was drowning in the storm he reached out one hand and pulled Peter up and Peter walked back on the water a second time went back to the boat because the hand of God had reached down and saved him his hands were so powerful that the Bible said that that when Thomas was back slidden and on his way to hell that he he was completely gone that Jesus to bring Thomas back into the fold just whipped out one hand and showed him the nail print and Thomas went from a backslider to a preacher that moment someone is to pray something for your lost loved one I was praying this afternoon and the Lord said tell some people with some lost loved ones who used to live for me to pray that they experienced my hand on them again because if I reach out my hand no matter how far they've gone I can turn some you don't believe that I can turn them around instantly with one hand I can turn everything in their situation his hands are so powerful that when a blind man was sick couldn't see Jesus took a ball of mud and put it on his eyes that's a mess but the mess had been in the hands of the maker and every mess that you go through has to go through the hands of God first hell is not allowed to put you in a situation without God being involved in it God knows everything going on and when the Lord put the mess on the man but the hand behind the mess was the hand of the maker the mess was a temporary temporary situation the man had to deal with but behind that mess was the hand of the healer that was going to save him and deliver him and so he said go wash in the water when he did the mess disappeared and the miracle became permanent why because the hand of God had touched him in the word said when he opens up his hand Psalm said this he satisfies the desire of every living thing every tree every dog every plant every cat every animal and every human when the Lord opens up one hand not even both hands just one hand he can satisfy every need in your house and your family with your kids in your health and your finances in your mind in your ministry every situation that's who he yes and we have not even talked about his mouth and if I was the devil I would leave no because his mouth was so powerful he could spit and you'd get healed his mouth was so powerful that when he count ready to raise Lazarus from the dead in that graveyard he didn't even go in the tomb 26 steps down into the grade he just went to the edge of the tomb and said roll away the stone and then he ripped a three word sermon into that tomb and said Lazarus come forth and those three words caused death to say we got to leave the master has just spoken and out of the mouth of the master his miracles coming and we've got to get out of here because he has just released something from his mouth his mouth was so powerful that when they came to arrest and they said I am he and they fell on their back as if they were dead his mouth was so powerful that when Herod had him before about to try him frame and crucify him in Pilate the Bible said that Jesus did not open up his mouth because he knew if I open up your mouth you are a dead man right now how powerful is the mouth of God but even on the cross if you wanted to he could have called down legions of angels with his mouth his mouth was so powerful that on the cross when he got ready to save you and save me when he got ready to give everything for us to make it to heaven all he had to do to make sure we had a route to heaven was released three more words and those words were it is finished and every devil in your life now no matter what they go through no matter what you go through cannot stop you why do you think 40-something people got the Holy Ghost this morning I'll tell you what there was a God that 2000 years ago said it is finished and no matter what they were going through the last week or the last year those 40-something people when they came in this morning there was no devil in their life no human in their house that could keep them from the miracle power of God and we haven't even talked about his blood and if this doesn't jack you up you've forgotten what the blood is because if it wasn't for the blood you wouldn't be in your seat right now but his blood washed away every sin every iniquity every failure what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus that blood was the only reason why you're on your way to heaven that Bloods the only reason why I have an opportunity to make it because He shed that blood from his bounty it's awful quiet in here is anyone forgotten about the blood of Jesus have you gotten over that I promise you if it was your blood you wouldn't have gotten over that he hasn't gotten over then he drained all of his blood for everybody in here I would not get over what he's done for me if I were you and when you think of what he's done when you think of how he's done it when you think of what he went through somebody thank him for the blood right now we used to sing it are you washed in the blood there's something about understanding what you've been through when I was baptized I took on that blood that saved my life yeah and we haven't even talked about his name but at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run therein and they are saved there's no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and when I think about that name there's nothing that I'm going through that can stay in the same situation when I get desperate and start calling that name that name is the name you call when the car is about to hit you but you scream the name and somehow someway the car misses you that name is the name you call on when you get a terrible phone call and the doctors say it's not gonna work out and you immediately say Jesus why because when you call on that name angels beginning to move God activates his glory when someone activates their faith in his name and somebody know that name right now anybody know that name right now there's no wonder that hell when they attacked him at Calvary attacked every attribute about him that I just preached to you about mocked him mocked his mind spoke all kind of things what was authority stripped his clothes off him screamed profanities into his ears one verse that they blindfolded him when they were beating on him and they slapped his mouth and they nailed his feet to the cross and they nailed his hands to the cross they drained the blood out of his body and then they mocked his name by putting sign up this is Jesus the King of the Jews and hail had a party and they put him in a grave and said what more can he do now everything that he's using is completely gone but they forgot about one extra attribute that your God always has and always will have and when he raised himself from the grave he didn't have to use his clothes he didn't have to use his eyes he didn't have to use his feet you didn't have to use his hands Paul said it like this oh that I might know him in the power of his resurrection if you took everything away from Jesus he would still have all power in heaven and all power and earth and all power in hell and when you clap your hands to him and you worship Him you are clapping your hands to an omnipotent God with all power and all authority over cancer over diabetes over fibromyalgia over the co-worker that hates you over every situation in your life he has power over it so when he left the earth for the whale it's no wonder that he told them greater things than these how you do and and so breathed on them and said receive the Holy Ghost and then power came upon them when they received the Holy Ghost and Peter went on a rampage and his shadow healed everybody that got near he would literally walk through town and if his shadow crossed over your sick body you're instantly would be healed because the power and the authority that was in his body Paul went on a rampage and and got handkerchiefs and aprons from his body and send them out everybody's sick everybody possessed was instantly healed or delivered Philip turned Sumeria upside down and healed everybody in the city and even converted a sorcerer it's so powerful what the disciples did and the Apostles did and we read these verses and we believe what happened in the Bible and then we wonder why is it happening here today so I was wondering that very thing a few years ago and I was in a service and I had a handkerchief and I and I understand I'm gonna preach about this I'm gonna preach that God can do special miracles today because if it's in his word then he can still do it now today I believe he's still Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever and so I was preaching him and right before the high priest they said that's a pray for this man in the back he's gonna brain tumor he's going to the hospital that the medical place and Duke University tomorrow and and so we elderly couple so we were praying for him and so when I got the preaching I had this handkerchief and I was believing God him and I just felt an unction to run over there to him and just lay that handkerchief on him in faith it happened in the Bible it can happen now and Jesus name touched that brain tumor and we all worship God the the wife took the handkerchief out of my hand and the next day they went up to the medical facility and they were laying there and when they took a test the tumor had shrunk in half and so they started worshiping God and rejoicing well the real miracle is there was a cancer patient on the in the next room with stage four cancer about ready to die and as he's in the room about ready to die he hears the lady and the husband thanking God and rejoicing and so he said can somebody send them over into my room please and she walks in with the handkerchief and when she walked in with a handkerchief he said what's going on the lady said my husband's tumor has just shrunk in half he said really she said yeah we had this prayer cloth he said lay it on me and pray for me she put it on him and laid hands on him the doctors came back and did it test all the cancer had left his body don't pattycake it worship him he can still heal cancer he can steal any disease in this room somebody praise Him right now he's worthy someone lift up that name someone exalt that name [Applause] yada barakatuh la de barajas attire went from there to Chicago and they brought up a little girl with 11 years old with a hole in her ear had bought been born with a hole in her ear and for 24 hours a day fluid would drip down and causing pain eleven years of her life on extreme medication and when we when she walked on we laid a prayer cloth on her and pray it's not about the prayer cloth it's about the faith in the Word of God and so we prayed in the name of Jesus laid a handkerchief on her head and about 20 minutes later she started screaming and she ran to the front something's different when they went to the doctor the hole had completely closed up you can't make that happen only God can make that happen but there's faith in the room anything is possible went from there to uh as I've told this year apologize we went from there to a little town in um where were see it was in Indiana Hobart Indiana and we were in this church service in them and God was doing crazy stuff we were praying that people were being healed and halfway through the altar called the Lord spoke to me as a two-story building he said go downstairs take your wife go downstairs pray for some was I dropped everything we went downstairs there was a lady teaching this little kids class and nursery instead of I not know if you but this children's church and so we walked in I assumed it was her way to pray for I said are you sick she said yeah I've got cancer we prayed got into peeling that tooth that was another miracle but but when we worship God we walked out I thought that was what we were down there for we walked out of the room while we're walking out of the room this little guy walks up behind me and he he hangs on my suit coat said hey hey I said hey buddy what's what's going on I said my name is Justin Rogers and I'm 11 years old I said hey Justin he said my grandma has cancer I said what stage is Stage four and they said the doctor said she's gonna die I said oh my goodness when she live in town he said yeah I said well what we want to pray said I just want you want to know do you think Jesus can heal her I said I know he can heal her do you think he can heal her he said yes sir I said can you go see her he said yes sir I said can you go see her tomorrow he said yes sir I said will you do me a favor he said yeah I said will you go to your grandma's house tomorrow I'm feeling the Holy Ghost I said I want you to go up to her room go up to her she on the Sheena Betty she's in a bed I said go up to her bed and say by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus can't sir be gone and I'm feeling God and he said hold on let me write that down I'm only 11 he's like by the how do you spell authority oh no a a you T I'm like oh maybe I should go pray for it myself by the time you're done writing that it oh he finally gets it okay what's the next word of the word of all the Holy Ghost I thought I felt gone he said okay I got it thank you walks off Michael welcome buddy two months later I come back he runs up to me hey do you remember me I said yeah I remember you he said remember you told me to go pray for my grandma I said yeah he said I took that piece of paper and I went to my grandma's house the next day and I laid it on her bed and I put my hand in her head and I said by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus cancer be gone guess what I said what is it when she went her next exam all the cancer was completely gone that's a kid I wish some faith in their spirit right now Mahalo Baja I started believing God for anything and he started once service I was walking on his hand in these prayer cloths out while I was preaching God's gonna give you a miracle God's gonna give you a miracle God's gonna give you a miracle I was walking out and they wanted one lady she just put in her purse and a few months later we went back to that church in Palm Bay Florida and she said hey I gotta tell you something she said when you handed me that cloth a few months ago I didn't even need a miracle I just put it in my purse she said but a few a few months with my few weeks with my whatever she said and she said my cousin who's an atheist he's an electrician he was up on the ladder and he got electrocuted and fell off the ladder and died he was dead for over an hour in the hospital we couldn't even see his body he was laying in the other room dead and see the nurses and the doctors called us all in and he was already gone we weren't allowed to see him yet we were just to fill out paper and then all of a sudden she said I looked in my purse and I saw that prayer cloth and she said I pulled it I got I love faith she pulled it out and she told the nurse would you go in that room and put this on his body it's quiet right now the nurse said why she said just do it she said the nurse went in the room closed the door and five seconds later the nurse scream at the top her lungs especially put the cloth on the man's leg the man set straight up and God raised him from the dead I dare you to get out of your comfort box I dare you to get a fast aaalac I dare you disrespect God that is something in your family I dare you to have faith in God hallelujah till the Holy Ghost somebody clap your hands and worship the Lord right now hila bajo que la la la voz ah ha I worship you mighty God blessed be thy matchless Holy Name I remember so many stories I remember one I'm almost faith is in here right now every one time or the way there was this service in California in Stockton in this lady she ran up and grabbed a prayer cloth and I guess she was going in for heart surgery or something and she and like three or four months later I went back and she said she told me she said I thought the miracle I needed was in my heart surgery went in had the surgery done everything was fine he was like 50 something years old Lorraine Dominguez or something that was your name I remember that and she she said but I at the end for the heart surgery something just told me to hang on to it the prayer cloth so she said I went home and she said if you can picture this she said my house is on the corner of the street and she said my bed is right here and she said I have a dresser if I'm sitting on my bed I've addressed her to the right of my bed and so she said I just put the prayer cloth on the edge of my dresser it was there for 91 days she said the prayer cloth was in on the dresser for 91 days never thought anything of it she said one day on the 91st day I was sitting in my room I always had my right foot off the edge of the bed between the dresser and the bed and she said out of nowhere and she showed with the pictures out of nowhere a car explodes through that my bedroom wall and screeched up for the side of my leg and the pan lands one inch from my leg and the prayer cloth falls and logos in between me and the car oh yeah I'm here to tell you that if you need a miracle from God and it's gonna start happening tonight people will be healed tonight and that not because of prayer Clause we just brought just I just saw those and so I anointed them and I laid hands on them all through church and prayed for him in case you want to take one home but tonight before we even lead God's gonna heal sicknesses and diseases and situations because his name is above all of the names and he's going I believe in his power I believe in his authority I believe I've been praying for this all night man I believe in his power I believe in his authority in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth mahasabha ha ha ha in the name of the Lord Jesus cause this baby behold I am Monica solemn Isetta in the name of Jesus with someone begin to activate your faith right now would you activate your faith would you worship your God right now he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or even think stay standing hallelujah stay standing ha no more luck I feel two things I feel like the Lord is in here and I feel like hell is mad right now something that's in this room something powerful it's in this room somebody if you've got the Holy Ghost pray with me right now in the spirit some of you've got the Holy Ghost activated right now start praying in the spirit I feel the gift of faith in here I feel the working of miracles in here [Music] [Music] praise them with perfect faith worship him with expectation he's about to move he's about to move he is the waymaker he is the miracle worker he is everything that we need we are nothing but he is everything I worship you Jesus oh I exalt you Jesus the Holy Ghost is in this room right now somebody watching online be healed right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ wherever you're sitting I command every pain in your back to be gone right now in the mwahahaha in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus someone else watching online raise your hands and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost right now in the name of Jesus alright let's step into it you need a miracle any kind of miracle raise your hand it kind of miracle if you're able to raise your hand if it's physical in your body would you raise your hand if its financial raise-your-hand emotional family i since angels brother Whaley on the warpath tonight I sense angels will be dispatched from heaven tonight here's I'm gonna ask you to do I'm gonna ask the preachers to come back up here on the platform with me again it worked this morning let's go after it again tonight if your situation is physical in your body if you can come up you're able to come up here would you come stand on my left of the platform of the pulpit would you come stand to my left right now if you've got a physical pain in your body or disease or something wrong you don't even know what's going whatever it is just come up if you've got a family member with a disease or a situation come on this side over here right here if your miracles anything else go to that side right over here if you've got both say on my left if you've got any kind of physical problem coming to my left any other miracle you need God to do come to my right here's what we're going to do here's what we're going to do I just feel to do this before we pray the prayer of faith like we did this morning when God filled all the people the Holy Ghost we're going to pray a prayer of repentance so nothing's in the way of miracles falling tonight basically you're gonna repent so nothing's in the way of God it's up to God but decides to do or not in this room it's not on me it's not on the Brethren up here it's up to God but we know is able we know he's willing and so we make sure there's nothing in our way on our part it clears the pathway for him so we're going to repent where the word is gonna lead us in repentance we're gonna repent of our sins then we'll shift and pray the prayer of faith and I'll give you instruction of what to do and miracles will break loose in this room tonight in Jesus thank you Jesus pray with me right now Lord Jesus you are a consuming fire and God we pray in this moment that that fire would burn in us and purify us O God so that we could be in touch with what you longed to do in us and through us God we repent in this moment for every word that's come out of our mouth that is contrary to what you would have us speak God we repent for everything we have said that's been harmful to someone else and that it set up a law between us and between you Lord Jesus God we repent for our words God we repent for our thoughts got any impure thoughts not anything that has sent a division between us anything that has pulled us away from the calling and purpose that you have expressed for our lives God we repent for our actions got anything that we have done that has moved us further from you and from your calling and from your desire for our lives God evil words evil thoughts evil deeds now we repent we lay it at your feet and we invite the fire of your spirit to purify us O God on the inside God transform us you are a consuming fire and so God every impurity everything that does not belong we invite you God to consume it right now as a sacrifice laid at your feet God so that there is nothing dividing us from what you longed to do in us and through us and we give you all the praise in Jesus name in Jesus name consume us purify us have your way work your will somebody clap your hands and magnify the Lord Jesus right now someone left them a shout of voice of triumph hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] now when we prayed the prayer faith for the Holy Ghost we shouted hallelujah remember that this morning but tonight we're not a shout hallelujah we're gonna shout Jesus because no one ever shouted Jesus that was sick and was ignored when they would shout his name they were going to get he whole they're gonna get healed situations are gonna change if you get a Barta in fact I pray bartimaeus anointing in this room right now a desperation that only the Lord can hear and understand but we're gonna it's going to happen is I'm gonna pray a simple prayer of faith and as I do you're gonna when I tell you're gonna start shouting Jesus The ministers will stretch their hands over you and then they'll come into the audience and lay hands on you and situations are going to change and me if some of you the pain will leave your body instantly when the pain starts to leave your body we might stop it and check in a moment but start rejoicing and worshiping God some of you you know have any idea how it's gonna work some of you're gonna feel anointing oil go down your back and down there down your legs as the signal from God others will feel a cool breeze go by them that's an age of the Lord it's already in this altar right now I promise to be here tonight I worship your Lord Jesus what you're about to do would you raise your hands right now in faith perfect faith I'm gonna get healed faith right now I'm gonna get delivered faith right now I'm getting an answer this week faith right now I'm getting Direction tonight in Jesus name right now would you raise those hands and by authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus release the working of miracles and the gifts of healing in Jesus name somebody shout shout Jesus geez [Applause] behold the name of Jesus may be gone the name of Jesus headaches back pain cancer somebody get louder than your enemy somebody get more desperate than your devil somebody get more intense than your adversary God's gonna heal me God's gonna fix my situation God's gonna move [Applause] go lay hands on go lay hands on behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name now behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name diabetes leave now in the name of Jesus now blood-sugar be normal now in the name of Jesus [Music] somebody start thanking them somebody start praising him somebody start magnifying him we're just getting started pain leave your body pain leave your hands pain leave your feet disease is the part unknown things in your body depart every tumor dry up right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that should be the name of the Lord our God the God of the armies of Israel blessed be the name of the Lord our God here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord shut up and you sell their hands upon the sick and they shall recover you sell their hands upon the sick and they shall recover you shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover today bahasa Ta'ala Barajas said [Music] [Applause] alright alright that was round one let's stop let's stop over on this side check the pain check your hand check your neck check your back check your feet if the pain is left your body would you raise your hand and thankful over one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve we just prayed one little thirteen fourteen fifteen that's the cute little praise but fifteen people were just healed now the rest of you ready if you rejoice for those that just got healed if you're it if you rejoice let healing loose down the name of Jesus let healing loose now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus heal of arras a tire there we go in the name of Jesus ela Manasa tyre in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I dare you to thank God and watch the wall fall down right now I dare you to shout unto God [Applause] all right you take one take this group you take this batch you take the other one elder obviously the miracle workers in the building right now forever that batch right now elder you prayer with that batch right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ whenever these prayer cloths are involved with wherever they're headed to I take authority over every demonic power in that room that they're headed to any bed that was headed to every situation in that body every situation that marriage in that home on that child on that loved one at that job I take authority over every curse of Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus I speak the life of the Holy Ghost in an every situation right now there will be miracles there will be testimonies there will be answered prayers there will be breakthroughs there will be wonders only you can do oh God they're gonna come to the edge of the platform and start handing them out Samantha take some and hand them back to some other people oh hello bachata there's gonna be emotional miracles fear is gonna leave people tonight depression torment attacks and dreams he lo lo lo lo lo vas a total of aha fears insecurities worries anxiety jealousy whatever these issues are other afflicting people we're coming against him in the name of Jesus if you've got any of those things put that prayer cloth under your pillow tonight satire let the Lord give you a brand new mind when you wake up in the morning but the Lord change your frequency hasta la vaca hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's not by mine it's not by power but by my spirit saith the Lord [Applause] Shiela velocity' let there be a miracle right here in the name of Jesus right here right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus who either has cancers got a family member with cancer thank you Jesus cancer or a family member with cancer cancer Lord Jesus removed that cancer from her body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth well we curse every cancer cell we've pined it in the name of Jesus Lord your name is greater than cancer we worship your Lord in Jesus name if you've got cancer in your body or you got a family member would you raise the hands would you raise that prayer cloth if you don't have one just raise your hands would you start exalting the name of the Lord in advance for a miracle you worship the healer you worship the healer you worship the healer if someone's got their hands up around you would you lay your hands on them right now it's either them or a family member dealing with cancer would she lay your hands on them and bind cancer and release the life of Jesus in that situation I release the life of the Holy Ghost in that situation [Music] cancer leave this lady now Lord you gave her the Holy Ghost this morning behold now wow there we go in the name of Jesus Ilana velocity everything leave everything disappear in the name of Jesus Christ I keep hearing it in the back of my head tell the people to keep magnifying my name tell the people to keep magnifying my name tell the people to keep magnifying the name tell the people to keep saying the name whether you feel it or don't feel it whether you're excited or weary Jesus Jesus Jesus demons tremble at the mention of the name of Jesus Jesus now it's about to get an Apostolic crazy ready turn to your neighbor ask them what the need is turn your neighbor right now what's the needs are up here for now now answer the answer what the request tell them what it is because the words they're ready to agree touching anything so what you're going to do now is you're going to lay your hand on your friends head and they're gonna lay their hand on your head and we're gonna bind together now and the body's about to get loosed ministering to each other this is where the devil fears me he doesn't mind preachers coming through but when the body starts laying hands on each other he'll has a nightmare don't pray in fear pray with Authority speak a miracle speak the life of Jesus right now speak the life of Jesus right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's my wife [Applause] arthritis looks like it's leaving arthritis she's got arthritis supposedly but she's jumping right now arthritis is leaving arthritis is leaving God is healing her right now God is healing her right now I dare you to worship I dare you to have faith in God I dare you to have faith in God [Applause] emotionally mentally now in Jesus name that there be a miracle now in the name of the Lord also heal her right now God heal her right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth get a little emotional in Jesus name Lord heal right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth heal right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Lord switch the frequency remind now anxiety leave in the name of Jesus every tormenting spirit your leave right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ every tormenting spirit be gone in Jesus name I worship your Lord you're the healer of everything you're the healer of everything hallelujah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds she couldn't move her fingers or her hands she's moving along around like this it was arthritis in them it's not there right now rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice Paul said he's the waymaker I want you to close your eyes wave your hand and start prophesying when I write right now open your mouth and start prophesy to a situation right now open your mouth and start speaking to it like Jesus said to the mountain just open your mouth and declare something right now whatever comes to your mind is release it right now whatever comes your mind release it right now is open your mouth and speak speak speak speak Catalan ha that's it prophesy come on speaking faith release that faith release that faith somebody raise your hands and speak your pastors name out right now and declare strengthen his body Allah Navarro satalia someone strong for the Holy Ghost right now somebody speak a miracle strengthen his body right now in the name of Jesus Yakut al-abbas Atta we call them waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness that is who you are I feel that song here bow satella maha Satya I feel like worshiping him for what he's doing right now what he just did in the room it was about through the next seven days in this church he little son of a host of time I worship you lord i bless you i exalt you mighty god he la la la mora most elaborate ilaha one more thing before we start singing they're gonna come up one more thing I feel to do I want you this week to call or text someone that you trust I mean someone that you trust their prayer life and intercessor someone you know can touch God I just did this yesterday with several I was in a revival this last week Wednesday Thursday Friday in Pensacola Florida and brother Kinsey told me that brother Barnes taught in this when you need miracles you're oftentimes trying to pray for your own situation if it binds you from praying kingdom prayers but if you can call someone to be an intercessor for you let them go to God on your behalf it looses you to pray with faith of things God wants to pray through you and then it brings the miracles into your house I want you to do something crazy in faith this week I want you to whoever it is whoever it is in your life you know I can trust them their prayer life send them a list of things in your life that you want them to intercede for ask them to intercede we're about to see miracles magnified like crazy who will do that who will do that in this room who will do that some of you might be getting phone calls from others in this room but intercessory prayer is stirring in the bowels of this church right now beneath the surface intercessory prayer is stirring and rising that tells me great things in the kingdom are coming to this church miracles are on their way gone has healed several people tonight God is going to take care of so many situations this week they're gonna sing about this way maker and this time when they sing when they worship the Lord there should be something in you already right now as you start worshiping with them and they start declaring who he is the atmospheres gonna go to you in a higher level of worship it's gonna go to a deeper level of intimacy with the Lord right now I can feel the Shekinah glory behind the stage trying to move among us right now I can feel the glory of the Lord trying to rest on the people what you go ahead we make a miracle what Thomas keep that is true [Music] let the saw get in your spirit let the Nerds go get in your spirit but just get in your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's gonna get the final side [Applause] [Applause] father this the soul this is my testimony [Music] [Music] escape by what a way to go over here let's run away we thank you and you have been a miracle worker you're the light that shines be a possibility and we call you crater we we call in strong people of color with the shape of your posture we are the Sheep so God we give you credit come on a few things put your hands together lift your eyes God we thank you thank you for your pal - wave swinger Kinsey either when I never side never saw they're the star how are we thank you can we thank you that you never stopped working over half of even when we don't feel it even when we don't understand what you're doing you're still and working on I should go let me tell you what I feel about the days ahead of this moment I know many of you in this place in the last 20 or 30 minutes God has done something unbelievable in your life in your body in your situation in your storm and you're standing right here right now with a testimony to the point that we can pass this microphone around and you'd be here the rest of the night just telling what God has already done but let me tell you what I believe I believe over the coming hours and the coming days things that you don't even know right now that God has worked out he's already worked it out and you just think you've got a testimony tonight just just wait until you really see what God has done in your situation so let me just let me just challenge you wanna why don't we make this a week of testimony and the second that you realize that God has done something if you want to get on your social media if you want to get on the first church family Facebook group whatever you want to do let somebody know that God is moving and working and as God has moved in your situation your miracle is going to build somebody else's faith and this thing may just explode before we know it God is a miracle working God do you believe that oh come on we say that do you really believe it even when I don't see it you're working even feeling Joe archit come on let's sing it one more time before we get out of here you never stop was dead don't feel don't give it some come on give him a great praise a great colleges hands a great page a pillar for God deserves a powerful praise let me thank you for what you're doing we thank you that your greater us kogure you are higher you are boarding it up you are working half of the people god bless you thank you for being here tonight we'll see you back Wednesday night celebrate what God has done by telling somebody about it god bless foundation the only solid ground as nations right one strong now forever [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 5,095
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), Josh Herring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 27sec (5427 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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