Monthly Cost of Ford Lightning Charging

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gas prices are going up electricity prices are going up everything is getting more expensive so this is why my wife recently asked me okay so what's cheaper having an electric truck or a gas truck and the good news is thanks to you I have data to actually figure this out and today we're going to be looking at the F-150 and this is cool because we have a gas version of the exact same vehicle so it's a much better Apples to Apples comparison when we're thinking about our electric vehicles or in this case electric trucks cheaper than gas ones okay first let's start with the fuel efficiency here so looking at the average reported back from everyone that wrote in for the lightning we're looking at 2.1 miles per kilowatt hour you can think of a kilowatt hour like a gallon of gas but much cheaper and the average monthly miles driven were 1400 which is the same as I actually drive here in my rivian so a little bit above average in the US but not too crazy then the average price per kilowatt hour from everyone was 22 sense so when we do all that math we figure that we need 666 kilowatt hours per month creepy I know so when you multiply those out the 666 and change kilowatt hours you need per month to travel these 1400 miles times the 22 cents per kilowatt hour you get 146.67 now if you add that up you're looking at about 1760 dollars per year across five years we're looking at eight thousand eight hundred dollars and some change so honestly thinking about it that's more than what I pay for my rivian here but it's because I'm able to charge at a much lower rate 15 cents per kilowatt hour not 22. if I were to actually change it down to that 22 we would be neck and neck it'd be maybe a dollar or so difference so it is pretty on par with the rivian in terms of its fuel efficiency and that monthly cost but now let's look at the gas version of the F-150 so I tried to pick the most Apples to Apples comparison here because it's always going to be four wheel drive it's the Super Crew meaning the full-size cab with the five and a half foot bed and all those other kind of bells and whistles so the one that I was able to tease out here we're looking at an average of 20 miles per gallon that City and Highway according to fuel traveling those 1400 miles right now where I live in Southern California which happens to be where everyone else rode in with their prices and everything we're looking at 4.88 cents a gallon which seems insane to me I'm so thankful I don't have to pay that that comes out to needing about 70 gallons of fuel per month and that comes out to 342 dollars of gas every single month if you add that up for the year we're looking at forty one hundred dollars and across five years we're looking at 20 512 dollars so right there across five years you're going to be saving almost twelve thousand dollars in fuel alone between these two vehicles so that begs the question what about the purchase price well the F-150 Lariat gas version that I priced out out is showing an MSRP of 78 379 dollars and the average price that people paid for their F-150 lightnings the electric version was just over seventy nine thousand dollars So within the first year on fuel alone you're gonna come out about ten thousand dollars ahead now there are other things to consider insurance or how you finance it or maintenance and repairs but all those things I would say are going to be pretty negligible I mean that almost twelve thousand dollars in savings on fuel alone is just gonna Trump any of the other kind of numbers you throw at it now depreciation is the big one but we don't really have depreciation figures so I think it's unfair to bring that into this equation right now but overall I mean what we're looking at is the F-150 lighting being a big savings over the gas version but that doesn't mean that the electric version is for everyone the gas version of the F-150 certainly has its advantages namely if you drive long periods in a day for example my wife's dad drives hundreds of miles a day because he works in construction he's driving all over Arizona doing concrete inspection so for him to have to charge an hour out of his day or so it's just not tenable it's not an option so you need to be able to refuel so the gas version definitely has its advantages but if you're like 70 plus percent of people that mostly use the truck for very light duty type things you know bikes in the back kayak surfboards or whatever else or just honestly you like driving a truck and it has nothing to do with needing a truck if you're like most people that do that then the lighting is definitely going to be a better buy for you so I think that a lot of people should consider this vehicle and I actually think that I would prefer it over this one I'm in right now if you want to understand fully why I think that you have to go watch my review of the lightning right here where I had it for a week or let me borrow it and I gave you my full thoughts of living with it day in and day out so that's it for this one guys let me know you think in the comments and I'll see you back here next time
Channel: Ben Sullins
Views: 179,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford lightning, ford lightning 2022, ford lightning 2023, ford lightning svt, ford lightning towing, ford lightning review, ford lightning pro, ford lightning towing test, ford lightning 0-60, ford lightning vs trx, ford lightning xlt, ford lightning lariat, ford lightning platinum, ford lightning 2004
Id: H0L71kCkwu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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