3 things I HATE about my Rivian R1T after 10,000 miles

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I've been driving my rivian truck for a  little over a year now and we have over 10   000 miles on the odometer and I have not  babied this thing in any way shape or   form we've towed over 11 000 pounds with  it we've hauled around a bunch of mulch   shipped a truckload of Jerry rig knives to  Linus you know did some Farm stuff filled   it up with horse poop among hundreds of other  trips and projects and I have some thoughts   huge thanks to huel for sponsoring this video  let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music]   my mom always said if I can't say anything  nice then I shouldn't say anything at all   and normally that's fantastic advice  but today I'm still gonna go ahead   and say those mean things but I am going  to preface it by disclosing that this is   the most fun the most powerful and the  most capable truck I have ever driven and that is the definite truth but it  does some super weird stuff and I'll   explain more as we drive up the mountain  maintenance wise over the course of the   last year we have had some things go  wrong the display for the compressor   went out super minor issue but  that had to be replaced foreign and then one of my shocks was  getting jittery so I took the   truck in to get that replaced under warranty the truck bed tonneau cover is still very hardcore  broken there's no fix for that yet and that   plastic piece for the top of the tailgate came  off when I was unloading one of our new off-road   wheelchair prototypes but that was mostly my  fault which is pretty surprising since this truck   is number 1 600 ever made and I was expecting  there to be quite a few more bring it to the shop   moments I did the math and my truck including all  the manufacturing for the battery pack and Mining   and charging off of fossil fuel grid here in Utah  my truck will become cleaner than a gas-powered   truck only after it drives 30 000 miles charging  from solar on my house we become green a bit   sooner after about 25 000. so we're still a little  less than halfway to having a clean green vehicle   or a vehicle that produces less carbon than its  gas powered counterparts and at this specific   point in time with only 10 000 miles on it my  truck is still worse for the environment than say   a gas powered F-150 but that will change for me  around 25 000. I purposefully did not get a wrap   on this truck so I could see how the paint would  hold up over time and besides one rock chip on the   hood near the front that probably happened while I  was driving on the freeway there's only one other   chip that's probably from the factory automotive  paint sticking around a corner is a fairly   difficult thing to accomplish but the one small  chip is nothing to lose sleep over made it to the   top quite a bit windier up here than I anticipated  but now that we have the pleasantries out of the   way let's get into the three things that I hate  about my rivian starting with thing number one whenever it rains or snows inevitably  water somehow gets inside of my driver's   side door I'm not sure how but you can hear it  sloshing around in there see if you can listen I talked to rivian about the water Ingress and  they said there were vents in there to help drain   the water and that they would install some bigger  ones to help the liquid come out which they did   but it's still happening so we look underneath  the paneling it looks like there is a drain   with a rubber stopper in it you can kind of see  the water coming out of that hole and there's   another one on this side also plugged up which is  super weird part of the reason might be because   EVS are so much quieter I can hear the going on  to the vehicle so much better and to be fair the   problem isn't that water is getting inside the  door if you take a look at your current vehicle   pretty much every car door should have a drain  of some kind to prevent this same issue water   getting into car doors is extremely normal  the abnormal part is that the rivian door   isn't letting the water out for example if we  take a look inside a Chevy Silverado we can   see a small hole in the door to let the water  drain out same thing goes for a Toyota Corolla   every auto manufacturer is going to have one  of these holes somewhere it's weird that the   drains are plugged up and maybe there's other  vents somewhere else I don't know about all   I know is that the door is holding water and  it probably shouldn't water getting into the   door is a pretty big deal and thing number two is  also an extremely big deal the r1t is an electric   truck and I assumed that an electric truck would  just be able to do truck things I use it a lot   to haul dirt and gravel and things around for our  little farm and we've done quite a lot of hauling the Ruby has a Nifty little bed extending flap  feature that eliminates the hinge between the   bed and the tailgate which is absolutely  awesome for hauling drywall or Lumber which   I've also done a lot of but when hauling loose  soil inevitably the dirt gets directed straight   down into the large hinge opening right up  into the sealed undercarriage of the truck   never to be seen again it's uncanny how well  the dirt just shoots right on down in there [Music] we take a little camera to scope out the  internals we can see there are probably a solid   two or three shovel fulls of dirt horse poop and  mulch down in there that I have no access to and   now I'm forever hauling around that handful of  rocks and it happens on both sides of the tailgate   and not to mention down there is where the battery  and high voltage components are quick pause here   for just one second it wasn't until I was editing  this video and looking at the footage up close and   personal that I realized there is a plant growing  in the undercarriage of my truck I never thought   I would have a literal organism hitchhiking  taking a ride in the fertile undercarriage   of my vehicle look at it it's all green and  growing over there through the soil that has been   accumulating over the past year of driving the  truck it is a very strange problem to have okay   back to the video I paid thousands of dollars  extra for the reinforced under body protection   you know the off-road package to protect me from  rocks on the underside but here rocks are just   coming in willy-nilly from the top side just like  the exhaust port on the Death Star it's a rather   large design issue and will probably become an  even bigger issue in the future inside the spare   wheel compartment we get a sedimentary history  of all the different dirty things I've put in   the bed and the wheel compartment is visibly moist  humidity and metal don't always go well together   so I'll definitely have to keep an eye on this  compartment as well I could probably disassemble   the undercarriage to let all those rocks out but I  mean that's kind of annoying and I don't even know   if it would work so my truck collecting rocks is  the second thing that I hate most about my rivian   thing one and thing two are pretty crazy and thing  three gets even crazier but first we snack huge   thanks to huel for sponsoring this video today  we have the cookies and cream fuel Black Edition   I've lost about 15 pounds since this time last  year and it's all through counting calories and   actually paying attention to what I eat heel  black has been a big part of that change the   heel black edition is a nutritionally complete  shade that I can make in seconds all you have   to do is add water with 40 grams of protein and 27  essential vitamins and minerals it's also exactly   400 calories which is a very easy round number  to keep track of the taste of the cookies and   cream is basically like a bunch of the cookies all  crumbled up into a shake I like to have it with   ice cubes it's all plant-based with no artificial  sweeteners and has less than five percent sugar   I've tried quite a few of the hewell black edition  flavors like the strawberry shortcake and cinnamon   roll and they're all good but if I had to pick a  favorite it would be the cookies and cream if you   use my link down in the description you also get  a free T-shirt huel has helped me eat healthier   and hopefully they can do the same for you I'll  put a link down in the description and now for   the third thing that I hate about my rivian hate  is kind of a strong word dislike the third thing   I dislike about my rivian isn't as catastrophic as  the first two but it's still pretty crazy join me   inside I use my truck like a work truck so there's  a lot of tools inside and one time I took my tape   measure and set it down on this little ledge this  ledge is where cell phones go to be recharged and   something very strange happened underneath the  charger are a bunch of copper coils spread out so   no matter where I put my phone down it'll  start charging it's pretty cool however   the long winding coil of my tape measure is  tricking the wireless charger into thinking   it's a phone and my truck is trying to charge  up my tape measure with electricity [Music] literally shocking my tape measure over and  over again it's not enough electricity that   a human can feel it but it's still pretty crazy  that my electric truck is electrocuting my tape   measure I never thought my truck would get  in a fight with my tools like I said issue   number three isn't quite as big of a deal as  the other two but it's still pretty crazy I   guess the question is do those issues affect  my decision if I could go back in time would   I still buy this truck and the answer is  yes absolutely the speed the utility and   the power of this truck is better than  anything else on the road right now the   F-150 Lightning does come very close but I'm  also not a rivian fanboy if something comes out   that is substantially better than this I would  have no problem switching but I also don't see   that happening in the very near future let me  know what you think are these issues something   that would stop you from buying a truck I'm  curious to see what are the deal breakers   for other people and as always thanks a  ton for watching and I'll see you around
Channel: JerryRigEverything
Views: 1,354,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rivian R1T review, Rivian, R1T, EV Truck, Ev Towing, EV off road, Electric Truck, Cyber Truck, Tesla, Electric Hummer, Electric Car, Fail
Id: qr5x62MyAUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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