Monster School - TRUE LOVE

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hey what's going on guys he's logged god zip here and welcome back to monster school it's Valentine's Day baby and I've got my sights on a special someone in the class so I can't wait to start handing out all of our balance oh he's so tired making them all night and then I forget them oh gosh the teachers gonna lose his mind I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do was mine hmm huh what how are you dozing off in classic and no no no I'm good yeah I was paying attention absolutely mr. hero Frank right yeah then I'm sure you wouldn't mind repeating to the class my comment about the derivatives of indeterminate rational functions I I have to go use the bathroom yeah yeah that sounds good fine but be quick we're handing out valentine's soon oh gosh I'm in trouble now what you uh yeah I'll be right back mr. bright Oh where's the door oh boy time you set this whole plan in action I've make all the Valentine's Day cards before I go back to class oh I know I'll go see the librarian we can print him out there in fact the librarians right around the corner here look she'll be able to help us oh man this shouldn't be as bad as I thought I'm feeling much more wide awake now anyways Linda oh my gosh Lindy got enough to say shouldn't you be in class Tyler wait what's that you want to print out Valentine's cards sorry but this is a new printer so there's no paper or ink come on Linda what are you useless or something if you want to make the card you're gonna have to get all the materials yourself the printer runs on cym B so aside from a stack of paper you Lawson to stack of magenta dye sigh and I yellow dye and black dye what am i go shopping Linda why don't even pay you disgusting wort probably get stoned paycheck and I know we don't have that stuff in school we did just move in so good luck I suppose if you somehow get all that stuff you can use the printer I guess gosh yeah this new school something else today and printer ink okay well I better be quick there's gonna be the longest bathroom trip ever ro the school exit is this way and since we're not gonna find any dyes in school they think all the classroom the paper and them are being used I wonder if we could just get out of the school and collect some plants and use those for dye yeah that looks like the color we need anyways wait a second I know I can get my weed whacker in the tree house that'll be perfect for getting rid all these flowers and getting our dye oh there she is Isabel every time I lay my eyes on you I can't see you guys you're invisible you're invisible Isabel forget it yeah anyway it's my tree house let's get inside get what we need and get these flowers get these Valentines get this bread because I'm hungry too okay careful careful jeez I've been up here okay there it is good old wooden hoe sugar cane flowers plants and dead bushes now that I have this tool I can continue I know there's a lake outside of the northern wall of the school so maybe laughs I'm sure the kid nearby I have to find a way over it since the gates are locked you know school is in session as if that gate didn't have enough holes in it though I don't know how they managed to keep us inside probably all the free lunch I get okay how am I gonna get out of here this seems I can't sneak under can't jump through well we're gonna have to gate somewhere hmm maybe there's somewhere along the border of this wall that I can get through maybe through here schools huge could go for a nice dip though yeah not now I'll come back later we got to handle all these Valentine's Day cards there's the other fence I still can't get over through there maybe by the neighborhood border security over there is very light there we go I think I found my end yeah probably jump up right here okay get perfect okay look at this this is our way out baby this school can't keep me in schools fools just kidding now if we time this jump just right can we just yes I'm out this is exactly what we needed now we can start collecting all of these different flowers all right actually before we get more flowers I mean they're everywhere we should probably figure out if there's somewhere we can get some sugar cane perfect for anyone nearby I don't want anyone to see me taking all the sugar cane but there's plenty of paper material and these flowers will cover all the magenta dyed the scion dye is half blue and half green a lot of blue flowers out here but I don't see any cactus anywhere the janitor might have an idea of where we could find some this guy is always cleaning up of messes so we need to get 64 sugar cane we need 64 magenta die 64 yellow die and we only need 32 light blue dye because you mix that with cactus and then you'll get all 64 so let's get back in I better think of a good excuse for mr. Harib Ryan about where I've been world's longest bathroom trip mmm I know I could tell him I had chili last night no one's gonna question me if I say that all right and that'll do it we've got 32 blue dye now we just need more magenta and more yellow dye oh man all these gardeners are gonna hate me what average the school's fault anyways kind of schools and keep printer ink all right that's gonna do it for yellow dye 61 62 63 64 perfect now we can turn all of it into dye there we go that's exactly what I needed alright the deed is done time to head to the janitor and see if he's got any cactus for me to make into green dye thankfully it looks like it's gonna be really easy to get back into the school Oh all right where is this janitor I need to get back to class soon before Isabelle notices I'm God huh uh snap out of it actually I think he's right in here yeah this is it hey janitor you again what you need cactus you need cactus hmm well kid I don't do stuff for free I'm a mean to catch up on some videos by my favorite youtuber stone dot PDF anyways while I do that you go outside and destroy all the dead bushes around the school it's my job but like I said YouTube calls hey man I've been there before janitor if you do that for me I'll consider parting with some of this spikey goodness all right Jana you got yourself a deal let's kill some dead bushes okay dead bushes where do dead bushes hang out hey there's one done deal not bad I thought I collected it mm well that's one did he even say how many there were how much searching would I have to do it's all oh oh hey look there's another one not bad sorry about the other grass it's okay I haven't seen any other ones she's so dream and invisible maybe there's some over here I feel like I'm running out of places for them to be mm oh right there got it ah seems to be all of it we better get back to the janitor and see what he says all right janitor I took care of your mess what you actually cleared those bushes yeah that's right okay fine here you go now let me watch YouTube in peace yeah I like that channel to Vsauce anyways perfect now I needed some black dye the pool next to the gym has some problems recently she look into that and trying kill them Don Valentine's Day so we get some sacks of ink I told you I'd go back for a swim this is perfect although I'm not seeing any squid nearby maybe we need to just dive on in instead oh well there's one baby crackin oh my gosh more like baby cracking this Oh over your head yeah right yeah I'm just good we're gonna make it but it's okay we're killing in the name of love it's one of the only times it's allowed in Minecraft this guy takes a beating now it's been like 30,000 bunches there now I got him in a corner pretty much come on there we go it's a little gross but not too hard now before I get the cards I need to make this cactus into dye and combine it with the blue to make cyan and you turn these reeds in now I know one of these classrooms has a furnace inside but I don't remember which is it in here oh no I don't think so now perfect right next to our classroom here we go we got an area to mix all the dyes and there's a furnace excellent all right we're gonna cook you up meanwhile we can turn all these reeds in to paper just like that all righty all the cactus nice and cooked last thing we need to do is combine them with this dye and now we've got everything we need to make some Valentine's Day cards head back to Linda and get some paper Linda Linda good news ugly oh yeah she got the materials I didn't expect that well whatever I guess I'll print those cards now there you go have fun giving out those or whatever you kids do with these things yeah you've probably never experienced love Linda mmm but I still need to add love to these cards speaking of to capture the spirit of Valentine's Day to impress Isabel oh I know a love potion but where am I gonna find something lovely enough hmm ooh I'll bet some of these houses have rose bushes outside of them probably use those for the potion here we go nice to bring these flowers to the school lab and put them in the cold room that'll become a lovely potion sorry about the flowers whoever lives here all right this should do the trick throw the roses in and time to wait for this water to become lovely oh that was quick well now I just throw the cards in the potion to turn them into true Valentine's Day cards and you go wow well these cards turned out really well I guess it's time to go put him in the Valentine's Day box right outside the classroom and finish up my bathroom trip all right here we go put him in get back to the seat that was an awfully long bathroom break Tyler yeah you know it was I fell in I hurt my knee in the hallway you know how it goes to eat you're right I don't have time to deal with this right now it's time to hand out valentine's now everyone gets a different number of cards and stuff based on how many people liked them so don't be disappointed if you don't get me what kind of sick classroom is this yo it looks like your brine is passing out all the Valentine's Day cards oh boy I can't wait to get mine I'm really excited I'm very sorry Tyler but you didn't seem to get any this must be a real disappointment I'm sorry you can leave early if you want huh are you sure are you sure you don't have any for me now his hands look empty yeah yeah I think I will leave man if you're all that work I I don't know it's okay I don't need anybody I've I've got myself it's just fine huh wait Tyler stop don't leave yet Isabella here I made you this I hope you like it okay bye Isabelle Isabelle's Valentine's Day card oh my gosh hey I don't even know what to say I'm so I'm so happy happy Valentine's Day everybody
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,894,889
Rating: 4.8850036 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, monster, school, monster school, minecraft animation, minecraft monster school, monster school animation, roleplay, roleplay minecraft, monster school funny, minecraft life, valentine, valentines day, day, animation, gaming, funny, no cursing, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, logdotzip monster school, minecraft school, funny minecraft, minecraft real life
Id: QyCtQLp1jY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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