Monster School - Trick or Treating

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yeah what's going on freaks it's me County log that's it suck your blood and all that great stuff welcome back monster school Halloween edition yeah pumpkins all over the place and if I'm not mistaken we even got a special subject for today's class let's find out who trick-or-treating I like it it's by mr. Guerrero his link to be in description of this video as well as a bunch of other stuff including you know links to my merch and everything yeah and leave a like on the video and subscribe and the bell it's ok I've got a new gaming channel you should check it out links in the description get the class and he's waiting for me hey man don't tell anybody about what we were talking on the phone last night Oh Gabi not big deal all right here we go what up teacher welcome back students hey thanks teacher you like my costume happy Halloween he says thanks man I mean for the good just give me the sugar today we'll be travelling around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat and collect some goodies meet me up the road to get started well you're gonna class trick-or-treating is this is this against school policy what kind of codes are we violating here hey creep what do you think of my costume huh what huh you jerk whatever these losers didn't even dress up stupid cookies I'm gonna take them all creeps not gonna get any of the cookies I don't even need the candy hardly as much anymore hey what's up teacher we will be trick-or-treating in the neighborhood over here let's get started alright well whoa hey woohoo you ugly what do you want old hag it looks like there's only one mask left a skeleton mask okay alright got my own costume why do I need another I suppose we'll go with the church hey I'm scary yeah fear me or whatever so we got speech bubble let's just talk to people let's see what the witch was you want some stitches winch mmm trick-or-treat give me the goods huh do you want a candy or something yeah obviously I want candy gimme your kin please oh here you go giggling why you giggling I'm the one that just got the candy hey wait a second lollipop with no wrapper we've been sucking on this thing already hey what kind of joke you take me for man play these games anyways it's fine we should just carry on with our trick-or-treating meanwhile what's up MOOC candy is bad for your health and I therefore will not participate you're made of slime what do you care about your health come on I got an ax but nothing nothing but has bids in the class I'm just practicing my scaring skills a bit yeah you got something good for me Wilton no yeah and think so you've been around for years now you're not that scary everybody knows what you look like so here we are in the closest neighborhood I've ever seen to a school it's actually huh down the street let's see we got lots of great decor ooh ghosts pumpkins there's a wolf over there I wonder what he's up to I wouldn't worry about it we'll find out later it's time to get some trick-or-treating done and that right mr. ghost I can punch you hey hey I'm a break for coasts nice hey he's another personal buddy I just need a Oh Oh Birchwood stairs that's scary completely like what do you call Birchwood stairs for imma let you do thing over here buddy you keep track okay we got some trick-or-treating to drink a tree huh that's empty well so far the neighborhood sucks there's nothing good here I'll buy you creep hi that sucker just gave me a ton of candy yeah I got a sucker right here delicious hey wolf I gather way it's my turn yeah my turn yeah back up hey what he got for me oh never thought I'd have to beat down an animal with a piece of lollipop but sometimes you gotta make do ya mess on me I'm trying to get some candy man just stay out of my way all right trick-or-treat oh hey it's me whoo what up trick-or-treat give me the goods lol what are you supposed to be says mr skeltal well I'm you oh that's convenient that's what it said okay one of us is gonna have to change and it's not gonna be me I mean this is you you can't change if you wanted to here take this extra costume I add and here's some candy too well that's kind of weird what kind of neighbor gives me a costume kind of smells bad too no less well I guess we'll switch from whoa hey I'm hot and he gave me two candies hey thanks man means green candies my least favorite type of candy I want blue candy that's everybody's favorite actually what's your favorite color candy in the comment section please work with me here now what do we got in here Wow nice decorations got the banner ready hey this guy is ready for Halloween trick-or-treat mm give me the goods today is Halloween I forgot sorry but I don't have any candy we gotta make candy you got a decorations up yeah Hey look he's lying hey I see the candy right dude your house is completely decorated for Halloween and I could literally see the candy right behind you okay fine have some candy what do you normally just keep candy out and random bowls in your house there's a lot of kid you only give me one piece in fact the only thing in this man's house is this candy well no wonder you look so rotten too much sugars bad for your teeth but buy this over here yeah cute little paw yeah you know I kind of like my own costume I would just wear my own cos you look much better look at that's scary for candy come in okay I'm gonna go ahead just break into this house Wow ghosts and everything man it was like a haunted house or something hey what's up buddy trick-or-treat mmm give me something good to eat whoo we're not scared you we think your puny oh wow who says that no dude your puny you got to try a little bit harder if you're gonna mess with me like that oh oh oh how about now now take this candy get off my lawn that's rather rude I'm gonna continue to break into your house see what else I can get blood on the floor yeah it's kind of gross build qx5 37 buy candy this guy does not have too much on us to do this seriously what else you got for me poisonous apples okay hey kids if you're going trick-or-treating this year stay away from the slimy guys house would not recommend bloody axe tykes seriously some how could this guy creeper well and literally today I bought a big nice two-by-two picture looks real good on my wall probably in a few days so I need to work for my plan today I want to finish QX five three seven and I need to buy some candy for the kids and something else hey man what are you up to any I'm kana is starting to get a little bit nervous yeah yeah it's probably best that we don't talk about this experience anymore nao you geez now listen guys this is not the way you handle trick-or-treaters at your house now I'm gonna have to take you out step at a time look at these you mess on me hmm stupid slide now I got breaking long - you mess with the wrong one today our allergy but I'm gonna put a whole new fish pretty good haul so far we got what six pieces of candy what's up zombie I'm too scared to ask for candy at this house no kidding something's going on in here this guy's got serious decorations maybe we should save that one for the last I don't anything bad to happen hey hey this isn't bad for having no wrapper on it must be all that extra protein anyways while we just carry on in the meanwhile huh what do we have here nobody's home go ahead and find the candy ball while we're actually breaking into a house now I like it let's go yo mischief night I'm all about it let's see oh maybe not this guy's got heads on his mantle pieces and everything okay well so far so good seems like a bit of an obstacle course here trying to find the candy maybe if we could just oh oh wow hold on I do we do we risk the poisonous Apple maybe it's just a lie yeah it looks like it's just a lie we're fine I want to make sure I could at least heal a little bit can't just keep falling from roofs oh man we have heart we got to do this a little bit differently can I just know well that's good be perfect much better thanks what kind of house is this used you build your house for the name of candy you did the whole house is meant for candy okay please take one well I mean no one's here you grab a candy from the bowl I've taken it I caught you stealing you little thief hey man you want to put the candy out why I'm forced to defend myself it's just about that time sorry Smitty seriously what kind of name is Smitty anyway you done done for man all right man's not hot all right let me see I can slowly make our way back down only have a heart and a half left to deal with this and the heart the candies hardly worth it let me see we got one orange candy out of that mess not even trying we gotta worry about this guy later okay well we just go ahead and focus and see what else we got here I trick-or-treat yeah what are you today's your lucky day kid oh great now what's this about why why is it my lucky day is on me mm-hmm I'm almost out of candy so you can have the rest oh lucky day indeed we just got hooked up candy candy candy two pieces of candy even look a bag at the Apple Sider that nobody wants apples come on what else he got in here Ethan's room hey Ethan what Oh Oh what's up Ethan you look a little cramped in here are you smuggling dragons across the border mr. zombie no that's not right if you tell the drinking bowl for Ethan to hey man you should probably consider getting a bigger house this guy looks extremely confined what about in here oh wow what do you is this just a dragon head are you are you farming dragon zombie no wonder he's out of the candy business he's found something more lucrative anyways beware of dog oh I think we took her the dog from earlier oops talk about we got front door haunted house okay well do the house after I won't get my candy what's up man give me the goods trick-or-treat sorry but we only have this crummy off-brand candy but here you go anyways where's the off bread it mixed with the rest of my candy come on are you killing me doing that I mean at least you're not actually killing me that's a nice change for once I guess we'll eat the lollipop with no rap oh wow well I made a big mistake sure come on the poison doing me in solid house didn't have anything better for me either I imagine well let's see what it's all about hey man get out of here I'm still working on my haunted house wow she's got off bread candy and even have a real haunted house this neighbor has been the worst so far candy without rappers people attacking me I got like break in the houses just to get some lollipops come on you better have something good at least huh trick-or-treat jeez hello I'm a green candy collector want to hear about my collection no I don't think I do so you don't get any candy instead you can have these seats that I've been collecting come on man I just give me the candy and then you let me right click anymore good new Kenny from that one well okay looks like we got the last house on the block and she the best save the best for last right maybe we should go visit with this one that mr. zombie I chicken I'm sure it's fine let's see what he's got in store for us oh wait waiting for me says he says what what do you want hey give me candy trick-or-treat mmm wow it looks like you've got a lot of candy on your hands want to combine it into a jumbo candy jumbo candy I like this yes how what am I supposed to do give me the secrets and mmm-hmm well take this bucket and drop it on the ground then drop three candies into it and then compact them to make a jumbo candy ooh drop on the ground to use okay let's do it right out front let's drop all our candy onto the ground so I think if we just drop all the candy slowly into our ooh hey this is nice I just keep on dropping candy in oh okay oh there what the lollipop well that's just fine huh so now uh I got my candy and we're gonna continue to dump it all over the ground ooh what do we have here jumbo candy gives you a sugar rush while holding which makes you run SuperSpeed and jump I why you I'm messing around he does jump I Hey look the slime managed to put himself back together I was a happy ending after all so we've got ourselves a big old candy but wait say hey give me any candy all he did was give me a bucket what else he got in here let me I ain't got nothing oh here's the candy I'm giving you the kid I want the candy man what a ripoff no wonder this place is scary zombie ain't got no sweets for me well at least there's one final house for us to check out let's see what do you got old time Oh teacher what's up teacher are you doing man you got you got any kind of candy for me nothing I see it right there you holding out on me man trick-or-treat hmm looks like you made a good run tonight good job yeah I did pretty good to be honest a thank you now not give me the candy or or I can just ask where the other students are the slowpokes up and finish their trick-or-treating which is why I'm making you student of the week thanks for trick-or-treating with us happy Halloween e says he says it a lot apparently weight constantly says it whoa I can't get rid of it I wanted to well that works out nicely huh look at this all lollipops with no wrappers cookies seeds poisonous apples diamond hoe buckets jumbo candy and a couple of extra candies in between not a bad haul at all my friends this is Ben trick-or-treating that monsters bless kaveri star 5 you enjoyed the video that make sure you leave a like on it otherwise I'll probably do some mean dia just kidding I'm a nice person please just if you enjoy leave a like and of course subscribe and hit that Bell be notify the next video right as it comes I thank you so much mr. Guerrero for helping us with our trick-or-treating escapades today you can check is linked in this script is video let me know if you want to see more monster school and what we should do in monster school by posting comment in the comment section of this video and that's where we leave things right now check all your candy from razors will see late
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,563,600
Rating: 4.8735952 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, logdotzip monster school, monster school, minecraft monster school, school, monster, minecraft monster, monster minecraft, monster school minecraft, roleplay, herobrine, monsterschool, mob school, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, no swearing, custom minecraft map, custom map, mod, funny, modded, adventure, map, new, animation, no cursing, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, trick or treat, halloween, 1.12, trick or treating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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