STEAL IT ALL!! (Minecraft)

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Hey so you'll want to steal some paintings do you well luckily I'm in the same trade there's room for a few more honest huh but don't give me that it wasn't that bad uh why would you give away my voice all right the jig is up it's me logged on zip and I'm here with the stupid bird yeah I said it doing something about it yeah that's right you can't sizing me up to just see that we are playing a map today known as artistic thief by dirk van winded down the description you're gonna play for yourself the goal here is to find a painting in each level collect that painting switch it for a button which you'll get whenever you have the painting yeah luckily you dumped chicken yeah that's right you don't gotta do anything looking looking for seeds pointless sometimes I wonder but let's find the button you go ahead and place it on the command block and you will progress yeah look at it look yeah that's right you can't do nothing about it I bet you can't even open the door listen I'm whining so we can read the rules now spawnpoint is allowed and to be recommended stay in Adventure mode difficulty peaceful uh alright drum where is the button I was just kidding hey I need it man come on well where is it you know what do you mean you don't have it don't give me that he doesn't he acts like are you kidding me fine look inside what are you alright oh oh alright fine fine you hey you made your point huh well I guess you can come for the next one if you can figure out how to join me for it you stupid all right well level one this is the new level let's go ahead and sighs is it the silent treatment really that's right that's Wow acting like I'm not even there you know what level one new we don't need him for this but we do actually need to figure out how to get in so let's go ahead and see who we actually reach in through here maybe not though this steps in the way mmm we can see inside there's some Pistons some wheat now you can have any wheat isn't our house come on man a little sense now let's see what's down here okay we've done something all right let's see and we're in perfect here you can uh you know the door dumb animal we're inside now nothing in the chests no paintings yet can i trample these yes it's for good measure oh stuck drum what'd you do I know not everything's your fog at Norwich on let's see well actually have any feel here's a painting excellent so found the painting oh here's the button oh that was easy what how are you here already what do you mean you disgusting I don't know how long that took level to survival freak okay well this is a challenge I think it's worth we've got a whole lot of a moat here and if you don't watch it buddy you may have a new friend take a nice warm bath yes I mean it all right so let's see what do we need to do to get to this house loan arrows so far so good what do you mean a kid aim I'm not that bad anyway we'll see I guess we should start seeing if there's anything we can actually hit on the house hmm I bet you there's a button there's probably hitting button somewhere let me see nothing I don't see anything I don't want to hear it from you either while you fly over there you want a nice you want a head start come on now go out in yeah that's why I thought man you're gonna watch it got my eye on you that could be you real easy yeah you look at that arrow ah the nerve alright so maybe we just mmm-hmm they are right under my nose and take too long I shut up I could have made it on my first try if I really I don't want to hear it yeah you can't even shoot a bow you dumb bird oh yeah that's right I said it alright so let's see that fell down there you're on your own drum I'm out of here hey not bad so we're in ooh what's all that about now let's see we need to find a painting but what the half the battle is already done we're in the house let's see you get over here drum that's right you can't watch let's tease him where is he meaning meaning it I got it it's mine now we've done it all right we got the button now where's the committe oh hey what did he just do drum I was just kidding man come on all right let's see what do we got Oh was this drama uh all right well I guess we should play a little nicer with the chicken huh well level all right level three the castle masked let's do our you-you yeah well we don't need you anyway this is a I mean I'll stand by I might need you eleven come on let's see we got chest here can't open it as a block above it nothing we can do about that yet but keep an eye out maybe with another button we need to press somewhere okay we can't get in through there either but we can climb up here excellent all right well we're on our merry way can we do anything with this hmm I mean I don't know uh kenai but we found it Russ come on Russ Russ come on hurry up oh I gotta hit it for me oh wow is literally I went around the whole castle again nice we've done it now let me in actually do that what I do Hey there we go we've got the key if you place on the block of gold no thanks to you drum all right now where's the entrance of this thing huh biggest castle in the land I just wanted some paintings I don't want button every time I try and steal something it turned into wood but we're in private collection whoo whoa thy shall not touch thy painting that doesn't even make sense I'm an expert in Old English speak ye drums sticketh that's right don't even look at me are you laying more eggs disgusting all right well what do we got yeah nice library here bunch of empty chests nobody likes to why would you why would you put empty chests in your house you just teasing people at that point now look like there's any buttons we impress there mmm how about up here we're up on the second floor ooh let's see what we can scope on Anna hey I see a sign it opened up my eyes I saw the sign and ooh hello oh oh oh just down here again okay well maybe gotta be way to get in here was this hey some hidden in these perhaps and anything I'm a very decent searcher drum stick you don't even have fingers you can't open things all right how's me to say they're just covered in feathers I understand but they're still pretty useless and you cannot deny that mmm I wonder if something's in here no nothing oh now I'm convinced we missed something up here we have to have I fell down this part actually this is a different set of stairs hey hey now we're cooking we got oh that just did something I have no idea what now wait a second ah the treasure room Oh Oh fresh what is this what that oh my Wow we're in the machine room but what does it mean room I'm sorry what do you want leave me alone all right let's see we've got a diamond pigs they can break sandstone well that's up on the roof all right hey who wants to mess yo I'm telling you let me in empty empty Oh what empty really of course it's the last one huh all right well up we go let's see I don't see any paintings just yet do we need to jump to something who oh I got a feeling here we go all right drum count me down baby and alright we made it not bad it was all thanks to your counting drum stick yeah totally yeah it wasn't being sarcastic at all alright anyway yeah we got the painting now we've got the button that's right I shall touch it fifth bit but where's the command block now that I think about it it's in the machine room I I think yeah hey we've done it the next level it's the Pharaoh and no bird in sight excellent no wait a sec what all right really really really really really really any let me end the treasure you already got the treasure I bet right right alright anyways let's go ahead and just move on hopefully he didn't do that let's close this I don't need him joining us yeah that's right you got enough oh boy they're open every way wasn't kidding even left some remnants you know I want no part of that oh so something just changed okay don't know what we got a cactus I happen to love cactus they're delicious it was nothing in there hmm can we cook this cactus y'all cactus is cooked John Jones I don't know if that's from don't worry about it Oh Oh another cactus although I Fallen tomb of the Pharaoh oh wow drum didn't grab the loot thanks buddy well wow that is a lot holy treasure oh man well we got a ladder at least we got actually got a lot of giddy let's grab all of it mmm oh man holy treasure lots of it all over the place alright well I know I'm getting some speckled melon Hey as I'm Tom bad so this thing can break sand and the latter can be placed on a lapis lazuli block I guess we'll place that for now but I'm curious to say what's down there anything no nothing well I guess let's go ahead and see what other sand we can break huh what if I break this thing and this sand and did sad well now what did I miss something you holding out on me drum yeah I figured as much can't ever trust him actually I think we could I mean no harm right oh I don't know about this drum you got any words of encouragement for me buddy come on man that your answer to everything oh well the hunt for a painting continues oh shut up oh my gosh this took forever all right well we're in now what I got to do oh there's more on this side okay cool well maybe we got some answers huh we got labyrinth fear hey ooh uh well empty I'm stood to wonder if all the hallways had sand I wasn't really paying attention to them to be honest and I don't know there wasn't anything in there but I'm wondering if this did something I need to explore let's go back down to the Pharaoh's tomb maybe there's something changed there huh come on now work with me Pharaoh oh wow I was just kidding but it turns out there's something actually changed well this is great all right well down we go so far light the Raider - excellent but we still don't have a wait no it's right here I'm just blind all right anyways at least he doesn't have to know about it we're so deep down he can't probably hear us what wow I did not know chickens had such great hearing hey this is the way we came what is this oh well hello oh wow we're right back here oh well how about it alright level five the program let's do this you ready drum it doesn't move yeah that's rights get out of here chicken and we go oh oh boy what Wow automatic text alarm system I will succeed even if I'm in prison I got drum stick to get me out huh you know what drum come on after what we've been through all right well I guess we're on our own for now I'll remember that trust me we got a bunch of junk got more junk even more junk and we got even this kind of junk that kind of junk wow you're getting more junk oh let's go we got this kind of joke well lots of junk but nothing useful as far as I know actually I take it back this junk is useful oh we can't place it dang it's all useless won't do you much good I got drum to help me yeah drum what are you doing here did you oh did you know you live oh okay well at least are you lucky this is not a very good prison alright let's see what we got here gonna lever this says take a dump uh I don't know what that means let's go ahead and press this we got some options here I'll take a dump let's put all these items on here all the junk junk junk junk junk junk junk junk and then we'll hit these anything anything at all huh well some over here changed okay alright well you're on your own you stupid chicken haha freedom alright up we go and there's a huh now what's changed we need to get the lever what's different this time hey I was just kidding buddy I'm coming back yeah okay so something just opened let's see gotta be something real juicy doesn't hey there we go we got the diamond pickaxe it can break stone bricks well it looks as though our journey is truly about to begin or something come on one of these should have something there we go hey now we're cooking we're in the deep red circuitry Hey whoo there's the lever all right now we're a business don't worry drum we'll get out soon what do you mean you want to stay fine see if I care I'm out of here dude where's the exit there we go I didn't take too long and the final paint now wait a second it's literally not letting me grab it now what do I have to do let's see something in here actually oh no uh-uh uh-uh right anyways let's let's see what's up here this time probably something a little more promising we've got to enter a code a code what's what's the code drum you don't know either well we might be here a while now let's see what if it's one two three one three four oh oh wow wow it was okay well best thief in the land I suppose I'll take it but now what we do is there a command block up here this is where we just we're okay well I'm good at solving lever puzzles and that appears to be about it now wait a second we're back out here who knows what that thing did I'm just trying to find a command block man there it is press hey you are a true artist and the thief and look who happens to not be here drumstick all the paintings for me I hope you enjoyed artistic thief my dirk van win if you don't check out the map yourself downloads in the description I do hope you enjoy though please do drop a like on the but if you did and subscribe to see more minecraft content as it comes out and if the birds lucky he might be back I'm not my friends we see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,317,264
Rating: 4.877562 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft roleplay, minecraft drumstick, minecraft custom map adventure, minecraft custom mod adventure, minecraft custom map, custom map, minecraft art, minecraft stealing, stealing in minecraft, logdotzip, minecraft artistic thief, minecraft maps, custom mod adventure, custom, mod, adventure, minecraft adventure, map
Id: iQhiGeqV2zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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