Dropping Airplanes, Baja Suspension on a Monster Bush Plane | Scrappy #35

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hey guys do you know what we definitely should not do it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings okay guys so i'm a little bit nervous i'll tell you why because this time i'm going to drop the aircraft i'm going to pull it up to full height uh the five heights i get this strap to go which is going to be significantly above faa cert test but what's making me nervous is the plan's pretty well done um the first time i did drop tests it was just a frame i didn't care if it dropped i loaded up with sandbags i even sandbags i even thought hey i'll push it till it breaks worst case scenario i weld up some more frame a little bit of tube no big deal this time i'm doing a drop test and it's even unlike the drop test i did a little while ago which was just the airframe no motor on the front what do you think how did it feel right i've got 600 pounds of motor and prop and accessories on the front of the aircraft i've got a great big avionics system i'm loading it up with sandbags to mirror the weight of the wings i'm absolutely gonna gross weight this thing out and then drop it and uh crap that makes me nervous i mean i know i engineered and designed it and and over built a lot of the things but you just don't know until you test it and pull it to its limits so fortunately thank you faa for setting some guidelines of how far we've got to go to make sure that it's safe for uh survivability of a crash a hard impact um i'm gonna use your numbers and i'm going to go a bit higher than that significantly and we're going to test this but if i were to say i wasn't nervous i'd be lying because i'm a bit nervous let's get it over with let's load this up and drop it [Music] [Music] all right so what i'm about to do it scares the crap out of me [Music] so we got to tie down 12 rubber bungees crisscrossing back and forth i don't want that bolted i want that to have a little bit of give as the plane comes down and impacts on the front um just lets that have a little cushion in it uh it went really well except for one of them [Music] it got away from me and uh it was pulled as tight as we could get it and it came back around and hooked this finger and it's starting to swell up and i can feel every heartbeat in it just a flesh wound so let's get back to work all right guys i am doing something really sophisticated with this just kidding at the bath pal don't forget to bring a dial i'm going to put a drop hook pull cord that will separate these two and then this section of three giant d-rings will fall either forward or backwards and i don't want it to hurt my window or my sun top on here the window on top or the carbon fiber i'm kneeling on right now so hope that works out because i don't want to do a new window and i don't want to do a new one of these so i'm going to pat up a few more blankets and we're going to drop scrappy i'm excited i'm scared to death all right guys so the way we're going to do this we're first going to drop it from just barely off the ground it should be anticlimactic but we're just going to baby step our way up and this is where i get really nervous because i know i'm gonna want to keep going and going and take it as high as i've engineered it for which would take a really big drop two things one i only want to go high enough to know i'm safe and well beyond the faa certification limits and two i don't want to break it and three i'm not very disciplined um during testing because i have this desire to pull things until they break so the good thing is i think the beam over my head is going to help me stay disciplined and just go to about twice the load limits of certification testing um and if you can get that far um anytime you take an aircraft to be on twice its load limits usually aircraft is 1.5 times max limit we're to go over to dub over double but you you try to take an aircraft to double limits you break them in half when you're landing an aircraft and your wheels just grease on you're only getting like 1 100th of the weight of the plane if you kind of hit a little bit hard you may only be getting 10 percent of the weight of the plane and it's as you slow down and the wing stops lifting that all of the weight transfers to the ground but on a free drop you actually just drop all the weight anytime you have any forward movement you are still flying that wing is still carrying the majority if not all of the way to the plane i'm going to discipline myself i'm going to pull it till the beam stops me if we get to there i need to force myself to not hook it to the high ceiling and really take it up because oh my gosh at this point if i broke something it would be me simulating a full-blown plane crash and i don't need to do that and i have thousands of hours it would take to redo it so twice the limit is going to be enough we're going to stop there so we'll start small baby step let's get it over with all right guys i've taken it up just 12 inches so far and if it's not even pushing the suspension at all at this point so i'm gonna go ahead i was gonna walk it all the way up higher and higher and then come back down and then add weight um i'm just gonna skip it i'm gonna throw all the weight in take it back up i need to add about typical cub would have about a hundred pounds a side and a wing um scrappy's wings gonna be different thereby secretly adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets secretly i'm gonna add about 130 540 pounds aside for wings i don't need to go to the gym today we're packing sandbags i got a pallet of sandbags they're soaking wet we're up about 18 inches certification levels still nervous but gotta do it so i was watching what made noise um scrappy skeleton fell down and the lift yellow lift flopped down and smacked and then of course [Music] the big blue padded chunk of metal d-rings hit but so far so good i convinced myself i wouldn't go above the free drop test but it took it up so easy after what i saw it just about a foot i'm gonna take it up till the beam hits so i'm already breaking my rule that i want to go above certification test but that is my new limit oh my gosh let the rest of the tests go like that one and we'll sneak it up past 18 7. i think i'm gonna reach with what i have left in the ceiling upwards of 30 inches you know what's really interesting the first time is years back i looked at the free drop test for certification of an aircraft and i was thought it was really interesting 18.7 it's such a random number why wouldn't they just round it to 19. well then i started to look at the rate of impact once you get above just a few inches is just a monumental skyrocketing number and the g loading the forces of g's on impact just goes through the roof so 18.7 as soon as you start going above that it is monumental so some of you might think well shoot i've seen a cub hanging on its wings dragging its tail and it touches and it falls why wouldn't you want to take it to that high well if you actually do a free drop test no wings this is silly all right [Music] this seemed so obvious [Music] that's the difference from a free drop test without wings and a free drop test with wings it sounds really basic and simple but i've seen this debate on flying if people talking about a free drop test from this high doesn't say anything well freeze drop test without any wings drops and that's why so many of the drop tests look so violent and they look like things are going to explode apart yet if i'm flying a cub in and i'm dragging the tail and then the wing lets go and i drop it down well a lot of the times the wing isn't completely stalled it's let go it's no longer holding the complete weight of the aircraft but it still has some lift and oftentimes it still has lift in part of the wing and so and then on top of that one's like a giant open plain surface with huge drag and never lets that plane go gain momentum all the drop tests you watch online for the most part they use a jig it might have been a good idea the answer is don't think about it we're using faa certification three drop test 18.7 inches and we're going to take it to like double that you play with the math at the rate of increase and you quickly understand why 18.7 inches on a free drop has a 0.7 and not 19 inches okay take it all the way up to the limit 100 keep going is that all it's got all right there's our limit switch and i want to kind of show you something to kind of make sure i get the most risky drop possible but simulates as close as i can get the way a tire impacts the ground so when i did my twin arm gear i prevented the toe in toe out scrub that would have been severe on 20 inches of plus of travel and i mean it would have just dragged the whole tire it's working at all with 20 inches of travel but my tires are upright but i still have angular scrub which is really minimal obviously you're not going to get rid of all of it um with this much movement but i still got a little angular scrub and so this is to allow the tire to make impact and instead of dragging on the concrete i want it to slide easily which more simulates landing on gravel dirt snow and also simulates uh equally as important that the fact when you're landing you're not doing zero miles an hour the tire's rolling which means as it makes contact it instantly spins up and it rolls as the suspension moves so it's a roll out movement so i need this to move freely what's scary about that is by it moving really free it allows the suspension to kick bottom out much easier so i got to do it i have to do it here not in the backcountry let this last one go well i'm ready to drop it three two one [Music] so [Music] well strappy fell down once asleep and everything else looks really good i'm going to sleep at night tonight but i'm not going to push it any farther this is pretty awesome to me i still have a lot a lot of room to go okay i'm unhooking everything and here's why i can't help myself i need to stop drop test and i'm going to stop my drop test where i'm at but i got to get it unhooked because every time i look over here i just want to take it up higher and higher there was so much travel left i could still put more pressure in it and i need to reframe so i'm taking off the blankets taking everything off it's really hard for me to do that's rough buddy it is really hard to do because part of me just wants to know how far would i have to go before it broke and then if i did it and i took it up six feet up and it survived i might want to go seven eight nine ten so i'm not gonna hook to any other beams in here i promise myself i'm holding firm let's build something else about to work i'm super happy with the results of the drop test i really did want to take it up higher so i hurry and unhooked it of course it couldn't have gone any higher on that beam but i've got it pulled off i'm not wanting to do any more i had it gross weight maxed out everything i needed to learn i learned a couple things we noticed right off the bat the test was perfect other than it did bounce um what's great about that is that's the easiest fix of all this is a king shock the same i've got on the front this is off of poor draco but draco's been donating parts so inside here i've got a different uh shim pack and i can go ahead and change the valving in here i'm going to make a small adjustment on the impact and then i'm going to slow down the rebound and then that's it um i know for sure because i've played with king so much in off-road racing i know for sure i can probably go to a 15 on the rebound and scrappy will come down and just stick like glue which would have made the drop death video even more anti-climactic it really i mean it kind of was boring it was fun um but it just was anticlimactic and part of that i think is because i know i built the suspension more like some of the trophy trucks and baja rails jumping off of sand dunes it's the same structure same design hem designed to handle double triple quadruple what we just tested i only moved the o-ring there's an o-ring slide that you can slide up and down on a king shock it's this one right here and uh it probably moved about to there i didn't even get close to bottoming out and all i need to do is change the shims adjust the pressure and i might only use that much so scrappy has a long way to go at this point the only reason i never hit harder than that would be a severe mistake all i need to do at this point is inspect it so i've got inspection plates to get into my carbon fiber mini wings i'll go up inside there i got inspection plates right inside where the shocks attached to the main frame all that substructure w webb truss system that goes between um i got inspection of the motor mount everything i gotta say um i'm gonna go through all of it because it's the only way you all know for sure but i didn't hear a thing there wasn't a pop or a crack or some kind of violent impact it was so docile um i'm not anticipating finding anything but it's going to take me a couple hours i'll go through every single inch put it back together and then guess what i get to do change the shims and build the cowling we got lots to do and some windows door trim a few things like that but i'm done with shocks let's get to work hey guys i just got home it's the middle of the night so i got to be quiet but earlier my son decks he's rebuilding some wave runners sanding and painting them he ended up pulling the whole motor down doing all the way down to the the crank pistons a full overhaul he's doing upholstery and while he was working on that at the hanger when he got done i kept working and now i come home and i hear noise hey dex what you doing i'm testing out a bunch of new mods i've done to this black widow 3d printer right now it's making a height map kind of like that on the computer of all the imperfections in the bed it's a home build and i'm still kind of messing with it so there's no need to tuck up the wires yet i'm gonna make covers and little cooling cases for everything and make it all pretty but for now it's just the basic stuff some of these parts on here are these the ones i saw you printing earlier um i think so there's a lot of those and there's a lot of those so you know how to run the code yeah it's pretty cool buddy all right anyway guys that's my son i should be telling him to go to bed but i'm not going to i'd be a hypocrite we'll talk to you later see you guys say bye [Music] foreign
Channel: undefined
Views: 400,187
Rating: 4.9156408 out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Id: AGpkQtEfUnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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