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[Music] hello you know that World War II was in 1939 through 1945 I did yep do you know that I'm an access power baby I don't know what that means I'm half Japanese and half German my ancestors committed atrocities wait I'm half German too but half Chinese almost same yeah it's kind of close kind of close anyway hello guys and welcome to episode 58 of the steak and eggs podcast I'm Emmy with my co-hosts techie and asmin and today we're with ail May who's uh probably probably most you guys know who she is she's done Esports League stuff and now she works with us at otk if you if you didn't know is that how you say it otk no it work I feel like you should know that is it a yeah a did you say AI I said AI I've heard both honestly as long as there's an o in front of I didn't want to bring it up I was going to bring it up I brought it up yeah is that is that your real name yeah no it's not where's that from Japan or Germany you know neither my mom just met like a lady who had the name ay and she's like that's cool I'm going to steal it where'd she meet her she was teachers with my grandma where I'm not [ __ ] doxing my grandma okay all right that makes sense that's cool it's like Olive that's fun right small the Pokemon came out and I'm like that's me oh yeah I know that guy did you get bullied in school for that name or no no because I actually went to school in Silicon Valley so I was the minority as the half-white kid and I would get bullied for that because everyone around me was Indian or full Asian so I had like Akash priy aera uh Chianti like deepy like all of these different names so my name was not weird yeah yeah everyone had unique names I guess you could say okay yeah I was in Texas so it's the same thing like I was one of the minorities being a white guy everybody else was hispanic Mexican something like that and you know there's like maybe like a dozen other white guys that was about it so yeah I get it so yeah you're actually making the uh you're going to make the games Expo good again so basically your job is to make sure that Teek te isn't there yes really go I can't go really um you know let me just go ahead and uh run that run that idea up the ladder to yeah we're going to have to do we're going to have to have a meeting about that I think I think I would do great think so we we actually uh when is it it's June 4th you can find the Expo June 4th the pre-show starts at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time so that's so early dang have we always start that early we've started usually at noon but the pre-show is going live at 11:30 because like honestly this year we have had so many freaking applications and so many of them are so good from these solo devs really small Dev Studios or Indie Dev Studios across Germany uh Europe basically all across Europe we have people from Poland uh Lithuania Australia uh the [ __ ] is Lithuania I don't know what that is either but they're from there small country in Europe so we took a bunch of the trailers that you know weren't quite Expo ready but we're putting them in the pre-show so that you know we get to Showcase more Indie devs because indie games are freaking killing it this year with hell divers we had lethal company that content fund game um pal world there's just so many good indie games right now while the tripa studios are [ __ ] the bed well cuz they're trying to spend 300 million [ __ ] dollars to make a game how can you do that and then people are mad yeah so then the last assassin's creed was like $500 million $300 million to make right the new one I bet is probably about the same right somewhere around there maybe even more and so then what does Ubisoft have to do well they have to charge $130 [ __ ] dollar for one game it's for a game and they want you to sign up for their version of Netflix for video games I saw him getting death threats for saying that wait surely that's deluxe edition right yeah that that that tweet was really popular too Norm what is the deluxe edition come worth oh so okay so basically if you buy this is the new [ __ ] that they do is they do like this 3-day Early Access thing where it's like okay we need to change the vocabulary for this it's not 3-day Early Access your paying to play it on time and you're paying to not play it 3 days late and so here's the reality so you have the the standard edition and you have a quest that you don't even get unless you uh pre-order the game so you have to tell them hey I want to give you money for a game you've never even [ __ ] shown gameplay for they've only shown cinematics this is Cinematic like how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know that it's going to be good no I'm going to play it I'm going to play it for sure right because like this is the thing I feel like I'm kind of uh I'm kind of like Jesus right and no no so so I got you I'm following okay so what's going to happen is I'm going to play the game and I'm going to do it so other people don't have to and so I will effectively waste my time if the game sucks and then everybody can just watch me dude they got to [ __ ] hate you so much over there who Ubisoft I know God I hate you so bad so so here's the thing right remember whenever Skull and Bones game that came first quadruple GES yeah and uh it was and uh so basically the game comes out and uh I they I had a sponsor for it and I was like um so like because I made a video about how the game's bad and it's got like a million views so like do they still want to pay me to play it like I don't right and then they they came back told mebody yeah it's fine like what the [ __ ] I ended up not doing it but um yeah I I don't think Ubisoft even gives a [ __ ] I actually don't think so I feel like they are just trying to make their money and trying to get people to sign up for their [ __ ] service no it's crazy yeah no I was telling you'all before the podcast started I was playing Monopoly with uh foosley Miz and K katamina and one of them didn't have the game and she was like guys I don't know how to download the launcher without paying for Assassin's Creed cuz I was trying to make her Buy working as intended yep there it is and that's the thing is it's like oops I just had to spend $70 to download a free game ooh wow how long did it take her to do it uh it probably took us about 45 minutes to actually start playing ridiculous this is like a team effort right yeah no we were all like Googling and like I was trying to look stuff up I was like I found this like Steam support page is like oh Ubisoft here's how you like get it to launch link redacted they [ __ ] deleted the link was like a one-year-old post I was like what the hell well that seems typical the only way you can figure out how to use Ubisoft is on Steam so is the extra $60 just for early at not being late access so it gives you an extra Quest you get a season pass that's right there's a season pass [ __ ] that for a single player game they don't give you like cuz back in my day you you get the digital Deluxe you get like some like physical merch like when you pre-ordered Fallout 4 you got a pit boy I pre-order or I pre-ordered the deluxe wasn't that like a piece of [ __ ] though yeah but I liked it but it's kind of cool for it's something and when you pre-ordered uh Elder schools Oblivion 4 you got an imperial septum I still have dope as [ __ ] it's a good ass game back when Bethesda didn't suck I don't know about that I think it's that's before people realize that it sucked I dude I love that they're still some of my favorite games I ever played at what point do you think Bethesda started sucking fall they never did they never started because they were always bad n that's it was always bad the games were always bad like even if I go and I look at sky here's the reality Skyrim came out in 2011 Dark Souls 1 came out in 2012 like in one year Dark Souls one is so far above if you go back and you look at the combat in Skyrim that [ __ ] is a joke that is bad story am for Skyrim but stealth Archer yes Ste AR so fun it was good in a Jank way the Thieves Guild quest were some of the best dark brotherhood was so [ __ ] the Fighters Guild The mag's Guild terrified dude I've played through that game so many times I've never killed Al I never did it I just I only did the side quest cuz when you beat a main story Quest it's sad it is cuz then it's like H and the worst thing is you kill Al and the dragons are still there from what I've heard so I like what's the point it's true yeah what the [ __ ] the point Thieves Guild was the [ __ ] when you get the nighting Gale armor at the end of it super op and same thing with what Mar and Scrolls uh 2 when you got the boots of Spring Hill Jack and you can just press the A Button launch yourself into space and then you'll die when you hit the ground cuz you jump too high I just I cannot get into those games I played Starfield like I actually thought that I hated video games after I played Starfield yeah yeah I did I I gaslighted myself into thinking I hated video games I didn't play it either yeah it and now a word from our [Music] sponsors yep I'm back from the future yet again to tell you about our podcast sponsor cash app the financial app of the future that's right you can now get 4.5% interest on your savings balance when you direct deposit $300 or more in pay checks a month Into Cash app do you understand what this means Jay Jay just just nod yes or no anything give me anything Jay cash looks like Jay is so shocked he's completely Frozen but with cash app's 4.5% interest on his savings he's still earning money anyways he doesn't have to do anything with his time and neither do you just by letting time pass by you make money by making money it's so simple that it's crazy get paid just by getting paid download cash app on the app store or Google Play Store right now for free scan the QR code on the screen or click the link in the description thanks Cash app for sponsoring our podcast freeze time resume time future cash so then did you enjoy breath of the wild I only played like maybe a tiny little bit of it I didn't play it that much I liked it too I finished it I love did you play Tears of the Kingdom I haven't so good if you love breath of the wild oh you finished tears of the Kingdom um so also fun fact I never beat Ganon in breath of the wild because I just beat all the side quest but I watch I watch people in agdq do it okay okay cuz you could beat Ganon in like five minutes if you've done all the side quests no I thought tears the King was ass so I doesn't play it why it's too much [ __ ] why there you got to build [ __ ] I just want to play the game I forgot about that I watched Clint Stevens try to build like a [ __ ] thing to like move and I was like man this like I don't want to play this [ __ ] I know people led it but I have PTSD from another my favorite video game franchise of all time which is Banjo kazui and they made this game called uh nuts and bolts and essentially nuts and bolts is tears of the Kingdom because it was just banj kazou but now it's Legos and I'm just like what's the point so I quit immediately okay understandable if you like it that's okay though you must like Legos well yeah no I mean like I really like tears of the Kingdom because I thought what they were doing with the whole building stuff was pretty cool and Innovative and you could really solve puzzles any way you wanted similar to breath of the wild but the story for tears of the Kingdom I was just on the floor in the fetal position sobbing was it actually that good it was really good I'm not saying [ __ ] but it also made me really sad because then I would go on Twitter and then I would see people build creations and they [ __ ] with the cororo and that would break my somebody would build like they would bomb build like a bomber plane and then just like drive over or like fly over them and just blow them up me so that made me want to play the game it was so good people made like a giant robot with a can I say pis with like a flaming penis that would just keep like theck the fire dick it was weird but it was also great like I said Innovation within video games yay what gives people the opportunity to be creative you know and I liked it a lot like I I will eventually play it the reason why I haven't is like the switch is on the other side of my room and I just don't want to go over there and like I haven't really like I bought my Nintendo switch and I never really played anything on it I just don't really use I'm just always on PC the only reason I play Playstation like I played Stellar blade did any of you guys play Stellar Blade no it's on my list awesome yeah I started the actual game it's good I haven't got that far in it though yeah it's it's it's good like I would say like I'm glad that now people are kind of start of starting to be like able to make like a Souls light games that don't suck like because for such a long time every new Dark Souls game I would play it and it would be [ __ ] garbage and like now they're actually coming out with some pretty good ones is Stellar blade a Souls like kind of in a lot of ways yeah okay it's got like the same type of action combat if frame dodging you know General gameplay cuz I heard well I know there was the whole Stellar blade censorship ass controversy or whatever which I I was kind of like in and out of that but my favorite game kind of got dragged into the conversation which made me want to just burn down Twitter or something what favorite game Bayonetta Bayonetta is my favorite game of all time because I [ __ ] love her she's hot baned is [ __ ] hot um and so so I saw a lot of people drawing like combinations there so I was like oh is it's like another like hack and slash like Devil May Cry type of thing but if it SS like well it's kind of I mean it's a little bit of everything right it's like kind of in the middle they had the other drama where everybody was positive that the main character was a lesbian right that's the same game they had a lesbian Dr controversy yeah that was so bayonett I mean it's like heavily implied and she was she was married she had a kid no are you sure I no I I saw that oh you're talking about okay so Bayonetta 3 yeah okay here we go that that will take me hours that's hour that's like hours and hours and hours long conversation because Bayonetta 3 what they did was they opened up the the Multiverse where they're like okay there's all these different bayas which I was like this is cool Japanese Chinese Bayonetta um there was like Egyptian Bayonetta and in a lot of these different like Egyptian Bayonetta was gay she was all up in Jean she was just gay uh but then for the quote unquote like main Bayonetta they made her cannon with Luca who's the male protagonist people were pissed they're like how dare you reccon my bayetta and it's like it's it's multiverses like there's different universes so don't worry she's gay in most of them but then in this one she is straight and it's like you know what we love a queen who does both we love a queen who does both that is so dumb like people get so mad it's not even [ __ ] real y it's crazy like I I could see like a little conversation about it but the fact that like people make like Twitter accounts and likeone yeah imagine getting mad over that I don't get mad at what het sexuality is I get upset when some somebody says they're this sexuality and if you like them you're [ __ ] up no that's the same thing I still think Bayonetta is hot as buuck whether she's straight or lesbian I don't care it's an anime character it's a cartoon you're not going to tell me that I'm wrong for liking how a a quote unquote lesbian in your mind looks I don't care I die for her who said that though do people actually my God you didn't say there's like 20,000 up votes 30,000 up votes you posting with like genin characters or something I I know the robin thing but you were being like I'm going to freck like that's a little different thing like I like how it look so this girl so yeah basically there is this girl in Hong Kai star rail that was like uh you know everybody in the community and by everybody I mean the top 10% of most entally mentally ill Twitter users in the community decided that she was a lesbian based off of some color pattern on her face and so uh basically she couldn't sing for a festival in the game and teone said that the reason why she couldn't sing was because she was sucking so much dick and you're a little [ __ ] this really this really just kind of because here's the thing extreme people like this you can only deal with them by being extreme bad that's right that is true so I had to and then I made a Twitter post which I'm not sure if you guys saw they got uh 10,000 likes yesterday because I met Robin in real life wow I did see that yeah that's a good ass photo that's dope that that made them very upset made them really upset now they're now it's even worse yeah but it's been great D I just feel like you have to be equal with thirst trapping across the internet if you're thirst trapping over a guy or thirst trapping over a girl it's just like let everyone just be degenerate equally yeah hell yeah absolutely like yeah I like who who ever complained about that it's like as a guy it's like of course I want my guy to be like a [ __ ] massive dude it's ripped you know exactly like yeah he's going to have hair too imagine that exactly how i' want it to be I do understand the need of representation in video games I do because I will admit when I play game and I can't be bald it makes me really upset so that is that why you're so mad playing gotra games all the time because like the only time F bald if there's a bald character in the game that's the enemy straight up oh so I'm the bad guy any Goa character that's bald in any game there are no there are no fat or bald characters like every like you can see in a trailer it's like if you see a fat one oh you have to kill him you know what the closest thing to repres representation I have what gragas from League of Legends but he's got so much hair I mean he's balding but he's in certain skins he's bald grow his hair be nasty as [ __ ] but at least in anime you get more represent saitama that one dude in Bleach uh you got it come on yeah no there's got to be more there's got to be another Baldi there's oh jet from Cowboy oh yeah y That's good got like the mutton chops going on though I actually am curious what are your top video games of all time if you were to give me five cuz I want to give you a recommendation but I'm not sure if you've played it already oh top video games of all time that's I'm all over the place cuz you you've been in this video game when did you start video gaming bro I learned how to read off of Ocarina of Time I learn how to read off of Pokemon right right so I'm like going through I I show up at like preschool and I'm like do you guys know about the deu tree like what the [ __ ] is this kid no did you have the did you have the game guide yes that's how I learned that's how I learned to read from like the game guide cuz my ass was too stupid I'm still stupid like trying to get through games now so like when I was like three or four my uncle had like the Nintendo 64 and I had to put the Nintendo 64 Controller like between my knees because it was it was so big and so I would have to play like this and then I didn't know until I was maybe like six or seven that you could get past Kiri forest in aing of time I would collect 99 rupees and then I'd restart the game that's insane out of curiosity how did you hold the Nintendo did you go like this or did you go like this or did you go like this well once why the [ __ ] did it have three of them well once I was you know old enough and I had bigger hands to like hold it I think I was right in Middle yeah I think I was right in Middle as well here The Only Exception was like when you're playing Pokemon Stadium and then all of a sudden you're you're over here with the mini games going dude the mini games for Pokemon Stadium were so good so good like The Magikarp junk and the the the lied tongue Buffet eat that was so much fun so good and the Clefairy memory game did you guys play Pokemon Stadium at all oh uh I mean I remember I had it I didn't really play it a whole lot like I did do the same thing though like I remember my mom she bought me a strategy guide for Secret of Mana and it was like a 200 Page book and I was like yeah I don't know what do I do in the game she's like read the book and I'm like well I don't know how to read she's like well you better find out you better learn how to read you not going to know how to do the game and that's how I learned how to read too so number five best video game of all time for you okay I I let me I have to just Chuck them it's in kind of no order so i' still say Bayonetta is at the top and I'm going to say Bayonetta 1 two3 so that's just one yep um Majora's Mask is actually is that your favorite Zelda of all time it's it it wins over Nostalgia because I'd say that right now breath of the wild feels really good but Majora's Mask just has like that good Nostalgia feel with so many side quests that my ADD brain is like yeah I'm going to go find another freaking mask I have to go track this Keon guy down all right let's go got every mask never self-pierce Dy ID Maj was terrifying with the big moon um Harvest Moon was my [ __ ] super good harvest moon was my [ __ ] I have a great recommendation for you if you haven't played this game yet I'm curious on top five I'm excited okay I'd say Harvest Moon DS is probably my favorite because it was Back to Nature but better controls you like Harvest Moon Over stard Valley stard Valley it it hit on all of the quality of life changes that you really needed for a lot of the Harvest Moon games because a lot of the Harvest Moon games like they were Japanese made and if you've ever played like you know American RPG compared to a jrpg jrpg for Persona like Final Fantasy you're clocking in hours compared to I feel like Western RPGs where it's maybe that 40 to 60 hour range so I'd say yeah so sure let's throw stardew Valley on that list um and then oh my gosh trying to think of like what's really freaking good because I just kind of flip back and forth do you ever play Monster Rancher on like PlayStation no I was always recommended it I heard it was super good I remember seeing commercials for it I never played that it's a good game it's of like a creature keeper type thing and then you just force things to fight I like Pokemon but I feel like I kind of like monster inro more I think that was about five okay so you like farming simulators I do have you played the greatest Farming Simulator of all time Viva Pinata trouble in Paradise it's so good it's so [ __ ] good oh my God y oh my God the best oh I'm gonna add bug snacks to my list good have you ever played bug snacks or Viva Pinata glad this side of the couch good side of the couch oh bro bug I can't wait for the second part apparently that's coming second part of bug snacks VI pinata is dead as [ __ ] which pisses me off Piñata it is the best farming simulator ever made and there's no other game that's like it and it's so frustrating yeah do we just only like the Preston games or what yeah yeah yeah speaking of De Preston games I I feel like this is the perfect time to ask how did you get into League Esports and doing casting and all that stuff oh it it was easy I hated my myself and I hated my life so I just I was like actually but like actually I mean yes but actually how yeah so I got into League of Legends I think like around the same time as a lot of other people which was kind of in high school I joined in I think it was at the end of season 1 beginning of season 2 cuz Ari had just kind of came out and so I fell in love with League of Legends I was addicted I got addicted to League of Legends uh I played through in high school I was just a sad depressed little pathetic teenager um so I found out what Esports was I went to like season two World playoffs at LA Live for League of Legends I fell in love with it I'm like oh my God I need to work in Esports I don't care what the hell I do I'll be a [ __ ] janitor cleaning the bathroom stalls and Riot like I just I want to work in Esports and so I went to college in Los Angeles uh because I knew that that's where Esports was right I started like my own club I started volunteering at like a bunch of local uh kind of like Esports orgs I did High School star league I did Collegiate star league I did I ran like lands and all the stuff were you like playing in them or just like doing like the organizing and stuff hell no girl I suck I suck at League of Legends wait what's do you play ranked I attempt I'll say this my highest ranking was plat one and I failed my diamond promos five times that's that's better than that's better than like 95% of people better than forcing and soda popping it was rough not saying much I mean they they've been playing all day it's like sad I've been watching them though uh but then I uh it was mainly production so I was doing a lot of behind the scenes work and when it came to kind of like hosting or casting I I just kind of like fell in front of it by accident uh because from our staff we were a team of like 18 to 24 year olds was probably the oldest that we had we were all just like college kids just under bidding every single Esports production company because we didn't pay ourselves we're like we'll do it for fun uh so of course we didn't have money for talent are you kidding me so they're just like AI just go up there and read the raffle numbers just introduce the stuff and I'm like bet I got it and then from there I hopped over to Yahoo Esports where I got an internship doing like LCS coverage and then Yahoo died uh rip and then Riot picks me up and Riot's like hey you want to do League of Legends interviews I'm like I thought this wasn't going to happen until I was like 30 or 40 I'm still in college right now okay okay and so yeah I just hopped into it and I I absolutely loved my time with the LCS it was so much fun I loved all the players I loved the community how was working with the community like how what was that 10 years ago eight years ago dear God versus now is it way different so I mean I was so I made my I guess quotequote debut where I jumped in 2017 officially 2018 when I was still in college and that's back when the League of Legends Community was still colleged aged y so now we've seen like this huge drop off with League of Legends as League legs so the community yes it's gotten a little bit more hardcore with just people who are like I need to see the analysis like I've dedicated the past 10 years of my life to this so I take this very seriously so I would say that it's not as fun anymore we've seen a lot of like League of Legends content creators kind of like pull out maybe go to valerant go to different types of games um and then the community itself has just kind of like shrunk so I'd say that that's probably the biggest difference is that kind of like what you've experienced too yeah I feel it well I mean I personally don't know anyone who's popping out kids but I feel like most of the league people I know just kind of got burnt out on it and they kind of feel the same way where it's like the community is just not there anymore I just don't get burned off League I've just always played it my whole life it's cuz you play normal so you can be happy I just play fun I just play for fun I don't give a [ __ ] about ranked he doesn't really play League of Legends then well no I mean I did but then I'm just like e who cares I just like talking to my friends play the game is what it is if I win I win if I don't I'll call somebody a slur move on that's pretty much it that's the quota you know you got to rip one of those every now and then have you been chat restricted before techie yeah just couple not really not that much legitimately really not that much just like twice in like 10 years of like okay okay that's fair yeah that's not bad yeah that's not bad at all I know not as bad but like I was super excited to see like you and then double lift and then Poe and box box all in like the AT&T oh yeah we all yeah we all did that yeah yeah yeah that was that was fun I mean it's cool seeing like box box for example is just good at every game it's crazy and then double lift ridiculous it's just like I didn't know he was a master Street Fighter player like what the hell dud I I shout casted a tournament that he was in uh like two days ago for a gotcha game played the game for like two days obliterated everybody what was the game uh solo leveling oh yeah they made the game of that yeah he's [ __ ] on everybody bro he's so cool damn gosh I told him I was a big fan he said I don't know who you are it was awesome that's so him bro he during uh I don't remember which day it was oh it was during the league round of the AT&T Annihilator cup he was like coming to my stream and like spying on me and I was like kind of like [ __ ] on him and I was like you have no content and like we were like talking back and forth and he was like all right I'm going to go watch a good stream now and left oh my but I love bantering with him like it and so it was best of ones for these League games right and he asked for a remake because his jungler forgot to take Smite which is he said it was because of the app and I was like whatever dude but we we let him remake cuz they already left so like nothing we can do and then we play the actual game I [ __ ] first blooded him like 4 minutes in and I type remake question mark in all that he was so [ __ ] mad makes you feel any better we totally called that out on the host and Caster side really I didn't know that we lit them the [ __ ] up I was having so much fun like I was like laughing with my team making jokes we didn't win that game but I know double was just like he was playing [ __ ] Starcraft on his side of the thing like he was micromanaging all of his teammates but I mean they won so he was trying really hard you know who else was trying really hard Kai s out on Elden ring for 171 deaths and 166 hours of gameplay I'm impressed I'm not I really am I'm [ __ ] impressed yeah he sat through and he did the entire [ __ ] thing and that was his first Dark Souls game he hasn't really played any other [ __ ] games I love that I I I like more when you know someone dies a thousand times but they actually beat it and didn't give up than someone who dies like 50 times it's like okay good for you I mean why that's [ __ ] you say oh it's your first Dark Souls game so it's pretty good okay all right sure hypothetically it's your first Dark Souls game but after you play for 120 hours and it takes you 300 attempts on Millennia it was more than I'm just saying melenia probably just killed herself from boredom rather than Bea the damn boss but I have a hot take I think Kai's actually way better than he let on and I think he was dying intentionally for views really why is that well because first of all if I had 250,000 people watching me on Millennia I would kill myself too right had a three minute ad because there was this one moment I wasn't sure because I'm I'm a I'm a I'm a bitter paranoid man right yeah Millennia he Dodges every water foul dance I've ever seen flawlessly but then he had the boss at one hit waterfoul he rolls into it yeah all he had to do was roll back and I'm like nah there's no [ __ ] way there's no CH on stupid things it's normal you see them at one Health and monkey brains like I got to go in and hit him oh my God yeah it's like the the gamer brain compliment though it it was the best playthrough I've ever seen it was so much fun start finish it made me so angry it made me so happy it was perfect I love how hard he went on decorating his entire room I think he did that for that and what was the game right before sushima sushima it was sushima red dead it was before that oh was before before I think so yeah he did sushima and that was great like he came out with like the uh Samurai like sword the next in that line it be like maybe cyber Punk for him you could do like a cyber Punk themed room I that that' be good [ __ ] that game is so good it's criminally underrated dude maybe he'll play like seiro or something oh God that would be sick be [ __ ] crazy no he's just not he you think he can't do it he beat melenia with no armor on he's going to be able to do it it's a [ __ ] video game programmed to lose it's design that you can beat it you can say oh he beat melani with no armor on but he had so much HP it's pretty much like he had armor on because no he didn't dude he could take a hit from millennia that means anybody could take a hit yeah but he had did you see how much HP he had and he was using the top meta bu he had the D he had the Dual katas the enchanted it's the sword that you get from the dead Samurai and the riv blood no the other one Moon Katana the really long one um sephar off sword oh okay whatever the [ __ ] that one is I don't know man was crazy to me that Tech's a a build nitpicker when you're like butterfly was so easy I did it in one try and she was like glitched in the corner I did still bring that here's also the thing is that like you you talking about this but also like you're you're behind the times man they Nerf this [ __ ] out of those weapons like literally a year ago okay well when I used it everybody said it was op and he was using the same BU as I know because that was like a year ago okay yeah exactly that's my point yeah people say every build is op that's the good thing about a game like that is that like you you play the first half of the game and it's hard and then the second half is a joke because you're good at making a build and you just destroy everything I just feel like if play Elden ring and you get above level one then I feel like you just haven't beat the game so you didn't beat the game none of us did to be honest only three have truly beat the game but uh yeah there's a big difference between Millennia and [ __ ] owl too that fight is a [ __ ] I think Millennia is way harder I I agree one like is you can outscale Millennia you can't outscale Al it's not that hard he does like five attacks I beat him too listen I beat him too those are five have you have you played second round that's a [ __ ] that's I still need to go back and beat that but dude I tried I open it up oh yeah remember it was like three weeks ago whenever you said next time that we do the podcast you're going to be done with the game remember that remember yeah it blue screened my PC and it does not let me open I have video footage I have video footage I have tried I am trying to open it up I have 11 outdated drivers I need means you lost to the game Lost I did lose only otk had some sort of you know PC Branch or new computer could or just a guy can come over and update my drivers that would be my PC works great I love star Forge PCS they're my favorite just just download Nvidia GeForce experience and click the green button thank you just download just click the green button it's really not that hard all right I'll do it I had to do it myself it was awful but you'll get through it sorry yeah I I was happy to see how well Kai did I really was I was so happy cuz like whenever I heard that he was going to do Len I was like ah [ __ ] you know I don't know if he really going to beat the game right is beating the game like kill like two or three bosses but he did the entire [ __ ] thing I was really impressed I was happy yeah I think I was most impressed with his um what's the very first boss big gold guy on the horse free Sentinel man he beat the [ __ ] out he didn't give up he didn't out he didn't outscale it he just went in there and he said [ __ ] it I'mma do it W's in the chat slammed it lost lost his mind I've never seen K ofate like that just pure brain off thing is also like imagine from his perspective he's never played a game like this this is the first [ __ ] thing oh my God yep you know I'm going to be locked in here for 6 months yep man what a great [ __ ] stream dude no I I feel like watching those games is like always so fun and like whenever I watch them and I see somebody doing worse than me I'm always like yeah of course you are yeah of course you are yep well even when we were doing pixel pitch and they showed you that new Souls light game that was like still in development what black meth Wukong no I wish yeah um no no it was another game okay it's a small small game game right yeah yeah he was like oh it's okay you won't get past this guy he gets past the guy he's like well you're not going to get past this guy and he takes him like almost down to one HP I'm like oh dop damn I could have done way better so sooda would have beat it I I felt like a [ __ ] idiot I died I was actually mad I was mad for the rest of the show because of that D I was pissed I was like how did I lose to that like what am I stupid just three abilities I did it wrong I'm really excited I'm I'm totally going to self-promote for the Expo for a second but like when I was looking through some of the different games from all the submissions and stuff part of me was going like okay I could see asmin playing this oh I could see soda playing this so I'm like excited for when the [ __ ] does come out I just funnel all the games to you and get like your thoughts your feelings opinions because I also know that the devs would eat that that [ __ ] up too because you because you know everyone here has played so many freaking games I feel like you would be able to just drop like yeah this feels good but if you tightened up like either like the mechanics or kind of like phase one phase two of this boss here it would feel better in the long run so excited I'm still in shocked that that crab game exists I want play that was [ __ ] crazy it was called another crabs treasure yeah and I played this game and it was like straight up the end of the game or like towards in the game you go into what is equivalent of an Orlando and it's like the size of storm Vil Castle in Elden ring you're not trolling I'm not [ __ ] with you and there's like platforming uh challenges and everything it is insane how how good is it from like Souls games that you played like where would you put it I would say that lies of p is much more expansive there's more to it so probably lies of P might be a little bit better but I think that for what this game is was developed by 11 or 13 people yeah it is there is nobody who did a better job damn is crazy holy [ __ ] yeah I was amazed by the way I also have to ask uh your shirt says the manga was better so I do want to ask what are your top five anime and manga okay here we go okay so number one it's Foody kie hands down flcl my absolute favorite I bought a yellow vesa that was like my graduation present to myself from college and I scooted around on that thing throughout La I've almost been killed multiple times it is it is now sitting in my backyard unused because I can't put my dog on it big German Shepherd uh so it goes yes uh Foody coie and then it goes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure which one nice part five is my favorite that's my favorite one too it's so good part five it's because the Joe Bros carry it like the the party aside Mista is my absolute favorite then there's Mama butati yeah nancha the goat um so those are the two and then the third one it's a little weird it's panty stocking garter belt I like super good favorite I haven't seen that [ __ ] in Forever what the [ __ ] you seen that you you probably seen it but you just don't know that it was it yeah it's like kind of a very uh unique art style very degenerate show as well it was the crew that made uh Evangelion they made uh Tangen top and guran nagan uh they basically I think they were still with gyx when they made panion stalking uh so they did gyx same people who did Foody coie it was their take on West animation so it's kind of like Powerpuff girly is um but very different it's and they go Giga anime whenever they get like super hot the cut scenes are just ridiculous up and down on poles yeah oh it is so graphic I love it it's my favorite y uh so those are the top three and then the top two can always kind of like the b or the bottom two I should say always flip around so I love barakamon barakamon is one of my favorite heard that what is that Slice of Life dude is a calligraphy artist um he moves to like a rural Island in Japan to like find himself and then he's like going through with all these little towns people why do you like it that much cuz that sounds not my thing it's totally fine it's very heartwarming and it's something to just kind of like sit down with when you just want to feel something okay like have you ever heard of your March comes in like a lion yeah I heard of it yeah I watch that when I want to feel like [ __ ] about myself and cry why watch berserk or read berserk it's too long man it's too long it's not that long it's berserk and here's the thing I have respect for them berserk one piece bleach one piece is a fantastic Manga and Anime that I just will not watch I you know what's crazy I think you are so correct for not doing that i' I'm current on one piece and I don't think it's worth to read all of it it's too [ __ ] long and and the time that you can read one piece you can read 35 other [ __ ] shows and get a complete story out of it so I I F people who don't want to watch that [ __ ] it's still good it is still good and then my fifth is either this is tough it's tough because it's either there's kiss him not me and then there's Daka Ichi no idea you know heard of it you know what this isn't this isn't the place to get into the second one so let's just talk let's just say kiss him not me okay you don't like V saga no I mean I never started it actually you should watch it so I shouldn't say that I don't like it I just have not started it yet I want to give you a recommendation if you seen konosuba yes you're not a fan I'm not a fan of the isekai that's tot F but I understand that konosuba is like a play like a satire I guess on the isekai life but sort out online I was like this is great yeah and then they wake up and they're like but Austin is still in there and I'm like okay I'm out yeah dude I want to give you a recommendation but the [ __ ] you watch is so much different from the [ __ ] I watch name give me one oh no like Vinland Saga berserk I mean [ __ ] H blue lock is also dope as [ __ ] um what's the record of Ragnarok that's that manga is awesome the anime is terrible the the manga is amazing uh [ __ ] what's some other [ __ ] code guos is great codeos is yeah fantastic what are your top five Emy my top five yeah uh my favorite of all time is probably still mob psycho 100 yeah then what the [ __ ] else do I like it's hard yeah it's so hard to like off the top of your head I I like the original Fate series stuff I like um Full Metal Alchemist it's a good one I like I was really big on devil man for a while oh yeah God I hate that one so [ __ ] up I hate it so much I I like a lot of [ __ ] up stuff like you never read like punon Pon right that one so that so I'm too afraid to be honest you would hate it techy you hate it um it's about this well I don't even know how to describe what it's about but it's like this this guy going through life and basically just like nothing goes right no fine but like he's very fixated on this girl named Aiko who's like he kind of like idealizes her like oh like if I was with her my life would be so much better and that's just like not how it turns out kills her or what uh no but I mean I don't want to say too much I guess sounds like it's not a happy ending is what you're saying no yeah so you like FMA did you watch the original FMA anime I did start on it and then I was like cuz were like oh f alus is so good and I I watched the original one and it's weird because it it's like the same story for a while but they drag it out so much longer and I was like it's good and then someone told me I was watching the wrong version so then I I switched to Brotherhood and I was like okay if you have time go back and watch the original FMA and then watch the movie that they made to just like end the entire kind of like series the original FMA anime is pretty good nothing compared to Brotherhood because Brotherhood just is the full story and the completed story and it's way more fleshed out but like the original FMA was actually pretty freaking that's what I I grew up watching that one that was that was mine it was like that and ghost in the shelle were my two favorite was Scarlett Johansson I mean I never saw the movie I never saw that yeah well anytime I see an anime movie or like a real like I'm like oh this is going to be stupid I'm Not Gon to watch this like I'll just pretend like it doesn't exist it's like I'm a Lord of the Rings fan I like Lord of the Rings so like rings of power comes out no problem I just it's fan fiction who cares so ibly messed me for the first time a couple weeks ago and she has the same mental illness as all we do yeah what's we love Goa games oh God yep yeah because you got really deep into AFK journey I did I did but I'm curious what are the games that got you your sickness for Goa games oh my gosh I mine was summmer war that's what made me sick so here's the thing I was I got pulled into gacha games before gacha games like existed like Farmville in the sense oh no I did not have a credit card at that time but what I did have access to was my allowance and the local Safeway where I purchased tons and tons of NX cash so I don't know if you guys maple story everyone knows but have you guys ever heard of Mabinogi never no no no it's just maple story was the original one they started it all yep well Mogi was another MMO that Nexon made mainly Korea based uh but it was basically they called it like your fantasy life MML isn't it crazy how they're still doing those garbage games even now like they're making the same [ __ ] 20 years later but the thing is people keep buying into it they keep buying into it they're like let's keep going uh but in Mabinogi they had like fashion gachas where the endgame of Mabinogi it wasn't like combat it was a [ __ ] fashion show and if you didn't have the new items like you're a [ __ ] loser so love that that's what took all my money but what I told him that I deleted because it actually was eating away my wallet was Cookie Run Kingdom y Cookie Run Kingdom you can play no I don't I'll play this [ __ ] you know the new cookie storm uh storm Brer cookie nope because I [ __ ] threw that thing into the ocean yeah I I fade her I fade her for like $2,000 Jesus how much 2,000 oh that's not so bad crazy here's what's even crazyer I didn't even do it on stream that's it for fun wow that's that's deep man I got the Cookie Run sickness that's deep that's bad oh Wow Cookie Run sickness it's see like I don't see how y'all could play that [ __ ] like I'll play it just for like content or for like men maxing to like figure out the game but like I would never go and do that [ __ ] if the gameplay wasn't good I don't know how y'all do this like what's going on what I'm not public I'm not public about this but I guess I'll just drop it now I uh I've stopped playing Cookie one Kingdom why yep because did you run out of money no uh they there's these things called time Skippers and I ran out I actually have to play the game so I've stopped until they fixed that really yeah unfortunately I missed my cookies a lot you can't just buy them I could but at that point I'm I'm straight up just a pay Piggy and I refuse to be a pay piggy it just said you sp too late yeah but it's different cuz I wanted to do that these ones would be like oh here we go time Skipper so I don't have to play the [ __ ] game you should just have it should just be it should be if you don't want to do it just press the [ __ ] skip button just [ __ ] skip it [ __ ] that no I do remember that with Cookie Run Kingdom too I have like this weird thing that I do with games where like my goal whenever I play a game is to not have to play it so like I like automating games and like figuring out ways to cheat in the game or make the game play itself so like in Grand blue fantasy relink I've like leveled up all these characters and they're like Max Ai and can clear any boss in the game and I have like a click macro that I have with like another program and I can just uh leave it on all day all night come back and I'll have all my stuff and then I do the same thing in Star raell I have a necromancer and Diablo 4 uh let's see what other games am I doing this with uh CL po world yeah I had power world I had all that automated and I had like an entire Army of Max rank anuses that I had bred against each other to have the crafting bonuses and then I had three separate bases that I would go to a separate area and then have them work all night long and then come back and have like 20 or 30,000 ore every single day and I wasn't even playing I was playing four games at a time never it was great that dope that's my goal so I want to just do a quick little quick little shout about what I think is gonna be the best God game of 2024 uh have you heard of weaing waves I've seen it I think like pop up on you know how Tik Tok has weird it's real people going oh man I can't wait to play some weaing waves and then they're just kind of like eating cereal yep so yes I've heard of it in that sense great uh so this game is hopefully I'm playing it right now on teone while this video is posted I hope to God because I'm doing a thing where I'm streaming it until I just don't want to stream anymore like every [ __ ] day and night I have never been more excited for a game than I have been for B waves I've been waiting three years three years been watching every Dev update and they just put up their first developer live stream it was the worst thing I've ever seen ever I'm Googling it uh but it was okay uh but it is essentially gen and impact mixed with people say it's Elden ring people say it's Souls like it's not it's a Devil May Cry combat and I [ __ ] love Devil May Cry yeah it looks really [ __ ] good asine and Emmy don't like it because the characters don't look as good said yeah you did say okay that's kind of what I said well I I just said if I'm going to get sucked into a game like that I would like if the the character designs were more like stand out and memorable let's be real let's pull up K Char we get Kel Char put up on the screen guys let's be real number one is that hoyse designs are the best it's not even close right fair but there are in weaing waves what they have and hoyse doesn't have this they have male characters in weaing waves which is crazy there's male characters in genin yeah but like of them not really though right and so this is the thing right there's venty he's yeah but is a child is he a child okay I think he's a twink see see this is what I was talking about you see wait what's this what the [ __ ] bro who the [ __ ] you think that is that's the NPC from [ __ ] sumeru that n she's dead bro pull out calaro c a l c h a r r o you'll know it looks like separo I'm looking at like just images I guess that have popped up these are yeah yeah that's the those are the two kind of main NPC or two playable characters that guide damc here's the problem with weaing waves is by the way this guy looks like a [ __ ] G look at that [ __ ] you know what he does destroy my life whatever the [ __ ] he wants he star platinums an enemy stand with a lightning sword and they fight together at the same [ __ ] time I know it's so cool okay I'm in he's the [ __ ] man remember whenever the last Clos beta came out and I got him remember and I didn't and you didn't get it and then like you were mad and then I did another one and then I got another that that was crazy was crazy so cool like free spins yeah I I didn't have to spend money it was free I really encourage you yeah because this would be great content for me okay can you just try for one week you're not gonna like what I'm about to say can you try to be free to play for one week why because I want you to see how much more fun it is to not spend money on these games whoever said that I was having fun okay well maybe you could start having fun cuz for weathering waves this is this one's crazy it's gen impact but there's actual gameplay insane okay so that's the problem that's the [ __ ] problem okay is that you have to understand that these games are meant for mentally ill middle schoolers and they're stupid they're so dumb you read the Twitter posts like it's going to be the same people playing genin you know why genin's got a huge audience it's because everybody that can it's stupid can play it like this game's going to be hard there's going to be like things you have to dodge oh I have to move out of this at the right you think they can react to that they're watching a Tik Tok on another phone do you know they give an enemy boss fight the Kamehameha and it's like instant he like like instant command man I haven't seen that one he even does the Devil May Cry Like slice the screen and the screen shatters like oh my [ __ ] god the bosses look cooler than the playable characters I cannot wait bro and then there's hologram which I'm excited to see I'm excited to see you try hologram CU there's hologram 6 which if you're free to play and you don't just whale out and you don't just get everything maxed um something something chained uh it's gonna be such good content L chain I think yeah yeah link chain like it's gonna be such good content and I think that if you realize that if you don't get the character you want from the banner you just don't get it oh my god well I would just be pissed like I mean cuz that it's like it's not really a big deal no but but but then if you do get the character no because you will because then you realize if you don't get the character you're going to be [ __ ] miserable and then you get it no it's not a big deal it's just worse it takes longer that's what you do you ever that's what I thought I was I was you man I you were me from three years ago now I know when you play the games and you don't give the company anything and then you win against them by getting the character you want for free oh my God I feel like being able to have a maxed out whale account and autoplay everything is just as entertaining because people like watching that they do they'll tune in and then they'll get mad yeah they'll get [ __ ] mad I couldn't do this for three weeks and he just did he did it on auto play but that was it it's great for your chat because they're like ah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you don't get [ __ ] get have fun stuck here for four weeks oh my God but then I have to actually farm and play the game too no that's when you get slaves to play your account for you okay so like let's get this straight so you want me to not spend money but have slaves doing the work for me y I feel like that's basically the same thing that's pretty much the same thing man yeah but you're not giving the company money you're giving slaves money or do it for why you pay the money exactly yeah sometimes you do sometimes you don't also can we pull up Yin ly from weing waves oh God she's so fine oh my God uh I really hope you play this game it's gonna be too hard to pop off I'm telling you he looks [ __ ] dope there's another character called Arrow or Alto that you really like he's got white hair he's got sunglasses he's [ __ ] got finger guns give me give me a guy with just glasses and I'm I'm on the floor oh yeah uh show show her Alto next looks so [ __ ] cool I mean I love the character design and then four new character characters were announced yesterday that blow everything that's in the game out of the water oh man that's not a good photo her yeah you got to get one with bigger boobies uh but that's okay but the hair is it for me though yeah I love it the color palette she got two dots underneath her eyes which is so adorable oh man I can't wait to play I I think it's going to [ __ ] slam so where's your bald representation not there oh the bad guys that you fight yeah the Baldi that's rough yeah this game is going head-to-head for genin in every single aspect really rewrote the people didn't like the story so they just rewrote the whole thing yep oh my God she's so fine bro okay she's got yeah she's so pretty bro uh and she's electric she PS well with Karo um yeah the combat and genj you have six buttons to press and wethering waves you have 16 buttons that you can do see this is what I was telling you guys about like there's no way anybody's going to be able to play thing is one one button can do six different things depending on how you press it that's the problem that's crazy you got then like again can a Mally ill 12-year-old play this if they spend enough money yes they can I think that that's going to upset them good I think they're going to think they're not good enough I hope so [ __ ] them they're gonna quit see I I tie that back to almost like League of Legends like when H and ailos were out and they're like okay but H actually has nine abilities I'm like I am never touching this [ __ ] Champ AOS I just ban him aelio I don't want to deal with him I used to play AOS yeah you would that's [ __ ] up now you play Cinder uh yeah I played smolder for a bit oh smolder that's right yeah yeah yeah he's fun now I'm back to JY and Jinx though cuz they're broken I [ __ ] hate JY man he does way too much damage he's so awesome I know so so awesome he's my favorite male character of all time still JY your number one favorite ever M's Dr Mundo that's pretty good who's your league man my league man yeah or your favorite character God oh that's rough because so I've got I've got my two my two lanes right I've got my e girl support and then eoman support all right the e e girl support you're playing your Lux you're playing your sraa right okay eoman support you're [ __ ] going in with the Nautilus you're hooking [ __ ] you're nailing them to the [ __ ] floor and saying sit the [ __ ] down Y and then probably thresh cuz I named to my dog thresh that's a dope ass name he's my number one support here here's another question I always ask everybody that just I think it tells a lot about a person if you could pick any superpower in the world what would you pick mine's time stop time stop is pretty cool I've thought about this a couple times cuz it's like reading Minds would just get so hectic and I don't I don't really want to know what everyone is thinking about all the time I think I would I think I would want to talk to animals I think I would want to talk to animals a dog say that's that's what I'm nervous about though bark cuz like if I go to my dog I'm like I love you and he says like you just feed me you are nothing to me yeah yeah I wouldn't want to die yeah I think that's a curse I I yeah well cuz they're stupid like you talked to a chicken what do you think a chicken's thinking it's not CL like a s where my babies go no yeah tell teleportation I feel like teleportation be that's the worst one that's such a bad power to pick that's a horrible that's a horrible T to be like hm you know what I feel like eating some good ramen and then Bo can I tell you why it's a hor because everybody says teleportation they don't get it cuz you can already do that just take a plane it's not the same it took me 3 hours to get here from La okay so let me get this so you pick a power that gives you convenience rather than gives you an ability that other people cannot do in the world I'm fast yeah but here's why teleion sucks what if you [ __ ] up you just die so I've thought this through I've thought this through okay because if you think about it if you have like one location in your home where you could just kind of like set up this little thing make sure that nothing can get in it's just like a tube that's your safe tube and you can always teleport back to that one place and know that there's nothing there and then you could I don't know make money transporting cargo and make money so then in all these different places you can have multiple tubes so you just have tubes all around the world are you familiar with Kurt fulna uh night crawler from X-Men oh yeah yeah yeah could fulna uh so the problem with Nightcrawler is if he teleports wrong and he goes into like a wall or a building he just he just dies so you gotta I mean people say oh just teleport there but what if there's a car going no game works that way okay but it's not a game though well I mean it basically is like what we talking about you can't teleport into a wall why not because it's like then it would just say uh pass invalid but it doesn't yeah it doesn't work I mean I feel like cuz it's always just like okay there's flying there's like all of this St also a mistake I want to be like fat gum from my hero where you could just eat Get Chubby take all of the damage and then you just come out ripped at the end yeah I'm just I'm surprised because you watch JoJo's you're on part five of Jojo's and your power I mean you could have done a race time stop time yeah but if you think about that I'm thinking of all of that from a stand perspective so that's like having a buddy like if I could just yell Persona or something and have something peer like a behind me you can have that I can just have so if I say I want to have a Persona I just get the entire inventory of personas absolutely then I want a [ __ ] Persona then do that okay I want a person now how do you want to summon it how's that work how's what's a Persona so what you do is you kill yourself right okay okay that's only in one of the games the best one so you shoot yourself in the head and then your persona comes out they can do all sorts of Crisis [ __ ] okay that's in one of the Persona games in another one they just interesting Tik Tok challenge the Tik Tok that one was crazy that wasn't you didn't see that what is that no I just made it up oh no there's this there's this dude on Tik Tok and he was [ __ ] around with a gun he [ __ ] killed himself oh yeah no I don't think he killed himself I think he's oh yeah yeah he did no he he killed himself he tried to Persona and he [ __ ] up it was wild the Persona so you shoot yourself and then what does it do you it's summons like a it summons like a big [ __ ] like monster behind you that nobody else can see unless they have a person okay so what was everyone else's superpower if I'm time stop the one time stop yeah do uh I I don't remember what I said but I probably said move fast move as fast as I want because that would allow me to uh move and like go back in time as well what if you trip what what if you trip path [Music] invalid yeah okay I think that I just said flying and Tech he was like you don't actually want that play I thought you said that you wouldn't be able to sleep huh that you wouldn't have to sleep oh did I say that that's also one I think so yeah well I've like complained about how I [ __ ] hate having to sleep so yeah it'd be nice to not have to sleep who who was your favorite JoJo stand [ __ ] my favorite JoJo stand I mean like one ABD dolls is pretty sick yep red it's just a giant chicken giant bird giant chicken that's ripped um but no I think it's still Sex Pistols from Mista yeah Sex Pistols was so dude the train fight with Sex Pistols was so intense it was really everybody's rotting he gets the bullets to get the ice cube oh [ __ ] did abidol break your heart that [ __ ] me up that I wasn't ready for that it was aball and then I hated Iggy I hated Iggy not at the end you didn't no and then at the end I'm like [ __ ] I care about that dog yeah man what a good [ __ ] show rips you I will say I still haven't finished season six though that's all right it's the worst season yeah I really don't like it the thing is I know a lot of people say oh season 6 sucks because Jolene is a woman and we have a woman Jo and it's like no no no no my thing what really [ __ ] it up for me was Netflix Netflix [ __ ] it up and I am so pissed because when part five was coming out it was JoJo Friday every single Friday we were sitting in front of crunchy R crashing the website and then watching what was happening to our Joe Bros next but for Netflix they're like okay cool here's like six or 10 episodes at a time just watch stupid yeah I like I like it whenever space it out yeah better so with hasbin Hotel have you guys watched love I love hasbin I love hasbin what your song that's tough home or stay gone stay gone stay gone is good uh my favorite is either loser baby or um you didn't know which was the uh judge the yeah yeah and with all the angels and stuff so [ __ ] good but like yeah has been Hotel have you watched hell of a boss yes boss is so good to watch I just want to clarify I don't hate Jolene because she's a woman I think jolene's great I think her stand power sucks I don't like the string and uh you haven't got here yet but I think the ending is the worst ending ever well I'm familiar with what the ending is because I was on the stardus Crusaders read it and then it's like spoiler alert and I just for some reason did not register that and so I saw I saw the meme yeah I I I really don't like when endings are non- endings and I it makes me very frustrated but uh yeah that's the reason why I don't like part six yeah I just stopped watching it like halfway through part four because I knew that nothing would ever be better than part one n part five is so [ __ ] good no no no but that's that's fair though because I've heard some people just like really like the whole hon Vibe and then get bored when the stand come in I thought I thought stard Dar Crusaders was awesome yeah I loved it I thought it was great but like Jonathan joar like actually just squaring up with Dio one to one beating the [ __ ] out of him like that was awesome the like battle between and evil so good part would be your favorite it really is one of those uh it's one of those Seasons where it's like the more you look into it the more you understand the references the more you appreciate what they did and it it is Jesus fights the Italian mafia it is so [ __ ] cool it's perfect yeah I will say part four tends to lose a lot of people on jojo cuz like the beginning is just so slow while you're going through what's his name Angelo or something um but once you get to the actual big bad that is Kira oh my God Yoshi kaga Kira is like one of the best anime villains of all time cuz he's just so [ __ ] weird he gets like a hard on for hands yep he jerks off the Mona Lisa nice great awesome yeah I love plus he has like three different stands which is nuts what the [ __ ] oh my God yes he he has Bites the Dust he has heart attack and maybe it's just to oh no he has this little [ __ ] plant too it's the yeah the cat I mean technically it's not his well no it is his stand it was the [ __ ] c yeah it probably counts I love it man you would love Yos Shaga Kira all right I I'll have to keep going yeah I feel like if you just watch one episode of part five and you realize who the main character is you're going to lose your [ __ ] mind okay oh I'm get gooseb thinking about I'm such a [ __ ] dork bro it's so good it's so good we were talking about um hasb been Hotel hasb been Hotel I so I've been following hell of a boss for a very long time I've watched the hasbin hotel pilot I think when it was first uh no I I came a little bit late to has been Hotel pilot I think I watched it like a year in or something but I love Brandon Rogers who's one of the writers on hell of a boss and also the main voice actor for Blitz oh that show is just so [ __ ] good straight into my veins but they did a really great job where they were like okay three episodes three episodes and then three episodes or maybe it was like four episodes at some part where it's like you know kind of like act one act two act three big finale that made so much more sense to me than just going like okay here's half of a season here's half of a season because there's no real pacing and people are just like splurge and they kind of ruin it and it also kills the anime production staff like poor [ __ ] MAA the animators just want to see their children not you know just like bed over jiujitsu Kaizen so that was that was my quick anime I like I like being able to watch it one episode at a time that way it's like you can look forward to it you can think about the next episode I don't really like binge watching shows really noten really s into like watch like maybe one or two episodes and then stop and then think about it and then like it allows you to like appreciate it more I think I just crush them yeah I I wait for the whole thing to come out crush it damn oh my God bro Vinland in one sitting was nuts one sitting yep I the same thing before M Al's Brotherhood I didn't even sleep for 26 hours just watch the whole thing you know was crazy I didn't remember it so I had to rewatch it that's that's what I was going to say I feel like when you binge shows cuz like trust me I've binged stuff Netflix second monitor when I'm not going to remember things like I did suits I did [ __ ] uh Sex in the City for some reason don't watch that show it's awful it's great it's awful um but like when it comes to a show that you really want to enjoy like that has to be main monitor content yeah it's very hard for me to do that I I am always I have to pull up my [ __ ] phone CU I'm on Twitter so goddamn much these days because I got to see what dumb [ __ ] are saying I got to fight them I got to bring them to Jesus and so I always watch the shows with one phone and then I pull it up to where I can see the phone and the subtitles at the same time like I'm if I'm on my phone during a show it's going to make the show worse and I think that I enjoy shows better than if I'm not on my phone watching at I just feel like there's always boring parts that I've kind of like gotten used to in the the storytelling medium to where I know okay phone break like establishing shots yeah or it's like hey we're in a forest look at all this Forest stuff I don't [ __ ] care I get it okay the monkeys are talking I watch plan of the some like Tik Tok brain [ __ ] you can feel the establishing shats I hate them I get why they're necessary but they're just so drawn out by the way have we seen plan of the Apes no please watch it one of the best series I've ever seen I bet is what is it going to be the apes are trying to do the the monkey things and then I man I feel like I kind of already saw that like three times so James Franco what's the what else can they do they're monkeys no it's so there like a very small amount of things monkeys can really do so good the first one came out in like 2010 with James or not the the newest series of plan of the a James Franco comes out um they he's trying to make a cure for Alzheimer's for his dad because he's losing his memory tested on monkeys uh-oh that gives them Giga monkey brains yeah right and then the same virus kills everybody so the world slowly becomes overrun by apes and then the first ape speaks oh my God it was awesome I watched all four of them I saw all three then I went to go see the fourth in the movies Jesus it was [ __ ] amazing really really really good I I usually hate film I don't [ __ ] with that but plan of the Apes is like one of my favorites or it's crazy recency bias it's one of the two but I love that man you should go peep that [ __ ] it's good real good I don't know man like I I haven't watched a movie in so long I forgot even the last movie I even saw you watch Barbie no she was terrible [ __ ] garbage bro it so oh my God it was but then oh my okay I liked the first half of the movie the first half was great and then the second half I did not enjoy at all I thought it was cute it was very agenda so I I can understand where there were some of like the preachy is parts and there was definitely like I'm like okay cool that it it's not really hitting for me but I really liked what they did with like the Barbie dolls and kind of like all the different [ __ ] references that they had to all the different types of Barbies America ferera was like okay but she was probably like my least favorite character of the whole Barbie stuff which one was that she was the mom the mom oh the really old lady no America fera she played Ugly Betty she was oh she was the freaky one no no no no that's Kristen wig from SNL you're thinking of the one I'm talking about just like the mom the one who does the speech at the end okay so yeah I was like okay I understand where they're like getting preaching and all that stuff but it's like I'm just kind of fine with it because I don't know maybe this is a controversial thing if I see something I could just move on from it so like I'll say this this is my controversial movie I can't do that this is my controversial movie topic that the one scene in Avengers end game in the big final fight where everyone's fighting and stuff yep and then they have all of the women Avengers or I guess the women superheroes kind of like have this one scene where they're all standing together do do you not remember that part remember that so there's a part where it's like the I [ __ ] gwenth palro I don't know what her name is in the thing but it's gwenth palro it's like mantis it's the uh Captain Marvel lady basically like the lady uh Black Panther people so it's like all the women in one shot and it's maybe like 5 Seconds of screen time where it's like all the women the internet went [ __ ] crazy they're like this is cringe I can't believe that you put this in this [ __ ] movie but then like a minute earlier they did the exact same thing with the guys and I was like I thought it was it was cute I forgot that half of those characters existed it was cute but like then you just move on from it I was I was I was very distracted that fight and I want to go back to Barbie and second I was very distracted in that fight because the the final fight for endgame it had a lot of Parallels for the Joseph joar versus um um what's the [ __ ] his name second yeah the cars Joseph Joe are fight I saw a lot of parallels between that I'm like is this a [ __ ] JoJo one it was the one where like he summons the birds behind him and then cars does the same thing where he like summons birds and he turns them all into piranhas and for a second there I was like this feels like where cars was fighting Joseph when he was in the [ __ ] airplane it drove me nuts I can kind of see a little bit of that yeah I might just be crazy cuz I see JoJo's and everything cuz I'm a [ __ ] dork but okay but you were saying you were saying Barbie I was saying yeah I could see it where it got a little preachy but I still thought it was cute I I've never been in the movie and thought I looked around I was like should I leave I me like maybe I they don't want me here should I go cuz like holy [ __ ] they were like oh yeah Ken [ __ ] men [ __ ] men women are better and I'm like all right that's great I don't think that they were necessarily saying [ __ ] men though though I don't think that they were saying [ __ ] men I think that they were still saying like that men also had their own issues as you know he went and he was like I thought the patriarchy was all about horses and stuff like it it wasn't a [ __ ] men movie and I know that a lot of people were saying oh Barbie is just saying [ __ ] men but it's like no it's just this is going to be a woman's story compared it just that's how it made me feel you know so do you not feel represented in today's media and just like I just feel so marginalized CU a straight white man I've had a very hard life and uh you know I just feel like a little bit more representation of what my journey my my pain has been have been very nice I'm so sorry do you want to watch The Godfather I would love to watch The Godfather I've never seen it I should watch that I haven't either yeah but yeah I always like movies and shows that have a message but don't really tell you what it is like Star Troopers or Kinders where it's like you have people that are like fing fascist that are like yes this is my movie and then you have people that hate people that are fascists they're like yes I love this great satire on it and they all like it that's my favorite thing is when it tells a story and it tells people a message and it can be completely misinterpreted sometimes the total opposite D my favorite movie of all time hasn't ended like that you ever seen the ending of Monty Python the Holy Grail uh I've I've seen the movie I don't remember the end I know so this like 50 years old if you haven't seen it is what it is so it's a story about King Arthur trying to find the holy grail and then he finally gets to the castle to get the holy grail and this is like from like this from like medieval times and then all of a sudden the police show up from Modern World in cars and arrest the whole crew it's like what the [ __ ] is going on yeah do you know why that happened they ran out of money mhm you're kidding yeah no no they actually ran out of money to shoot the rest of the movie and so they said like okay we're going to end it with us all getting arrested and the movie's going to be over and that was it that's that's like not in lore that's like real [ __ ] real [ __ ] did they say what the ending was supposed to be maybe I don't remember I never knew that that's so [ __ ] funny it's one of my favorite endings huge battle all right wrap it up get get on with it get on in here [ __ ] so good man like the end of AA I've never seen that oh oh the evelon yeah yeah good job Shinji good job what's your what's your favorite movie ever that's a [ __ ] hard one um cuz like oh [ __ ] hard one I mean the first thing that kind of comes to mind is anything Satoshi Kon so like perfect blue Tokyo Godfathers okay paprika okay um but also [ __ ] no I know what it is yeah Thumbelina Dawn Bluth in like [ __ ] 19 it was maybe 1980s or 1990s but it's like it's not a Disney movie it's it's about thumbalina and I swear to God it's human trafficking all of these people there's all so it's like first the the fairy Prince comes and he sings to her and they're like okay we're going to get married because we're both the same size it's like sure this makes sense he takes off he's like I got to go get my mom and dad to approve this marriage a frog breaks in and he's a Hispanic frog okay this is important for some reason char is in the movie Charro is one of the other frogs and they kind of come in and they start singing and they kidnap her and they're like listen you're going to marry my son the Frog uh and you're going to tour with us in our little band and everything so they dip for a little bit she leaves she finds a sparrow and the Sparrow's like I'm going to help you find your fairy Prince but I'll be right back he leaves her and then a beetle finds her and then the Beetle's like I'm going to take you up to my place uh and then she becomes almost like a burlesque dancer for bugs and then she gets kicked out of there and then she gets basically sold by a field mouse to a mole who can't see uh but he likes the song of her he likes the sound of her singing voice so she kind of gets sold into marriage there and then the fairy Prince comes and saves her that sounds like a beautiful movie is human trafficking I'm really glad they have the Mexican frog representation yeah yeah they don't do that enough they really don't yeah it's great it a fantastic movie so I feel like uh people watching this episod might be upset if I don't talk about this cuz's well did have you seen Twi what about on Twitter see what I've been doing he's been up to no good which one uh well the one where I call that one chick job of the Hut oh yeah I saw that and then the other one gets upset and then I call her Big mom from One Piece yeah I saw that yeah I mean here's the thing right is that like you you see like people might get mad about that on Twitter but like in my community they thought that was really funny but they love that [ __ ] yeah that was the best thing I feel like sometimes times when dumb [ __ ] act up they need to be treated like clowns cuz absolutely here's what's been going onut so what happened was is about four months ago right I hit my goal for as a streamer which was I was able to get 2,000 viewers on variety and then 3,000 on just chatting and then once I got that I said okay now I don't have to give a [ __ ] I'll just stand I'll do whatever I want yeah now the problem is I keep on saying really bad [ __ ] cuz that's just kind of what's in my brain and now I'm getting more viers the thing is like you don't need to worry about it because will always be if there's a situation people will always be more mad about me it's true that's right so like it doesn't matter what you do because there will always be something worse that I probably didn't do that people think I did he like your guardian angel you know you know what me really happy what's that I was calling this [ __ ] down of the Hut and then the other chick brings you into it for no reason and says look at this ugly [ __ ] how can these people call us that and I'm like shut the [ __ ] out bro found the found I lit Googled an image most disgusting [ __ ] I've ever seen I'll be honest like there are so many big tweets about me that like people are mad I'll like just read one and I'll be like oh this is a tweet that says I should kill myself oh this only has 20,000 likes that's it that's it it's not a big deal yeah it's not really that big of a deal yeah I don't even com I'm like yeah I didn't get that many likes who cares this what it is well I'll screenshot some of the really good ones like the the good insults about me or like crazy things that people will say like I I will I like people there's like one guy and five years ago I had drama with him and he was having a conversation on his stream and he randomly brought me up and he said all I do is say all of the stupidest stuff everything that I say is stupid everything that I think is stupid I'm stupid and everything about me is bad and so then I respond back and I'm mean and then I hear that he says he he says on Twitter I'm not going to talk about this anymore somebody says pull up his VOD I said okay I pull up the VOD I click a random point in the VOD he wasn't done talking about it it actually wasn't he pulled three different times up and at each different time in a three and a half hour VOD every single time he was [ __ ] talking him talking about me dude I was even I was a fan of that guy why he made good content back in the day for me well I mean really though back in the day yeah I don't know about that but like I me look here's the for me yeah he had a cute accent I don't know about that but you know this guy like yeah and I I love this kind of stuff because uh it makes it makes being on the internet more interesting it makes it more exciting for me and uh other than like some people that take it too serious I feel like that whenever you take yourself seriously online you then lose you begin start to you you begin to start losing and it's like if you only look at yourself as a cartoon character everything else makes so much more sense yep yeah I I uh I haven't even checked today but I bet it's going to be probably a lot of really really stupid stuff I have a mini version of your guy as well who's been hate watching me for five years so it was cool if I saw that parallel again then chat saw the parallel they're like wow look at that there was like a guy that um tone called a mint picker which is like so so basically there are these things in genin Impact I don't really know how the game works but like basically these are like little things you have to pick up for I guess resources or some sort of upgrade thing right and so if you pick them up regularly you're a mint picker because you're free to play and tekon had spent like over $100,000 in a game and so people are making fun of this guy for it and he was like acting like he was getting bullied and abused and like discriminated against dude because he was playing free to play dude it it's these people in community so they're so soft because the same thing it's gotcha players man it is it is because first of all a guy gets he's called a mint picker because you pick up mint in genj okay yeah I I don't know I feel like people have gotten a lot of softer I mean I grew up with Modern Warfare 2 Xbox lobbies I feel like that changes you it does but that doesn't really exist so much anymore it absolutely does that's what I thought I went I played war zone recently I had to mute every Lobby on stream I did yes of course because I go in and I I see people like hey what's up and it's like okay we got to we got to mute this one and I would ask them I say so why do you think uh Biden rigged the election and then like bro this would unlock like a whole new level with like half of the people in the lobbies it was crazy and this is just like now and like you just asked them like so what do you think about this kind of people and just there it is and this is in 2024 2023 the best races 500 yeah that's a good one thanks but yeah I feel like what people's terms what counts as harassment these days they would not last a [ __ ] minute in Modern Warfare 2 lobbies absolutely [ __ ] I don't think it's a big deal like I remember I was in lobbies all the time like I would be I would be in Halo 2 lobbies just even before Modern Warfare and I would be like that little kid that would be like I would be screaming at people yelling at them like blowing into the mic and then I'd be reporting them for Cheating at the end of the game even though they didn't cheat like I just say [ __ ] them so then okay well this is a fun one so we're here so Emmy how do you feel as a woman when you play video games and Oly as well you're also a woman how do you feel when you go load into a game of League of Legends as the only female or valerant okay well for for League it doesn't really matter cuz it's like how the [ __ ] are they going to know but then when I like I I'm not even like a mic user in games cuz I just don't want to [ __ ] talk to people that I don't know but like say I'll be playing like valerant or like OverWatch back in the day and I'll hear another girl talk and then instantly get [ __ ] bombarded by three [ __ ] freaks I'm like well now I don't want to talk even more and it is it is weird cuz it's like it's like okay like you're playing the game and you enjoy it but you know that like you'll never really be a true part of the community so it's like weird but I I feel like most girls are like yeah that sucks but I'm still going to play yeah but here's the benefit okay here's how women have it easier on the internet how's that oh go ahead only F you go into V trillo yeah when you play World of Warcraft and you're a girl you got eight dudes lining up to farm for you you got eight dudes giving you money eight dudes bringing you into groups you don't belong right is like I I feel like it's it's a bit of both right cuz like I've seen girls like there was one time I watched the clip of a Counterstrike Lobby this girl talked at the pregame Lobby and the guy like everybody stop stop stop stop the game and they like the other team was like stop we've got a girl in here yeah they all collectively all like the entire team and the other team collectively kick this girl out randomly like what the [ __ ] that's crazy I think it depends does that well I think FPS players I think FPS players hate women think so I think MMO players love women and that's because it's Community built and everybody wants to find their e girl who will heal [ __ ] for them oh true that's what they want 100% but in fps youan is it is I'm sure there are a lot of people that you know game the system enjoy getting the free [ __ ] but then it's also annoying when you just want to be treated like a normal [ __ ] player and everyone's trying to like [ __ ] marry you you know what's crazy in World of Warcraft I had to pretend to be a girl to get back into the guild that I got kicked out of I was a 12-year-old kid and they kicked me out because they didn't want a 12-year-old topping the DPS charts I'm not I'm not 12 I'm just a girl no they kicked me out I changed my username from jackam him to angel of Light and you know when I was a kid I could do a good girl voice got back in [ __ ] got really weird really quick the DM oh man found out I was the same guy got kicked out again unlucky sucks yeah oh we have comry do you want to read one do you want me to read one yeah go ahead read the first one okay I at waffles on fire 9716 I forgot that tone thought World War II happened in the 1800s until I was reminded by this comment set you thought World War II was in the 1800s I feel like it's not that crazy I I mean if you were guessing maybe like earlier in the 1900s but you thought in the 1800s I don't think they had railroads yet yeah but the difference between 1800 and 1900 is only one number that's a 100 years yeah but it's just one number I feel like it's not that big of a deal that's the difference between dissenter and like polio vaccines yeah but they're both diseases so I don't really get the difference Nick Frost says can we [ __ ] end this I need to use the bathroom this has to be the new sign off every week don't have to I also need to piss really bad I don't have to piss this week it's weird I mean Christopher will do oh yeah yeah go ahead oh Christopher H Henry 2381 says this has become the highlight of my week keep it up oh that's great I really hope we have an episode next week but we might not yeah it's Memorial Day so we may not be able to figure don't worry guys I got this one this episode is actually going live on May 31st which is I believe the Friday the Friday before the otk games Expo taking place June 4th pre-show starting at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time going live on to asmin Gold's Channel SL Zack raar as well as SLK Network on Twitch it'll also be live on YouTube for otk games Expo as well as otk Network please tune in because that's this is all I've been doing for the past few months this is my life and I'll be there I will also be there I will have to leave the house will I be there we'll talk about it okay we'll talk about it okay all right thanks for coming on the show I appreciate it thank you so much for inviting me absolutely you've been great and uh yeah thank you all very much for watching we appreciate it as always make sure to check out the patreon thank you all for watching and we'll see you all in the next one all right boys peace watch the [Music] Expo a little glamour that I can see the sparkle in your eyes it makes me realize all we need is you and me and light shines from your eyes it brightens in a cloudy [Music] [Music] day hey guys if you knew today was your last day on this planet what would your last meal be we've done it you're going to die oh I give a [ __ ] I also give a [ __ ] can can you teleport the food from anywhere or do you have to it has to be within reason it can be anything uh I would eat a human that's a good idea I like that I think I would eat Barack Obama okay expand on that like raw or like always to eat somebody but why Barack Obama I'm an important person he's the most important person I thought of a time my head imagine saying I ate him have you heard about those cannibal people that like want to be eaten by someone else that's hotest it's like a fetish yeah I know it's a fetish but how that isan you know FES right yeah I mean getting eaten is not that bad yeah anything stupid that's weird I'm like yeah for sure mhm no but it's crazy cuz like the cannibal thing it's like okay like anything can be a fetish but there's people who have actually done it mhm yeah like they like let themselves be killed to be devoured oh killed that's a little bit much but if somebody like wants to cut their arm and then make me lick it that's so hot
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 158,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast
Id: 1hqaJLz02r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 18sec (5298 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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