Monster Chopper First Start!

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we were building a wild concept car for a celebrity that got cancelled about halfway through the project which left us thinking what are we going to do with all these cool parts to which Ethan answered monster Chopper so over the last 7 months we have been fitting these 46in mud tires to this KTM engine in a completely custom monster truck chopper build and today for the first time we're going to try to get this thing started also we're giving away an arc Droid a welder and this custom drift quad on our website grindhard Plumbing we have a bunch of new merchandise every $5 spent gives you an entry to win plus the premium members Club gives you access to exclusive content and two entries every single month good [Music] luck I got the rest of the parts for the fuel system it's hooked up here so I've got my little quick releases so you can just pop that one pop this one I might relocate that one I don't quite like where it's at but and then whole fuel tank just pops right off yeah it's really nice and easy yeah and then right here we've got the uh fuel pressure regulator tucked in there with the little T fitting and this one goes around and into the fuel rail but I think I basically just have to plug in all the wires and fill that with fuel and then I need to rewire the fuel pump wiring to run to this it's uh this isn't exactly just going to fit I'll just figure out what I need of this get it all plugged in and then we'll do a test start and then with it able to be started I can start trimming this harness down and deleting stuff that we don't need I've already decided I probably don't need that that's just all the handlebar controls for cruise control with the horn and the blinkers most of this harness is going to go away I just have to figure out what's necessary and what I can get away with removing like do I need to use this ignition does it have a chip in it I don't [Music] know I hooked up this lithium battery earlier I tested it in it had no volts but I just got a new electrical tester and I just didn't know how to use [Music] it I was fiddling around here with everything plugged in and like look at all these plugs right they're all like very insulated very nice look at this plug this looks like something that you would use for like aftermarket yeah or aftermarket like trailer wires but that thing was unplugged and when I plugged it in huh that's the thing that wasn't the heck what does that even go to um I mean various things it goes to this handlebar control so that makes sense that sounds promising I wish I knew what that squeaky noise was it used to it it made that before too like when it was on but not running yeah what is that I don't know something in the in the throttle bodies or something how of curiosity do we need doesn't seem like we need that it's broken anyway [Music] pump yep all right well in that case I think all we need to do is get these wires arranged so that I can put the fuel tank on put some fuel in it and it will start [Music] step one see if the fuel pump actually primes sounded like it did we cycle it once more to make sure there leaks okay seemingly no [Music] leaks all right well I guess [Music] yeah music in my ear good Lord that's loud I can feel that in my chest how is it louder than the kernel it's the same basic engine with a longer exhaust pipe yeah feel it that is the kind of noise that's like eardrum rupturing noise like it's not like high pitch it's like you don't even hear it you feel it I mean you do hear it but you Mo you also feel it that's you crazy and that was like half RPM too well actually I don't know what the RPM was cuz the tack is broken but oh my gosh that is awesome yeah actually I'm going to check that because I noticed one of the wires I have the tack unplugged right now the whole gash dash cluster but I noticed one of the wires came out so if I can repin that I'm going to try it out and find out if the tack works that is so cool it was too easy to get that running like a monster Chopper that like this thing's always going to be scary to drive but hearing that noise coming from it makes it a lot scarier way scarier so much power for anyone said this is underpowered no it's like 160 horsepower nearly 100tb of torque should do the trick and it's geared down like four times from what it was so that is insane yeah I can't believe how easy that just started just dve then I love two things KTM engines and fuel injection mhm line jaction works I hate all the wiring that goes with it but when you just plug it in it just works now I have to find a place for some of this wiring and that this entire thing and this and the battery yeah without making it look like [Music] poop stuff is so sticky I hate it yeah get off [Music] me so many wires pile of wires on the floor is growing though that's that's the goal there's some things in here that I'm not certain about like this one I'm pretty sure it's the fan just from memory and um context but I don't know so I have it labeled as fan question mark I'm about ready to hook this up and test start again to make sure I haven't damaged anything and then to start snipping wires for things that I want to delete but I'm not certain if I [Music] [Applause] [Music] can pretty much everything that I know I can cut out cut out out I'm going to hook it back up make sure it still works and then start testing some stuff to see if I can you know see what I can get away with deleting that is so loud cool that means now I can start unplugging and testing things one of the things I want to test is if there's anything in this module that needs to exist like can I just hook up the things that are hooked up in here with a different switch cuz this is just huge and ugly and [Music] bulky I have a very nice surprise for you oh what is it well I know you crush boots in about three two months yeah every boot I've had I've gone through in two months and so it's pretty incredible that these BR boots have lasted you a whole year and they still look fine they still have tread on them usually I have holes in the bottom of my boots like I actually cannot believe so of all the people we wanted to work with again Brun boots brunt boots and we got you a freshy pair and these have got you safe through life this year these have put out probably 25 fires in the shop so far actually they probably have these are niiv they feel like I've worn them for a year they're like all broken in and super comfortable yeah dude so it's all right here I found on their site oil and heat resistant outsoles up to 500 and 72° F I told you were something different about these boots they snuff the fire out so much better than my Nike shoes or anything like that let's test that theory all right all right man I trust you but just in case nice Ethan's been gone for actually about an hour and we're already lighting fires on purpose in his [Music] garage last [Music] one built a little different so if you want some high quality boots and you want $10 off go to our Link in the description gruntwork grind hard 10 that'll get you $10 off and 30 days risk-free I guarantee you that's bigger than oh my these boots will last you a long time time you won't regret your purchase it helps support the channel when you guys support the sponsors and this is one of our favorite ones so check it out guys I mean what more do you really need to know about these boots they're will prooof that might be the answer to my question it's not a simple how and why is there so much going on in there that is so annoying I don't think I can delete this look at all the circuits in the freaking ignition it's got like a that's enough computer to run the space shuttle it's actually probably more computing power than the space shuttle has oh no what the heck and it's all epoxied in well that's not really the issue the problem is just there's absolutely no way I can replicate what that's doing without having that does something and that computer reads [Music] it it still starts so I can now confidently delete everything that is uh not currently hooked up like this bundle of wires here is for um the lights and like this bundle here went to the switches on the handlebar and stuff but I've decided that it's going to be much easier to just delete all of that and then wire my own lighting system cuz I don't need the lights to go through a computer [Music] the moral of the story is uh don't be an idiot like me and get yourself some of these before you do any wiring work these are little de pinning tools uh I've never had them before because I am an idiot these pins that go into the one that actually plug into the regulator are the same as these pins that go to this extra plug for this section of harness so I unpinned those and now I can just take these and straight into there like that that is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done it's just it's the little things you know look at that and look and all of that weight [Music] reduction prob like extra wires removed from those plugs not one um these two so wiring harness is getting Slimmer by the minute now I need to figure out where everything's going to go so I can cut out everything in the middle and make it as tidy as possible this bit here might be one of the last pieces I figure out where it goes cuz I need to figure out where the battery goes I don't know if these are going to work because they're just different they're the right diameter of pin but you can see this one has the little slot on there which is probably for the Locking thingy and that one um does not all right well it was worth a try I'm sure these will come in handy for something use some of these little itty bitty heat shrink [Music] crimpy now that I have most of the harness um tidied up and organized it's time to start mounting stuff and I was looking for a good place to mount this voltage regulator and it turns out that the voltage regulator is exactly the same width as these um tabs that I use to mount the fuel pump so right now I just have it zip tied on there just so I can tidy up the rest of the wiring harness before I make mounts but I can just make mounts that go off of the um the fuel pump mounts right there and then it'll be pretty much invisible behind the fuel pump nice and nice and tidy and on this side of the bike # every G counts but pounds don't [Music] something [Music] you remember what the harness used to look like like maybe we can do like a before cut to the old footage after before cut to the footage of the harness the way it was after that's pretty much the whole harness now I mean not counting the engine harness that's still attached to the engine and a few uh you know sub harnesses that go to switches and stuff but like the main piece that I was just dangling around has been I I think we can say it's been properly decimated actually maybe literally decimated yeah I mean like that's look at the P that's one pile on the floor there's another pile on the floor if this is more than a tenth of what was there I'd be surprised not that decimate means specifically one tenth just a factor of 10 [Applause] so so that is going to bolt in here with one of the gas tank bolts that's crazy that you're were able to take something that was like essentially as long as me uh it was longer than you for sure yeah as long as like we just measure everything with will the batteries in the changing way more than a will the harness longer than a longer than a will time to put the tank back on and find out if it still starts huh you just took the key out and then it I took the key out and I turned this on and it it's still cycled that's really weird I don't know what I messed up but I messed up something will check this out I thought you might be entertained by this interested so what I've learned is that this is a chipped key and the immobilizer is in the ignition we kind of talked about that the other day yeah oh don't tell me but I found a way so this whole module yeah is solid state there's no electronics inside of the ignition itself which is really interesting right so I looked at that and I was like okay but it does actually turn the bike on and off so the only way it could possibly do that is with a magnet and I tested that with this so This housing is all non-magnetic and it happens to be reverse po the opposite polarity here but yeah there there's a magnet in there oh so so it literally just allows the connection between the key and the this is a magnet and if it's over here the bike is off if it's over here the bike is on huh okay you can just take that key apart and put that stuff what I'm going to do is just epoxy all of this into this unit and just hide it under there cuz I don't want this bul I don't need a key ke you have a switch I'm like yeah no one's going to steal this no now here comes the stressful part I don't know why like I know that this chunk of the key is just metal and the chip is inside this plastic part but it's very stressful cutting it off cuz like if it suddenly doesn't work I'm going to feel like a real [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] idiot all right well with a bit of uh very delicate work last night after everybody else left got this soldered back together and it works so the hard part was digging these wires out of the plastic oh look and I just broke one of my solders well now you get to watch me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] solder um and now that I'm realizing I I that little piece of wire just got too small and brittle but I realized that a single strand of this wire is the same thickness so I redid it with that and I'm realizing that if I got slightly longer pieces I could potentially move this over here but it's probably not worth it so anyway Let's uh do a test here it's so sensitive like you move it a millimeter and then and it decides not to go boo [Music] H well I really don't know what I did differently but it's working now and I encased it all in JB plastic weld epoxy and the tape is just to hold the wires tight to it and you know keep it tidy so uh I guess I just got real lucky with that one almost almost ruined uh ruined the day and this video but I think I'll just have it sit somewhere back here if that clears the gas tank and zip tie it in place and just hope it continues to work it works Hallelujah as you like to say hallelujah also in other good news I got my stupid hair fixed yeah it looks good man oh thanks yeah that was the worst haircut I've ever had so my next mission here is to figure out how to mount this ECU my plan is to have it kind of under the seat here but I put this uh the fuel Outlet in a place that I thought was convenient but it's kind of makes it hard to mount this [Music] so I've designed up my ECU holder filled with triangles time to go cut it out and see how it actually [Music] works [Music] hey it hey well that looks cool slag on stainless is like very sticky it's annoying sure looks cool though way too cool for a dang computer [Music] now two out of three tabs done got my little teeny tiny tab now I'm kind of afraid to tap it because the hole has been plasma cut [Music] but well that uh ECU Mount turned out very nice honestly much more aesthetically pleasing than I was expecting a while there I thought I was going to have to like hang down underneath the seat but right there it's dang near invisible yeah it seems like you got it to fit in there like really snug it's very tight and there is a chance that one of the wires will rub through because they're so snug in there but you know if it suddenly stops working I'll know why I'll uh I'll let you know after the road trip to [Music] gous on the mission to have brakes this is a CBR900 uh master cylinder and it is 5/8 diameter which uh if you remember my testing last time uh 5/8 is about the diameter we need for uh the rear brakes to [Music] work [Music] working on the uh the the rear brakes here and I think I'm going to go ahead and have to take the wheel the rear wheel off because I originally thought well it I I know I'm going to have to because this was a temporary line and also it got yed moving the bike around was a how often will you have to take off the rear fender well once the bike's finished probably not that many times but in the remainder of the building process probably many [Music] times got the rear brake line run uh zip tied in place I'll I'll make better Fasteners and zip ties later but I figured why not do a little test here that is nice low heing right there nice it's not a great test of the brake because it's not very rigid yet without having a second Mount the the brake definitely stops this but um it could also probably use some new pads those have been on there for a long time we have something that resembles brakes [Music] anyway they might need some more bleeding [Music] [Music] too on it own power man on split boy
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 559,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3eIYebOHQc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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