Distilling Mountain Dew To ACTUALLY Do The Dew

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the claw hammer guys came all the way from America so we could buy a buttload of Mountain Dew turn it into distilled Mountain Dew but we have a few problems uh Kyle is this going to even F I don't know EMT is it going to taste good hell yeah are people going to judge us for it absolutely yeah how's it going Chasers I hope you're having a kickass week I'm Jesse this is still it and the obvious first step to distilling Mountain Jew is to go by Mountain Jew a whole buttload of it buying this much Mountain Dew at the grocery store in New Zealand was actually embarrassing yeah that's Kyle this is EMT and Libby aka the clammer supply team they flew all the way from America for this crazy experiment and if you're into absolutely amazing Brewing videos you should totally check out the YouTube channel anyway time to tackle the first issue which is pH I think we need to sample this cuz I'll be real with you guys I don't remember what mountain de taste like yeah do it even taste like anything or is it just like sugar water I um I don't know I mean Cheers [Music] Cheers tastes like diabetes God blast God blast Amer Amer we are degassing the mountain Jew we're figuring that the CO2 is probably affecting the pH we want to get a baseline pH reading so we can adjust the pH because Mountain deew don't like to ferment we're trying to get the ph up above around about f 5.5 to deactivate the preservatives in the mountain Jew which will stop our yeast from doing their job it's true unfortunately the pH meter is broken but Kyle is on the job pH meter's not working contacts are corroded we don't have Q-Tips we don't have contact cleaner but we do have alcohol screwdriver painters tape and a paper towel I love you had that out the shed by the way okay just a heat gun all right that's where else would you keep a heat gun that's true where do you keep heat guns in the United States yeah it's in my garage yeah true it's a cultural difference we keep ours in the [Music] bedroom work oh it did actually work all right the pH meter is acting squirely it will not calibrate for some reason but it is consistent ly about. five too low mhm so should we just ballpark it BK it and just dude we're we're we're distilling Mountain de yeah I mean come on we just need to be above five so if we get to like 4.8 we're happy on this thing uh yeah this reading yep okay I think the best thing that ever happened to Mountain Dew was methamphetamines cuz people stopped saying Mountain do mouth and they started saying Meth mouth I have never heard the Turner phrase Mountain de mouth what is Mountain Dew mou that's like when you drink so much Mountain Dew your your teeth just like rot away like sugar and the cavities and stff okay meth methamphetamines does that quick quite effectively as well and much quicker so anyway time to be responsible and take an original gravity reading wow I am impressed dude what is that 10 1050 holy cow we want to double that though right we want it to be like 10% I don't think there's a pretty way to do this like crack the bottles up yeah rip and dip you're a lot more dainty at pouring bounc I was trying I was trying to play swords oh there's room for two I don't know what that is dude I'll play SW play I chicken swords well I'm going to win now try again to explain it oh it's a boy yeah W cross that stream I win [Music] probably don't want it a whole lot Fuller than that anyway do we no fermentation no we're good that's perfect yeah boom we did it guys we add sugar did it yeah let's add sugar actually before adding sugar we need to deal to the ph and we're going to do that with good old fashion baking soda right out of the kitchen it's probably worth mentioning too that uh some people are probably going to say that this is going to make it taste salty yeah remember we're distilling it so MH you know if we were making Mountain Dew wine yeah I probably wouldn't use this got it but for distillation I'm not too stress about [Applause] it made the hole perfectly size for a paint mixer how she taste salty I don't think we want to add any more bacing sodum no dude the pH meter is saying the same what's it saying six we kind of overshadow no but it's reading High I know but it's still now it's actually no it was low so it's probably six and a half that's fine yeah not an ideal PH range for but it'll work you know El it's not ideal for many so very true we've already got Kik out for uh some other projects mhm do you think this is the the tool for the job for Mountain J or should we do something else well thing is how we're only here for I don't know 6 four days and then this needs to be done and then fermented before we leave yeah that's the tool yeah tool boss beautiful Vos is slightly citrusy yes is it too definitely yeah right yeah it's got an orange vibe to it I take it all back we've carefully chosen VI Voss to add and accentuate the Mountain Dew flavors right like Cheers Cheers [Music] Cheers that is all about the swords yep I didn't fly to New Zealand out the swords my brother from a different mother emmen and Jesse and I actually go way way back we've known each other since childhood literally not a joke we all grew up in the same uh in the same Amish Village and I think it was around we were like six or seven I met and Jesse grew full beards and I did not so they kicked me out you have to have a beard to be Amish true story true story he wouldn't play swords 10% is what we're going for how much sugar do we need uh this is150 which is not going to give us 10% ad we want to get out get that up to about 1080 I would call it and with roughly 18 L we're going to need about 1 and 1 half kilos of sugar and thing is this is how you got a calculator out and you're not going to actually weigh any yeah I was just going to say this is Mountain Dew right like I want a rough idea so 3 kilos God there so much sugar I couldn't help but notice that there is a fancy weird top to this kig mhm that I believe facilitates pressure fermentation true do we do that or do we just no no we don't want to do that oh Oh you mean yeah that's true we could yeah so we could put an air lock on it [Music] yeah let's just do that you didn't answer anything anyone understand that I forget the question I was trying to set you up to sell your new K just do that we could just put the lid on without the gasket yeah will it have enough room to escape oh yeah yeah that'll be fine so we're going to do like a little mini fermentation uh that's going to run alongside the keg basically so we can see it it would be a real waste to have something this nucle looking yeah hidden away inside a stainless steel K where we can't see it yeah dude I nailed it yeah 5.4 are we even going to do the mathroom I just going to tip this until it feels right uh well if we do the math you're still going to tip it till it feels right so let's skip the math cuz just a waste of time who does that look awesome holy holy getting my belly yeah um that looks like the toxic ooze that CH n turtles yeah I want to find out if all of this effort is for absolutely nothing yeah so I'm literally going to do this going to drink that you're going to eat some yeast if you get drunk you'll know it worked oh there you go interesting that F me we wasted a whole lot of time okay yeah I'm excited it worked we let the Mountain Dew Masterpiece F mint at around about 30° C for 6 days uh we are ready to check the gravity on this hopefully it's somewhere near Z who knows this is Mountain Dew never tried to ferment this before yeah and um and then we're going to pop it in the still yeah let's do some bets what do you reckon 1012 I reckon 10:30 oh I'm going to go split the difference that's the smart way to do it yeah 1021 1021 all right all signs of fermentation have stopped yeah it's no longer fermenting but that doesn't mean it's uh for me to dry so I put a little bit of pressure on this so we could uh just do this transfer here oh gosh Jesse did you check this got here I tasted it I tast it yeah uh oh oh my go oh my goodness uh it's hot for this so I'm going to it it it's floating over 10:30 yeah but I'm guessing it's about 10:30 have a taste like it's what's your hydrometer calibrated to oh this is my one like it doesn't taste sweet but it tastes chewy oh God no it's got It's got boo in it for sure true yeah if that was the only thing left in the world to drink taste like prison ho i' I'd die of thirst I'll be real with you Kyle if you were dying of thirst I don't think this would help you oh we also have the two little test things that we just kind of one that we did without just to see if it would ferment without I mean we just test those I'm laugh so hard if this is down at zero yeah if it's fermented more yeah we didn't add sugar especially considering all of the work that we did to find a pH a pH meter and and then blew right by it right right uh I hate to tell you boys you're kidding me I hate to tell you boys yeah it looks like the same it does taste boozy 1010 well let's put all of that jar in there first tip her in yeah look at the color on that I mean it's significantly mhm so I think the moral of the story here is that being a jackass is fun but sometimes doing it the right way gets better results funnily enough well the question though is is there a right way even if you do it the right way is there a right way to ferment Mountain Dew yeah a really good point I think I'm going to burn this it's contaminated anything else yeah PBW so effective oh [Music] yeah oh how did that was comical dude that that went as bad as it could have gone did a great job I'm going to say that it is worth throwing a little bit of butter in here okay just in case yeah you add butter to the still just a tiny little bit it's just is like a natural anti foaming it doesn't foam up through the still time to get the pot warming up and the still built today we're going with three plates in a d flag we're aiming for about 85 90% ABV and knowing we don't have a whole lot of alcohol in the pot those plates are going to help so we've got the still up to temperature and we have been knocking all of the vapor back down with the D flag for a little while so it kind of balances the column and licks each plate fraction mhm so each plate at the moment is a higher avv than the last one it's had time to kind of balance itself like that uh so now what we're going to do is one of three things uh and those three things are basically a different mixture of two variables pump the power up a little bit to try and overpower the cooling a little bit and allow Vapor come through yep uh or decrease the water flow into the D flag a little bit to vapor through or a little mix of each you have a condenser here which that's going to turn the vapor into liquid at the end of the process if it's allowed to get if it makes it there but before that we have what's called a deflator uh which is actually condensing The Vapor here and making a d back down and I always like to have whenever possible uh head room and tail room on both the power and the water M cuz if you get to a situation where your power control is maxed yeah and it's not running right the only thing you can do is mess with the water you know what I mean got or if your water's at a at the the finest trickle you can get you can't go any lower with the water or higher so I always like to where I can try and keep power and water on medium okay and then you've got an easy up or down with two variables so we started the Run we were at 100% until we started just to warm it up until we started seeing the plate kind of fill up and as soon as you saw that you ran over and just dropped it down to 63% arbit it's not the fact that the the vapor is condensing that gives us more distillations it's the interaction between the vapor and the liquid that gives us more more distillation so it's the that's why we have Bubble plates right it's this bubbling action that's pulling more volatile stuff up or allowing it to pass through and pulling the the less volatile stuff back out of the vapor and bringing it down right all right so I say we bump that up by about 5 10% and I'll give the water a little tweak and we wait for 3 minutes and see if we get drips sweet if we don't we tweak it a bit more if we get too much we twe it back dude so we're tweaking with some Mountain Dew perfect Tech term for the medium TW totally so I'm at 63 should I go to 68 yeah uh I think what I might do is just do for me just in case should I go to 68 or 69 oh yeah go up to uh bring it to there did you just choose that number was that just completely random it was five up from where we were okay exactly yeah [Music] all right team uh we have not done stripping runs for this and the ABV that went into the pot was not that high so there's not a lot of alcohol here to grab and tasting this we're starting to head towards Hearts pretty soon I think kind of tastes like Mountain Jew Lads I'm not going to lie you want to taste I think we're real close to Hearts I'll be honest with you Emma I'm feeling a little bit confused about where we are here okay two things going on one is we're getting a lot of that mountain ju flavor coming through and in some things you distill that's a nice way to know you're into heart it's like the Vodka we distilled I'm sure you guys will see this in a different video when the grain flavor starts showing up you kind of know you're into Hearts the other side of things is that I'm still getting a little bit of that almost like clove or stares sensation in my mouth that it's not hot anymore but it's kind of numbing yes and that is quite often an indication that you're still in heads okay uh I'm wondering if this is more like fruit which would make sense kind of like a citrusy limey flavor call it Brandy yeah sure yeah it's a Mountain Dew Brandy yes uh quite often with fruit the fruit flavor sits very close to heads and can kind of bleed through heads so the art when you're making a brandy is to deci how much fruit flavor you're keeping versus how much heads you're keeping right all right let's switch over to this and you're making small assessments just so yeah cuz I mean the proof is dropping already yeah the flavor is kind of changing that way it's gone from the the lime to almost like a creaming soda sort of flavor has a better mouth feel in my opinion mhm right now a little more silky mhm less of the clove and it's are we looking for for the transition to Tails I know you've never distilled this before but in normal Spirit what like what are some characteristics yeah right I mean I honestly dude I think it's going to be kind of we'll know it when we get there okay hopefully there's there's three main ways that taals will go uh one more on the whiskey grain side of things you get a wet dog with cardboard gym socki kind of thing going on okay um if it is more of a sometimes a brandy will head that way but it will be a little bit more like vodka so that kind of concrete Petra cor um odd Funk okay uh and sometimes they just fade out to it just kind of tastes like nothing okay these ones we're still unsure about heads or Hearts okay um but this one we can pop back under here just cuz we're starting to something that's a little bit odd is it Tails I don't know um we might get this much again but yeah so taste that and it's it's kind of like a this is going to make it sound horrible it's not nearly this bad but like an old moldy lemon yeah but yeah it doesn't I haven't done this trick yet yeah so the idea is you know how you see guys with a with a sorry I should have warned you there you also do Home [Applause] Alone fine to me I I think yeah I think we're fine it was just that the flavor changed it's like what's it going to do here there's more mouth feeli change that I noticed mhm one thing we had uh question was whether or not the caffeine was going to transfer through to the final product here and which would be you know be like a like an insane version of a Four Loco or something like that right um but the caffeine has a extremely high boiling point so we're actually leaving the caffeine behind we're concentrating the caffeine behind or pulling the alcohol out and concentrating it here that's starting to change a lot mhm and not in a good way that's pretty apparent it's getting yeah like like you don't have to be a rocket science no that changed quick too um so the the bad flavor in this is uh I think it was option two that I said before where it starts going almost cementy and I dri mix a bag of dry SM yeah it's starting to get a little sour gym sock oh yeah I could see that like the sour mhm like your anerobic kind of funk weirdness yeah that's I I hadn't thought of it that way all right so I think at this we can kill this we don't have to collect the tals on this no need for that no you're telling me you don't want to do like a second and third run of all right so kill the heat kill the heat man so we don't have a test jar that's small enough for our the small amount of heads we got out of this hearts hearts um so we're going to use the the proofing uh should we let the little uh the little dude get oh he's going to get smashed do you want a buzz little dude 90% wow 90% of pure unadulterated Mountain goodness can we handle this much Dew do you even do we're about to actually the first ones in history to actually do the do sorry hprof yeah hprof sounds good to me cuz we're going extreme so what's the math saying [Applause] 160 you know what this smells like H if someone made a Mountain Dew bubblegum yeah it would taste and smell like this yeah it's Mountain jewy it's strange because the um the heat it almost makes it taste like it's still carbonated you know it has like a bite and it's like I feel like it's in a weird way I'm still drinking the Mountain Dew this is not terrible by any means all right next we're doing mixers what's the move here just add a little bit of this a little bit of that I would say add a little bit and then we can keep well what you know what why don't you do you man okay this is what I want to do this is how I want to do my de right here I'm going to go iny beansy to start [Music] with I actually like it you like it yeah um I'm thinking though not this temperature cold cold cold would be nice maybe that's what I'm that's [Music] ice so we've got a world's first uh Mountain doodo this what we call this cocktail uh let's all just share this class but but I'm going to go first feel like I feel like we should give it a better name than that really yeah you don't think it's it's like double duty double duty am my point go it's not bad it's not bad you think it's better than uh you were expecting it's better than I was expecting I know exactly what I'm thinking that that it is i' I've figured it out all right but like a little banana uh frozen banana uh the freezy it does taste a little bit banery it's the freeze pops like the liquid you put it in the freezer it's the green one the green one okay yeah yeah yeah that's exactly what it tastes like except it's got booze in it which is sweet yeah it tastes a lot better cool down that is actually pretty good I think we should get Erin to uh do a quick tasting and see what she thinks of it I don't even know what I'm drinking wow we all I don't know know what to say it's it's delicious it tastes like juice it's like a fruity summer drink Cole's right that 100% deserves a better name than double duty so hit us in the comments let us know what you think we should call it I think that this actually tastes more mountain dewy this is just straight Mountain Dew and ice so yeah it tastes more like Mountain Dew I mean it kind of makes sense right it's like concentrated Mountain Dew plus Mountain Dew it's boozy it's actually pretty freaking delicious uh but I do wonder is it is it any better than just straight vodka and Mountain Dew let's find out um I guess we're staring with a knife H I think it actually it actually is marginally better than just vodka even you know diluted down with mountain Jew I I feel like you can taste the difference is it really enough of a difference to go through all this hassle so we did the thing it worked we distilled it would you ever want to do this again with you yeah I hang out with you it was fun by myself no do you have a burning desire to have bottles of this sitting on the shelf no I don't think so either yeah fun interesting I feel like we learned something but uh not every we nah we can do better yeah we can do worse that's true anyway T we'll catch you next time give him Chase in the craft G
Channel: Still It
Views: 858,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0tabb5CL83s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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