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what do you got i'm not sure whatever it is he's pulling drag what's up everybody blue game we're back from texas we already got the gar video up whoa the blue catfish video is up next but after this video i got my kids jake luke venture and we got real cool adventures on the boat oh no there he is right there my bad my bad jake's got something big on we're just actually catching bait but like i always do when i have the kids i try to put them on something big while we're catching bait we want to go offshore and catch some dolphin but we needed good sardines or cigar minnows or something like that so this is what we're doing while he's oh he's oh boy ventures on too while we're doing this let me quick show you what we're catching bait on this is some old culvert pipes and stuff there's huge snook down there a big giant goliath grouper a couple mangrove snapper and a big school of goggle eyes luke are you ready to catch one yeah hang on to that rod make sure his drag's loose right here we're using a whole bunch of pilchards we caught on the beach pancake in about two feet of water just gonna throw a handful that way that way these kids already hooked up lukey don't let that rod get jerked out of your hand are you whooping this fish finger or what i don't know i don't even know come on jake real put that old salty to test they know what they're doing this is what i brought you for though part about this is the kids learn by doing a lot of people come out they don't let their kids do it let them go have fun that's how you figure it out come on it's like ringing around a kid back there this is your show i'm just filming it oh my goodness i think i see him hanging out there do you want a new baby y'all are fighting these fish so long they're gonna get a second breath here he comes oh where's the gap we need the gaff baseball where are we at adventure right here oh all right open that hatch oh my gosh all right get your hook out where's yours jake mad chaos people mad chaos shout out to c deck what do you think about this sea deck on the boat nice and quiet and it's good on my knees when you have tabs like this you need a little cushion jake do you like the sea deck i love it reel down lift them up your dad yeah emerald swirly back hey one thing about it if we don't catch a dolphin or a snapper we got a bonita catch clean and cook so i want to say something then this isn't a selling point sea duck doesn't pay me a dollar but if you watch any of my earlier videos when we're on this boat you'll hear our sandals are so squeaky and loud and things banging and clanging now that i have sea deck you don't hear all that all right boys reel up let's pull back up to the wreck okay another thing is when you bring that cast net in the wakes aren't spooking the baits away hang on to that rod with both hands yeah make sure you i don't want a big bonita to rip him overboard sit down and hold on tight both hands i got it because i know how to reel in a big fish [Music] hold on tight luke get that rod in your hip get that rod in your hip son how many little guys can you hang on i got him put some bend in your rod have it look at that he's trying to he's trying to sink that hook yeah all right i think the hook set now we got the life jacket tightened up put it in your hip and reel now he's almost to the surface oh what whatever i got it's massive for real i still got it what do you think it is all right keep going i think it's a big mackerel keep reeling you don't want that big goliath grouper that's right below us to eat him there's some with luke he always catches the biggest i know luke you did a good job i say we go try to catch a dolphin but right now we gotta run back in because yours truly forgot all the drinking water we have no water on this boat so we're gonna run back in get some water hopefully when we see you guys again we'll be way offshore and they'll be dolphin around the boat if not we're catching something else you can believe that all right guys we just pulled up off jupiter i'm taking over we're out here with blue gabe he's jumping in the water and we've got dolphin all around the boat the kids are getting some bait dolphin mania oh golly he's hooked up back here he just jumped up he's asleep in the back i'm just taking a handful of baits here throwing them in the water keeping these dolphin there's a good one right here agitated around the boat he's got one in the back we're gonna go ahead and let him loose tell you what put that in the rod holder leave him in the water yeah do me a favor yep put in the rod holder and grab another rod we're gonna use him as a decoy that's our dolphin decoy there's doping everywhere hey baby that one you're smoked up there look at that i got a big one can you grab his dolphin because i got a little hook on it all right we're going to come back to you in a second let's see what's going on over here yeah look at that your dad's all tangled up in that madness ready watch your feet oh put the smack down nice job are you sure you got a fish on yeah just jump back there is that a tuna no it's a big old dolphin sleeping yeah look at this okay go back to sleep video might be a little shaky oh yeah did a rail slide i've never seen him that's like a skateboard to move whoa he's flipping them in good job is how you commercial dolphin fish all [Music] right there's big dolphin everywhere this is the best day in my life yeah this is a giant zone jake come on hurry all right guys just to give you an update of what's going on we pulled up there's dolphin all over we're live chumming the kids are hooked up and what we did is we're leaving one off the back like that that's basically a teaser so these fish won't leave us they see their little buddy there and they won't leave and he's hooked up over here again i got one is that the biggest dolphin you've ever caught look at this i got dolphin mania going on i i caught a big melon in this many dolphins i did catch a big one yeah look at that that's like a dolphin karate move keep your tip over here buddy we got all types of action over here uh-oh anybody's ever seen burned my line you're about to oh lukey you got a big one on yeah that's what it's all about go look real real nice [Music] luke's got the big one on good job luke put those more chum in here on top of your dad that's how you make them tail walk good job buddy reel down the tip cool yeah i'm not helping you it's all on your own look at that 360. flying squirrel spin pick him up one two three you got it you got him let's go look at that lit up fish right there holy cow what in the world he just came up from the bottom all right swing him in the boat like a crane let let some line out go bulldogging wow how to unhook a dolphin circle hook always hooks them right in the corner of the mouth pop it right out of them pop it like it's hot look how fat he is if you think that chum doesn't work i guarantee you he's full of it right now look at all them dolphins over the rail and in the pail get him luke i see him you got a good one on he's right there don't try to winch him in yet take your time bend your rod there he is you got him son oh there he is you got a big keeper reel oh you just hang on then whoa you got him son yeah get him get him show him who's boss show him you're arrington i'm arrogant i'm the one that never gives up whoa son you got a big one point him over here you got him oh all right reel down come on reel reel all right come on you got him son come on don't do that yeah luke look at that he's almost as big as you holy cow let's get the hook out of here look at that look where something bit him oh that's that billfish come here and look at the colors look at that look how beautiful that is what's that mean go or no recording you're going yeah all right yeah we're back the kids are in the pool i have no idea how they're still going like no idea we fished all day long with no food came in went to my favorite spot in jupiter cato's bridge luke was jumping off the boat jake and venture were over there swimming yeah and they're still going i got a surprise celebrity behind the camera though so let's clean this fish this is actually a little bowl and i always like to get this head meat i've seen other people clean it before and they just leave it i don't know why it bothers me it's almost like the tail of a shrimp are you one of those people that actually eat and pull that little piece out of the tail or you just bite it off not me i'm eating that piece out of the tail so dolphin can be pretty tricky sometimes to clean if you haven't done it before because their backbone is so sensitive like you cut right through it and their back bone their actual like where their spinal cord is is really big so when you get to it you got to angle your knife up cut through those pin bones so when you get over that spine angle your knife back down and you'll be able to save that little bit of meat that's right there now dolphin can be a little bit bloodier than most when you're cleaning them but their meat's so good that little bit of blood is not going to hurt anything all right so a lot of people cut around the dolphin and they we call them dolphin we're in florida y'all it's mahi mahi dorado we call them dolphin and they'll pull the skin off i can't i don't like that not even one slice bit but they can be really really hard to skin see how i left that now i don't have so much blood on the meat and i don't have that little membrane turn the play around push and pull see that that's a big chunk right there on the head and i'll take it just like this angle my knife towards the bloodline pull it right off and i got a hungry blue crab that loves bloodline we're getting ready to make sweet potato crusted dolphin with a dolphin anytime you're cleaning them because the head's obviously real thick and down by the tails real thin so a lot of times like right now i have so many fish to clean i'll cut all the tails off and put them together and i'll put all the shoulder pieces is what we call them together that way when you're cooking all your pieces match up i'm not gonna wrench this fish off i'm not gonna do anything because i want that flavor right now if i was freezing it i would probably wash it off a little bit take a little bit of the danos original this stuff is pretty good it's growing on me you guys want to follow somebody to get some seriously cool recipes i'm going to give him credit right now that he's even impressing me when it comes to cooking dano's tick tock his tick tock like three times a day i don't even know where he gets all this content but he posts the most awesome one minute long videos on tick tock explaining how to make certain things all with dinos but you don't have to use thanos if you didn't want to you can use anything it's just amazing ideas all that is flour you know right now everybody's thinking who is behind the camera who is i wonder who it is all right so this is fresh sweet potato that i shaved up earlier this is buttermilk just regular buttermilk and three eggs that i cracked and scrambled up in there just to get this stuff to stick a little bit better oh looks good don't you know where i first ate this food check in jupiter like 15 years ago oh if i could mimic their one sauce though shout out to food chat because that place is the bomb diggity all right so this is what i'm gonna do for us and then i'm just gonna pan fry the rest all right so here's my little secret just a dash of cinnamon we've already got that saltiness now we're going to get that sweet and instead of just using olive oil i put some salted butter on here i was walking through the grocery store i just stopped to get one little thing i don't know what it was but it hit me i'm like oh my goodness i need some sweet potato crusted something good thing we had dolphin in the bay well all right so we finished it off i got a lot going on in the house right now with all these kids so i browned it on both sides you obviously know i already added the cinnamon and right at the end i topped it off with some honey and put it back in the oven for like 10 minutes so i can fry the kids fish but can you all smell that it smells good oh i thought you were making garlic bread i got you garlic bread people around here they smell a cooking and they just come running where'd you play that jake i didn't get you one all right voila she's been shark diving all day and she texts me on the way home that she was hungry i'm like well we got some dolphin to eat i'm sitting at the wrong end of the table all right son we're starving make it short and sweet thank you dear lord for this day thank you for dying across lying on the crossbar since thank you for letting us have a fun and safe day out offshore catching dolphin thank you for this wonderful food and thank you for everything you did and you just made me pray amen luke did you have your eyes closed no what what what about you i don't know what y'all anyhow come on dig in my biggest critics right here let's see what she thinks it's hot i imagine it's really good that's scary i like it i could use a little more cinnamon but it's good or maybe a little bit of a brown sugar i thought about the brown sugar but i think the brown sugar would have browned too much i actually thought about how i could sweeten it up because i really like sweet and salty but anytime you're cooking with sugar sugar browns super super fast so i don't think if you're gonna add brown sugar to this add it to the end why not add honey like jake's doing i'm over here making sure that's raw wild honey from right here in hope sound too oh come on what do you think jake what do you boys y'all want to tell your fans anything about today's fishing trip or what oh it was amazing jake or luke how many did you catch i mean why are you being quiet tonight you're never quiet you're tired you're usually always talking nonstop i took these kids out yeah we didn't have very many snacks we didn't have very many waters and we went a long ways offshore but sometimes if you want them to be tough when they're older you better raise them tough when they're younger let me try this fish real quick that's really good you can definitely taste the herbs and the dinos 100 for those of y'all that like herbs he will like dinos because it's really herby i like it i grew up eating garlic salt which probably isn't the healthiest because i know danos is really healthy so i'm getting used to it but as i get used to it i'm starting to learn to like it that's cool i love this either it even has the eye sockets he glued every one of those pieces of bone back together that is insane all right y'all that was just a day off of jupiter and tomorrow i think we're gonna take kelly young because she wants to spear some it's flat there's lots of bait we're gonna go shoot some more dolphin what can i say you would do it too like jake always says though what are we doing we getting the heck out of shape
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 177,195
Rating: 4.945899 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, fishing, deer meat for dinner, bluegabe, Deer, Meat, for, Dinner, Bluegabe, catch clean and cook, Catch, Clean, and, Cook, how to, How to, Dolphin, Mahi, cooking, how to cook fish, boating, fun, exciting, educational, learning
Id: yEn5bgpVO0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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