Exotic TRIGGER Fishing *Hook & Cook* & Introducing My PET HedgeHog 🦔

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what is going on everyone it's kelly here and right now well i have a little surprise actually i have a couple little surprises one the redneck champagne ice cooler it is gorgeous now i have champagne because it is officially 2021 and this is my first posted video in the year 2021 so we're gonna pop some champagne now i do not pop champagne that much i think i popped one like once like years ago so bear with me here but can we take it outside no we're gonna yeah we're gonna open the door and we're gonna make the court go out there because um i think you need to stand a little bit further outside hold on i gotta i gotta undo this first this isn't what makes a cork pop i think you gotta like you gotta like pull it out goodness she scared me i thought it was gonna go everywhere oh my goodness well there we go you're you're distracting me [Applause] [Music] well you were distracting me i was looking at my ceiling and all that grill you can't talk to me i just got to do it and you distracted me anyways we popped the cork happy new year today is new year's eve this video won't be posted until probably like i don't know january 2nd so i don't want to post on a holiday because for us youtubers posting on a holiday no bueno people are out celebrating doing stuff with their family and friends so people aren't really on youtube as much i'm trying to pour it we're like a professional i've seen bartenders do this so you know do a little more this one you trying to get me drunk yeah so the new year you ready here you go redneck get out of here here you go all right cheers to the new year youtube success and family turn the camera around it's actually not bad it's like the riesling with bubbles to start off this video we pop some champagne welcome to the new year 2021 we all know 2020 was a crazy year but to be honest personally 2020 was probably my personally now everything going on in the world despite that for me it's been a good year and i'm just gonna look at the positive aspects of it but now we're gonna go trigger fish fishing up in jacksonville and then we're gonna come back to stuart florida and we're gonna cook up a whole trigger fish [Music] all right guys we are in jacksonville right now we're about 60 miles off the coast i just went and caught a bunch of vermillion snapper and that was my last video i posted and now we're just dropping rigs down around 200 feet and seeing what we pull up joey's on the electric reel blue game's over there on a spinning rail and i'm on a conventional right here i'm on a conventional i got an elastic oh blue game's on the ugly stick 200 feet i see color joey's cheating i am not i caught another i caught another v-line and right there folks that is our limit of b-liners right there we needed one more oh my goodness you guys i got to show you something what are you doing all right so this is our vermilion snapper bee line snapper that we just caught in our last video but we know we caught so many i'm gonna go ahead and release this one i can't get over this you got a rod in one hand an electric reel on the other dang something big on there big old trigger fish no big pink porky no no no big mondo trigger mondo trigger [Music] that's a really good one the beautiful jacksonville trigger fish big one dang about as good as it gets we're eating right here my little foam is up in the camera lens oh god turn the handle don't stop turn the handle i thought you were filming your own video over there i was trying to get my gopro and then this thing just went i hope it's a trigger oh this if it's a trigger is it a massive trigger oh what the heck it just pulled let me come over here on your other side wait i need it i need all the footage i can get from my video you already got one oh your hair's gonna get all hung up in the real yeah let's not do that i want you to everybody about me falling on you an hour so go on the way out i thought you did it on purpose that was really funny too you actually followed him because he doesn't i was either that or squish her camera he does it all the time so i was like i was like i'm cold i'm trying to keep my hat on my head my hair is knotted [Music] only 100 more feet to go steady reel steady rail i need to do this thing there you go that's it that's the move right there that's the new meta for real [Music] what's the name of y'all's business team buck rogers you wanna go come fish with me do a 12-hour like this go to team buck roger duck queen triggerfish beautiful as beautiful as it gets unfortunately in florida for whatever reason these things are now considered aquarium fish and they're illegal to keep if they're over four inches and dead so you have to keep it alive you have to be under four inches but absolutely beautiful look at those colors guys that's insane right there oh my god don't throw him back there oh yeah i want a picture absolutely remember in our last video yeah i know like four of them yeah we didn't know i didn't know you can even catch those oh yeah beautiful whoa whoa [Music] [Music] oh he almost bit me yeah that is the thing that's the last thing with him wow this is like honestly probably like my favorite catch ever look how beautiful it is yeah it's so unique and giant too that's a that's a eight nine pound trigger fish i've never seen like what are they queen triggers clean trigger fish i've never seen them this big before all right trigger you ready see ya see you later good catch high five oh my god all over me you don't need the level one okay fine it's crazy that that tide just picked up like that out of nowhere i know i'm like right i'm letting out this line it's just going and going and i'm like wait a minute whoa oh wow dang that trigger fish is fighting hard awesome i thought they didn't like them bonitas i know what that i knew that was good that's what happens that's what happens when you talk smack talk smack dang i was not expecting this surprise just cut it into my new hook it's frayed anyway are we releasing them yeah release them into the box into the ball or into the basket i should say into the basket the basket of goods i don't know if i need to take this jacket off let's see if you can take the jacket off successfully before you get wrecked nibble nibble all right we're good whoa whoa whoa what you got hopefully a big old trigger here we go this is bikini and board shorts weather i know we went from oh my goodness we went from 32 degrees this morning to probably like 78 sunny and beautiful out i'm over here with like four layers on i'm over here my skinny sweatpants your skinny sweatpants oh my goodness that's a trigger i know they can't they thought this hard steady real no problems no pawns oh okay [Music] you know i just discovered about like eight months ago that people actually eat sugar fish i never knew that i thought they were just a pretty fish in the ocean let alone they're delicious [Music] joey taught me this easy way of reeling without getting worn out because i don't fish with metro rods too much so my left arm just gets worn out so fast so here i have the rod butt up under my right armpit and it's digging in case y'all are wondering yeah you see color yet no you got four yeah yeah yeah i see color no wait that was a glare 110 more feet ago giant mutton stock i was just joking oh my gosh that's why i say stop i'm like stop here it is look what you caught trigger fish gregor i got older hello i wish we got them that big at home i know right miami they're this big stuart they're like half the size yum yum trigger beautiful i brought those pink dankos just for you just for me for me you shouldn't have gabe thank you what color what are you doing i'm taking my pants off and i'm sweating look at his eyeball he definitely came up from 200 feet i wish i could i'll show you their teeth when they're done you rub your fingers i'm not getting bit by one of these in the box oh yeah like goal of mine never to get bit by a trigger fish i'm surprised i haven't yet i almost got bit several times spear fishing because sometimes i don't stone them and they'll swim around and didn't charge at me but luckily i've never gotten bit yet yet i say yet all right we got three trigger fish on the electric reel oh no no oh my gosh all right hopefully the wind's not too bad in this gopro i just used about three other gopros and they all died on me so the sun is going down it's absolutely gorgeous out here and we absolutely slayed the fish it's been a while since i've had a slay day like this we got mutton snapper trigger fish queen trigger a massive ap caught a bunch or not ap agent aj caught a bunch of other amberjacks that we released we got vermilion snapper pinkies they call them uh what else a giant cuda gag grouper oh my gosh just absolutely insane out here check it out i just broke off a giant did you yes man check out gabe's massive mutton snapper so big this is mine and mine is still huge too oh man this is a mogan right there another another mutton what is this there's the grouper hello oh and another species i forgot ow how do you say it alma koa alamoko al-mako and we kind of the gas station wait say it one more time almo almo almo i keep butchering this word and we thought almaco which is what this is right there alma co back at home every time i see them in the water there are these little babies and you see them under the weed patches floating out in the ocean here you can catch them pretty big i'll give you 20 bucks if you can get five foot from it i've already busted no look he just tried you oh i grabbed him quick like ninja i need to work on my ninja skills all right guys so it is the next morning we got in super late last night but we're gonna go ahead and clean some fish we got a lot of work ahead of us here's our trigger fish that we caught and check out their teeth you do not want to get bit by one of these things and unlike the sheephead sheephead are not known to like attack but sugarfish they will attack i think bluegave has a video of him scuba diving and the triggerfish is attacking the camera with a gopro underwater anyways so the thing with trigger fish when you fillet them is their scales and their skin are like a coat of armor so you can't just cut into them like a normal fish you have to find a soft spot and poke your knife in like so and you really want to make sure you're cutting from the inside out boom [Music] boil that knife in there cut from the inside out [Music] poke it through look how big that seagull is he's a monster oh my gosh we're taking a little break from fellaing because they're putting a boat in the water boy y'all did good didn't you oh yeah real good all right guys we're back at it so boom boom and then there's a little bone right here you just gotta push through then just finish filling it there we go takes a little bit of elbow grease sometimes so when i take the skin off these trigger fish because it's such a wide fillet i grab a longer knife that way i'm not struggling with a shorter knife grab yourself a little handle right there stick your knife in keep it level and just like any other fish pull that skin right off the fillet boom check that out and then i like to keep the flight on the skin that way it's not touching this table just cut off the yucky pieces give them to the birds i'm so excited i haven't had trigger fish in so long and it is a such a good fish to eat but um i showed you guys how to play sugar fish just because they're a little bit more difficult to flay especially if someone has never played a trigger fish before because their skin is so hard and you will dull the crap out of your knife if you start sawing at it but i think for the video i'm gonna cook one whole which i've never done with a trigger fish before but i heard some little birds told me that a lot of people eat trigger fish whole so i'm gonna go ahead and give that a go when we get back to stuart all right guys we have our whole trigger fish here come check it out this is so unique looking right now look at those teeth look at that is the trigger yep look at that trigger that is super cool so i've never prepared a trigger fish hole before and apparently in a lot of different countries they eat sugar fish whole i've always just fillet them and dispose of their carcass i didn't realize how much of meat was in the head of these trigger fish so i'm super excited to cook this up and see how it is what are you doing he's doing to you what you do to me on my ex isn't it are you hungry luke all right you guys so first things first is i am kind of winging it just like i do with all my cooking but yeah that's not even dukes it's not this is buy one get one free at publix and it's light i can't believe you wouldn't use dukes i mean goodness you know what i'm like i kind of like this male better not gonna lie yeah i'm not a big fan of dukes myself it's a little dukes is a little too oily for me rub that mayo in who's calling us right now dalton y'all see that devil sea ranch what they know about that devil sea ranch double sea ranch though i thought we were going to the ranch today what's up all right so anyways before we get interrupted dalton just called us and he is our guide at the double sea ranch that we always hunt at up in vanilla florida all right so we lathered it up with some mayonnaise on this side and we're gonna do the same to the other side i bet he wasn't expecting to be put on the grill hole all right this is gonna be messy i'm not a lefty that shows get his cheeks get his chin all around that eyeball check out that bone though i wish you'd rub me down like this when you got that dry skin man you always telling me to rub your back look he's creeping again he's always creeping luke's always hungry that's why all right mayo is done second step wash your hands all right so i have a little garlic seasoning here and no it's not gabe's favorite this is what i found at sprouts which is this new grocery store here in stuart that i absolutely love it's kind of like a whole foods but i'm kind of going to go light on the garlic salt just because i'm going to add um some chopped up garlic to the fish mayonnaise is real salty too yeah okay i don't you know i don't use mayonnaise a lot but i'm starting to use a lot so that's good to know mayonnaise a lot of salt in there i have some turmeric which is great for inflammation any type of inflammation in the body turmeric is the way to go it's natural and really good for you and it tastes really good the only thing is it if you get it on anything it's going to stay in yellow [Applause] all right we got some scallions oh i forgot this i'm also gonna add a little paprika the only thing i ever used paprika on are deviled eggs so i'm kind of experimenting with the paprika we got some parsley so gabe has this side yard on the side of his house and we're trying to think of something to do with that yard and i'm thinking about planning a little garden and like actually keeping up with it because not gonna lie i don't have the best green thumb but it's because i never actually tend to it we got some minced or chopped garlic so when this fish cooks it's all gonna just melt down into a sauce it's gonna be real good we can eat some fish without scallions listen i love scallions some black pepper and i'm gonna wait until the end to add sea salt just because you can always add salt you can't take it away all right i'm gonna try to make this like a little bowl there's mushrooms over there i know i'm gonna i'm gonna try to make it a bowl first before i have the mushrooms leave me alone [Music] this little tail is gonna get fried man we need some bigger foil last but not least the mushrooms y'all can't even tell there's a fish under there super excited and any excess leftovers throw it on there [Music] all right now to try to wrap this up in the boil all right he is nice and tucked in for the night is that boy's ready to go on the grill all right so i'm gonna pop over here [Music] because gabe is actually going to be cooking a hole off the smoke up my eyes a whole mutton snapper that we caught in jacksonville as well so we're gonna let that cook and then i'll see you guys when it's done cooking all right you guys so as we're waiting for the fish to cook i have a little tiny creature that i want to introduce to you guys some of you might already know but a lot of you don't know but i do have a little pet hedgehog oh careful you gotta be gentle he's so spiky really spiky now a little info about hedgehogs they are nocturnal so that means if you don't know um they are asleep all day and they run on their little wheels and they're very active at night luke you run on your wheels all day and night also and they only live to about three to four years so it's kind of sad but i mean a really old hedgehog could live to five but where'd you just come from check out that blue gabe merch oh my birthday was in five years ago wasn't five years ago yeah you didn't have a birthday since then yeah she's actually being super super friendly right now sometimes she gets a little irritated and she'll start spiking up her spines but she's being really tolerable right now let's introduce her to redneck right nick that's not a good idea he's outside come here check out this format i got gave for christmas though it's pretty legit it says go on hunting be back soon to go fishing that's right all right come here look it's okay no be nice be nice he's like if i can't eat it i don't want nothing to do with it luke come here watch out luke be nice redneck be nice look oh redneck he's not all a cold-blooded killer yeah he's like just set it down and walk away yeah hedgehogs if the hedgehogs see um like bad creatures they stick their spines up on their back and they protect themselves see how she just rolled up so she pretty much looks like just a big old pine cone they're not native to north america at all they're native to europe so my finger was just in the screen where was it the whole time no see how she got scared so she spiked up those spines careful another thing that they do is called anointing and so if they find something they like kind of like dogs mark their territory they it's very hard to explain so if i let her outside the grass she'll find the leaf and she loves the smell of the leaf she'll chew the leaf turn around and she'll spit on her back so she smells like her environment it's pretty weird i do that when i'm hunting i'd chew up some leaves and just spit it all over myself that way the deer don't smell ya but yeah she's she's a sweetheart but nick's like just put down the animal no hedgehogs are very cute that is a that is the number one fact you're awful quiet tonight it's mesmerized all right we're gonna put her back and now we're going to go check on the fish look at that look at that though what she looks kind of like what are you gonna do in alabama if one of those steps out she will shoot it she turns it she looks much like i'm a a hog but she has spikes on her back a hog with spikes y'all leave a comment below if you think kelly will have buck fever if that buck steps out i'll be oh my gosh well to find out are you telling what you shot there today i shot a doe with the 270 up in georgia how many yards 200 140. close 200 you know rounded it up that one hey at least you brought home some meat i have yet to brought home some meat yet so better luck in 2021 all right you guys the trigger fish has been on the grill for 58 minutes why are you getting so close i want to undo unveiling all right jeez he said that's so mean no i want to see it i'm ready to eat all right see all right i got my fork okay so i it was on the grill for 57 minutes and then i stuck it on broil in the oven for about two minutes just to brown the edges so here we go we're ready to reveal the fish okay take it from the edge take it from the edge we're taking it to a party take it from like right here i see you're not a lefty either dad can i quickly put this in the screen i'll help you man i failed there you go you try your first bite okay oh it followed it fell apart very nicely i bring my scooter to the garden so i can ride it we're gathering up everyone we're about to go to a new year's eve party right down the street gabe and i are bringing two whole fish and we're gonna wait till the ball drops but this is really good here babe we're giving it a little taste test before we bring it over there it's just falling apart cooked to perfection to perfection you ready i don't know if i can do this can you sell me there you go could you use some sea salt good all right perfect all right guys we're bundling up these fish we're hopping in the truck we're going to a party thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for just always supporting myself and blue gabe i'll see y'all in the next video see ya
Channel: Kelly Young
Views: 171,544
Rating: 4.9334884 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, jacksonville, offshore, trigger fish, queen trigger, blue gabe, kelly young, island key, islandkey, catch clean cook, catch, amazon, hook & cook, exotic trigger, exotic, big fish, epic, cooked whole, whole cooked, whole fish, ocean, fillet, how to, clean, wildlife, hunting, hunt, travel, where to, people, vlogs, youtuber, life, happy, friends, family, deer meat for dinner, vicky stark, Hedgehog, pet, my pet, Cute
Id: hGLPpUcX3F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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