How To Catch, Clean, Cook and Properly Freeze *CRAPPIE*

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what's up everybody blue gabe we're in lake okeechobee i've got my new boat my new pro drive if you've checked out my frog gigging video in louisiana you've already seen it but guess what i got it modified to where now i think this is the best boat i've ever had and i know for a fact that if you follow along with me for very long you're gonna see that this is the most versatile boat ever got eight foot power poles got c-deck got rod lockers and i got my outrigger lights millennium seats and today we're going to show you how to catch crappie on a jig rod it's not like what you would do anywhere else in the country this to me is the best place in the world to do it and it's the most fun you can possibly have got my dad got kelly young behind the camera and let's go crappie fishing looks like i'm having some beginner's luck second crappie on the boat he's a good size too a little porker well we're here i know next time i'll come fishing all right you guys so we just pulled in here to what we call the maiden cane and this is where we're going to start fishing we've got these little jig heads just like that and you take these little bass assassin rubber jig bodies i bite just a teeny bit off come right in its belly there's a flat side on them if you see right there how it's flat but here's the trick especially if you have kids or the fish are really really biting you do this you'll go through a lot less bodies just take a little dab of a super glue and run it up on there and just dab a little drop on the edge now that rubber jig body will last way longer i'm going to try my best to show you guys how we fish this it's really rough though so let's get started actually ain't a ton of fishable spots at this exact moment hear timmy laughing he has got the funniest life oh double up oh we're listening to timmy you guys if you watch my noodling video timmy was in it the tall real tall skinny dude he's got the best laugh ever timmy we love you he's not far back behind us with brad let me show the audience you guys want to see what we're fishing this is the best way for me to show you that's how we're fishing you stick these long rods you pull the jig let me see it these are the jigs we're using you suck it up to the end of the rod and you literally just do this right here you get it in there and then you drop it is it working though let's see show them that cooler let's see we got a lot sakura is what they called them in louisiana oh kp so have you been happy with the pro drive or what oh yeah for sure i mean look look what we're in right now look at the trees i ran over we literally run over trees to get in here that's your second one right that's my fourth and a half because one got away how many you caught dad [Music] what happened i don't know you took my rod so with these fish a lot of people up north a lot of you guys and gals that crappie fish you got to be really really quiet obviously the camera wasn't pointing at me when i caught this one but i'm about to show you where it was when i caught it we're parked on a big tree right here we just came through here and i just caught that fish right there what happened the bottom i will say kelly's i think this sport what we're doing right now because you got to be so patient kelly's actually could possibly be better at me than this for sure she's already some up on me but here in lake okeechobee you don't have to be quiet you can make all the noise you want why you got so many rods and for those of y'all that don't know that's brad with g3 outfitters and about a 90 000 boat that he drives up in these trees he might need his head checked you're disturbing all my fish oh gosh geez don't move y'all are catching a big one i just caught kelly yep that happens y'all got any six foot poles over there or gaff don't even make no sense now yeah this is the hardest spot i've pulled up into yet y'all see that he landed in the boat all right we got to move yeah we can't do nothing in this hole hold this i want to show my fans the reverse on this pro drive y'all think y'all's boat's got a crazy reverse watch this on dad [Applause] what are y'all doing [Applause] [Applause] what sticking through here and let me see that's a beautiful big old black male look at him how about that there you go oh got it bacon you guys we turned the cameras off for about an hour because the sun was shining so bright now we can show you exactly what we're doing look at this look at that doubled up doubled up big old crappie so the rods we're using are these acc crappie sticks got these little reels i don't know what they're exactly called got 20 pound power pro to the little jig the jig really doesn't matter so this is the trick this is the trick watch what i'm doing show them the end of the rod now show my hand i pull that jig up to the end of the rod and i stick it in this hole right here or wherever i feel like there might be a fish real slow and i drop that jig straight down there's so many weeds in there that you will get hung up quick i jig it for maybe 15 seconds grab that line pull my jig back up pull the rod back out and i just go straight to a different hole and repeat we haven't been catching very many fish in big groups we pull up two o'clock catch one or two then move to the next so now we just fished the spot for two minutes or so didn't get any bites crank the motor pull forward [Music] when i decided to build this pro drive i was looking for a boat that was very you know versatile something i could do anything i wanted out of and for the most part unless it consists of going offshore in big waves i can do it did you see how hard that one hit yep that noise you hear is a stick on the front of the boat oh show them them power poles those are pretty this is one fishing type deal that i wouldn't recommend with your kids look at that though look at that it's very very hard and can be very frustrating this is not something you want to do with kids here in a couple weeks i will do a video though crappie fishing with live bait minnows and you can do that with your kids anytime we pull up to these clumps we're looking for holes that are just a little bit bigger and a little bit more open than the rest i see one in here though i don't know if i can get a fish out of it see how i stick that rod in there nice and slow drop that jig straight down i liked it just like that i'm not sitting there up and down and up and down and i'm just ticking it brad with g3 outfitters who i just did the bass video with the other day with the kids he does charters for these things you come fishing with him i promise you you will learn a lot and you will go home with a lot of meat him and i are actually going look at did you just see what i drug that fish out of if that doesn't tell you about these rods and how strong they are nothing will look at that use this braid because you can obviously you can see you couldn't get that fish out with anything else yeah little jig big crappie these rods don't play around i promise you i'll have the link below where you can find them we got to keep catching here on lake okeechobee you're allowed 25 crappie each but to be honest with you 10 each is more than you're gonna eat that's a 25 crappie's a lot let's see if there's another one in here oh did you he almost jerked a rod out of my hand you'll pretty much always find that when you're fishing like this they'll all be in the same type of area when you're going down the line if oh there you go if they're in bull rush they'll be all being bull rush if they're in maiden cane they'll all be in maiden king i mean look at that though pretty fish it don't get much better and the cool thing about crappie is they're literally everywhere in the country and they're good to eat everywhere as well dad are you gonna catch one i'm putting a work on him so i started out crazy slow i was really worried about kelly because she had never done it so i explained to her on the way here how to do it well she came out of the gate swinging and i sort of think i know what she's doing right now she's stopping while she's ahead because now if i say i won she'll say well i quit fishing oh got him i love it when a plan comes together leave a comment below if you'd like to come do this with me my dad and kelly we need to have deer meat for dinner out here and have us a little fish off me aubry and robert winter takes all oh like that now i was i don't know if you saw me right then but i was trying to do this and that you that ain't the right way it's funny i said that as my dad's slowly creeping back here in the direction of where i'm catching these fish so last night me jake and my buddy michael fugue took this boat fish gigging for the first time i only filmed a little bit of it because i was more or less doing a trial run on the boat check out the drone footage and some of these fish jake gigged hold him up again son you just wrecked him pick him up you got him he knows to pin that thing down stay back here jake step back here keep the gig in the ground step back here keep walking back here walk back here now switch hands and swing him straight up in there ready [Music] outta boy keep staying you guys heard you've heard me say it in about 100 videos that power poles are the best invention ever made that's not joking around you see how quick that was shut the motor off drop the poles and start fishing how do you top that these are the sportsman series the ones on my baby and my airboat are blades these are a little bit probably 200 each cheaper than the blades and work just as good but the blades for a big boat are a little bit better what do you all think we got enough fish i think we're good for fish fry what did you say you wanted fish fried rice fish fried rice yes fish fried rice fish fried rice fish sounds good all right you guys i hope you enjoyed this part of the fishing acc crappie stick g3 outfitters my dad kelly young me we're headed to the house we'll see y'all in the kitchen all right you guys we are back we're about to throw down in this kitchen like never before we're going to make a dish that you're definitely not going to expect and i'm also going to show you how to preserve fish so we caught 75 last night that was our limit before dark i've got my new out my new vacuum sealer outrigger outdoors the same guys that make my lights for my new boat that we were fishing on yesterday just came out with an awesome vacuum sealer so i'm going to clean a couple of these fish show you how to cook this awesome meal and how to properly store away fish to put in the freezer so it'll be fresh forever now for those of y'all that follow me know that danko knives have been out of stock for a while they just got a huge shipment in of their kits this is the 10 inch 7 inch and 5 inch and i assure you with these three knives for less than 50 bucks you can do anything you need to do period and if you can't well you might need to reevaluate your situation my favorite to play with is the seven inch all day every day come in right along their backbone angle it forward come in right like here angle it backwards now if i was frying them i would definitely be saving the tails and the backbones because that's my favorite part now with a crappie there's a big chunk of meat right below the ribs so get that knife and angle it down just like so this fillet knife cuts through them like butter look at her she was ready to pop with roe now one of the reasons lake okeechobee has such a massive amount of big crappie is that we harvest a lot of crappie out of that lake they're not fighting to eat there's plenty of room for everybody and that lake has one of the best populations of crappie on the planet and big ones these are pretty big but they're not near as big as they get cut through the rib a little bit don't worry i'm going to show you right now how to fix that so when you mess up and you cut through the ribs a little bit just get that knife right up underneath them and pluck them right out no harm no foul now when it comes time to skin them lay that knife right down just like so and look at that for those of y'all that eat panfish or fresh water fish you know that there's not a better eating fish on the planet than a crappie sock lay white perch whatever you want to call them they don't get no better all right let's get this party started not that much butter got a cup of onion a cup of mushrooms two cups zucchini none of this has to be exact by any means about a cup of broccoli you wondering what we're making yet i ain't even telling you yet i got my cast iron skillet pretty hot i don't want this to like get all mushy i'd rather cook it hot and fast than low and slow now i want to add a little check this thing out kelly got a little spritzer of olive oil like if you're grilling this is awesome because you can put them on there and squirt you're only getting olive oil right on the food that you want to spray not all over everything stir it up turn your heat back up from that initial blast do some pepper and some salt i'm not going too heavy with seasonings because we're going to put a special seasoning on right at the end this is one of those things you need to stand over and make sure it doesn't burn and make sure it doesn't get too cool while it's cooking because it will get real mushy all right while that's cooking let's cook some fish i'm going to go real real light on the seasonings crappie sockalet white perch it's such a white flaky pure good eating fish that you don't need to over season it you're not trying to hide anything you're not trying to cover anything up it's just an excellent excellent eating fish i don't know what this is kelly came home with a something garlic seasoning and nalt got a little bit of butter a little bit of olive oil my big pans taken up right now with rice we will be done soon though and you're going to be very surprised all right they've been on there about a minute we need to flip them look at that just a little golden crunch oh you got this you know what i need to do i don't even know why i'm playing around y'all i got the best fans in the world my last video they broke guess what they emailed me asked me my address and sent me not one but two pairs here comes the magic a lot of y'all right now are scratching your head thinking what is gabe doing here comes the magic i know a bunch y'all are thinking thinking thinking thinking but what are you thinking turn the heat off on this because they're pretty much done y'all check out these tongs right here look at that i'm sure this chef wizard has wondered why such a peak of sales lately i have zero affiliation with them but i wish i did because i guarantee i've sold a couple thousand pairs of them now kelly is the reasoning behind this dish she loves eating this style of food [Music] what you know about that we're just gonna stir all in sure some of y'all were thinking i knew it i knew it how about this though what you all know about that we need a little bit more but does it look good kelly i'm sorry it looks so good little homemade crappie fried rice now here's the funny thing y'all were probably thinking i was going to lay out this beautiful dish no we're gonna do it like you should do it especially if you're at deer camp fishing camp and you got a bunch of people that are hungry right now this is how you do it chop that fish up start stirring it in now you got your protein your vegetables your rice now you're gonna lose weight and feel good maybe not lose weight i don't know where i was going with that crappie fried rice not crappy fried crappie fries to finish it off we got this really healthy soy sauce that kelly found just a little bit oh some yum sauce that's all you need look at that though the smells are amazing but y'all were wondering about the seasonings at the end check out this yep that says seaweed on there i don't know why kelly likes eating seaweed but we do so sprinkle some of this on top i know some of y'all right now are wishing you could come through this camera and lick this pan might be a little hot check this out though check that out but can y'all smell that yeah that smells good the taste test of my favorite meal ever so good i can live on that like you do really well i can live off of fried rice like healthy fried rice like this oh my gosh so it's good that's so good redneck did you want some i never want some but we do have a piece of fish here that's just plain i think it's just a little bit of olive oil salt and pepper i've never had crappie crappy puppy so this is my first time just having it plain without anything i'm gonna go catch me some more this is really good really flaky and white good flavor no fishy flavor whatsoever i love it what do you say before we finish eating we show them how to put up some fish yes and we should show them the christmas tree you picked out well it's a little stumpy for the ceiling but it's okay all right so if you notice me zooming in on her what you don't know is her little fingers that camera she's holding zooms in and zooms out she's not sticking the camera like that and when i'm filming i try to do it in my stubby rough working hands that's like right that's why we were doing that here's step one of making your fish last as long as possible is get it bone dry wrap it up in some paper towels if you're a kid your mom's probably gonna be mad that you use up all of her paper towels but say mom it's for the better good here's the really cool thing about this scale and i'm going to show you because kelly believe it or not i might need to put up one of your pictures of her she used to be at work like a what a bodybuilder she was a bodybuilder built like a brick house so she was always weighing her fish or her chicken or whatever she was that she was eating in this new scale hear that 72.6 grams 159 245 333 407 47 47 29 472.9 grams of healthy fish you could weigh carrots or whatever else you want to do one of the coolest things about a vacuum sealer in my opinion is you can also do marinades if you're going to do some like deer meat backstrap or a meat that doesn't have the best flavor and you're wanting to inject some flavor put it in a vacuum sealer put a little bit of the marinade do it just right and it'll just suck those juices right down into there now when i'm storing fish there's five of us in our little family so i like to put five plates because i know we're going to at least eat that much and sometimes i'll even put six in case somebody gets hungry if you lay it in there nice and neat this vacuum sealer will be able to do its actual job look at that done that fish right there will last a lot longer than you can imagine and you can do chicken deer meat anything anything you would put in a ziploc you can do in here the coolest thing about this some of y'all right now can be like oh you're trying to do a sales pitch now i'm trying to help you guys out because you guys asked me a ton of questions on what we use outrigger outdoors i'll have the link in the description below if you use my promo code you'll even save more money this awesome christmas gift it's just an awesome gift for your mom your grandma yourself whoever you are buy it i use it i love it now let me try this real quick without good some chopsticks i'll feel like um i think i like it better like this than i would with chicken i still got a couple more fillets i'll vacuum seal these up tomorrow we're going back to crystal river me and g3 outfitters and casey the boy i did the snipe hunting video with last year timmy and richard who we did the noodle video with and we're gonna come back with so much fish it's insane you can rest assured i'm gonna fill the freezer full of vacuum sealed fish but right now like jake always says it's time to get up out of here show them the painting of redneck i just saw that look at this my neighbor right next door that's painted the catfish video i did in south carolina i took this picture and she loves redneck and she goes do you have a good picture of them and she hand-painted that that's amazing back to the exit like jake always says it's time to get up out of here and get the heck out of shape
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 472,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, Fishing, Okeechobee, Lake, lake, florida, Florida, Bluegabe, Blue, Gabe, Kelly, Young, Kelly Young, crappie, Crappie, specks, Specks, white, black, saccalait, jigging, catch, clean, cook, how, to, cooking, cleaning, mud, motors, pro drive, boats, surfacedrives, bushes, boating, crazy, deer meat, for, dinner, Deer, Meat, Dinner, fried, rice, seared, freezing, vacum sealer, outdoors, perch, south, gigging, night, time, YouTube, youtube
Id: G44d4CyFVQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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