How to use as a CRM | CRM Software for Small Business ( Tutorial)

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Captions has recently upgraded their crm solution and you can now manage every aspect of your customers journey and sales process through monday's highly visual and user-friendly cerium software hey guys welcome back to another tutorial for small business owners wanting to transition online today we're going to dive right into as a crm now i've covered as a project management software earlier this year however recently has released some exciting changes to their crm which is ideal for small business now in this tutorial for beginners i will show you exactly how to get started and make the most of this powerful crm software okay guys now just quickly before we dive right into consider subscribing if you haven't done so already and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to grow your small business online and without the way let's get started with [Music] crm okay so let's dive into and show you how to make the most of monday's crm now before we go ahead and sign up with what we want to do is head over to pricing and as you can see down here they offer their premium solutions for an affordable price so as you can see this is per user eight dollars up to sixteen dollars per user now this is for three seats so if you had three users for the basic plan you'd be paying 24 per month again if you're on the pro plan you'd be paying 48 per month if you had three users and you can change that depending on the size of your organization now you can come down here and look at all the features that they offer so take the time to go through all these different plans and understand all the features that they offer and see which plan resonates with your business requirements so we're going to navigate back to the top and what we're going to do is actually get started with the basic plan and as you can see the basic plan is only eight dollars per user 24 for three users per month now if you have five users in your organization all you would do is come down here and click five seats and then as you can see our price has changed to 39 per month so i'm happy with the basic plan that has everything we need to essentially get started with crm so navigate over to try for free then here all you need to do is enter your business email or alternatively you can come down here and you can sign up with google slack or linkedin your linkedin profile however we're just going to go ahead and enter our business email and then come down and click continue then here all we need to do is complete our account details so add your full name add a password and add your team's name or your business name here so we're going to go ahead and do that now then once you've added your information come down and click i agree to terms of service and privacy policy then click continue then select the best option for you i'm here for work i want to manage sales and crm and then come down and click done and i'm working on choose one or more so for us because we're focusing on crm customer relationship management we want to focus on customer relationship and sales pipeline and then leads capturing so i'm happy with that you can select any of these others if you like but we're going to focus on these three core components of a crm then come down and click done and continue then because we are a small business i work in a company of choose size people 1 to 10 people i'm a choose your role i'm going to click business owner and i work with choose size team members so we're going to say two to five team members and click continue now here we have the option to quickly invite our team members to we can do that two ways we can either copy this link and send it via email or through another channel to our team members or we can come down here at their email address and simply invite our team members to through this method we can also make our team members admin if we like or we can unselect this to not make them admin then we can come down here and allow automatic signups with an email address ending with this means that they're part of our organization and they can automatically sign up or we can unselect that if we like however we're only going to invite people that are part of our organization that have this email address now we're gonna do this later on and show you how to invite users from your dashboard so we're going to click i'll do it later and here what we want to do to keep things simple as we're just getting started with we want to select a template now we have all these options to choose from down here however because we're focusing on as a crm what we want to do is navigate over to simple crm and use this simple crm if you're more advanced you can come over here and use advanced sales crm or if you're in a particular industry for example real estate crm you can go ahead and find the right crm for you so for us we're going to go ahead and select simple crm we can also come down and preview each of these templates if we like but we're going to go ahead and click use and then navigate over to the right hand side and get rid of this pop-up because we're going to guide you through this entire process to show you how to get started with your crm so with that said let's dive into our dashboard and show you how the crm works within okay so firstly as you can see on the left hand side we have this main workspace now under your workspace basically you have folders and within these folders you have boards so you can see that we have simple serum which is a folder and within that folder we have our sales pipeline our crm which we selected in the beginning when we selected our template now you don't have to build from a template if you don't like we suggest you go for a template if you're new to because this allows you to essentially get started and understand how all the pulses work the groups the stages of your pipeline your sales process your customer journey or your project management pipeline remember is an all-in-one software however today like i mentioned we're going to focus on the crm now before we dive into our crm and we show you how to manage your customer journey interactions and relationships within your sales pipeline first we want to add our team members so remember we could have done that at the start however on your dashboard you can add your team members either by coming up here and clicking invite or on your dashboard on the left hand side you can come down and click invite members then here all you need to do again is just copy this link here by clicking copy and you can send that link to your team members via email or via any other channel however the easiest way is just to come down here and enter the email addresses of your team members you want to invite to now you can also come down here and import your contacts from either gmail or outlook so we're going to go ahead and enter our team members here and as you can see i've quickly added my two team members to help me with my sales pipeline and to build out my sales process so once you've added your team members come down and click invite and just like that we have added two team members to join us on to help collaborate with us on our crm so with that said what we're going to do now is dive into the crm that we've just created so the template we just selected and guide you through how you can create customize and manage your crm through now every board within has the same structure so if you were creating a crm or a project management workflow a pipeline maybe it's an employment pipeline or even customer support there's so many different projects you can create within this tutorial is focused on a crm however it's just important to note that this structure is all the same so let's break down the structure of and more specifically our crm okay so let's go ahead and break down our dashboard and our project that we have in front of us so the purpose of this tutorial our project is our sales pipeline our crm so firstly if we navigate up onto the left hand side you can see main workspace now under our main workspace we have a folder now this folder has your boards so boards can be for example sales pipeline and down here we have crm learning center so we actually want to go ahead and delete this board by coming down and clicking delete so as you can see we now have one board within our simple crm folder and remember this was a template that we selected at the beginning now i can also come up to add and i can come down and add a new template so a template from or i can create a new board or blank dashboard so i'm happy with the simple cerium folder and then our board underneath that which is sales pipeline our crm then if we navigate over to our selected crm sales pipeline as you can see this tab this board is selected we have our sales pipeline our crm then if we navigate down here we have groups and pulses so within groups we have pulses and our pulses are essentially our leads or our contacts so as you can see we have contacts down here or leads because the deal status is still meeting schedule and reach out so these would be considered leads so remember identifies these leads as pulses or these rows as pulses and again this is a group or a stage so we can change this if we like at the moment we have two groups so if we go ahead and minimize this group and then come down and minimize this group you can see that we have two leads within this group and one lead within this group so these groups are identified as different months we've got september and august so if i go ahead and expand this group and then come down and expand august i can go ahead and create a new group or stage so if i click this down arrow next to new lead i can come down and click new group of leads and as you can see i have a new group or new stage up here which i would name october and i'm happy with that i can add another group if i like but i'm happy with three months for now just for the purpose of this tutorial so we've created three groups or stages then we can come down and add a lead i can select here and add a new lead in here then navigate down here and fill out all the different status columns so again we've got groups or stages we've got pulses which are also leads and then over here we have status columns now these status columns you can customize the way that you like if you want we can navigate across and see that we've got a company status a deal size priority email location phone number and then we've got a world clock that identifies the time in their particular country and we have a creation log we can come over here and add a new column status if we like we can customize it the way that we like we can add time tracking date people phone number you name it you can add a formula for example could be commission based on the lead that one of our team member acquires in terms of that particular lead we have email status number and we can come down to more columns and navigate over to go to column center and here we want to take the time to go through all these different columns that we can choose to assign to different stages or different groups so again we have so many different options to choose from that are going to help us customize each of our leads or our pulses so i'm happy with that if we come back up and exit out of that one we can see that we have many different status columns that we can customize the way that we like again we can simply just click and go for example that is a medium priority lead and come over here and edit the name of the company or deal size along here so we can customize each of these status columns now like i briefly mentioned there are multiple ways to add leads to your sales pipeline you can come up here and click add new lead and then enter the information about your new lead with the different status columns above or you can come down under each group or stage and then add a new pulse or new lead just by simply clicking under each group now you can also come up here and under the arrow next to new lead you can click import leads and you can simply bulk import leads through here rather than doing it manually this way now the other approach which is relatively new to is you can create a form and collect leads through that form all we need to do is navigate up to all views and come down to add view then navigate over to form now if you can't see form here you'll just have to go and find it through more views so we're going to come up here and click form and we can name our form we're going to call this leads and then come down and click on your new form and as you can see we have a form here that we can customize the way that we like in terms of the information we want to receive from our contacts so remember we're building up our crm our customer relation management software we want to add contacts to our crm and this is a simple way to do so you can send this form with your leads with your prospects and they can enter in this information manually from their end and that's going to submit that information into your crm into so here you can simply customize each of the different elements so that it resonates with the information you want to capture from your potential leads so go ahead and take the time to do that we won't dive too much into this it's very straightforward to structure and create your form to capture leads then all you need to do is click preview to make sure it represents your brand your business then you can simply share the form with your potential leads your prospects or you can add this to your website to capture information from potential leads so as you can see offers many different ways to capture leads and add new leads to your crm so what we will do is head back to main table and that's going to take us back to our main table view now we also have the option to view our sales pipeline crm or any other project with different view layouts so to do that all we need to do is navigate over to all views again and we can come down and we can view our crm as a chart layout and as you can see we have a different layout in front of us again we can go to all views and we can come down to main table to navigate back to our main table again we can head back to all views and we can come down to timeline view and as you can see we have a timeline view and then again we can head back to our main table view and click on all views again and then come down to add view and here we can select any of these view options these layouts that we can view our project in now this is all depending on your users and their personal preferences you can also pin each of these different views as you can see we've got the main table view pinned and then chart view which is pinned here so we can choose the different layouts the different views that we want to view our projects in now i'm just going to quickly cover two more important features when it comes to using as a crm these two powerful features are integrations and automations these two features make such a powerful tool for any business of any size and these two features are like the icing on the cake they help streamline every area of your crm or your other projects so firstly let's jump into integrations okay so in essence allows you to integrate and connect many popular software available online with to essentially help you streamline and automate many of the processes within your crm or your project through so as you can see you can integrate dozens of popular tools with to help streamline your sales process or streamline many of the different activities within as you can see we can come up here and we can search for your favorite tool above or we can navigate over to categories and search by categories now these are the most popular integrations here for example if we click on gmail we have dozens of integrations and automations that we can connect with our board so our crm that we're currently working on for example every time period if status is something send an email to someone so we can replace this we can add this to board and customize it the way that we like again when status changes to something we can choose what that status is send an email to an individual to someone that could be your team member that could be a client then we have down here every time period send an email to someone so again just go through all these different integrations and test them out add them to your board change them the way that works for you to automate your sales process so again if we exit out of this and navigate back to integrations again take the time to go through each of these integrations think about the tools that you're currently using and how you can connect them with your crm through or even through different project management tools through your website through team communication or building your email list so think about some of the powerful integrations and connections you can have with the different softwares available to you to help essentially enhance the management of your crm so now if we exit out of this one and navigate over to automations and here what we can do is create a new automation or customize our automations within our sales pipeline board so as you can see we've got sales pipeline board selected this is our crm and we can create simple automations within this pipeline so that means we don't have to manually change or move specific items within our crm we can rely on an automation to take away a lot of the manual work within our crm so again play around with your automations come up here and click add new automation and come down here and create a custom automation if you like again you can see the example up here when update when person is assigned do something and you can decide what that something is when person is assigned move item to group add very simple to create your own automations or you can come down here and click on these pre-made automations that can help you streamline your sales process so take the time again to go through your automations and integrations to see what works for you and your team so again if we click on board animations you can see that we have three automations that are currently active we can turn those off if we want or we can go ahead and create a new automation so if we exit out of that one the last thing i want to identify within this tutorial is notifications and your inbox and notifications is basically your activity feed this is where you're going to see up-to-date information regarding anything that is important to you within your crm within so keep an eye on your notifications this is where you're going to see important notifications to you then if we come down here we have inbox and inbox is basically where you're going to see information from team members now you can come down here and you can change your inbox view options inbox updates when i was mentioned all updates of cindy media bookmark updates so you can customize your inbox if you like so keep an eye on your inbox and notifications so if we head back to workspaces here we are back on our simple crm our sales pipeline so that's everything i wanted to cover today there's a lot more that goes into and the crm but those are some of the basics to really getting started with's powerful and customizable and visual crm and that is it guys for this tutorial i hope you got value and you're ready to get started with crm now if you have any questions about this tutorial make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you haven't done so already and that way i'll see you in the next video take care guys [Music] you
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 24,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monday, crm, how to use, how to use as a crm, monday tutorial, monday crm demo, crm tutorial, monday tutorial for beginners, crm, crm software, best crm software, best crm software for small business, project management, how to use monday, stewart gauld
Id: 8ZFrjcl668Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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