monday Apps Framework, a Builders' Guide |

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all right now it's coming up to 11 o'clock so I'm gonna go ahead and get started again hi I'm deep bro I am the developer success lead here at Monday comm and today's webinar is gonna be all about Monday apps it's about how to build Monday apps why you should build Monday apps and really at the end of this I want to make sure that the gears are turning in your head so you can understand how to build interesting Monday apps and you've got a ton of ideas if you haven't already go ahead and fill out this form I'll also give you some time to do it a little bit later as well hi Ryan how's it going hi avi from Israel good to see all of you in the chat alright let's talk about our agenda today as I said before my main goal for this webinar is to get the gears turning so you can understand how many apps work and start thinking about ideas for Monday apps that you want to build in today's webinar I'm also gonna show you some examples of native features in Monday comm and how you might build them if you were to use the Monday apps framework for that in terms of an agenda we're gonna start with the why why develop Monday apps what's in it for you after that I'm gonna go into two of the main features that you can build with the Monday apps framework board views and widgets we're gonna talk a little bit about a few board views and widgets inside our platform and how you would build them if you were to do it by an app we're then gonna switch gears a little bit and we're going to build a hello world app from scratch it's super simple it's one line of code as well as some copy pasting we'll do that all together so if you're on your computer you might want to open up your terminal for that it's going to happen in a little bit after that we will talk about integrations and automations these are a huge building block for users in the Monday comm work OS and I'm gonna show you a few components that make integrations and automation is really special after that I'm going to talk about other useful tools in our software development kit and the Monday apps framework and finally will open up for questions there is a lot to cover today and there's a good chance that I won't be able to go through every single question that gets asked if you if your question does not get asked I have a few resources for you the first is the builders community so after this call let's say you asked a question and because of time you weren't able to get it answered go ahead to community Monday comm to our builders community this is where you can connect with other Monday comm developers and get your questions answered I am in the community a lot too so there's a solid chance if you ask a question in there I'll be the one who answers the next piece is the apps documentation as you're building out Monday apps you'll want to reference our documentation whether that's our apps documentation or our API documentation that can be found very easily inside your Monday comm account by hitting your avatar clicking on developers and then clicking on the documentation link I'll show you how to do that in a little bit as well but just wanted to let you know it's at your fingertips as you're building out in Monday apps you might be a developer who's coming in and doesn't have a huge amount of context around the Monday comm work os maybe you haven't used it before or you did a free trial a while ago that's where the Monday comm Help Center comes in you can go to support Monday calm and watch a ton of videos and articles about the core functionality of Monday comm so you can understand how users are using our tool and therefore will be using your app and finally we've got our webinar recording we will send you the recording in a few days to everyone who attended the the webinar that's 200 people so hang tight for that and we'll go ahead and get that to you I am gonna be going pretty quickly and so it might make sense for you to make notes and revisit the recording in a little bit or revisit any of these of the documentation for any of these components alright so now let's talk a little bit about what Monday comm is I'm sure a lot of you are coming in kind of green - Monday comm you know that it's a platform that reaches a ton of different people and you know that folks use it to manage their work but you need a little bit more context and that's what we're gonna do right now so the Monday comm work OS allows our users to have the flexibility to run any process project or workflow from anywhere our users use our platform to do work and they add different combinations of building blocks to ensure they have visibility accountability and transparency across their team as you can see in this in this graphic there are a ton of different building blocks that you can drag and drop into your workflow so that you can get your work done and with the Monday apps framework you and your team can create custom building blocks so that Monday comm users whether that's the general public or specific accounts can supercharge their workflows so if you wanted to create an integration with your own tool you could do that and share it with the world so a couple of examples of Monday apps your app could potentially give users additional reporting capabilities so they can stay on track and make sure they're getting their work done or it might visualize a certain workflow in a useful way for example visualizing dependencies it could also integrate Monday comdata with other tools so in this case you're seeing Zendesk and salesforce there's two native integrations and you could create your own integration and of course you can also automate tasks we have an integration and automation infrastructure that will let you as an app developer create specific recipes and rules that can help your users remove manual work I'm sure we've all been in situations where we have either had to or our team has had to do some manual tasks every single week on Friday or on Monday or something like that and with some under common integration infrastructure you can start removing that manual work all right let's talk about Monday comm the company by the numbers so Monday comm overall has raised 234 million dollars in capital we are a company launched in 2014 with over 500 employees across six branches around the world right now we're at a hundred and fifty million dollars in annual recurring revenue and a hundred thousand organizations manage their team teams on Monday comm this includes Walmart Adobe General Electric and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety seven other organizations as well so why build monday apps when we're thinking about Monday apps there are really two species of Monday apps public apps and private apps public apps are apps that will be featured in our marketplace if you're a web developer or a dev at a specific product company and you want to access the hundred thousand teams around the world use our platform you'd want to develop for our marketplace we will feature apps in our marketplace so that our users know that this particular app has the stamp of approval and you can use our marketplace to connect Monday com users to your product through an integration you can expand the reach of your team and if you wanted to you could also monetize your app and build useful integrations and earn money from that as well those are public apps for private apps these are for specific teams private to one account or a set of accounts if you're a Solutions Architect or an existing Monday comm user or admin this is really the app for you you can build internal tools in a low code environment and really customize your Monday comm work OS to your needs alternatively if you're in a client facing role and you build technical solutions for your clients you could build solutions and tools inside Monday comm for your clients this is especially relevant if you are in our partner network and you're providing professional services to users and you want to build an app to really supercharge those workflows you can do that using private apps I also wanted to share a couple of upcoming opportunities for builders this webinar is one of many different resources that we want to give to builders so that you have all the resources you need to build amazing apps two main opportunities I want to flag right now the first one is the Monday apps challenge I'm sure a lot of you are joining because you heard of Monday apps through the challenge essentially this is our contest to see who can build the most amazing app and we're gonna give away some awesome prizes apps will be judged on engineering creativity craftsmanship impact and security so we want to make sure that you're building an amazing app based on these these five criteria we have three categories and prizes for each we have apps for the marketplace that is public apps that will be shared by all shared to all Monday com users we have private apps so if you build an amazing app for your team's workflow go ahead and share that with us we'd love to see it and you could win a prize and we also have apps for NGOs especially now with the global pandemic going on we really want to do good with our apps framework and so if you build an app that is particularly useful for nonprofits and NGOs share that with us and we do have a category for that the grand prize for the monday apps challenge is a Tesla Model X so if you win the marketplace category you could walk away with a new car as well as a bunch of other prizes if you want to learn more about the apps challenge there's a banner on every single one of our documentation pages so you could just click on that and go to the the home page you can also go to Monday's post com if you wanted to on top of that there's another opportunity that's coming up it's a little bit more time-sensitive it's happening next week and this is our builders workshop it's happening July 22nd to 23rd it's a two-day live workshop where we want to give one-on-one support to builders who are made bill Dinko ABS there's a link to apply for the workshop on Monday dev post calm go ahead and follow that link and apply as soon as possible because again it's happening next week and I want to make sure that if you're joining this webinar that you have the opportunity to sign up and participate if applicable um it's gonna be two days and we're gonna have something like 17 hours of live one-on-one support so as you're building out your app we're gonna do it hackathon style as you're building out your app you can ask our engineering team questions and of course I will be there if you have any questions as well great so these are two opportunities that I wanted to flag now for those of you who joined early you may have already filled out this form I want to take a couple of minutes for you to follow this link hey Monday comm slash apps for builders there's a forum right there it's nothing too intrusive or official I just want to know who's in the room and we're gonna use this data in some interesting ways today so go ahead fill that out if you've already filled it out go to Monday dev post calm and register for our apps challenge that's another thing you can do in the next couple of minutes it's super quick and if you register you could potentially win a Tesla which is super awesome visualg this' asking if i can paste the link i sure can give me one second so this is the link to the form I just added it to the chat and I'm also going to add the link to our apps challenge right here alright so those two links are in the chat so go ahead and fill those out as folks are filling it out I can see that we've already got 1 2 3 4 5 6 people who filled it out go ahead and add more I would love to see what everyone is doing and again we're going to use this data and some interesting ways in the future you all righty I see a lot of folks want to build for the apps challenge some folks are not interested in building for the app channels it's totally okay and I see a lot of maybes as well a lot of folks are experts as well as well as some newbies don't worry those of you who are a little bit new to Monday comm I'm gonna walk you through the main components and those building blocks today so that you can really contextualize how to build apps inside the Monday comm work of us all right so let's go ahead and see how many responses we have so far we have 51 let's go ahead and wait until that gets to 55 and then we'll move on and if you're still filling out the form that's totally fine go ahead and take your time all right word 59 let's go ahead and talk about Monday comm so in the next section I want to give you some examples of functionality inside Monday comm and talk about the three main features that are currently supported by our apps framework for those of you who are newbies or use Monday comm occasionally this is gonna help you understand kind of what you're building when you build a Monday app and for those of you who are experts I also want to give you a little bit of an insight into how you would build our native features as Monday apps let's go ahead and get started this particular board is this this particular view is a Monday comm board boards are the bread and butter of any workflow in Monday comm it's essentially a database table and each line item contains a various set of columns that the user can configure so right here if I wanted to add a new column I could do that and each column gives you a piece of data whether that's a sentiment about whether someone's excited for the webinar or textual data about what they do and of course an emotional check-in that we've got right here as well this database table can be updated and accessed via our API and can respond based on events in your app as well this is one particular view that you can that you can use for a workflow we call the table view we have a couple of other views not a couple we have something like 20 views that you can use to visualize this data as well and when you're building apps one of the the big features that you'll be using our board views which is what they're called so let's go ahead and open up one board view we're gonna use the forum view today so when I developed the forum and shared it with you I was using a native board view that we've got in our platform called the forum view the forum view opens up as you can see right above the database table and it lets me configure all of the questions that I want to ask in my forum after that I can also hit share forum and I will get a link to the forum that people can use to fill it out I looked into this and while the form view predates the the apps framework it was built using our internal api's you can do every single thing that you can that you can build with the form view you can do that with a Monday app there are no secret api's in here that you can that you don't have access to if tomorrow you wanted to sit down and create a copy-cat form view you could you could do that and that's kind of what we're really really excited about with the Monday apps framework it lets you build anything inside Monday comm and lets you package it as a native feature I want to show you another another board view that was built using the apse framework it's the pivot board now a few months ago right at the start of the corona virus pandemic we created a bunch of Monday apps using the Monday apps framework in order to help users who are working from home in this new environment one of them was the pivot board for a long time we've wanted to create a pivot table for our boards and in this hackathon we realized that with the apps framework it's super easy to do so this pivot board is a drag-and-drop grouping interface that lets users add reporting to their boards so if they want a group entries based on shared characteristics so they can do that right here if you're familiar with Excel it's very similar to the pivot table in Excel or in Google sheets so I'm going to show you how you can use the pivot table and then I'll walk you through what's really happening on the back end right here so right here I've already got my entries grouped by sentiment so I can see that a lot of folks are excited and 27 people like me love coffee which is great and in total we've got 125 people here and on the top left I can also change the way that we aggregate so if I have numerical values I can sum them and if I wanted to pivot based on different other metrics let's say item title I could do that and I can see what everyone's name is this isn't super helpful because I'm sure very few of you have the same name but I mean you can do it and really this is to add reporting for our users under the hood this this particular app is rendered as an iframe so this is running inside a container inside our larger Monday calm web view and it uses and it's built in react so this is a react app in an iframe it uses a react library that is open source to build this pivot interface so this drag-and-drop pivot interface is all done using a library and every time we open it or we render the components we make an API call to our Monday comm graph QL API in order to get the data that it populates so we use the API call to get data and then we render it in react if you notice if I filter out the data let's say I only want to look at folks who are excited for the webinar when I filter this this filter is happening outside of the iframe but our our app updates accordingly this is because the app uses the SDK so it uses our JavaScript library that contains a bunch of functions and it uses that to get contextual data about the board itself so with with the SDK you can understand your app can understand what board it's connected to therefore it can make that API call and get the data and it can also listen for changes in the filter if new items are created it can listen for events there as well and it can do a bunch of other fun stuff which I'll go into a little bit later but there you have it that is the pivot table again it's a react app it was built in a couple of days in a hackathon and we're really really proud of it not only because it's a really cool app but because it shows you that you can build a really really great app using our apps framework and using only publicly available tools at your disposal alrighty now we're gonna switch gears a little bit and talk about dashboards so right here this this view is a single just it's a single boards report but a lot of our users also use Monday comm to summarize data on dashboards and see multiple pieces of data at once so I'm gonna open up a dashboard right here so this is my apps webinar dashboard as you can see it consists of multiple little chunks of information we call these widgets and each widget just like the board view is rendered isn't in an iframe so this is inside a container and it's a web app that lets me in this case the breakdown of the items on the board based on sentiment challenge interest and expertise these are battery widgets they were developed again before the apps framework but you can create a similar view inside with your Monday app all you need to do is use an API call to get the the data and then filter it and then render your view down here is a word cloud which I think has too much information on it let me go ahead and hit edit and refresh this and I'm gonna change this to emotional check in 50 words max and I hit done and there we have it now we can see a word cloud of all of the the things that folks are doing right now I think this is what do you do and I can see that some of the big big names in here are developers planning management okay this just broke let me go ahead and hit refresh and let's see what happens here you all righty a few folks are asking questions in the in the chat go ahead and and put those in the Q&A section so that we can figure that out but anyway this particular view shows us a word cloud what it does is it uses the API to pull data from it's connected boards right now it's connected to a single board but it can be connected to multiple if you want and it just shows us the words that are inside the textual data here so in this case a lot of people are feeling great and good which is awesome the last time I did this exercise it was at the start of the corona virus pandemic and the biggest one was tired so I'm really glad that folks are feeling a lot better and are good to go alrighty one thing I want to note about the widgets is that again I mentioned that they are rendered in an iframe and they get data from they're connected boards using the SDK because of this we built our apps framework so that you can reuse the same code for your board views as a widget so literally this this word cloud can be viewed on a single board as well and on the backend we haven't changed any of the code we reused the same code for both features and that way you can create apps that get used in a variety of contexts without having to add a ton of development overhead alright so now that I've talked about board views and Dashboard widgets kind of in abstract let's go ahead and build an app so if you don't already have your Monday com open go ahead and open it and then click on your avatar and click on developers this is where you can manage your apps and there's a ton of cool links up here for our documentation as well today what we're going to do is we're going to start by clicking our documentation that will open up a new window and on the left side we're going to click the QuickStart guide and we're going to build a simple hello world view and we're going to use the Monday si Ella is a command-line interface in order to build this really quickly so if I scroll down to the set up your development environment section I'm gonna copy this this command and I'm actually going to paste it in the chat as well so that you have it all right so that is the command I'm going to go ahead and copy it and then I'm going to paste it in my terminal so this command what it's going to do is it's going to download the starter code to your computer it's going to install all the dependencies and then it's going to start running a local server for you to serve this serve your Monday app so I'm in my development folder right now I'm gonna go ahead and make a new directory I'm gonna call it my app webinar react because this is built in react I'm gonna go into that directory and if you aren't following along and you just want to watch that's totally fine as well and once I'm inside the directory that I want to download this into I'm just gonna paste the command npx Monday calm or CLI scaffold run and when I hit enter it's gonna take a few minutes what this is doing is it's downloading the QuickStart react package to to my local machine and then it's going to run a local development server and it's going to do that essentially what it does is it runs npm install and then npm run start you all right so there's gonna take a little while if you're following along it's probably take a little while for you as well if you just want to watch that's also great maybe you don't have a note installed on your computer in which case this won't work for you unless you install those dependencies but we're gonna install this and then what it's gonna do is it's gonna spit out that iframe URL so remember I said that every app is is rendered from an iframe it's gonna spit out that iframe URL so that we can use it in our app while this is installing I'm gonna go ahead and build a new app so I'm gonna go back to the app slash manage page this is my manage my apps page and I'm gonna create a new app I'm going to change the basic information right here and I'm gonna call it my app for my webinar and you can call it whatever you want doesn't matter I'm gonna hit save app right here so that the name gets saved I'm then gonna go into the OAuth and permissions section right here is where you define the Scopes of your app what permissions will your app have will it be able to write data or simply read data and what objects will it be able to edit I'm going to select the board's read scope because I want it to be able to read the board's and then I'm gonna go to the features section the feature section is where you add board views widgets integrations to your app and really add to those building blocks and configure them I'm going to create a new feature and I'm gonna create a board view if you wanted to create a widget you could do that as well my app for my webinar board view and then when I go into the view setup pane I can add a custom URL this is the iframe URL that I was referring to earlier and when I open up my terminal boom this URL has already been generated for me it is a random URL that is generated by a tool called an grok if some of you are not familiar with an grok it sets up a tunnel from a public URL to your local machine and it is awesome for testing I'm gonna go ahead and paste the URL in here and when I hit go to preview it's gonna show me my app hello Monday apps it's a simple hello world example this is being served from my local machine so if I wanted to edit any of the code I could do that and I can also show this to you on the board itself so in the previous board that I had set up if I click on the views panel and I add a new app I could scroll down to my development apps and right here my app for my webinar I hit add view you and it should run oh it's not you know why it's not I think I didn't hit save let me go ahead and hit back see no no camera tricks here folks we are building this out ourselves from scratch you set up custom URL ah this is why so what I did was I added a custom URL in the testing environment but now I want to create a build on the right side right here this is where you can add new releases to your to your app and I'm gonna go ahead and add that custom URL to my build and now it's being served from the iframe and now I can add it to my board so right here let's go back to my app for my webinar and boom there you have it my hello world app has shown up right here and if I wanted to I'm not gonna go into the details but if I wanted to open up the files the source code and change it to hello world I could do that I could do all sorts of stuff but I'm gonna ignore that for now kind of hand wave around it because we have a lot to cover and we're already at the 30 minute mark alright so if you have any questions about this go ahead and put them in the Q&A and I'll try and answer them right at the end we're now going to move on to the third feature that is in our Monday apps framework and that is integrations I'm gonna go ahead back to the main table and I want to show you some integrations that currently exist in our Monday comm in in our native integrations so overall integrations are server-to-server communication before we were talking about client-side apps so these are boards board views and widgets that display some data for a user and are rendered inside the browser when we're talking about integrations this is all logic that happens outside of the client it only happens it's all communication that happens between the Monday app server and your own server if you build custom functionality there I want to show you our slack integration first to give you an idea of how integrations work so each integration is set up as a set of recipes each recipe creates a set of rules that the integration will then do every time it is called so for example this recipe when an item is created and notify in channel it will notify a specific slot channel every time a new item is created in this particular case the when an item is created happens in Monday com every time a new line item shows up that's happening in Monday comm and our app server will then dispatch a request to your server to do the second part which is the action to notify in channel essentially there are two parts here and a trigger when an item is created and then in action what happens after that we notify in channel if we have another one let's say right here when an update is posted in this item this is the trigger send it to a specific user that's an action all of these recipes are set up within the same way a trigger and an action and when you're building out integrations or automations yours will do the same thing I'm going to quickly show you how to set that up inside the developers page so I'm going to go back to my test app we're going to go to features and I'm going to create a new integration feature in the feature details you can enable an authorization URL if you want to implement OAuth in this case because I just want to show you what this looks like I'm gonna keep that blank in the recipe section I can add as many recipes as I want that are bundled up inside my integration I'm gonna click create a recipe and I'm not gonna go too into depth into this but I want to show you overall what the with the flow is triggers actions and what you can do with these after this if you're interested in integrations after this webinar go ahead and follow our QuickStart guide because it gives you all the details for building a custom integration with our Apps framework so when I click on trigger you'll see that there's a ton of triggers that are dispatched by Monday comm we call these triggers by Monday comm and essentially whenever anything happens in Monday comm you can use that as a hook to do an action in another platform so in the slack example when an item was created notify slack the item creation trigger is native to Monday comm when I add it to my integration I don't have to implement it at all our apps framework will do that for you and will dispatch an action to you when that trigger is called if you wanted to create a custom trigger for example when a new when a new message is posted in the slack channel or when a new issue is created in JIRA you could create a custom trigger and I'm just going to quickly walk you through what goes into a custom trigger there's of course a name and a default sentence and then after that we have two more sections we have the subscription URLs these are the URLs that we will send a request to every time a user adds a new integration to their board so we've got a subscribe and unsubscribe URL essentially once my integration is ready if someone adds that integration to my to their board we will then call this URL and say hey X user added this you are added this integration this is the relevant board and this is a relevant user and when they delete their their subscription or their integration we'll send you a request to the unsubscribe URL this could be the same URL it could be different URLs you have the flexibility right there after that you also configure input and output fields as you can imagine triggers and actions are passing data between them and input and output fields help you configure this input fields are fields that are taken from either the context that the app that the integration is running in or they can be taken from configuration that the user is putting in for example in our previous example when an item is created those those input fields could be the board ID and the item ID and the output fields are then passed to to the next action so if you have a custom trigger you could have input fields that are based on configuration and then output fields are let's say the JIRA issue example your your server will then send output fields like the JIRA issue name issue ID maybe some status information whatever you want in there and then you can create the trigger for more information on the custom triggers to really get into depth we do have an article on this in our documentation after triggers we also have actions after something gets triggered we want it to do something and there are just like with triggers there are a bunch of actions that we bundle with our apps framework these are actions like creating an item notifying someone setting a date they're all things that you can do inside Medicom and you don't have to worry about implementing in your own server now what if you wanted to create a custom action in the slack example notify a certain channel that's a custom action that's something that happens outside of Monday comm and that's where you would create a new custom action when I click on this it's very similar to the previous example we have a name for our action we have a default sentence so notify somebody and then we have a run URL when we call when our app server calls the action we're going send a request with the input fields to your server and then your server will take those input fields and then do something whether that's notifying a slack channel whether that's creating an issue in JIRA whether that's doing something in Monday comm using our API we will we will send you that web hook and then you run with it and do whatever you want in the same way as before you can also choose input fields right here and these are going to be passed to your integration based on what happens in the recipe what happens in the trigger before it when you go through our QuickStart guide it's gonna walk you through how to create a custom action as well so if you if you have more questions about this go ahead and and go through that I think it's really really helpful alright there's one more thing that I wanted to mention right here and that is our API I've been talking a lot about our SDK and how you can listen for events but our SDK also lets you make requests to our API and a really simple way it packages all of that in a wrapper and if you want to test our API you want to do it outside of your app you can do that as well and I just wanted to flag this for you because it's really helpful in the developers section so I've already got it open but you can click on developers in the top right you'll see a link for API playground go ahead and click that this is where you can test API calls or queries to our graph QL API so you can understand the schema you can understand what objects are in our graph QL API and test out your various queries before you actually implement them in this case I've got a simple query right here that pulls the names of the items on the board that we just filled out so essentially what this is going to do is it's going to give me a list of all of your names so I go ahead and hit play and that's the information that gets returned it's a JSON object that contains a list of all of the names of the items and I'm sure some of you will see your names right here if you want to learn more about our API I did a whole webinar on it it's an hour long lot of great content you can access that on our webinars page as well so the same place that you signed up for this webinar you'll be able to access that as well as a recording and it goes through how our API works what does graph QL and tips for folks who are coming from rest you okay as as before this is my common refrain if you have any questions go ahead and put them in the Q&A section I think I'll be finishing up with about 15 minutes to spare so we can answer some questions there then so so far I've walked you through the main features that we use that you can build using the Monday apps framework remember these are board views Dashboard widgets and integrations and some key concepts when you're when you're thinking about building them now I also know that learning a new set of API is can be a lot of work you have to understand how everything talks to one another there are certain hidden features that you can that you find inside the SDK documentation buried deep inside and so I wanted to spend a little bit of time just enumerated every single feature that I think would be helpful when you're building out board views or Dashboard widgets so for board views if you're interested in building out a visualization or a reporting tool or some other kind of client side app I wanted to show you a couple of things that'll be helpful as you're building it out the first one is seamless authentication if you use our SDK to make API queries you don't have to worry about the user entering API keys or doing o auth or anything like that we do that for you all you need to do is make the API call and we will handle authentication so say goodbye to API keys on top of that our SDK also has a method called Monday execute and this lets you execute Monday comm actions from within your app so you can do things like create alerts open a dialog box open the item card view which is which summarizes all of the values for a particular line item there's a ton of different things you can do here and it really takes away a lot of the work when you're building out UI components and little actions and alerts and things like that another big thing that I would like to flag here is our storage API when you're building a view or a widget you can use our storage API for instance level key value storage you can use this to save the last state that a user left a view in you can use it to save it to do lists for example if you had a simple to-do list app you can use our storage API to store every single to do that someone has to do and the options are pretty endless right here I just wanted to give you a heads up that that is something that we do support and so if you're building out a board view or a widget and you don't want to you don't want to implement an entire database you don't have to we will let you we will do it for you I saw a couple of questions about design systems as you're building out a view widget you probably want to make your app look like Monday comm and we have an entire design system that will help you do that in order to see that all you need to do is go to our documentation page and click on design system on the left as a as a secret you can also go to design Monday comm and see all of our documentation there as well so right here it'll give you there's a design system we'll give you an understanding of all of our foundations a couple of components and ideas for for that as well and our design team is continuing to build this as well so in the future you'll also see a reusable components and react so you can import components directly two more things I want to quickly mention the first one is the client-side SDK this is something that I've mentioned over and over again because it's a really really helpful JavaScript module it has a bunch of methods that you can use to make API calls to execute actions and to listen to events and it's really really helpful to put in your apps this SDK is already bundled in the hello world app so the app that you just installed if you installed it already has that SDK installed and you can call it whatever you want finally we also have a set of example apps that you can access from our documentation page if you want to learn from existing apps the word cloud for example is up there in the example app so you can just test this out as well I have a few useful features for integrations as well custom actions and custom triggers we already went through those I see that this is the wrong subtitle sorry about that we also have custom fields so custom actions and trigger we'll let you create your own triggers and actions but custom fields will also let you add configuration from a remote endpoint so let's say you wanted to create an app that builds a bit did you use for inventory management and you want the user when they're configuring the recipe to be able to hit a drop-down and select your most recent list of things that you support socks shoes whatever you can create a custom field that pulls that data from a remote endpoint so you can update it on your server and all of your ultra integrations will update accordingly we also support OAuth so if you want to generate scoped tokens for your app and have users authorize your app individually you can set that up as well we have a server-side SDK so the same module that you're using in views and widgets you can also use on the server side to to simplify the OAuth flow and also to make API queries so it's a little wrapper so you don't have to worry about setting up that request and finally every request to our integrations and also to our views and widgets are signed with the JWT token so you can use that to verify any requests that are coming from Monday com are legitimate all right so it is 11:45 and I've gone through a ton of information I'm sure many of you have questions I see 37 questions in the chat we're gonna go ahead and Phil I'm gonna go through that as well I see a couple of questions in the chat go ahead and put those in the Q&A section I'm gonna go ahead and open up the Q&A section and try and understand them as well all right so a lot of folks are asking if I have to use react you don't only have to use react we support any programming language both for our client-side apps as well as our server side apps of course the client-side apps will be rendered in a in a browser and so eventually everything will turn into JavaScript HTML and CSS but if you wanted to use angular to set up your app if you wanted to use vanilla JavaScript if you wanted to do some server-side rendering in Python and then just shoot that over to the client you could do all of that really anything you want to use Fortran be my guest I would love to see an app in Fortran great question Sinead is asking if the word cloud app was a view or widget done using low code mode yes so Sinead the word cloud app is is a view and a widget and essentially what we did was we built a client-side app we compiled it and we uploaded it to our servers so with with these kinds of apps you don't have to worry about hosting your own server all you need to do is write your code and upload it and then you'll be good to go okay I have a few questions about sharing apps do Sita has a question about Monday apps not being able to be shared by different accounts we are working on it so right now we have a sharing capability that is in alpha so a few folks who have been working really closely with us already have access to it and we'll be looking to release that to everybody relatively soon if you want to if you already have an app and you want to start sharing it with clients but you don't have a sharing link what I would recommend is create a form that lets users flag interest in the app that way you can start getting submissions for the app and once you're ready to share it with that link you can go ahead and replace it with your share link so I hope that answers your question through SATA a great question oh so Shawn is asking about a limit on the number of items in your account and I'm sure a few of a few of you also have that question as well essentially we have a free trial for 14 days where you have unlimited access to the pro plan if you are on a variant of our plan let's say you're on a student account you might have a different plan type go ahead and sign up for a free trial account and then fill out a form that's in our in our hackathon page and that will let you that will give you access to will give you access through the end of the challenge so yeah it's it's possible to get access to the developer plan I'm going to quickly show you how to do that actually right here I'm gonna go to dev post and this is our like hackathon page and then in the discussion section I actually answered this just now the first one is free trial extension for hackathon there's a link to this forum already and what we're going to do is we check every couple of days and so once we check it we will give you access through to the end of the the apps challenge so you can build whatever you want and will then send you an email to give you that update I hope that helps sushant and anyone else who asked that question as well Oh a few folks are asking about and or triggers if you want to create a conditional logic right now the best way to do that would be to create custom fields sorry or not custom fields input fields so adjust the input fields on your actions or your triggers to include an end or field and you can then use that field in your interactions or triggers and when someone configures it they can say when status is done and user is d pro they can send that logic over to your to your app and you can do the relevant stuff as well right now we don't have conditional formatting natively not conditional formatting just conditional statements but we are looking to add that as well so good question you a few people are asking about the formula column her none right now our formula column is not supported by our API so our API has access to almost every single column except for the ones that are calculated on the board itself so the formula when someone opens up the Monday comm it gets calculated in the browser and therefore it does not exist in our database and cannot be accessed by our API that said if you wanted to build a recipe that includes the formula what you'd need to do is essentially create the formula from scratch inside your app logic we are working on adding formula support to our API it is an infrastructural lift because we'll need to change the way that our database holds client-side values but it's something that's on our roadmap thanks a lot for asking okay kyle has a couple of questions I'm gonna go ahead and answer them because I think a few of them are covered by other folks whose questions as well for the first one you're asking about the uikit and component library go to design Monday comm and that's the best place for you to see the the way that to set up your UI we don't have a component library just yet but we are working on it as for the free trial I think I just answered that question if you sign up for a free trial and fill out this form will give you access to the end of the hackathon don't worry about having to create multiple multiple accounts just create one send us that form and we'll do the rest third question if multiple teams do the same kind of app on the inspiration board that's totally okay so there is a section in our hackathon where people can fill in the where they can fill in ideas for apps and there are some duplicates in there that means that this is a particular app that folks really really want to see and that's I think that's a good thing it's totally okay and if multiple teams create the same map as well we'll assess them according to our criteria in the same way that we assess other ones as well so in terms of uniqueness it doesn't have to be unique if two if two apps are exactly the same we'll see which one did it better a few more questions from Kyle the first one is setting up the react template you so if you want to set up the react template with the react dev tools I believe you can run it in debug mode or you might need to change some of the code in order to set that up as well we set up the react template to be a really really simple scaffolding for your app and you might have to edit it to use some of the other tools that you want that are in your tool set you have another question about deploying builds for app features in the CLI so right now you have to deploy builds manually through the UI but that's the next step we want to add more options in the CLI so you don't have to do that manually near is asking if you have to use the Monday comm design system no you don't if you're participating in the ABS channel challenge you can create you can create an app with whatever design you want we recommend using the app design system in order to make your app kind of unified with the rest of the UI but if you have your your own set of UI guidelines you can totally use those instead great question near is asking about storage API documentation I want to quickly walk you through that as well because it is not hidden but it's not it's inside our SDK documentation so if you go to our SDK documentation this is the github version but you can also go let me open up our documentation and then if you click on SDK reference on the left in here and the table of contents you can click storage API and this will give you all the methods that you have for our storage API good question though I'm going to go ahead and put this as a request so that we can like pull the storage API out into its own article okay so a few folks are asking about the upcoming seminar or the work at the workshop you can sign up for the the builder's workshop inside our Deb post page right here so if you go to updates you'll see our webinar reminder and if you scroll down you'll also see our two-day live workshop if you click this link there's an entire landing page about the workshop I'm gonna add this to the to the chat as well so if you want to learn about our the the agenda for our workshop what you're gonna get if you sign up for the workshop that's all there on this page great question I hope to see you there Nitin all right I'm looking through for a few meteor questions we have five minutes left a few folks are asking about recordings yes I will share the recording later give us a couple of days and then we'll send it to all the participants in the that joined right now again give us a couple of days because it does take a little while for zoom to generate it etc etc as for integrating with outside apps we really really would love to see you integrate with outside apps so if you have a product that you work with closely or you develop for and you want to integrate it into the Monday comm ecosystem go ahead and create an integration for that and submit it to our market place we would love to see how our users create integrations that connect to one or more apps in fact if you wanted to create an integration that connects seven different apps into Monday comm when an item is created update these seven different these seven different tools you could do that it's all possible with our apps framework Suvir is asking about custom fields actually I'm seeing a couple of different recommendations and feedback for our documentation we are working through our documentation and we'll go ahead and add any feedback that you have as well overall if you have feedback about our apps framework go ahead and open up our developers page and in the top right you'll see this little heart icon this is where you can send us your feedback it links to a forum so if you have any feedback about our apps framework about our documentation or anything go ahead and fill that out we would love to see what your thoughts were include your email if you want so that we can contact you but great question okay we have two minutes left let's see if I can answer one I'm just a heads up at 12 o'clock on the dot we will get kicked out so I apologize if I'm in the middle of a sentence [Music] okay a few folks are asking about the pivot table the pivot table was you was built with a couple of our different sdk methods the Monday dot API method in order to get the data as well as Monday listen to to see when data gets changed so let's say the user filters the the board we use a an event listener to to check that and someone else is also asking if we can see the code for the pivot table specifically right now our pivot table is not one of our example apps I wanted to give you a heads up on how we built it kind of an abstract but we we are not releasing that just yet if you want to see our other example apps though you can do so by opening up our developer section and then on the left here there's a welcome X sub section and we've got three right now and we want to add a ton more as well great question all right now we're coming up to the end of the webinar thank you everyone for joining it was really really exciting to see so many people in in the webinar and asking really meaty questions in the Q&A if you don't have if I didn't get to your question we do have another 42 questions the Q&A some of which are duplicates go ahead and open the Monday comm community at community Monday comm and ask it in the developer section I'm gonna put it in the chat right here but yeah thank you so much if you missed the earlier part of the webinar we will be sending you a recording and I'm really really excited to see some of you in the in the workshop as well thanks so much and have a wonderful rest of your day rest of your week and honestly what some of y'all I'll talk soon bye
Views: 10,201
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Id: lu_0Ize4hm0
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Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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