Getting Started with - Construction |

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hi everyone welcome to today's webinar on getting started with for construction users my name is lindsay i'm a customer experience specialist here at and i'll be spending the next half hour or so with you on this webinar um walking through some helpful foundational knowledge for getting started on the platform but it'll be extra special because we'll be focusing this basic walkthrough on our users in the construction field and how to get started in the best way to cater to your specific needs so what will we cover we're first going to start out with how to organize your work effectively on the platform from there we'll transition to how to build and structure a great board how to add different column types from the many columns that we do offer in our column center to that board specifically for tracking project progress and details we'll talk a bit about communicating on the platform and lastly we will take a sneak peek into using the mobile app because we know that's really important for a lot of our construction users so i'm going to go ahead and jump over to the platform and we'll dive right in so when we first log into our account we'll be taken to our inbox a very useful feature that we'll get into a bit later when we talk more about communicating on the platform but for now let's go ahead and talk about organizing our work and ultimately building a board so a board is going to be where it all happens on and the foundation that will drive other great features such as the inbox which we're looking at now a more advanced feature called dashboards for seeing data across multiple boards and many other features on the platform so that's why it's key to have a very solid board that's structured well and shows everything you need to see so to get started creating a board let's go ahead and click on this blue plus sign in our workspace to get started so workspaces are a way to organize your account and designate a space for a specific department team or whatever works for you so you can see here i've got just a few departments on here as an example or categories design and creative managers and executives marketing a few simple examples of what you can use workspaces for um for instance in a construction management company maybe i would have a workspace for my engineers and another for our contract contractors within the workspaces we can have another layer of organization through folders so if i go ahead and click on this blue plus sign i was talking about you'll see i have a few options one of them being new folder i'm going to click on that so in today's use case i will be working from the point of view of a window installation company we have many different teams who work on different homes across different developments for different developers so i'm going to go ahead and create a folder called clients so i can just go ahead and type my title right there to organize the different boards for the clients or developers i'm working with now and that's it now that we're organized let's get to the fun of actually creating a board so i'm going to hover over these three dots and i can actually create a board directly in the folder that i've just created so if i click on create board and folder you will see i have the option to choose from a variety of amazing pre-made templates to give me a leg up on my work we have some especially helpful construction templates to check out in the construction section here one of them even building out a folder of three templates to use on one big project and in addition some single templates as well since today's session is about getting familiar with the platform we're actually going to go ahead and start from scratch to see how it all comes together but once you have mastered this templates will be a fast track to board building success and a very useful tool so i'm going to go ahead back up to build your own and just start from scratch here so i'm going to click on use and you will see that now i have another pop-up and there are three options for the type of board to create so a main board is a board that everyone on the account can access and view if needed a private board is a board with more private information maybe confidential that only those who are actually subscribed to it can see not everyone on the account only specified users and lastly we have shareable boards that are able to be shared with external guests that might be working on one specific project with us so shareable boards might be great for instance for subcontractors who aren't involved in all of our projects but need to collaborate with us on one specific project and share their contributions for this use case i'm gonna go with the main board because everyone i'm working with is internal and i want to make sure the work i'm doing is visible to everyone my team my manager etc so now that i've got my folder that is named clients i'm going to build a board for one specific client that is a developer called the lvf group so i'm going to go ahead and create a board and we'll be off and ready so starting from scratch will actually pre-populate a minimal amount of information for us to transform into a board's fitting for our specific needs so it's important to note that the beauty of is its flexibility the structure of every board can be different based on what you need to see so you can feel free to get creative and don't feel like you're locked into any specific structure because every board looks different so i have started it out by naming my board for the company we're working with or the developer um and then i'm going to actually add a board description as well so to be sure everyone knows exactly what this board is tracking i'm going to write that this board tracks the progress of window installation for lvm group employees developments we are currently working on please reach out to lindsay with any questions so now anyone who comes to this board stumbles upon this board and wants to take a look knows exactly what we're working on so i've got some contact information in my description we could put some helpful links maybe i could put a link to the lvm group's website anything that's helpful for you and that you want um to be right up front when when any user first comes to this board now let's structure our groups so groups let us categorize our boards and they can represent anything if i wanted to break up the projects i'm working on in two months of the year i could name my groups january february etc i could even do by color i could do groups for pink blue and brown houses whatever is most important to you whatever you need to see is what you can make that since we are working on multiple developments for this specific developer i'm going to go ahead and have my groups represent a development so we'll just do two for now that we're working on so i'll do the homes at fairview there's one development and the second being mulberry estates the same exact concept goes for the items that you'll see here as well they can represent a task a person or in my case a house so each item is going to represent a specific address within the development so i can track the progress on each one and break down the details of each house so just as an example i'll change some of these to the houses that i'm working with and i know these off of the top of my head but you know i can pull these in if we need to um and i'll pause for just a second so i can populate the rest but this is how you would go ahead and populate your items okay so now i've got all of my items built out with the different homes within the developments how will we now capture the details that actually contribute to the project of each house we can do that within the columns so a few of our basic columns are actually pre-populated on this template and we can also add more by clicking on this plus button right here when i click on this it's actually going to initially show our seven essential columns so to speak kind of most frequently used most simply used but opening our column center by clicking on more columns will open up a huge selection of very useful columns that i recommend exploring more all with unique functionalities to build out your content so i'm going to actually start out with what we have here and then we'll build on that so the first is a people column which allows us to assign team members to an item and ensure clear visibility into who is responsible for which item the cool thing about this is in addition to an individual person so for instance if only i was in charge of this i could just assign myself one specific person however we can also assign full teams to an item so i've actually created some teams under the team section over here so i can assign a bunch of users to one project quickly so if i click on my avatar in the bottom left and i select the teams option i've got a ton of teens here but i've most importantly got teams one two three and four that i'm going to be working with today and if you click on new you can create your own team but we're just going to work with these existing teams here so i'm going to go ahead and go back to my board and assign out some teams so i've got team one working here team two and we're just going to distribute out the work nice and evenly but you can assign it however you see fit for your project and i've added photos of the numbers here to make it super visual of what team is working on it um i'll jump back over to the team section actually for a second just to show you that you can click on this little camera button right here in order to upload that photo that i have there and that makes it really visual so i take one look at the board and i know exactly which teams are working on which project so let's keep signing these out great and person is no longer relevant so what i'm going to do to rename the column is just click on the title and you'll see an edit bar comes up and we're just going to type in team instead of person and now i know exactly what team is responsible for installing windows at each home within each development next we have our status column here to let us know where this project actually stands so if i click into you'll see some of these were pre-assigned and if i click into the label here our defaults are working on it stuck and done we can actually customize these to anything and add more labels by clicking add or edit so i'm going to click on add or edit labels you'll see i've got a lot of cool colors up to 30 of them and i'm going to add one more label since i need that for my project so i'm going to add this nice pink color and i'm going to go ahead and say waiting for materials and i can also drag and reorder these two so i'm going to make that my second one and click apply i also can change the colors if i want to so if i click on this little raindrop shape here i could change my working on a color to blue if i so please i'm so really customizable and you can make that look however you want to then go ahead and hit apply and you'll see that that has now turned blue for our selection next i have a date column here um and you'll see we it's just pre-populated some dates to kind of show you how that looks but i can select any date from the calendar so if i click into the dates you'll see um a calendar and a date picker is going to pop up here for my purposes i want this date to show when this project should actually be done and the house should have its windows fully installed so i'll click on today oh i didn't want to do that sorry but that takes me to november 2020 and maybe i want this uh house 22 kiva lane caleb lane to be done on november 28th so let's clear these out and we'll assign these some dates of when they should be done this one's good until december be a little cold for those of us who are in new york i'm in new york oh we don't want to do christmas okay yes this one can go in november and i'm just arbitrarily assigning some um here but you can make that whatever you want to be so now i've got my dates assigned um and this is all well and good but this date is actually tied to an action um so it's not just you know the date um just a generic date it has an action tied to it which means it needs to be done by this date so i'm going to take the date column one step further and use the column drop down which is this little arrow right here to set it to deadline mode so when i go ahead and click on set as deadline you'll see that i have the option to tie this date column to a status column and that'll visually show me whether the project got marked done by the due date so if i go ahead and choose my status column um don't need to choose a person column if we don't want to but you're welcome to we're just going to stick to the status and the date here and when i hit connect columns you will see i get a very visual representation of what's been done so the ones that are marked on are actually crossed out here and let us know that it was done on time you'll see um if i hover over this it'll tell me exactly how many days i actually have left until the project is due and this one is half filled because the date is actually upcoming i'll put this date into the past just to give a visual if something is overdue i'll get a big red exclamation point that's going to let me know that that actually was overdue so the deadline mode ties an action to it that said most of us who work um in construction know that hardly anything will get done in one day you're gonna need multiple days or even weeks to work on a project um which is the reality of it so for that reason a timeline column might actually be more fitting here than the than the date column that we've got set up so i'm going to go ahead and click my plus sign um and i can scroll down and right here i have a timeline it's similar in that it allows me to select a date but it allows me to select a range of days um so that i can see how many days the project is actually going to take and what we're planning for in this project um so for this one since it was due on the 28th you know maybe we want to work on it for a week or so i'll just go ahead and pre-populate some of these that's a bigger one and i'm just going ahead and i'm selecting my start date and then my end date and it'll fill in that range here and then this footer is going to show actually how long i'll be working on the entire development so this is kind of a summary here that's telling me so i'm starting in this development on november 21st and i'll be ending on december 29th let's fill in some of these as well just a few more great so you'll see this one's in progress so it's actually got a little bit of color filled in because it started in the past and it's upcoming um so now i've got my range of dates here and i'm going to go ahead and actually get rid of this date column because we want a range of dates so i can click this drop down and delete this column out entirely because my timeline is capturing that and i'll go ahead and delete that you'll see my deadline mode went away but that's okay timeline has deadline mode too and that'll be based off of the end date so i'll go ahead and set as deadline connect it to my status and you'll see that visual representation comes back for my timeline column so we're just going to add a few more columns to really power up the board so let's start by clicking our plus sign again and we'll add a numbers column numbers columns can be very helpful for tracking costs so i'll add one here to show how much the materials cost for each project is going to be um so let's just type in some numbers here to talk about how much each is going to be for materials but of course we want to know what this represents so we'll rename our column cost of materials this just looks like a number here it doesn't really look like a dollar sign so what we want to do is click into this footer this footer is super helpful because it's actually telling us the sum of the entire uh column so i know how much i spent on materials for this entire development if i click in here i can also add a unit and i want this to be dollars because it's a cost but i can add anything that's here or even type in my own i can also choose the function but the sum fits pretty well here because i want to see how much we're working on for each development next i'm going to add a location column and that i'm actually going to have to explore the column centered to get to so we've got a lot here but we've got a pretty handy search bar and i'll just type in location and i can go ahead and type in the location right here and this will tell me exactly what it is um cool and so from there what you can do is actually view this on our map view we're not going to get into board views too deeply today but just to show you if you click on this main table drop down you'll see that we have a selection of board views so different ways to view the data that's entered onto your board and if i click on more views it looks similar to our column center with all of the options one of them being the map so when i view locations from my board on a map all the all of the location spots which are represented by this little icon here will be on a map so i can see exactly where my team is working at all times so i'm going to go ahead and just fill all of these in okay back and now i've got all of my locations entered in here i do feel like the location column is pretty important here um so i'm actually going to drag it to the right and make that my first column since i can reorder the columns really any way that i like lastly let's add a file column i hit more columns here and type in file so very important for construction projects because getting a visual of the completed work is usually critical so by adding a file column i can actually attach as many files as i need to so for this project i'll have my teams upload photos of the window installments for each house right in the file column so we'll start out with the ones that are actually done and click this plus sign we have a few options for how you can upload them directly from your computer or from other um from other softwares i'm actually going to do it directly from my google drive when i do this um all of my google drive is going to come up and i can open my window projects folder where i've organized all of them um and open a photo of the window that i've installed and you'll see when i click on this it's going to open the photo to show me a visual representation of the work that i have done you can upload multiple files if you'd like to let's go ahead and upload for our website's place project open this and maybe i did two in this house so i can also go ahead and upload another very easily accessible so i can come to this board i can capture all of my information and even see the work that's been completed here just open up this one and there it is so there we have it we have ourselves a very well developed board so how do we get to actually talking about all of these projects now that we've got our board structure in place and that would be through the update section accessible right here on this conversation bubble this will open up a place to make comments to upload files directly to app mentioned users or even full teams so i can not mention team two since i know that they were working on this specific project and it's really helpful to keep conversation central and specific to this project rather than sifting through long email chains to find the parts that are relevant to you it's all in one place and it will all populate in the inbox where we first started out so we can sift through all the updates on the boards we're subscribed to or filter it down to where we're mentioned to stay on top of everything happening in our projects so i'll show you that in just a second um but to start i'll say team two wow great work the windows look great and now team two knows that i'm talking about 66 barton road and that the windows that they've uploaded and i can go ahead and click update and when i do so they will get a bell notification here letting them know that they have been at mentioned so you can see here um i mentioned my team and brett actually replied on the update saying thanks and app mentioned me as well um contributing to our conversation on the project i've also gotten a bell notification which i referenced earlier and when i click on that i can see the reply to my update if i go back to see all updates i can see that as well um i can also see within this update that i've been at mentioned again letting me know that the final inspection is happening tomorrow i've received a notification about that as well keeping everyone in the loop about the conversations that are happening to go back to the inbox that i was just referencing if i go ahead and click on the inbox which we started out on just give this a quick refresh you will see that brett's update also came up in my inbox and all of the updates on the boards that i'm subscribed to will pop up here letting me know so i can read through this i know within this developer's board in this development in this project i know that brett is returning for final inspection tomorrow and once i've read that i can click this blue check and now i'm done reading all the updates of the boards that i am subscribed to so that about covers our basic content but i'd like to give you one more special look at an advanced feature automations so let's go back to our board just one last time um we won't get too much into these today but i do just want to give you a little bit of an intro so you can explore these on your own um or in further webinars so this will take the manual aspect out of your work through our many different recipes to explore so if i click on the automate option here you'll see we have so many different options in lots of different categories i'm just going to use a very basic one today which is when a status changes to notify someone so when a status so i can click the status column on my board changes to done which means the project is completed i can notify and i can put in a a custom message um and even map information from my board so i'm gonna say great work on um and i'm gonna use the item name so that that'll pre-populate the address that was worked on and just kind of send a motivational message to my team and say this job is now complete and let them all know that they've done some great work and how do we know who to send this to i'm gonna go ahead and actually choose whoever is assigned so whatever project it is that's done it'll assign that one um and the reason i am setting this up is just to give you a little intro um and to also show you how this will actually look on the mobile app so now that i've set up my automation to notify the team of a celebratory message when the project is complete let's take that promised look at how this looks on the mobile app so as many of our construction users know you're usually working out in the field out at a job site and you're not necessarily near a computer where you can make changes and you can't always wait to get back to a desktop or a browser because you want to make those changes in lifetime so that other people can have the information get started on projects that they need um or what have you so for that reason uh the mobile app is very useful and i'm going to show you quickly how the board looks on the mobile app how the user can actually change the status and how we can see our notifications specifically the automation we just set up so i'm going to show you a quick video this is how our board looks on the mobile app so i'm going to scroll over and you'll see i'll change the status to done on 22 caleb lane and get a fun little animation and now i have a notification showing me great work on 22 caleb lane this job is now complete as we originally set up in our automation so just a quick look at how the mobile app looks but i think it's going to be very useful to you on your projects and whatnot so i hope you enjoyed the webinar um as you can see here just jump to my next slide we're always available to help so you can go to support for our knowledge base articles we do have a lot of really great construction focused articles that i do recommend checking out as well as some specific articles on automations and the mobile app which i know we didn't dive into deeply but a lot of resources there as well if you want to check out more about that and lastly if you have any questions at all please feel free to email us at support we are available to you 24 7. um whether that's workflow questions or anything else you need we are here for you so i hope that this was very helpful i hope you enjoyed um and look forward to seeing you on soon
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Id: nYUR-o--X8A
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Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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