Monday.Com 2018 Beginner Introduction Training Tutorial

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hey guys it's Paul I want to give you a beginner introduction overview tutorial of Monday calm I've if you if you like me and you watch YouTube video is one of the up visits as always on the front of the YouTube videos at the moment is Monday calm I've also seen some other comments on a lot of my my CRM sort of stuff project management videos saying people are using it people are trying it or people are considering it so there must be to do a quick review a quick overview to get you up and running on it okay so first of all it isn't free so if you're looking for a free platform Monday comm is not free you are gonna be paying $22 22 pounds a month for five users you know for five users that's not bad 42 for turns a bit of a discount fifteen hundred so the minimum you'll pays twenty two pound a month so if you're not interested in paying you might as well start watching now because in you're literally not gonna use this program because you're not going to pay anything so there's obviously different versions the the version I'll be using will but this pro version because that's what the trial is I know be and I'll try and show the differences as I go I'll keep jumping back in and try and show which bits are in the each version if I can work it out so like with most of my videos what I'd like to do at this point is pause and tell me why you watching it tell me in the comments why you've come to this video to watch it what you looking to do well yeah a lot of people start in jobs where new companies that are using platforms like this or you're a business owner that's considered and using mundi calm whatever it is it just helps me with my videos it helps me see where people are coming from and we can we can I can cater better videos for you going forward to so just pause me let me know why yeah right so I've messed you about enough let's get into it I'm not going to show you how to sign up you're basically gonna go you know click sign up wherever it is Monday create a free account it will it works you feel very simply then you're gonna invite your team members so just firing your email addresses where to anybody in your team and it'll send them an invite it's really basic you don't need me to show you how that to do that you want to maybe go to admin your account name you can change your Monday domain name to whatever your business is so you want it to be I don't know I would be happy me happy me limited Monday comm so I'd be happy me safe changes if it's available change account change because it might mess it up right account name account information customization to change this logo up here add in your company logo just just update a logo email header so whatever you get emails from this you could put your company logo in again turn on gifts so you got a little funny comments you can I'll show you this boards if you want to poor you know change the labels of the default board labels you could be for to do my ideas started work in progress on how old order equipment whatever you're basically going to use it for you can have these different stages right to sign off completed you know then you might have paid unpaid invoice whatever it might be right so you can set up your starts you can change the user titles I'm not gonna go through exactly how to do everything because I think what you're really here to do is show me how to use it so when I start my team I know what I'm doing so what we've really got is three types of boards and this is where the pricing sort of changes the first board is shared across your whole network and everybody can see them so when you go to pricing it's the big thing that I can see is atom limited boards and then unlimited private board so then that the fifty-pound is private and the 34 pound is shared so that's the three differences I really see is that this this one's on the on the lowest price version this is added to the next level and then this one's the third tier version then you get over to this API and external integrations where you can you can link to something like zapier and and connect to other programs so basically you've got three types of boards once for you know your organization boards for your organization boards that you can share with your customers with project managers with third party people that you work with can join the board and then private boards just for you or just for you and one other person or a couple of people are you doing privately but we're going to deal to start with with these boards that are for the whole company right just before I add a new board though let me explain I've got three team members sandal Ian's installs Sara sails and me right so on on my firefox browser this is Ian installs logged in on my Safari I've got Sarah sales right so when I tag people and invite people you'll get a little bit it's gonna get a little bit confusing but it always does when I'm talking to myself right but what we've got is these boards and we're gonna do is we're gonna add a new sales board we're gonna track sales in the system we attract your sales funnel so what how many jobs have people got on what stages they're at and you know what what is happening with the sales department right so I'm gonna add a new board it's gonna ask me what you know you when you first sign up you can put in what type of company you are and it will suggest which which which board may be of interest so for me this sales process one here they're all lead magnet will go a lead magnet right for the funnel but you can do sales process too and you can also change you can click up here and change it but I'm not gonna you know I'm not gonna like teach you to suck eggs as things that are obvious so lead magnet I'm gonna use this board I'm gonna use this template right so I want to add people to this board and I want to add in installs and Sarah sales so I'm gonna go here and add Ian installs I'm gonna add Oh Sarah sales right that's my install manager are my sales manager so I would think that this would make him make him admin oh it just say they remove Ian install the owner of the board so that's how it is so owner so if you don't want to tinker with the settings of the board you don't let him be the owner he'll so it'll turn a certain amount of settings off so now we've got active leads Warren lost so you might have another area where you want to put in it you want you might wanna port on holes negotiating or different sections to your funnel active leads maybe it's I would consider a lead to be here say you know somebody in a shop told you something or you've read something in the paper or you you know a lead isn't to me the word lead to me means it doesn't mean you you've bought is in the door is sort of you you're still trying to get the contact so you can add a group add a group of pulses and call it deals active deals just elite it's just a lead thing because I use potentials whatever you call it right you might not call it but you can you can add stages right collapse I guess I can drag that around to where I want it to be so I'm gonna go from a lead to a deal to won or lost right and I've got these set these only pre-configured columns where I can show who's the rep who's in charge and what stage they're out and how much money's in the pipeline right so I'm gonna jump over to Sara sales she's got a notification subscribed you to the board lead management which is this board and she's gonna put in create a new pulse right so I'm I always work with security companies a bit predominantly out my history is of if you know me I work security kamas so it's easy for me to tell you about as if I'm a security company so I'm gonna put in here the activity one put mrs. Smith CCTV system right add the sales rep is Sarah sales at this point contacted or proposal or payment is a saliste agent in none of these are going to be relevant what about contacted and you might want to edit the leads add a label to contact right it's a to contact give it a color oh that's gonna add a color I don't change that color that's it so I want to be over there I want to change the color oh yes the little blue the little blue around the boxes I'm highlighting it right nopal yeah maybe I should change the color before I start one contact could warn you might not want warning contact to this really down to how you're going to use it so contact may be put on hold and then you decide what that is apply so Sarah sales might look at that and say to con but I a grazing are great color as if I'd have to change the color add edit labels so how do I change this one it just adds a new one and - mmm there must be an easier way to do it than that but and then he's map on another one in this corner shop alarm service ales that she's already sent an email proposal has been sent in his in negotiate and negotiate Minh the payment isn't gonna be set you might not want the payment in a lead magnet you might just want to know where the stages are and how much money you make in this really deal size could be it's like what you really think of this stage int it so you could say a CCTV system could be five thousand dollars a burger alarm is oh no 1,200 pens where your own and how good alarm is and then you can start to tunnel into these different areas so you can now see how much money you've got in in your pipeline you get says contact details much where you put it there but but you can edit that whole column settings and you put a right and update the corner sharp broken into needs a new alarm so Sarah can add that I go back to me I can see this I put in to refresher so they now see there's a comment there she has a one that's that update so I can click here and see ah cause shop and if I'm a part of the teaming so yeah I thinking go out Sarah I was talking to the owner ease cool guy and expecting your call something like that I haven't got notifications turned on but you can see that the reply has been hit Sarah's got on notification this is Paul Nicholson wrote a new reply you can jump into a scene you can give it a like I have got notifications on for me on the app so here on the app I've got a one here look this is the app notification and on Google Chrome so it might start bouncing and clicking also within here you can have info stuff oh is where is where you turn the gif on right so you and you saw when you saw the gift setting in admin or where I'm a let me go back to admin and me so when you see the admin and it was in customization features gif enable gif so I can say Sarah could say something like not answering contacted one I don't understand the labels that you would use you would put your own labels in one and then maybe put up Paul just spoke to him putting quote together I get the notification and here comes the gif search for happy put this sort of stuff like I don't know yeah if I had a proper job and I was at a serious job this would drive me mad but I guess it breaks that breaks the phone up a bit on it so yeah so you can you guess you know it's a communication tool within that area you can put info you can add a note add files or add Q&A so this is a place where you could add the vote when it's done you could upload a quote you can add a note or somebody else can old system is a burglar alarm ten thousand ten thousand ADT summer I don't know you can add Q&A and I don't know exactly what that means but I think it says happy with Oh system now not happy once - what grade Oh service no good either something like that and save so what you can do is you can add q and a's here and then further down the line when you get to one you could transfer the information to a another board where this would be on you know the installation team would be able to see Q&A about to see the quote if you want them to to be able to see the information flowing if you want to move it across to another board right so you have Q&A area which would probably be good for text and stuff to add the way they can ask a question and you can answer it you can obviously drag and drop so that becomes an active deal where negotiation you could say stock you can go in and add and talk about it you can go green so you've won the contact you've won the proposal you're gonna drop it down here and then payment you would probably like more Remora lied to put something like it's like a gray bar again and see if I use that one what would we use like a yellow for deposit 25% or something like that oh apply so they've won they've paid the deposit you could you can you can also change these settings so those are the status that your ad with the color is the text is the person you wanna you wanna you might put in here now you might put installer if you've got a list of technicians that you're gonna assign to you might then say I'm gonna assign that to AI into a certain technician and that would you get the emails I put it turns some off but you're gonna get a whole world of emails Sarah Sarah sales assigned you to a pulse and you would click on it it may get funky because I'm not logged in as E and there and it would jump you to that to that that pulse what you've just been assigned to so it's a real drag and drop information hub place where you can click place where you can talk to each other about set jobs and then real project manage it from from that area so that's like its sales pipeline I know it's a bit scary but and this may not be exactly how you want to do it but you might want to move these around you might want to say that that column just doesn't make any sense and just delete it you might want a potential column II and put a number in and then call it potential and then down the bottom you would change it to a percent and then what you do with a ridge at the average so what you would do with the percent on the deal is if you've got if we move this back up to active and then we've got another one that's CCTV police station to contact 10,000 potential 75% of closing 40% closing that one on a new one fire alarm I don't know it's weird I four bar five thousand ten percent right when you add these deals in you can put how much do I think I'm closing that deal forty five percent chance of closing by still when they come down to potential I believe you're gonna want to saw a column and say where's me highest one I want the highest ones at the top you know I want to concentrate and the ones where I'm getting more what I believe I've got a bigger chance and you can say well you know I've contacted them email sent I'm in negotiation and now I feel that's eighty five percent so you can add edit information as you go it's not you know it's not something you still calm which is cool I'm now like it's gonna work I think you're watching this going I get what he's saying sort of um what can i what can this do looking at my business what do I need to set what what I'm interested in knowing here what do I need to know within information so that is obviously for a sales funnel a place where your sales lead so we're going to talk about shareable now we're going to like a project management where say we win one of these jobs let's go to will do a big-ish one because the alarm on the shops not a big idea we will do the fire alarm here ah let's do the fire alarm okay you can't okay just trying to grab this one to build it you can't drug saw it same time alright clear so it doesn't liked being in the so we'll do the CCTV at the police station right so we've won that job we're going to talk about this job in the next section Jackson section on a shareable board where we're going to invite other people to join right right so I'm wary I'm getting this is already getting a long video I'll try and split it up where every time I pause like I just stuff I'll put in the YouTube video was the like a chapter a chapter that we can jump to a certain place so shareable boards are where this but these boards are are just for our team our team can see these ones right can see anything that you put in here that can create anything in here the team can also see shareable but we're gonna invite outside people as well so we've got this CCTV for a police station we've won that job now we're going to turn it into a shareable board for a project right so I'm gonna create a new board but now in the shareable and private doesn't give me the option for the type of board so you might want to you might wonder if you want to if you've got a template you want to use you can do a create a board in it in the in the main section and move it across but we're gonna call it CCTV system police station right that's what it was we're gonna add guess we're gonna add subscribers so to put in or Sara sales because she sold the job we're gonna put in Ian's Indian installs I could invite a new team member there come on you know tech I can I can invite me technician technician one you know pending invite technician to so now I'm getting my team in oh wait I passed it on button and I might've inventory guy inventory up follicle syndrome I'm gonna get so many emails from this side now I've done this so these are team members these are people that have got your domain name these are allowed in right you're asking your you installed your inventory manager you're asking your technicians in you're telling you you're salesman saw your salesman your manager and then the top dog is in - then we're gonna invite guests in so this could be the customer this could be chief inspector ah oh yeah I just put a chief Paul Nicholson calm so it would be chief inspector arts police HQ calm right invite police right invite this could be the electrician electrician so the electricians email address and I'm gonna invite that person this could be the architect the architect on the job our key decks I can't spell earth right they wouldn't be at Paul Nicholson comment would be that person's email right so I've invited the people involved in this project to these projects to what's happening on this project right so they're all invited I've probably got a world of email senior invited here we go ha look so is did a test reply to your account so this was the architects this what the architect sees so he can accept his invitation and see that board this one will be the electrician I accept your invitation and so on chief inspector gets this and this logo here is when you changed in the settings when you went to admin and customization you change the email header so that's what that logo comes up there right so now we've got a project that's shareable that we've got we've invited people to the project right so what we now want to do is create a different level of things to do right so jobs to start we go up and add a new group upside down we should do it underneath my just the top um work started let's do it the other way around huh completed waiting sign off on hold I'd grow yeah so I'm wondering if calm I would think he'd put it up there below with these ones but did it work started work to start to do might work to do and then I would put a front or the top some sort of general tasks unassigned or something and have that an honorable gray color right so what we've got is is the the the task that needs to be done the person and the status now we want to we may want to add a timeline here timeline for the date right so this could be order equipment general tasks person is let me put in inventory even though he hasn't accepted it yet it's the inventory guy right stateless then the inventory guy would take over this right but you might put working on it timeline for it to come in might be next week sometime in that next week right and I can close that and then when that when that inventory guy gets the order or when he starts ordering it you'll move it but Burke started right ordered I've got work to start right so then you would have Paul cable let's do some quick ones meet site meeting electrician electrician and architect fix cameras install mic on blank digital recorder test system sign off camera view with chief full training so you're building that to-do list on your building whatever it is in your organization that's gonna take so sight me in set a date for it site mean could be I say yes what's that 24th I don't actually know I don't use this but after do it time add to timeline tags numbers doesn't seem to be obvious or date rather than a timeline is this how we do it here we go 24 Kentucky I guess so he would need something to set a meeting you would think somewhere obvious to say that's what this meeting set for at a certain time tippity logs just gonna tell me what's happened export manage subscriptions yeah I'm not I'm not sure meeting set for Wednesday wherever it is I can add a chat list ask about positions PI work dates of completion compiled man yeah I was never gonna spell that right you know I can add sign-off I don't know I'm just bumbling now to be honest so I've got these different now I've got a checkbox it's gonna be added on the activity log there must be a place where you can put a day or I'm gonna sign a tech after our port in installs actually the manager would go to that meeting but if I was going to go pull cable work to do I'm gonna drop it in this because this definitely needs to be done to put in the technician one's gonna go do it technician one would log on working on it it could set a timeline for whatever he thinks is gonna be done take one's this pull cable it's obviously you have to wait for the equipment to arrive so we may be able to pull the cable before it to be on this you might have that amount of the cable in stock so you can start to build out what the timeline is of all this stuff so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna fill out the rest of this board and I'll jump back to it and show you more info right guys so I'm gonna play around I've other and I've put them into a few orders what I also I said before was if you go back to the lead and go back to this one one I can move it into that board and into that into that share now you might want to be careful doing this because there might be some information in here the IDE wouldn't talk in this one did way we talked in the other one like for instance mrs. Smith no sorry yeah was it mrs. Smith info what was we talking updates no here we go corner shop alarm right if you move the corner shop alarm to a shared board and you've got the corner shop owner on that shared board then he's gonna see what you've been talking about so you probably don't want to do it but I'm just going to show you that you can move to board CCTV will do general tasks it's going to say that it's not the same it's not the same columns right so you would have to change it to have the same columns so you may or may not want to do it in that situation but it's just to show you that you can so now I've got my project laid out it's all in process works happening people have been tagged things are being commented on and I've got this full timeline that you can see that the install manager is been tagged to install the doodle recorder the technician might not know how to do it so he's been tagged and you can change it to say right I'm gonna go when they fix the cameras when they've pulled the cable I'm gonna go in and I push this back a day but that's you'll see that look if you've got doubles it just it just overlaps onto it down so tetanus you can see his timeline the inventory guy can see his timeline the manager can see things that are tagged to him the Chiefs now saying look we're gonna get everything working we're gonna test it we're gonna sign it off with you probably only took a day on the 18 then anything that needs to be dug we'll give ourselves a few days and then give you full training with the chief and the architect afterwards so there's a timeline at the top for the project which is pretty cool showing you exactly what's happening the status of jobs is you know in here so people will be updating done that completed move it to completed so you might be you might tag out architect I feel come on yeah yeah obviously be architects named wanted Dave ba Dave cameras are completed you sign off the I don't know finish to finish look something like that you'd ask somebody else you could tag in me get an email I probably just got one that I don't know it is lot cameras are completed can you sign off so you get emails saying look I'm getting emails for the Yan because I've got signed up on eight different emails into but you wouldn't get some money and you can go into your admin and manage and manage my profile right can you can go notifications and decide to turn them all off right just turn them off if you don't want if you just if you forever logging into something you just turn stuff off don't ya so you don't keep getting it you got an inbox up here all updates are full turn it off bookmarks I haven't done any bookmarking so I think you get what you're capable of doing what you're capable of sharing the funky color board the funky timeline creating tasks you know a new you do a private board if you take that level of membership up and do it as you know your private to-do list you know you do it to yourself things to do things need to update in places to do and so it's just a general task manager board that gets ya didn't imagine it was going to get this long that video but your it just shows you the cool functions of the board that that it can do let me do so out of probably go out there sales board social media that was that was a board you can for social media the mobile app um I'm not going to show you because I don't want to drag it out there's a mobile app and a desktop app here's the desktop app does the same thing all desktop apps now just look like that website I don't have to refresh it actually there's a few funky little bugs in there looking at this lot look it's not arrived yet that folder this hasn't updated I can't see recycle invite I can't see in the desktop app and he knew in Silent Night update it bolt switch so that just showed me it shows me the new ones here look yeah lead magnet but yes my showing in the folders so it was still a few little things that these guys need to iron out but I think it's a cool tool I think hopefully I've shown you how to sort of delve into it the power of the boards all it really is is a tea board where yeah you create a group of tasks and then you give them a status any drag-and-drop route you just drop them around solo four year old green right where you know till you're all done so that one's gone now as well them to was it gone it's the CCTV here we go until you're all green so you know dun-dun-dun get it down completed completed so until you all your projects done you've told you customer you talk to your customer you add you know this sign off with the chief hey beep over and say hey but you know I just working with movie will say hey all the time hey chief all completed are you happy let me know any problems and when we can deliver training update chief is gonna get email here we go a chief all done view of this update I'll plug it in pull it up and open it would and it was it was a different email to wasn't a different accounts so a bit sky people always say to me prepare better I always try to but it just gets away from me on these programs that can do all sorts and everything but hopefully I've shown you working examples of a company of how they'd use it for a sales funnel how would they use it for a project management any of your options you've got of adding tags and stuff but you should say that it's pretty cool to use any specific questions add them in the video and I will always try to help you know where I am the help guys co-chairs
Channel: Paul Nicholson Training
Views: 43,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, tutorial, introduction, 2018 beginner introduction training tutorial, review, project management, project manager, tutorial video beginner, commercial, project management software, how to, task management, project planning tools, training, training video, how to use, training videos, how to use monday app
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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