How to use | Day-to-day Project Management (Monday Tutorial for Beginners)

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hey guys welcome back to another video and if it's your first time to this channel my name is stuart thanks for joining me today now in this beginner's tutorial i'm going to walk you through how to use which is a powerful day-to-day project management software now is similar to trello and asana which are two project management tools that we've discussed before on this channel however takes more of a modern approach to day-to-day project management which is ideal for small businesses and the management of their day-to-day operations now before we launch into this tutorial and if you're new to this channel consider subscribing to stay updated with weekly actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to grow your small business online and with that covered let's get you started with so first things first we need to sign up to so head over to and create your free account now the great thing about is that you can use for free especially for small teams and you also get a 14 day free trial if you want to try the other plans so if we quickly pop over to the pricing plans as you can see with the free account you can have up to 10 users and then we have the standard pro and enterprise upgrades if you want to upgrade to these paid plans but for the purpose of this tutorial we're just going to use a free plan because this is sufficient enough for small business teams so let's head back to the first page we're originally on and now let's create our free account so come down here and click create free account now here you can enter your business email or you can sign up with google slack or linkedin so for us we're going to sign up with our google account and then i'm going to select this google account now we like to keep everything in one place and so we like to sign up with different programs different tools software with our google account because then everything is in one place so we're going to click this account and as you can see i have my full name here already generated and down here i have my team name which is cindio which is our business name then come down here and select i agree to terms of use and privacy policy and then click continue then here to get the most out of you just want to tell a bit about yourself so what will you be using for for us we're going to select work because we're a small business a small team that wants to start project managing many projects then come down here and select which one best describes you best so for us i am a business owner then there's other options down here i'm going to select i am a business owner then come down here and select your team size now remember two to five and six to ten is under the free plan of however if you have more than 10 individuals within your team then after the 14 day free trial you'll have to upgrade to a paid plan so for us we're gonna go two to five and then select your company size which is one to ten so our team size is two to five our company size is one to ten then come down here and select the main thing you want to manage within so for us we're going to come down here and select project management because we want to start managing projects small and large scale projects within with our internal teams you can also select any of these other options but for us we're going to select project management then come down here and enter your phone number if you like this is optional for us we're just going to skip this and come down and select continue then here you'll be asked if you want to explore all the features within the 14 day pro trial and you can see some of these features down here so you can come down and select i'll do it later or you can give this 14 day pro trial a go so for us we're going to skip this for now as this is a beginner's tutorial and we want to show you how to use for free then here you'll have the option to add your team members here you can also do it later on when we head to our dashboard but here you can actually copy this link by clicking copy link and you can send that to people or people within your team that you want to join to join your projects or you can come down here and invite with email so we're going to quickly do this now and there we have it i've just invited two individuals to my team i'm also going to make them both admin which means they have complete control over just like myself and then i'm going to come down here and click invite and they will receive those invitations via their email address now because it's our first time getting started with we're going to get these prompts for getting started with so come over here and click add which is creating a new board and this is the core feature to so your boards are essentially your projects and then within your projects or boards we have pulses and you can see these pulses down here they could be tasks they could be activities that your team needs to accomplish and then we have categories within each pulse that you can customize the way that you like so the great thing about is it's very modern in terms of the project management approach and the whole layout and structure of your projects and the great thing about is everything is completely customizable so come up here and enter your board name or your project name so for us we're going to type in web design and then come down here and click next and here we have group so we have one group here and we have another group up here so feel free to name your first group for example this could be week one and then come down here and click next here you want to add a task so for us this would be a logo design and then come over here and click done and then what i'll do is i'll navigate over here and click exit because i'm going to guide you through a lot of this information and congratulations we have just completed the initial setup of your account and this is where the magic happens so here we are at dashboard okay so now let's break down your dashboard so you understand all the elements the features and everything you need to know to make the most out of so first things first we need to understand notifications so for example every time a task is complete or an action has been taken within your board so remember your boards are projects so one of our boards is web design and this is the one we built earlier so to view notifications just come over here and click on notifications and this is where you can stay updated with actions and tasks that are relevant to you and what you're following now you'll also get notifications to your email so you'll get notifications here and on your email that way you won't miss a thing okay so if we exit out of that on the left hand side we also have inbox now inbox is from internal communication if one of your team members wants to communicate to you about a particular task or project they can do that through inbox and we'll talk more about this later on then if we come down here we have your calendar your week so you can see what's actually happening during your week what tasks you need to complete then down here we can add more team members then we have your profile down here so if you click on profile this is where you can actually update your profile picture and you can change some of the settings within your profile now one of the powerful things we like about is the integration so if you click on integrations you can see that integrates with many different online tools and software that you can use to make the most of project management and kind of managing your team folders tasks media and essentially everything for example we've got asana down here which we talked about earlier before which is another project management tool we have slack over here which is communication tool and in gmail mailchimp and a whole bunch of other business tools from marketing project management communication and more so you can integrate all the other tools that you currently use with so have a browse and see which of these you're currently using and you want to connect to so we'll come up here and click exit that's a great thing about is it's very interconnected with other applications and software on the internet then if we navigate over here this is your workspaces so this is where you can create new boards this is where you can see your current boards for example we've already got our web design project highlighted and these are the pulses the tasks and columns over here so this is one of our projects the only project we've created if you want to create another project for your team just come over here and click the plus sign and here you can click blank board and this is where you can create a new project or you can choose from a template if there's a particular project you want to create if it's a workflow if it's process management lead management or any other kind of project you want to create you can actually view all the templates here and select the one that best works for you and then you can customize it based on your project then we have import now the great thing about import is you can actually import projects from excel google sheets asana trello and others so if you have any projects that you've used with asana trello we use asana and we sometimes use trello we can easily import that over to again if you have a simple excel spreadsheet or a csv file you can upload that onto and recreate your project workflow through then we have a blank dashboard and then new folder so essentially the main thing we want to cover is a blank board or choosing a template now remember your board is a project so if you want to create a new project just come over here and click blank project or choose a template very straightforward then if we navigate further to the right this is where we have our project our board as you can see we created the web design project we can add a description here and we can come down here and view our board our project in different layouts and formats for example i can come down here and add new and i can view this board as a table timeline view calendar view chart view and others then you can view more down here and we'll look at these into more detail once we've actually completed this first board so if we exit out of that as you can see we've got our groups here so this one is group one then down here we have group two so i'm gonna name this week two and as you can see under week one we have tasks which we can edit then under week two we also have tasks now like i mentioned earlier before the great thing about projects within is you can easily customize the columns for example these are what we call columns and you can modify and change them the way that you like that best suits your project and what we'll do shortly is break down into more detail how you can make the most of projects of tasks and how you can actually completely customize each element each task which actually allows for a lot more customization in comparison to asana and trello which we've talked about in the past so firstly what else do we have on our board dashboard we have recently viewed an activity so if we click here you can see last activity updates activity as you can see i was the last person to create any updates 29 minutes ago so you can see that information there then you can come over here and view the integrations with this particular board then over here you can view automations which we're not going to talk too much about as this is a beginner's tutorial then over here we have the integration with zoom so again for internal communication this is great when you're working on projects as a team because you can communicate via zoom so you just need to set up that integration and you can simply video call and communicate with your team then over here you can see who's part of this particular board again we have activities and then on the far right we have more information for example we can add groups a few board members board activity and integrations and more down here but that is a simple overview of your dashboard now what we're going to do is dive into the actual board itself how you can actually customize your projects based on pulses which are these elements here and columns how you can customize the columns along here so now let's complete our first project board okay so first things first let's give some of these tasks a name so i'm going to click edit task 1 and name this task theme colors then i'm going to come down to task 2 and edit this one and call this website copy so i'm happy with group one so remember this is group one and then i have three tasks down here and i can simply add a new task down here or over here i can click new task or i can click this down button and create a new group of tasks or import tasks so i'm going to come back here and now i'm going to navigate over to the columns now the columns is where it gets exciting you have complete freedom to customize these the way that you like the structure that best suits your project so for example over here i have owner so over here i have myself i can come down here and add a new person i'm going to go developer 1 and this logo design task i'm going to go developer 2. then i can navigate to this next column and here i can add sub items so for example i could add a sub item within this task website copy so just click here to add a sub item and then you can add your sub item down here for example it could be a particular page on the website so it could be the home page copy and then again i can come over here and add an owner and you can add a status date or you can add another column if you like so i'm going to leave that as it is and come back up here and click here to hide that particular sub item then if we navigate over to the next column we have status now status is quite fun to play around with this is where you can label particular statuses for each task so for example with the theme colors task that's currently being worked on then the website copy task is complete now you can change these by just clicking here and you can click stuck done or waiting for review then you can edit and change these labels if you like but i'm going to leave these labels as they are then if we navigate across again we have due date so i can come down here and click on this date here and i can click on the 12th here again i can come down to this task and i can click the 13th i can also come down to this task and go let's go thursday the 20th and there we go if we navigate over here we have priority so if i click down here we can go urgent high medium or low and again you can add and edit these labels so i'm going to add medium for this task here for this web copy task we're going to go hi and then for this logo design task again we're going to click hi now you can edit these the way that you like so for example if i come over to status i can click down and then i have these options to customize this column column settings i can edit the title add a description i can resize the column and then there's all these other elements down here for you to play around with so if we exit out of that we can create a new column just by simply clicking this plus column which is add column and here we can add different elements for example we could add status we can add a text column we can add people a timeline date tags and numbers and then you have more columns down here to navigate through so again i could come over here and click timeline and i could click on this task here theme colors and set date so for example i could go the 12th through to the 16th and then i'll exit out of that one because the due date is actually at the start of this timeline so i'm going to edit this and i'm going to go the 16th so the due date is on the 16th i've got five days and it's as simple as that to add and customize your columns your tasks and your particular projects now like i briefly mentioned earlier one of the great things about using for project management is you can view your boards your projects within different layouts just navigate over to default and then come down and click add view now i briefly mentioned this before however a lot of these are only available within a paid plan so if you decide you want to upgrade because you want to have access to these different layouts then you can easily do so for example if we click on timeline view you can start the 14 day free trial just to have a look at how this timeline looks you can also watch this video here and that's going to show you exactly how you can use the timeline view within one of the paid plans so if we come up here and exit out of this we can also navigate over to search and we can type in stuart which is myself and then i could type in working on and as you can see this will show up so this is the only project that i'm currently working on theme colors and you can do that with anyone so you can find out exactly who's working on what particular project so if i exit out of that one i can come over here and click person and i can view this board based on the individual so for example i go developer one and i can see the tasks that they're currently working on within this project i can also click this developer this individual and i can see the task that they're currently working on then we can also navigate over to sort and this is where we can actually structure our columns based on priority creation date price or any other kind of label or column that we've created and you can come down here to create those specific arrangements and now what we'll do is exit out of that and the last thing we want to talk about which is extremely important for and project management is internal communication internal communication is vital to the success of projects so in order to communicate with particular team members all we need to do is click on a particular task and that will bring up this box on the right hand side now to communicate with our team members all we need to do is click here and start typing so for example i could say do you need help with this particular task then i can also mention this particular team member by going at and then developer two or one because these are the people that are part of my team so if i go developer one and then click update and then as you can see this message has been sent this individual has been tagged i can see when they've seen this message they can reply or like the message it's very straightforward to communicate internally with and with your team then we also have info boxes where you can add notes update files add q a's then we can see the activity log on this particular task that we clicked theme colors so as you can see it's very easy to communicate with your team within each task so i'm going to come up here and click exit and you can see that that message is there and the person that i just tagged they're going to be notified on their dashboard here and in their email and that is essentially everything i wanted to cover in today's tutorial this is how you can get started with with a small team and how you can manage day-to-day business operations and that is it for today's tutorial for beginners i hope this helped you navigate for easy day-to-day project management now if you have any questions about this tutorial make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video through to the end if you got value from this video you enjoyed this tutorial then please leave a like and if you haven't done so already make sure to subscribe and that way i will see you in the next video take care guys
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 148,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use, Monday tutorial, tutorial, best project management software, project management tool, project management software, monday tutorial for beginners, task management, monday,, 2020, how to get started with monday, stewart gauld, monday project management, project management, how to use monday
Id: piDQKQmr2H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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