MONDAY Oct. 4th 2021 MORNING SECRET | Apostle Joshua Selman

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welcome to salvation tv we produce and upload contents that provoke and prepare you for revival with quality spiritual videos to feed your spirit daily the salvation of souls into the kingdom of god is of utmost importance to us for by grace we are saved through faith and not of ourselves for it is the gift of god do subscribe and turn on the post notification bell to stay updated with us daily don't forget also to like and share this video god bless you [Music] good morning good morning anywhere you are watching me from this is mid-release and it's morning here how was our weekend you had a nice rest and i pray the peace of the lord we abide with us mighty in the name of jesus welcome to salvation tv this is a platform for spiritual growth and notification of the body of christ good morning once again my name is christina i will bless god for life this morning secret is a test of faith in our god what do we know about faith in what way should we exercise our faith in what way should we exercise our faith is it where we are having challenges that we should put of our faith in god what does every faith in god means to you how do we put up our faith in god hebrews 11 1 says now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen if you ask me i will say faith is confidence in things we hoped for an assurance about things we did not see what role does faith plays in a christian life or what role does faith please in an individual life i mean in our life daily what role does faith please faith is so important that without faith we have no place with god and it is impossible to please god and the bible recorded it that abraham believes god and it was accounted unto him as faith right god designed a way to distinguish those that belongs to him and those that did not belongs to him it is called faith do you belong to god do i really belongs to god believing god even though we cannot see him and we exercise our faith by laying all our requests on him believing it will answer cause it's called faith when we knew in the morning night or afternoon to lay our requests at his bosom i said lord jesus i know she can do more than without seeing him and we believe that we're surely herself and we have no doubt whatsoever in our hearts that we have cells it is called faith how often do we see god how often do you and i seek god every 11 verse 6 says you reward those who diligently seek him a key part in hebrew 11 verse 6 says god is the rewarder of those who diligently seeking and god love to bless those who are obedient and faithful god love to bless those who are obedient and faithful we should always obey him and have faith in god in luke chapter 7 verse 48 to 50 jesus engaged in dialogue with a sinful woman and jesus said to her your faith has saved you go in peace the woman believe in jesus christ by faith and jesus rewarded her for it also faith is worse sustain us to the end of our lives knowing that by faith will be in heaven till eternity although we did not see him but we all believe in him we the hope that one day will receive our reward of our faith in him this is the salvation of our soul first peter chapter 1 8-9 habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him for the judge shall live by faith please let's allow our spiritual father our mentor i mean apostles trisha selma to talk to us more to shed more insights more spiritual insight on this very topic faith and i believe by the time we round up this section our soul spirit and body will be so blessed i will be a blessing to someone else habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4. the b part is my verse of emphasis and let's walk with king james it says behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him read on the be part one to read but the just shall live by his faith so the subject of faith is not just a subject of prosperity or breakthrough that you're living both in terms of the continuity of your breath and the quality of your life according to scripture four times interestingly in the bible four times the bible emphasizes that the just shall live by his faith we'll just look at two scriptures this is one habakkuk chapter two it says but the just shall live by in fact he didn't just say faith he said his faith his faith so we see that faith is necessary for both living and living victoriously you may want to write that down faith is necessary for both living and living victoriously you cannot live a victorious life in this kingdom outside of the operation of faith [Music] hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 there are four but we just look at one for the sake of time let's do that quickly please [Music] hebrews 10 38 just the a part it says now the just when will the just live by faith when will he live by faith it says now the just shall live by faith then he says but if any man draw back back to what back from this principle of living it says my soul shall have no pleasure in him a very classical rendition of this was given to us in hebrews chapter 11 we're going to read it further when we read verse 6 the bible tells us just give us verse 6 but we'll later on start verse 1 hebrews 11 chapter and verse 6 please help us i'd like you to read it it's projected one to read but without faith uh-huh stop that's what i want you to see it was buttressing on hebrews 10 38 that if any man draws back my soul will not have pleasure in him so he says but without faith that means outside of faith it is impossible to please god hallelujah so we see that the entire life of a believer revolves around faith now many of us have had this teaching faith we've had pastors some of us have taught it ourselves but i think it's very important for us to settle down and really understand what faith is and how it works we call all kinds of people men of faith this person is a man of faith what exactly is faith and how does it work seeing that the quality of our lives on earth is dependent on our understanding now listen please not our application of faith alone but our understanding of the same you can apply something wrongly dissipate so much energy but it does not mean you are producing results how many of you have seen cars that the exhaust has busted and i mean you hear the car coming so loud like a truck you think it's a truck running without break and then you see a little bike or a little car that's how many people's destinies are there's a lot of noise and then when you look you find out that there's absolutely nothing but there are cars that would even come and park you not even know that's cast that came intentionally so why faith hebrews chapter 11 will be a long reading [Music] it's an archive of men and women who demonstrated unto us the reality of faith [Music] let's read it please pay attention we're studying the word of god tonight now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen verse 2 he says for by it the elders obtain what a good report next verse through faith we understand that the walls were framed by the word of god now watch this the bible starts we see certain formations happening the bible gives us a character of faith then we see certain people mentioned called elders are we together then we see a formation that faith is able to form realities and then we see the word of god coming into the picture now i wanted to study how these realities begin to piece themselves faith substance evidence report or results are we together understanding the word of god you see these things piecing up together then the bible says so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear versus four let's see how far we can go now the first character in the bible the bible calls them elders interestingly the first eldar in the bible is called who not adam [Music] not king [Music] this is this is a teaching on his own i'm telling you i like enjoy myself when i talk about these things believe you me i plan to do same this night by faith a bell did what offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice by faith than cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he been dead yet speaketh so by faith a man offered unto god a what more excellent sacrifice is it not interesting that the first thing god uses to describe faith is giving we're going to lions but the bible talks of offering a more excellent sacrifice it takes faith to be a giver ken gave but he was a miser and god said the reason why he missed was he did not have faith are we together it was out of faith that abel took sacrifice as though that was all he had and gave unto god [Music] meaning greed listen selfishness of all sorts is traceable to what lack of faith that at any point in a man's life he's a withholder and not a giver i don't mean money a giver of anything it is because of fear of the continuity of the supply and the bible says is lack of faith number two five by faith the second elder we see in the bible is who now enoch was the seventh man from creation theologically speaking enoch was the seventh man from creation and then from abel he just jumps to enoch and says by faith enoch was what translated translated translated to satire by faith a man can live a level to another by faith i know this is talking of translation out of this realm but you need to understand what this meant enoch translated from one territory to another by faith like a man can live poverty to wealth like a man can live sickness he says if you want to experience translation it will happen how by faith that he should not see death and was not found because god had translated him for before his translation he had a testimony notice how pleasing god is tied to faith it seems like god's obsession is not just praise and worship god's obsession is that he can find men who have faith in him every time you see the manifestation of faith you see god smiling the bible gives you a picture that he's happy he's well pleased number three and without faith it is what impossible to please him for he that comes to god must believe that he is the world is this means he exists he exists and then that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him hear what the bible says for everyone that seek it find them [Music] it's important we get this foundation seven let's see how far we'll go by faith noah comes in now noah kalabaka be warned of god of things not seen as yet when god was warning noah there was no evidence that those things were coming the same way god is saying you will prosper and there is no evidence but no one moved in advance he didn't wait to say let me see a cloud first he started building the ark when the sun was shining bright and bible calls it faith now i hope you those who did mad man everybody did mathematics whether you like it or not i'm not asking you whether you passed i'm saying you did it are we together now listen a good teacher does not give two examples and set exams no when they give you especially a difficult aspect of mathematics they give you as many examples and those examples have variations of the way the underlying principles are applied is that true uh-huh it's supposed to help you familiarize you with the different ways this is what the bible is doing we're working max here are we together so the bible begins to give you different people do you know everything the bible is saying about them is the same he's only using different human examples to show you different applications how men manoeuvred circumstances by faith so by faith noah being warned of god of things not seeing us yet move with fear the warfare there is reverence prepared an act to the saving of his house 100 years it took noah to build an act how many years have you waited for your miracle let me hear it please six months and you're already saying lord if by november a man moved by faith for 100 years how long do you have to live on earth to spend 100 years building an ark i'm sure the children when they give back to their children they say we we grew up seeing our grandfather what exactly is this project and no one said the rain will come and the children said well i'm now a teenager i believe the rain will come and god kept watching and says it was by faith listen let me tell you something i'm going to break down faith for you to really understand and then you will know that many people really do not believe in god many of you at the end of this teaching you will tell god i'm sorry because you will find out that you really should not receive a result amen next verse by faith now abraham comes in i like the bible how many people now abel help me enoch uh-huh noah abraham it says by faith abraham when he was called out to go into a place that means your destiny must be fulfilled by faith god called a man are you seeing now so we see by faith to do different things translation now we're seeing he's talking about destiny here and inheritance by faith you are not the first person to graduate and wonder what to do with your life there was a man in the of the chaldeans of the chaldeans called abraham and the bible says when he was called to go out to a place which he should after receiving an inheritance obeyed he says and he went out help me please that's the faith part of it not knowing whether he went go to lagos yes lord what are you doing in lagos obeying god you are stupid god what do you say you are a man of faith abraham don't turn there genesis 22 genesis 12 come out of your father's house and out of your kindred and out of all of this listen to a land that i will show you no name the assignment is follow me and the bible says abraham gathered his house and says gentlemen we're off let's go may you surround people in your life who can let you obey god there are times let me just say this in advance there are times certain people will love you too much to allow you obey god especially for we young people because our parents many of them even those who are not born again walked by faith are we together the last time their father saw them was from one they used to call it from one the next time the person came he came with the lady he would marry a master's holder how he survived the father did not know one heavy box and a blessing don't drink don't follow women be hard-working the god that kept me keep you enter a boat and go and the father had confidence that the boy would not die after eight years he now came back and said daddy god is faithful i now have a house a car how did it happen by faith but now you see someone of 30 they say i think you should start settling i say mommy i will take it gently just buy me blanket buy me sugar buy me tea don't laugh we have been so pampered that the system of faith is eroding our minds so whenever we say faith many people just laugh [Music] that's the reason why there are very few people who really do much i'm not even talking ministry in the kingdom in our lives this over pampering are we together now auxiliary faith okay uncle i'll take the first step but make sure you are standing by look at what he told peter he said fear not jesus speaking it is i and peter said if it be thou bid me come jesus said come see faith let's read to verse 10 by faith is so joining the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the heirs of him with him of the same promise for he looked for his city whose builder and maker is who the lord next verse through faith the first woman now also an elder the first woman through faith sarah herself received what so how do men receive strength in the kingdom [Music] you don't receive strength in the kingdom just by eating a good meal although that is important she received strength and conceived seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful now notice that among all these people the common denominator is that they did or said something are we together there was nobody whose testimony was just passive the bible tells us something they did something they said something they did something they said let me say this up front faith is not hearing what god has said faith is fulfilling your own path your own part [Music] let's go to [Music] verse 17. i want to jump verse 17. [Music] are we together by faith abraham now when he was tested did what or tried offered of isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said in isaac shall thy seed be called sacrifice by faith sacrifice by faith now the bible talks of isaac jacob joseph let's go to 23 and look at moses the bible dwells for i don't know why but it seems to me like moses was the person the bible dwelt so much in all of the people who the bible talked about faith even abraham who we call to be the father of faith the bible just spoke about him but for moses the bible seemed to dwell and talk a lot about moses which i found interesting let's read on by faith moses when he was born was did what was he three months of his parents because they saw that he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the king's command you understand the act of faith they put him in a basket and pushed him to the nile trusting god to take care of him next verse then by faith moses when he was come to years refuse to be called what refuse to be called by faith just like you refuse to be called [Music] any name that seems directory any name that comes from a background that can destroy you oh you are all the poor ones can anything good come out of nazareth he said by faith seeing something he refused choosing rather think about this to suffer affliction listen there are certain kinds of afflictions that the bible says you must go through them by faith it's a choice you hearing what i'm saying when a lady refuses to say yes to an unbeliever and instead of marrying two years before that time now remains single because she refused to say yes to an unbeliever by faith waiting for a godly man she believes to be a husband the bible calls it to suffer affliction not every act of faith looks pleasant in the process in fact let me tell you something a major part of the journey of faith will make you look stupid because you are forfeiting we call it an economics opportunity cost [Music] you forgot something for the excellency of what is waiting for you [Music] then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for what is season 26 esteeming the reproach of christ greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward and so on and so forth and let me look for somewhere now i mean the bible talks about him right well let's read let's read really let's read down to um 30 where it goes to joshua now we're reading down to touch you see how much a lot was talked about moses by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible 28 we are reading down to 30. through faith he kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed the destroyer now the firstborn should touch them 29. this is the last of the talk about moses by faith they pass through the red sea [Music] as by dry land which the egyptians are saying to do the egyptians tried it but they didn't do it by faith so they died are you seeing now now let's talk of the wall of jericho verse 30 by faith the walls of jericho did what not by strength by faith we saw them going round walking around jericho are you understanding the character of faith already every one of these people did something whoever tells you faith happens without your commitment lie to you i'm showing you all through the common denominator to all these things is that they believed god and there was a demand on their own part to respond by saying by doing by keeping their own part so their obedience upgraded the promises of god to a covenant the walls of jericho fell down after they were compassed about seven days 31 by faith the second woman look at the name the bible calls her now this is interesting why didn't he just say by faith rahab i think we are smart enough to know then he says by faith calabar a woman who was a harlot changed her story by faith the harlot rahab perished not with them that believed not meaning she was part of them she was destined to perish please is that true what is the wages of sin help me what is the wages of sin that means there is a system in god where men can change prophecy there is a system in god where men can alter obvious consequences the key is faith if first tells you her credential she was a harlot do you know what it means to any right to stay on a wall so that whoever is passing sees you before ever seen the king by faith she changed her report everyone died in jericho except rahab not only did she not die she forced herself into the genealogy of jesus [Music] [Applause] when she had received the spies with peace [Laughter] and what more can i say i really wonder what more do you need to hear you see i'm understanding what paul is saying paul is saying if by now you don't see the synergy what more can i say it says for time would do what to fill me to talk of others there were other elders in the bible let's name them gideon and of barack and of samson and objector and of david also and samwell and of the prophets there were many next verse who did what through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness uh-huh obtained promises [Music] stop the mouth of lions next verse quench the violence of fire look at i wonder why nigerian actors have never acted extreme this powerful men who did this by faith produce a female call it by faith [Music] exploits in the spirit they escaped the edge of the sword man who looked at death eyeball to eyeball and say you would not kill me and then the bible now says out of weakness we're made what men who were born weak but refused that they would not die weak works valiant in fight turn to flight the armies of the aliens then listen to this women receive their dead race back to life and then the bible quickly puts a very strange balance it says and others were tortured not accepting that means they did not die out of the power of death conquering them the bible says they rejected deliverance willingly they discovered in their knowledge of god that to die is gain and they said i can leave but let me prove to god how much i trust him and they said it is within my power to command deliverance but i reject it faith if they say they died out of weakness please don't confuse this they died they had do you know there are many people today who died when we get to heaven they will tell you they were offered an opportunity to live but they saw something higher and they said let's go the bible calls it faith now you mourn them and try to look for hilarious stories but they have they have joined those elders it's a list it's a role call there are many people shortlisting themselves there it says not accepting deliverance that they may do what obtain a better resurrection i'm going somewhere with all this and you will soon see next verse and others had trial of cruel mockings and scorchings you are not the first to be laughed at are we together yey moreover of bonds and imprisonment imprisonment they were stoned and they were sung asunder now you don't like this calinonia is quiet but the bible tells you beforehand that these men had the power they were not helpless bible history makes it look like they were helpless the bible says there they had the power to command deliverance but they saw something higher and by faith they stood they were slain with the sword they wandered about in sheepskins and goats kings being destitute afflicted and tormented of whom the world there are such men that the world was not worthy of they walked upon the earth have you been given something that you say is a privilege there are men who they are walking upon the earth is a blessing to the earth the bible says it's a privilege they wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dense and caves of the earth 39 i want you to read 39 and the next verse i believe was 40 am i am i right [Music] yes 39 and 40. read it with all your heart and your spirit ready one to read and these all having obtained a good report through faith receive not what [Applause] now read on next verse god having provided some better thing for us that day without us [Music] there is a dimension of the manifestation of faith that god is trusting our generation to reveal and the bible calls it the perfection of all these elders as great as their exploits are and where the bible says that god had provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect now theologically speaking there's been two schools of thought just explaining this scripture a lot of people mean this to be the dispensation of grace because you would notice that all the people who were communicated were largely old testament people out together now and so the better promises that many people think uh they say that it is because these people suffered in the dispensation of the lord the old testament and now we have access to grace the substitutionary work of christ now that is true but i don't believe that is all are we together that is true but the death of christ in itself afforded us a higher platform to manifest faith are we together [Music] an example of such opportunities is the possibility to live by the faith of the son of god now this was a possibility they did not but that a man can tap into a higher frequency of faith called the faith of the son of god not just your faith the faith of the son of god you can bring god's faith to an operation and get results this is a better promise but that's not what we're talking about i'm showing you men who did strange things through faith and so if you and i must make impact in our generation it will have to be how by faith through faith by faith through faith [Music] so how are you going to build that house [Music] how are you going to change the story of your family by faith how are you going to get out of that sickness and infirmity please understand what i'm saying there is the chronicles of ordinary men who dared to believe god and changed a lot of things [Music] so faith is is important to please god and we have a testament of men and women who walked by faith the next thing i want us to look [Music] at is the word of god let's look at the word of god being that this is the instrument that produces faith it is important for us to look at the character and i'll be very brief the character of the word of god [Music] write this down please [Music] the word of god [Music] whether spoken or written the word of god whether spoken or written contains [Music] the life of god the word of god whether whether spoken or written contains the life of god the word of god whether written or spoken contains the life of god number two write it the word of god is a representation of his commitment to man the word of god is a representation i want you to write this while looking at the character a representation of his commitment to man like you have a covenant like you have a contract between two people so the testament of his commitment to man [Music] number three [Music] the word of god represents his will for man now this is important we're going to dwell a little here the word of god represents his will comes from the greek word logos where we get the word word logos the thoughts of a man the will of a man the intention of a man so the word of god represents his intention his will his will is a legal term his will for man [Music] number four the word of god is the basis the basis for contact with man the word of god is the basis for contact with man i'm giving you certain characters of the word of god as far as the manifestation of faith is concerned the word of god is the basis for contact with man that means that the holy spirit remains helpless until the word of god creates the platform for contact with man [Music] number five the word of god is the only instrument capable of moving god to action the word of god is the only instrument capable of moving god to action [Music] god is moved to the feelings of our infirmities but not to action the word of god is the only instrument capable of moving god to action write this down the word of god contains instructions prophecies promises the word of god contains instructions prophecies promises also contains principles [Music] are we getting blessed now please look up everyone please look up now there's been a lot of argument in the body of christ as to whether this should be called the word of god the word bible comes from the word biblios and that just means a book nothing special really it just means a book are we together now theologically speaking for many years in the church age they did not have a compendium of 66 books like this there are other schools of thought that argue how that there are many chapters and verses that are missing in the bible there are many chapters and verses that were added that should not have been in the bible are we together now and how that there are other books of the bible like there are arguments about the apocrypha books the apocrypha the roman catholics use that a lot and then there are other books the books of joshua there are other books called the annals of the kings there is the book of enoch are we together now now all these books together have been argued by theologians some of them believe that it should be contained since the character of scripture is that all scripture was inspired of god are we together and that anything that is of god should give spirit and life so i'm just giving you an educational background on this so that you will understand so there has been a lot of argument in fact currently um i know that there was a time certain uh i think a rabbinical association also came up with certain things and they felt that a lot should be edited in scripture now the old testament was written in hebrew say hebrew and the new testament was written largely in greek and aramaic are we together now these people wrote these scriptures but they were not in charge of its translation there's no point to give you the whole story of bible history how that this translation were bits and pieces some of these pages were missing for many years and then they were found together with what we call the dead sea scrolls and then it was at the time of king james king james he was a real king ancient king called king james not ancient like modern history now king james who authorized the publication of a compendium of these 66 books that we call the bible are we together now so all the 66 books all the new testament together are called now i'm not the point of all of this is not to create a debate about other extra biblical texts or some exaggerations that were done here that's not the idea one thing we know for sure is this listen every man who contributed in the writing of this was imperfect as a person that means if god allowed them to still rob their imperfection it means the mystery is not in the letters are you getting what i'm saying now please you must understand what i'm teaching you we're examining faith elijah was a temperous man the bible is a compendium of many things demons spoke in this bible is that true donkeys spoke in this bible are we together men spoke in this bible people lied in this bible people use divination in this bible so the fact that it is written here does not automatically mean it is of god you have to get this so when the bible or when we talk about the word of god we are not talking about just the opening of anything because you see we must balance this there are believers who say if you can show me in the bible i will do it that means you are going to get into error the bible is a prophetic book you can make it preach anything you want there are herbalists today when you enter their shrine you see other books and you see a very clean bible there are together and they will read the scripture and instruct you based on that scripture and because it is in the bible you will believe i should walk no so i want us to examine what the word of god is listen to my message uh i think the living logos i had done a teaching years ago on that what exactly is the word of god because none of the apostles in the early church in fact even up till them emperor emperor nero constantine and all of these people they never had the opportunity to hold the bible like this it was a taboo they were kept in temples are we together and then of course when the people of god were caught in different kinds of captivities they were hidden and taken from place to place to arrive like this as a compendium a lot happened to them are we together but the bible says let the word of christ colossians 3 verse 16 dwell in you richly so i want to ask you a question how did the disciples grow in the world when jesus resurrected i want you to go back to the book of acts when an average believer got up in the morning what did he study and how did he study are we together you would only go to the temple we do it in the anglican for those of us who are inclined anglican and maybe presbyterians to do this they have what we call first reading and second reading is that true where you come up you read this is the word of the lord thanks be to god and then you know that continues and then there are parts uh where you recite you know the the apostles creed and so on and so forth like that now other pentecostal cycles do not have the privilege of having that kind of thing you just come you preach and then you end this was how it was in jewish temples the priest one of the all of those people would come up and give you one of the scrolls they had messages for every time so you would read it and roll it back and and keep it and then they could preach from it they could speak for it and so on and so forth now if you don't understand this that i'm teaching three things will happen to you number one you can fall into the error of absorbing the letters blindly and believing that you are growing in the world because you are consuming these letters that's the first error or number two you can just say since this is not the word of god let me throw it away and destroy your spiritual life there are people today now you know i was talking with a few people and they were talking to me and said look the use of ipite and and now please i don't have if you are using devices here that's the the goal is not to to um um discredit you on all of that when the 21st century but i think a group of gentlemen were talking to me and i said apostle what is your take on the use of ipad as far as the revelation of the word of god we have is concerned because because our concept of scripture is that i'm holding a book a man of god even said in revelations god told john write not type [Music] amen praise the lord now see personally i honestly i honestly believe see there's something about holding this thing there is a chemistry between the letters of this book and your eyes i absolutely believe that but i don't have a problem i mean i have all kinds of things we use it on our devices phones laptops and and whatever you have what is the word of god write this down let's define what the word of god is since this is the instrument for producing faith write this down the word of god is any communication the word of god is any communication [Music] or any platform any communication or any platform where the voice of god the ways of god write it down where the voice of god the ways of god and the life of god can be accessed the word of god is any communication or any platform where the voice of god please listen the ways of god and what the life of god can be that means what i am speaking to you now if it contains the voice of god if it contains listen the ways that is the principles of god and if it is capable of releasing the life of god what is this called the word of god meaning as i'm speaking to you now what i am saying is worthy of being written here the only thing is that i was not part of those who were specifically you know brought together to make the 66 books god's idea is not for us to be limited by 66 books god's idea is that our lives become a continuation of the books that are written here are we together so god's ultimate goal is not for you to be sound in scripture but that you become it an expression that's why the bible says we are living epistles say living epistles so that look at how it is [Music] if you read something like verily verily i say unto you the words that i speak listen they are spirit and they are life are we together god's idea is not just for me to read it but become that scripture so that whoever does not have an opportunity and left his bible at home can also read it in me are you getting a point so imagine every believer like a page in the scripture releasing certain possibilities men were not supposed to know god just by reading the bible they were supposed to know god by interacting with the church so that way before anybody opens this book he should open the book and say oh so this is an explanation so this attitude is called kindness are you getting what i'm saying ah some of you are lost let's come again [Music] i want to deliver you from religion listen listen listen the power is not just in criminal scriptures the power is in the words that are written here that the holy spirit can use this word to forge something upon your spirit so that you become an expression of it not just a talker of it and that's why we destroy ourselves [Music] the word of god is not greek the word of god is not hebrew listen the word of god is not english the word of god is any platform for accessing him listen if there is a way i can make this become the voice of god and a platform to speak a particular scripture within the period of that miracle this is the word of god [Music] how do i teach this now help me holy spirit [Music] if i prophesy to you and i say ejimi may the lord bless you and it happens do you know what why it happened because what i have spoken is the word of god it was a platform where the life of god could flow to him if i use oil to lay on your head the oil works because the word of god is on it so the word of god is not the right things about god the right things about god how many of you know not now this bible is like the ground the real cannot do you just eat the thing like that you open it but you cannot access what is inside until you come to it are you getting what i'm saying [Music] see brothers and sisters that is why many people read this but they cannot get faith i'm going to show you something how faith comes but we must understand the character and the word of god i read a lot i studied the bible but i have the consciousness that i am an expression of the word of god are we together now so when you come to me i don't run and open the bible and say this verse is this verse that that i left my bible at home does not mean the word of god is at home the word of god is living and active it's your bible i'm teaching you your bible see i'm showing you why we don't get results i can hold this against a witch and put it under my bed and snore myself into a terrible drip are we together i may think that because this was under my pillow it does not have any power in itself the power is released listen when this is studied by faith [Music] by faith means that you believe that although these are letters the spirit of god come breathe upon this this is what logos is in the word logos and remember that people are speaking rhema is not just the revealed word rhema is when the breath of the spirit comes upon this letter it's like the breaking of the ground not seed and all of a sudden you can receive it [Music] so you don't need to recite the scripture you only need to have the life thereof the recitation of the scripture is to add to your excellence in communication and to strengthen your conviction it is not the recitation [Music] in my name they shall cast out devils jesus did not say if you stand before people the name he said is not jesus we mention jesus so that they will know that the office we are acting upon is the christ the name is not jesus the name is lord and lord is a revelation it means absolute master suffering controller so i look at the spirit i'm not speaking but i'm cursing him in the name of jesus the name of jesus is not a recitation in the name of jesus be healed no the name of jesus is an office [Music] so whether i am talking or not is still the name of jesus [Music] are you getting what i'm saying now jesus meets somebody a madman in gadara the demons begged him and begged him and said don't cast out what did he say go now that word go you say it and it may not work because the goal is not just go the goal was simply and a voice activated communicator of the word of god whatever he said even if he said come the sea would have gone it's not it's not like they needed intelligent english because they spoke good english they didn't say we understand no [Music] please don't be excited for nothing i really want you to get this thing [Music] are we together the word of god is not just about your voice the word of god is about an understanding that makes you become a platform for his life so as i am walking down i'm giving the word of god expression if i happen to open my mouth and speak to you i have given the word of god more expression that is the reason why a donkey could still communicate the word of god that is why handkerchiefs and aprons they were taken could the handkerchief speak they could not speak but they were going by the word of god jesus sent men in his name they were not born again yet they returned with results they said the demons were subject to us through thy name hallelujah why do we study the bible write this quickly we studied the bible for three major reasons number one we studied a bible because contained in the word of god contained in the bible as we know now i can call it interchangeably the word of god you understand the bible contains the most accurate dealing of god with man the bible contains the most accurate dealing of god with man we study because it's the most accurate historical compendium of god's dealing with man there are many history books but the bible gives us the most accurate compendium historically speaking of god's dealings with man number two the bible contains principles promises prophecies from god to man the bible contains principles promises prophecies from god to man so we study so that we can have an understanding of these things [Music] number three we studied the bible because it is the only book [Applause] we study the bible because it is the only book [Music] that can authorize the holy spirit [Music] to make manifest what is written dearing we study the bible because it is the only book that can authorize the spirit of god or the holy spirit to make manifest the things that are written therein no other spirit is legally authorized to manifest everything written here now it does not mean other spirits cannot manifest what is written here but only the holy ghost is authorized to back up to make manifest meaning listen listen meaning if i read the bible and i see by his stripes i am healed now listen when the word of god contained is released in my spirit because of this book is giving me access to that word of god now the holy spirit is authorized to make real that which i have believed from the book are you getting what i'm saying now a time is going to come maybe not in this current church age but a time is going to come we are not going to read this again i hope you know yeah a time will come we will not read this but will continue growing in the world [Music] a time is going to come we will not read this again it's not heresy it will not be in this dispensation the book of revelation ends with the beginning of a new dispensation we do not yet know what will happen therein the same way before our time it was only from acts chapter one you know when the church was born and now our dispensation has had the privilege of access to read this are we together other saints believers still in our dispensation did not read this yet the word of god was mighty in them for instance apollos the bible said he was even mighty in scripture [Music] this is where we miss it we read the letters [Music] and ben haddad the king of syria gathered all the hosts together gather me your god gather me gather me oh god you see now listen listen that looks very sincere but the word of god is not on that statement i'm being careful so you don't feel offended but it's the truth i want to teach you how faith works do you know for many years i really didn't understand how faith worked until one time i i took out i studied almost 11 people those who represented men of faith from bishop poetico to kenneth copeland and his wife to dr frederick casey price to all of the men hallmarks of faith ew kenyon i sat down with these people and i started seeing it i said so this is where we're missing it we recite scriptures and believe that the recitation is where the power is released no sir are we together am i discrediting the reading of the word of god of course not of course not you can see how old this bible is it was not like that something made it so it's called diligence diligence until the bible you see it i don't know how many times i've laminated this bible again and again i've already to a point that the pages i can close my eyes you say matthew okay i mean i wanted to try you know i can literally open any page everywhere is marked up and down so i believe it but i found out that many of us keep accumulating this and then we wonder why things are not working for us the word of god is the spirit and the life of god the spirit and the life of god the spirit and the life of god whether released by the reading of these letters or communicated through the speaking of the holy spirit faith comes now let's discuss faith we're about to fail romans 10 19 romans 10 17 is god helping us tonight i'm working this thing with us because i want us to understand faith we are going to pray romans 10 19 read it please 10 17 one to read uh-huh now the word hearing let me correct two things the word hearing the first hearing is a very broad word it does not just mean faith comes by using your ears are we together the word hearing is a very broad word and there are many synonyms you can add to it number one is perception perception perception faith comes by perceiving not just sharing with the ear alone like speaking to you physically faith comes by perception because when you read your bible you don't hear anything correct you don't hear what you read like this you can hear through your ears i remember even about hearing the bible says he that has an ear meaning not everybody has this kind of ear are we together so the first hearing there means perception any platform that can create perception is not just limited to hearing and then the second hearing there means understanding or comprehension i want you to correct that not necessarily in your bible i'm not saying it's wrong so faith comes by perceiving and understanding and that by the word of god that's how faith comes when you just read it and it says hearing and sharing there is a dimension of application it means listening again and again and that can help but the accurate picture is perception and understanding everybody say perception say understanding the second hearing there is understanding understand this what thou readest and that was where the problem was the utopian enoch he was not reading he was reading but understand this what town readers perception so when i'm studying the word of god the bible now and i'm reading it the moment perception can come out of it the word of god has come into my spirit i don't have to share now when i'm listening to bible on tape or hearing a preacher teach like this and the word of god comes it is still hearing so when we say hearing i don't just mean your ears your ears your eyes your dreams your visions any platform that can create perception can impact faith listen listen there are people who have had dreams and got up from those dreams are we together and took certain actions those dreams brought solid conviction to their lives i shared with you about the encounter that i had with jesus christ now that encounter is not written in the bible that joshua seymour will have an encounter but in that encounter i told you jesus did not speak to me he never opened his mouth to speak yet he spoke so many things i left that encounter full of faith and stephen full of faith where did he read anything that was the faith there [Music] do not limit your bible study to just hearing and reading any platform that creates the perception of the word can release faith so the first is perception the most common platform of perception is hearing your ears because you hear sounds sounds so as i'm speaking to you now if you cover your ears it's difficult for you to read my lips do you know why i'm speaking this to you how do the blind death and dumb receive faith how do the blind death and dumb receive faith if someone is blind if someone is deaf if someone is dumb are you saying faith cannot come to him are we together you see people go to crusade grounds completely deaf meaning as the man of god is preaching other people are jumping they themselves are not even following yet at the end they are healed and we are going to be finding out later that their faith healed them so how did it come [Music] question 2 a dead man who cannot breathe cannot talk cannot do anything how does he come back to life what is the principle of resurrection [Music] and then how did the bones of elijah not breathing still transferred the anointing to somebody everybody said the word of god that thing you call the bones of elijah was the word of god any platform that can release the life of god [Music] thank you jesus say after me the word of god is not limited to my hearing thank you the word of god is not limited to my hearing alone the word of god can come into my spirit through any mechanism that can create perception and understanding are you getting what i'm saying meaning the word of god can come to you through a christian music now you are listening to a song play something play what you are playing watch this listen if this guy is anointed [Music] hallelujah okay that's all right that's all right thank you look at what this guy is playing play it are you sharing any words english is there hebrew is there your language i want to follow me carefully are we together now but you see the anointing that is released from this i can put the word of god on this sound now and you will see miracles happening are you getting it now i can put it by saying then this noun the sound that leaves this keyboard does not become an ordinary sound it becomes the word of god why a platform that can release the life of god the power of god and you get what i'm saying now you will hear it and somebody now will come under the anointing and you are wondering the operation of the word of god this is ordinary keyboard that's how you can be listening to worship in your room and faith is rising you are not exactly reading any scripture per se yet faith is rising because through it the word of god is coming are you getting what i'm saying the word of god the word of god is not working me the presence of the holy spirit in my life is a sign that i was born of the world if you are not born of the word he cannot come because he comes in response to the word so i am born of the word of god new life is in me so the holy spirit is comfortable to live in me are we together and every time that spirit and life is in me he can release what is being said now i can speak it to happen but i don't have to speak it alone to happen i just need to create a platform for it to happen look let me tell you brothers and sisters if you believe this you will know why we pray for the sick not necessarily having to say be healed you just touch them and you're saying sir you see some somebody try to say yeah this is where the pain is and you are touching his head how does touching the head heal pain at the back is the word of god you are only placing the word of god on them so you have become an expression of the word the word became flesh that's what you have now become so you are not only reading scripture you are the word becoming flesh the word becoming flesh when you play keyboard you transfer the word of god to it this is what is called the ministration of life [Music] the ministration of life you are transferring life you are transferring life to that world are we together now so when you put the word of god upon this now deliverance begins to happen healings begin to happen a sinner can sit down that's why people come for concert and at the end of it you make an author call and they come out you didn't teach john 3 16 but the word of god convicted them because it came from the music [Music] i want you to understand faith i really want you to understand faith this may look complicated but as we continue you will see how it ties up it will make your life powerful i don't move around hoping that demons will respond to my quoting of scripture i know a lot of scripture to the glory of god but i am a life-giving spirit i am a life-giving spirit my body has become a communicator of the word of god the spirit and the life of god so if i shake you for instance shake me for me if i shake you i release the life and the power of god have you seen that if i shake you i release the life and the power of god you may be sick i may not know but as soon as i leave you find out i've been healed now i did not ask you whether you are sick the word of god saw a need and because i have become the word of god it feels it immediately are we together say i'm a manifestation of the word of god please i want you to say it i am a manifestation of the word of god say this my goal for studying scripture [Music] my goal for studying scripture is not just to be learned but to be an expression of the word of god my goal for studying scripture is not just to have head knowledge it's not just to be learned but to be a walking bible [Applause] [Music] so when men look at your life they can read the scripture immediately through your life living epistles we fool ourselves in the body of christ that because we are finished the bible cover to cover and by god's grace i've done this many times so we say i've read the bible cover to cover if i'm a man of god as i'm speaking the bible says babylon and once they are talking these spirits are saying my god these guys don't even know what the word of god is we fool ourselves and at the end of it nothing happens are we together and then somebody comes with a saxophone or a guitar and starts playing anywhere you see the manifestation of the power of god the word of god must have preceded it because the holy spirit is not authorized to manifest when the word of god has not gone ahead so when you see the word of god moving when you see the holy spirit moving he's confirming the word confirming the word whether spoken or revealed [Music] the manifestation of the word of god the manifestation of the word of god i tell you as i speak this thing you see sometimes because we're talking about the word of god and we're dividing it accurately to open up these things the spirit of god let me tell you something about the holy spirit the moment you begin to communicate the word of god very accurately it's like his body is itching he wants to move he wants to confirm it i'm telling you how to confirm the word it's not holy spirit move move that's not it let the word of god be communicated accurately and it's like it's like he cannot i'm not talking of just shaking under the anointing i'm talking of signs and wonders and miracles you place the word of god upon everything the word of god is on the air the word of god is on your chair everything that can communicate the word of god that's what makes the anointing [Music] when the word of god saturates a place the holy spirit follows everywhere the word goes the holy spirit follows everywhere the word goes if the word goes to your kidney he's following it there if the word goes to your academics is following it there if the word goes to your business you don't get the holy spirit to move outside the word of god is witchcraft so send the word of god and the holy spirit follows the word are we together [Music] you send the word of god and the spirit moves in that direction so if i declare that i prophesy to your finances if the holy spirit does not back that then it was not the word of god even if i quote scripture are we together so the manifestation of the holy spirit is proof that the word of god has been released in a place [Music] the manifestation of the holy spirit is proof that his word has been released we pride ourselves with theological knowledge we pride ourselves with knowledge of scriptures john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so loved the world but it's not the word of god so the holy spirit cannot bark it please hear what i'm teaching you the holy spirit only comes to the scene when the word of god is released whether through speaking or to any platform including your body being a manifestation so when you want to see the energy of the spirit released then be sure that what you are speaking or doing is the word of god are you getting what i'm saying now if it's not the word of god you are not going to get the holy spirit here please hear me the degree to which we have seen the miraculous is the extent to which the word of god has come out so you can speak hundred words only 20 of them are the word of god the holy spirit backs only 20 percent of your communication are you getting what i'm saying this is the difference between what we call anointed people they may not have all the verses but their bodies have become greater platforms to release the word of god so the holy spirit in answer to the word confirms them are we together [Music] i'm a career of the word of god not just by climbing scriptures i have read it but the word of god flows through me like water the spirit and the life of god i understand the principles as i walk in the consciousness of that principle and with the understanding every time i utter my word or respond in any direction as the holy spirit will direct that's what we call faith i will tell you what faith is now faith is your response to and from the word of god not just scriptures your response to the word of god so you have to make it be sure that what you are responding to is not just scripture but the word of god and it is called faith and that faith will bring performance more on that next week i'm not talking so much about i needed to understand the word of god so that when we begin to teach on the dynamics the operation of faith you will know why certain things are not happening in our lives our idea of faith largely has been correct assimilation of scripture correct recitation of the same and then expectation in hope that something will happen it will never work that way [Music] are we together john 3 16 for this and that and that and that happened for we know the grace of our lord that though he was poor yet he became rich so that we through his poverty might and we wrap it and we say lord this is your word respond and say no it is true that i spoke that through the servants but you are only speaking scripture theologically listen let me tell you if the word of god was just scripture then the scribes should be have been the greatest careers of the world they knew the entire pentecost of heart and jesus looked at them and said ye and not knowing the scripture he said you search the scripture for it thinking them you will find life and you will not come to me listen if jesus appears here and somebody is writing a book the bible says scripture testified of him is that true scripture listen if you are writing a book about me and i show up who is a more authentic medium are you getting what i'm saying now so the scribes had had knowledge that prophesied about jesus when jesus came they said no jesus we don't want you but we want the scrolls and he said you are hypocrites you read the scrolls they talk about me now you're reading i am here as the word become flesh you are rejecting me yet you are doing bible study and jesus said you are hypocrites are we together but a woman just ran and said doubts i mean blind but if i may but touch the hem of who the word of god she perceived she didn't read anywhere but she saw men looking and she said i have heard and something has happened in my spirit i perceive and i understand that this man has power to heal there is nowhere in scripture where she read that you should take a step of faith she created an action based on her perception god honored that action and she was healed i'll teach you that next week don't take action until you perceive and understand the word you will be wasting your time so we take many steps do you know people can come and stand here with their tights frowning no perception no discernment no understanding all these men of god are my shoulders you missed i i'm looking at this tie i hope it's not my money that is going to buy another time and you are there grumbling and arguing and you drop that and the bible says whatever is not of faith is sin now man of god will not tell you that because they need the money so they say no problem unbelief or not that's your business just drop it let's use it but i'm telling you the sincere truth it must be by faith so here's what the bible says hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 verse 6 give it to us please goodness hebrews 11 6 hebrews 11 verse 6 i want us to read it now you will understand all that i've taught you there is a protocol to faith ready one to read but without faith it is impossible to please him full stop whoever wants to be a man of faith what is the first step it says for he that comes to god must believe not his word leave the issue of manifestation you must believe that he exists if your perception must on you must understand the person you are dealing with the integrity of his person and his ability to provide for you number one then number two that he's a rewarder that is a rewarder there are two things god wants to be known for to release faith one that he exists his existence means a lot because if he exists then he's mighty if he exists then he can hear my god's not dead he's surely alive he's living on the inside roaring like a lion there's a song like that have you read have you listened to that song do you believe god is alive i know you will say yes your life does not show it are we together because if you believe it will compel you to take action look at me listen do you believe there is water on this table do you believe do you believe now you can come and carry it do you believe there is water on this table yes you will not come and carry it because you consider it to be a waste of time so do you believe there is god yes so you can relate to him this is why people do not pray they don't believe god is alive let me tell you the truth the revelation behind the life of prayer is not religious struggles it's not an attempt to compete with people i pray for eight hours you pray for six hours all that is strong prayer is predicated upon an understanding that unto him that answers prayer shall all flesh come after the service people are going to be waiting here chewing right to the back because you believe i'm not going what if i just i use thailand just run out if i do that for three weeks you will stop standing here because it's a sign that you doubt my ability the first doubt of believers is not even in the power of god to produce that result it's even his existence i know you think this thing i'm telling you is powerful the word of god is guiding us here do you believe god exists it's a very big deal i've given my life to him no problem do you believe he exists [Music] he's alive he's alive sing it [Music] is [Music] do you know why every time you visit a herbalist you must live with a child you don't visit whether that term is a goat or is something you must live with we call them tokens tokens are representations of the existence of something are we together so you go to him i must marry that man put him in a bottle for me and then they carry his picture throw it in a bottle and lock it correct and give you say hide it somewhere for as long let me tell you the devil does not need that bottle he needs your faith and since your faith must be tied on something he gave you a bottle [Music] let me tell you why it still works even if you are born again you are born again because although you are born again you truly still you have tested of the power of that charm something in you still tells you is working so it continues working the day a higher revelation and a higher anointing content it stops working a man of god one time was hungry and was passing and he saw a chicken that they had slaughtered for sacrifice he carried the chicken and who said it and at do you know why he never believed that that thing can do anything to him he said they shall take up poison who the believers believers in god not in miracles you believe in miracles but do you believe in god we're talking about knowing that god exists you know joshua salman exists but do you believe he exists let me tell you something you are a hypocrite if you claim to believe what is written here and don't believe the one who wrote it are we together oh i believe all things are mine do you believe the god who said it lord i don't believe in you but i believe in what you said does that make sense you don't believe in me but you believe in what i said no me and what i have said are one my word is my bond my word represents me when i'm not there you can take my word to represent me if i listen sam if you are dedicating an album and i stand before koinonia listen to me and i said joshua salman on behalf of myself i give you one million naira what is that that's my word now during if you go somewhere and you are doing your calculations you will calculate and say one million error is coming from apostle have i given you the one million but you know me you believe in me it's up to you now to believe i can deliver it let me tell you what you do you fast-size me and look at me can a person really bring out one million error are we together so when you ascertain that i am able to do it number two am i willing when you ascertain that you say i believe it so when god says i will bless you your own belief sizes him and says no god you are great but these three plates you are talking about don't don't joke with us so the cure is not just action the action part is hard we are coming to that but if you act upon something you don't believe is a waste if you believe in something and don't act it's also a waste are you seeing how we are cleaning it up but we are starting tonight with the understanding of god his word his integrity say i believe in god shout it i believe in god i believe he is alive i believe he exists that's why i love the apostles creed the anglicans recite it all the time right i love it so much because it's an encapsulation it's called is is like a statement of faith sometimes you need to recite what you really believe i believe my business can rise i believe my life can do this i believe my wife can get pregnant that's wonderful but do you believe in god there is no guarantee in scripture that if you believe those things they will happen he that believeth on me john 12 14 please give it to us we'll find somewhere and pray now john 12 14 john 12 14 the son of the living god himself speaking john 12 14. [Music] john 14 12 john 14 12. john 14 12. thank you really please everyone one to read [Music] stop it is important who you believe not just that you believe who you believe jesus never said if you believe on things you believe that things that will happen they will happen it says verily verily i say unto you he that believe on what on me i want your faith to be directed to me not my works not my works i believe all things are possible but the reason why i believe all things are possible is because of him that can make them possible the end of your faith should be tied to a person and his integrity not the things he can do [Music] restful confidence he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and what greater works than this shall he do because i go on to my father [Music] do you believe in him do you believe he exists sister listen to me you it's impossible to believe that five bread will leave you until you believe in who the healer is are you getting what i'm saying man of god i believe my ministry will be great while joking you are just playing games but i know whom i have believed and so i am persuaded in his ability that he is able the first thing is to believe the person then i am persuaded we leave the person and we believe in the ability and the things that will happen and we never get results he said is i see this happen all the time innocent people not taking out time do you know this is why intimacy is important with god intimacy does not help you believe things intimacy gives you an encounter an encounter furnishes the reality of god in you so that whatever he says is as good as him so you can believe jesus son of god i believe in you i believe in you we call you our messiah jesus son of god from your heart so when i lock up myself i carry my bible i set an atmosphere that brings an intense presence of god and when i lie down and open my bible number one i am not reading for preaching emoji i'm not reading for preaching i'm not reading for recitation john chapter one verse five in this and that and that and with no no no no i'm looking at it jesus said if you believe in me and i sit down there holy ghost help me believe this truth jesus said his presence is there jesus said and in my mind i'm looking at people gathered for miracle service they don't know me maybe they are discussing among themselves where is the man and the man is there walking on his faith lord i know you are able i don't know what i'm going to see here but i believe in you there is no assurance anywhere physically but i believe in you and when i step and come right here and sit down the moment the worship team finishes do you know what i tell the holy spirit every time i say let's go it's time to go and do this as i climb this stage i'm an ordinary man but not alone he's standing by my side and so i can speak and make a video darshan's statement and because of what is coming listen let me tell you i believe in jesus i really believe in him when he tells me something i don't doubt you will always doubt god till you encounter him it's not the issue of i'm trying now let me tell you watch this the body of christ has fabricated a formula that if not careful it will be our carnal attempt to recite and to to to to um replace encounters is the concept a false concept of recitation of scriptures listen what we call confession comes from the word homology meaning speak that which has been said i believe that there is a step to that but let me tell you what many people do we think that we just get up and start speaking i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed and blessed in the name of jesus i'm blessed i'm blessed and blessed i wish you anything i'm blessed i'm blessed and you said i said it hundred times listen i'm not i'm not being sarcastic i hope you understand i'm just trying to correct us because we will soon get frustrated with all those things i'm blessed and blessed in the name of jesus i'm talking to my mind no listen your mind was designed to submit your mind is not that rebellious it was designed to submit you have not created the condition for it to submit the bible say casting down every exam every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of christ your mind can submit the mistake that we make is that we don't take our time to meditate lord this shall not happen in the name of jesus it can happen but it's happening it can happen in the name of jesus it can happen it can't happen me god forbid i must carry my child i'm carrying my miracle baby now that is good i don't have a problem with that confession but what is the revelation behind it what is the revelation that sponsors that thing what you are speaking is not the word of god what you are speaking is emotion what you are speaking is fear i can guarantee you most of what we do is a reaction to fear it's just a spiritual reaction to fear or a spiritualized reaction to fear [Music] because listen if you are speaking right now and they tell you your registration date is closing now for whatever maybe a job you need hundred thousand lord in the name of jesus i comfort help us they are coming hey they are coming oh god they are coming watch this watch this watch this let me show you that it's not just faith is fear they were praying for the apostles to be released from prison in the book of acts they were praying and asking that god who sent angels god now sent the angels peter came out and they opened the door saw peter shouting back and kept praying that's what many of us do are we together no i can't find my wallet i'm a tighter what is this i mean tighter i dropped my titan coinonia oh god i'm a tighter at least it's better than nothing but i'm teaching you restful confidence say restful confidence you are to be honest you will know his fear i notice the loudest prayer in cornelia is against the spirit of death and the calling of destiny help us i have noticed it personally that every time i say everybody stand up and you know sometimes you can live it seriously be serious i mean when we say go it's like an arrow all kinds of where are your destiny about where are they [Music] praise the lord can you get to a point where when you speak you speak based on conviction when you say i shall not die you are not helping yourself believe an encounter has furnished a reality in your life and it's on the strength of that reality you say i shall not die how many of you pray to sit down on your chair [Music] how many how many of you prayed to sit down okay okay praise the lord are you hearing what i'm saying how many of you [Music] when you came [Music] through perception and understanding you knew that there are laws that were created by god to keep this chair who among you is sitting down now and say oh lord i really believe you i know this chair you can't disgrace me now now does that mean you are not a believer for keeping quiet that's how restful your life should be you can sit down inside fire and you only talk when necessary because there is something you know [Music] are you hearing what i'm saying please i want you to believe what i'm teaching you otherwise this series is a waste i'm taking our time to pound on this because i want you to believe god you step in and somebody looks at you and says i'm your grandmother go and ask about the people i have killed i found that you will not see december this year he said vow i found that you will not see december this year you now go back lord is this how i'm going to go what did i do who did i offend let me tell you what most believers would say god forbid then later they will sleep and say kai hi now let me tell you that woman herself is even afraid of you she's bought because she gave an attitude and said i dare you she left you with an attitude you two you claimed to have the attitude but there was no restful confidence after a while you say apostle um i don't know don't mind i don't believe it's not me but i'm just telling you so that you pray for me it's still fear [Music] it's still fear the same way an intelligent student writes an exam he knows what he wrote and they just look and say do you know only four people passed the student may just feel an inkling of here but the student knows that even if he's one student that passed i am the one now he is not boasting out of nothing he knows what he read he understood it he closed checked the question after the exam and he was absolutely satisfied it's called restful confidence the other person who does not really know what he did is now hoping that's why when he sees ah finally have you seen the best student lord i'm grateful i give you all the praise but i expected it this is how your life must be that you know god sister you are 34 you are not going to marry and all of a sudden you start going and say talk mountain to mountain valley to valley everywhere you start running all around and you just fidget there are many of us the moment somebody speaks to you someone just holds your hand and says for sinner i had a vision in that vision i saw cats eating you up for cena does not sleep for one week i get what i'm saying now i will tell you what the problem is the problem is not deficient the problem is not whether it's true or false the problem is you if i look at you now say for sin are you a man will you pray about it i'll tell you why it's not just because god told you you're a man there are too many things that have happened in your life to convince you beyond imagination you don't just believe you're a woman you don't just trust you're a woman you know you're a woman notice the progression i'm believing god i trust god i know my god i know him i know him god it doesn't look like him i know him when can you say you know him that's what moses knew he knew his ways though he slayed me yet will i praise him because i know him i know him i'm trusting god to get to a point in my life where i don't just jack up my faith trying to believe god trying to believe god trying to believe god trying to believe god trying to believe god oh lord i believe in you oh lord [Music] at that point you will move mountains you will join these elders brothers and sisters mountains will stand before you people will even pity you their eyes because they think you are dead at the end of it they'll not see the mountain again and they'll see you shaking yourself that's how great people live in this life this ministry you have seen is here by faith by faith by faith by faith i've come to a point where i'm not trying to believe god i really trust him faith is based on the speaking of god trust is based on your experience with god you have had an experience with god there is a track record of his credibility so you can trust yeah though i walk through the value of the shadow of death he says i fear no evil for thou art with me thy road and thy staff they comfort me it says though prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies [Music] we need to begin to walk by faith there are too many things in our lives that attempt to challenge our trust in god but you must get to a point where you say from today i walk by faith and the first encounter is to make the word of god real in your life look at me the greatest investment you can make in your life is not having an education the greatest investment you can make in your life is not just having good friends the greatest investment you can make in your life is to make your life saturated with the word of god where you take the word of god as a project you have given yourself a business for true faith because there are mountains to cross i like that don juan song though we are few we're surrounded by many who have crossed that river before and this is the song we'll be singing forever though [Music] i speak to you you are not the first to go through challenges there are men on earth who have crossed this river they have crossed the river of barriness they turn barriness to triplets are we together there are men who turn being a pauper not affording 10 naira to giving billions to nations there are men of god who turn two members to nations you are not the first there are those who overruled the mockery of men it's time for you to leave the level you are in this life of pity oh god won't you show up for me no sir you will show up when you are ready though we are few you're surrounded by [Music] this is a song we'll be singing forever listen so god puts his word upon your life femi you will be great he will never do any other thing until you do something with the word you can sit there forever and die a failure it does not mean he lied the word of god does not act on itself by the time you look at your life my father is not doing well my mother is not doing well i came from a village please listen i am one of 17 children i am even the second to the last one i am 35 years old i have not done anything meaningful you look at all of this and god says if you believe me god never gave many instructions until he revealed himself to them the first assignment was to reveal himself to abraham revealed himself to moses then he now sent them they every time they wanted to disobey they remembered him they remembered him [Music] the same way somebody want to tell you look there's one there's somebody that i saw in whatsapp i spoke with him and he said he's looking for a wife and the way you have been desperately looking for a husband or a wife i think i can do arranging for you and he said no problem god works in many ways i believe but that is not faith it's unbelief are we together listen make up your mind today that you will never take any action and unbelief until you stay and believe god this is why people who rush through things in life suffer they rush to start business they rush to marry they rush to entire relationship they rush to do this do you know why when challenges push you you will not just look at what you are looking at you have to look at god you have to go back and say lord i know you all you spoke you said coinonia will rise you said you will give us a voice i believe you many graduates are holding their certificates roaming around the streets in nigeria angry the same people can bring notes for you when they were in 200 level they said god told me i will be great fast forward many years they are now holding they were never believing in god they were believing in that certificate they were just hoping that god was a certificate now that they've held the certificate they are moving around and you are asking them where were your visions where were your dreams you said god gave you courage god told you you will never fail brothers and sisters what has god told you leave what he has told you and focus on him the one who spoke i'm reintroducing to you today a god who is dependable i'm reintroducing to you today a god who are parted to see this bible is a chronicle of his ability a chronicle of his integrity so that you will believe him [Music] away with all those talk we have mocked god we have caused god because of our challenges i know there are challenges i never said there would not be that's why i read you hebrews 11 but i want to see your reaction show me your reaction under fire and i show you whether you know god or not show me your reaction when things are not happening and i can tell you whether you know god [Music] do he slay me will i be honest if i say i do not know him i know him i know him he is dependable if i die today without a miracle i still know him that's what made the people in hebrews 11. they knew him so much they rejected deliverance [Music] listen listen imagine for instance that god gives you two options in life just imagine and god says you will go through a season with me for six years and you will become so mighty or you will go through a season for one year you will start moving fast but you will not become as mighty as six years let me tell you what many of us would choose a bed in hand is worth 20 in the bush oh god thank you for giving me this one year i come i can pay the price but there are those who know god and say not even if it's ten years let's go because one step in faith will give you 20 years worth of miracle one step in faith one step in faith have you not seen how god wiped the tears of people and changed the lives of people overnight men who trusted god koinonia i'm introducing to you a god you need to know before you start claiming to believe his word you must have an encounter with this god you must create the atmosphere for his word to be real in your life let it not just be talk talk talk talk talk no sir [Music] anything god cannot give me no man would claim to say he can give me anything god cannot give me that's why i can look at any man and say thank you for your open door but go with it god did not open that door and i will not go back to sleep and regret i believe god brothers and sisters look at me i have gone through mountains and valleys in my life make no mistakes about it don't you think i'm just talking to you from a standpoint of comfort i have gone through things that very few people can go through and survive i know that god is mighty by and large in life everything you trust will fail you and the time will come you will no longer hold on to things but a person pastors have called me man of god i've listened to your messages but nothing is working in my ministry and the first question i ask them is are you sure you are called and they say yes i said if you believe you are called did you hear what god told you they say yes i say stay there stay at the last instruction he gave you and died there there's a song that says i will be a good soldier he says i will die at my post if it does not shift a post let me die there i will survive the mockery i will survive the ridicule i don't have to be under pressure to explain things to people no it's not like this actually it is god that don't know you will never believe him until you encounter him you will never believe him until you encounter him you will never believe him until you encounter him coinonia please hear me sat the foundation of faith is an encounter with god an experience that furnishes the reality of him there are real mountains you will face you will face all kinds of mountains even the most trusted people in your life cannot take his place a time will come you will have to stand alone and say lord jesus i trust you i trust you please listen to me i know you have books in your library listen to me please i know you have books in your library i know you have dvds i know you have cds but i bring you to a point tonight where you eat this world till something leaves it and enters your spirit i have in my phone a compendium of the words of jesus only the words of jesus spoken only everything jesus ever said in the bible only it i listen to it every time i love the words of jesus i listen to it sometimes i let it run for hours as i sleep and i have encounters i wake up under certain intense dimensions i know something happened i don't need to know what happened i know something happened are we together i know that something happened to me an encounter i'm a very busy person just returned from a trip today tomorrow we're off for another one you know eddie was driving me we're coming from the bank and he asked me a question is an apostle do you ever rest i may live a busy life but not too busy for this this is the most accurate picture compendium of the dealings of god with men i don't read i read my bible emotionally i don't read my bible intellectually when i look at it i see myself if it be down beat me come i i i replace peter and i stand here i look at all the challenges that are before me there's a piece [Music] in my heart [Music] in spite of all the darkness that surrounds me and these peace that i know only comes alive every time i hear your voice [Music] there's a light in my soul in spite of all the darkness that surrounds me and this light in my soul only comes alive every time i hear you listen brothers and sisters i want you to hear me [Music] if you do not come to a point of restful confidence through the world you will shake like a leaf at life at a point in time you will feel like dying that's what makes people commit suicide they get to a point in their lives where they move left there is no way out they move right they are pressed to the call and they think the only way is to drink to smoke or get a gun and blow themselves this world can minister the life of god to you this is ordinary scripture but the moment you begin to read it believing that out of it will come the word of god i assure you you will see miracles in your life and ministry sister i'm prophesying to you it's not over i don't know who said it's over but you take this bible and recreate your future you have been predicting it by wishful thinking now created through the power of the world you have been predicting it just by hoping hope is important it make it not a shame but let me tell you the truth if you must work in any reality in your life you are going to have to create it i believe the word of god i know whom i have believed i have not followed corningly devised fables i believe him [Music] it's time for every word that proceeds from your mouth to be a communication of faith don't speak until you believe we having the same spirit of faith it's called the operation of faith we're having the same spirit operation of faith as it is written i have believed and so i spoke i did not speak to believe i spoke because i have believed you don't speak to belief you have an encounter to believe then you speak because you have believed this is bible faith time will fill me of jephthah and barack men who through faith koinonia please listen they built houses by faith some of us have come where god has brought us today it is by grace through faith by grace through faith by grace for true faith it is not just by grace through wishing by grace through crossing your legs and hoping that because it's by crazy to happen you will never see any results rise up on your feet [Music] we will rise in your name i don't know you reign on we will rise and i will rise let your first prayer point tonight be a prayer of thanksgiving lord thank you for showing me what i've been missing lift your voice and pray lord thank you for showing me tonight that faith is not just wishful thinking faith is not just mental asset faith is not just memory of scripture although that is important faith is not just bible study a historical advantage lord i thank you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah prayer point number two i'd like you to cry and say father an addiction for scripture plant it in me listen listen there are some of us here as i'm speaking for one month for two months you have not you have not opened this bible you have opened it in koinonia listen but to set you down some of us used to be really serious with studying the bible you just give god 15 minutes just rush it no no no listen the goal is not to read the bible every day the goal is to be consistent life will not afford you there are very few people except those who use devotionals there are very few people that can really afford to read the bible every day five o'clock to six it's a worthy habit but not everybody will have that are we together there are many leaders who don't study the bible i'm a leader i know how hard it is to work with those routines i'm a leader i'm a man of god many men of god will lie to you it's not every morning that i get up i read my bible no that would be a big lie many people will lie to you no you can't do that you can't do that 5 30 we're out of this town to catch up with a flight there may not be time i may barely even have the time to sleep i may just get up and rush and take my back but one thing i can tell you when the bible says when you see the bible put an emphasis the key is consistency the key is not religion you can develop a habit that will make you consistent like a devotional like creating a time morning in the afternoon or in the evening or any of them but brothers and sisters if you want to grow in faith you are going to have to embrace your bible and give god time so i like you to pray and say lord grace to give you time in my life lift your voice grace to give you time [Music] grace will give you time grace to give you time not to rush around my life that i will seek you with all my heart welcome back i hope you are all blessed and i pray these blessings will be permanent in our lives in jesus name now that we know the deep spiritual meaning of faith i pray the lord we enable us to exercise it on a daily basis in the name of jesus amen and as we go into the new week i pray this new wish are yield bountifully for us in the name of jesus amen and let's remember always to always pray for the man of god that he has what are those that the lord what are him that will be rooted in christ in the name of jesus the lord will help him give more in this ministry the lord will help him the lord will carry him he will not get sick he will not fail no fault in the name of jesus any time he stands to minister that the lord will give him more fortunes from above in the name of jesus let's always pray for his family we are praying for us to we are praying for ourselves and i pray all the prayers will not go unanswered in his life in the name of jesus amen please brothers and sisters i want us all to share this message let us be a blessing to everyone around us let us be a blessing to our neighbors our friends our colleagues let us share these blessings let them know how to have faith in god in the trying time and i pray that this blessing shall be permanent in our lives in the name of jesus the lord we have caused to exercise our faith mourning him on a daily basis in the name of jesus amen and as you go into the new week the new week is blessed in the name of jesus and if you are here to subscribe to this channel please subscribe to this channel remember to press the notification button so that when we upload new messages you can get to see it you can get to hear it please comment in the comment section and i will be right there thank you so much for loving us our pray the love of god very clean our hearts in the name of jesus please do have a nice day
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 2,358
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: online sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, prophetic prayer, morning secret, salvation tv, holy ghost message, spiritual meassage, learn the word of god, online salvation, spirit filled sermon, jesus christ, powerful sermon, anointed, online blessing
Id: zKtEA526aWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 49sec (7969 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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