THURSDAY Sept. 30th 2021 MORNING SECRET | Apostle Joshua Selman

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welcome to salvation tv we produce and upload contents that provoke and prepare you for revival with quality spiritual videos to feed your spirit daily the salvation of souls into the kingdom of god is of utmost importance to us for by grace we are saved through faith and not of ourselves for it is the gift of god do subscribe and turn on the post notification bell to stay updated with us daily don't forget also to like and share this video god bless you [Music] good morning good morning good morning brothers and sisters how was our night let's go for another beautiful morning and we're just holding him for keeping us alive it's not about our power neither is it about our mind it is by the grace of god that we may be talk to today let's give him horrible adoration let's give him back all the things i deserve father will worship you for this morning peter glorify we are exhorted lord in jesus name thank you for another opportunity to be in thy presence lord we are not taking it for granted but we appreciate you lord thank you thank you our maker in jesus precious mighty name we are praying amen welcome to salvation tv this is a platform for spiritual growth and notification of the body of christ in the middle east we bless god for another opportunity in their presence today is another morning secret and believe god that god is going to reveal his deep spiritual secrets unto us in the name of jesus amen my name is christina and before anything this morning i have two bible verses to read to host this morning the first one is second peter chapter one vester and it says grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord grace and peace be multiplied onto you through the knowledge of god and of jesus christ the second one is psalm 34 verse 14 psalm 34 verse 14. i'll take that depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it depart from evil do good seek peace and pursue it from the bible verses if we agreed with me this morning that we've already know what we want to talk about right we want to talk about peace peace of god peace peace of god and i pray the peace of god we dwell richly round horse in the name of jesus like i said earlier apostle will take us on a journey of peace it will let us know the deep scope of peace john 14 27 says peace i live with you my peace have i given unto you not as the word give it give i home to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid peace peace what do you know about peace what do i really know about peace what can you say about peace how can you define peace i'm going to tell you my own definition of peace to me peace is restfulness or when you find the rest of mind in what you are doing that's my own definition of peace what is your own definition of peace this morning apostle will teach us the principle we must follow to have peace and i pray the peace of the lord will be with us in the name of jesus amen how can you find peace in god and walk in the fullness of peace it will also teach us different dimension of peace this morning is loaded you agree with me this morning message is very important because there are so many things we did not know about peace apostles also let us know the object of peace which is man and the psychological composition of one there are so many things we did not know about the nature of man which are supposed to reveal in this morning secrets which i want us to listen to he said if we don't understand the nature of man we can't understand the subject of peace it's true if we don't understand man we can never understand the subject of peace blessed are the peacemaker who are the peacemaker are you a peacemaker am i a peacemaker are we making peace with our friends with our neighbors with our close associates how we making peace with them how can we find peace how can we find peace how can you find the peace of god what does it take to have peace of mind these are our daily prayers lord please give me peace give me peace we all love peace the question is what does it take to have peace how can we stay out of trouble and allow peace to abide with us these are deep questions how can you and i stay out of troubles out of daily troubles and allow peace of god to abide with us we have answers to it believe me this morning is powerfully loaded we have answers to it so please this morning i don't want to bore you i want all of us to sit back and enjoy this powerful loaded message from our spiritual father to take us through this journey i know will be blessed by the head of this message we all need peace please don't let anything distract you from being attentive to this message we all need peace yes and i pray the peace of our god will reign in our lives mightily in the name of jesus i have a bible verse i want to read to us philippians 4 verse 7 and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding we guide your hearts and your mind in christ jesus i will take that again and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guide your heart and your mind in christ jesus and i pray the peace of god will guide our hearts upon our mind our soul spirit and body in the name of jesus amen second peter chapter one and verse two second peter one and verse the bible says grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord so we see here clearly that grace and peace can be made available to the saints and it can be made available in increasing dimensions peace can be multiplied are we together now yes grace and peace be multiplied if you remove the grace and what you would read is peace be multiplied so peace can be multiplied praise the lord it is not only that it can come and be available in the life of a believer but peace can be multiplied second scripture psalm 34 and verse 14 sibera cascu prehaski adabala katus 34 and verse 14 the bible says depart from evil and do good then it says to seek peace and go to the extent of pursuing it seek peace and pursue it very powerful scripture now the subject of peace i think is one that has not been it's been so desired so needed but i don't think it has been properly understood because of the supernatural dimension of peace and the scarceness of peace most times the teachings that have come around the subject of peace have left everything up to god so we just say lord minister peace and then we quote the scripture where jesus said peace i give unto you my peace i live with you not as the world gives but i thought to do a bit of an extensive teaching to really understand the scope of peace and peace in the bible refers to many things restfulness wholeness or completeness i want to look at peace from the dimension of the absence of disturbance and tranquility that a man can find peace there there are principles that we must follow for peace are we together so please let me your attention those here those following online so that we don't arbitrarily just claim peace and never walk in the fullness of it it is possible that the bible says through knowledge we can access a dimension of peace so we're going to explore the word of god as i share a few things praise the lord the first dimension of peace that i think i would want us to discuss is um the psychological composition of peace you know psychology is an area that many times we frown at when it has to do with communication in the church and i must confess to you that personally when i started out with god and in ministry i'm not sure that i saw the need and the relevance for that i felt that the presence of the holy spirit and the word of god is more than enough and there is no need to build any level of intelligence in people and i would discover in later years that that was not a very accurate understanding that we must embrace the whole council of god and we must understand the dynamics that lead to the outcome that we desire are we together now in in church most times we study god which is very profitable we study satan we study things but we never study man we study god as a subject we study satan to understand how to triumph over him with things come from god through men to men all troubles and destruction comes from satan through men to men so either ways men have represented the the midwives the middle personalities to our accessing the blessings of god and destruction from satan are we together there is something about the nature of man that you must understand if you do not understand the nature of man you cannot understand the subject of peace please listen this message is very important for your life for my life there are so many people today depressed because of trouble there are so many families there are governments of nations and and all kinds clans that never live together our nation nigeria is being put up from every angle because there is something about the administration of peace that we do not understand and to discuss the subject of peace you have to forget about that subject and deal with man who is the object of the peace are we to are we together yes until we understand the psychological composition of man the very fabric of man's nature it becomes difficult for us to understand where and how and why troubles come in the first place why conflicts why trouble why bitterness why unforgiveness are we together now why all these things because they all come from man so there has to be there has to be a dissecting of this man as an entity to understand the makeup of man alongside what motivates the average man then you can build a system there that guarantees your peace and then you can now fulfill the scripture that says blessed are the peacemakers not only peace receivers there are people called the peacemakers matthew chapter five i believe in verse nine it says the reward is that they attest to the fact that they are truly the sons of god blessed are the peacemakers hallelujah and so i began to study the subject of man i'm not going to discuss very extensively but then just to draw up a few things i wanted to know what was the motivation behind men i found out in my life that people would be angry if you forgot to add their titles to their names and for one person that would look like a silly childish behavior yet another person would take it so personal are we together now yes people would salute an elder brother and mistaking him for a younger brother and it could create war for decades what is it about man that we need to understand the not understanding this has destroyed homes it has destroyed churches it has destroyed relationships it has destroyed spiritual projects [Music] it was on account of this that behavioral psychologists like abraham maslow began to do a research to study the motivation behind human behavior some of you have studied along that line i'm not i don't have any profession along that line it's just a passionate study to find out this entity called man because you live with man every day and you're going to live for a very long time you have to understand who and what you are living with hallelujah that men are motivated primarily by the same things now listen very carefully why are we obsessed towards buying a car why do we celebrate when we have new things why do we frown at delay why do we frown at failure what is it about failure that makes us angry with it what is it about success what does it do to us that makes us crave for it so much what is behind our grave for advancement why do we want to move forward you see it's important we study the motivation not just the pursuit the motivation why do i feel happy when i'm making progress when your pastor was introducing me up you clapped for me and you saw me smiling why did i smile [Music] there are six from a psychological standpoint and this is true from study there are six intrinsic [Music] desires of all men let me just state it very quickly is that all right now please let me put a disclaimer here i'm not a professional psychologist i'm a passionate man of god who intends to be as detailed as possible understanding god and men for the purpose of helping to contribute towards kingdom come and the betterment of men are we together so the opinions that i communicate here have come from research and they are true but then this is just because we are speaking to a global audience so i think that's that's a disclaimer that i must put together but the things i teach are number one consistent with scripture and number two they have been proven in and through the life of people who have the track record from a professional standpoint and pragmatically speaking so you can trust what you are hearing by god's grace um i think god has granted us grace to know what we're saying and when we communicate and speak to people we do it not only with grace from heaven but also with the excellency of understanding are we together praise god so i'm going to be giving us six intrinsic psychological motivations behind the cravings of men number one all men desire security write it down there is an intrinsic craving for security don't downplay what i'm teaching you please you will do that to your peril security psychological security emotional security this is one of the reasons why we love money because it seems to give us a feeling of being secured when your recharge card drops down to 100 naira something begins to happen to you are we together now that sense of insecurity kicks in security is a craving that you should not downplay people will go to any length and manipulate anything to ensure that they feel secured number two variety variety boredom kills men that's why very few people are successful because the character of the pathway to success requires routine consistently doing certain things a certain way regardless how you feel variety must communicate us here will tell you that one of the things that drives news is its newness is that true yes variety we love variety we hate boredom number three very quickly the third craving of all men with no exception is significance significance this is a very serious issue especially with the masculine gender please understand what i'm teaching you there is an unquenchable craving for significance so when you call me brother joshua salman instead of apostle joshua salman if the holy ghost does not help me you you insult something that is in the fabric of my composition and now it is left for the spirit or the flesh to decide how i would respond to you are we together significance [Music] please come come everybody celebrate this woman rise up on your feet just celebrate her please stand here just do what i'm asking you keep clapping everyone she's your pastor's wife so honor her you can see him smiling at his dear wife now watch this now you see what is happening to her there is a mix of many things she's happy and then at the same time she's wondering why all this honor are we together now you talk against me to this woman and see what she does to you because i have answered a craving that is within her i have given her a perception of significance are we together god bless you man thank you please sit down now listen very carefully significance is the reason why when people receive awards they don't place it under their bed they place it anywhere you can see so that if for any reason there is an attempt to demean and downplay them those are words are objects but behind those objects are messages they are testaments of sacrifices that they have made if someone hangs his phd certificate or he reminds you that you are talking to a professor it's not the letter he's telling you that what you are trivializing is 20 to 25 years of labor non-stop significance are you learning something next number four let's hurry up the fourth craving of all men is love and acceptance this is the reason why people join occult groups this is the reason why people join all kinds of godless cults there is an inner craving for acceptance let me tell you this one of the worst psychological things you can do to any man on earth is rejection rejection is giving people a perception that they have not met the condition to be received within certain circles it wrecks the happy it the epicenter of your self-worth love and acceptance are we together yes when you understand this you will see the mistake that many parents make towards children from growing up days they begin to plant seeds and communicate rejection and the first person whoever tells the lady i love you is a rough scattered gentleman she does not like the form but she cannot deny the effect of what she felt from that statement love and acceptance that's why the bible says god is love he doesn't just have love he is love number five the fifth craving of all men is growth man desire growth and progress is why people hate delay because delay attempts to give you a is like a report card that you're not making progress in life is that true [Music] we had delay simply because it it feeds our minds back that we are not doing anything to make progress people like growth when you give back to a baby you don't weep the baby for not working from day one no you have to be patient but after two years at least if that baby is not moving not doing anything that should make for growth it becomes a concern and you will go to the doctor is that true if a graduate is done with school and after five years there's no job you find out that the person gets frustrated what is the frustration about do you know that even if you keep dashing that person hundred hundred thousand every month you will still not be satisfied because of that craving for growth we desire growth is the reason why we celebrate milestones we rejoice when these things happen and then the last number six is impact and contribution [Music] the last craving of all men is the need to be contributors to the betterment of lives the betterment of societies is the reason why it looks and seems as though when people conquer this whole money this wealth thing they suddenly begin to settle foundations isn't it amazing that people spend their lives making money millions and billions of naira and dollars when they achieve it then they start giving it away and now you are asking what is the what exactly is the sense behind this because it was never about the money the money was a container that was carrying something that they desired so if i hit your car why do you cry the car is not connected to you physically you cry because hitting your car does something there is a message are we together now you have to understand this because this is the whole idea if i fall down here by mistake not under the anointing if i fall down by mistake why do i feel embarrassed are we together now why what what makes it so embarrassing i get a feeling embarrassed i say oh dear i fell down in the midst of people ladies remember what happens when you are almost falling down in a wedding ceremony people are dancing you are trying to join them and then suddenly disaster happens you know that cold feeling where everybody's saying it's all right and you it's as touch they shouldn't talk they should just leave you a load to find your way why do you feel embarrassed when you understand this you will know that it's not about money it's not about fame it's not about cars it's not about business all of those things are expressions of an inner craving and if that craving is not satisfied you will still obtain those objects and be disappointed because according to god's design those things should not come empty they should confess from a recognition that what you really need is beyond a car beyond money anybody who finds these seven things at work in his life psychologically speaking is about the healthiest person walking on earth are we blessed remember we are discussing peaceo all of this very enough is to help us understand men so you will know where conflict comes from now are we together now yes anytime you see someone are grieved and angry go back to your checklist scan through these six things something has been violated there either the sense of security a sense of variety a sense of significance a sense of love and acceptance a sense of growth and progress or impact and contribution all human motivations can come under this now write this down please the highest psychological need of any man man there means any human the highest psychological need of any human is the need to feel loved the need to feel appreciated and the need to feel celebrated the highest psychological need of any man at all your husband your brother your boss your wife your child your grandfather the government any man is the need to feel loved they need to feel valued you can add the need to feel appreciated that means if you communicate anything that attempts to devalue demean any human being you program inevitably there will be conflict they will be managed at different levels pending on the maturity of the parties involved but you can be sure of one thing that each time you violate this law there will always be trouble are we together now just by this little teaching many of you are already seeing anybody who used to call you before who does not call you now go back to your checklist something you have done consciously unconsciously has communicated that someone who used to send you money before and now no longer sends you money find out what you did the last time he sent you money you trivialized he sent you five thousand you just said thanks twenty thousand tanks hundred thousand tanks five hundred thousand thanks and he said this person is not worth my sacrifice are you saying that now but for someone you give him five thousand and you almost roll on the floor he used gratitude as a tool to communicate significance and by so doing every time that man wants to feel significant he will come to the person who has the perception it's not just god open doors you must understand men because the resources are in their hands everybody who makes you feel good like this our dear sister you see how we clap for her if the holy ghost tells her cook for one person as a seed for honor today who do you think will most likely be the person talk to me intelligent people whereas someone is there making no contribution and desiring that god will force someone to bless you you see that many of the things we call prayer is a lot of foolishness from the lens of wisdom [Music] are we together now please understand what i'm teaching you blessed are the peacemakers not just peace receivers [Music] man as complicated as man is man is unbelievably simple now listen to what i'm saying as complicated as man is and can be man on the strength of this knowledge can be simple almost programmable and you get what i'm saying now literally man as complicated as he or she can be as a species can be almost programmable when you understand these psychological keys you literally literally can be at at the command for almost anything that you desire there are some of you children hate you so much you don't know why i've said it here that if children hate you is two signs one you are not understanding man and two it may be an attack because children are the most innocent of the species there is something that happens that makes them run away from you there are some of you you cannot have friends the lifespan of relationships is two weeks or less and then you keep saying there are enemies all around my life let me give you spiritual intelligence now even demons depend on this vulnerability to act they don't just come into your life they study the gaps in your knowledge and that becomes your access point are we together now demons don't just come into your life and create enemy no they find out what do you not know as far as god's principles are concerned they will they will archive they will document your ignorance and build a system around your ignorance [Music] there are people today it's difficult to forget them do you know why because they gave you they fulfilled one of these six conditions when they met you there are some of you who were invited into certain circles once you demeaned everybody downplayed everybody and they looked at you quietly as they waved you goodbye they vowed to themselves that you will never come again there are people who have climbed pulpits you've heard me say this they probably were invited to come and preach on several platforms and they didn't do justice they downplayed the man of god down played the sacrifice of the people did everything wrong and went down never to have that opportunity again god is ministering to you he's answering questions why certain doors open and then close it's not always satan is our violation of these principles who are discussing peace studying man as a person you've heard me say it again and again that in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but believe me who likes you matters [Music] are we together [Music] while i was rushing to the airport my people were trying to check in the luggages so i was just hanging around and then i think the people were coming to make sure we take the vehicle and go and park them somewhere and once one was knocking i looked at um my protocol and i said talk to him and he went out and said well done sir god bless you sir how is everything please just a few minutes and you'll be out just giving him that sense of relevance the man said you can't even park well come to the shade and i said this is a fight was about to start but everything changed because one person was willing to submit and minister a sense of significance what makes listen there are many of us who get into trouble for instance with law enforcement agents it's not because the issue was that serious is because in the process you now demean them and they say all right we'll show you now that [Music] notice that every time you have a quarrel or a misunderstanding people tell you do you know who i am what is the meaning of that when an old person looks at a young one say do you know i'm older than you it should be obvious that means something is wrong when you learn this these are the kinds of keys whose results show right now even in the church here are we together the psychological composition of man when i found this i became excited and happy with my life because i then knew that men would become an advantage to my life no longer a disadvantage no longer a disadvantage every one of you seated here looking at me every one of you following from across the globe regardless nation regardless history regardless whatever it is we are composed psychologically of the same thing and our cravings are the same anywhere you see a communication of security variety love and acceptance significance growth contribution i show you the healthiest psychological environment for any man there is no man who will leave that environment people will inconvenience themselves do you know everything i just mentioned now that's what the presence of god gives when you come into his presence you bring your fears your insecurities when you sing songs i came in and i met this this dear worshiper here god bless you by the way you are an amazing gentleman may the lord honor you in the name of jesus christ as he was leading worship i said my god powerful worship now while god has used him greatly someone can sit down and say what is there is he not just anointing you see that's the kind of attitude that makes good things run away from you never ignore greatness when you see it and do not be ashamed to communicate it does not demean you praise the name of the lord peace this is the foundation from where conflicts come if we do not deal with this any other thing we talk about it's going to be a waste of time so go back and find out why your husband may be angry with you now go back to your checklist leave demons just go back to the checklist go back and find out why your wife may be angry with you now go back and find out why your children seem to be rebellious even though you are well intentioned your approach is communicating a different message to them i remember a man who bought a suit for his son the suit was oversized and he told him don't waste my money better wear that suit and follow me and the boy said no way my colleagues don't dress like this and the man said you better wait or go and return my suit the boy carried the suit and went and hung it and the man said i will kill you you are you are irresponsible you are not obedient and the whole thing became a quarrel you see and if you call the father and the son the father will say i love my son and i'm doing the best to help him and the son will say what a wicked man he buys suit he sighs and gives me to wear he's not sensitive to my generation both of them you see we will discuss that maybe in another session it's called the law of settlement part of the laws that bring peace are we blessed the nature of man the highest psychological need of any man is the need this is why we train people to use words like please we train people to use words like thank you we train people to use words like god bless you these words are wonder words they have given jobs they have given promotions they have opened doors that decrease could not open please thank you they feed people psychologically in a way that you cannot imagine wisdom is found in the word of god wisdom is found in the house of god and i'm praying that god is granting us wisdom that we're not just listening but you see the truth is that this truth must find a place of application in our lives what is man that thou art mindful of man is not only a spirit there is a big psychological composition to man and understanding this will help you and can i tell you this i want to confess and admit to you that your pastor is a master master over the understanding and the administration of this psychological needs of men i will tell you this in all fairness pastor sholan his wife the i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not lying to you just because i'm on stage i fear god sincerely speaking for every time there is a conversation as soon as i arrived i just i was looking at him and his wife and there you go again an unconscious display of these virtues it is the reason why they almost get anything they desire as far as men are concerned let me tell you if you master this the only limitation in your life will be held fire if you are not born again but as far as f is concerned you will reign like a king it's true [Music] you can any living administering these virtues literally they say what do you do you say i feed men i i mean i don't know what i don't know where there's a consultant in this church so you will coin a word for the name of that that job what do you think these guys do during weddings these people that play drums they do it a lot in your area here they dance around and call your name and while you are ignoring them they bend and they dance seriously while you are ignoring them they play the drums and call your name and while they are calling you don't know when you reach out to your pocket they are they are putting pressure on your sense of significance they keep elevating you till you feel foolish for not being a giver and they force you to bring out what you did not plan to give and almost when you give they stop they leave you and they go to the next person [Music] and yet another wedding they would do it again and you thought you escaped the temptation but still you'll be a victim of it because it's something that is in the fabric of your person why do you get angry when they forget your bad day are you not already alive what was special about the day [Music] [Applause] are we together if someone's bad day is today now for instance here and we decide to call you even just to celebrate you and go back even though you've loved me before you will love me now afresh love your pastor are fresh love everyone afresh and god i love apostle joshua salman why because whoever stands with you to support this craving becomes your friend indeed whether you know the person or not you see why we love the holy spirit because every time he comes there's no fear in his presence you are secured he brings a variety of his expressions you see all these needs met in his presence you see why we love the word of god because as you study scripture they feed you back even psychologically i have loved you with an everlasting love he says what is the purpose of that scripture what should it do to you yeah though i walk through the value of the shadow of death i fear no evil what do we call that security for thou art with me it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently happen to the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day deuteronomy 28 verse 1 you shall be exalted above the nations of the earth what is that significance so we hold on to him yes because we love him but we have learned by scripture and by experience that all these virtues we pray for are found in his presence this is why we so lavishly and jealously guard his presence is our place of security is our place of significance it's a place of growth hallelujah now let me a few minutes let me just teach you on the first law all of this is just to lay a good foundation can we pray in the spirit in one minute let me be sure that the god is planting this in our spirits shall be barracked abraham granting wisdom by the spirit to understand the nature of man to the end that we be recipients of peace and make us of peace hallelujah thank you now there are a few principles that make for peace that i'm going to be sharing in the course of my sessions down to the miracle service tomorrow please do well to not miss it's a morning session if you pay attention to these principles that i share with you remember the bible says to seek peace and pursue it and that peace is not just a spiritual impartation there is a dynamics to it you can understand are we together now the pathway and the principles that make for peace the first of which i'm just giving you now that you have to understand the nature of man from a psychological standpoint that's all that we've spent time discussing but i want to share on one spiritual law that makes for peace is called the law of jurisdiction write it down the law of jurisdiction this is a peacemaker series we have to understand the spiritual laws that make for peace one is called the law of jurisdiction please look up authority in this kingdom is only effective when it is executed within a defined jurisdiction every time god gave man or god gives man authority there has to be a jurisdiction within which that authority functions is that true yes the husband the man within the context of the home is head of the wife not head of every woman head of his wife so his authority is within the jurisdiction of the home is that true a governor is the political leader over a jurisdiction this is very important whenever you defy the law of jurisdiction then your authority becomes an abuse understand this we are discussing peace the challenge with many people is that they believe that authority once conferred should be administered in any territory and under any circumstance no as much as you love me as much as you celebrate me and i'm deeply grateful for it there is a shepherd and an angel over this assembly is that true yes the authority that i have within the context of this church is the authority conferred on me by reason of being a minister and i must if i'm to be effective i must limit myself to work within the jurisdiction allotted once i'm done with this mic and i sit down i do not have a right no matter how anointed i am to get up and pick the mic and just come up and say look i forgot something i think the holy spirit no no no matter what the holy ghost is saying his word must pass through the constituted authority to find relevance now for many believers we are conscious of authority but not jurisdiction listen this is why there is a lot of trouble in our society is why there is absence of peace because so many people are passionate about executing authority but they do not understand that authority has the limit of jurisdiction i cannot for instance be walking on the street and look at the child moving and say young man what is your name my name is james what position did you get in school tenth position and i take responsibility and begin to flood the child and say you can do more i organize an extra lesson no inasmuch as you are an adult your authority with as far as that challenge is limited if you are so passionate about that child you must go and find out the direct authority and route your passion through that authority now please understand this this is a peacemaker series there cannot be peace until we understand jurisdiction [Music] authority comes with responsibility whoever has authority is the one who takes responsibility anybody who is not responsible is not manifesting authority but more than that authority comes with jurisdiction [Music] genesis chapter three the bible says god made man let's look at verse one just a quick background i'll be done shortly god made man the bible says him adam dark earth and god transferred listen carefully god transferred a dimension of his dominion please understand that our dominion in this kingdom is not absolute dominion our dominion is shared dominion that means we were given we did not end it it's not absolute dominion our dominion was defined we don't have dominion everywhere genesis 1 26 don't turn their says that god blessed them and he gave them dominion over the beds of the air the territory of the air the land the sea every creature so there is a definition there is a jurisdiction for our dominion are we together now this is very important do you know that the first disruption of peace as we know in scripture came because jurisdiction was not honored how did lucifer go down he desired to execute authority but he wanted jurisdiction that was not a portion to him and he mobilized a third of the angel let me tell you how serious what i'm telling you is the peace that was interrupted in heaven came because a man was not satisfied he would not honor the law of jurisdiction and he mobilized the angels they did not keep their original estate there was a passion within them to see that they expand their authority beyond the jurisdiction allotted and there was war in heaven there was a prize for that violation imagine how many of us have suffered casualties because we could not honor jurisdiction are we together yes genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god made and he said to the woman look at this now according to god's design for adam and his wife adam was the head of the woman is that true notice how satan violated this when he came he never spoke to adam satan did not have the power to talk to adam but he went to eve and he engaged eve he said that god said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden verse two the bible now said and the woman said the woman also would have known and told him serpent let me refer you to the authority that i was under that would have been a safety her safety was the ability to discern authority satan pushed her out of her jurisdiction and that became her own becoming i will show you how god responded now let's let's continue very quickly verse three but the fruit of the tree and that and that please let's go to verse four permit me i'm rushing because of time the serpent said unto the woman the woman said unto the serpent the serpent said unto the woman the woman said unto the serpent [Music] verse 5 for god knowed that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like gods knowing good and evil verse 6. when the woman saw that the tree was good she did this and that and eat and then she gave her husband who was there and he ate verse seven watch this the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked and they sold fake drips do you notice that even when the woman ate of course we know that there is a lot to that eating but just for the context of our understanding now that she ate nothing happened until the man ate if if adam as we know what eating is whatever but it's a complicated issue anyway it's not really about eating but let's just take it as we understand it now that if adam did not touch of that tree another strategy would have been invented the realm of the spirit did not respond by the woman eating because the authority above her still secured her but when that authority now ate what satan was really looking for was not the woman it was the authority of adam i'm showing you the law of jurisdiction if you learn this you will be a peacemaker and your life will be a restful place this is the strategy satan uses to destroy members this is a strategy satan uses to wreck homes when he comes he studies the authority structure and studies jurisdiction and manipulates his way around it your strength the strength of your dominion is when you are within your defined jurisdiction are we together and the eyes of them both were open they knew okay verse 8 please now watch this and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of god among the trees of the garden look at how god ministers now verse 8 and the lord god called who talk to me you will never hear that god spoke with eve until adam referred him to eve it's in the bible read your bible and the lord god called adam and said where are you verse 10 and he said i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself verse 11 and he said who told you that you were naked has done eating of the three whereof i commanded that doubt should not eat look at what he said this was where he demonstrated irresponsibility i told you every time you transfer blame you also transfer your authority adam transferred his authority officially to the woman and god left him and started dealing with the woman the man said the woman you gave me she is the cause not i am sorry the woman you gave me she is the cause and i did it verse 13 this is the first time we see god talking to the woman and the lord god said to the woman what is this that you have done the woman also transferred her authority to satan by saying the serpent beguiled me and i did it you will see how satan became the god of this world because he didn't blame anybody [Music] every time you transfer blames it also goes with your authority are you now seeing why jesus was quiet when he was becoming sin wouldn't you open your mouth and talk and he kept quiet his silence was a weapon to regain that authority again you have to understand this when man fell there was a cry who owns this man and cannot take responsibility and god said i can't keep quiet even though i'm not the cause of his sin because i am creator i must take responsibility let's do something about man's condition the law of jurisdiction every demonstration of authority please listen to me comes with jurisdiction there are people who have single-handedly gotten up to confront government without the jurisdiction allotted and they were well meaning and yet paid for it listen to what i'm telling you there are people who got up to put their mouth in issues of families where they do not have the jurisdiction have you seen people like that just get up and call a man and say look i've observed that you are not a responsible man sit down and the man says what are you coming now is it as a counselor is it as my brother is it as my relative i'm just a concerned person i've been watching what has happened with your wife two days later he's in the prison because people have passion but they do not understand authority the disciples made a mistake i want us to learn when jesus climbed up the mount of transfiguration they took loss into their hands and carried an epileptic patient you've read that in your bible and they wanted to pray for him and they were so disappointed because i said then they were not given that kind of jurisdiction and authority they were disappointed when jesus came back he rebuked that person and they said what is this say this kind your authority and your jurisdiction has not been expanded parable of the palace the the parable of the talents you read it and you will see the reward that was given to those who were faithful their jurisdiction was expanded every time god wants to bless you in this kingdom he anoints you more and expands the scope of your spiritual jurisdiction in the bible there were times jesus could not pray for certain people he took them to certain cities out of certain cities into others before he prayed for them the realm of the spirit understands jurisdiction but men do not understand jurisdiction you cannot be a peacemaker if you do not understand jurisdiction your authority is not to be executed everywhere you are not a father to every child you are not a husband to every woman you are not a man of god and a prophet to everybody you can't see somebody your pastor today has a right to rebuke you is that is that true to correct you because there is a covenant connection he is your pastor a father over you he watches over your soul on the strength of that he can rebuke you he can call a husband and a wife and say sit down because you are under my covering i can advise you i can counsel you but a man of god will not come arbitrarily from somewhere and just say i summon you it's not correct are you getting what i'm saying now authority people are fought in ministry because they do not they are not able to communicate this understanding of jurisdiction [Music] if you call me in this church for instance and you say oh you have an issue that is a serious issue i must in that discussion make reference to your pastor and lead you back to him if i ignore him and i act as if he's not there i'm supporting rebellion i don't know if you understand what i'm telling you this is very important [Music] the law of jurisdiction has saved many people from untold troubles many of you have found yourself putting your mouth in the issues of people's lives you were sincere but it landed you in trouble because you did not understand jurisdiction oh yes the woman may not yet be pregnant respectfully speaking and then from a standpoint you went to one discuss the issue with someone and say this woman safe is the way she is who knows the kind of demons she has and the story gets to someone you become an enemy who are discussing peace you have to understand jurisdiction and limit yourself there are matters that the only way to be part of his prayer and it stops there how many members have had the audacity to stand up and rebuke their pastors and correct their pastors you know society allows all kinds of wrong things and they secure causes upon their life this is not some threat from a man of god listen to what i'm telling you it is violation of jurisdiction that has programmed wars upon people how about young children who stand and insult your parents don't talk to me you are my father so what you are my mother so what and the man says if i am your father may god who made me your father judge amen the child shouts foolishly after 10 years he's still loitering around like kane because a cause came upon him by an angry person if there's someone here under the sound of my voice and the mistake of the violation of jurisdiction is what is responsible for all the wars around your life i stand in partnership with your pastor and in the name of jesus who is the christ of god may mercy speak for you now [Applause] [Music] jurisdiction the bible tells us that something happened in the in scripture that noah took wine is it in your bible noah took wine and he slept naked when he slept naked one of his sons came when he saw the father's nakedness he called the others he said can you imagine come let's look at our father's nakedness even though he was drunk when he got up his prophetic was still there he said who saw me while i was sleeping nobody had to tell him and the other one came and said you are not serious you don't know what it means this is our father he moved backward and covered him and he got up and began to allocate blessings and courses to his children [Music] jurisdiction i have learned this as a principle therein lies the foolishness of many people who are all around correcting everybody everybody admonishing everybody a young boy who is probably struggling with secondary school or university he's not raised anybody he's not doing anything correcting every father of faith correcting everybody everywhere no it's a big mistake it's an error when satan wants to destroy you remember what i'm telling you no matter how sincere your intention is once you are out of your jurisdiction there is trouble i once witnessed when they were counseling a young lady who was about to get married and i was surprised at what the women were telling her they said no matter what it is every time your husband is angry and he's talking keep quiet i felt he was unfair so what if he's his fault said just keep quiet that's not the time to talk [Music] and later when the lord would teach me this i saw the wisdom in that keep quiet [Music] you have to understand the power of jurisdiction not every domain is within your control not every life and destiny is under your influence as a man of god i have a responsibility for those who are connected to me spiritually to mentor to guide to rebuke to admonish in righteousness but i cannot jump in and see any christian around and say i'm a man of god are you aware provided you're a christian you're a man of come here what are you doing like this no you cannot go right now after service and go to a beer parlor and just stand and say all of you in this beer parlor the zeal of the lord is consuming me and i have no no no no the same way you have rights there is also a right that protects them your assignment is to pray for them to preach christ and to continue to trust the power of the holy spirit we try to do the work of the holy spirit and we end up in a lot of casualties this is something i have learned in my life peace will be far from us if we do not understand jurisdiction [Music] how many serious workers just get up and knock the offices of their boss they just open and say sir i'm here to talk my mind just because you are my employer does not mean that i can be collecting 40 000 and then you are slashing it and the man is keeping the fact that he's quiet you should be afraid you see when great people are quiet find out why i'm tired of all of this i know nobody will have the strength to speak but i'm going to speak even if i lose the job and once you you are done talking he says all right i respect you thank you and then you become afraid of what you have done now because [Music] now you are aware of the gravity of what you have done you know you have violated jurisdiction you have three or four people above you to that man you are just three years old in that office you fought with everybody and you think the only thing they will do is to drive you no he will call all the people within his circle of friends and say beware of this person if he ever comes to your company drive him fast you got more than a sack is a complete destruction of the next 5-10 years of your life until you have to build new relationships again understanding jurisdiction is powerful i have learned this as a principle and it has helped my life if you want to experience the peace of god please hear me every jurisdiction is not your jurisdiction every jurisdiction i repeat is not your jurisdiction every time you are tempted to manifest authority find out am i manifesting authority within my jurisdiction you see why jesus blessed us and said all power in heaven in other words i have a right to say what i'm saying now because my jurisdiction by reason of the substitutionary sacrifice all power did the bible not say we wrestle not against flesh and blood but it begins to list jurisdictions even these demon spirits they operate with an organized organogram they don't dabble into jurisdictions [Music] what the spirit of fear would do the spirit of lust will not do what the spirit of lust will do the spirit of rebellion also would not do they respect jurisdiction do you know why medicine works well because of compliance of jurisdiction a a consultant pediatrician will look at you and say okay fine let me write a note and refer you to someone he understands jurisdiction even though he's a consultant you know why them look at all the fields where jurisdiction is honored there is dexterity and excellence same thing in the military there's a navy there's the air force there's the army they do not violate jurisdiction when michael and when michael came to carry the body of luke of um moses satan was fighting with that body if michael never said i rebuke you it will not be possible it's only us that can do the rebuking in his name [Music] but he now said the lord i invoke the power that covers a jurisdiction higher than you i the lord rebuke you please understand this this as simple as it is is the reason why many people are unable to truly experience peace authority in the realm of the spirit how about the sons of skiva let me list for you several people who violated jurisdiction and paid the price have you seen many young people whose spiritual authority has the consciousness of it certain rankings in the spirit has not been given to them some of them just got up and entered general hospitals or got up and entered places shrines have you seen people who went to born shrines and came out they carried them from the shrine out [Music] these signs shall follow them who believe they say and god forbid we are going to go and burn it and while they are burning it people are watching them and as soon as they are done burning it they are blind they are deaf they are lame they bring them out compromise of jurisdiction there are levels today by the grace of god that god has brought me that i was not there yesterday imagine that i started ministry and i will go to a stadium this this is the same thing people have done people just get up and say no let's let's mobilize ourselves and go to a stadium and then there are only 50 people that come around and they are wondering no god you can't fail us this is not what i saw in my vision the vision you saw was for the you that has grown and the the there is an expanded jurisdiction if baba devil here today respectfully speaking this is up getting to two o'clock if he says by six all believers meet me at the stadium it would be as if they started the publicity last year do you know why because of jurisdiction you start publicizing from now until next year you will be surprised at the disdain i'm not insulting you god is lifting all of us in jesus name the inability to understand jurisdiction is what has brought a lot of problems to us [Music] there is jurisdiction in the spirit there is jurisdiction psychologically there is jurisdiction even here in the flesh do you know there are certain responsibilities you should not take if you don't have certain jurisdictions because the attacks that are allocated to that crown you are carrying it can almost kill you it's why when you say god lift me he says wait for i said lord i'm in a hurry wait first you don't know the attacks that follow the crown you want to carry and if you force that crown he will leave you you will pick it and in two days you won't be able to sleep you say what is that say that's the burden of the people who the wearer of this crowd prays for all the time there are certain anointings even for graces graces have jurisdictions you must have capacity lord give me an international anointing are you ready for it because when you are about to sleep that's somebody's time zone when he's active are you ready for the stamina to manage the burden that comes with that kind of grace it's not enough to say lord lift me give me an anointing that will make everybody across the globe come with a price [Music] once upon a time the world would not hear us we were limited you will be witnesses unto me in jerusalem jurisdiction then judea then samaria then to the utmost part is god helping someone now so we're going to pray shortly i apologize our time is gone but we're going to cry for the grace to be faithful within your apportioned jurisdiction [Music] the trouble that has come upon many of us spiritually and otherwise may have been that we have violated jurisdiction you are not the eldest in the family yet you went up and you said something that maybe culturally speaking should be routed through the eldest one that is the source of the conflict in the family today it's not just a spiritual issue is that jurisdiction was not honored [Music] many families are in disarray today because people could not humble themselves to keep jurisdiction there are things that deceive us to violate jurisdiction money education gender all of these things but we must bring ourselves back to order there are many women who have violated jurisdiction and felt maybe because i'm wealthier than my husband is just a man as if he go ahead but there is a spiritual word that backs that man you violate that jurisdiction you expose yourself to grave danger [Music] is god speaking to us as someone learn something [Music] you administer grace within your abortion jurisdiction you want to be a peacemaker you don't want to get into trouble you are only a king when you are in your palace and your kingdom not every kingdom every king is not a king in every kingdom you are only a king in your kingdom [Music] so when you go to another kingdom that is not yours you must submit yourself to the principles in that kingdom blessed are the peacemakers blessed are the peacemakers it says seek peace and pursue it and one key that i leave you with right now is jurisdiction for some of you you may need to pick your call after this service and call your elder brother and say sorry now i understand why you hate me so much it's not that you're a bad person is that i because i think you are not educated i have down played on jurisdiction right now we acknowledge you for what you stand for you will be surprised that the moment you acknowledge him he will acknowledge you back you say no no continue what you were doing before do you not know that what satan wanted was what god gave man so it was not that god was insecure he wanted a correct protocol to give in it the image of god was what satan wanted and when god withdrew it from him he said to show you i'm not insecure let me give dust [Music] that was that was what shocked satan i was made of light and i desired this and you rejected it then you came and molded dust and gave it to it can i tell you this most of the things people are not giving you they want to give you if only you acknowledge jurisdiction the prodigal son had a jurisdiction where his wealth walked is that true provided he was under the covering of his father what did he say i am tired of your influence give me my thing and the father said so be it when he violated jurisdiction luck came in he started going down look at where he ended up you see when you are compromising on jurisdiction you will look like you are in control for a long time till you begin to plunge into obscurity he found himself with peaks and he said i will arise i will go back to my father and i will say father i have sinned against you and against heaven i am not worthy to be called your son take me as one of these the father said provided you have come restore the ring the symbol of authority you are still part of this family i will not take you as a slave you are still my son jurisdiction is powerful what happened to us when we left god we left the jurisdiction of our authority and victory and our covering why do we passionately call people to come back to jesus come to that act your place of safety provide that they were inside the ark the rain could not touch them listen to me household of david i'm speaking to the globe but listen there is an authority and a jurisdiction god has planted you among the many spiritual factors that control your victory your prophetic connection and understanding that when god calls you and puts you under a grace men are not just empty people there is a throne in heaven that pass what they represent is possible to be a member of this church loving jesus and never tap into the riches of what was there because you do not discern jurisdiction any man of god is your man of god and please don't feel bad any man of god is no no it can be like that it's like saying any man is your husband you can joke with someone maybe your husband's right my husband my husband they know he's a joke [Music] jesus corrected the woman at the well because there was no jurisdiction every man was her husband and he said no it ought not to be so there are people any power is there power witchcraft power traditional power everything together no we're going to pray lord the place i must stay to reign the jurisdiction that controls my relevance the jurisdiction that makes for peace i repent for veering off from the jurisdiction my assigned please please lift your voice and pray we are wrapping up [Music] you may be a pastor listening to me if god called you into the evangelistic ministry that is your jurisdiction you will only excel if you stay there if you go and open a church you will be surprised that you will be frustrated you will be humiliated there are those who are pastors there are those who are apostles there are those who are worship ministers there are those who are business people jurisdiction is powerful you find peace when you stay within your assigned jurisdiction someone pray lord grant me grace bring me back to my place of jurisdiction grant me grace to not tamper may i not be involved in things that are beyond my jurisdiction spiritually physically let pride not push me beyond the levels of my jurisdiction hallelujah [Music] the final word and we're done the bible talks about king ahazaros who was a king over 127 provinces then the bible talks about vashti are we together vashti had a jurisdiction she was queen only because she married the king when the devil wanted to destroy vashti he planted something in her head to mean look all the kingdom is yours even without the king and the king sent for vashti ambassador said no i am a queen in my own right and the king said what has suddenly happened to you do you not know that it is because you maintain your jurisdiction as queen that you remain on the throne since you have violated jurisdiction banish her out of this place when esther came on board esther understood she wanted to make the same mistake too and mordecai warned her said don't forget it was foundation of jurisdiction that took someone out when she met the king the king said what should i do for you he said king i just want to honor you and prepare a feast that flaunts your glory and the king said that's right this is a woman who understands jurisdiction she used honor not a sword to kill all the enemies of the jews there are wives here you may need to go back and say my husband just because you've had challenges with your finances i've been looking down on you i'm sorry you are still my husband i didn't pay your dowry i'm not too proud to let you know i've seen your agitations your anger we can make peace in this home peace always returns when people are no jurisdiction father help us in the name of jesus christ may your word continue to burn in our spirits grant us wisdom these truths we have learned this afternoon i pray that we will abide by them may they change our lives produce signs and wonders in our destinies cause tremendous advancement and more importantly may they bring peace in our lives our homes our businesses our churches in the name of jesus christ amen our name the second law is found in luke chapter 18 and verse one luke chapter 18 and verse one one of the secrets to peace is justice one of the secrets that make for peace is justice that means that when a system of justice is created it brings an episode in fact the bible puts it he says he shall see the travail of his soul and he shall be satisfied so one of the ways that god administers peace is to bring justice over issues of concern that's why the bible says righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne sociologically speaking people keep advocating every time they sense that justice has been tampered with and usually what the government or leaders do is to look into the issues of concern and give the people hope that they would administer justice and you notice at the instance of justice peace returns so every time there is a reign of injustice of any sort it will disturb the peace are we together the bible says he speak a parable to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint verse two there was in a city a george so this is a legal situation the bible says he feared not god neither regarded man and then the bible says there was also a widow in that city and she came to him seeking justice notice the basis of her dissatisfaction her peace was taken away because for some reason there were adversaries are we together now that disturbed her peace and she went to the george and this was her plea give me peace by introducing justice to my life avenge me my adversary verse 4 the bible says and he would not for a while but afterwards he said within himself though i fear not god nor regard man five yet because this widow trouble let me i will avenge her less by her continual coming she wearing me [Music] so this was a woman who was helpless in herself but she understood that there was a dimension of justice that must be administered to find peace you don't just find peace arbitrarily there are things that must be corrected for your heart to be settled are we together the bible says in philippians chapter four and verse six we're going to pray this is a prayer session philippians chapter 4 from verse 6 the word careful there is the word anxious many versions use it be anxious for nothing anxiety it says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving do not assume god knows the problem he says make your request known make your request known what's the result seven and the god of peace or the peace of god which passes all understanding will keep your heart when you approach him in the place of prayer whilst you are praying in the place of prayer you compel his hand to begin to administer justice over the affairs of your life and on the strength of that settlement is called the law of divine settlement you will never be able to find peace when there is an array of incorrect situations in your life the thief comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy the bible says when you catch a criminal you compel him to pay tenfold and until that restoration happens you will not find peace one of the secrets of peace is justice hallelujah when an armed robber comes to rob a family or a house no matter how loving and how well-meaning that person or that that the owner of that house is the satisfaction of that man will be when the judge gives a decree that this man is a criminal he's an armed robber he's sentenced to five six or seven years is that true there are systems of compensation for instance that they give people who have all kinds of catastrophe and so on and so forth it may not be able to solve the problem entirely but it's a system of appeaser i'm provoking you because there are many things that may not be right in our lives and we need the peace of god and we also need the god of peace to arise and administer justice like that helpless woman by her importunity her continual disturbance avenge me my adversary avenge me my adversary second thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 16 and then we begin to pray second thessalonians 3 16. read with me if you're a christian one to read now the lord of peace himself uh-huh give you peace how long and by all means that's a serial statement you know what by all means if if god will have to resurrect the dead to give me peace if god will have to shift systems and structures to give me peace if god will have to reverse the hand of time the kill traces by all means that god has an array of methods to make sure justice is restored over your life if someone ready to pray lift your voice and begin to pray in the spirit passionately and truthfully this is a prayer session those in the overflows participate in the prayer and the lord of peace say parker the lord of peace chandra [Music] the lord of peace himself shall give you peace always and by all means make sure you are not silent one of the secrets of peace is justice [Music] you may not have the strength and the wherewithal from the abram to insist on justice but there is a righteous george the king of the ages is also a judge and he is able to give men peace and the system of administering that peace is to give you justice lift your voice [Music] but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known and the peace of god that surpasses all understanding shall garrison keep your heart and your mind household of david are you praying [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord justice justice you're going to pray that everything that has been stolen from your life the bible says she shall by any means and the lord of peace himself you are going to pray are you are you serious about this prayer you are going to cry because that restoration is a system of justice when time passes and there are no achievements invested in that time the unit of destiny is time whatever it's your time has taken a portion of your destiny many of you by demonic manipulations time has passed so that where you would have been is not where you are now leave your voice and say in the name of jesus shout he say in the name of jesus father i declare a restoration of time a restoration of opportunities restoration of relationships lift your voice and begin to pray lord will provoke restoration as a system of justice to give me peace and i will restore the years and i will restore [Music] restore opportunities in time restore relationships in time [Music] someone is praying i came from a family that did not give me the opportunity to rise but oh god oh god restore restore time restore time restore time hallelujah hallelujah now listen carefully look up please one of the ways that god administers justice over time is to give speed it is not only restoration restoration is going backward to bring the opportunities lost speed is accelerating you to enter realms at a level that will balance off what you have missed please believe the prayer you are going to pray and the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he ran and overtook the chariots of ahab down to jesus i'd like you to decree and declare father accelerate my life my destiny take 10 years and put it in one give me peace administer justice by bringing speed to my life someone is crying to my god and your god someone is crying to my maker your maker skype attack aircraft speed speed speed to my destiny speed to my destiny as a system of justice speed to my destiny as a system of justice [Music] speed to my destiny the ability to gain time the ability to gain time hallelujah hallelujah listen again that there is a dimension of peace that only comes when justice is administered justice is one of the secrets for peace without the administration of justice it is difficult to find peace so god scattered systems all through the bible to help administer his justice one of it is restoration is a system of justice when time cheats you god can restore one of it is speed he takes years and puts it in a moment [Music] the next system that administers justice is called favor we are going to pray exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that as ye go he shall not go empty after 430 years of wasting their lives and their destinies it would be unfair listen there are times that what you need is not just an exodus you need an exposure with faith all an exodus without favor is not it's not a worthy compensation 430 years of a generation's destiny are we together i will give joshua salman favor in the sight of anyone even if the egyptian and it shall come to pass the proof that i've been favored is that as i go so if i'm moving forward and yet empty i'm not favored favor is different from acceleration you can go forward the proof of favor is not advancement is that whilst you go your hands are not empty someone's a father in the name of jesus i decree and declare may your favor rest upon my life my family my destiny as a system of justice so that i can find peace lift your voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] pray favor foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in addition to restoration in addition to speed failure believe me one day is majestic can sit upon your life and grant you strange favor [Music] hallelujah praise the lord are you learning something don't forget what you are dealing with [Music] we desire peace and i told you that there is a dimension of peace that only comes when justice is administered and these are the systems of justice number one is restoration number two is speed number three is favor number four is judgment oh yes sir judgment is a system of favor it says the rod of the wicked [Music] psalms 125 and verse 3 the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous because listen [Music] do you know that there is a way the wicked prevails over the righteous it discourages the righteous until they join that wickedness too are we together the road of the wicked shall not rest on the inheritance of the righteous why so that the righteous will not put forth their hands in iniquity when a man refuses to pay you your salary or your due for five years he's tempting you to steal that's not your character but under that pressure you can dance into wickedness judgment is a powerful system of justice [Music] psalm 63 66 i think verse 3 say unto god how terrible are down in your ways through the greatness of thy power there are enemies who do not answer stories they are people who do not accept negotiation the system of putting them down is justice can i tell you this this god that gives life also kills [Music] the blood of jesus that you plead all the time blesses and lifts you like the act of noah but there are people that go down under that blood are we together judgment is a powerful weapon of justice you will never find peace in your life until certain walks of darkness are judged and judged thoroughly [Music] and so pharaoh refused to let god's people go moses negotiated with him i come with a voice of peace and pharaoh said nonsense god said i warn you you don't know who is talking to you he said nonsense he said all right this night my angel will pass over egypt ali paratocia since you will not understand the voice of peace let me show you the dimension of me as a fearful warrior god is not only lamb he is lion [Music] so when you come as a lamb and the door does not open you go back and return back as a lion is someone ready to pray shout it say father arise short every wickedness over my life my family lift your voice and pray hello the lord of peace himself the lord of peace himself shall give me peace always by all means someone is praying someone is crying [Music] the god of vengeance the god of judgment [Music] hallelujah look up the bible talks about two brothers called cain and abel he said in the passage of time one both of them offered sacrifices are we together now one gave off his first things one gave off his fartlings and the sacrifice of abel ascended to the heavens came as a sweet-smelling servo but god had no respect for that of cain and then the bible says ken killed his brother [Music] and he thought the matter was but he did not know that blood has a voice the blood of abel went to the parliament of heaven and began to cry like that weak woman and god came down and said cain there is blood crying and ken said am i my brother's keeper he said all right this cross is upon you by reason of this you will be a wanderer all across restoration is a system of justice speed is a system of justice favor is a system of justice judgment and vengeance is a system of justice one more time you are going to pray father anyone who will not let me rest and not let me serve my god in peace anyone who will not let my family rest anyone who will not let my spiritual life rest humans or spirits judgment right now leave your voice and pray okay take care and the lord of peace himself and the lord of peace himself shall give me peace always and by all means [Music] so hallelujah hallelujah the bible lets us know that once upon a time blessings to you sir that there were people who bound themselves with fasting and say we will not eat till paul dies you will be joking to imagine that everybody in your world is clapping for you there are people who your accident is their testimony there are people who the destruction of your children is their pride we live in a world that the bible says the whole world lies in wickedness you cannot find peace until a system of justice is administered in your life for some you need restoration for some you need speed that's that's how to manage time for some you need favor but for some you need vengeance hallelujah listen because jesus was born innocent children died because moses was born innocent children died every time a thing of grace is born there are people and things that pay the price [Music] the day god lifts you and brings you into a new position here they come strange spirits wicked spirits fighting and sitting on the destinies of man son of man zechariah 1 18 what's yes thou he said four horns these are the horns that have lifted up themselves against judah against jerusalem it says so that no man don't lift up his head there are funds that sit on destinies please hear me it's not all about systems and principles there are demons demons are real spirits are real did you know from scripture that the first person who was called was not abraham read your bible the first person who was called was his father terror the bible talks about a woman who was a widow at name all the men in her life died the support systems died and the lord of peace shall give you peace always by enemies one more time we are going to pray father in this season i need peace and in the name of jesus every power and every factor that will not give me peace let god arise and let his enemies be scattered lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray hey [Music] [Music] three scriptures and i'm done psalm four verse eight please give it to us psalm four verse eight we're going to pray three scripture i will both lay me down in peace and sleep why for the lord only makes me to dwell in safety you're going to say lord it's time to bring me to a place of rest and peace only god can give you rest in peace does not mean die it means the absence of troubles from your life it is true that challenges can arise but god is able to ward them and give you peace lift your voice and pray this scripture i will lie down and i will sleep nothing will take away sleep from my eyes not the pandemic not the walkings of evil if someone pray peace for my family peace for my children hallelujah leviticus 26 and verse 6. leviticus 26 and verse 6 we're praying this is a prayer session and i will give peace in the land and ye shall lie down and none shall make you afraid i will read evil beasts out of the land neither shall the sword go through your land i'd like you to pray over your listen if you are finding your house and your territory is not safe you are still in trouble don't make the mistake of esther esther was comfortable in the palace and mordecai said don't you think if this land is not safe they will kill us and come for you lift your voice and speak over the territory we command and we decree peace we ensure justice all god arrives someone is praying pray over lagos pray over our nation we declare peace we declare peace peace to god's jerusalem [Laughter] the sound of the sword the sound of bloodshed the sound of killings we decree and declare that they come to an end peace in my family peace in my territory hallelujah last scripture numbers chapter 6 they were commanded to bless and in verse 26 numbers chapter 6 and verse 26 the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and he says to give you peace god is able to give men peace he says peace i give you my peace i live with you not as the world gives peace a state of rest he makes me to lie down in green pastures don't forget what i shared with you and the times to pray that there is a dimension of peace that only comes to the saints when justice is administered and that scattered through scripture are god's systems of justice one is restoration two is speed three is favor four is judgment and vengeance are we together peace peace you're going to pray this that the lord will lift up his countenance upon you and that god will give you peace a state of rest a state of tranquility a strength of a state of completeness and wholeness lift your voice and pray that prayer let it be from the depth of your heart and then i speak over your life you are the prince of peace [Music] hallelujah let's wrap up with the scripture we started with philippians 4 number 6 fight anxiety reject anxiety be anxious for nothing let nothing sustain the ability to disturb your heart jesus took a whole chapter talking about worrying matthew chapter six that which of you by warring can add a cubits to his hair that the lilies they break a fundamental law they do not so they do not reap yet your heavenly father is responsible enough to see that they don't beg he said for after these things do the gentiles run but your heavenly father know it he knows what you need anxiety listen to me it's my final word for tonight anxiety is a killer many people do you know that statistic tells us that most of the things we worry and where answers over never truly happened we cause all kinds of stress for ourselves if god is awake why should i be awake the keeper of israel if i'm awake to pray and fellowship with him that's fine but if i'm awake out of here i reject it you must fight fear like you fight demons it says and sub and to subject them who through fear have all their life time being subject to bondage fear and anxiety will i die will the pandemic destroy my family where will this come from what if i am downsized fear is terrible it works on your emotions the bible says god has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of love of power and of a sound mind every time angels appear to people the first thing they say is fear not i'm coming from his presence do not fear say in the name of jesus i reject anxiety please hear me some of you have not slept for a long time not because you are busy but you wake up in the night asking questions that people of faith should not ask there is a god in heaven we were not left alone and i want you to know that god is almighty i know that we hear all kinds of things from the news we hear all kinds of things from society but let me bring you a word of hope one of the systems for administering peace is justice and you must provoke the tokens of justice in prayer bring restoration bring speech to my life bring favor to my destiny bring vengeance to the works of darkness that way you can find peace to serve god acceptably are we blessed let me declare over your life lending my voice with our father and all the servants of god here i decree and declare by the spirit of grace that everything that will not let you rest let it be laid to rest now [Applause] and everything that finds your destiny let it go down now i pray for you for the years that you have lost me my god who is also your god brings speedy restoration and i pray like it happened to elijah may speed come upon your life [Applause] that god would take what would have happened in five years and make it happen for you in two months and then i pray favor according to exodus 3 21 the cure for empty-handedness from today you will never go empty in the name of jesus christ god will raise helpers of destiny men anointed to stand by you and see to it that the purposes of god comes to pass and finally i pray for you whether human agents spiritual agents yokes and curses of darkness that want to lift up their their their heads or inspire upon your liberty by the blood of the eternal covenant we declare judgments this evening [Applause] therefore i speak to your heart find peace find peace over your family peace over your job peace over your health peace oh it will not kill you it will not kill you in the name of jesus you do not live by the sword so you would not die by the sword in the name of jesus the grace that has kept people through the vicissitudes of life and kept them afloat and on top may that grace grant you speed and grant you victory in the mighty name of is jesus the word of god defines the boundary and the jurisdiction of his commitment to the saints god cannot be committed to the saints outside of the jurisdiction of scripture he has limited therefore the bible says having been justified this is different from the peace of god [Music] peace with god verse 2 it says through whom also we have access now notice the progression i have peace with god then this gives me access by faith into his grace in which we stand and then we rejoice in hope of the glory of the lord it starts with peace that i have peace with god it gives me the confidence that provides access by faith into a grace that gives me stability it gives me hope produces glory in my life not the progression the apostle is not just talking nonsense he's saying that he starts with a revelation that i have peace with god now for a very long time when we teach on the salvation story especially during easter our focus is usually on the cross and that is powerful the cross is one of the the cardinal emblems of the christian faith if you take the cross out you've taken a lot out but then i think that i just want to consider a dimension of the whole reality of easter because in as much as the cross is powerful in as much as the cross represents the sacrifice of christ i want you to really understand that it does not stop at the cross in fact it would have been a disaster if he stopped at the cross the cross represents death it only represented death that was a communication of love and i can tell you this when you study history there were many other people who died for others i hope you know that there were many other spiritual leaders who died for others historically speaking we have about 4 000 or so religions of the world some of them were not aware of the history but there have been people who have died for others in fact here's how the bible puts it greater love has no man than this so a man can actually get to that dimension that a man laid down his life for his friend the story does not stop at the cross if we peg our understanding just at the cross that is wonderful it will help us comprehend a dimension of god's love but you will never be able to produce victory in the life of the believer hallelujah the salvation story and that which jesus came to do is more than just forgiveness of sin you have to understand this it's more than just forgiveness of sin in fact it's not just about imparting the life of god to man it doesn't just stop at forgiveness atonement and then imparting the life of god the bible lets us know that first and foremost jesus came to bring reconciliation this is a dimension that we must never forget reconciliation something went wrong from the beginning are we together now our losing the life of god the power of god the grace of god was because something went wrong and most times when we teach we leave the reconciliation part out of it we focus on the cross the forgiveness of sin we focus on the impartation of his life and those things are wonderful but we miss out on the fact that one of the major reasons why jesus came was to demonstrate the father's intent and desire to be reconciled to his creation hallelujah colossians chapter 1 please and verse 20. colossians chapter 1 and verse 20 will read to 22 the bible says and by him to reconcile all things to himself by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of his cross 21 it says and you who were once alienated now look at it he's telling us a story here paul is mentoring the church in colossae and he's giving them the story trying to capture the realities of redemption and he's describing their state before the reality of redemption happened to them and you who once were alienated and enemies in your own mind by wicked works yet now he didn't just say he had saved had he reconciled 22. in the body of his flesh through death so death was not an end it was only a means to an end to reconcile us and then to present us holy and blameless and above reproach in his side the ministry the reconciliatory ministry of jesus cannot be ignored listen i will show you why i'm teaching this because you see if you are not aware that you have peace with god you will not have the boldness to access righteousness is not just um yes it is a nature given to us but is sponsored activating the reality of righteousness is based on a consciousness that i have peace with god write this word reconcile let's talk about it a bit to reconcile means to restore relationship to reconcile means to take away the possibility of fear or guilt among or between a group of people you have to understand this to reconcile means to restore relationship to means to bring to end all guilt and all fear [Music] the first thing that happened to man according to genesis chapter 3 when you read the bible says that their eyes were open and they discovered that they were naked and the first response we see is that they ran they ran away from the god who the bible says is love it was proof that something went wrong adam the bible says the lord god walking in the cool of the garden where are thou and he said i heard thy voice but i hid because i was naked something has happened to my consciousness i'm aware that there has been a a surveillance of our relationship and right from genesis it's been man's habit to run away from god every time we are aware that we do not have peace with him we run away we run away we run away and now jesus came as a reflection you see the gospel of salvation is the revelation of the father's love the gospel of salvation does not just start with the cross it doesn't even start with jesus it is a revelation of the father's love demonstrated in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus christ the object of that love being the entire creation man being the central focus but not the only you have to understand this the gospel of salvation does not just affect man alone as a result of man's fault the bible says the entire creation was subject to bondage are we bible students so he did not just come to reconcile man alone the scripture we read said he came to reconcile all things to himself man being the senate of his creation but not the only even though we have taught extensively about cardinal christian pillars like righteousness even though we have taught people about boldness about faith there still remains a subconscious fear most people are not aware of the implication of what jesus came to do as far as reconciling them to god and sadly speaking and respectfully so our model of fatherhood largely in our world as it is does not give us a very clear picture of the fatherhood of god are we together in many regards the earth standard of fatherhood is one that has to do with you earning by reason of doing good things so if you have a good result you're a responsible person you have a job chances are that you may have a very positive attention from a father and so we we borrow that idea and that's the template we use to interpret the love of the father and the entire activity around redemption but it's not exactly so the reconciliatory ministry of jesus he came to reconcile second corinthians chapter five we read from verse 17 to 19 it will be difficult for you to receive when you believe that there is some barrier in fact i think it was in one of ben hinn's crusade he was saying that after many years of ministering the healing power of jesus to the nations he discovered that it seemed like there was a group of people who almost never received from god and he wondered why then on studying he found out that most of the people who didn't receive somewhere at the back of their minds they believed that um there was a there was a divide it was as a result of something that they had done that was stopping god from blessing them and they believed that so regardless the power of god that was in motion they didn't seem to receive and benihin said every time he took the attention away from themselves to focus on jesus and the love of jesus people would stand up from the wheelchair people would be healed of you know very very terminal diseases [Music] therefore the bible says if anyone is in christ he's a new creation all things have passed away behold all things have become new next verse the bible says now all things are of god who have reconciled us to himself through that mediator you know like two people having issues and someone comes in between the assignment of that person is to ensure that that bond is restored this is what jesus came to do more than being a savior more than being the new and living way he came to bring reconciliation and has given us that same ministry of reconciliation 19 that is that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself and not imputing their trespasses to them and had committed on to us the word of reconciliation do you know what that means that means everywhere you go among the many things you do remind people that the possibility for coming back to be close and reconciled to god is now a reality don't just tell them he died for them alone don't just tell them they are going to heaven alone don't just tell them his savior don't just remind them of the cross alone let them know that that the bible says he shall see the travail of his soul we discuss it yesterday and he shall be satisfied [Music] the consciousness that we have peace with god brings to end every fear brings to end every guilt let's look at that scripture again that we started with colossians 1 and verse 20 romans i meant to say romans chapter 5 romans chapter 5 from verse 1 and being justified by faith look up please we have peace with god through our lord jesus verse 2 it says by that peace we now have access by faith that means i know that god is not mad at me i know god is not sad god is not sitting in heaven trying to scheme my downfall there is peace you do not fear when there is peace are we together now the absence of peace creates suspicion the absence of peace creates fear god wants us to stand knowing that through jesus christ we not only are partakers of his life and his divine nature but we have peace with god when you know you have peace with god it gives you the audacity to judge prophecies no matter how accurate they are if you come and tell me god does not love me god is mad at me and all of that i will appreciate you for your sincere concern and say that's all right it gives you confidence to know that even though god uses men to bless you you have that access there is no fear there is no fear there is no fear there is no guilt you stand before him justified by the blood of jesus i have peace with god now you are not afraid not of life not of death because you have peace with god so many people are afraid most of the prayers that we pray are not driven by faith they are driven by fear when you have peace with god you know like paul that for me to live is christ and to die is gain you have cheated death while still alive i have peace with god confidence peace with god you are not scratching your head wondering where am i going when i die some of those things come as a result of fear and so the days that you think you are all right you've worked well you can't remember doing anything wrong suddenly you believe that you are ready then the days that it looks like you quarrel with your wife and so on and so forth you stand and you're wondering what will happen right now no i'm no longer a slave to fear i am just a girl that i'm no longer a slave to fear i am a child of god [Music] not just the peace of god peace with god knowing that all the records have been straightened out through jesus regardless what my father did regardless what my grandfather did you know in the physical someone can do something wrong and their children can pay the price for it is that true but when you come to jesus the bible says you have peace with god please understand this and that peace gives you access access the audacity to now walk and obtain the grace the bible says through that peace we have access by faith into his grace if you are not aware of the peace that you have with god is going to be difficult for you to receive in this kingdom it is not just faith alone that it takes to receive you need the consciousness that i have peace with god the bible says it gives you access into his grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of god your sins forgiven your wrongs eroded by the blood of jesus christ you stand before him justified not through his death alone but by his resurrection i hope you know that the resurrection was the basis for our justification [Music] is that true if jesus christ did not resurrect we would not be justified so the bible lets us know that jesus did not only come to die he came to bring reconciliation i can now call him abba father and i'm not thinking of one deity who is up there the lord is nigh them that call upon him i can call upon him and say father there are people in need and i know i'm talking to a real person because the consciousness of a god that is far into the heavens sitting on the throne and someone who is hoping he will hear him that that has gone completely you will never walk in supernatural power if you do not have the consciousness that you have peace with god hallelujah i have peace with your pastor and every time i see him i'm not hoping what is he thinking now no as soon as we see ourselves we embrace ourselves with joy laughter is the proof that things are going well between two people the first thing that disappears when there is problem is laughter joy are we together now yes sir peace when i approach him in prayer i approach him with confidence because i have peace with god so for me to live truly is christ and then to die is gain the reason why you desire long life is not the fear of death it's because you need more time to do much for the kingdom and you see now for many of us we dread sickness we dread death not just because they are bad but because we fear that ultimately it will bring us to a point where in the world after now we are not sure of what will happen even though you have professed jesus as lord and savior the consciousness of peace with god is not there i do not come into this church believing that someone will harass me or throw me away i have peace with your pastor i love him so much he loves me so much and every time i see him i'm happy he does not give me a drink and i'm watching is there poison in it that consciousness is not there because i have peace with him are we together now yes when you have peace with god you will trust everything that comes from him you would not need to probe and fed it this is a love affair it's coming from one who loves me and i have peace my interest is represented in everything that he does i have peace with god so if this is the day that the lord has made i'm happy all i need to know is who made the day i know my interest was represented there i have peace with god that peace gives you the confidence to now receive so you're sitting on a wheelchair or you're diagnosed of an infirmity what's whatsoever the consciousness that i have peace with god immediately takes away that lie that the devil tells you who sinned that this man was born blind was it him or his father jesus said neither but that the glory of the lord will be revealed are you seeing that now you will never truly be able to walk in signs and wonders and to be a recipient in experience of the possibilities that are in christ until you have the consciousness that i have peace with god someone said i have peace with god [Music] the second thing i want us to look at very quickly before we pray is that the consciousness of peace with god noun gives you the boldness according to hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16. please give it to us hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16 on the strength of the awareness of my peace with god now we can come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain notice boldness is not arrogance there will ever remain that sense of reverence that this was not something i end by myself this is a product of his love boldness is not arrogance confidence that is based on this that jesus did for us that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need i come boldly because there is no fear i come boldly because there is no guilt i come boldly because i know that i have peace with god the world that divine has been crumbled by the reconciliatory ministry of jesus christ when he resurrected the bible tells us that he took his blood that ageless blood of the lamb and the bible says he took it to the holy of holies in heaven he boarded once and for all because according to the principles of atonement the age of the lamb that was slain determines the validity of the atonement so the mosaic law mandates that the lamb be one year old so that the validity the atonement will be one year and then they will renew it now the ageless lamb the ancient of days drained his blood took it to that most holy place for you to know how long your atonement is is to know the age of the one who died in the beginning was the word i'm no longer a slave to fear i am a child of god hallelujah i have peace with god i know that god loves me my idea about god is a father that loves a father that commits himself to my progress to my life and to my destiny and so i reciprocate by being a responsible son who loves the father back and demonstrates my love for him by pursuing that which is the heartbeat of the father this is very powerful when the lord gave me this consciousness i began to see the move of the spirit in my life in tremendous proportions many times you hear me speak with confidence i i pray you don't misunderstand what i'm saying do you know the reason why you see me talk oh there's someone this is hap because the consciousness of my oneness with him for me is not just the reconciliatory ministry of jesus the superior advantage of my oneness with god i have indoctrinated myself again and again to know that god's jealousy has been so invested in my life he loves me and i know it if it is true that i'm the bride of christ more than even just the son of god the confidence of every woman is in the love of her husband towards her so you can stand with confidence knowing that no situation and circumstance will ride over you why because you have peace with god and you have access to his grace you stand with confidence even as you minister and dispense the word no guilt no fear this is very powerful hebrews chapter 10 is god blessing someone hebrews chapter 10 from verse 19 please give it to us we'll soon begin to pray hebrews chapter 10 therefore brethren look up please having boldness to enter the holiest how by the blood of jesus the bible says by a new and living way which he consecrated for us through the veil that is his flesh 21 it says and having a high priest over the house of god 22 it says let us draw near i like this let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance pela cataparatus as you draw near to receive healing come with full assurance don't come hoping will god heal me will i be healed will i be changed with my life be transformed we're talking of god who you now have peace with it says come with full assurance of faith having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience what is an evil conscience the consciousness not just the consciousness of maybe being a sinner the consciousness that there is an angry god who finds pride in your pain an angry god who finds pride in your sickness for as long as you believe that god has a hand in your situation you will not have the faith to receive are we together if you were told that i'm robbers god forbid you'll never happen but imagine you were told that armed robbers are waiting in front of your house and then you hear that your pastor has an active hand in the plot there is something about the love of your pastor that fights that awareness is that true my pastor loves me so much and then you look at it and there is no benefit there is no benefit whatsoever in arranging with armed robbers to come and frustrate my life that consciousness makes you to dump all of that the bible calls it an evil conscience the conscience that holds god responsible for the tragedies that the devil brings in your life jesus christ one of the ways that we know god is through the person jesus is that true jesus is the revelation of the father jesus came he walked upon the earth and he came as a correction of our perceptions about god because until jesus came the prophets who saw in part and other nations they blamed god for everything many things he did not have a hand in simply because it was out of the realm of science and reason and they credited it to god there are religions today that blame everything on god so jesus said you should not be left in the dark to guess your way around god this is god the in the image of the invisible god now you read your bible and see everything jesus did when he saw sick people he didn't just pass them and say god bless you have a good day the bible tells us many times he was moved with compassion he was a reflection of the father's heart when you have this awareness you know that god is more interested in you being healed than you are god is more interested in you being lifted our fathers the patriarchs and even in modern history most of the people who move tremendously in the power of god had this one consciousness they eroded this evil conscience with the awareness of the love of god they really worked as ambassadors they worked as people who were representatives of heaven they worked with confidence some of them the confidence was so great it even delved to arrogance there was something about their awareness of god i have been reconciled through jesus now i have access to receive and that every situation that does not give me peace does not come from him because he is called the prince of peace are we together now now you look very carefully at your life this morning what are the situations that negate the revelation of the love of jesus and the peace of god in your life you must open up your heart to get away get out of your life that consciousness that god has a hand in it and then be ready to receive the miracle the sign and the wonder that proves the love of jesus in reality when jesus went to haiti's the place of the dead the bible lets us know that he went there i hope you know that jesus did not defeat satan assisted by the holy ghost no he defeated satan with the strength of man from the original design as the second adam the holy ghost was not there with him in hades so the bible says paul saying this by revelation that all the cohorts of darkness were on him to force him to bow what does bowing do is an acknowledgement of one's authority over you and that was satan's obsession since i could not dethrone god nor run a parallel government now that you are the image of god i will force you to bow and whilst you are bowing i will say god look at your image bowing to me in attestation to the fact that i am king of kings and lord of lords the bible lets us know that when the legal claims of justice were satisfied the bible says he shook them my god triumphing over them and he went to satan and said the key you collected from adam to eve revelations one verse one i am he that was dead and now i am alive and i hold the keys he did not get it on the ground he got it right in hades the key access he now went to the bosom of abraham and saw so many people who were there and according to peter he preached the gospel to them and when they believed him he said open those gates come with me read your bible until then he was the only begotten but at resurrection he became the firstborn not the only again his idea was to bring many sons into glory look how far god went and then is it sickness that you will live and be happy you need to understand the extent that you went to make sure that the hand of satan was severed over your life the bible says when he came from the grave many of the saints also they resurrected and walked down the streets of jerusalem they were seen but when he resurrected you see mary saw him i wanted to touch him she said rob and i said don't touch me there's still something to be done in heaven i'm about to fulfill that high priestly ministry he now went both as the lamb and the high priest and the bible says he offered his blood after he offered his blood the legal claims of justice were now done then a coronation service was held to him in heaven the lord said to my lord sit down at my right hand until i make thy enemies your footstool the coronation service peter saw it speaking to the church in philippi that wherefore god had so highly exalted him it was in that coronation service that name was given that at the mention of that name everything in the heavens in the earth under the earth will bow and declare that jesus is lord the name is not jesus no the name that was given to him is not jesus jesus was a name they gave him at birth the name that he received at his resurrection is called lord that's the name that that jesus who walked upon the earth has now become lord absolute controller master it was given to him now he returned on earth and he said all authority in heaven and the earth has been given unto me go with that consciousness go with that consciousness that the one who backs you has that authority go to your crusade with that consciousness live your life on earth with that consciousness that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me so when sickness or situations that are unpleasant when they come to you you invoke and you provoke that consciousness that the one who stands by me like a mighty terrible warrior is the one who holds the keys he upholds all things by the word of his power listen if you begin to think like that you will be surprised that many of the chains around you you will turn back and not find them again can i tell you this the bible says this sign shall follow them that believe that means that the things you attract are a product of your consciousness your thinking [Music] it's not just enough to pray there must be something about your consciousness we must avoid selling ourselves cheap by giving us giving ourselves a wrong consciousness about god [Music] there are things i believe in god or i believe about god that have sponsored confidence in my life as i live and as i work shortly we are going to be praying for the sick and praying for all kinds of situations what gives us the confidence that you will walk out of here free what gives the confidence that you walk out of here changed what gives me the confidence that before the end of this week your life will change what gives that kind of audacity is not because i'm a man of god no christ has become our peace we have peace with him we have peace with him we have peace with him so i can come and obtain healing i can come and obtain breakthrough i can call upon him with confidence knowing that he will answer i don't pray and say amen wondering did god really here many of us have faith in god through other people our faith in god is wonderful but the faith is routed through their own faith in god so when we stand alone we are unable to call upon him with confidence but let me tell you something even by the power of the holy spirit that i have the moment you have met jesus the only person who does not have peace with god is one who has not taken advantage of the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus do you know why we insist that men be saved is not just because we desire members in church no the only way to have peace with god than to be a recipient of his life is through jesus no angel no apostle no prophet no denomination no sermon no conference no impartation is able to bring peace with god but that one man jesus [Music] so when we call upon people to come and completely surrender and receive his life in exchange for theirs it's not just a church activity it's more than that it's an advocacy for reconciliation the bible says he's committed unto us we are telling them that look that divide that stops you that allows the devil to prophet you speak is god now you just come and accept and receive from that reconciliation will come righteousness giving access to the life of god giving access to the grace of god giving access to the holy spirit then it opens you to all the possibilities that are in the kingdom but there is no other name under heaven given unto men by which we must be saved welcome back and i know we are so blessed this morning the only thing we can do for our prostitution selma now is to pray for him that the law will empower him the more in the name of jesus this ministry that the lord has committed into his hands that he will run with it that he will not fall he will not fail in the name of jesus and anytime he stands to minister that the law will give him utterance in the name of jesus or transform above to bless us in the name of jesus that lord bless him we will keep his family and remember we are praying for apostles family we are part of this family so let us pray for him that lord we have pulled him to the hand in the name of jesus that the lord will carry him in the name of jesus the devil and the sins of this world we know overcoming in the name of jesus thank you because you are a maker thank you because you are lord thank you because you are god all by yourself and you govern the affairs of men and we pray lord that you will govern the affairs of apples to selma throughout the days of his life in the name of jesus amen he will not grow weary he will not grow sad he will not go weaker in the name of jesus you empower him the more in the name of jesus in jesus name we are afraid amen amen he remained in the name of jesus he may and thank you thank you for listening to this message and i pray the peace of god will surround our lives in the name of jesus and that of our families too in the name of jesus amen and if you are truly blessed loved please share this message with our friends and neighbor let them know what it takes to have the peace of god let's share this message with them let us be a blessing to our friends and families to hell our colleague grand olds let us share it with them and i pray that the peace of god will dwell richly in our lives in the name of jesus amen and if you have not subscribed to our channel what are you waiting for please do so subscribe to this channel press the notification button so that you can get to know where we upload new messages and comment like i'm waiting for your comments comments i'm going to answer i'm going to answer you but comment and like this message and i pray god bless us all in the name of jesus please do have a wonderful day amen bye you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 3,858
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, prophetic prayer, morning secret
Id: DvsahAqMS-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 47sec (9707 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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