Mom's Knife DELETES Mother AND Delirium In Same Run! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #26

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what's up guys it's prietz coming back to you with a brand new binding of isaac episode today we are back to the in streak on win number 26 when attempt number 26 i messed it up it doesn't matter today we're gonna have a good run so let me transition over to the game real quick there we go it was fast how's everybody doing today if you guys are doing good go down and read the description or something i don't know uh but we're gonna get into this game rather quickly i just kind of want to see what kind of run we're going to start with today so glass cannon okay isaac's tomb reverse justice and there is a set a cursor right there so this is interesting so we had isaac's tomb last run i think it was last run right i i don't know it's it's been a whole like 24 hours since i last played so i think it was yesterday's run but it does give us a single chest at the beginning of every floor that can have a variety of different things in it uh ranging from i think it's like it's pretty much the the wooden chest drop pool um and so that includes stuff like um trinkets soul hearts all that kind of jazz because we're really only getting soul hearts and trinkets from it mainly we would get like a single soul heart it does cost a key unfortunately which i think is kind of whack that you get an item that gets you a free chest per floor or not free chest it gets you a chest per floor because it's not free that's the thing that's stupid about it it should be a free chest shouldn't it don't you guys agree we should be getting free chests and we get that guy out of there we don't want to deal with any spawning spiders right now and since this is look at that shot since it is it does go through stuff we can just go for it and honestly glass cannon is one of the one of my more more uh favorite items in this game because it just gets you through stuff quickly like look at that that's just it just blows up poop does what it has to do let's go get to the item room real quick look how much damage that does that's insane i do want to have as many oh gosh that's not as fun i want to have as many like bombs and keys as i can have for the next floor just because we do have isaac's tomb that'll let it make it so we are more confident and what and what we are able to open having keys is just good we want we want a good amount of keys and also i'm not gonna go for the alternate floors right now i don't think you know what i feel like there's no reason not to there's no reason to do it there's kind of this is a weird situation we we don't have anything super good so i mean i wouldn't want to fight like mother in this in this run yet like this is not a a good start exactly like even our stats like look at our stats our stats are worse today than they were yesterday actually oh gosh but we have since we do have glass cannon it's pretty fine and of course we're gonna get bandage ball real quick while we're on this floor i am gonna go through the curse room or into the curse room because we want that free item if we can get it if it's in there and that could be helpful it's always smart to go for the curse room if you only have red heart health and there's red heart health on the floor so right there we get a black heart we're better for it we also get a bomb i mean you can't really complain about that we'll fill up our red heart health have a half heart of black heart health i'm not going to go for any of those chests right now i don't think we could destroy the poop real quick but i want to get through this floor i don't use any of my bombs i want to save those i feel like if there was a secret room it would be right here though so i'll use a single bomb that's good if we use it smartly it should be fine to use and it's not like it matters because this only gives us key which i mean it's not our fault that's only a key in here it was it's always smart too if you think you know where the the secret room is to go in it because it can get you more bombs and get you items there's kind of no reason to skip it i think it's always worthwhile and the rooms that take you down into the mines and downpour they can have they have keys even a lot of stuff in them so they're also good to pick up and there we go we got our three soul hearts which is worthwhile you got to think as of every item in this game having a monetary value so like an item is 15 cents kind of you know i think of it kind of like that um that's gonna be less damage but it is 20 20. i like 20 20. it's only slightly less damage i think it's gonna be better for us we gotta think of every item in this game as a value so like soul hearts are five cents if you buy them from a shop and so it's really good that we spent a five cent key to get three soul hearts because that's that's a lot of money we got technically like we we came out on top of that situation like sometimes if you have a lot of keys it doesn't matter if you're spending keys and getting nothing out of chests right there it's a free chest we gotta speed up i'm probably i probably shouldn't take as many pills as i usually take but i kind of like this is a funny i like how eden looks right now looks very 80s looking kind of looks like the stranger thing vibe of like the big glasses and like the waterfall hair there's like the water faucet hair i don't know what it's called there's some kind of style of hair that was really popular like the 70s and 80s that was basically the hair that we got was like curly in the front right here and it was all wild looking oh okay so i don't really want contagion i feel like this is gonna be a good item and you know what that's fine why is that fine because that right there is one closer to bezel bub and like we're pretty pretty good we like we're probably gonna get diesel bub no reason to rush this we don't need to like actually lose a heart because we're going too fast to this room there we go always smart to use glass cannon if you are in a corner it can make you lose a lot of health so that's the only thing you have to be considerate about but right here if we clear one of these enemies out our life is so much easier if we're gonna get all these enemies gone in one throw also easier oh here we go that was really good glass cannon if you just use it properly you can just get easy clears no matter what build you have because it just does a lot of damage and i think i'm just gonna fight the bosses no reason not to i'll use death card in here just in case i get overwhelmed and this is gonna just insta kill him that way i don't get hit and this is unfortunate because we are going to get the devil deal but like not get an angel deal until the fourth floor or a 30 a 30 percent chance angel deal until the fourth floor and that really sucks we really want to have that 60 angel deal if possible and what just gave us that range up okay that was a really bad cloud right there oh and we did break our thing which is very unfortunate because that's a lot of damage we just took from that we took if you saw we took like three hearts of damage because we got hit during that that's unfortunate that's the downside of using glass cannon it's it's a really risky item to use i probably should just not have used it during this boss fight he is a hard guy to no hit or he it's more like he's a hard guy he hits you randomly sometimes just uncontrollable damage not completely controllable i'll say and we're gonna go for a fly lord the gupster himself i think that's gonna be a smart play and i think i do want to take glass cannon with us because our flies aren't gonna be very strong right now but they'll still be useful i don't know if i even want to go down to mines i don't think that's a smart idea oh if we go into the reverse world do we get double boss items is this a possibility i kind of want to test it out so we know how to get all the way through this floor so might as well go all the way through this floor i am going to go get my reverse justice card real quick and use it because we have a lot of keys oh my gosh and that got us a lot of keys back and we're gonna okay this is really good having we should we should have if we had dice shard during the devil deal we would have been such a better spot um but this is good i'm gonna go to the curse room while we have it for free i'm not gonna be too dangerous okay that's a speed up pretty fly that's fine you know that was a little risky i understand that was a little risky for me to be doing but i think it was well worth the risk we got some speed out of it we also got a pretty fly double chest heck yeah okay we have good health now i'm not gonna go for the oh wait a sec this is what i want to do i am going to go for the knife piece and here's why if i go for the knife piece right now i can go in here i can re-roll it i get an item we get one extra item and we also get to go get two extra boss items i believe i believe we might not be able to fight the both bosses and get items i don't know how this works i'm trying to remember how xl floors work whenever you can go this way but we do have our trusty old oh my gosh glass cannon with us which makes our life a little bit easier we are going to wait to pop this because the gapers do spawn good and glass canyon is a really good item to have is lost because if you get hit i mean you're like you're gonna be fine like you already are one hit so it's it's not like too big of a risk compared to other characters that you can lose like half of your health if you get hit with glass cannon oh whoa okay that was a big explosive oh that was kind of scary we really want some damage ups and that's kind of why i was i was okay with going towards the devil deal side because devil deals are just a lot more damage ups a lot more just i mean decent items we have a lot of health we do have isaac's tune which is going to get us a lot of health like we we are we are a-okay during this this run right now okay can this be an explosive big boy okay good we got him oh explosive a big boy not good for leeches get away from me okay that is gonna be a health up and then we can go find colostoma okay we you know how want to wait against a wall for him and don't move until you have to okay good we really got him there he he had some unfortunate movement last time we were doing this and there we go he's dead it's gonna get us two extra items which on this floor we got a grand total of three extra items because we rerolled the item room if you guys don't know what this does uh this trinket it can make it so the second item is not invisible for the alternative floors which i think is a pretty good trinket but the judas's tongue makes it so we can do two heart devil deals for one heart which is good and also i mean it's good there's nothing i think it's a good thing for us to have we don't need yeah this is good uh let me real quickly go in here we don't really need to have the lack of two heart devil deals and but getting one heart double deals means that if there is a a three devil deal room we can take all three but pretty much no matter what we could take all three unless there was two two heart ones my reasoning behind that is uh let's go regular floor i think that's safer my reasoning behind that is if there's two single heart devil deals and one two heart double deal we can take the two single heart ones then we can take the the doub the one double heart and it will only take one of our red hearts they in they invited that new cheat that old cheese back into the game and it's very nice and look at that if we get the explosive shot with uh glass cannon it is quite powerful because it does full damage and that is a speed up i would kind of enjoy taking that speed up if possible so we might go back in there i want to be safe on this floor let's get that explosive shot on him good that's kind of your goal i talked about this in another run with explosivo you kind of just use your ex placebo until you hit hit the enemy and then kind of just like back off let the room play itself out um and i'm gonna go pick up that speed up yeah yeah you put the bomb right here yeah speed up is going to be good for us because mobility means we can just go a little bit faster through the floor we can move around faster i mean obviously we can move around faster but it is a a big bonus and we do have a set 67 chance devil deal is that a i didn't know that was a thing i thought that no matter what after you got a double deal is a 30 chance is that how xl floors work and this is disgusting it's not the worst item but i think that lemon party just isn't a good it doesn't seem like it's good anymore i feel like they nerfed it especially after in like finding the jug i feel like it used to do a lot more damage than it does now and that was unfortunate i forgot that i can't move through rocks sometimes good nice very good oh explosivo is lame it cancels out our uh our piercing of little glass cannon so sometimes my brain just freezes up because i'm trying to like do something in the game there's no reason for us to take king baby right now i think king baby is more of a bat item to have oh gosh i want to get away from the explosive shot oh look at that we have wait what's our luck stat we are shooting out explosivo shots out of the wazoo it's kind of because we have a higher chance because we are shooting out two tiers every time so that means that we double our chance not really that's not how the math works because if we have it i think we have like a one in ten chance maybe so it's actually a one one time one tenth over one tenth which is i don't know what is that math something smaller that's that's the chance for one of the or only one of the tiers being it's weird that that's it statistics is weird there's some there's some math behind it i might be right i might be wrong good you know what that was worth it we don't need that penny i might take king baby just maybe to get conjoined and that sucks but we can still get those bombs i'm glad thank you game for not being completely rude let's real quickly see if we can get magic mush okay i'm fine with that i'm fine with that you know i am the king of magic mush i swear if anybody gets magic mush as much as me i want i want to see proof i want to see some sort of proof i am the king of magic mush everybody should bow down to me and ask me how i do it i've really just figured out the the code it's just as long as you say it out loud and really really say it with your gut and really really believe that you're gonna get it you're gonna get it you know what i want both of these oh what the heck you were much closer than i thought you were uh we do get two knives with this correct yeah so we get two knives and so they do go have a lesser distance i do want this it is a it like we don't need it it's only a speed up and a tier rate up and we already have like max speed you know what i don't care i want it and we got the mother transformation that's fine i just don't think we needed all that health let's go to the next floor this is a very fast run our damage just got a huge bonus i mean we're only at 3.9 but it did get a huge bonus from getting magic mush because it is a big multiplier magic mush is one of the best damage multipliers in the game i mean the best will probably always be sacred heart um also crown of light has a really good uh damage multiplier so if you get crown of light and sacred heart i mean of course you're gonna be busted that's that's just two really good items that's like saying yeah of course you if you have brimstone and i don't know any other good item it's gonna be good it's just it's always gonna be good anything that is like sacred heart just makes it so you're guaranteed goodness and money's fine i kind of wanted pills because i mean i guess we don't know what any of the other pills are that's actually super good for us so since our speed is already very high anytime we enter a room once we get to two uh two speed we immediately become invincible and having mom's knife with that means that we can actually use mom's knife to deal damage so i like that quite a lot let's use this i do like our little horns no is that bloody gus that gives it to us i don't know what what does that this is a fun room i like that they added like some of the trap rooms that are like at first when you look at them you're like oh scary trap room and this is right right here this is why this is a really good build that we have right now we are literally just going to insta kill anybody that we see and we already found the item room we are blowing through this so as you see we're gonna get invincibility we can only poke forwards with our knife right now because that's where we paused or stopped aiming forwards whenever you go invincible your knife your aiming of your knife stays the same direction just so you guys know and that gives us okay we're at max speed now so we're just gonna get invincibility at the beginning of every room so our life just became pretty much the easiest ever like look at this every room invincibility it's not like invincibility forever so that's it's not like we are totally set but we're kind of totally set like look at this we can just push into enemies and look there's a tinted rock right here please give me rock rock give me rock i don't know what else to say oh and we got holy water that's really good we are quite quite insanely good right now i would feel pretty confident going for pretty much any boss at this point so i'm probably gonna go for lamb and i'll probably actually i think this is the day we do a victory lap because we are going quite fast a 16 minute time for this point in the game is crazy for me like i usually don't play that fast i'm not even playing that fast right now like i'm not trying to play fast that is we're just having a really good run and look at that invincibility you are a blessing please stand in front of me that way i can stab you easier make my life easier thank you game yep you're doing great and our butt knife also does damage another speed up just so we can solidify our speed heck yeah and we do a lot of damage whenever we use our knife right now because we do have two knives in one uh no matter what we are gonna just technically have those two knives let's go in here we can instantly do the mom fight we do have stompy mom which is unfortunate for this build because what we want with this is we kind of would want a regular mom oh that's fine that does give us bloody gusts which is good let's go to satan for lamb going here i don't want any of this you know what not for me i don't think boss rush is fun when you get when there's bad items in there like i don't think there's any reason any reason under the sun to go into do boss rush if you're not gonna get a good item you also never know what the second item's gonna be so i guess there's always the argument of you don't know what the second item is so you might as well play for that that's not really an argument how did we lose glass cannon is it any time you get hit it counts as getting hit even if it's like we don't actually get hit i'm so confused come on please let me stab you wait can we use oh wait a sec can we use glass cannon while invincible i think we can can we yeah okay no we can't i just hold it up in the air like that and look like a fool and not be able to shoot nice okay good take out the hard enemies okay drop good that only two hands is kind of impressive usually there's a lot there's like three hands this late into the run we're just too good 20 minutes oh i like how even when it's night there's no enemies in the room we still have invincibility this is a crazy run right now i've had this combo i think probably oh my gosh four runs in total okay we do have any time we take damage after using that we do lose health because we even lost health right there that sucks that's too bad we're invincible until we're not that's pretty much what's happening right now we put that bomb there going here yeah let's we can't we already got magic mush so it's not like we can get much else we could get skinny or not skinny odd we could get mini mush you know we're just recreating the the god tier game let's take you i do want to take you with us this isn't like i don't know what my luck is the fact that we get such crate like i mean mini mush is not super crazy but getting that out of a mushroom still really hard it's not like it's not super abundant it's just i do blow up more mushrooms than people i've said this before my luck is only better due to the volume of mushrooms i touch oh you're gonna give us a free devil deal thank you sir nice and that's an unfortunate devil deal but that's fine we will take you open you and there's no reason to yeah i guess so what we could do is just pick this up yeah i'd rather honestly at this point i'd rather have book of sins it's gonna give us a free item i know it's not a good item but i don't think that having our big damage boy is is useful anymore blind rage is quite the fun thing to have i will donate money since we aren't going to run into any more shops oh actually i did not realize that the sack is really good for us you know i think we're good i think cheap devil deals yeah we don't need cheap devil deals i think blind rage is better we're only going to get one more devil deal at most okay that's fine i could have used uh i could have used the other pill to get like some of that health back we don't need it we should be we should be sick nasty i love pills does bad trip still affect you if you take it while invincible i don't know we'll never find out because we only get good pills apparently get these worms out of my room thank you i'm pretty sure i'm gonna try filming my uh my setup tour video tonight and see how that goes because i need to i want to make it like really cool and like cinematic cinematic ish ooh that's going to be a lot of damage it's a free charge that's a free charge oh i should have done that earlier anyways but i want to do my setup tour just because everybody like a lot of people do ask for it it is one of my more like not my more asked for videos people are always like set up to or set up to her because people want to see what the setup looks like just because i mean i think everybody is interested in what other people's setups are it's cool to see like you guys don't know what i'm looking at it's kind of weird to think you guys have no clue what i'm looking at when you guys watch me stream all you guys see is just some guy looking looking into looking at you nothing else we have euthanasia i've not seen euthanasia proc once we've not been in a situation where euthanasia needs to brock i found pills perfect i feel bad for like everybody right now in this game they're kind of just getting deleted like look at this we have butt knives we have knives in every orifice we we are set for this run you're gonna get killed by my clot loser oh wait we almost got damaged there let's not get damaged oh my gosh that was good i feel like this could be the secret room and this could be a super secret room oh no i'll just blow up both of you you both deserved it we have so much money should i go for hush i think i should you know the thing about hush is we won't have invincibility for most of the hush fight i think but we do an insane amount of damage 22 minutes not bad we are going to take both of these that we can get closer to empty vessel and let's go to lyrium all right let's go to hush we got time we do get we don't need we could use our yeah i'll use my star card right now we do this use the stars card cancer is really good right i think i'm not stupid for taking that a baby sharp plug is useless let's go see what we have out in these chests oh my gosh thank you what are we going to get us oh is this going to be a tier 8 up it is and then this is also a tier 8 up nice might as well get full black hearts temperance watch this this is a pro strat right here you go in here you use this we can just temperance machine on top of hush like a boss i know you guys are impressed the only damage we take is our own self-inflicted damage oh wait we already got iv bag i think i was thinking of the wrong item i don't do we get oh my gosh look at that damage so seven damage with mom's knife is pretty is pretty insane but what you have to also realize is right now what we're dealing with is more than just that we are dealing with two knives so it's technically 14 damage and that's every single tick is 14 damage and we're not in a good spot but we got bandage ball here to protect us where did our little clock go did we lose him little clot you here buddy do we do we have i think yo i think we lost him rest in peace a little clot i think it's when you lose red heart health you lose him something like that i don't know how this works he's gonna be missed though if we can get conjoined think of how many knives we're gonna have it's honestly not a good thing for us to have but we could do it there we go look at that the pentagram of death right there okay we run around in a circle around him there we go everybody in that circle dies how fast are we oh my gosh this is this is how you play this game if you're if you're good you can dodge every tear he throws at you there we go okay i did get hit right there that's i'm not good also i know we have the clot somewhere i feel like it has to be in our general vicinity you know what i don't care we're gonna tank this i wish our invincibility was still here but look we're fine oh cancer makes it so whenever we take damage i forgot cancer is the one that when you take damage on for the first time on a floor what happens is or not for the first time on the floor in a room when you take damage you then get the uh the effect what am i saying what am i saying you get the you get the uh you get the uh wafer effect tada i was able to say it you guys proud of me that's that's some top-notch language skills languish english skills not language skills i mean that showed my badness with english english is hard guys if you guys don't aren't native speakers and you think that you're bad at speaking english you're not bad at speaking english i want to know that the the all the people i've talked to like every single person i've talked to who has been a um non like native english speaker has pretty much been like i don't think my english is that good and i'm like mateo uh one of our mods he's like i'm thinking my english is that good i'm like what the heck your english is better than my english half the time what are you talking about there we go that was quick quick we we only do quick here oh we almost got hit there for some damage that would have been no fun yeah let's get these guys out of here real quick what i need to do is go into rooms and make a circle as fast i can okay i guess we're not we have enough keys for that can you give me a key please i know you have them in you i know you have at least a key seriously okay that's a soul heart you're getting closer to the correct item you can give me keys right guys okay it can give me trinkets what i'm trying to get really is the crystal ball the crystal ball is like just good health up you know what crack die i forget what crack dye does wait we don't want crack die wait what wait are we is it too late for this i must find out is it too late for our for our adventures with the devil i feel like it is i would i hope it's not it'd be sick if we could venture further with the devil you know what there's going to be something good in here that's good enough i think we do get no we do not get the effect again i thought we're going to get the uh the effect once again for taurus we can only get it once per room even whenever it's a like a not a different room or like what i mean by that is is it only works even like in boston i should only work the first time that's why i didn't want to go in boss rush it wouldn't have been fun now we could re-roll but i kind of like this build because we can really quickly that's fun okay that's that's actually quite good i'm okay with not having the clot what i'm gonna do is really quickly go through this floor see if we do have an item room somehow even though we picked up the trinket too late but when we go to the next floor we will have an item room you know what we don't even get the speed down that's how fast we are we've had so many speed up pills oh yeah little stevens you guys can't do anything against me you guys are bad this is just one of the mo like it's it's not fun to get taurus usually but when you have mom's knife it makes your life so easy like look at that oh dim bulb i mean not dim bob that was stupid that's literally not the exact opposite of dim bulb bright bulb this is a good run i just want to i just want to do a a victory lap and still like have this video be an hour long and you guys are just gonna be so proud of me for finally not taking actually an hour to do a single run we're gonna do two runs i think we might go to mom i mean we kind of could have gone to mom as soon as we got tar and if we had unicorn stump i'd be very okay with going for mom i don't think that's good oh my gosh we're getting all these guys i don't know what gold clay model guy does but i don't think i want to find out i know you guys probably want to find out not i and we aren't gonna get an item room i'm pretty sure of it yeah we're not gonna get an item room but we get the free curse room which is just as good which is a free guppy item and heck yeah free guppy items all the way now real quickly we're gonna go back up through here forget me now and then we should have an item room on this floor this also means that we have more more uh like opportunities to get things such as um guppy items because i think there are more chests on this floor uh more red red chests can spawn in shield i think i feel that makes sense so i'm i'm okay with saying that that's almost accurate oh yes i don't think i usually use the sack when i get it the black powder sack but this right here is just too good that's so much damage that we output you know what hop bombs you're free bombs oh we also get a shop that's even okay the shop is the best part about this whole experience okay hand just drop down you're good thank you hurry guys we got to go fast i got to get into the curse room for free that's free blackhearts okay that's fine i love this it's just it's literally just like pac-man the video game where you're just invincible always i think that's what pac-man is about though so that's kind of stupid you know what i'm i'm glad i said it this is pac-man the video game nobody can argue that this is stupid and rigged and i hate it was that a super tender rock in that last room i don't think it was but let's go check it out nope that's not a super tinted rock my eyes have deceived me i just want to get small rock all i do is call what items i'm gonna get it's my goal in life okay we gotta get the shop fast fast fast we're at 30 minutes i promise you guys we're gonna do the world's fastest speed run to mom it's gonna be literally in out get whatever we need you know what i don't want to do mom mom's kind of risky now i think about it hey mom's really not risky we have invincibility what am i talking about that was the stupidest thing i think i've ever said that will give us blood puppy you know what i like it we use that because you know troll bombs do damage you guys might be like blood puppy could be really bad blood puppy is really bad not can be just is who decided that they're gonna make it a familiar that every once in a while without really alerting you too well just wants to murder you whoever did that wasn't thinking straight they just wanted to make a murder weapon hmm well stars card gets rid of our first item which is isaac's tomb nice very worth it thank you game i don't care about isaac's tomb anymore i was really kind of getting tired of it and this is what we're gonna do this is called a big brain play if you guys don't haven't heard of that this is what you do you go to the sack room okay you wait you wait you wait you wait you wait you wait if you ever have a sack room and you also have the hourglass on the floor and you have the money to do it to grab it you might as well because this watch this also see that we're only taking half a heart of damage that's cancer right there okay we do get this which okay so this is the unfortunate part the fact that we hourglass right then kind of messes us up a little bit but i will take bleed me dry and then let's do this again oh my gosh that's a damage up that's a big damage up okay that gets us you nice and then we do this kill the angel we get the key piece if we want it we do this we get soul hearts that's exactly what we wanted sac can kill the angel and look our life is complete and there we go now why did we take the hourglass with us you might ask even though we didn't use it if you don't get any good items what you can do oh my gosh that hurts that hurts a little bit if we would have done this correctly we could have judgment used the judgment card and rerolled just rerolled we could have rerolled the key pieces that's fine i'm gonna take the judgement card reverse judgment card gives you a re-roll so it's very very handy and let's just go i could sack like one more time and go down to dark room real quick but i think this is just just fun you know no reason to go too slow oh what am i doing right now i can go charge alabaster box up i was like who needs soul hearts not us i do need soul hearts that's one of the few things i really need i love alabaster box it's probably one of the best items added just because angel deal items are fun devil deal items are fun and something you can get even when you're going for devil deals which is fun you know what why fight the devil it's just stupid just stupid and blood oath does this to us and we might as well so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna do you and you we take you we take you and i wanna also take you so that right there is 11 damage and oh that's a lot of damage like look at that our damage is insane heck yeah i'm good with that i'm good with this damage we are going to go for a victory lap i want to get the key pieces just in case we wanted them but we had empty vessel and so we kind of wanted to get rid i kind of forgot about empty vessel but now that i remember it it's really good that we got rid of all of our health because this means that we as we have we're going to get invincibility at the end of the floors no matter what so so good so good let's go i'm having magic mush immaculate heart also we what else do we have we have sack robes we have just a lot of damage items and with the with stuff we started this this run with like this is crazy that this we've even gotten this far okay ghosts this is the one time i don't want you guys to say anything and do anything you guys just get to be dead i could have rerolled some of those devil deals i kind of realized but i really wanted to take take our good friend over here higher fan good we want to get this charged up we use it it only gives us one item and i would re-roll that but there's no need to let's go to the secret room real quick because we can get arky instead of having to use the victory lap that'd be pretty fun and that is dad's ring you don't see dad's ring that often it's kind of i don't think it's like a rare item exactly but it's just not that it's really not common it's it you get it pretty late in the game because i think it's a keeper unlock if i'm not mistaken so you just don't see it that often heck yeah i think i might fall clear and then we'll go for the world's fastest run trust me we will have world's fastest run ever you guys ready for the any percent world record it's gonna happen the percent is victory lap i wonder why that's not a speed run category fastest victory lap i guess that would kind of be dumb we don't want to take any red heart health good i want to see what's in this room over here i could okay i know i'm stupid you guys are probably like no you have the reverse judgment you could have rerolled that that item i really could have you guys are correct i could have rerolled the secret room item you know addiction's okay you just gotta get help if you get it if you're addicted that's all though i really could have rerolled that and maybe got an arkey because dad's oh man that sucks now we could force crack just kidding i'm not gonna force crash if you force crash um basically what happens is we would have started this whole floor over i mean and we could have grabbed the item that's cheating that's cheating don't force crash the only time okay that's gonna be fun for our rerun the only time it's accessible to full for force crash is when you're doing the 30 character run sponsored by bd1p and enco bd13ko it's the bd1p 30 character run sponsored by bd1 precinco that's what it is and we can go get ourselves the dub we don't need spectral tears i don't i think victory laps do take away stuff from you so i gotta be careful but yeah we're only at 37 minutes we're fine yeah let's try to kill these guys real quick get a whole a whole fallen out of here okay how did you do damage like that you guys are insane is one of you still alive what the heck you guys ready for this oh i didn't take a good drink with me i guess we saw this you guys like i'm always invincible now oh my gosh i'm glad we uh were able to make sure our friend blood puppy was not gonna kill us yep we're gonna do a victory lap we should still have everything we start the run we have mapping oh i have to actually kill everybody in the in the room let me do that okay where are you let me kill you good nice you know lodestone is really good uh we will take oh we wait are we flying right now what do we have that gives us flying on the world any item that we find in an item room we use it to try to get magic mush not magic mush what am i saying we use it to try to get our good pal r key r key could be fun it does make it it's pretty cool with uh victory laps and here we go we take you we take you take that and we go we go we go we have 20 damage just for this room not for this room we have 20 damage and slowly lose it over time confessional we don't care we don't care go go go go go go go go go go okay good i could take perfection you know what perfection might be really good okay we're gonna take more devil deals let's take this so you guys might be like why are you taking perfection it gives us the lodestone effect so having the lodestone effects pretty cool because like look at this as soon as we touch anybody they are gonna be affected by lodestone and that's just good for us okay uh this might give us conjoined i think no not yet okay let's get you get you yeah we should be fine to go for mother right now okay i was very worried about that what do you got in you nothing good sounds good let's go into the curse room i mean we get like free curse room so it's not like we need to bomb into it you know i like that more damage is all we need in this in this run is damage and luck down we take it that gets the black heart we are on top of the world right now there's not much that can bring us down other than losing which i think is pretty obvious losing usually does that to you okay i see you you're just out of reach is there a way to get like a slightly bigger knife if you got mom's knife twice they should be like make it a machete mom's machete i feel like that'd be sick okay we do get free store items with this not free store items but we get store items every once in a while okay speed down's fine because we don't actually get affected by that this gets us the queen of hearts which we don't need and we take that with us so there's a there's a solid reason why i'm taking this active item with us the reason why is because if we use it in a secret room we can get an item in the secret room buy it and win okay good we got our more speed krampus you're not the worst i guess we could reroll that it would be a waste to re-roll it though i don't want that so next floor we're so fast i want like another effect of some sort like what would be really fun to have trying to think oh i we need to get guppy we really need guppy if we can get guppy we have flying and our life is made just that much easier like right now life is easy really easy there's not much to worry about we do have more options there's a lot happening right now we kind of just win game at this point okay good we pop this in here and basically every time we get that charge we're gonna pop it in there pause is not bad either you know what we might take pause with us after using this a few times on the floor i don't know what i want to do yet we get all the buddies right now uh yeah we might as well buy whatever we can bomb this boy right here i might as well make this run a little faster just as fast i can go i probably should go i don't want you guys to be too bored because this is a pretty boring run wow that's sad just a lost devil deal okay you're good i like this this right here means that we can get a good amount of charges on this item i want to do this just real fast we are losing damage every like second we stand here which is fine it's because of the it's because of red stew retsu gives you a full eight full red heart hp like uh restores that doesn't give you any hp up but then it does give you the huge um the huge damage up for however long it's a good item to have like if you find it on the first floor during a speed run it's a good item to take i mean it's a big damage up so if you can take it that like in sacked a dark room you're you're on top of the world at that point okay we come here that's fine we have two reverse judgment cards so let's come in here reverse judgment that doesn't help us that helps us a lot so that's insane okay that's really really cool i like that i'm down with it okay death doesn't matter we can take bombs we can take money i think we still have magic mush right yeah we still have magic mush we still have mini mush yeah we have all the friends all the pals so quad chop makes it so no matter what we have five knives in front of us which just makes us much more powerful we should do that much more damage um that does give us a higher devil deal chance you know what yeah i think a higher double deal chance is okay we don't need we don't have any like luck based stuff other than lodestone i don't think lodestone was even affecting us as much as i thought it was originally okay good we prefer soul hearts we can come back for that if we really want it yeah that's good wait that's kind of weird we had more options but that thing didn't disappear interesting okay good we come in here see what it's got for us we took it more damage for not having full red heart health that also means we can't take we can't take fun stuff could i have rerolled that yeah am i going to no okay good wow there's a lot of uh tinted rocks [Music] not bad we are looking for small rock right now game please deliver small rock and there's the white fire i didn't know where it was for a sec pop you okay that's fine that's just a good i think honestly we just take blue map with us not blue map we take we just take the ite free item generator pretty much we have half price items we're solid here we go good that's good oh my gosh if we had flying for like our regular run or like a regular person oh my gosh and we got small rock we'd be so so on fire right now like look how easy our life is okay that's not what i wanted i think the game knew i didn't want that and it's like yeah we're gonna make you pick it up anyways good and there's the item room i was trying to not i was actually thinking i was going through the boss fight my brain just got so confused this isn't too shabby this is insane i want to like exhaust the uh the item or the the trinket pool if possible that's why i'm trying to pick up all the trinkets that i see or open all the trinket boxes i see okay good money is actually very valuable to us still that was a quick kill it was a very quick kill and let's make our way back can we should have the right trinket good and i think we're fine i think we're good to to move on with our run one last pop of this in the mystery room you know what why not actually gets a free charge gets us that and we can move on with our lives and be happy so we have one of the knife pieces now the only one that we have left to get is the only one that's gonna be harder for us to get it's only harder because we don't get any of our items with us when we go for the uh mines one but we still just get to clear the floor we're gonna have a lot of health i'm not concerned okay good okay good we start with that troll bomb guys we just do so much damn and there we go so this is really good because it doesn't take away any of our actual health because we only had one red heart wait do we not have guppy's eye we now have guppy's eye twice what give me the speed up oh it's a shot speed down fine speed down doesn't actually affect us you think i care game um bozo is a damage up so that's fine jeez there's so much happening on the screen right now just very fast ooh drink it smelt smelter might be really fun i often think about that that's a that's one i'm gonna have to make some strong considerations about if we took trinket smelter with us since we have guppy's eye we're gonna be able to pick up like every trinket we can possibly find that'll be very fun lots of trinkets okay battery guy you give me more batteries oh there we go okay good so this is what we want to do now that we've done this let's see if we can get another steam sale from you okay that's really good so watch this guys you guys are about to be amazed at what you're gonna witness tears down is fine who needs tears you pop that we can just buy everything we see on the ground i know we're wasting a lot of money right now if i want to just get everything we can okay that's really worth it that was six cents out of that we don't need the strength card strength card would be fun but we already have 14 damage and five knives we are more than fine okay oh there we go we buy that get a full charge buy that tower card is not good not we wanted to see let me buy this before i forget free charge free charge it's not actually a free charge that actually costs me money wait a sec so this doesn't matter now that we've done this we can pop our judgment oh wait a sec we have no money to re-roll okay spirit shackle's really good interesting we might take spirit shackle with us i love me a spirit shackle that could have been a yara okay good we can pop this a few more times it's a heart so you pop this four times in total another bomb i spent a little bit too much money that's a little stupid on my part but we're fine i guess like that's just a good a good thing that for us to have if we take it let's bomb you get some money out of you good and spirit shackles is fun but i want to re-roll until we get something i want and that is redkey now okay whoa wait a sec i kind of just realized we are now just gonna burn through this so we can just bomb here we can get all of our money that we can because we want to be able to re-roll a lot and this is what i'll do i'll spend seven here take the smelter with me smelt that you guys see where i'm going with this we buy red key come out here this is that's not a secret room what am i doing okay real quickly i'll take you guys out what let's go let's go crown of light is insane and bloody crown is really good okay so we're not leaving this floor without red key we cannot leave this floor without red key now we just want to re-roll that other room until we get the items we want which i probably should pick up the book real quick that's in there that's a no-brainer to take that this probably has more than three cents in it nope so it's an even trade who knows how much money this is gonna have in it afterwards so we there's still money on the ground can we take you really worms die good stuff and even if we do take damage i mean like we have nine lives i think we're pretty good right now okay i might use temperance in this room as well if i use temperance in this room we do take full damage this entire run and there we go every one of these items is going to get rerolled which is the best part about this so we re-roll that does give us glitch crown and that does give us that again i'm going to take great glitch crown's not worth it it makes you um it makes you uh breakfast too fast and this just okay i'm not gonna take any oh man this is just fun stuff but i don't want to ruin this pool and there we go we get death certificate i'm not going to make the mistake like i did before where i grabbed the wrong item with death certificate okay so we pick this up you know i'll touch magic mush oh and we get fun guy with that okay let's reroll again that's fun okay we can take all of these this also gives us an extra life that makes us shoot here that's actually not good i like this so now that we've done this we can't take both items with us sadly we can't take red key but we did get our use out of red key like we really got our use out of red key so there we go we're gonna go in here and find ourselves the item we want what else could make us opie i mean if we had unicorn stuff that'd be pretty fun [Music] i hate that oh my gosh this is such a crazy room to look at oh man stairway would be so fun but there's only one item i'm looking for right now you guys should all know what that is the dreaded r key it's ours oh wait we're back here that's too bad well we now have our key we can speed run the run go to mother finish it off and do everything this is gonna be a long run so we're at 50 minutes right now i think we can do this in under i think we can do this in under two hours there we go hey so we get this we can still get spun we do want to use we want to use that right dang that sucks i like kind of want it but i kind of don't want it it wouldn't immediately use our key but it would kind of be useless so yeah let's head down okay i'm not missing anything right yeah we can we're still gonna go down to mausoleum this right here it shouldn't be depth yeah this is mines i just need to make sure that we weren't going down to the wrong room heck yeah nice i like the glitch with guppy's eye oh i forgot that we do have our good pal we have our we have our good pal with us lost lost soul and he's just gonna die a lot oh ghost bombs are really good take out all the fires fires are evil okay that's one less button we have to press now and you opened it for us you shouldn't have okay go go go go go go go go go go and we don't need anything from that guy i don't think he can pay us out with anything that's worthwhile i don't know flying we have fun guy can we get the bob transformation that's that's the real flex of like a good run if you get bob transformation you know you did something right that's not something we kill sadly enough okay speed down that doesn't actually put our speed down speed down still doesn't put our speed down shot speed down we're inevitable this is this is what we've been working our entire lives for we opened this even though we don't need soul hearts we don't need any of this we've already won at any point i could argue blank rune oh yes i do want a blank rune oh we did take damage run over run ruined fun gone let me go get those soul hearts back boom are we missing red health apparently not we said yeah we wait yeah we do have full health how do we full health after okay we only donated when we're invincible i'm stupid don't answer that question don't even entertain it the full car drops everything we have which we really don't want to do that doubles our money probably could have waited a sec to use that but here we go that's damage up free bombs speed down speed health down i found pills and horf ah boom if we use the full card right now we will die so we don't use the full card actually you guys ready for this oh we don't die so this was my idea let me tell let me explain to you guys why i was wanting to die if we died what would happen is we would lose all of our all of our health onto the ground we would come back to life with one hate one hp as they say in great britain and then we would be able to go into the boss fight for freebies we're not doing that anymore i guess the game didn't want us to it's apparently cheating we have one more button to press this is rigged you know i'll go press the button instead instead of blowing that up like everybody wants me to do always guys just don't blow it up is there any point actually blowing that up instead of touching the buttons for free i think not and look at us our poor souls we could just die here what if what if i get so unlucky that i get like trapped behind some rock and we die you guys know that could happen right now right like i could somehow just get stuck in the most unfortunate thing my controller could disconnect if my controller disconnected it would pause also the seat of today is 84 b6 703 z hope you guys find that i like i like waiting to give the seed i like sometimes waiting so long that i never actually show the seed just because i only want the most loyal of people seeing the seed i i don't want these randos just to be like i'm gonna i'm gonna click until i see the seed because i just want to see the seed i don't care about i don't care about his content i want you guys to care about my content and i want i want to care i like i care about you guys i want you guys to have fun it's like it's like an easter egg hunt a really bad easter egg on and where the reward is not anything super crazy good but i feel like it's a good it's good did we get hit i don't think we got hit they call me kobe oh my gosh this is what you do this is how you be a speed runner right here okay i messed up the speed run strats okay wait i can still i can still get the speed run strats i can still get the speed run strats wait i missed the bomb i missed the bomb oh i'm okay i cannot do the speed on stats apparently so the speed run strat that i was talking about is you bomb the rock so you could cross without actually having to go to the key thing and you get a free key out of it you have to be you have to be a real baller to do that if you guys don't know i don't play basketball i'm not a baller there we go we got both knife pieces now we can head to mother and win this run and then arkey and then run it all over again you guys ready for this gideon not funny you guys all need to die quickly our our least favorite boss because we don't get our infinite health our infinitesimalness wait whoa oh we do have immaculate heart which is pretty insane we do a lot of damage like look at that i bet we can kill mom in like no time oh we got hit we lost 17 of our no okay we wait to do that one two we did that anything else of value you know what this is what i want to do i want a full clear just because there's two rooms left and if for some reason for some strange reason a chaos card were to spawn that's too bad who needs tears not us if we could get a chaos card we could get the fun secret room and i like the fun secret room don't you i hope you like the secret room just as much as i what is you what it what what is you what is you take this with us let's get out of here skedaddle here oh wow wow that's a lot of stuff yeah let's go to muzzle let's go to mausoleum i know we don't need bloody crown but that's for the r key now right there's the r key trust me yeah i think we should be fine i wish we had black candle black candle be one item that would just make my day oh free curse room and we killed our boy euthanasia i thought we already had euthanasia oh we got spun look at that our damage is just wacky okay i don't wanna i don't think i actually wanna do this i'll run in there just for the entertainment of entertaining the game do you think i might consider that okay good die quickly we want to go to the shop because we do have steam sale it'd be a waste not to go to the shop there's nothing good in these go go go go no sacking would not be the worst thing we do have a lot of extra like health everywhere we should okay we have cursed the unknown okay i give this free keys there is okay yeah there's no reason to skip the sack right now so one two i don't want this boneheart either four f five okay that takes us to the angel deal that's good that's fun okay good you're dead because we still have blood oaths that's pretty good that gives us a free angel deal item that does that let's go for the free hp real quick that does give us money which money is good too we do have deep pockets we get pretty much infinitesimal money and we just get key after key after key apparently let's go in here grab our boy make sure we don't forget the one item that we just like on this run good you know ace of spades why not i don't know what that other card was but i guess we're never going to get that must pay out must pay out insane our luck is insane we have all the red heart health we can still go for devil deals what are the chances we can go so much faster than this we haven't even reached our speed limit yet we always go for the right you know what don't mind it who was that what was that rune that's in there oh that's judas what the heck i've never seen this before a spinny with gold on the bottom that's cool you guys witness new things every day with me isn't it fun doesn't matter oh wait a sec isn't that really good for us extend extended stat time effect does that make us invincible longer maybe that seemed a little bit longer that's an insta kill right there that's insane next floor not even worried for a second let's go here open up our friend our friend's dead i don't think we ever lost those ever going to pay out for us oh good good good come on pay us pay us psps we only get a crown of light if we have full hp so that might have not been the best idea not the world's best idea why are we getting so many drops i know we have like contract from below we don't have like 27 contracts from below which is why i'm asking that question i want that man to pay out you will pay out one way or another luck down heck yeah i sure hope it does guys like that joke give me to the little devil beggar he will pay out to us you will pay out i know you guys might feel like you're stupid why are you wasting so much health cause this that's damage that's pure damage who needs tier 8 not us what did we just get from that that we what did we just get from the pack to tears right everything is pretty much free life has been made easy watch out everybody the winner of this runs coming through we are absolutely cruising along right now i'm not i sometimes i'm not talking because i just want to not make any dumb mistakes you know dumb mistakes would be kind of lame i feel like everybody could agree with that okay you guys are dead all we have is is death and damage that's all we do my middle name is or my first name is death we don't even have full like full damage right now this is only like a small fraction of how much damage we usually do see this you guys ready for this i mean look at that 43 damage that's quite that's quite pitiful look at that look at that so much speed we don't get speed downs that's what i'm talking about oh my gosh are you guys ready for this next room it's about to be insane we just take stuff doesn't matter what we want everything you know what we open these we got keys for days okay you guys okay this is the time i want you guys to be ready oh forgot that was right there how many times i'm gonna i'm gonna give it until 45 to pay out or else it blows up or else i blow it up what if it paid out right at 45 that i've been sick nice that's insane and let's go to i guess it doesn't matter which one we pick up this is just a damage up yeah we just take the damage up coming here jello would have been pretty fun we don't want either of these like both these are bad so the reason why we don't want uh fear me now is because things will run away from us when they get close and we don't want things to run away from us running away means that it takes us longer to kill them this is fun this is a really fun run i know it might not seem fun because all i'm doing is just immediately killing some why am i so far off to the side there we go we're back speed run we do damage okay well rest in peace our fallen soldier oh guys we can now see the entire map isn't that crazy is butter really good we get flight now mob of the void let's go and we get conjoined finally yes and look at this i'm off the void leviathan coming oh my gosh all we do is shoot out the most tears in the world that is our forte right now we are death anything before us will perish what are you retro vision that gives me a black heart thank you what are the chances you pay out bad what are you hey that's mom's necklace we already have the mom transformation but might as well get it again look at this he's dead there was i think there was an enemy there for a second hey that's a soul heart okay temperance we don't need that this just charges us up i want to take alges with us algiz just gives us a little bit more protection and where am i going right now the wrong directions where i'm going we have i don't know how our luck isn't even lower than it is right now that's pretty insane no crane game boo strength is also lame we've already done the double d on this floor so we don't want the strength card this is brutal and we have to sack guys it's just part of the game shot speed down no my shot speed the shots behind you and love our damage gets so high who's still here okay there we go okay this is we also want any more red heart health so this is good for us okay this could teleport us which is lame because now we take a full heart of damage again that's another damage up nice good we lose the bad hearts and we get another buddy we've gotten almost every single one of the items that you have to like bomb to get that's insane you know what money's fine money makes us stronger as a community as a whole as a as an enterprise as a conglomerate how many different words you guys want me to use all of them let me go out okay we'll we'll go faster we'll go faster i hear you guys calling out being like oh that's a shot speed down wait no that's a speed down oh no our speed is not mach 7 anymore it's just mach 6 which is pretty much as fast as mach 7 but i know mach 6 is not actually as fast as mach 7. there's a big difference between the two but i'm just saying that because compare comparatively to each other they're not they're not they're pretty crazy fast this is insane well that guy almost lasted a little bit of time and there we go we got a tier rate up we really needed that we've gone so many tier eight downs at this point we got stats to sack a dice room excuse me guys you guys are taking too long oh poor buddy uh he almost lasted some time that would've been good okay i know i should probably not be running away from these guys to get them that is a d6 room i repeat a d6 room this could be good if there was an item in here oh my gosh is that stump turns us into zazel for a room that's interesting oh a reverse card a reverse wheel of fortune is not what we want that would re-roll us and re-rolling is scary what okay apparently though i didn't want me to get whatever it was giving me that's fine i guess okay good now we're back just endangered species mode i don't know what that even means guys but i feel like that's accurate to what we're doing we're fighting for our lives at this point at any moment we could just die we are at much risk what's our range is insane you know what no i don't want that lead pencil that's really useless for us i could have rerolled it using the d6 item room but hey you get what you get you don't throw a fit am i right okay confessional you're stupid and nobody likes you i could have used it for free i guess you guys ready for the world's longest mom fight ever me too what are you like look at this we're invincible any second now we should get invincibility because we have empty vessel you know what oh i was i was going to use alges and i did use algiz that's too bad let's go to delirium you guys down for it and look at that if you guys look our achievements are back on that's the magic of our key we take that with us for more money homing bombs why not okay this is just so we can should we go for angel deals this time is that a smart idea yeah we have bombs we should we should be fine wait this just spawns money i know i could have used in that last room and gotten more money we're fine we're a-okay i could get max money if i got greed uh money equals power think about how a pi would be that's a speed up right there okay where's my pill i want that pill okay oh no pill for us okay we get this we can't get our key again this run unless we get uh if we get oh my gosh oh my gosh let's try to keep lost soul alive that's my that's my goal for this game i think it's a solid goal we don't need the super secret room we don't need gold bombs watch out little friend that's fine look at us we're tearing through you know what now yeah we'll go we'll go through all floors just for fun all floors aren't any harder since we're invincible like 25 percent of the time what are you gonna pay us out with today a free a free heart of health you shouldn't have that's fine uh i guess give us good stuff like look at this little spewer you're stupid gemini you're just as stupid but for some reason i feel a connection with little spewer something is so good about little sphere now if we can get another reroll card for uh for a secret room that'd be quite nasty quite sick we don't take damage we don't take damage here i'm gonna go for uh angel rooms this time though look at this ready stat up stat up and we got beezlebub let's go look down yeah we take that we take our gift with us and we go we roll okay our friend has died again i'm very sad that that has occurred another mom item you shouldn't have i want cricket's head that's my that's our next item we're gonna go for i barely even saw his health bar interesting pageant boy welcome to the squad you're very much needed here i know come with us one up is a super good item because i think it spawns you with like good health right most your health still intact you get out of here look at our item room oh we lost our friend again i should be more careful i could really get some good items from that he could drop us like godhead this makes us just in like invincible that's good we also like that who needs health not us reverse devil's really good reverse empress is not too crazy we take reverse devil everything we buy just gives us stats up so like there's no reason not to this gets us an instant kill on our mother that whoever she is give us thy angel deal please i can smile my parents cooking dinner i'm i'm gonna be a little bit late i feel like i did not realize how crazy of a run we were gonna get today how are you guys doing today if you guys are watching at this point of the episode go down say hey ask me how i'm doing maybe because i'm probably gonna say i'm doing fine because you know i'm gonna be doing good tomorrow i had a really good rest day today i didn't mention this the entire episode but i didn't uh the reason i wasn't i i didn't want to stream exactly today because i wanted to have an off day um so i went and uh hung out with my girl pal i'll say you know gotta keep everything a secret here let's hang out with my girl pal and we had a really good time you know we were just hanging out got lunch had fun nice let's go down whoo but we have this double guppy's eye which i feel like should give us like some fourth dimensional view inside of a chest and we can like see what secrets they behold other than what it really tells us you know dark prince's crown is pretty insane i need to get a single hp up and then we get like everything we could ever want you know what do we sack yeah we stay sacking hey money i know we can't see how much health we have but we were pretty much at full health i thought good nice good okay we sack that this game's lame there was an angel for a second there we go we got like all of our health back from that see it was worth it in the end uh guys don't worry i don't can we get death certificate this run i don't think we can actually i think we might have reset and little lost guy is dead this is op like look at this now we have both both crowns activated okay who needs to institut wait why yeah why did i try to like take the item that would insta-kill mother when literally i forgot who we were for a sec like look at us do you think we need do you think we're worrying about not insta killing mother i think what we're worrying about yeah if we don't insta kill mother that's kind of embarrassing dang okay so this is a choice i have to make i have to make the choice of whether to like to pop this present in that room or pop it in the angel deal because i do have a perthro and i can reroll stuff okay map we buy you by you can't buy you i don't think we're even getting stat ups anymore a golden troll bomb you know what we're already op so why not it's only up from here boys we want to get i don't know what we want but we'll perthro this and honestly that's not bad you guys might be saying that's not good no it's it's amazing why is that amazing because pills pills good pills get us higher damage higher damage damage make us stronger man are you are you picking up what i'm putting down nice never get arranged down again guys i don't know what i'm gonna clickbait this video with we have seen everything that we could ever want to see in this world we have both crowns we have everything we could ever really want other than this guy it's the our main pal other soul that has has knives as well as us we know this is the guy who gives us free devil deals i'm stupid rest in peace i guess we're going to take you with us we don't want free devil deals wait we get 100 chance angel oh yeah we didn't get an angel deal last time i forgot about that okay you're here good if we run through fires it does kill our little guy so we don't run through fires that's the rule oh okay wait a sec did i just take damage what infernal beasts just just scratched to god okay good you know what okay that's pretty good i think we want this instead honestly yeah we have blue map why not we literally just have full vision it would be a waste not to take that what are you oh no i didn't get the pill i just want that pill please game look how much stuff we find you know what oh my gosh we we cannot die like there there is no way it is impossible for us to right now lose this game i'm pretty sure like i know that's like ever like famous last words i don't even think that's famous last words like what what do you expect to happen to me yeah i get down to one heart of health i stand still then what you know like we win game i wish i had vision though wait where did our trinket go now i gotta go get back and get our trinket because i want the double i want the double trinket you pop this where did my trinket go no wait whoa actually where did my trinket go okay stupid bombs oh you guys aren't stupid after all is the black market no but it's another buddy hey buddy we're just on top of the world right now just you guys know we got rock bottom at the absolute worst time getting it at the end of your run is absolutely pointless unless we get like polyphemus or something like it doesn't do anything for us okay where's my trinket that i want sorry guys this is going to take a sec i'm enraged i must get trinket that i need i want this trinket if i don't leave with this trinket our life is ruined game i know that i had to drink it somewhere can you just spawn and die that's fine i wish i could just see for a second this this is the only curse that really affects me how did i lose that trinket oh hey guys ooh left hand oh we don't even need left hand that's not even left hand soul of azazel that's kind of fun i like that i just give this mega stand blast for a room i'm so lost wait is it is it in here it shouldn't be in here right oh i think i just didn't pick up the double moon card i think i'm stupid i might have done it i have not done it does it matter not really we either have it or we don't what just happened okay good good uh you know that's just free soul hearts oh i was like what where's our item there it is and we can go down to regular depths imagine if i would have gone all the way to mother and still been able to i probably could have i probably could have gone all the way to mother and still gotten boss rush with this build i was just too slow that's fine i want a pill come on game oh wait no we don't want to go up with singular health that would be not fun what what has cursed us with such such foul intentions i hate this you know what we have to go to the curse room uh i know we were literally op so i could just run through the game as fast as i could but that would be fun what are you another blood puppy cursed eye for me i don't mind that you know lucky penny that's a whole look up okay listen pal my pal i'm talking to this stupid little whatever it is who thinks he can take my take my key away from me he did effectively take it away from me if i have a lot of keys on me okay i gotta speed this run up a little bit we are at an hour 34 minutes that's fine and that's okay can we get a pill that actually does something for us we want delirium game take us to delirium take us to funny funny boss you guys ready for the speedrun tactic we go to shop we get in shop once we in shop we kill him once we kill him you know what it doesn't matter we use this we re-roll pick it up and that's a little brimstone okay how did we not lose the our little buddy until then much more mad that he lasted that long i don't even care that we lost him i wish we lost him earlier you know what that's what that's how i feel oh a reverse judgment card we love that and you're dead and we want to go for you know what we'll go for a polaroid it doesn't matter if we end early i mean we're not going to end early we're going to go the correct path and right now we just go straight for the boss fight unless we decide that we want to hop over towards the secret room these are the only creatures that can probably do damage to me just because of my stupidity sometimes okay good i might go so fast that i could run under the hand on accident look we can skip an entire room this is strategy right here okay we're gonna go back to the run sorry i'm probably gonna cut that out real quick my i had somebody come down here and say dinner was ready no okay we didn't want that okay then we take duality okay we need to lose this heart somehow oh no i could have rerolled that and got a better item so i got all flustered okay now i now i really gotta go fast oh there's a library we don't have bookworm yet somehow how's that how is that possible let's keep our okay we're gonna keep the little buddy alive this time but look at this we do great i really want angel deals but i wanna i need to get rid of this health somehow this this sucks this is a bad situation the best pill ever okay i don't think we get damage ups anymore okay book of lyle is really good yeah so this is okay this is why we take bookable aisle you guys are about to see what the the pure amazingness of item you guys are gonna see the pure amazingness of the item rock bottom and why it's good and the only reason the only way it's good you're about to witness greatness oh we lost our friend uh that is a luck down pill that we just saw we don't want the luck down pill we don't get luck down anymore we don't get damage ups anymore we don't get anything anymore barack bottom works with booker belial really well good world card okay so we come in here we use book of a lot we don't even get a damage up now oh because we don't have full red heart health that's too bad okay so we either get one of the stupid crowns or the other so we want to have the blue crown and right now the reason why you're not seeing a stat gain whenever we don't have the crown used it doesn't matter since we since we have rock bottom it doesn't matter if we have the crown in use because we already have it in use because we've had it in use in the past so i don't know why i was worrying so much geez the boss is so far away let's just get in here and like reroll some stuff come on give me give me something and give me something fancy you guys ready for this so we use this we grab you grab you use this i that was that was stupid on my part i just realized two spades might as well use that why was that stupid because we we have to have both our crowns on in order for us to actually get more damage but we can't go below 84 damage so oh wait okay let's see if we can get past our old damage cap there we go we got a little bit more damage yeah let's not go in that room we are here to fight mega stand and to win we win game fast we don't even want that i don't even know what's in there oh wait a sec that's a fun room it's a fun room that's a fun room because look how many churches there are oh it doesn't matter you know what it doesn't matter we can't get it past the charges we're at already this is stupid that's satisfying oh my gosh oh school bag that's fun we just murder things this is insane i don't even know what to say right now we are just going through this these floors and ending careers let's hope that we do get delirium though i have to go to dinner very soon they really want me to go up there okay so this gets us oh my gosh okay so we do pick up bloody lust none of those are that appealing to me neither are those split shot's pretty interesting i think it doesn't work with us but we can test it out scapular doesn't matter d100 is not fun we can use e coli we can use tooth shot and let's go let's hope i probably should have gone for isaac first but it doesn't matter and we want to take damage during this fight the more damage we take the higher the higher our damage gets i know it doesn't make it might not make complete sense but actually our damage can't get too much higher during this run i should realize that he should already be dead pretty much right like look at this this is insane okay good next phase this is a little bit slow this is a little bit slow we've gone faster before so what's crazy is this is gonna be like like about a two-hour episode but it's gonna be a two-hour episode where i play three runs i went to lamb heck yeah there we go i went to lamb i went to mother and then i went to delirium through the chest i know quite superb indeed okay speed run give me give me death i might just start bombing through through rooms you know we don't even need to pick stuff up right now what am i doing we have to actually clear some rooms can we get hurt by own brimstone guys i think we can okay emperor are these both emperor cards emperor okay reverse emperor cards do not work on this floor should have known that that makes a lot of sense oh secret room r key no r key boo there we go can you guys stop spawning i just want to get through this floor i need to stop picking stuff up i need to go go go go go go fast as i can emperor's card heck yeah we take spiders with us we roll like that okay my my put android's name here is trying to speak to me right now okay that doesn't affect us i don't think that affects us either okay can you can you come out for a sec that was crazy that was that was a quick delirium fight well guys one last thing i'm gonna do make sure we pay pay pay the the tipper pay the man who gave us the money that we have today the guy who gave us everything there's a lot of buzzing happening on the screen right now i can't really hear okay we also take the health down pill i guess can we take the health down pill that's fine poor yeah anything else you want to give us one last thing come on just pay us out good there we go double of babylon fight isaac real quick because we didn't find him before and look at us we are death incarnation and that right there is the win as you see somebody says arkey messes up the streak runs it doesn't mess up streak runs we are at win number 26 so guys thank you so much for coming to this episode i know it's kind of a crazy one we did a lot it was a really long one but i hope you guys enjoyed we got our key we went to lamb we did a victory lap we did a lot of stuff so we got really lucky on that run insane build everything just died so if you guys liked it like comment subscribe and as always guys it's been preets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 17,606
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Mom's Knife DELETES Mother AND Delirium In Same Run!, Mom's Knife, death certificate, r key, rock bottom
Id: BEYWinzXmt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 27sec (6267 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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