Who Knew Death Certificate Could Spawn There?! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #54

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what's up guys it's preets coming back to the brand new episode of binding of isaac today we're back with the ian streak going for win number 54 in a row last time we played we had a pretty good run i mean it got really spicy in the end sorry my cord was on the floor got spicy in the end we got like brimstone quad shot we had twisted pair that was pretty much the height of the excitement so hopefully hopefully today's run gets a little bit more exciting hopefully we have a little bit more just funness going on and so we're gonna do eden on hard mode and let's see what kind of start we get okay so we start with ibs and d20 which is honestly not that good of a start ibs is a item that can get you killed decently easily uh is quite the scary item because sometimes they'll do it random explosive diarrhea you'll just randomly spawn poop sometimes and so it can be it can be more of a treacherous item than a good item no matter what because it's not skill based it it's not it's a item that just randomly does its own thing sometimes and so that can be a little rough so hopefully we don't die because of it uh that would be very very upsetting but i think if we can just play safe for long enough we'll be fine i don't think we can get hit by our own fiery poops or like we can't get burnt so we'll just have to use this and we get minuses touch now midas touch with ibs might be pretty insane i'm trying to remember i think there's some sort of thing with midas's touch and poop that gets just really really good synergies and if we just stand here and actually shoot long enough we might just make a bomb and be able to get money on the machine but i don't want any of those items in there um yeah so today i woke up uh actually earlier than i usually i have been waking up but it was still like i slept for a long time i woke up at 11 today which uh i went to sleep at like i don't remember two or three last night which that's a little that's earlier for me i usually go to sleep a little later uh but i decided to wake up this morning relax a little bit start watching like a new show i watched the movies last night like before i went to bed i just been relaxing because i start school on monday and every single day has just been very very busy not like bad busy it's always been fun but it's just been hanging out with my friends before they go back to school so i wanted to make sure that i had some like a good day to rest like a good few days to rest making these last days of summer just relaxing because this next few weeks these next few weeks are going to be kind of nutty i'm going to guess with just getting used to the new schedule getting used to just driving to school going back in person for the first time we've not been in person since like a long time ago we were last in person and were sent home for kovid march of 2020. so wait 2020 or 2019 i'm trying to remember 2020 yeah march of 2020 so we've had three semesters online and so it it's been the second it's gonna be quite the adjustment for everybody um i do have the stars card so if i lose enough soul heart health i might go into the curse room to see if there's any good items i feel like cursed rooms have been pretty decent for me recently so i'm not gonna knock it before i try it and i probably should be using d20 a little bit more but honestly ibs can be pretty good it's just a little scary that randomly we could get just really really just we get explosive diarrhea in very unfortunate situations and just things will go can go bad when you get explosive diarrhea randomly and that that works for life and for the game it can just be rough and the big thing about ibs is and blue baby retain a blue baby is never stand in the gas clouds okay good if you stand on the gas clouds and you actually pull out a fire poop you'll explode and it will do a lot of damage and you don't want to explode and have a lot of damage done to you okay you know what what i feel like i should have gotten money for that so we do get that and i'm just gonna go regular floors just because i don't have a key and i might just immediately teleport to the item room yeah i'm gonna immediately go to the item room and this is a double item room i believe oh it's not a double item room well interesting uh i'm only taking dr remote for the the time being i might take it permanently if i get something such as like 9 volt but d20 is honestly not that exciting to me anymore it seems like it just there's not much you can do with it there's a lot you can do with it but i don't know it just seems that taking that with is just i don't have to think about using d20 too much it might be a dumb decision we can get really good re-rolls by using d20 but it's only it's only only items nothing else so yeah i'm just going to have to pass on it and we are just going to explode everything we can as soon as possible and heck yeah we want petrified poop and we could go for devil deal since we do have decent health but i'll just have to think about that i do want to get the shop on this floor especially because we have all the money we ever need or could need so yeah let's just get this room done this is one of my like there's there's this room and another room very similar to it that i really don't like uh the room that's similar to this one that i don't like is in uh caves or flooded caves where there's like a pyramid of rocks on the right side and the only way to shoot the two like little molly booms is you have to walk back in there to shoot them and you usually like just get hit it's very sad and heck yeah we always take keeper's sack because that means everything that we buy is a stat up everything is just super super good and look we can get a free bomb back from just doing this just kidding we can apparently i'm gonna bomb this one more time i know i need to have more money in my donation machine but i feel like this is the right play because look at that our damage is already five keeper stack is such a fun item there's no reason not to take it nice and one thing that's nice about dr dr wiimote is that you just get free bombs every once in a while and who doesn't like free bombs rude people rude people don't like free bombs heck yeah give us the money you know what if i just blow this up that was sad i thought i was gonna be able to get everything in one blow uh i will just go fully buy out the item room or the shop because i can and that just gives us a stat up and then look at that a tears up pill we should probably not use any other pills now that we know which pill is a good pill and heck yeah i think the boss is gonna be to the left we shouldn't have too much more to go on this floor yep die spiders oh explosive diarrhea welcome thank you for popping in yep here's the boss room i wanted to use the since i knew we had at least one more room left because the boss room wasn't connected to the last room i was okay with using the doctor wiimote just to get that just to have a better use out of it you guys impressed by that i know i am i did not think i was gonna be able to do that i used it a little too early and we did get supper this one i'm gonna do i'm gonna walk in here you know what not bad you know that time i said i won't take any more any more pills i lied um but now we have more health and we only got like a luck down wait or a shot i forgot what we got down range down i don't know um i will go to the next floor i do want to go to downpour just because we have good health we have just good everything and downpour is just a fun floor more item choices is a lot more fun so yeah i wanted to get that guy out of here because i usually die to those or not die i usually get hit by those guys a lot it's very scary oh my gosh this game is just giving me everything i need oh my gosh double nickel room it's too kind we have so much moolah okay i really thought that was gonna be the room the secret room uh we could get a free key okay we shoot the guy who can actually like kill us right now or do a lot of damage to us there we go and this guy can give us leeches so we don't want to deal with him okay nice and our money okay i need you to move this way okay that was worth it because we got the we got the chest out of there yep stay in the corner the hermit that means we can like save a key nice okay if we could get like trinket backpack oh my gosh double soul heart poop this is insane uh yeah i'll use hermit right now i could have saved it but heck yeah we take item or trinket smelter and we smelt everything uh what do i want i think i want more health i think i want more keys and i will take doctor remote with for the time being and that can't be the secret room i feel like the secret can be up here to the left and up i guess the i mean this room could have been back there which is what kind of confuses me okay go go go go go oh man who destroyed our poop was that me who destroyed the poop it probably was honestly let's go in here see what we can get and little little loki i know it's kind of stupid to always go for the mystery item but guys it's so much fun to take over the mystery item it's just my favorite thing to do okay more money is always good we can go buy more stuff inside the shop i do want to take trinket smelter with us i believe because string it smelter is just going to be super super fun to have but i just kind of want to get my uses out of the doctor remote since we've been using it so much uh and i do want to come in here because who okay yeah yeah yeah yeah we are we are set we are doing real real spicy like right now because since we already chose to go into the first devil deal that means that from now on we can go into devil deals and if we can get down to one heart of hp we are good to go and i'm gonna take that because we're not gonna get to one heart of hp anytime soon so let's take you let's buy you and buy you and the reason i buy everything is just because the more startups we get the better we do and we don't really need lots of the shop items um it would be kind of smart to save up our money for like really good shop items such as like membership card or diplopia or like school bag i know i said the word or like 27 times just then but there are other things that would be really really good to have i'm not going to deny that but getting stat ups right now is better than getting any item that we can get from the shop i believe even like even diplo uh status now will mean that we take less damage forever okay good lots of damage you gotta stay inside his circle gotta pressure him okay nothing else on this floor i believe give us a good drop that's fine okay and honestly i'm very excited for stinky penny because if we can get like a oh my gosh what a what a play right there that was the most insane toss ever oh no oh no this was a very unfortunate layout for this for this floor and we do so much damage so i don't really care and we did take a lot of damage but we get we got another damage up we're already at 8.26 damage which is kind of insane and i will go to mines because i'm already on this path to greatness and i want to continue it i really want like a devil deal or something next turn that means we don't want to donate money and that kind of goes with just the theme of how i run things i never donate money it's not what i do okay let's uh let's get this devil deal this floor how about it you guys are literally gonna explo explode that little poop area so i'm scared of you guys very scared nice okay good and we're getting so many of these half red heart half soul hearts i usually only get like one every like 20 20 runs i feel like i never get them oh my gosh i forgot what these guys were let's do that's too bad let's hope that we get a lot more trinkets because i really i really want to see what kind of op run we can get with a trinket build okay what's in the shoe okay i think we wait to get dream catcher because dreamcatcher is going to be quite good especially if we decide to go to like a mausoleum or something and if i actually use it correctly we can win run and that right there was an example of our farts exploding and hurting us because those guys are already on fire okay who are you guys and why you guys here what can this be we don't want another active item so you know what that works out better than anything else we are on the path for conjoined right now i mean we're always on the path for conjoined it only takes three items and we have one of three so yo listen we'll be on yo listen i've said this before yo listen is one of the best like secret room finders because it finds you both secret rooms trap doors and tinted rocks and so it just points out the obvious kind of is the best way i would use to describe yo listen and so if you didn't see something you will see it if you did some see something you'll still see it oh my gosh double troll bombs and what are you the hermit gives us what is this again the full card it pays us out uh for the items on the ground that we see so i believe yep that's pretty good 20 cents is gonna be more than enough because now we can get dream catcher i don't know why i'm full clearing right now there's not much else to get i could just go a little faster and finish the floor but i kind of see what else is here i feel like there could be yep there we go a library is insanely good [Music] okay let's try to get these guys out of here real quick good you're dead so are you oh you're not dead yet okay now you're dead host hats always the worst and we do have a key for this so we come in here we get you and we get you and i don't need either of those i feel like necronomicon's pretty good but not good enough to like take with us okay this was a required arena room because we didn't really have a choice on doing this the ghost is going to attack it i could have left the room immediately before the ghost attacked but i wanted to have a reason to do this room and our reason was it made us smiley face oh my gosh oh my gosh this game is really trying to kill me now if i didn't get rid of my fool card i would have gone to that curse room but i think we should be good and you will show us where the secret room is nice you give us money and this gives us an increased chance for the deal so i might as well do that i know that's kind of like a waste of a bomb but it's my waste of a bomb and i'll pick you up real quick because that does give us a full 15 cent boost i know kind of stupid i realize but we'll do this take pill luck up is really good that's a soul heart right here i think the soul hearts what i want and we can move on through okay we do know where the uh the super secret room is now though we called our our little guy's bluff and my little guy's bluff i mean he kind of ran towards it so we just like looked used or used our eyes no stop he's gonna he's gonna do something crazy i know it stop no i don't get hit stop please ah no no no no no angel room is what i'm yeah i was gonna say we're probably gonna get an angel room uh we take salvation i wish we had a bomb but we might as well do this this can give us oh my gosh it gave us an eternal heart and it can give us a lot of soul hearts maybe even an item room or an angel item so we just keep on popping it oh my gosh wait oh we were at exactly one heart of health that's why i did what it did and you know what this is fine we are well off and we can just move on to the next floor get ourselves that hp up and since we now have mark or pentagram we actually have a higher oh we do not have a higher chance to get a double deal actually and i s oh i skipped the item revealer thing i'm so stupid there's like there's only one thing i have to do when i promise i'm going to do it this time fails to do it as per the huge hey guys that's pretty good my little butterfly is being a little wacky right now okay he does he he caught the scent he knows where to go now oh come on come on yes please thank you game ibs maybe it's just a good item maybe because the only time i really remember having it used is whenever my friend jp was playing i was kind of watching i'm like dang i don't think i could even handle that i should be using salvation a little bit more geez okay those guys really like to lock on and rip okay let's uh let's focus on using salvation real quick make the range of it a little bit bigger and we can't get that one penny which kind of makes me sad but yeah come here salvation is going to kill everybody right now salvation's honestly just such a good item i don't see it enough wait what a super super duper tinted rock let's grab it let's get small rock real quick and just have that tear rate and damage go up look at that wait what is my cheer raise oh we lost dark prince okay yeah we really want to we really want to get those devil deals so we can get take our get some of our health taken away if we can always have dark prince's crown active that's going to be such a good thing sorry i just wanted to use salvation so bad maybe i should have just tanked damage like that nice salvation's so good hey you're acting real weird okay oh my gosh why are we getting so many just like really bad items like but really bad i mean all we're getting is active items on this run like no matter what i wouldn't have taken anything from that room like it wouldn't have been worth it and we could get a bomb upgrade maybe i'm gonna pick him out once sometimes he pays out with his he gives you a bomb upgrade for his first payout sometimes he just gives you money and that works well as well money equals power and it really equals power now oh my gosh okay and we got some more bombs can we get some more trinkets please like trinkets are so good and the trains we have right now are pretty good especially with ibs every time we like destroy a poop we have a good chance of getting some some shmula and you know what i'm gonna go full clear we're already on this this bandwagon of full clearing so might as well do it yeah i like this we found the secret room we didn't go for the first um knife piece so not another knife piece to get sorry i'm a little burpee right now i don't know what caused it oh and there we go modeling clay is gonna be super fun we're immediately gonna gulp that and give me these soul hearts game i want them we also have petrified poop everything is going really well i this would have been the most perfect floor to skip out on the item room honestly i probably should have grabbed fortune cookie because fortune cookie is better and let's go guys we are so so powerful right now getting the packed and getting dark prince's crown is kind of insane it's kind of nutty and so this might be gideon i hope it's not and it is we should have a really easy time with gideon though so we have a lot of damage is just insane any stupid little enemies are just gonna die and if anything gets too close to us it gets hurt so we want to stand up here as soon as he sucks rocks in but run away as soon as he's done sucking rocks when he sucks rocks you can't get hit from the side but he likes to immediately spit after sucking rocks he sucks rocks rock sucker okay dang our damage is just out of this world do we can we i don't think we'll ever know what modeling clay is doing so that's gonna be an interesting uh dynamic heck yeah okay so now we can guarantee ourselves only twisted pair gets us this and we also get conjoined oh we don't get conjoined yet you know that's not that's not an issue we are just so so overpowered yeah let's go to the next floor there's nothing to wait on i'm loving this run right now i skipped it again i'm so stupid it's fine oh my gosh oh my gosh okay this should be a speed up yeah good speed up i like that we are just going crazy right now i don't lose too much health but can we get some good stuff out of secret rooms it's been so long so long since i've gotten like really fun stuff out of secret rooms okay wait we can maybe get a planetarium on this last floor because we have increased uh planetarium chances with eight ball get close to me so i can expand my range thank you i took a lot of damage in that last room not proud of that and let's look for another trinket maybe yeah you're not gonna release all those guys on me and on this day ghost no we can't get the ghost to come out yeah you're gonna die the ghosts are so bad if you have low movement speed you just die to them sometimes and let's go look at uh let's go to the shop we really want to use get as many uses out of our shop as we can and what are the this our luck is so crazy right now and this means we drop drop two bombs every time we use a bomb so like our bombs are gonna be insane oh wait i should have waited i can wait wait what oh yeah it doesn't find the super secret room uh i might use that i just want to wait okay that's not what i meant to do let's bomb this real quick i know i'm using my bombs in kind of a stupid way but i think we'll be okay okay that's a lot of money and you know what okay that honestly worked out really well because it gave us more health i know maggie's bow is super super good but i think that was also good maybe do i take this i don't know i kind of want to see if i can get my luck set up a little bit and i want to donate money because we don't need money too much money i'll donate till we have like 10. you know what i'm gonna take jar flies with me i feel like that's not the worst idea and i'm gonna go over to like the arena room area and probably go in the curse room real quick so we're still only taking half hearts of damage okay please game please reward me by not taking that stupid hp up don't make it so like i'm gonna have zero hearts of health or have a million yeah i think this is fine honestly i probably will go back i'm probably gonna go take trinket smelter oh my gosh wait what what what was that why was this why was there just tech oh it was because of modeling clay that was so confusing i was like i was just so perplexed i was like why would there just randomly be that a tears up okay our tears rate is maxed out we hopefully we can get a tier delay item sweet and we do have the bombs for this so our bombs are crazy now we can go fight the mini boss we can go get our single item at back and look how fast we're gonna kill you heck yeah and lemon party is not bad okay yeah we're gonna go take we're gonna go get back uh tringet smelter because if for some reason we find some op like if we find mom's box on the next floor with like a charge beggar then maybe just maybe we can just get some dumb dumb combos and jar flies is good but i feel like it's not the best but watchers get like hive mind next floor i know we're gonna get something stupid like that so because of that we're just gonna we're gonna push through and not let this game bully us because that's all it does oh my gosh i thought that was gonna be great oh yeah but blow that up good thank you okay have i bombed no i don't need a bomb siren's head i don't know what i'm wait a sec do you always get uh forbidden lullaby whenever you bomb her head oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa oh she doesn't have a head anymore interesting so we don't take the hp up and we do want to get rid of all of our health so always donate to the the beggar first and we already got like all the pills we wanted that are good oh my gosh yes please now we have just unlimited i don't know what i'm saying unlimited potential amnesia gives us a black heart we can give that away tears down is fine because we're already above the tears rate one thing that the one thing that's really interesting about how this game works is it works on a system of okay nice bookworm it works on this system [Music] of you can overcharge your stats so every time i take a tier rate up uh a tier rate up once i'm at tier cap i actually do get that tier rate up it just doesn't affect us but that's why whenever you take enough speed up pills if you take like one speed downpill or speed down item you don't actually see a speed down it's really really good it's right there i knew that we took i think two things that gave us tier eight up so i don't have to worry too much and i want to see what we can get out of these chests maybe we'll get sent to the devil deal and i know that we have three eight hearts of health and yeah this is uh pretty much the same run as last time we'll use this just get a free black heart and i know once again i messed up i didn't look what was gonna be in the item room but i feel as if this is like the last where we can really get an item room so we'll see how this goes oh wait we can get a damage up i'm stupid we are so insane right now i feel like taking uh trinket smelter was definitely the move i mean no matter what we would have been able to have a spoon bender it's just the con it's just the idea behind it what if we didn't for some reason what if we didn't take it all the way back when i just wanted to see how much money i could get okay yep experimental pill is only going to be a speed down which i'm fine with i'm really okay with and that is the secret room right there i've said this before it seems like that's always how the secret room is set up and bbf gives us bezel bub oh my gosh okay i didn't realize i was that close to beezlebub but i think we have yo listen oh we took we took uh jar flies that's what it was people are like you should have touched jar flies you ever gotten diesel pub i didn't realize jar flies was a diesel bub item i really didn't so we get that luck stat up and we can go buy our final shop worth of items and be off to the races so we're taking everything pills oh my gosh what i do not know this is how it could work okay yeah we're gonna take everything for all the stats stat ups and we're gonna donate away the rest of our money nice and yeah we are just on top of the world at this point oh whoa okay sometimes we're gonna i think we just got almond milk for a second i think that's why we just we just started shooting hey good did i do that i don't know how i just managed to do that oh my gosh i'm shooting out random stuff too often this get this takes us to the this takes us to the ultra secret room and it gives us a bad item no stop game okay nevermind we got seraphin which not too bad i know seraphin is like getting seraphin and getting scapular is actually really good but the reason i was like it's not that good it's because we could have gone like sacred heart we could have gotten a lot of different things and we make sure to bomb you oh and that's the trap door i was like that doesn't look like a tinted rock it's not it's really not tinted rock and all we get is a stupid chest what what are you doing down there baby fly he's stuck he's sad okay having twisted pear with like not spoon bender it's a baby bender so good like just insane how strong it is it should clear every room at this point who knows what we can get and hopefully we get something crazy doesn't get so hard they can give us guppy items do we have any guppy items yet i don't think we do we have a lot of flies oh that's because we have a rotten fly yeah let's that was scary i was a little concerned just then uh we don't want to give any of our health away to that guy because we don't really have that much health nice and i will take this because we don't really want any more devil deals we already have as much health as we really could ever want so we'll come down here can we get planetariums on this floor i can't remember i'll just pop the stars card and see where this takes us and ibs is still showing us that it's not a good item ibs is just pain and suffering at this point okay we know that the super secret room is right here okay so we might get a devil deal from this but we do get a lot of pills at least heck yeah can we get a bad trip in here i think that trip might be in here speed down fine paralysis does give us a black heart uh relax oh my gosh so mice's touch is the reason why we get so much gold uh from relax mice's touch which we picked up the first item room means that whenever we spawn poop it sometimes has my touch on it i found pills doesn't do anything and the reason why i'm leaving uh seoul arts and black hearts everywhere is just in case we find like a curse room or like we take damage there's no reason to like overfill overfilling right now would just be useless this would be a really good run to go to like mom with or something so what do you hold for us anything nope how many flies we have each flight is 14 damage and this is like 14 damage raw no i don't think we have a single damage multiplier this is just a lot of damage up items and everything that we grab gives us some sort of stat up we love it if we lose dark prince's crown it's not the worst thing ever but we definitely oh you really just got my neck mr mr yo yeah darkmoon's crown is really good just gets us a much higher tier rate i don't know it's it's not like necessary for us right now it does help out a lot and wait when it wait whoa what you can get you can get placenta from just bombing random stuff that's insane okay x lacks okay luck down is the best thing to take ever and we're gonna get magic mush right here right no we didn't get placenta which is pretty strange oh no can i never get back in there no we can get into the boss fight heck yeah and you have bible we might as well touch that just because we are already pretty strong and we're seraphine so that means we have just holiness in our in our blood okay wait are we on we are on utero 2 already that's too bad but you know what i'll i'll absorb you and i am going to pick up placenta just because i think that'd be nice to have i know that like is net bad but i don't really care that much about the negatives we already have we're really op i don't want to come back spiral p p or experimental pill yeah this is all worthwhile we just do so much damage that with nine ticks a shot we just obliterate and might as well full clear while i'm here nothing is over here yo yeah yeah what was shown us but you know money is always fun that is luck up i don't think we have any luck based yeah we have nothing luck based and broke it just having more trinkets is always nice so let's go clear this last little area down here before moving on and we'll go pick up a black heart and be able to ride with that what i can do is this still have dark princess crown working that's the that's the play right there i think it's placenta is regeneration which means that we can't just constantly have a certain amount of health but we can get rid of health a lot so let's do that let's get a fly and i really want conjoined i'm like very surprised that twisted pair does not count towards conjoined i mean it kind of makes sense but okay i mean it's just a little weird you know that's all i gotta say about that yeah we can go fight the boss now we can fight mom hopefully we can get a devil deal and get rid of this last heart that we have if we do get a two-heart devil deal uh i'm okay with that but i would prefer to get just one good one-heart devil deal and if we honestly if we don't get the one heart devil deal i will be okay because now we have a health down pill can you keep circling stuff and making me think that there's actually good things around us i hate you sometimes mr yo yeah or yo listen that's what you're called uh okay okay bff you're about to like get me killed aren't you okay thank you and this is gonna be a damage up and we're gonna have leviathan as well so it's just a big damage up we will go up into the sky into the air and before anybody says that the trinket i had like would give me irons and she'll that one looks like a glowing red trinket the one that we had was the bloody one which is utero and i don't think anybody is arguing that but i just want to like make sure you want to make sure that nobody thinks thinks i'm lacking and so we do have a i found pills if we want it but i want to take this i want to take the health downfill with us just in case we get health down at any point okay yeah now we can do this i want this to pay out i really want to pay this out i think this is gonna be worthwhile yeah i think it's gonna be worthwhile if we can get an angel deal out of this or an angel item we could get like sacred heart or godhead and if we got one of those that would be so hype and this can also give us soul hearts it can give us eternal hearts and so health down gives us a damage up so i'm okay and look at that we also have some of our trinkets procking so i'm gonna go out here yeah that's fine we'll also take wishbone just because that could give us an item later on yeah come on come on just work please please okay we got a sole heart so i can i'll donate a little bit more this is actually really good come on okay i'll go see if i can find some more redheart health to donate and let's not run through that room if we don't have to right in a second nice more red health and what's in here more red help yeah we just don't take the red heart health from here and let me show you guys the little trick that we can use to uh to abuse the system a little bit so you take a half heart we have two health down pills you take a half heart into your bone heart and we take a whole heart of damage but we only take a half heart of damage when we use the uh the confessional with a half-heart on our bone heart because the game's trying to register what to do and so it kind of gets confused because the red heart that's inside of the bone heart doesn't count okay i think regeneration just affected us but the red heart that's in the bone heart doesn't really count towards our red heart health in the game's mind okay and so it just it's just a little bit of a weird little little wombo combo that we can use okay can we find the secret room i really want to get the secret room at some point nice turns out i didn't even need to be up here oh wait no the secret oh this is the super secret room that works too there's another confessional we'll come back to this confessional if we get the other one to pay out i don't like using more multiple of them at the same time just because we just want one of them to pay out okay let me make sure this good okay so we're gonna get an extra heart of health which is okay that means that the damage up once we use that part of me wants to lose or to get another eternal heart that way we can get health and just lose it now we have another health down pill inside the uh the room over over yonder so wait what are you looking at you're just flying around i see okay yo listen thinks that there's a secret room right here so i'll listen nothing too crazy we're looking for more red heart health that would be really nice to get just so that we can you know use the confessional a little bit more if that doesn't work we'll just keep pushing on oh wait what the heck we got for a room thank you modeling clay you know exactly what we'd like and sadly the half heart trick does not work in a regular heart container it only works when you're using uh bone hearts so don't get that confused and that is gonna be a tier rate up wiggle worm is fun especially with this setup oh there's a tinted rock up here ace of spades you know what i'll go to the big room up here and use ace of spades that sounds fun we did lose our bone heart not too big of a deal oh gosh okay this was not the room to use ace of spades in apparently i mean kind of it did help us a little bit but overall since it's bosses ace of spades cannot get rid of bosses kind of cringe you should have a little guy sitting over here that's rude so lucky penny it is let's go and you are a locked down we have so much luck what the heck it's kind of insane i could have taken the emperor card with so we could get sucked out of here you know what that works really well okay oh my gosh so i am gonna take contract from below because contract from below is one of the best items to have because what that can do for us is get us more chests on the last floor so i'll probably and it can get more chests now we can get more items because of this but now we can't really use the confessional anymore which not a big issue but we wish we could use the confessional if we could get that to pay out that'd be really fun nice and we're ready to go i believe now we're gonna go take stinky head the fish head item and i could explode the confessionals but i don't think that really gets you anything ever yeah we want the health down pill i think still maybe not uh one thing i one thing i'll probably do is i think i'll take the emperor card actually that way i can fight blue baby and immediately yeah i think that's a good play so i think we should be pretty quick during this fight and shouldn't we shouldn't die at least that's oh my gosh somebody said we shouldn't die but i didn't realize that it was gonna be so brutal okay yep nice you're dead oh my gosh okay we have so little health and this is where ibs is really bad on the later floors you just start to get really op and stop like looking at yourself and so it can be bad bad and you're really good the t rate down doesn't affect us too badly we take you i think that's kind of what we keep with us because unless we find another trinket we don't need anything else facing damage doesn't help us and you know what this is fine but if we can re-roll at some point that'd be cool we'll kill blue baby see if we can get the delirium portal i know that this pretty much means that the run's over unless we get the delirium portal and we do get the delirium portal okay now that means we can full clear and try to get as many items as possible and go to the secret room okay that's pretty good oh interesting that means if we have one heart we get another heart which might sound like a bad idea but i feel like it's a good idea nice okay we take satanic bible we charge it up twice we get our little item and we're just gonna hope that we get as many chests as we possibly can so this is a chest and this is a chest and so jelly beans honestly not bad i do like jelly bean i didn't realize how good it was until i saw uh desi and tony face off and what jelly bean does is makes it so enemies will just sometimes bounce off of you and you won't take damage so if you have a rough run jelly bean uh tears down i don't think that's worth it i don't think a tears down is pretty much ever worth it so i'm not gonna take that oh my gosh i'm kind of glad we lost that boneheart honestly but oh cancer gives us more soul hearts and punching bag is just punching bags so might as well we should be getting i hope we can get conjoined we shouldn't like it's not we should be getting but hopefully we can get it yep nothing here we pop this kill ya boy and what are you higher fan nice you know what i'll pop it again we'll take tears down with us just in case having full health shouldn't be too bad i probably could have taken it with me and it would have been a good plan but it also doesn't really matter oh my gosh ibs is just ruining us i can't charge up my stupid brimstone enough nice okay yeah we have so much just bombs coming out of us and it's so annoying wait is the secret room just down no it's not oh my gosh i did not realize what was really happening just then apple assad would be really cool right now it that'd be a nice trinket to have every time we touch a red heart it would give us spiders okay we are one away from the spun transformation now i think right no did we not get it i really thought we got like a no we we definitely got another syringe yeah at the beginning of the game we got another syringe that's why i was thinking okay what are you gonna give us okay key man i believe in you i really believe in you because every time that you pop out a chest it will give us an item okay uh demon beggar would be interesting we could get super bomb right now if we're lucky i don't really want super bomb okay that is just a friendly zone fly i want to see if we can get a re-roll somewhere uh what are you luck down is another damage up so we do 32 damage that's because of ev's mascara i think it's a two times damage multiplier so we just melt anything we also point at things and also melt do i want you know what we have a lot of money and we can get we have we don't really need red heart health so we'll just take everything and let these guys go at it because they can drop i think they can drop chests and items okay we have a few more rooms to go oh we got super bummed but only for a single room uh that's kind of cool super bum what are you gonna give us wait how do we actually get a keep super bomb i don't believe we do yeah that's too bad that would have been fun oh you guys are still alive i've never gotten super bummed before one day maybe and that's that's it i will take cupid's arrow uh do we have enough charges on this no i do think health gen is probably the smarter play now i don't know i think health gen is maybe a smarter play my question is if we took remote detonate bomb and we have explosive diarrhea do we control when the bombs explode i feel like that's a fair question but here we go we can now go and fight delirium and we do get a red heart of health because of the single item that we we got and hopefully we can get a health down pill for some more damage nice any blackhearts we can get just is just a free room clear pretty much and the reason why all enemies are shooting out red like tears is because of the item i picked up that's called like artery something that's the little red item in the third row of items for me it's a it's a decent item it confuses me more than it helps me usually but i'm okay with having it just because it does more damage it does cause other enemies to take damage and oh i kind of wish i would have had item smelt or trinket smelter but you know what you know what yeah i'll just take this i don't remember what stinky head does i think actually no stinky head makes it so we produce more flies when we produce flies i think so we'll take fish head i think that's how it works we produce more flies when we produce more flies thank you i don't know what was in this room you're flying really fast that was weird didn't even seem like there was anything there though okay more black hearts equal better yes give me something with all this money what you're not even going to pay out how rude okay that's really good and i do want to try to pay out this guy with bomb oh my gosh wait a sec i want to pay you out yeah we'll get it we'll get a quick devil item i think we should oh wait a sec oh we do have cancer which is really good cancer means that we only take half a heart of damage after we take damage the first time in a room so i think since we do have uh item for health regen this could be really good and we get spun which is a huge damage up a pretty decent damage up and what is this health down wait oh cause panic it's a bigger health down that's too bad okay what do we want to bomb both of these and always bomb the keeper because you don't know what you can get from him and so you could get like i mean you could get steam sale you could get a head of the keeper you get a lot of things and should i go pay off the bomb dude i feel like i should i feel like that's just right okay range down best thing we can get range down another really good thing i'm definitely not taking amnesia you can't make me game that would suck okay good bob's curse is not bad amnesia tears down i'm gonna take soul of blue baby i don't know why they don't change blue uh blue baby's name to blue baby that's what everybody calls blue baby because you can't really pronounce question marks nice got in there for free but not for free thanks for the black heart ah oh more money go at it my buddies oh nice okay so that fly thing means we produce more flies and now we have flies and flies flies on flies on flies okay i'm glad you're not delirium we're gonna take out delirium so quickly and this gives us range that we don't need amnesia would suck i already said that and hopefully we can get like uh get into this ultra secret room or something with a reverse moon card we have a lot of possible drops right now and i feel like this shouldn't be delirium yeah okay restock is interesting if we got like r key somehow that'd be really cool but i can't imagine that happening what i can't imagine happening is this paying out we don't lose anything for spending our money so i might as well do this honestly bottle of pills just means free damage ups every once in a while uh tears down doesn't actually give us a tears down because we still have that increased tier rate we just lost our tier cap right now i think jeez i start with 99 pennies which is the insane part an smb super fan means that it's all set up it's gonna take us three uses oh only took us two nice i think i will take pill bottle with us just because pills can be really good yes go crazy go ham what are you gonna give us yep give us that what are you gonna give us give us something good yeah come here come here you guys can just keep on going at it yep come over here oh lucky toe we don't need luck you gotta keep picking up the golden coin my man come on chop chop chop chop chop yup keep picking it up nice you know what i don't trust you anymore and let's go fight this dude okay cage is easier than anybody so better bomb effects so now every time that we use explosive diarrhea there's a chance that we like every bomb has a chance to like do some crazy stuff so i don't mind that one bit uh i don't think that can be delirium let's go back and fight that yeah i don't think it's gonna be delirium just because it's touching another boss fight let's see what this gets this experimental pill is a tears down which once a oh that actually did give us a tears down but i mean damage is good i might stop taking experimental treatment because i don't want to have any more of these tear downs because our tier rate is just horrendous and when did we get a health up oh smb super fan that's what it is okay nice man art shot speed is just so bad now i never wanted it to be this bad we get deathless for a sec oh yeah look at all those glitter bombs what are you gonna give us now okay please don't take away twisted pair please don't take it away twisted pair [Music] you're the best game okay we do this and what are you you're xlax we absorb that we can go back and we can also absorb book of book of or the satanic bible it's not called book of anything we should get a little bit oh my gosh what in the world okay so we void that so why are we avoiding that because now we can go use that in a second oh my gosh okay we just got death certificate that means we can our key and that's what we're going to do we're we are going to our key wait whoa whoa what is this what is this curse of the tower we want to go to the biggest room we have and use that right now we're trying to charge up our void so we can actually utilize our stuff nice you know what we want both of you and yeah we're gonna arkey we're gonna archie that's what the only option right now is this gonna be delirium up here i'm guessing it is we can immediately use the tower card if this is delirium yeah we use the tower card immediately that's pretty interesting we just bomb away maybe getting some good item having cancer especially for fights like this is really good tears down we don't want that paralysis gives us a black heart nice hey what are you doing over here are you just fighting my little dude without me how rude the lyrium is quite the rude man hey where are you mister what is this relax oh yes look at all that money i don't want to take the this single luck off is there another luck up anywhere xlax we should be fighting delirium right now i feel like he's he's just trying to kill us and he's like come on man just let me just hit you please and we're just we're just we're strategizing okay mister stop making me lose so much health okay mom's foot you got this i believe in you hey what are you gonna drop us a bomb sick oh safety pin we don't even need safety pin we already have piercing damage and now we can just do this again you even more money okay delirium stop please you're you're being immature just let me just let me get my stuff bad trip that's a free health i don't know what's happening right now there's just like the music is all weird and i don't like it and he's gonna drop us some stuff and oh a death card nice queen of hearts nice okay delirium i don't even know where you are anymore i've not even been shooting at you yeah just die real fast thank you thank you oh my gosh the bomb exploded in my hands okay there we go porf relax did we just break the game by having these two beggars i feel like we kind of did who was that lucky penny there's the lucky penny any luck upset we can get it are really good we use the lover card we're trying to look for like a reverse moon card right now and he should drop us like a bunch of health maybe yep there he goes nice and then every time he drops a health we pick up the other health okay that's another tears down our tears is pretty consistent though luck down's fine i prefer not to get a lock down oh interesting gold fork is oh my gosh bouncy oh my gosh it's so stupid okay what's this other pill amnesia we don't want amnesia okay let's bomb all of these to see if we can get like make sure that we're not missing anything oh my gosh why are you dropping so many gold things that's kind of sick okay what are all these cards empress so empress can we stack empress not that like it really matters but it's funny tears down we might as well use the tears down it seems like we're at like this hard limit of no more tears down and yeah i feel like we're at a pretty good spot right now i can't really think of anything else to do other than push push forwards [Music] we're gonna go get a few more charges imagine if we didn't have any more rooms and i didn't get to use death certificate because i used void instead i've been really sad so tears down okay my question is i guess i i can't take void with me i don't really want to take void with me um i do i just want to get our key and get out of there because i don't want to try to avoid our key that'd be very risky okay come on out i want to fight the last boss as well but getting deaths or taking okay what are you good i don't know why he was taking so long to pop up that was super weird oh we got rid of yo listen oh no yo listen is still here what am i talking about i thought he was gone for whatever reason oh x-lax doesn't do anything luck down is fine we still have a two two luck stat which is insane i guess we already have 99 bombs i'm so itchy on my nose so itchy on my nose i really want to get super bomb for realsies that'd be super cool and devil is nice there should be at least one more boss fight right nice or two there should be a few actually i feel like if this is the path we're taking nice oh my gosh stop doing damage to me game this is the game doing damage to me i swear i'm not the one doing it oh yeah it was half a heart relax heck yeah we stay right here let our coin bagger go like crazy okay dark bum can you go get that red heart and then bring me back something good oh my gosh every time we use relax we just absolutely destroy is there any luck up pennies doesn't look like it okay just pay me out real quick my man i just want to get paid out stop stop just pay me out oh okay devil's crown could be very exciting for the next run run through maybe it's not gonna be exciting who knows okay the world card helps us a little bit the moon card doesn't do anything too crazy do i want this trinket is the real question okay that's fine keep grabbing that yeah keep doing it yeah now you pay out hey you know what i'm just gonna go fight this boss you know it's not delirium so we can just destroy and honestly i'm gonna use i think i'm gonna use void on that get a final like stat up in a second and then we'll immediately be able to use go into the dark room oh my gosh nice modeling clay quite good nice nice i feel like it only takes one shot for us to kill okay yep okay now we have to run around a little bit we kind of shoot across the room right now oh yeah step step in my little my little circle on man's good okay what are you gonna give us you're gonna give us the blue fly and is there anything else not really let's go make sure that we are crossing all of our l's and dotting all of our wait across yeah crossing all of our l's that's what i wanted to say but i was like is what's the opposite dotting your eyes i was like oh it's crossing our t's and dotting our eyes okay let's grab this then we'll come down here oh wait bright bulb is also really good i feel like this is a better setup yeah let's go here okay so you guys just probably saw a cut right there the reason why there was a cut is because i went up into death list room my camera was off so i paused my game i decided to turn my camera off for a bit when i turn it back on it wasn't working tried to replug it in crashed my game i had to redo the floor real quick uh because whenever you whenever the game crash takes you back to the last save point which was for the beginning of the void floor so i redid the entire floor as you can see some of my stats are a little bit different you guys can also see the seed um but yeah i didn't like have to do a reseeded run i didn't die or anything i literally just the game crashed so this is where i am now my stats are a little bit different than the last time you guys saw just cuz i had to replay the floor and just i didn't pick up as many coins with the beggars and stuff so i didn't get all the pills but now we can go to deathless room and we can continue on with our run and one thing that's pretty good about the this area up here is that the items are all kind of in a group uh basically repentance items are with repentance items usually because you can see every single item in this room is a repentance item um this is also repentance items and we're just looking for r key no r key to be seen yet interesting okay no r key fun items but no archie oh no bombs are scary maybe i shouldn't be holding down okay no r key but alabaster box is there okay here's our key we're just going to grab our key as quickly as possible that way we can get out of this area and not like mess anything up and i will then r key so now we're back at the beginning of the game i don't know what my time was last time but i i had my video playing alongside so i would enter the rooms at the same time and all of that just that it it would maybe be like more accurate to what i did like i was just popping every pit pill i got and making sure that everything i got was as accurate as possible because i hate when the game crashes i also didn't want like you guys have to watch that because i read the entire void floor exactly how did it last time and look super bum again heck yeah but now we're immediately gonna lose him bye super bomb and i think what i'll do is i'm not gonna i would go for mother but this is a build that makes me very scared to go to mother so i'm not gonna do that and we have a lot of money so we'll just run through here pick up everything for the free stat ups and we do have restock oh we have restock nice okay is anything good here tears down doesn't actually give us the tears down shot speed down it doesn't really matter we can bomb our keeper and i think what i'll do is take pandora's box with us and definitely take mom's purse with us i know that was a lot of money i just used but it was fine we have fish head so i think this is a really good this is going to be easy we can go pretty fast i do want to use sac rooms if we do find sacrums to use but what kind of items would be fun to get on this run i feel like i want to go for angel deals this time around or do i want to one thing that's pretty sad though is i never saw the the devil crown but that means we'll just see it again on the run because i just didn't get enough trinkets to spawn i guess on the way around it was weird one big issue with uh me trying to rerun it was modeling clay modern clay was not giving me the same items and so sometimes it was like working differently and being weird and wait a sec we had euthanasia last for right didn't we start this game with euthanasia maybe i'm stupid i think i'm stupid no we didn't start the game with euthanasia um yeah we'll take mom's underwear and might as well go this way we do have we do indeed have uh dream catcher so we can look at this and see that there is a sack oh this is an xl floor okay there didn't seem to be any good items in there not that i saw but maybe we can get something good out of all of this okay there's the golden fork i forgot this guy also drops trinkets sometimes so that's what was happening i wasn't having him pick up coins so that's why we didn't have as many trinkets i guess uh we don't really care how much money pays out and our tier rate is higher whenever we have uh devil's dark princess crown active i'm just very scared that we're actually going to blow up the mirror if we try to do the mother stuff that's kind of why i really don't want to do it okay nice oh big poop nice oh i should be letting this guy pick stuff up honestly i kind of need my money myself but if he thinks he's got what i need i'll trust him our damage is pretty nutty fine high priestess you know what i'll come in here real quick high priestess you yours dead gives us the box which i guess we can use okay we already saw that trinket last run and now we can look at this i think so this gives us pills oh my gosh it's only gonna be bad pills oh okay and there's our money we wanted okay there we go pick up the money all the money you got this my man you know what this gives us soul hearts i didn't i should have popped that yet but i popped it anyways so that's how it's gonna be okay there we go there's what we wanted okay so now we have devil's crown and that's what we were waiting for just because we had it last time i plan on using it so i'm not going to go back on me saying i was playing on using it who needs planetariums when you can have devil items oh wow oh no yeah i'm definitely not going to try the mother with ibs i'm not gonna try to go to mother that way that'd be so painful nice okay uh this seems fun okay we got incubus there we go oh and this is a double okay we might as well take vince eventual spirit what the heck yes please and i'll take you and we can take both this it's just like straight up devil deals nice and we have so many soul hearts and we have glitter bombs and everything's just working out for us yeah i'm gonna take you we'll go to the shop real quick do you have restock with oh my gosh this is just an insane run okay good okay good yeah yeah we want the soul hearts as many soul hearts as we can get can you drop us anything we don't really need anything from you oh yes box of friends is super cool and also tarot cloth can be really good for us a full card will kill us if we use it right now so i'm not going to do that what's out here the sun card is what we want to take with us and that's what i'm going to stick with nice now i'm not like i'm trying to take as much money as possible because we still want money we still want to buy things i want to buy at least one or two items per item room that means we need a good amount of money nice [Music] i'm gonna go take the other devil deal item hopefully it's like a guppy item oh i have the oculate is quite fun honestly with this build so now we have all the devil deals we can ever really want and we're only gonna get more devil deals from now on so oh my gosh forgot the poop just oh my gosh i keep forgetting that like we get all of the good stuff i think this is a good setup for what we have and we get another devil deal i'm going to skip this devil see if we can get can we get an angel deal i don't think we can set the tier 8 up we'll come in here oh my gosh okay so we take both of these that'd be stupid not to relax it's just free money and we want the money no it's my money stop trying to take it from me i need it for my power please don't take it from me it's okay he can take a couple oh dim bulb i want you instead of the fly you know what that doesn't give us enough of a damage up for me to really want that much so we'll not take that up now we can go to mines it'll take us exactly it should have taken us one bomb but okay i'm using the wrong button right now i'm stupid uh i don't want to use the tears down because i don't want to go any further down okay once again let me actually look at this so maybe we'll go for planetariums okay yeah we don't need either of those we don't need any of the bean items so we're gonna go straight for oh but we already got a planetarium venus honestly venus is really really solid because venus allows us to just take more devil deals and oh no we left the devil crown on the last floor i left the wrong i don't know you know that's fine that's fine not really i'm very sad about that but it is what it is what else can we get on this run oh shielded contact works i'm not gonna pass that up dang okay we can go i guess for more planetariums i don't know how many i always don't know i need to look this up because i don't know if like if there's a max number of planetariums that you can get like i feel like you should only be able to get one but i think we can get more and okay gold penny if you beat me to the gold penny you can have it my man but if you can't beat me to the gold penny you're a sucker and what are we yeah we had an hour and four minutes yeah this is this is intense we still have cancer okay yeah we got all the money we wanted i want i want fly head because i think it does make us produce more flies okay yes please i'm glad we don't have like curse of the tower or anything oh wait what oh wishbone just procked i think interesting oh okay soul of kane that's gonna be pretty interesting solve kane means that we can uh we can get the super secret room or the ultra secret room if we if we try hard enough i don't know if there's any way for us to really do that though i'm trying to think can anything tell us where it is i don't think so diplo my good friend oh my gosh okay so we diplo this and we take the double steam sale i know that kind of sounds like a weird idea but every item we pick up is money and so that just means we get like really cheap items and that's a lock down so that's a damage up we might as well take this chaos let's go and gilded key is fine i'm gonna yeah i'm not i'm gonna take fish head and gilded key i know this is probably a stupid idea to do this stuff i'm doing but okay this can get towards guppy oh my gosh crown of light please game i want chronolight so bad if i really want to i could uh get dark prince's crown active okay let's stop firing for a sec the tears down is not what we want okay you're gonna take my money once again that's fine no stop taking my money stop it okay ace of diamonds is really good um this takes us to the super secret room how much will this get us i don't know how much damage that is but i kind of just want it uh where's this gold chest right here torn photo gives us a good teary rate up and what i'll do is where is this soul going to be for solo kane i feel like this is the best spot to use it that's fine oh man that's too bad i really wish we could have gotten that but i guess okay no that we don't need that because we have chaos now wait since we have chaos does that change what items in here it does okay so now we can get conjoined yeah oh my gosh this is so stupid um we could pay out the bomb dude that could be a good idea experimental pills a tears down you know what we can use all the tears down and then we'll use the ace of diamonds before this guy can even catch up to us okay yep just kill and kill if we had rubber cement this would be uh the best setup ever but there's some things holding us back okay that did give us a tears down actually okay paralysis gives us a black heart which we don't need right this second i will pay this guy out in full the game can't stop me yep come on pay out pay up pay out give me a oh guppy's caller let's go and relax gives us money and we need money so let me grab this myself money means we get more power now let's get another bomb upgrade from this dude nice okay you took you're taking all of our money my man that's okay i prefer not okay we don't want the tick if we can manage not taking that that'd be sick come on just pay out with a bomb upgrade my man please oh butter is interesting not really kind of okay you're gonna pay out ever i'm gonna go to 50. oh interesting that gives us a eternal heart at the beginning of every floor okay the moon we already went to the secret room i'm gonna take the moon card with us anyways though we haven't found the next secret room okay what the heck okay i'm gonna go to 40. how about that this guy sucks what is this amnesia might as well pop that doesn't really matter take the moon card with us and real quickly i'm just going to leave this floor i don't think there was anything else i needed right oh wait no no we don't crown a light we want to go get crown of light i'm stupid okay we take ouija board we take you oh give us something fun you know what i'll pick you up i'm gonna put you back down my man can't handle you okay now what are we gonna do we're gonna come this way go back into the shop buy ourselves crown of light and blood puppy is not good enough i don't think so we can take you and that's 123 damage not bad and crown flight means we have to have full health so we do want to get rid of our health when whenever possible i didn't miss anything right i don't think i did okay i don't know why i skipped that but that's okay i guess okay how fast we kill things fast enough oh my gosh okay chaos is gonna be quite insane i didn't really think about what we were gonna get ourselves into with chaos but that's gonna be and so good and since we have gilded key that means we're just gonna get more like chest and chest and chests heck yeah oh we know where the uh the item room is we might as well just go straight there nice oh my gosh judgment thank you well we can pay both these guys at the same time pay us out one of you will give us a health up one of you will give us something good right yes yes yes come on pay out i know you can i think the diplo of the steam sale was the right idea what do you guys think do you guys think that was smart i just feel like that was like top tier play and hp down is fine i like that honestly okay please just pay out my man uh stinky diaper is actually what i think we want stinky diaper okay nice blue candles not bad i don't think we need it though i feel like this is better tears down that's interesting and we want to make sure we take gilded key with us gilded key is white topped here yeah just die oh my gosh what this i don't i can't pay attention to ibs right now and that's what makes me really mad it's like i don't even want to pay attention to ibs but now it's just stuck on us if we could get like oh if we get a reverse stars card my game would be made right now that'd make me so happy okay stop shooting okay so we'll take you take you we can take more pills i don't know what you do exactly but you're fun oh marble means we can swallow everything nice okay so this is what we're gonna do first of all we bomb this i wanna take proptosis let's take proptosis and luck down is fine wait what are you what is that that's super good yeah we take that we're gonna take that when we can if we can get enough money and scatter bomb sounds really scary so we get demon baby turret nice which king's really not that nice but it's something to have maybe actually scatter bombs would have been kind of insane scatter bombs does make it so you can get more more stuff out of your what am i trying to say more out of your wallet no what i'm trying to say is you can get more glitter bombs nice this seems pretty good i feel like we can kill some things right now and we can just go into this fight yeah you're gonna die horn feller horny feller okay i can't i want to pick you up nice our tier rates actually at a considerably decent spot i want to stop shooting for a sec that'd be nice okay we have magician world card is pretty good i'll save that for next floor however and can we get enough money to get one more thing okay what oh don't steal my money please okay justice should give us some health and now we have our big boy damage heck yeah we want to try to get back to one heart of health um or one one container of health i should say of redheart health cause then we just start going crazy nice okay i don't really wanna i don't wanna be bombing too much i feel like i already am kind of am i bombing i mean bombing my machine too much that seems like overkill and tears down we don't want that yeah let's come down here go back to the shop for a sec and check it out okay i think i really don't need that but i kind of okay yeah we'll save our money for now oh but if we bomb ourselves we can use gulp that's what i was thinking about and that's what that was the big thing i was thinking about so now we can take you and we can take you and we can have all of the different items okay this is really good actually where's the other trinket there's two other trinkets up here so i can just bomb myself okay we should wait till we can gulp hopefully we can gulp soon enough nice oh we took nancy bombs i forgot about that oh wait okay we go three goals we built i don't need to bomb myself anymore okay good i could go take more bombs down there so we'll come up here take you and yeah we can get out of the mines real quick sweet yeah let's take bombs i wish we could get like mama mega hopefully i mean we might be able to get something kind of crazy out of the shop uh or the item room just since because we have chaos and so now we can go into mausoleum and we'll wait to see what items we're gonna get in the item room because this should show us the correct items oh wait no it doesn't since we have chaos i guess weird oh my gosh okay okay uh modeling clay is not good for us right this second that was very scary wait what what i've done all my health wait did we get rerolled wait okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what just what happened how did we get re-rolled it did modeling clay do this to us bro that sucks that really sucks oh my gosh and we don't have any range this is awful this is like really really bad oh no we have cracked orb at least but oh my gosh yeah we're gonna die this is so bad this is so bad the only thing that can like help us are our spiders bro i can't even help but damage myself this is the stupidest thing ever what i'm so mad because i don't even know like how we got re-rolled i don't know what we have at least we have flying but we must have gotten like missing no or something but this just sucks this is stupid okay you know what we at least take sigil and that's gonna be a lot better than anything else i'll also use you as much as possible you guys just look stupid you guys are just followers oh my gosh okay at least we like kill everything almost instantly and we don't have do we stop chaos i don't think we do we somehow okay we had missing no somehow i don't know what how we got missing no i'm so just completely lost everything just gets killed around us so i'll just let that be okay how do i get to the shop what i don't even know okay soul of kane is actually insane right now okay that's really good so we just pop this now at least we can go back in there i'm just letting my flies take everything out okay why is that guy sideways what's happening oh my gosh this game is literally is literally just started to like rebel against us this is so stupid like i don't feel safe shooting you know what broken m80 is pretty insane but i'm not going to take that we want to take you go to the shop we don't even have restock anymore i'm guessing oh but we have memory card that's decent yeah nobody take nobody take my stuff please perthro is pretty good i'll take perthro just so we can maybe reroll what's down here wafer is going to be completely like highest value item ever and you know what i'll just i'll per throw real quick i know that's a stup that might have been a stupid play but i would need schedule with me health up is really good tears up is also really good okay range up is what we needed really badly so now we can leave here and try to move forward with our life the game's just trying to completely just corrupt everything wait where's is what the heck where's our item oh oh i'm stupid oh no we also have curse of the tower that's what i didn't even realize at least we don't have ibs anymore but jeez okay so our bombs are actually bouncing off of each other right now which is a huge issue i think we have mom's eye or something i don't know some something's causing us to have some issues nice yeah sigil is actually just gonna save us right now okay sun card i'm just gonna use you to get full health and we can come here we'll pop this oh my gosh at least we have all the keys we need now or that we could ever want really so i should have said okay he begger drops chest oh my gosh give us some crazy items or something like that no crazy items but temperature machine do we have oh i think we have phd yeah i think we have phd so this is good nice okay hp up always fun oh yes please we don't want any more active items and we want to make sure we take sigil with us our life has gone a little bit downhill but that's fine i'm gonna take the middle item just because i didn't need any of that i could be going for other things right now but this works yeah we're gonna get out of this floor oh my gosh flies are all that we're gonna be using right this second i don't trust anything else what's in this chest anything good oh sun card's just as good as the world card so take that pretty fly could be really helpful i guess we don't need to be taking everything uh i will do this okay i need to stop shooting i need to stop shooting for a sec okay stop shooting please okay can we stop shooting please okay so now we come in here um what the heck i don't think i want any of this oh wait we can still get we can get d or angel deals now so we got missing no which is so stupid i don't understand like why that's exactly a possibility and okay we lose all of our red health at the beginning of floors i was wondering why we were like getting so much damage but we do have keepers wait we have keepers ken wait what's happening what's happening why what the heck was i still shooting i don't think i was okay let me get all of this okay that didn't help the hermit would almost kill us but tears up hp down okay fools card i even know what to be doing right now i don't even feel safe shooting this is stupid and we don't have money equals power anymore do we no no we do sell money equals power doesn't matter we get so much money right now i cannot be bothered your technology as well which is weird i don't even know just go attack those guys thank you game yep no i hate having to swap back to a certain a certain trinket just takes too long okay also i should just be popping this as much as i can because there's no there's literally no reason not to i guess we also have nine volt somewhere up down back in there oh okay that's exciting embrace chaos okay we also have the dice shard i'd very much like to just eat everything and be able to like re-roll okay we do have okay yeah yeah this is good this is really good we come in here we might okay we take bff because that's really good we also take blue map because i want to find secret rooms if possible we come down here the body's quite good we don't want to get too much red heart health because we lose it all to beginning with floor um you know what i'm gonna re-roll okay i can't see what this is game oh blind rage is kind of insane wait what the heck welcome to our other trinket did i drop it or do we not get more trinkets like what's happening right now game do i have marbles what the heck i i don't want to i don't want to take uh the the eden thing any further just because uh we don't want to like change the item pool of some of our other like our angel deals for example okay what are you higher fan that's actually super good uh that's decent what are you gonna give us okay let's do this i just wanna take lodestone get out of there a higher fan doesn't help us that much actually this how has this turned into like the most stressful game ever of isaac like i hate this so much oh my gosh when things just don't go right makes me sad okay hp up we want to be careful with our hp ups school bag is insanely good wait is there a active item somewhere on this floor that i didn't take no i don't think there is i don't really care about you guys you know what that's pretty good we do have mom's key right now so that means chests are really really good for us where are you pheromones oh a quarter that works okay oh okay sold madeline's not what i wanted to pick up we have no use for that yeah i'm just going to keep popping charges because i can okay how do we do we keep re-rolling or what's happening exactly right now because i we did have two trinkets for a sec i don't even know anymore i don't even want to try to think about it i've not even shot a tear in a second i can't shooting tears are just going to get me killed i know it with temesis it's not the worst honestly but we only have three health at the beginning of the next floor which can be quite scary what in the world what am i missing nice okay so we i mean we do have keepers kin so i could just start shooting bombs like crazy that just gives us a lot of spiders okay we already went down this way did i go all the way down i thought i did i did okay why does it seem like everything's just like constantly re-rolling am i like losing my mind right now i swear i am okay what are you temperance oh no that's no fun okay let's go get all of our health back we have a lot of health on the floor i could i'm gonna trade you bombs give me another bomb upgrade my man give me health as well i'm so scared can we get another re-roll like a dice room or something i hate this oh dad's coin means a luck up nice this is taking too much time there's so much screen garbage right now yeah let's get out of here get our health oh it's probably this way what am i stupid i feel like i am i hate whenever i don't have a map makes me sad okay no map oh did i stop going this way what okay so yeah we did drop that how did we drop you what's happening i i just don't understand we're not like actually getting re-rolled but it seems like we keep getting rerolled okay here we are back with the boys back on track tier 8 up that sounds like a disaster for me honestly there's the boss fight angel deal please yeah let's just shoot in a circle and hope that we don't die okay we get a devil deal actually um i'm gonna take you we're coming here let's do duality and honestly we'll also take gimpy i could have rerolled that but we'll go to the next floor we lose all of our red heart health because we have blood oath and we also have full mapping so that's cool oh so we also have item rooms on this floor i think cuz okay so this is so what's happening right now i was trying to so the reason why so many bombs were getting shot in that single area was because we loot we get curse of the tower for every single one of those items you know what i might as well take metronome like what's the worst that metronome can do to us right now i feel like nothing there's not much that i can do that can like really mess us up you know what that it's not the best but it's fine okay that gives us health i might as well use you let me uh go into the bus or this little room we do have tech x for this room nice i wish we could keep it what the heck on the world that's a weird room a real weird floor i can almost like not take damage i can but almost can't keyword almost okay yep we take you we hop over in here blackhearted up and we got out safely because we killed the spiders in time nice and now we know that uh oh wait a sec we know if i play this right we'll be real well off i don't know what i'm even saying okay we have double curse rooms as well this is interesting okay we have invincibility oh interesting do we want to take magic skin i don't think we do this is where i die shard i believe okay yes thank you black candle means no more curse of the tower which is beautiful uh the skull is interesting i would love to get something such as uh pyro if we had pyro we would just win the game at the same time i'm horrified right now of what's happening like if we somehow use like suicide king even like that won't even be the worst like i would very much not want that to happen like we just need something okay we take swarm that should give us more protection i thought we already had that i guess we don't have diesel bub right now and i could just keep popping this i might keep popping this until we get a reroll we gotta health up for a sec i don't know how long that's gonna last you know i really don't care about any of this nice sigil was our savior for this run we would probably be dead if we have sigil but we did somehow suck up gilded key i don't know what's really happening but it's happening nonetheless yeah just keep dropping those those pesky chests no chests okay nice good there's our angel deal not the angel deal we wanted but i guess the angel deal we deserve oh my gosh wait a sec i guess that takes us down to shiel i don't know but we took the polaroids we go this way oh my gosh okay we take damage wait why is there still that going on i thought this wasn't supposed to happen ah okay you're dead there's so many troll bombs everywhere there's still gonna be troll bombs in this room but at least i can get my health um yeah we'll go straight down maybe just maybe we'll get the stuff we need to uh get into that ultra secret room but we can also get into the mega stand fight which i believe would be quite easy oh okay wait we just he's like what did we just use oh my gosh we're at full red heart health this is awful okay we want to take perthro with us okay why are we at so much why are we so much red heart health i hate this this is horrifying what if we accidentally use or somehow use death list with metronome that'd be sick is that possible i guess it is technically possible oh nice a chest oh my gosh a chest we have so many things on us i don't know how to process any of this okay we just have to fight like we're the last monkey on the the trail to nose arc i don't know what the saying is okay now we have a per throw so we can at least re-roll on this next floor this is something uh this is intense oh my gosh okay one sec i gotta get out of that room oh no no i didn't mean to use that i didn't mean to use that stop game okay uh bloody lust is not bad but i want this health please stop don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me so why do we keep having we keep have having bombs everywhere i don't understand that qriket's head is really good bob's curse is fine you know what i'll take all of this because why not i'm just gonna push our way through the floor we're gonna get gilded key for like every single room or get a chest for almost every single room it seems like almost is the key the key word i was using nice we just wreck and that's the that's the scary thing is we just wreck a little too much okay magic skin i guess since we used you once it's going to pop up again we don't want to use that again we are going to end the end the game at the end of this floor but oh my gosh like this is pretty hero like horrific yeah we lost all of our bone hearts uh is this conjoined i don't even know we have so much stuff around us oh bursting sack every time we take damage that means we like produce some spiders i don't know how we don't have like every transformation in the game right now but i guess we don't what the heck what kind of baby is that that's that's insanely good okay oh baby bursting attack means that spiders don't attack us oh this is uh crash game central right here wait a sec i want to kill you guys so i can go back to the ultra secret room there's a super secret room oh yep we are definitely going to either crash the game or just win very fast and the my goal is to win the game very fast so now what we do we come in here we pop this and we win no void portal no nothing no mega stan i don't care we had to get out of that that right there is the win 54 wins in a row that was awful that was one of my probably least favorite runs ever i don't know why modeling clay would get us missing no but that's what happened it happens so we worked with it we won with it it just kind of made the game not fun but anyways that was a super crazy weird run that we just had so thanks for watching guys and if you guys liked it please like comment and subscribe let me go over to my face so you guys can see it my hair's a little crazy yeah like comment and subscribe join the discord if you haven't and have a nice day guys as always it's peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 10,879
Rating: 4.8797812 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Who Knew Death Certificate Could Spawn There?!, brimstone, death certificate, twisted pair, eve's mascara
Id: yudqTsdn0P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 58sec (6538 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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