Luckiest Eden Streak EVER!? - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #22

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what's up guys it's prietz coming back to you with a brand new binding of isaac video and today we are back to the eden street going for win number 22. that's 22 days that's a lot of days it has gone by really fast but it's been really fun and i just want to kind of get in to this run yeah i just want to check we are on 22. made sure i had to check can't be too safe about it yesterday's run not the craziest nothing really really like too big happened but that will happen every once in a while there's gonna be some runs that aren't as crazy as the others but let's hope this run is a little wacky let's see if we can get some fun stuff eventual spirit is gonna be pretty insane and metronome could be quite interesting now my question is if metronome can activate like every item in the game does that mean that metronome could activate stuff like i don't know rock bottom for a second could it activate stuff like tm trainer and if we were to do that how long would it affect you i'm guessing it would only be for that room that you're in i don't know how this works but we do have a pill that's a range down and our stats are horrid absolutely awful these i think are our worst stats yet that is so average base or base tier rate is 2.73 base damage is 3.5 we are pretty much one whole point of both tier rate and damage below our below base so as you can see we're gonna struggle but every time we do take some damage ventral spirit will create a wisp that stays with us for the rest of the floor so we should be pretty fine but as we saw yesterday the beginning of the run was was brutal if we get into one bad room and like we take some bad damage it's possible to die really fast but that's why we stay safe we do smart things and metronome can be really risky uh that's another thing you have to consider is i think they made metronome better but it can be quite risky sometimes so you got to be real careful real safe about it i'm trying to say do i want that chest right there i know i want this tinted rock that's like a no-brainer right there good that does give us a free key you know what since it did give us a free key i think that's our sign that we need to blow up right here and go into the chest thank you game oh my gosh let's go that's awesome we are going to take some damage just to grab this and that's insane okay guys well this run just became crazy um we're gonna go try find the super duper awesome secret room and are these bomb guys here move move move move okay these are bomb guys okay can i chase you away from here can i can i offer you uh a different place to go yep yep yep now go up mm-hmm i like that you're great you're you're doing just fine you're doing just fine yeah yeah yeah right there right there right there thank you he was such a nice guy he was kind of helpful imagine we need more people like that in our society people like want to help out and let's see what our first item room is because i mean look at this we already have vengeful spirit and red key which i'll be honest i don't know how good vengeful spirit is i don't know i think it has i don't know what the damage is but it helps us a lot because we take less i mean every time we take damage we get more powerful and oof oof that kind of sucks so why does that suck because i don't know it's a fun item i really like having yuck hard because having that many flies is cool but yuck hard there's no reason no reason to get rid of red key and we're kind of gonna hope that inside the shop there there may hopefully be some sort of um hopefully there's gonna be some sort of battery item if we had any sort of battery item that could help out help us out a lot uh in the long run because if we can get like nine volt that'd be super good car battery wouldn't be any good um there's a cut like there's not really too many battery items i would really want right now if i'm being straight up but all super secret rooms have to be at least two places away and there we go we found our suit first super or ultra secret room um so that's gonna be a free angel deal item and we're most likely gonna go for angel deals this run i think that is free passage into the shop which we already had free passage into the shop i guess so oh okay that is just too bad so why is that too bad because i don't think we're gonna be able to charge this all the way up that really blows that makes me quite sad is there any way that we can leave this floor with both the answer is probably gonna be no i mean we'd have to get two batteries in order to leave this floor with both of those or with with red key and get a use out of eden's soul even if we did this floor perfectly it's not big enough there's like not really a world that exists where we would have enough like enough charges to do this unless we started with habit or somehow we found habit in the shop or we got habits i don't know there's really no possible way that we could have charged that up which is way too bad but i mean this is this is what you have to consider if we take eden soul with us we get two items in the future if we take red key with us we have the opportunity to every floor get an angel item now which one sounds better to you there's only one answer here it's it's it's red key red key is the only smart thing for us to do here and i'm going i could open that door right there i could also find the ultra seek or not the ultra secret room the super secret room and yeah there's nothing we can really do about this we've already explored all of our options so what i will do is pop this right here hope that there's anything inside there and there's not and we got our i mean we got our money back from that but that's too bad that's way too bad i would have loved to be able to pop that i mean even if we opened all the doors with red key and somehow got that as fast as we possibly could i don't think we would have had enough charges i mean this could have something decent like let me do this i'm gonna pop a bomb get this money we have 14 cents and let's try something if this is 48 hour energy that's the only way the only way we can do this 48 hour energy oh my god what that's insane that's insane that's insane what i i don't even i don't even know what to say about that we just got sacred heart out of that and we should there's no reason there's no way that we should have had been able to get in the soul charged and so the fact that that was a 48 hour energy this might seem fake i hope nobody thinks this is fake because that was we just won the run like that's insane you guys ready for a speed run just kidding we're gonna we're oh my god i i am absolutely absolutely dumbfounded by what just happened it makes no sense to me how we got that lucky like we don't even have guaranteed good pills and let's just go in here i mean let's push this to our push this to the limits you know what oh oh my gosh okay how many good items can we get in like the first like few floors we already got guppy's collar okay we don't want d20 so that's okay that's okay that we don't have that i'm gonna use the sun card because i want to get out of here with my health guys i don't even know i really don't even know like the chances of that pill being that pill that it was very low like the way that pills work is you you don't you're not guaranteed i mean you don't have every single pill every single game you only have a select few of the pills so if you ever like have a game and you're like okay i only have like i'm only seeing the same six pills that's because those are all the pills that are in in your current seed and oh my gosh i want to use it right here this is what i'm feeling the best about but honestly it has to be two away so it can't be right there never mind that's a really bad room to do it in that's fine you know what i'm feeling just fantastic that means we're gonna find more soul hearts than regular hearts which is good we like soul hearts only bad part right now is we're not getting we're not getting much much out of this floor i do want to try to bomb for that bomb yeah this is a very low enemy floor for some reason and i need to go find where this ultra secret room could be it could be okay it can't be off this room and it can't be off this room and it can't be off this room i don't think it's gonna be outside the sack room you know what i just had a feeling that i was gonna be here oh my god so we got sacred orb and we already have seraphin if we pick both those up with one pickup i don't even know what i'm doing right now i don't i feel like i'm just on binding of isaac crack right now like every everything i do in the game is just the right thing to do like look at this vengeful spirit full force like we're not super super strong right now but like our damage is 10. that's pretty high damage that's like insanely high damage i mean we have we have okay we have sacred heart we're really really strong it's just we don't have anything other than sacred heart we do have some damage up we do have guppy's collar but now that we have sacred orb it's gg i mean we are going to get only really good items from here on out so i'm excited to see what this run can offer and so honestly i think i'm going to go i'm going to go alternate path okay we picked this up tier rate tier rate up is good we do like tier 8 up and there's not really a reason is there a reason not to go oh my gosh i think that's worth it right that's worth it completely amazing okay so we're gonna go alternate path and see what we can get here because if we see double the items and we have two items that we can choose from that means we just have better chances to get good items and look at this 20 damage oh my gosh okay this is unfortunate i would really wanna okay that's good that's good oh my gosh okay we're just gonna find every single one of these super secret rooms right off the bat so the way that super secret rooms work i've not exactly explained it right now is they have to be at least two rooms away from any of the main rooms so like it can't be right here it can't be in this room but it could be connected to any room that's one away so this is one away and this is two away so it can be diagonally one away but it has to be up and out up and through like it has to be two spots away and that's really good so this right here makes it so we can take both angel and devil deals we already have um duality and let's just use this and go straight to the item room wait what we just got robbed i don't know what that just happened and honestly why not if we can pay this guy out and get a free devil deal and get vengeful spirit to like pop up like look at that that's six ventral spirits and then potato peeler of course mom's wig so good if you have high damage spiders do two times the damage of your tears that means each one of our spiders depending on when we get it it's gonna do crazy crazy damage and never pick up that trinket it causes the suicide king challenge um okay i thought my i was gonna accidentally blow it up with my my sprites so it causes uh the suicide king challenges shots the epic my reflection shots to come out i think it's every like five seconds something like that and weird is good to like roll through this floor i don't think i'm going to go to mother because we did go to mother kind of recently but i want to go through these floors just for extra stuff and this is a really weird door to open oh this is a dead end nothing's a dead end in my mind right now i'm just thinking i'm just thinking like ooh what could be here what could be there if we could get like a re-roll of some sort that'd be pretty solid i'm gonna just i mean there's no reason not to open these doors up because it could be angel deals could be angel deals could be devil deals could be item rooms could be shops there is so many possibilities of what a red key room can be um it can literally be i think any room that's in the game we could also get into an i am error room if we want to get more items that always is an option oh okay found soul is pretty insane i like this we do drop two bombs as well and we got two bombs out of it for one bomb this is insane this is just a really really solid run yeah we're just gonna go through the alternate floors just so we have more options and i'm gonna take this because having two per uh uh we do have two what am i saying i'm gonna take that because having two trinkets is always better that's all i was trying to say i don't know why i can't think right now my mind is just okay that's fine my mind's just confused on what's happening yeah that's fine let's go to the boss we could get a second boss item i don't really want to i don't think that's as fun and found soul is just gonna shoot out our shots so it gives us like free double tears and our tier rate up is going to be huge so like look at that we are just a force to be reckoned with and let's just go to the next floor oh man i thought that was gonna since if you place bombs down at the exact same time it won't open up that door the bombs have to be one after it one after the other and there's a there was a battery inside of that um inside the shop that i could have used but i didn't find i didn't think there was any reason to do that oh this is weird that's super strange and let's see if there's any red rooms off of here yeah i wanted to test that out or just do that so that we could get rid of that charge faster but i will go fight the boss just so we have the highest percent chance of getting an angel or devil deal not that we're going to lose red heart health any anytime soon but just so we have like my soul or found soul in here and all that oh and this is gonna be an xl floor that's too bad that's real bad so that just means that we have less chances to less chances to obtain sorry i'm just trying to like make sure that we have everything we need keep your friends close i don't think that really matters that doesn't matter we can only get one angel deal on this floor and we can't get an angel deal two floors in a row because if this is pretty much two floors and you can only have one double deal that's the reason why it's not good and are you wizard that's fine i'm cool with that oh that room's going to give us a double charge so that's what we're going to do we are going to open this up and then play this room that way we can oh that's too bad that way we can uh play that and get some get some junk out of this i want to be able to get every every single charge that we can on this floor give us the highest possibility that's really good give us the highest possibility of finding the ultra secret room see it's not going to be here which is fine but we do get gold bombs which could be very helpful strength gives us one extra heart for a second huge growth makes us much much bigger and gives us a big damage up and so if we were to find rock bottom on this run we would be set for life like we would be in such a crazy crazy spot we are going to get a lot of charges okay there we go oh my gosh and so we do get the soul which the soul is gonna be insane i know i'm okay i know i'm still going really slow for like how i'm oh my gosh i'm going slow for this in one go as well i'm going slow like really slow right now that's because i'm just trying to like i'm just trying to play the game i don't know this is insane i should probably pay that guy out and stopwatch isn't the best but i want stopwatch part of me wants it if part of me wants it part of me gets it okay cool we can blow this guy up for better chances of angel deals or devil deals i think we should be able to get both we should still get duality to give us both and honestly i don't know i feel like devil deals the devil deal is the way to go for this i mean there's no reason there's not a reason to go anywhere other than angel deals or devil deals because we have a lot of health we already have sacred heart the only way that this could get like any better quote unquote is if we were to get oh hey there if we were to get like godhead i know that we could get like revelations there's a lot of really good items that we could get but i'm just trying to think from the perspective perspective of sh is there anything that like that we could get that's better and if we if there is it's probably from the devil deal that's all i'm thinking sorry that i can't i'm not thinking straight i'm not like talking that well my mind is just blown let's see what this little sack gives us for the rest of the floor we can just use our red key on any single every wall and just get more items more pickups more charges that's what's cool about the red key is you use it on a use it on a wall you get extra room and you immediately get an extra charge for your item so it's really good and i guess i i could be playing a lot faster right now i might pick it up because we're already almost at 20 minutes we do we if we go to mausoleum we do have 25 minutes to 25 minutes to get to boss rush so i mean if we get all the way through mausoleum we could get boss rush still which honestly i could do that i could start playing a lot faster since we already found our ultra secret can we get two ultra secret rooms and honestly you know what let's take montezumi's revenge because it is gonna have homing it's gonna be pretty crazy just pretty crazy looking that is okay i think we can get another ultra secret room right i don't know i don't think we can get older i don't know i'm trying to i don't know how double double floors work i think there's always only one and we could also sack if we really really wanted to because why not what's what's what's the worst that can happen we get a good item i don't think being low on health is going to be much of an issue this run well by our little soul he will be missed i mean i could probably clear these floors and in time to get boss rush okay this gives us chaos card please please give us gideon i would love gideon i've never been able to chaos card gideon before game you know what you have to do oh and that gives us two soul hearts so honestly i might i'm probably gonna sack a few soul hearts why not i like the little glowing eyes that's probably one of the coolest little features they added we just get extra rooms extra rooms are extra charges so honestly it's a good trinket for us to have and we do have okay humbling bun or humbling bundle humbling grundle i don't remember what it's called i don't think it's humbling grundle i think i just called that and people are like that's stupid and i would agree with that honestly that doesn't even make sense and that is gonna be a bone heart so wrench might not have been the best thing to get but it doesn't really matter and that is an hp up you know i don't need an hp up we don't need the bone heart there's a lot of stuff we don't need i'll go sack we're not gonna make boss rush but we could make hush hush would be pretty easy i'm gonna sack a couple times and by a couple times i mean a few times we're gonna we're gonna sack there's no reason not to because he gets more eventual spirits we've already gone over the whole spiel of why this is a good idea okay and we are going to take yeah we are going to take the candle and the reason why we want to take the candle and what's really cool about this is we can still get a devil dealers floor that's really cool the reason we're taking the candle is because the candle is very good why is it very good because it's an increased tier rate and our tier rate's the only thing that we can't get in crate and insane tier rate for i don't know what i'm saying anymore just die just die angel okay we have both key pieces we sack we get soul hearts and we are filled up and ready to go i'll go to this last room real quick take these guys out go back to the item room or this room get the soul heart and yeah 22 minutes i know it's a lot it's really long to only be on floor five i mean this is floor four technically but it is it is a double floor so it would take us a little bit longer no matter how we look at it we've gotten crazy stuff i mean our items are top notch and there we go can we that's insane we we have just got like the craziest of crazy runs that could be pretty insane honestly we don't need doors in between that means our wisps are gonna have faster fire rate and our little ghost is and this is gonna be oh my gosh i've never seen this before that's so cool and yeah we're gonna take host hat if we can get like ipac or something that'd be cool oh we get both oh my gosh we got the mother transformation guys this run is just wacky absolutely wacky so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come back here and oh my gosh we have a a lot of soul heart health and we do have the red key use again so if you guys didn't know you can use the red key off of rooms like this this is how i'm gonna okay this i'm gonna do i was gonna sack so i could maybe gulp because i would love to go up if you gulp with a found soul i'm pretty sure it um it makes it so he stays with you and he can't die and maybe it won't work like that i don't know let's go get some health i know my runs are always super long and it kind of is lame but this is gonna be good you guys are gonna like it and we do have i'm gonna take the reverse devil card with us instead of huge growth because the reverse devil card activates the bible ability and so that means that we can get an insta kill on mom even though we're already gonna have insane damage it's gonna be a little bit faster and we could we could still technically if we got a double floor and like went directly to the boss fight we could pretty much get to the boss rush but we're not going to and we're probably not going to make this hush probably not going to make it to anything we're probably just going to be boring that's how it is sometimes so there is assault there's red heart right here i just want to make sure i'm trying to gulp right now i want my i want to get gulp so i can take more trinkets with us because there's a lot of fun shrinkage on this floor like fly having better flies is going to be good what i will do i know you guys are gonna be like wow you're really pushing it to its limits by like risking your health okay i'm i'm glad i did not i had already done the angel at that point okay let's go in here real quick pay out our boy isaac we can also pay this guy out i could go for d4 and re-roll but everybody get mad at that i guess okay good we gulped that's all i wanted uh this makes us find more red hearts which is fine i don't know if that's what we want to take with us but there we go we got the health up i wanted let's just try to fill up uh red key that way we have unlock as many uses as we possibly can for the next floor and then we'll head out okay that fills us up probably should have just used the red key real quick but i want to do this as real quick i don't want to do it okay one more time just fill me up with the rest of the way please okay good um and i think i'm gonna take stinky bait stinky bait is a pretty good trinket and if we i don't think we are going to get i don't think we are going to get anything from fishtail or i don't think we're going to get guppy or anything but while we're here we might as well try to get magic mush and we do have 48 energy as well that's insane yeah let's just get out of here let's skedaddle find the last trinket we want to take with us and we should be good to rock and roll okay get away from me weirdo i kinda wanna pay this out this could this should be close to paying us out right and this could gulp as well so there we go pays out we get our increased speed uh i think we want to take safety scissors and this should be good we can head out go to the next floor and please don't be a curse the xl it's not which is good so let's just see how long this run takes us if i were to go as fast as i could it would be a very short run i mean like as soon as we got sacred heart it should have been like a just a one and done just finished the run as quickly as i could that's just lame you know why do that oh okay wait is that a is that the actual sack room oh and there we go we already found this the ultra secret room oh and it's not gonna be an angel deal this time apparently that's fine it's kind of sad but it's fine and is that a tinted rock i don't think it is yeah it's not it kind of looked like one am i going to sack on this floor most likely i love sacking sacking is one of the most fun things to do in this game which gives you more possibilities to do any everything and everything you want oh we have so much damage and we could get some pretty crazy stuff right here okay nice we did get a weird tier rate down i don't know where we took damage exactly but yeah why not you know we already have like really good pills i don't i think so if we were to get teleported i don't think we would i don't know what we would get if we teleported inside of the inside of the sack room i don't know well we'll find out i just want to get see what items on this floor see if we can get more crazy stuff because this run is just next level with what items we're getting and why not take those pills what am i doing it's a little okay x-lax is the one pill there's a couple pills it's one of the pills that doesn't actually give you a blackheart or a damage up when you use it with a false phd and false phd will be really good for us i know we don't need more damage exactly like what we're lacking is is tier rate and so we don't want to get any tier rate down so it's going to make sure that we don't get t rate downs it's going to let us know what the bad pills are and it makes it just easier so we don't take bad pills we only take the bad pills we want to take any sort of luck down stats gonna be really good there's a lot of good stuff oh there are people on this floor i was like why are the doors closed that's strange a speed down's fine that's gonna give us five damage that's awesome because we have we have two tier multipliers we have the i think it's a two times uh either one point five or two times damage multiplier from our boy sorry uh from our our our cool man mr cricket's head or from sacred heart sorry i'm just fumbling my words today i'm just really thinking i'm like trying to figure out everything i can possibly do and there we go we found the item room we're doing really good and we don't want jar of everything so yeah dry baby you are fine i like you you can stay you're invited to my birthday party if i were to have one right now look at oh what the heck why does this not give us like a crazy damage up or not damage up yeah yeah damage up from uh ventricle veins oh my gosh i just want my tier rate back please pills no pills we do have all the bombs and all the everything we could ever want no more buttons and we can fill up red key again for free pretty much and this should be the secret room right here one thing that's really cool about having red key is it pretty much tells you where the secret rooms are so if you ever go to like a wall so let's go find the secret room i'll show you how easy this is if you go to a wall well a secret room can't spawn here so it's not gonna be there um if since there's not a red door right here and if you come here there's also not gonna be a red door on this wall the reason why is not because it's blocked it's because that's where the secret room is you can't have a red room where the secret room is and so that's gonna be the secret room maybe not actually i'm stupid don't take my word for it okay this isn't gonna be the secret room this is this is like the logic you wanna use and this could be the secret room sorry let me check it okay this can't be the secret room this place up here can't be the secret room i need i need to do this i need to prove that i'm not stupid range down i think that's worth it who needs range when you got insane damage okay i need to find the secret room so i don't look like a complete uh doofus anyways i will open this red room real real quack and yes i said quack on purpose okay i'm gonna find the secret room so okay secret couldn't be there secret room could not be above this room the secret room is probably okay that's fine can't be there oh my gosh this is such a weird floor for secret rooms okay one more place i want to look so right here there's a red room so that means there can't be a secret room right here there technically could be a secret room and there's yeah this is probably gonna be a secret room why because there's no red door that's all i wanted to say that's everything i i've said my i've said my five cents and we do get a free soul heart potato peelers okay i never picked it up i guess that's pr probably my fault should have picked it up but we shouldn't see it again right we have 100 chance of devil dealer angel deal and so i think we should even though we got teleported be able to get the angel deal now even though we already took the devil deal i don't know i want to see how this works it's cool wait what did i just block with host hat oh and com contacts insane wow okay so duality is not functioning completely so yeah that'll be fine i do want to go sack a few times i want to see where it takes us because i really want i really just like sacking i think sacking's the way to go i know i'm losing blackhearts i know it's not the smartest idea i could have done it earlier but now that i've sacked a couple times let me go to the trinkets supermagnet's not good hey what's up here oh yeah baby bender's gonna be really good for us and let's go down to this trinket i'm so stupid for running into some of these spikes i might as well take this i mean hookworm just gets us a range up and actually i don't want hookworm hookworms really i think you guys all kind of were like what the heck does it did he really just say um he's gonna take hookworm no i'm not that would be that'd be weird okay that you okay that just takes us to the devil deal you know what do we really need more health no and that gets us holy shot oh my gosh also i promise i'm not a maniac the reason i'm doing this is because we could get a bunch of soul hearts or we could get a bunch of money and it doesn't matter i'll go donate this money to charity aka my donation machine and we'll all live happily ever after capisce capisce i just want angel deals i think we keep having it messed up because we're getting we're getting the devil or angel deal before we even go there like we before we even go to the boss fight excuse me ma i know i could have had more red heart health i don't really want that much red heart health red heart health kind of sucks i don't like red heart health only detracts from what we're doing that's fine let's go to the next floor also it doesn't matter we're gonna get a free kill at the boss so we're gonna go through through this floor kind of fast we do want our lux out to be a little higher that'd be pretty nice but is that going to happen probably not probably if anything our lux that's only going to get lower from here because i don't really intend on skipping luck down pills luck down pills are literally just free damage ups it doesn't like luck down won't affect us too too much for a run ah yeah give me that okay that scared me it stuck around a little too long i don't want to look like a fool by losing my devil or angel deal chance by doing that okay watch out no matter what's gonna scare me no matter what it will always scare me when that thing goes off i don't want to be anywhere near it and let's go over here what the heck this might be the super secret room i don't know if that's true yeah see i could tell it's a super secret room because there wasn't any red door right there and there would be a red door right there if if there was a if there wasn't a super secret room and there we go we got some red heart protection let's go move throughout the rest of the floor hoping that we find that ultra secret room as well and maybe getting into that boss fight that'd be fun secret room give us the secret room next to the boss fight so we get a free boss fight also wait what that was just the secret room that was even the super the super secret room i'm flabbergasted what the heck i don't know how that's possible like what's connected to this what side oh it's right here i guess um i guess there's also a room right here yeah so i'm gonna open this you guys might wonder why i decided to go with the rooms instead of away from the rooms is this because going two away is not the smartest idea if i were to go two rooms away the sea room is always going to be two rooms away so this is one two rooms so there's no reason to go any other way because if i were to go this way it it would either give us one at this ultra secret there there but i didn't think i was smart what the heck oh come on it keeps on doing this to us um i am going to take holy mantle and just get out of here i'm so confused by the layout of this floor i want somebody to explain this to me i i really thought that was going to be the the secret the super secret room my brain just feels like numb at this point i don't know what's happening with my head but i can't think straight i think my brain literally got fried by me getting sacred heart it's just too crazy like what are the chances i'm still trying to process that in my head okay watch out your fools there's always gonna be a button right there just for you guys to know we're gonna get an item no but we will get a eternal heart which a little bit more red heart health won't hurt and can we somehow open that fleshy door with our butt knife we'll find out right now and luck down okay i have to take it that's a damage up free damage up oh and a sacrifice room okay that's fine that's a damage up that's an hp and a damage up that's 10 damage up 37 damage that's bonkers yeah watch out oh my gosh i almost got hit and yes please of course i'm gonna take that one less charge for our red key why not let's see what you are ace of spades if i do this if i drop this here come in here and use the ace of speeds it doesn't work okay that's what i thought was going to happen i just want to test it test i also wanted a test did it i'm gonna sack a little bit i don't remember you can leave the i don't think you can leave this next fight what is that supposed to happen no we hate eternal hearts eternal hearts suck who needs more health not us we're too good for that and there we get revelations this is why you always sack people this is why you always sack look at this if we get brimstone we literally have all the charge item that charge items you can get in this game and there we go all the money i know i didn't actually donate last time kind of forgot about that so let's go donate now you guys will be happy to see that i'll finally donate and we have super high damage revelations that's insane please let us donate all 90 coins survey says it's gonna jam yep of course that's what always happens it seems like and so because of that i'm going to take this artery it's also pretty oh what the heck our tier rate is six a lot of damage i could i don't know this is just fun i i like this run too much i like going slow on the runs i i have fun with because it makes my life more fun you guys ready for this instant win the 40-minute mom win and there we go we got the angel deal uh i do want the damage up you know damage up is exciting we already did that so can i somehow stab this with my butt knife is that possible is there any way for me to get inside of here let's try all of our tools on this nope nothing's gonna work i'm pretty sure that mom's knife doesn't even work on that somebody said it did work in the very beginning but i'm pretty sure they're just lying people are just talking out of their butts we don't like that and do we have i thought we had like three dollar bill for some reason oh he he might pay out something fun and oh my gosh that was crazy oh my gosh okay how are we finding these rooms so easy there we go we got scapular which basically means we've got lots of soul hearts look we can donate i'm not going to donate that much health that's kind of stupid to donate a lot of health right now we do want to be safe there is a chance that we could die who knows who knows what could happen crazier things can happen and have happened and look at that we get double revelations that's crazy we just charge up go into a room this is the real railgun right here you guys watch my video yesterday that i uploaded the short edited video of the bethenny run i said i was a real gun in that video no that was a lie that was nowhere near a rail gun this this is a rail gun oh my gosh why do we have such weird tear effects oh my gosh blood pencil what did i pick up oh it's it's 404 that's what's happening i forgot i don't even remember us picking that up but this should be the super secret room yep and there we go and honestly why not let's go see what's out here oh a bed that's a full health speed down is damaged up health dam down his damage up oh no uh tears down we don't want that x-lax is lame speed down who needs speed like look at that how much damage we do 38 damage we're kind of just busted i don't know if odd like odd mush is what's also making us have so much health but i like this what if i just hit this one too many times and just died would you guys hate me forever i would hate me forever if i did that let's grab that go grab this health because i just like these long runs they make they make me happy like look at this am i gonna win this run yeah there's no doubt in my mind that i win this run is there a possibility i could lose i mean yeah look free soul heart wait what why no free soul heart this is rigged okay this is where we gotta be careful i thought we were gonna get a free soul heart but no not today i walk slowly through these rooms what if i just died that would be so terrible i feel like you guys would never let that go ever i could skip this mom fight not that there's not really any reason to do it other than getting like an angel deal i'll take the tier down just in case i really really feel like i need to pop it and spoiler alert i don't think i'll ever have a reason to pop it i feel like that'd be ridiculous to ever give myself a tear down on this build go against the flow that's what i have to tell you never do things because other people want you to do it that's called being a follower and this might be the secret room right here i don't think it is actually no that it was blocked from above guys i know stuff i just make mistakes sometimes this could be the secret this could be the secret room no i can't apparently i'm lying once again i don't even need to find the next red room angel deal you know what i'll take you buddy you can come with me i like you you're my special friend wait what is that oh my gosh pluto oh my gosh how a seven tier rate what in the world that doesn't even make sense how do we have a seven tier rate i didn't did i didn't know that pluto was i never knew that pluto was a size down what the heck i mean i knew it was a size down that's stupid of course i knew it was a slide down this does give us a free black heart heck yeah look at that oh my gosh this is wild we're really just put pushing this game to its extremes this might be one of the best runs i've ever had just stats wise like the stats on this are crazy if i had higher like shot speed it'd be a lot better because higher shot speed just means that we'd have like more of a more a better time with actually shooting people our steers are a little slow if you guys haven't seen i knew it was probably it wasn't going to be in here but sometimes the the super c ultra seat room can be in really weird spots and i just like making sure that i test out every possibility and let's see if there's a trap door anywhere no trap door there at least oh an arena room that just means extra charges okay you die oh wait did i unlock this secret room wait what oh no this is a this is just an extra secret room nice range down we already had a low range but why not oh okay we have we have such big okay our tier rate's so high because of pascal's scandal our pascal candle pass pascal's camp pascal candle i don't know what's what it is try to touch us that's the new game we're playing can enemies at least get close to us look at that should i probably stop taking these these range down interior or shot speed downs no i'm never going to i'm not going to do i should i stop not even like look at this why would we stop okay let's not pick that up let's clear this next room that way we have extra charges on our red key that's gonna be using our noggin look how bad our range is that's so pathetic that's such bad range also i probably should have come to this room to check this is a bad room let's go back up here pick up the key and then test out right here who knows where this actual this uh this super duper secret room is oh you're still alive this gets us no more keys for the run and our damage is 42 right now not sure why you know what you get paid why not everybody gets paid today everybody gets a fun life we're gonna see how crazy we can get look more hp we need all this hp so we can take all these devil deals we're about to get that's why i wanted to come this way it's gonna be a devil deal extravaganza this is just so crazy people are gonna see this and just wonder why i had such bad shot speed just know everybody this was this was on purpose okay everybody get real close everybody get in tight there we go freeze actually duct tape's bad i do not want duct tape that's really bad for our lost soul um i am going to use this right here wow we're really not finding it today apparently oh my gosh don't mind if i do we are so full up on everything thank you thank you i think it's it's uh before a fortune it's giving us all this random damage sometimes nevermind that that's just us killing we're absolute monsters right now could it be here i mean it could be off of this room is it going to be most likely not and let's just get ventral spirit in here no what the heck why why you over there another hp up and this can give us double double rooms um i don't think i want that ah yeah we don't want that right yeah we don't want that okay we're finding all these extra secrets right now have we found the actual okay we did find the actual secret room so that's good okay pop up wow didn't think you were actually gonna pop up i was i was hoping you were joking oh adoption papers how sick would you be would you guys be mad if i did a victory lap and look at that that might be the worst range i've ever had in this game book of virtues okay so we pick up this we use it pick up this use it pick up this we use it and finally we get go back to red key and holy cow what is this what is this run what are we doing right now how did this happen and this is gonna be the secret or the super secret room what it's not that's crazy that's that's not the super secret room we must just be at the edge of the 13. yeah i guess we're at the edge of the 13. by 13 i mean the 13 tiles um if you didn't know every uh every floor is on a 13 by 13 tile and so if we were to right now use red keem go all the way to the right at some point once we reach the edge of the 13 by 13 tile we'd get an air room that's why you get air room with this this item and there's a lock up you know what we don't mind that no way no way i take that no way in the world i would ever consider that wait what did we just get this unlocked for us for free we did that's what that's the beauty of book of virtues is that you just randomly unlock room sometime why who knows there's no rhyme or reason to it one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi love it i'm the best and we have 53 damage let's see how long he last oh you're still alive my range is just bad that's what's happening right now oh i forgot i have revelations as well i keep forgetting i have revelations i should have i have all the range in the world that's why i was saying it doesn't matter if we have good range no i'm not going to delirium right now that'd be too easy um but i will go i think i know where this ultra secret room is yeah if you look if you it to the right is uh the 13 by 13 tile uh it's it's the border of the 13 by 13. so if i had to guess actually i don't know i don't know where this could be i'm guessing it's either to the bottom oh well yep there it is as i say it's either to the bottom or the top of this room over to the left there we go just another angel deal item okay well i open that door up will we be able to get into that room yeah we can get into that room let's just find a boss real quick do we get boss item no boring and we gotta take a merchandising contract we don't we might lose there's a i saw the possibility that we could lose and yeah i'm i'm not taking that the game can't make me we want all of our items and i have to go to lamb because we could get brimstone if we don't get brimstone we're going to lose trust me we can still go to delirium we have both keys but i kind of want to do a victory lap we already had an hour let's go for another let's go for another one okay i could i could actually speed run for once okay that's bum buddy these are all kind of crappy you know what we take all of them i thought it was going to get conjoined for a sec could we get guppy okay i don't think we could good we just run through this game as fast as we can using all of our red keys this is just wild i've never seen such a crazy run ever like this is actually just a wild run we take this we re-roll we take that boss fight done we open this room we get a free other room this is insane okay mom's contact you need to stop i'm trying to actually get kills here you're slowing us down i mean i already slow our roll down a lot i'm pretty slow at this game but look that's insane you know what nice we already found the ultra secret room oh oh my gosh another damage up plus a tier rate up 123 damage and we have genesis i can't take genesis i don't think i can do it that hurts me actually i mean it would give us pretty insane items but i mean we really already have pretty insane items you know what i'll pick it up i'll consider it we have a book of virtues and we have red key this is too much to think about i just want to win game we already got like insane stuff so i can't complain too much okay this might be the secret room it is the secret room and no r key very lame and what's in here oh another boss fight thank you and what's this get us rules card a dark market lies under your feet is there dark okay is that actually true is there gonna be a dark market or a black market dark market hey i don't even want to deal with that that's too much give us more items we don't have enough items yet give us more damage as well while you're at a game super secret room nice and we did get the reverse sun card which i forgot what that does shot speed down nice x-lags okay i'm gonna use this grab the sun card it's just free boss fights maybe items question mark no items boo let me pick that up i forgot what the reverse sun card does but i'll use it so who knows what it can give us i mean you guys probably know you guys are probably like don't use it or use it yeah yeah get out of my way oh we have safety scissors we are literally just chugging along what do you have for us oh you're gonna open this door up for us okay open the store up faster please we don't have time for the shenanigans game bro okay why can't we get more chests than this i know we do a lot of damage our range is really bad i should be using revelations i really should the revelations is just not my favorite you know it's just boring i like these really short range mega tiers that's what's fun about polyphemus i know that made our tear rate go down a lot but i mean our damage is just wacky wacky wacky damage the only thing i could think about that'd be really crazy is getting like dead eye also okay we're not the edge of the 13 by 13 yet i kind of want to get a i kind of want to get a uh i'm i am error room and then use the sun card because i don't remember what the sun card does maybe take genesis do you guys want me to genesis real quick would you guys enjoy that i mean i already had the craziest run ever this just it would just be bonus bonus fodder for this for the click bait it's not even click bait okay um okay is there no extra area game we get a yacht card that's gonna be some high damage flies we already have a bunch of flies where'd they come from i know they came from uh the heartbringers i just like clearing the floor it's too much fun i want to see what this takes us to though hey good okay i thought i unlocked that okay i guess we have to unlock another room real quick before we can go in there because we got a planetarium we've seen pretty much every funky room we can possibly see like what else is there for us to get on this run other than just using genesis real quick and seeing what what crazy build we can get because we we're gonna get a lot of crazy items and there we go it finally opened up that door let's go fight one more boss and then we can get out of here i know you guys are probably tired and wait you're like please free it's just ended i can't i know these runs are almost insufferable but they're they're my insufferable runs that i love look at that we would have had less items if we didn't take these can you guys believe we had two less items on this run it could have completely thrown everything out of balance okay maybe not everything out of balance i think we're pretty good right now oh i need to go back to my journey to the to the edge of the map real fast let's go charge this up and then for realsies this time we'll get out of here okay good why do i feel like these okay why do these red rooms seem to have higher chances of spawning chests like look at that what's this gonna do interesting interesting who needs who needs rock bottom you know who really needs rock bottom not us you guys are probably this is all over the place i don't know what i'm gonna put in the thumbnail i think i'm just gonna put cricket's head it's probably gonna be cricket's head sacred heart and i then that's all i really need and probably red key that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do red key sacred heart and qriket's head and that's gonna be our super duper clickbait and i'm pretty sure this is the end of the road for our red key experience i mean look at this we're just pretty much opening every single red room for free right now we can just clear the entire map look at that free what does this give us emperor card emperor card let's check what this gives us nothing we can't even get an i am error room so we're going to use genesis only after we see what happens when we use the sun card i don't know what that just did did it open up something no i feel like it's supposed to open like a trap door or something i think that's what it does let's go use genesis let's let's blow this popsicle stand i think it's gonna take us to delirium if i'm not mistaken i just wanna see how many crazy runs we can get i don't know if it's gonna keep our tear down effects by by red key okay so we start with interesting stuff okay oh that's also gonna have items in it belly button space that's fun nice okay for some reason we just start with trash items um we always take that wafers fun quince is fun immaculate hearts of damage multiplier xlc was my favorite this is sulfuric acid tears this could be really cool honestly we take this yeah we're probably not going to take that but i think we go with stairway trish trisha gone the pact i think we take this okay it replaces our item that's too bad um we take mini mush take bob we take squeezy for health stapler for damage heart lock it's pretty insane i'm gonna say heart lock it we always take sister maggie if we have yeah conjoined isn't awesome to keep her sack i don't okay i don't want to get i mean i wanted to take moving box but this is fine we take death's touch nice uh we take this for guppy take this because we love frozen baby celtic heart spoon bender um luck up is probably pretty good backpacks good this is really fun might as well go for more cards see what we can get from this magic orb is going to make us have better items oh my gosh let's go um this is a big damage up we take this so we can re-roll we re-roll lacquer faji oh my gosh this is insane oh my gosh why am i taking damage i know you guys probably want me to take one of these other items but i can't i mean you probably want me to take chocolate milk i feel like chocolate milk is not safe here we take worm friend we of course take book of virtues um dead eyes pretty sick we already have homing so we take mama mega we take oh my i think we're gonna crash the game yeah we're definitely gonna crash the game um that's jupiter this is mer you're curious this is fun i know i always say spirit swords really good but i'm not gonna take that now this is an hp up of course we take godhead tech hex is going to ruin the build so we take an hp up we take this this is uranus that's neptunis this is a damage up chaos is awesome this gives us spun um we already pretty much kill ourselves every time we touch anything this isn't all stats up oh yeah all stats up is pretty good we already pretty we have piercing shots already this lets us have flying and yeah that crashes our game that that just crashes our game and hopefully we didn't just lose the streak the game is just not responding anymore let me uh figure this out let's try alt-tabbing oh no guys are we still recording hello okay well that crashed the game we're not recording anymore let's go back to my face for a second let's okay hopefully this didn't ruin the streak imagine if this is how we lost the streak the game crashed it shouldn't we should be able to continue we should be fine okay let's transition back okay good we can continue okay you know what this is for the better this is for the better let's just let's just go let's get it let's get out of this floor you know let's just finish the run this is probably for the best this is not cheating this i had i had no say in in the events that just happened that next run would have been wacky i don't even know what to say i don't even know what just happened that would that was insane if we were to pick up those items again i feel like that would just ruin the game i could see how bad of a build i could make but jeez look how much damage we do i guess we okay we didn't get polyphemus sadly i mean you guys already knew we would have got polyphemus so it's still going to be in the video i'm not going to cut any of this because i want you guys to think that anything weird happened so it's all going to be one seamless thing as per usual okay let's see how much damage this does okay that was not a full shot is he how's he not even he has a lot of boss armor a lot of boss armor there you go if we just get really close to him we should be fine yeah he's gonna die any second now you think we're gonna we're gonna get void oh no void you guys are probably sad that we're not going to the end of the run but yeah guys that is gonna be the run that's gonna be our 22nd win in a row i'm glad that didn't lose us our streak somehow by crashing the entire game that would have been awful that would have been actually the worst and i would have hated that that was run number 22 i have not had tears that have crashed a game that fast before we had cricket's body tris try saggian we had all of those just insanely insanely good items but that is just gonna be the run if you guys liked please like comment and subscribe it really helps me out and as always guys it's impreets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 29,744
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, streak, Luckiest Eden Streak EVER!?, sacred heart, cricket's head, revelations, red key
Id: WTvnpYFsiX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 41sec (4361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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