Best ACTUAL Synergy! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #96

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what's up guys it's preeth coming back to you with a brand new binding of isaac video today we are back with the intrigue going for win number 96 in a row and before i start if you guys did not see the post and were wondering where yesterday's episode went what happened was i whenever i use this controller uh the way it's set up is it doesn't integrate like an xbox controller exactly so you have to kind of manually set up the key bindings and so steam does that by itself it does it through steam big picture whatever it's called but for some reason it decides that whenever you hit a button on the controller it will work anywhere on the computer so what happened was is because i i had gone over and like got my my stream labs ready i had actually started recording on stream labs and so whenever i went to start recording i actually stopped recording and when i went to stop recording actually started recording so you'll actually see a clip that i uploaded that shows me right before i think i start recording and me right after i realize that i didn't really end the recording i just started a new one so let's get into today's run have some fun with it and yesterday's run was really bad it was uh it was just a very lame run and you might be wondering why i'm over here i had to go check how many how many wins we had i always forget so yeah it was just it was just a very boring run and you know what starting with a nice speed up starting with chocolate milk this is all exciting things right here i like this we also have d1 which d1 is pretty interesting i probably should have d1 the pill that would have been very smart to do but i didn't think about that but chocolate milk is okay chocolate milk is really good we don't have that much health so i need to not actually take that much damage right now uh but we have pretty bad stats right now below average tier 8 and much below average damage so we're going to be wanting to get a damage up but since we have chocolate milk we actually do a lot more damage if we do charge shots so we should be fine okay we need bomb so next time we see a bomb i'll probably d1 that d1 duplicates a random pickup on the floor so it can be any bomb key coin anything like that so it can be very useful uh especially oh my gosh i almost died this is an xl floor this is no bueno i don't like any of this that was those molly booms are kind of carnivorous i didn't like that okay anyways we'll be fine i'm not too concerned right now we can if we need to we can go into pure machine gun mode to get make sure nothing gets too close to us oh this is actually a little risky i should get some health soon though so as long as we can keep these spiders at bay i'm not too concerned i need to need to get these guys out slowly but surely making sure that i'm not taking any bad hits because any hit right now will kill us okay i'm trying to focus real real hard right now okay let's go here yep thank you and thank you can we can this please be a lover's card geez okay i'm just going to blow these up because they're actually scaring me right now and what do i want to do here i'm just very concerned about my health so i'll charge up before coming in here oh gosh okay fires can have health in it so i'll make sure we can maybe get that i know you might be wondering why i didn't use d1 i'm just i'm just focused right now very focused was there a bomb in here no there's not a bomb in that room okay dang this game is really not trying to let me have fun right now it decides to stress me out from the get-go that molly boom room i don't understand why molly booms i really think that molly boom should not be able to spawn on the first floors okay um please just uh okay there we go now we don't i i was gonna say i should have d1 that uh we have the temperance machine we have the magician card i'm gonna take temperance with us and that way if we get a bomb i can d1 the temperance or deal with the bomb probably but we can d1 the temperance at some point and we really really want to get a bomb really bad and this right here is what i would consider one of the worst floor setups you can get on the early floors it only spawns on basement and so now we are in a bad spot i should be fine where do i want to go where do i want to go oh gosh okay we gotta pick pick off spiders as they come at us you know what i don't like this i don't like this one bit okay kill the big spiders kill the big spiders oh okay go go go go go we'll be fine it's just about being slow and patient you know what i should probably destroy poop to try to get health yes i'll do okay this is not cool of these spiders right now okay we got into a good spot let's just get some health please actually i feel like i should be closer to flies than the the spiders i can much easier much more easily dodged the spiders or the flies than the spiders sorry my brain is going into full concentration mode while i try to do this jeez okay that's stressful i don't like this okay now that we've done that we don't have to run around as much so i can just you know play freely as long as you don't step in any spider webs and do anything stupid i'll be fine and look at that okay um i will i will do that you know that actually worked out uh and no health from that weirdly enough that makes me uncomfy there should be a heart in here though yep there we go they're usually they usually spawn either a half heart or a full heart in sack rooms so that's pretty good we're going to be looking for any sort of tinted rock we can get because i really would appreciate any anything really at this point anything would be nice and so i'm just making sure that i am recording audio everything's going well i know it's kind of weird that i check this late into the it's not me checking it's me double checking to see that's still working as long as it's if it's still working within a couple minutes i started the recording i think i should be fine okay and i took that because that is a tier rate up tier it ups are really good uh especially whenever you have chocolate milk just means you can go to your higher damage uh charge shot faster okay well let's not take damage what keeps happening is i get a little too content and i take bad damage so we're trying not to do that anyone we'll have lots more stuff to d1 in the future and jeez it's a spider-ridden run right now okay there we go i'm waiting for this spider to come at me that way i can shoot it good okay uh let's go take out the smaller spider right here do this methodically that way we don't get sniped by some stupid enemy yep this one is about to fly at me okay give me that big old hop give me that big old hop okay i'm waiting for it okay apparently he didn't want to do the big sniper shot hop that we all know and love from those spiders oh my gosh that bounce okay this bounce trinket is actually beautiful right now i'm excited to go to the shop and buy a soul heart if there's not a soul heart in the shop if they're if it's a greed fight i'm going to i'm going to cry i'm going to cry tears of sadness okay good i don't think there can can there be that kind of stuff here i don't know uh i think honestly wait what what's happening what's happening right now oh is my controller bugging out why is my controller bugging out whoa that was weird okay one sec let's go let's reconnect my controller real quick and as you guys can see we can now see that we can see the seed which is j l e l 9 p l k lots of l's right there i will buy bogo bombs because that means every time we see a bomb it is going to be more bombs so we can we can d1 and have just a really good amount of bombs so now we don't have to worry about bombs anymore now we don't have to worry about bombs anymore we don't have to worry about bombs anymore now what i don't think i need to say now and anymore in the same sense that doesn't really make sense i'm gonna go try to find the other item room real quick no reason not to while we're here and what would you know more flies more spiders that's pretty much all that spawns on the first floors but getting this is a rough setup for the first floors because you have to go all over the place to get around you know what a damage up is really good damage is nice because that means we just do more damage i mean yeah of course we do more damage but our char charge shot does a lot more damage now so it probably does what is it is is the char trot for chocolate milk two times four times i don't remember how much damage it does but it does a good amount of damage you know what we oh we try to play smart if we can oh that's why i almost didn't die okay why is this game just tossing spiders at me like like it thinks i like them i don't like this i don't like this one bit okay let's destroy spiders nice okay was anybody else holding their breath like i was please be at hp up damage down you know what tier rate up is fine that damage down does hurt a little bit this is what i need to go do i i want to try to make sure i want to make sure that whatever i'm doing is the safest possible thing so real quick let's look for any tinted rocks because if i die on this first floor i'm gonna be very disappointed pill we don't you know what i'm gonna use d1 right that was stupid uh i'm gonna bomb right here we get some money you know what there's no there's no hurt in trying okay good hierophant card very good luck up that actually works out really well okay so now we're good everything's good now easy run easy life i could go get the magician card but who needs that and i think i will go for i'm gonna go for angel deals we're not gonna even go into this next devil deal because that would be a waste of time and a waste of our free angel deal the free angel is always i feel like it's always worth it if you don't have health because why go into a devil deal whenever you have one red heart of health especially right now if if we saw brimstone in there it would kill us because it would be one red heart and two soul hearts so be careful boys if you don't if you don't have more than three hearts of health of any kind don't go in there i don't know why i went for that black fly like that but hey okay we do i didn't get the devil deal actually okay we're gonna go regular floors because this is a little wack right now so we'll see how this goes and hopefully it goes well we should be fine now because it's not we're now onto the worm floors and i feel like the worm floors are actually easier than the uh than the spider floors every type of floor so right now we're in flooded caves which is a variant of the caves floor i think there's caves caverns and flooded caves they all have their own different and they don't have different enemies exactly but they have different enemies that populate most of the rooms so in flooded caves you're gonna see a lot of worms you're gonna see a lot of you're gonna yeah you're gonna see a lot of worms in caves you're gonna see a lot of the same stuff a lot of these guys who bounce around shooting out their little stupid yellow flies worms all that fun stuff you'll still still see spiders but less likely okay please how many shots do i have to do before this guy dies when there is fruitcake that i can only get if i hurt myself so question is is it worth it part of me says that it's not worth it part of me says it is worth it so we'll have to see i'm gonna see how this the rest of this goes and then decide on what i want to do okay i could you know what i might as well d1 right now that works we get another key we want to get more bombs so i probably should d1 some bombs when i can dang we do not do much damage it's kind of insane how much how little damage we do wait yeah i was weird i looked at our my tear and i was like wait my t-rex is actually high then i was like no my damage my damage that sounds to be looking at right now there's only one worm in this room yeah only one worm i know they're called they're called needles right i was gonna say i know they're called needles i think they're called needles that's as confident as i'll get yeah we don't need a d1 that oh okay i thought that i could dodge this side enough that i looked at myself and realized that there was no way i was going to be able to dodge that these guys blow sometimes okay let's just get you out of here i know shooting fast is not good with this but whenever it's it's a time restraint for how long the worms are up i get stressed out so we can just we can just be gun them low damage high fire high rate of fire that's how we do it okay oh my gosh good good good and yeah yesterday's run was very bad i'm trying to remember what i even started out with i feel like i started out with a health item i don't even remember it was i got i was at one point during the run i was just like this is stupid this is the worst run ever i said that and it really was it was really just a bad run because we i don't think i got any stat ups for the longest time it was just no stat ups just lots of random items okay we know that you're a luck up okay so this is what i want to do i think what i want to do is do d1 to get you and we'll you know what i might as well try this yeah yeah that works we can come back in there and use d1 on this on the luck up because any luck upgrade we can get it's gonna be really good okay i did not think those guys were gonna be as oh what the okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening right now why are these guys as hitboxes so weird i don't know what's happening okay this is stupid anyways we're never gonna get a devil deal uh it seems and we're gonna lose all of our health we just don't do any damage whatsoever even with chocolate milk's charge shot it's taking multiple shots to kill any of these worms so that is the sign that we are down bad right now in a rough spot scapular is actually really good though it means that whenever you get down to half a heart you actually gain have a soul or a soul heart so if you keep entering and exiting the room you can actually infinitely sacrifice and get to a point where you actually have health so we don't actually take the health yet we take this so this is this is a use that some people don't know about scapular it's very good very useful and do i want mom's knife is the question mom's knife would be really good but i would be one hit away from death the only thing is since we already saw this devil deal we aren't gonna get the guaranteed angel deal so i think if i take this i am guaranteed to do fine in this run so i'm okay with this i think this is a very good item i think since we have low damage i should be okay we're just looking to get anything that we can right now that can increase our health so we're looking for tinted rocks i'm just playing as safe as i possibly can it's nice okay if we see another soul heart if we attack it oh my gosh yeah let's not let's not attack me like that let's go get ourselves our luck up i don't really need the luck up but i might as well get you know a bunch of luck ups if i can and i'm gonna go to the shop while i'm while i'm at it okay let's d1 this we can get a good decent luck up and final we don't have any luck based items i don't think fruitcake would really do anything too good it could be decent actually with mom's knife oh okay that is bloody recharge and we have enough money for it so i'll take it bloody recharge is pretty good with low lower charged items because it allows you to just especially in places like boss rush is you can just start stacking up charges and charges and charges and so we can just start duplicating stuff by just killing things and so i forget how many enemies you have to kill but what's nice about bloody recharge compared to 4.5 volt is your item still charges regularly so it's not like you're losing every anything okay yeah that was a little i was a little scared for a second i remember that mom's knife is just the absolute best and we're the absolute best i would very much enjoy if we could keep on doing our little sack glitch but the only way i could do that is if we found a temperance machine which i don't think is gonna happen actually no we can do this um this might sound stupid and it might actually be stupid but trust me it's gonna work okay if you give me a health up i'm actually gonna be a little happy okay well we don't need to do our our glitch anymore i'm going to take d1 with i think d1 is going to be more useful to us so yeah that's my plan we don't really need movement speed as much with mom's knife i mean it's movement c is always nice look who needs it you know it's just it's just one of those item one of those stats that just makes the game easier and we don't need the game to be easy it's already the best that's how it is and let's not fight these spiders okay we can leave we can get out of here uh do i want to get you know what i think this is gonna be worth it okay that's what i'm gonna do so we do this right we get fruitcake now we come over here and fruitcake is just another item to have it's gonna be good to have and we're gonna go into the curse room now curse room is good did i already fight the ball i did already fight the boss and we get guppy's collar which is very good okay i did not mean to gain back health this is what we do we keep walking into the doorway so we walk in and then we walk out we get our we got our soul heart now that we have our soul heart we can go keep sacrificing in that other room and getting infinite sacks so hopefully we can maybe get an angel deal our next sack that we do is the one that gives us a chance to get an angel deal item then after that is bombs after that is your real and then after that is soul hearts so there we go there's our free delirium item um yeah so this is actually kind of good so we can do this we can sack get out of here sack and we get a bunch of money very cool stuff we like that a lot we like to get the angel deal when we can and i know it might be weird that i wasted a bunch of health but we had a bunch of health on the floor we kind of don't have as much health on the floor anymore because i took the full red heart when i didn't mean to but it worked out it worked out just fine so i'm gonna come down here and get this health and then we can keep on moving on and this should be just fine i'll do one this and it might be a weird use but it's not like there's anything else on the floor for us to use refresh to d1 so we can keep moving and we're pretty close to getting guppy which is always nice to see yeah i think we're done with this floor i think we played this floor really well scapular is one of those items that doesn't really come in in handy as often during runs because you get it it's like okay if i go down to half a heart i get a soul heart which yeah it's kind of useful lets you take a extra hit of damage but it's not the best but in cases like this you can really abuse it to just get yourself further in the run of course i kind of wish we would have gotten something other than little delirium but little delirium can be really good and you already see that since we have a high lux stat i think fruitcake is actually gonna work a lot more what's cool about fruitcake is it it gives you a random tear effect on i think actually i don't think lux stats have anything to do with it but fruitcake gives you a random tear effect on your tears and with stuff like mom's knife is there's not that many tear effects that can really affect it so what effectively does is it makes it so your life is easy you uh you get just a a good amount of just good upgrades and it's it's fast easy quick i don't know what i'm saying okay relax kind of sucks bald steel is sick i was gonna sacrifice but now i feel like i don't need to and we can grab you grab some health and grab this nice no reason not to d1 right there and i think mom's knife was definitely the the item to go for i know it makes it's not the most fun item in the world but this was we were really struggling on this and the point of these runs is to be fun but also to i mean get get the win we're here for the win streak so gotta gotta make sure i cover all my bases if i see mom's knife mom's knife means i can uh get it get a win and we like winning sweet and i feel this is gonna be the secret room and it's not okay the secret's probably gonna be above this room then let's test it out i feel it no okay never mind we're never gonna find the secret room that's just how it is sometimes i actually feel like it'd be pretty easy to find it's probably next to just one of like the curse room or it can't actually be next to the curse room what i'm talking about oh i forgot that we have analog stick i don't think analog stick actually matters right here you know we'll take apollo's best friend that's gonna be good we did not find the item room yet okay wait i'm stupid i thought we already found the item room so we have more options which means we get an extra item in the item room it's the yellow item with the question mark so we can go find that see why don't we get hopefully we get something good [Music] yeah i could go to the curse room i don't need to go into the curse room right now no reason to do that but mom's knife so good you the way you want to use it is you never really want to do charges and try to do full shots like this if you do that you're not going to do too well you kind of want to do shorter charges just to get the knife away from you a little bit just far enough away that it will get some distance between you and the enemy but you don't want to do full charges you kind of want to stab it's little shanks think about shanking not anything else okay good i wanted to see if we got the chest i was going i was gonna be happy if we got the soul heart i was also gonna be happy i wanted the game to decide because i don't like deciding nice okay we actually have a lot of a lot of resources now we should be pretty good let's see what's the best place to bomb right here right here there we go oh thank you gulp i actually like gold uh that's gonna be helpful since we have some other trinkets on the floor i guess we only have only have bounce so it's not that crazy let's see we are gonna take common cold common cold make it so we do poison damage so it it's always gonna be poison damage always no matter what it's gonna be sick we're gonna like it we're all gonna like it as a as a group as a collective so yeah i think we're looking i mean we're looking just fine now this is pretty much not a one run but it's a it's a run that could be won quite easily let's see secret room wow okay um let me go find the secret room i know i just wasted all my bombs and now i don't actually have that many bombs but now i'm invested what it has to be here that's the only option that's the only thing that was left that's crazy i mean that makes sense that was right there but there was a lot of other areas that could have been in this was a weird floor all the rooms seem to have full floors i didn't like that yeah we don't need to get another hermit card we don't need to open that chest i know i'm going the long way around that's because i don't know i was just at the shop you know we can stroll around a little bit have a little fun and we look like jimmy neutron which is unfortunate let's go get this easy quick fight on this boss sucky sadly we're not gonna get to boss rush i didn't think we're gonna get to boss rush after that first floor that first floor what took us 10 minutes something stupid like that i don't think i could have gone any faster i mean i was kind of just fighting for my life and fighting for your life works you know it it got us out of there and let's go to the devil deal we already took devil deals this right here makes it so as long as you don't bro rimson's really good so brimstone makes it so any time we shoot out it is gonna shoot a bunch of knives it's super op mt vessel means that when we have it it can give us random shields so honestly i think i'm going to skip out i think i might just skip out on the red heart health actually no i want to do double deals in the future it's so empty vessel if you have no red heart health you will get a shield at random intervals and that shield or i don't think that random intervals but that shield will i mean it's really op it protects you from a lot of stuff so if you're playing something like lost it's super super op uh but it also gives you flight so now we don't have flight so now we can be a little bit more careful with what we do it's not like it matters too much but yeah brimstone mom's knife very cool synergy this is actually a synergy for all those people out there who are like look at the synergy this is a synergy you see how whenever we shoot it shoots out this weird tier effect you don't see anywhere else synergy okay crack key with d1 means that we pretty much have we pretty much have red key at this point we're gonna play smart oh hey friend i love found soul if you actually gulp found soul it's really op okay we do that pick up you pick up you d1 we'll be back where could this be oh nod leaf i'm gonna pick up nod leaf just because it's a passive item i don't need to take a non-passive item right now but what we want to do is we do want to find this ultra secret room if possible so it's not going to be off of here it could possibly be off of the item room i highly doubt that but it could man we do a lot we're gonna we kind of we kind of rough people up right now we have a good amount of health i think we're i think we're pretty good for this run i'm gonna actually buy this real quick and then donate the rest of my money nice okay we actually were able to donate all of our money today most of our money all of our money all of our money that actually works out real well let's go see if we can not if we can find ourselves the ultra secret room right here nope no it's a secret room here at least we get more attempts though we'd love more attempts that was weird i thought there's gonna be not that many mom hands okay uh i should i might as well come back and pick this up so we can't wait what can he destroy rocks i didn't know what fat attack could do that this room seems this room seems promising okay let's drop this duplicate the key pick you up crack key wait what wait is that the ultra secret room oh no that's just the secret room what i'm confused how did we end up here apparently i didn't really check the full map that well so what can happen is i mean you can just if you open up a red room next to any other room it just opens it up to the other room so it opened it up to the other room i'm not getting this gold key i can't i don't have enough patience for that right now let's see let's see what the the path of this floor is because i'm confused right now i guess it does a huge u-turn we don't need soul hearts anymore not where we're from oh actually we can use soul hearts i like soul hearts a lot okay uh we will drop you duplicate you then we're gonna use red key right here you know what we might as well go through here technology does nothing i don't think with us but you know what we have money we might as well might as well get it might as well get it i don't think we're gonna get it guys nope so let's just blow it up oh lost soul poor guy let's go get ourselves those two soul hearts i was okay with losing hell because we we have a bunch of soul hearts everywhere but where could this ultra secret room be is the question the answer to that question is it could be anywhere right now there's the secret room that's nice okay shots mean range down kind of sucks that's fine i feel like this the ultra secret room is going to be off of one of these two rooms so we will be back once we have some charges we'll be back here mark my words i think we know where it is now the only reason i think it's that way is because i don't know i just wanna i just want it to be that way i have i have some blind faith in it oh thank you i can put some health in that thank you oh wait one sec i needed oh wait no i need to duplicate my red key but there's too many items in this room okay let's go back here make sure there's nothing else in this room drop it use it pick it up and might as well use it here because who knows i feel like the game's gonna show us the way sometimes it's probably gonna be exactly where i said it was because the game likes to it likes when i double back on what i say and it's like we'll show you stupid i did not deserve that hit which can i did probably did a little bit could oh man could the red room be this way is the is the real question i don't think it can so we're going to go back here and we're going to test out my theory of it being over here because i feel i feel it i feel like it is i feel like it's directly off of this room i don't know if it can be off the secret rooms but i know red rooms can be off the secret rooms so we're gonna drop this duplicate it use crack key correct and be sad very sad and this is free bombs right here that's what's nice about bogo bombs free bombs all around man i really want to test the red room next to the secret room now though because that one also seems like it would be pretty good but i don't want to get rid of crack key if we get rid of crack key that might be bad for us that was a weird room so i want to keep cracking and keep duplicating as long as possible because it is pretty much red key it's it equates to that and we are going to get one more use to find the ultra secret room and i love i love this this is good we have some fun items are we in depths yeah we are on depths one okay so we can we can fight the boss real quick and does chocolate milk still affect our damage i don't think it does at the same time i really don't know we had bloody recharge wait a sec okay we did get a charge back actually that works out let's take a little gish i don't know i feel like it could be anywhere but i really really feel like it's over here i feel like it's off the secret room i don't want the game to fail me now though i have i have some strong beliefs in this in this secret room over here i believe in it it's gonna happen nope okay we actually do have one more use that we can do uh we can go up to the shop and the shop does indeed have something for us actually i'm stupid but we actually have we can go in here real quick get some more charges get a look up as well that's always nice these guys are scary okay let's get this half heart real quick you know that'd be nice i could have brought the other crack key in here but it doesn't really matter it's losing one charge isn't too big of a deal we do have a key at the shop as well but i don't if we can find this ultra secret room i don't really want to go back to get that so we need to pick up the key once we pick up the key we need to go back out to a room that doesn't have any other items because we only want to duplicate the key kraki is the only thing we want so let's go see can we take you actually big brain strat right here we go down to mausoleum for freebies right there nice and why did i pick this up i can just duplicate it now thank you and there we go okay let's pick up our self crack key and no ultra secret room i feel like we've gone to most the areas of the ultra secret room could be i feel like i should i should i want to do crack key i want to do i want to find this ultra secret room and the only way we're going to find it so i go over here we've already searched most of the possible areas it could be in there's only there's really only two spots i could see that would be either off of the sacrifice room aka or the arena or off of the skinny room next to the two the two tall room next to the boss fight so let's go look in here i feel like i feel like it's going to be i feel like we know where it's going to be okay we grab you come out here let's drop ourselves the crack key pick you up and we're gonna go use it over here if we don't find the ultra secret room i'm gonna be sad i feel like it has to be right here if i use it right no we're using it right here correct see it would have we would have found it either way actually yeah we would have but it was smarter for me to use it right here because if it was to the right of this room we would have seen it seen it had been good and laz rags okay lazarus is interesting not my favorite item to get right now but it works so we'll take that we'll get out of here good stuff always nice to actually be able to use items to to their fullest abilities and we're that's what we're doing right now we're making it so d1 is red key this is really good i'm gonna take some some water sips cuz i'm quite thirsty dang okay so the gold key is not the gold key this stupid gold coin is in here i'm not gonna keep picking it up i don't like the the stupid gold coin i know i could don't have to bomb out here but i'm gonna do it let's give him let's pay him out three times we'll give him three chances to pay us out he heard it he was like oh gosh i gotta pay out soon he's not gonna pay out we can go down to mausoleum we can try do i want to go down to mausoleum i don't know if it's even worth it to go down to mausoleum yeah it's worth it to go down to mosley we have more options that means we get to pick from three different items in the mausoleum rooms i don't know i feel like we get a seat too or do we i don't remember how it works we'll go find out speed run we can actually go quick right now and now we drop ourselves red key duplicate it i wish it was easier to do this than have to do all this whole process when we can get into the arcade for free oh wow rest in peace lost soul do i want to do this oh we have empty vessels so i might as well do this get rid of all my red heart health and just keep it so i can uh have flying that's actually really good okay we'll pick you up we'll keep on running we're gonna keep on looking for these ultra secret rooms you know what we'll pay you out a couple times i want guppy real bad so if he can give us a red chest then maybe nevermind he's just gonna give us distant admirer which is very good oh you know what oh my why is your range so far right now buddy that was crazy what are you high priestess we don't need that we already find the secret room we didn't so secret is probably right here or to the left and you know what that works out very well that's very cash money of this game now we can leave okay where do we think this ultra secret room is gonna be so far there's only a couple rooms it could have been your upgrade's nice okay there we go let's get ourselves guppy no guppy that's fine infested explainer uphill you know what tier 8 up is always nice and there we go gulp is super good i like that a lot so now that we know that that was the secret room i don't there's nothing in between this this left wall over here so i don't even have to mind that i'm not gonna pick up all the coins i know it's i should just pick up every coin but why why do that we could just not let's not waste our time okay this is what we're gonna do speed down no luck down kind of blows we have six luck still so it's not that big of an issue yeah this is a pretty nasty combo okay interesting so this right here i think is going to be no not a secret room so it just can't be anything interesting where do i feel like oh wait a sec let's duplicate this before we end the room that we can get more charges [Music] let's go look what's in here okay we do have power pill lock up is always nice fast is okay relax speed up thank you speed i probably should i could d1 the the speed up a bunch of times but who needs to do that chariot hangman i don't think we need hangman something tells me we don't now we can pick up our key again [Music] we'll take blood puppy we have a lot of health i don't like hush hush puppy i don't like blood puppy that much if you guys didn't know if you guys are new here very much don't like blood puppy blood puppy has almost killed us many times and so you might be like how can blood puppy almost kill you oh love help you can do a lot of things and almost killing you is it's forte okay uh i guess i'm just gonna leave the red key here since it's the end of the the floor it can't be over here can't be off with this room i guess we haven't found the item room yet it could be downwards we would have found if it was right there okay yeah can't be to the right of this room never could have been i guess oh 4.5 volts interesting but i don't think i won it i think what i want to do is try to donate as much health or money as possible and drink some water wow that was impressive i didn't think that it was gonna work that many times i feel i feel kind of confident about this but kind of confident apparently i'm not confident at all okay let's get you guys out of here as you see empty vessels procking every once in a while that's why we keep getting these shields very good stuff we love empty vessel empty vessels the best don't hand me speed down let's see what where else could this ultra secret room be it's not going to be off of a bunch of any like any of these rooms it could be over here okay we are definitely taking ron baby if we can get conjoined on this run i don't think we have many things that go towards conjoined that'd be sick what i know i probably should go get my red key but i'm just going to keep on flooring it through this and seeing what else is on here get out of here i probably should be tap shooting right now i know that i like tap shooting okay let's go back and get our red key i feel like where is the ultra secret room going to be i want to say it's going to be downwards that's where my gut's telling me right now it can't be anywhere over here there's not even any places on the wall that would that could take us there you know what i'm actually gonna go over to the item room i think the item room is the best place to go i'm gonna use it above the item room that gives us two different possibilities of where it can be actually [Music] i should i should use it yeah up right yeah i should use up on the item room if we used it down it would be useless if we used it left it would also kind of be stupid because if we used it this way we we could find three different rooms technically but here actually no i guess this does make more sense yes makes a lot more sense i'm stupid i was reasoning it out i figured it out guys okay oh okay you know what that works out perthro brother's actually really good the question is i mean i'm gonna i don't think we need crack key anymore honestly i know i didn't need to use on right there and that was honestly kind of stupid but i'm okay with that i think we're gonna take perthro with us i think rerolls right now are more favorable than trying to find this ultra secret room doing all this dumb stuff to try to find the ultra secret room so well that sucks yeah give me some soul hearts okay i don't i guess we are just out of luck no luck here let's go get ourselves our port perth row we'll head out and go on to the next floor go fight mom and i'll speed things up a little bit we don't need to go so slow for the rest of the run i'm probably going to use perth i probably will only use per throw one and you know what i'm just gonna use per throw here we're gonna use it here we're gonna grab this have a book and not care about do you want you know what i'm i'm taking this with you just kidding i'm gonna take this d1 with us is a much better option for when we go to chest or anywhere else because if we go to chest or to shield not shield what am i thinking dark room with it we can multiply the chest and get more items i forgot we're not flying i messed this up i could go get rid of my red heart health that would take time you know what we don't have motivation to take that time to do it we have time there's no reason to do it oh hornfeller how you doing this i know this isn't horn fellow this is whatever brutal combination it is we'll be fine uh damage up thank you we needed that damage up real bad okay last floor with items i'm going to go kind of quick through this floor hopefully because i don't want to have to deal with this i i don't want to take too long we're already at oh yeah right now 45 minutes which is it's long it's a long run thank you let's get through here boo lost soul muscle always dies in the stupidest ways right now we have fake incubus which is nice could have duplicated that chest you know what we have flying right now so why not come in here yeah i don't need to use these d1s for losers let's just get through here get these guys killed i mean dead uh eliminated we have weird tears right now i don't even care about money we don't care about money we don't care about anything i know it's kind of stupid not to pick that stuff up but why pick it up when you really don't need it you know you feel me dogs nice you know what now we want money though i'll actually check with i'll check what's in the shop and see if we want money i like a mystery you know what that actually works out really well i like that that's good let's go see what's in the shop and we do want champion belt and we're gonna take this see what it is reverse temperance card means we take pills we only get good pills right now or we get we don't get bad pills we can get neutral kind of pills you know what that works we are going to get a devil deal on this floor so we can get more health away i think we want to go to chest for this run i think chest is very much the move because we already have we're gonna already have a bunch of devil deals so why go get more you know we're gonna already have given up all of our red heart health oh wait a sec i don't have red heart health all right i i have read her health so i don't have invincibility okay i messed that up a little bit it's fine there we go okay let's go fight mom this should be a quick fight if i shoot in the right direction and i pops out we just win let's go you can't open that door with tears somebody said in the beginning that you could do that and i never believed it i just want everybody to know that oh man should i should i die if i get enough health i will die and we'll see how this goes if there's enough uh solar health on the ground i really want to see how crazy this run could be because we would get a bunch of damage both from lazarus or lazarism and from dark judas i don't want this key enough to actually keep going for it you know what you already got it this looks like the blade storm from twitch reloaded and much people have been asking me on stream to do twitch reloaded i got i've said it before i don't really like twitch reloaded that much i'll probably do it again in the future just because it is fun to do on stream but it's not something i want to do that often it's some lots of people do like it and i understand that so we will do it eventually just know that i will take left hand we do indeed want to take or try we want to try to get guppy what the heck okay let's get out of here let's see i'm just trying to get to the boss fight game is that too much to ask for i don't have to fight through all these rooms girl no lossless gonna die i know it thank you lossel for not dying we can take soul jude it's not like we need it not like it's gonna do too much for us i could use it to go into the curse room but the cursing's too far away now it's long gone in our minds that was a weird sound i don't like how bigger enemies have slowed down sounds and it just sounds really creepy sometimes makes me it's very eerie sweet can we please please get guppy that's all i want right now okay or we can take damage that's the same as getting guppy right getting damaged something like that these rooms are miserable just kidding they're easy if you know how to do them they're pretty easy whenever they shoot diagonally there's a spot right here that doesn't get shot so you can just run across like a free man hey yo don't kill my lost soul thank you buddy any secret room secret room no secret room guppy no okay nothing good right now we want to get a devil deal so we can get rid of our last red heart of health hopefully we can do that chances are kind of low of doing that though yep just keep taking damage we don't have that much damage right now so death is preferable uh dying would get turns into dark judas and dark judas would make it so we don't have any red heart health so we just stay in flight form and if we go into flight form we can go in there and get out with dark judas so or with a soul of judas i need to actually treat this like mom's knife instead of trying to only use the brimstone effect i need to stop taking damage that's the real thing i need to do this works too you know what we don't need anything we can just get done with this run oh never mind okay maybe i need some stuff okay one sec i'm okay with taking a little damage right now because if i die it's actually a good thing so as i'm playing a little reckless i'm trying to get myself into a position where i can be okay to lose all my health and die and come back up to life hey okay i forgot that you're not exactly oh wait this is actually super good okay so we take you um we can take death list we can take you because we're just trying to die right now okay so that was okay come on why is guppy's color actually at the work right now guppy's caller worst item in game yeah hit me i ran into that tier it's not that i was trying to dodge okay we do have to be a little safe because we're a little careful that we don't actually just die on this floor that would suck but now that we are at this point you know what i need to drop this stupid thing i do not want to be doing this like this balls of steel oh i'm stupid i know i'm stupid guys i'm stupid as soon i also have d1 i know there's a lot of bad moves right there i could have turned into dark judas i realized my mistakes trust me i realized them as soon as i did i just got so excited i'm like i get more health i don't want to die wait no i do want to die so at least we know that that was going to be there let me get out of my way game get out of my way let me just get to this boss fight oh whoa whoa whoa some of these guys are being a little weird you guys ready for this if this guy gives me a health upgrade please give me some help instead of a health upgrade help please i would love it okay so we give him a red heart let me open you we shoot that towards him do this we get a bunch of protection okay unicorn relax can we get some soul hearts from this maybe possibly i will use the sun card just to get my health back and let's see if he'll actually pay out well black sack black powder whatever it's called we'll take it i think we our damage does skill still scale with uh chocolate milk oh my gosh i just almost just got blasted into next week i don't know what that that was about i need to be using d1 i'm really not doing well with this whole d1 thing you can d1 the chest and be fine and be stretched going fancy you can do this oh is this conjoined i think it's conjoined right no it's not conjoined there's just i i know who is party can join but i always want certain guys to be part of enjoying like a little delirium doesn't make sense why do little deliriums not park and join then gemini why is gemini not part of conjoined nobody will ever know [Music] uh i'm just moving on can we please get some soul heart health anywhere that way i can kamikaze and be okay with it nope no soul her health i could also go for death list a lot more i do have the speed and you know the agility to really go for it nice still just another non-conjoined boy we want conjoined that's what we really are striving for right now oh look at that we're gonna get deathless easy peasy nice and we get a range up interesting okay listen listen listen buddy listen pal oh whoa okay i did not realize this was conquest i was not paying attention enough can we this attack right here is awful whose idea was that i hated that oh wait i gotta kill the left the the this one first that's fine we come back to life with even more will to live i probably should have saved that should i that would have been nice to have later on you know what stitches is useless citrus is actually really good in this case but no okay blood puppy if blood puppies the reason we die or the reason we don't die okay we got guppy now so we uh we win game i mean we're also at the last boss so it's not like i'm too concerned right now it's we're at the last boss so it's not like i'm too concerned right now that was a little bad and we have a lot of a lot of damage right now nice what if we duplicate the big chest well that's as far as we can go on this run since we didn't get to the lyrium portal so luckily this video did record we have the entirety of this like you guys were here for this i just talked to myself yesterday at this point which is weird i mean i'm always talking to myself but that right there was win number 96 in a row as eden so i hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did enjoy please like comment and subscribe if you guys are new here join the discord and that's gonna be the end of the video so as always guys isn't preets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 3,870
Rating: 4.9796953 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Triple Shot Brimstone Is TOO Good!, brimstone, mom's knife, chocolate milk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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