Starting With Clear Rune Gets Me SO MANY Familiars! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #59

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[Music] what's up guys it's prietz coming back to you with a brand new binding of isaac video today we are back with the eden streak going for win number 59 in a row so without further ado let's get right into the run also one thing i want to say before i start this run is the other day when i had like four inches in a row i meant to edit all those out i just messed them up a bunch forgot to edit it out so you guys got to see it but let's start the game hard mode with eden it's the streak anyway so that's what we're gonna do and okay so we have roon clear roon okay we have a little bit of a we had a little bit of a controller drift but we do start with soul of lilith and clear roon which is kind of insane because that means every 12 rooms we are gonna get a familiar which that might sound kind of insane like 12 rooms to get a familiar but it's not like 12 rooms to get familiar over and over and over again is i would say very very insanely opie so we're gonna have a good run today i've not really gotten to use clearance that many times because i think one of the main pools you'll find it in right now in her pens would be the secret room pool i think it's in there um that's where i think i found it i think i also got it out of the tarot machine like the gambling tarot machine what is that thing called i don't think i've ever is that the fortune teller machine i don't know uh but our stats today are pretty decent we have really good damage to start out with but we have really bad tier rate it's not really bad but it's pretty bad and i'm okay with opening that up i'm gonna get all this money right now usually i wouldn't go to and pick up all the gold pennies but since it's early in the run it's really nice just to do this so we do have that money hopefully we can use it in a good way and hopefully we can get a dumb amount of familiars like i want this to be like just a familiar crazy run that we can uh just go crazy on i use the word crazy way too many times okay we'll use you wow i'm glad i didn't hit myself can you not get hit whenever you use the horse pill because i feel like you can i don't know what it is about it but if i just use shade real fast yep come this way if i just run back and forth the shade is going to help me out real real nice real nice lack so i just run past the spiders run past the spiders and we just also start with uh shade which shade is kind of like one of the i would say more disliked devil deal items it's probably what most people say is probably in the bottom tier of devil deals which as true as that is it is still a good familiar i would say if you use it right it will take you far and let's check this out ooh okay tiny toma we are literally just gonna have every single familiar possible i feel like that'd be sick and it is a xl floor i did not notice that but i think i'm gonna go for angel deals today luckily we have a lot of health and we have a lot of damage i'm really hoping that we get some good like tier 8 ups because right now we're really struggling i think i've said this before i i really always prefer to have a higher tier rate than damage whenever it comes to having the same dps because higher tier rate just means i'm probably going to hit like i'm going to hit more shots yes that's less damage but i don't know i i like higher dp or higher tier rate instead of higher damage because this is just miserable sometimes especially when it comes to like shooting fires and shooting poops they always take the same amount of hits so it doesn't affect like tier like the amount of damage you have does not affect how fast you destroy poops which i think is a little bit weird but it is how it is oh my gosh soul of eden is quite the item and diplo is also quite the item so this one i'm gonna do i am gonna do the wait can i not do that okay this is actually i'm i don't know what to do right now um so this is my issue i really do i kind of want to take soul of eden and also have the soul of lilith because i think i want soul of lilith to be like our main item we're using but at the same time i really want diplo and i think i have no clue actually where the secret room is gonna be so i'm gonna go oh my gosh that was so close to me just getting absolutely destroyed by that worm i don't know why i ran straight into the room but i apparently had a death sentence okay this is actually really good for us i think i know i mean i know where the secret room can be we've pretty much tested every single possible spot and now we are at the very last spot it could be in so it's going to up above us in the room above that's what above us means means straight above us as in the room above if you guys didn't know what above means i'll just keep on describing it as above you guys might understand it if i do take damage i probably what the heck if i take damage i will have enough money to uh probably buy diplo so what that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna blow this up it does give us some luck which is super sick and we are going to lose a lot of health right here what the heck that's lame that was a lot more damage than i i don't know why that was so weird um but i do have enough to buy diplo [Music] i'm not gonna no matter what i'm not gonna take diplo to the next floor so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take diplo and then i'm also going to grab you and we're gonna go into the devil deal and probably use uh soul of eden if we don't have any good items in there we're probably soul of eden and then no we'll probably diplo if it's good items and then no matter what we'll solve ian to make sure we get all the good items we can get because i don't know i don't really want to do devil deals so i don't know how i feel about this but hopefully we get something good and tiny mata i don't know how if how i feel about tiny mata it's it always seems like it's a pretty decently good item and at the same time it just seems like a really bad familiar it seems like more of something that like you would get by like using a card i don't know it just doesn't seem that useful okay good we did get pageant boy which is actually super sick never mind i thought we were gonna get more out of that um okay so we do get headless baby what do i want to do with this do i want contract from below i don't i think contract from below makes it so our black hearts do 40 damage on death destruction whatever so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab headless baby we're gonna soul of eden and i think we don't want to take i think we don't want to take i don't think i want any of that i feel like that was just like a decently smart way to play that so i'll i'll be content with that and we can get out of here oh man they really really need to fix their stupid charged items for some reason you guys can see that my charged item now says i have four charges with orange charge and it's just a glitch that's in the game that they still haven't fixed i i know that it takes a lot to like make a game and to like update a game and to like do quality of life fixes but it's kind of stupid that they're waiting to push out one big update instead of just pushing out lots of updates because there's a lot of things wrong with isaac right now the charges uh the daily challenges are still not fixed if somebody's new to the game they literally can't get dead god which is so stupid you know what if we're having orbitals we are literally just gonna be in orbital this is gonna be the ultimate orbital time luckily what's nice about the uh the active item that we have is it doesn't really matter when we use it as long as we are using it so it's okay to have like the charge issue right now because at the end of the day no matter what we're gonna be able to use those charges they're not gone forever they're just gonna be carried over once we once we use it once just just like regular orange charges are it's an overcharge but we're not supposed to have an overcharge you know you know i mean cuz and i do want to go into every shop to make sure we can get bff if possible one big issue uh wait a sec what the heck okay interesting so you can still use the item apparently when it's overcharged i didn't know that like when it's like incorrectly overcharged you know what i don't like this please give us more soul hearts no i really like the item that we got though because it lets us get three curse rooms okay don't actually use that oh 40 out oh 48 hour energy is insane okay nice now we can do all of this and we have conjoined already conjoined plus orbiting tears sounds like a cool time okay what card are you the emperor card we don't need you okay this guy needs to not take my money i do not like that greedy man you're stupid and i hate you all we're looking for is just as many charges as we can if i can get every charge in the world i win i want to see how many familiars that we can have because i mean i've had a lot of familiars before and that was during like greed mode runs but i've never really had a lot of familiars in a regular run i feel like i mean i've probably had like 10 so maybe we can get adoption papers and just have the ultimate familiar run that that's my goal right now was that a waste of bombs honestly i probably should have gone for the secret room i'm fine i really hope that we get a key because i want to go into the shop i feel like this is the shop that's gonna have bff if any shop is to have it okay colostamia please don't kill me i'm really hoping that we can get some tier 8 up because i think tiny planet is not the best item to have with high damage and low tier rate it's just we're not hitting our tiers as much as we should oh good and this is gonna give us a key and some money nice i like that a lot oh and this gives us the reverse moon card which is insanely good okay so i'm gonna take you we come in here oh we take rosary that does put more instances of the bible in the game that's fine maybe this can give us like a bomb if it ex if it like explodes but the reverse moon card will take us to the ultra secret room which is super super snazzy so i'll use it we get teleported and oh my gosh crown of light is just insanely good we're gonna have i mean we're gonna have a lot of damage once we have full health but no matter what we're gonna have a lot of damage like we are gonna be very very strong i'm looking forward to just destroying things and that could be the secret room right there i honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was the secret room but give this to me we do have a bomb if we need more money and oh okay i do really really like membership card or member card oh my gosh and coupon coupons good but i can't actually take it so okay this is what i'm gonna do if i go come down here oh my gosh wait that's like insanely good i hate that okay so we are gonna take the lost soul with us real quick but we're gonna come down here and we're gonna get eight cents trust me we're gonna get eight cents so if we take you wait a sec is that still gonna be eight cents when we go back down there it is okay so if i use the soul of the lost is there any money anywhere that we can get it doesn't look like it if i use the soul of the lost can i get into this room i cannot i know that might have seen uh like seemed very stupid to like test out but i feel like that was a smart idea um i think the best plan right now is to try to get one more cent in any way we can and oh my gosh wait a sec if i take this heart i think this is actually a super good idea right here i know that we have a crown of light but if this can pay out with anything that'd be sick i probably shouldn't like use that much health on this but i think i'll be fine if you guys think this is stupid watch all my other videos this is the kind of stuff i do okay i'm only gonna go down to three soul hearts i think actually two soul hearts okay that's fine there's a very specific reason why i was doing that and what we're gonna do is take the emperor card come over here become the lost and come down here uh our goal is to we're only doing the mirror realm because if we can do this right i mean if we do the mirror realm we can get more money we can get more bombs we can just get a lot of stuff so this is definitely the plan if we really want to get that holy grail for super cheap so i like this plan okay so we got our bomb so we're already like in a good position and we're gonna see if we can maybe get like another like soul of eden or something because i think we have do we have higher rates of runes dropping i don't think we do but if we did that'd be cool uh there's no reason for me to go in there actually i was gonna do it but i realized it would be stupid please can we get some health on the ground bombs are always nice but health is nicer honestly health is a lot nicer hey if i were to die right now i'd be so sad and i was just going to teleport straight to this i don't know why i didn't honestly this overcharge is kind of nice this means that we can actually just save our charge a little bit here we go colostomia hardest boss for us to fight if we do get hit once what i'll probably do is use the emperor card but i don't think we're gonna have to because i already have a lot of damage and i'm very scared of these bombs thank you hey what i'm are you gonna give us today not too shabby uh now i can just leave go buy our item i think i should be able to get six whole cents hopefully if i don't get six cents i'll be so sad that'd be kind of stupid to not get sixth sense oh my gosh that was really close you can die and you can die i believe in it you know what i guess we'll take knife piece it's not gonna hurt us to take knife piece it doesn't really help us at all so yeah i'm going to clear all the rooms just so we get every single little piece of everything we can get we do have lucky sack surprise lucky sack didn't work on the this this place oh nice that can maybe give us money okay now we only need a little bit less sense and oh my gosh wait a sec do i want small rock [Music] i think small rock is worthwhile does that mean that we can't get our money yes just kidding we might be able to get our money still you guys might wonder how i can get my money still but there's ways what the heck interesting [Music] very interesting yeah let me get out of here i think small rock was the correct choice right there i'm gonna use emperor card it's not stupid i promise i think it's the right decision because we we aren't gonna be able to take that with us so i might as well just use it now was there poop up here i feel like there's poop somewhere nope are you guys ready for the most big brain play of of ever of all time i don't think you guys are you guys are gonna be amazed with what you guys are about to see we are gonna get holy grail so we buy this it gives us two bombs right then we bomb here okay oh my gosh no he took my money no he took it he took my money that sucks is there any way for us to charge this up i don't think there is no matter what i don't think we would have had enough money that really sucks i'm trying to think how could i get enough money to go in there or to do anything i'm gonna do something stupid something incredibly stupid and see if it pays out okay so the question is these can drop money no payout we suck everything was not worth it well luckily we still have member card we're always gonna have member card we have lucky sack with us we'll meet which means we'll probably get like a lot of our stuff back but i feel like i mean i could have skipped getting small rock i also i really also could have just gone back in there and gotten small rock later but i think small rock was the correct decision we wouldn't have like gotten any more stuff getting flight would have helped us that much okay you need to stop whatever you're doing my little greedy man i don't like you you're actually really messing my game up okay i might pay that guy out a bunch uh if he can give me a battery item i think that'd be pretty good oh my gosh i'm stupid okay thank you for the bombs i will come in here you sometimes get paid back and i'm not gonna play you i really wanna have full full health i'll probably pay out with red heart health if we have enough red heart health on the floor honestly yeah at so at some point we're gonna have our all of our health back that's gonna be a beautiful time nice oh i'm the fastest ever oh that little time delay saved me thank you game are those spikes still gonna go no they're not oh my gosh we just do a lot of damage and as soon as we get crown of light to actually like function it's gonna be insane also we could have had it honestly if we would have been able to get blank card i could have gotten blank card and had the the reverse moon card and if you guys want to try to do that strat what you guys can do is use this seed r7qb rn 6y you guys are welcome there's the seed for today one day i'll remember to do it faster and i'm just so good at getting these spikes all of a sudden i don't know why i used to like always just touch the spikes now i'm just on top of the world and thank you for the key come on my buddies oh my gosh continuum is pretty sick it doesn't really help me at all does it i mean it's kind of cool i like it oh my oh wait a sec that's actually kind of insane that is honestly kind of insane i like that a lot so if i do this i mean i can just kill everybody that's honestly kind of a that's honestly kind of a synergy that's what i would call a synergy right there i know that it's not really a synergy because it's not really doing anything extra i mean it kind of is that's not a synergy oh i could see forever sick forever oh my gosh okay keeper sack is a must-have right now but i do want to check this out first okay so if that's a perthro that would be pretty sick i would never pay 17 cents for whatever that is what i'm gonna do is bomb you and we want to be spending as much money as i possibly can right now okay that's money and before i bomb more i do want to go see if we can find the secret room that way we don't have to be spending all of our money on willy-nilly or spending our bombs and bombing our machine i could i can't actually have a real easy way to get a lot of money because i can go go use the blood donation machine i don't know what these like weird burp pickups are but i don't like it [Music] i'm going to blow you up because i don't want to pay you out that's kind of sick oh that sucks okay that's actually really insane what the heck stop i don't want this [Music] okay this guy mike that my little guy could pay out i wouldn't mind honestly letting him be have a little part of this okay can you actually i don't want you to have any part of this why are you being so rude that's my money that's my money okay nice we have full health that's a lot of money i don't think we get like any extra stats through keeper sack for um for buying like expensive items out of the out of the market shop i don't know exactly how that works but i'm pretty sure that's how it functions um i think safety blanket would be a pretty smart buy uh let's see what you are perthro is pretty insane yeah i like that um i think i might honestly buy that i think hive mind could be really good but first i'll buy blanket just to have it i think that's gonna be a sick item to have and sweet okay there we go well that's gonna be a lot of money and i can blow up some of the keeper head guys you know what that's probably better than lucky sack that's actually a lot better than lucky sack especially if i'm gonna be using the blood donation machine what the heck what kind of luck is that bad luck that's what it is okay king baby kind of sucks honestly what king baby does is ruin your day that's the item description worst and worst guy ever oh man we just need so much money for this floor to really like fully have fun with it and that's the sad that's just the sad truth do we pay off that other machine fully okay i forgot that i have to go fast this is like a game against this my little greedy dude if i'm just constantly shooting though oh my gosh you're stupid i don't have to compete with you okay you should be frozen in place i hate you what the heck stop following me this sucks yep okay so we'll bomb both of these nice that's a lot of bombs we actually got like all of our resources back out of that i almost have enough to buy the fly i kind of want to see what if it gives us a bigger upgrade than buying just a regular priced item because i don't know how that works but we look hideous nice what are you gonna give me ooh i kind of really like that if we could get guppy that'd be insane also if we could get uh like pound of flesh that all that too would be insane and i don't know how i didn't just take damage oh my gosh okay we are just on top of the world right now especially when it comes to money i'm not gonna kill that guy just yet because i mean one blowing blowing up those uh beggars does not always really get you anything so i think the right play right now is to go play the money machine or the blood donation machine until i get good moolah yeah okay thank you please don't take my money ever my man okay good we have 28 cents i'm just gonna keep paying oh my gosh wait a sec i i don't have any red heart health i was just about to like die that would have been really not good i've been really kind of stupid okay what kind of upgrade do we get i mean that's a actually that's a pretty huge upgrade i should also always buy sale items i think sale items always give you the payout as if you paid full price so it's a smart little strategy let's hope i get some health real fast that'd be very enjoyable okay good please give me like a health up pill or something look up relax is always half decent oh 40 hour energy is insanely good you know health down doesn't matter okay worm friend oh we got a second worm friend now what the heck i'm definitely gonna take you circle protection i don't even know if that's even gonna be that good but it can't be bad circle protection just means that i just live in this circle of greatness i kind of think that tiny planet and continuum is one of the best little combos ever it's very unexpected i mean at least i think it's unexpected some people might think it's like oh though this could be good it's not duh don't say that okay let's bomb you my greedy guy needs to get away and all we need is one more cent uh yeah i'm definitely not gonna play out the uh the money beggar but maybe he'll give me a battery if i blow him up that's our goal is to get a battery when we blow him up oh and did i need to blow up anything else i don't think so i think we're good okay nice there we go we got seven cents i'm gonna go buy that uh that trinket just so we can have that and we're doing so good on health right now so so so good this is not good man i just like how much like how many familiars we have king baby kind of sucks because king baby doesn't really mess it up but like it's not it's not as fun i would buy the horse pill but i feel like this is going to be better and so there we go i think i want to take counterfeit penny just because more money is really good especially since we have keeper sack and we can just blow up the donation machine and get a lot of money back so i think i'm gonna go mines no i'm gonna go mines yeah i think mines is a good plan [Music] why not go mines i don't know okay there didn't there wasn't a tinted rock in there don't look too hard if you guys put me wrong i'll be sad but i think i should be pretty pretty like insanely okay all sudden i think i'll be fine i feel like if i wanted to oh my gosh i could probably go fight mom really easily yeah i don't know why phrase like made it sound like i was gonna say more that's all i wanted to say i think mom would be a very easy fight right now oh my gosh everything is just blocking my way to victory they can't they can't do much oh and we have basil bub what the heck nice we are doing something fantastic right now okay can we not do that okay oh no stop don't did he take my i don't think he took it luckily but i actually do want to get my health all the way back up i'm probably gonna stop donating health because i think we should be fine on money [Music] i'll definitely be fine on money if i just start taking health um yeah let's go find the item room i wait what floor are we on ashfit2 i know i skipped the one mines but i don't want to skip too many too many floors if i don't have to i do i really want to go to mausoleum as well that'd be sick so let's try to find the shop first try to do everything we can shop is really good if we can if we got bff it's literally just like gg like that's pretty much the end of the run bff would make us too powerful we already have conjoined we already have everything that we need to survive and i can get inside of this stupid room for free thank you yes just die spiders oh no that was stupid i didn't mean to like fly into that and just kamikaze but it's what happened yeah what i'm i don't think i'll really be that touchable once i once i get full health i'm gonna have so much damage okay interesting very good i could go down into that room real quick but i do want to come over here see what there is for me you know what gold touch pretty decent there's not there's not nothing wrong with gold touch but nothing like really that good oh there's something good about oh baby a triple i like that i would blow that guy up but i don't want to blow any anybody else up i think we're good oh wait do i want that damage off is good i think i'll take you come up here and keep her sack oh my gosh was definitely worthwhile do not take my money sir oh my gosh i guess you can actually just maybe take my don't try to take that again oh wait okay i'm going shield what the heck okay he gave me a tears up i actually love that little dude he's insanely good he's the best let's make sure to take you and what are you gonna be ace of clubs if i use that i'd be so sad that would be awful actually you know what i can use ace of clubs real quick let me not be stupid actually use the items that i have and we can just ace of clubs all these trinkets we don't need because i think the shiel the shield strat i think is the best strat right now because if i'm going mausoleum that gives me extra item rooms everything's gonna be extra item rooms i'll buy you by you get you all this is just stacked up they're stat up items so yeah i think i think i'm absolutely gaming right now i don't think i need to actually i'll blow up these machines there's no reason not to blow these machines up that was the stupidest bomb placement i think ever really and the only room left is gonna be this one i would do mother but i kind of don't want to do mother just because i i don't know we don't have to doing mother right now doesn't help us in any way so i want to just go to she'll i could get the you know what i'll get the knife piece real fast just because if i get the knife piece we're gonna be in a fun spot oh that's a lot of money i could have a lot of money i like this so far having the knife is just an extra a little familiar also once i get the next key piece i i'm gonna have almost every familiar in the game i i would imagine hopefully we get incubus at some point some point soon at least because inkybis would make us op if we got twisted pair we'd also just be insanely op there's a lot of things that will make us really good and we're just also waiting for the day that we get bff okay let's not make this too hard on me oh that was some good spike timing i'm so good at this this section right here is my my forte i think the i think she can only hurt you oh wow i think she can only hurt you when she's moving or like when she's charging so if you if you just keep moving or if you just stand still she can't do much against you wait a sec yeah this is fine nice oh my gosh is this is this a this is a world record okay i take it back this is not a world record oh my gosh let's not take damage i can lose my angel deal chance which would suck okay we want to make sure that we get the key which makes my life easier we do the fade away nice and here we go off we go into the wild blue yonders and i can't take any more damage or else i won't get my devil deal which would be very sad or my angel deal let's see i blew up everything i needed to i could donate money but i want my money i really want my money yeah i'm just gonna fight the boss get on out of here oh this is an easy boss for me right now we also have just insane damage forgot about that oh i'm stupid sure way to take that because it does give us a soul heart that's hard that sucks i would love to take eden's soul with but i can't i just can't do it i mean honestly i could i could stop getting familiars that would suck okay can we stop spinning for a sec i just want a bomb thank you that's a lot of damage oh what if that gave us gave me everything i needed it sally won't i gotta get out of here i'm gonna donate my health away hopefully i could go get all the redheart health i needed but i'm not gonna do that let's go off we go this is gonna be a good this is gonna be a good little good little part of the game mausoleum should be really easy as soon as i get my red heart health back i'm gonna be gaming for sure oh my gosh and since we have continuum we do have uh tears that just go through everything we have flying i can just walk in here my life is made easy right now stop no i can't do anything against you i forgot we have minuses touch that's insane oh my gosh mice's touch makes it so whenever you use a relax it gives you golden poop i did not realize that that's what was i mean i knew that was what was gonna happen but i didn't realize it i don't know if that makes sense okay um i'll just get out of here regularly i could try to bomb i don't think i need to try to bomb to get out of here okay we know that there's a secret room up here i feel like there has to be it'd be illegal for there not to be a secret room i do not want torn pocket i don't exactly know what torn pocket does i feel like there's something good about it or else it wouldn't be a trinket i don't know oh my gosh you know i'm gonna let that little guy collect most of that oh we won the game we won the game it's over um [Music] i should have used that a little smarter what does keepers bargain do i can't remember i can never remember okay um i'll take you hey aw is gonna be interesting i'm gonna buy nickel for money or just so we can and i'll buy you because it just gets us random stuff and do i need counterfeit penny i kind of want to take keepers bargain because i don't know what it does is that stupid is that actually no i'm stupid i'm taking this i forgot for some reason i thought we saw counterfeit and i knew we didn't oh my gosh if we didn't have this much speed we would be in a bad spot i don't think the secret can be attached to that can it actually probably could be i'm just on top of the world right now there's not much that can like really do much damage we have all the familiars we could ever want i don't have bff do i mean i oh no i have hive mind which is what's really helping us but i can do this oh nice oh wait a sec i can just find the secret room without bombs now that's sick i don't exactly know how this is gonna work but can we find the secret room maybe i should be using this strap more i'm i i found how out how to get the hush tears i'm a genius oh i could sack a little bit if we have enough red heart health i'll sack a little bit i think that's a good a good play okay let's not deal with you that guy's gonna take all my money as he likes to do why do i feel like the secret's not gonna be achievable with this build oh my gosh okay greedy man i would give you all the all the money i had but i'm not going to fate's reward it's kind of interesting i don't know how fate's reward affects us right now oh but i do like having flies nice secret room attached to here maybe oh my gosh yeah i'm out of here go go oh a library i don't think i want either of these or any of this but the cool concept oh wait i'm gonna get hookworm nice yeah there's no way i'm trading away my my item i started out with the game has blessed me okay where could this secret room be i feel like it should be like right here there we go just takes a sec oh no okay magic mush if you're here say something i don't know oh what about this anybody anything good in here maybe uh maybe a roon no rune okay let's go fight the boss i do yeah wait did i not did i find the super secret room i did i already found the super secret room how long is this fight going to take us not long at all is what i'm guessing unless you go invisible or something stupid i can't imagine dying thank you for the tier 8 up i very much appreciate that and you know what i can sack a couple times it might be a little risky wait what the heck okay let me go get the heart and not do this too much can easily overdo it i don't want to do that is there anywhere else that i can get some health oh wait a sec why am i there's actually an active item that can get me a red heart of health in the shop i don't know why i'm going such like a weird way if i've made the decision to go this way so i guess i'll just do it real fast oh my gosh this room can just kill you that's a sucky room oh i was thinking that this was a trinket for some reason this is actually not bad oh and we got the yes mother transformation also why am i stupid that's free money right there our stats are kind of insane 14 damage alone without like any other item affecting it is insanely good and now we can just come down here and get myself oh why did i not grab those keys beforehand what the heck i'm a little stupid sometimes i feel like okay let's make sure we destroy all the rocks look for the trap door since we have since we have uh what is it triple shot no conjoined we are kind of insanely lp okay rocks you guys just need to get destroyed so if your tears is going to activate not that often but we can use it a lot because we just have a lot of tears spinning around i don't think i've been hit i've only been sacking my health away which is probably not the smartest thing to do yep keep it coming go past me in your lane buddy oh wait that doesn't work on oh interesting i thought that would work on fires okay let's just get you out of the way and now we have our ultimate ability fine okay good good good i'm glad we finally are getting soul hearts all of a sudden we've not gotten a soul heart i feel like in the longest time oh nice money is always good and restock is really insanely good right now i'll probably go for that pass pastorals candles pretty insane as well oh my gosh so i need to bring all these guys over this way okay you need to not steal my money my man you're on my bad list still my money one more time i'm gonna steal your i don't know your candy i don't know i really don't know okay we just need 18 monies and i'm just going to make sure that we uh get those the correct way instead of just like trying to steal all the money out of my machine i'm just going to try to actually just get that money i think we should be able to get like about 18 cents on this floor okay that machine makes me mad i want to use it so bad but i'm not going to i do i want to make sure that i have what i need what the heck okay oh what the heck another library okay yeah we'll pay you see what that finds us we know where the secret room is now high priestess i don't know what's happening but i like it okay i'll break you out yeah let's just break all the rocks we leave no stone unturned we're looking to see if we can get like a black market this is if there's a run i get a black market it's this one i need i should really go to the shop or to the uh item room we only need 10 more cents i'll bomb this nice they only need five more cents i'm also gonna actually i'm not gonna bomb that machine just yet oh my gosh sweet oh golden heart is insanely good as soon as we lose that black heart we're gonna be in a very good spot i didn't play that room exactly correctly but it's fine okay and there we go i think that should be just about enough money drive everything you suck i actually like the jar of everything but i don't want to see that right now nice get away from me bombs i can't handle that i'm honestly kind of surprised that the secret room's not near us already what the heck i'm out of here where's the secret room yo listen i feel like he's not gonna actually show us ever or is it this way what the heck okay are you not gonna show us where the secret room is okay it's apparently up this way somewhere over here there we go thank you for all the charges oh bot fly it's beautiful i like that a lot um you know what i'll be back oh okay you know what maybe i'll i won't be back i'll be back for that golden penny but i want to see what this what pascal's candle is going to turn into i should probably buy this ooh laz rags i like that yeah i'm gonna come back down here let's get this golden penny a few times okay stop doing what you're doing okay thank you now we can actually just get our coin in peace kind of feast nice man our that one guy's just stealing our money like he really just is going ham with stealing our money i don't know what his deal is he's he's gonna pay the price one day he can't be stealing from us like that [Music] oh he looked like he was about to fly like crazy i saw his eyes he had a glint in his eyes yo listen you you need to find something good there we go oh my gosh we found it we found the mother lode boys this is why i call a decent run a half decent run let's take you honestly this guy paid us out with one good thing i believe in him paying us out more good thing you know what no you're stupid don't give us a painful chest yeah that worked out very well that's a lot of money that's an insane amount of money we should just go buy the for sale item i think that was close that was a clutch save right there on my part kind of the best gamer ever i feel like let's buy you okay that's a lot of health um i think laz rags is a good purchase and wafer is going to be insanely good to purchase if i can yeah um i'll come back i know we can't exactly come back but wafer would be i don't think we need wafer that bad oh my gosh why am i so bad so stupid actually that's the right word um you know what i can i'm stupid i can also open this up for free i don't actually have to get hit hurt hurt [Music] high priestess is useless okay i think we're ready just to move on to continue our life without the bounds of i don't know what i'm saying that is i guess gonna be our last shop it would be the best one to go crazy with that's not gonna happen right now oh interesting okay higher fant works [Music] interesting concept just to use a soul of laz over and over wouldn't help us out at all or do anything good but we could do it we sure could and what do i want to do we do want to go shield that's what we want to do okay okay let me not make sure i don't accidentally go and fight the mom heart i want to go this way don't make me think differently oh wait i think we actually get another shop after this so i was buying restock was was not for nothing it was for something oh wait what did i just see what i thought i saw was that something good and one of the only runs that we don't get gulp on is the one that i wish we had gulp on here we're insane big fan welcome piercing damage be pretty good oh baby a triple that's so much money that's just insane i don't know how to feel about this we are getting so insanely lucky that's all i can say about this okay let's take you grab our money and go we're not going to get a shop on this floor we could get a lot more shops on other floors i think we get a shot a shop on shield hopefully that's the goal watch out okay yo listen is going to show us anything we need to see so i i trust in him or it you full card would be kind of stupid i feel like shot speed up you know what we can use the full card [Music] is this a little stupid i mainly wanted to do this so we can get uh more items in our inventory it's actually kind of a crazily it's a it's a pretty smart strat i would say because what it can do for you is it can it can make it so if you're going to reroll ever you get more rerolls so it's pretty good think about it yeah i'm just gonna go here i don't know what was happening but we got through it i'll be back to this room oh a little clot would be insane that's another familiar but i can't i can't do it i can't do it the game can't mini cloth would be so good minicloth would be insanely good the game has figured out my weakness that's miniclot you know i don't care i'm okay with losing that okay beggar you're out of here let's get our final charges up real fast and wafer would have been so good i'm stupid for not taking wafer but i did what i had to do i think that was the right choice oh wait i'm stupid i don't need bombs shot speed up shot okay that's kind of insane tear oh my gosh here we go money central money get longer that's good that t right ups not bad yeah what are you gonna play out with yep the hermit perks oh man please can you drop us another perks real quick actually that'd be awesome no you can't if we were able to get another perk i would definitely sack because we have so much to sack and you might wonder why i'm not getting that key right now i think it's smarter to wait instead because if we were to grab that key right this second uh it would actually not give us as many charges as it would if we waited so trust me trust me everybody oh sucky finally we're getting like the good familiars this is what we've been waiting for this is why we've been being so so patient uh should i pay this i might pay this little dude out if i can that could actually be kind of insane you know what you deserve it let's see how much money we can like just spend on him okay and bob's wrong head doesn't help us but it was another item to get and that almost just hurt me that was it was really stupid okay here i go sun card that didn't help i'm just trying to make sure i'm not like missing anything like i want to see it make sure i'm getting all the crawl spaces like i'm pretty sure i'm fine having this shot speed as high as we have it right now is really fun i like this this is a good run okay let's see what you have there's more stuff i'm just kind of surprised he's not paid out more but we the only thing we could really like hope for right now is like scifly um and that's really it scifly is the only thing that could like make this run crazy or like just what we have crazier so let's just fight fight you oh wait what the heck i do i have a little oh i have a little clot for the floor and honestly you know what oh guys wait do i oh wait i can do this this is like big brain i know it's like it doesn't do anything for me but i might as well do it because we're gonna come back alive i don't think we're gonna get hit much either so i'm okay with doing that we'll go down to shield and we get to get an item room so this was good that we took this because we get an item room what if we get a double item when we get like four items that'd be cool oh a horse pill oh wait a sec it's a wait what how does that affect us how does it i really don't know how that's gonna work okay i'm gonna not use this i'm gonna save it okay i'm stupid want to save the perks pill just in case oh my what wait what guys had it how did i get roon how did i get this uh i'm gonna i probably should have waited for a re-roll but i wanna see if we can get a reroll okay shade okay we got another shade i guess an ru wizard doesn't affect us okay first of all i buy blue candle this is still for sale as long as it's cheap it's just a free free stat up i will buy you last soup and there's no reason to skip out on marbles thank you you're beautiful uh you know what i'm gonna take you i'm gonna blow up you okay let me go back down and blow you up let's just make sure we get everything we possibly can nice i could say take stinky head but i think found soul is really good oh actually i'm going to come back here in a second i want to make sure that we have done everything we can on the floor first and then what the heck how did that bomb follow me so well i guess nothing can get out of my grasp eden's soul is insane okay this is really good oh wait a sec so there's three items right there i think this is what i do i think i buy the soup right now if i buy soup right now and then reroll wait a sec oh my gosh this has actually gone quite insanely op nice is that what i think it is that is a relaxed pill so now what i do is get more money just a little bit just a little bit more money enough to like you know treat myself a little bit 48 hour energy it up what did we just get i don't know what we just got okay oh i'm stupid i didn't actually get anything out of that so we get boiled baby um i could buy that but we would lose all of our red heart health i don't want to do that i feel like i should just keep buying stuff there's no reason not to there's no reason to either oh wait i'm stupid i can just buy batteries okay papa fly how you doing i know it's kind of stupid to bomb my machine instead of like giving money to my machine but this is what i want to do we got brother bobby hey brother bobby i think this was the correct play oh and we got a trap door let's go i okay no you're not coming with us i have whatever you are okay money first i'm gonna go here what the heck oh wait we get both i forgot about that oh my gosh look at this one of the best runs ever oh my gosh yes please i'll take every single item i can get and this is worth it this is very worth it i know that's a big damage down but it's worth it all the way wait i already have max to your rate so i guess that skinny odd was not worth it okay i am winning right now holy cow we do have spider baby we almost have every single i think transformation that you can have right now oh my gosh you know what yes we'll take you eight ball okay we don't need that what are you what room are you oh my gosh that's insane so what's so good about this is we can just redo this floor we get another shop in another item room and like the prices reset and everything is good so i don't think i want to fight stan right is fighting stan the wrong option i want to make sure i get clear every room i'm fighting stan not good oh wiggle worm wiggle worm is a tier 8 up do i want t right up i feel like i might wait how much of a tear rate up is that oh it's not tier 8 up apparently oh wait what i have belly button i didn't realize that okay can you uh soul judas can you not right now have i gotten hit yet is there is there a am i at risk right now i don't think i am i think i'm actually very much not at risk okay can we get a re-roll or anything i'm guessing the answer to that question is no lighter is not that bad but i will yeah i'm gonna i'm not gonna take wiggle worm with wait what how do i not just take damage okay i can't go i can go through that okay let's get through here without taking damage nice okay um i don't want to take damage because unless it's a curse room even if we take damage to spikes i'll take a lot of damage and yeah okay thank you angry fly welcome to the squad and what see the charge is really messed up apparently okay what are you health down horf okay we'll take this and i'm gonna go did i do everything i needed to i think i have all the trinkets i want the magnet won't help me it's not anything crazy let's forget me now and now i'll do this floor again and we'll once again just have everything oh my gosh wait a sec what the heck apparently we both get the circle okay i need to stop shooting okay you guys need to open up nice sweet okay we get so many items right now oh soul of isaac is kind of insane i'm taking soul of isaac until we uh get a full charge i'm not gonna use actually i might use i might use it honestly yeah i think i'll use it you know what no i'll go i'll go use the correct thing oh my gosh okay so i'll use you we definitely want this definitely uh this is just more for me and you know what i just pop this again yes please nice okay and this should be a relax nice i feel like at this point i don't take soul of lilith right so lilith isn't helpful and look at this wait do i not have continuum anymore why don't you continue them i missed continuum i don't have the perks pill anymore look super good perk i think we're i think we're pretty good right now i have a lot of money i'm gonna buy a lot of stuff [Music] and i think yeah i think we're done with soul of love i think soul of lilith is old school or old news so we get freezer baby we take soul of isaac with us and we can just get all the items we could ever want pretty much is this a soul heart i see a soul heart somewhere thank you thank you uh please can we get to the shop that's all i want we have all the options in the world for what we can get with our shop and i'm gonna get a lot of chests on this next floor heck yeah okay magic mush come on magic mush come on magic mush no magic mush i'm sad okay i can see forever is fine shot speed up is always fun i'll stop all of these let's bomb you nice okay whoever's in here is gonna die pretty fast and where's the item room please gabe just wanted i just want items what's this speed down i wish that worked oh i like that okay this is called making all the right decisions i think i mean also starting with so like we started with really opie thing items so i can't say this is like skill at all i would say a lot of this is luck but we have utilized our skill greatly okay we cannot hit some of these enemies for some reason a nice anything i don't know if anything was actually in that room i don't know why continuum is not working anymore it makes me very sad i wish continuing was working continuum was such a good item rest in peace come on oh horf shot speed up where are you luck up i like luck up lockups always a good one what are you rules card is lame but what are you lovers card you guys know what that means so we do is we go to the secret room and we want to make sure it's the secret room you guys are about to see me get arky we're going to get arky we have to spirit shackles is super super entertaining i like that okay so i'm gonna make sure that we can get some good stuff here let's get a soul of isaac come back in here and i'm just gonna keep re-rolling for a bit uh i'll actually go re-roll that in a second i wanna i'm gonna try to fit like clear the floor real fast we sold the keeper what are you doing here that's a that's money for me thank you oh what are you balls of steel thank you okay um where's the item that's all i really want right now i should probably just do this first though oh my gosh as fun as epic fetus is i'm not gonna take it hey let's make sure i'm not not like taking things i don't need that is a health upgrade right there i'm kind of surprised that i'm only on one heart of health i don't know how that exactly happened i mean i know how it happened but still it surprises me okay how is okay how is the shop and the item room up this way oh it's not i don't have a shopper item or i'm stupid i didn't take the trinket that would have been cool if i actually would have been able to have that oh man i'm so stupid wait can we get out of this room i feel like we can't justice okay i'm gonna go pay out this guy up here then i feel like what i should do right now is i mean i could go try to get our key i'm trying to remember can you get out of the the satan fight after you're done i guess it doesn't really matter you know what i'm gonna come down here i feel like we might be able to get our key uh i might be stupid you guys might be like okay you just trapped yourself in there i feel like i'm fine if we did trap ourselves in here i'd rather have the soul of isaac than not the soul of isaac i would have the only way we could have used it better is like actually i don't know doing something i don't know what i'm doing right now okay yeah so we can get out of here we have one more i mean we technically have two more rerolls if i really want to get crazy and uh actually just use the soul of isaac but i'd rather keep the soul of isaac okay what do we have tm trainer okay is there any way any possible way wait where's the room that had the chest no chest room okay i'm gonna take spirit shackle i believe and then i'll take sack head i know you guys probably are like take tm trainer but i don't want to i won't take stack head spirit shackles is insane because whenever you take damage or like you're like a lethal amount of damage you just don't you're saying nope i'm not doing that i'm not taking damage please don't give us a battery thank goodness what is this two of clubs sun card hierophant let me go to the next floor maybe we can i mean there's still a chance that we could get arkey i feel like it's gonna be risky it's gonna be a low chance though okay that's interesting that's a lot of familiars i'm gonna make sure that i can use soul of isaac real fast oh nice please come on wait they're supposed to be wait a sec there is an item in here okay i'm gonna leave i was like where's the item okay our key is quite exciting but soul of isaac means that we don't have to take either of those soul of isaac is kind of insane item hey let's grab both of you oh wait there's two chests in here nice oh soul of eden's awesome i'm not going to take uh i'll i'll take you if we can get if we get like a pain chests we can still use it let's go get one more charge i want to get our key so bad red key would also be really good but that is a health upgrade that's pretty good i'm gonna make sure i'm gonna i'm gonna find out all my possible all the possibilities right now if i can get r key i'm going to get our key that's why i swear to good that scared me oh my gosh okay so this is going to be good for us i don't want scissors i really don't need scissors what i could do actually this is actually a very big brain plan so i take scissors right so i take scissors i come oh i almost took one of those i come up here i take our red key let me come back down here oh whoa okay oh my gosh i could also reroll all of those wait a sec this is just too exciting what's happening right now i don't want to buy any of those what's in here though up alabaster box i might come back for alabaster box there's just too much for me to do right now this is insane there's too many choices too many options i don't like it i'm gonna use that let's come here i feel like this is the only place i should be using isaac's soul for right i now there's also another a bunch of other really good oh my gosh i like this a lot thank you to 120 volt jeez okay i don't even know what to think right now we are just on top of the world i don't want to pick i don't need to pick up any soul hearts i could just honestly buy some of those items in there i'm trying i'm just trying to think through everything right now and it's very hard i don't know what to do interesting i know this is a really good item to take if you have the right room watch this i just want to show you guys how this works so i've seen natto's the one who uh showed this like little glitch it's gonna cut it's gonna make the item that's in the top left of the room or make it that kind of item wait it doesn't do they fix that but uh one thing that's cool is the restock doesn't make it cost more money so what i can do real quick is this actually watch this it's only gonna cost five cents every time what the heck wait what i wanted a soul how heart okay i guess we come back here i'm gonna go get my stupid clear room back um yeah let's do this i just need to get my charges that's why i'm here fill me up with charge i might honestly just take some items i don't know i really want arkey i guess archie doesn't really matter right now i can also see what other crazy items we could get elsewhere okay that they're all those are still going to be there when oh my gosh wait let me out i went out well i was not able to get out my gosh get me out of oh nice there is a soul heart right there though soul hearts are very nice let's come out here thank you for that we got fun guy nice okay good we have a lot of things we can re-roll this is like just too many options right now my brain hurts and tierra is insane what the heck one sec i need this back um i'm gonna use this one more time i think i think what i want to do is take black lotus come here real quick wait where am i going right here um and the at least pick some of these up i'll pick you up wait i need more charges uh this is hurting my brain right now i don't know what to do okay let's do that nice daddy longlegs is pretty sick i feel like i'm not gonna be able to get that many more charges so what i'm gonna do is take yara with me that way the next one we get chest we can get more chest okay what's happening i can't see anything come on this is a lot that's happening right now i know i'm not really talking that much but i'm trying my best oh my gosh okay ooh phd is fun i think proptosis could be fun i don't know we're not going to re-roll any of these but this honestly makes i it might look like this is really bad but i think this is actually really good that i did this okay that's gonna be our last charge interesting let's come back in here so this one i'm gonna do actually i feel like do we have batteries somewhere we might no i'm gonna buy sharp plug real quick i feel like that's a pretty smart plan chaos would be cool but i want to make sure we have controlled rerolls i'll take out master box real quick let's go see how many how many soul hearts we can get i feel like we can probably find a few the reason why i'm trying to like be smart with what i'm doing is if we can pop alabaster box in the super secret room we have a higher chance of getting something pretty crazy is there another soul heart somewhere i don't think there is this is what i'm thinking i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna pick up you pop you again make sure we come back up here and let's buy soul heart i'm just gonna come in here do this that's fun okay uh then we can come here oh she's again okay is there any way for me to get more soul hearts i don't need that many more game come on i only need a few okay let's go back up in here grab this i'm gonna try to pop it a few times we do have gulp which is pretty good okay there is a soul heart there let's go get alabaster box again i know the smart thing would have been to like have swallowed penny when i did that if i don't do smart things sometimes okay i don't need one more come on game oh sax i'm gonna buy a sack okay yeah this is giving us random stuff i don't know what c natto's thing was that he was trying to say to do i don't know i wasn't paying attention apparently i need more money stop taking it all away from me game wait that doesn't help oh birthright's looks super fun actually give me a little bit more money i will buy birthright and what oh my gosh we got brimstone what the heck i didn't even see brimstone was there nice i don't know what's happening oh wait there's a justice card okay is there anything in here that we oh okay that's actually really good for us that could be like insanely good i'm just gonna keep dropping bombs and hopefully we can get a soul heart okay give me a soul heart game soul of eden's also interesting okay let's make sure that you're not in here and okay let's put clear roon here let's make sure we have alabaster box in our hand let's drop isaac's whatever it is right here and pop soul eden there's scifly hey scifly you're really good oh there that's our last that's the last thing we need okay that's our last soul heart oh bombs for days but money for no days actually that's not good here we come in here we pop that and we come out here get you yeah this is the play get you get clear rooney oh nice i don't know what that was okay so we use this i'm gonna use this again you know what i think about monstrance monster rinse i think what stairway that's a little delirium i guess the body is fun i guess i'm just gonna go with active contrition i don't know why i took active construction but i just felt like that was something to do okay so now we're gonna come out here real quick let's go to the devil deal items and [Music] let's pop this oh that's really good let's pop it again i'm going to take a deck of cards just so that there's something there that's easier to reroll so it doesn't go fast pace and i'm gonna re-roll again so i'll take you scatter bombs is fine we do have bozo so whenever we take damage there's a chance that we uh don't take damage and we do other stuff oh wait wait i really want that okay so we take the virus and let's go fight oh we have this i guess i'll take e coli that could be really good honestly um now that we've done this we have a bunch of random stuff i don't know what to do right now this is overwhelming i've just done a lot and we're at like a point where i don't want to stop the game so i guess all we can do is try to continue it okay let's go fight the boss real quick see how fast we kill oh my gosh what the heck is happening here i could have victory lapped i know that i guess we'll finish the run off here not much else to do i mean we have sci fly we have like a little bit of everything that we could have ever wanted i'll go donate some money back that's probably a good idea let's go donate some money back yeah rest in peace all of our health everything we ever had one day we might be back to a run like this this is probably one of the most more insane runs i don't know what else i could have really done to oh wait what the heck we do have inky this apparently we have like two inky visses actually well i think i can just stand right here and i can't die really yeah what's happening right now we have so we have so many incubuses like look at that where did we get all the inky business from oh it was from sharp plug and uh camping conception i'm stupid well are we gonna get the delirium portal this is another one of those runs i really wish we had the delirium portal nice okay and here we go okay this is a speed run i promise this is a speed run to see how fast we can kill the lyrium okay there's just so many like extra tears go it takes about one shot to kill enemies is this gonna be delirium oh my gosh okay okay he has a lot of soul heart protection i feel like we're strong i could probably could have gotten our key but i feel like it's better not to make this run go too too long has that ever stopped me before not really oh my gosh this is kind of ridiculous the only issue right now is that we kind of constantly charge up our shots so we have delirium we have okay we just have so much right now look at that that's what we have achieved this run a little bit of everything you know what i'm okay with taking a little damage what if what if we died of damage i know damocles i think does go away once it falls we do have a bunch of like relives free life's ways that we could not die and there we go i'm not gonna do more than that because i feel like we've already just destroyed this run it's a little bit grody how how overpowered we became but we're gonna use all of our all of our stuff and head out of this run that was insane that what is right there our 59th win that was a really good win a really good run really fun one and we're just they need to fix it so the eden token thing the charge item thing the daily there's so much things they could fix i feel like so easily and they're just waiting to push out the big update which i think is a little bit annoying but anyways that's the that's the run i hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did enjoy please like comment and subscribe and also what am i saying and also i don't know what i'm saying i'm a little tired i slept really long last night but that doesn't matter school is tiring and yeah thanks you guys for watching hope you guys have a great day and as always guys it's peace out bye [Music]
Channel: Priets
Views: 10,098
Rating: 4.9150944 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Starting With Clear Rune Gets Me SO MANY Familiars!, clear rune, psy fly, incubus
Id: vwb06R2BusI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 45sec (5145 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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