Guess the Real Drug Dealer

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- [Narrator] Ex-drug dealers. - I'm a former drug dealer. - I'm a former drug dealer. - [Narrator] Five are posers, one is the real deal. Our teams. - Hi, I'm Alejea. - I'm Ronnie. - And we're stoners. - And we're stoners. - Yo, what's up? I'm Danny. - Hey, I'm Dorian - And we're law enforcement. - And we're law enforcement. - [Narrator] In a room full of liars, can these teams find the real deal? Each team has 15 minutes to find the real deal. Anytime within those 15 minutes a team can lock in their answer. - All right. First of all, everybody with pants, I'm gonna need to see how high your socks are. 'Cause they say the higher the socks, the downer the person is. All right. We got the ankles on deck. These are pretty high. I got a question for number three. How many grams in an ounce? - (laughter) 28. - Hoo. You answered that quick. How many grams in a pound? - You said how many grams in a pound? - [Danny] Mm-hm. - I ain't that good. (group laughing) - Who's been arrested before? What have you all have been arrested for? - Spilling narcotics through, in an airplane. - Okay - Standing on the corner slinging that thing. (group laughing) - Misdemeanor drug possession. - Personal possession, selling. - I got arrested for smuggling weed into Mexico. - [Dorien] Okay. All right, group. Green, black, or white? - Green. - Black. - [Producer] Let's talk about, uh, the colors. - We knew there was gonna be someone who didn't know what that meant. - Yeah. If you were about that life, you know what it meant, so. - Right away. - What's green? - The flag of Mexico. - Hm? - The flag of Mexico. - [Dorien] What's black? - Power. (law enforcement laughing) - [Dorien] What's white? - What's white? That's a neutral color, right there. - What's black? - Tar heroin. - [Dorien] What's green? - Weed. - [Dorien] What's white? - Man? - Huh? - The man. (group laughing) - [Dorien] Okay. - [Danny] All right. We're making an elimination at this time. - [Narrator] Each team will try to find the real deal by eliminating the imposters. If both teams eliminate the same person they will be removed from the game. - Who do you wanna go with? I say. Well, we eliminated number five, um... - Because he was a model - And I've never really seen a pretty drug dealer before. So... - He had that... look - For the whole group I want to go around in order and see, um how much money has everybody made last year. - I made, uh $350,000. - Is this documented or undocumented money? - Uh. - Can I say that on camera? - It could be undocumented. - Yeah, it can be both. - Probably like 250k. - Between 150 200,000. - I'm a dependent, small time. 3,500. - I made about 150k the last time, but it's been a few years for me. - Between 80 and 150 back in the day. - [Ronnie] Okay. - What are you guy's hobbies? I wanna ask the whole group. - Going out to brunch, just hanging out, watching re-runs of SpongeBob. - [Ronnie] The good life? - You know? Yeah. (SpongeBob laughing) - I mean, I'm practically retired. - SpongeBob guy. - [Guy With Sunglasses] Yeah. - I like the buss down. - Buss down? - I like to buss down. (Ronnie laughing) Every day of the week, buddy. - She's a real one. (laughs) - Blazing up, and trying to get paid. - [Ronnie] There you go. - I hike a lot, I play guitar, I smoke. - I really just be smoking, hitting the gym. I don't get out the house much. I'm not really a social person. - Okay. - I don't do (beep) anymore. Go to work. Try to see my kid. - We would like to make an elimination. - [Narrator] As a reminder, if both teams eliminate the same person that person will be removed from the game. - He sounded too happy-go-lucky to- for me. And it was like, dude, you're hiking. Like I was like, oh yeah, this dude, he's gone. - What made you stop dealing drugs? - Well, I got caught. - I got tired of going to jail, bro. - I decided to stop just 'cause I- I saw how it was affecting people around me. I saw friends get locked up. I saw (beep) happening and I wanted better for myself. - My nephew was knifed. Didn't make it. - What does it mean to be on deck? - To be ready to rock-and-roll. - Ready to go. Ready to sell. - Customer coming up. - I'm stacked. - (beep) (indistinct) (Dorien laughing) - Well for the group, Can I see some tattoos? - This is Al Capone in a shoot-out with the police. This is more personal stuff, you know. I got my whole stomach. - Do you have any tattoos? Number one? - Not that I can show. (group laughing) - We'd like to make an elimination. We elimi- (laughs) eliminated number one because... - SpongeBob. And his collar. He is not from the eighties to be dressed like that. - This is questions for number five. - 'Sup? - Have you ever been robbed? - Have ever been robbed? Yeah, I think we all have. It just comes with the game. - Oh (beep) - What area do you guys stay in? Like right now? - Downtown LA. - [Ronnie] Downtown? - Orange County. - [Ronnie] Orange County? - South Central. - [Ronnie] South Central? - Downtown LA. - [Ronnie] Downtown? - South Central. - K-town. - [Ronnie] K town? Okay. Number one. Do you know any weight conversions? - Kilos. Kilos to pounds. - Number three. Do you know any weight conversions? - Basic (beep) Grams, pounds, ounces, QPs, birds. - That type of (beep) - All right, number three. - Number four. Did you ever have to flush anything down on toilet? - Nah. - [Ronnie] Nah? Um, do anybody have any nicknames? - Uh, certain places they call me Medusa. - [Ronnie] Medusa? - T-Mac - [Ronnie] T-Mac? - Called Shunk. - Shunk? - Roach. - Roach. All right. We're ready to eliminate some people. I mean, some, somebody. (Group laughing) - Oh, number two was more of a raver than a drug dealer. - Just giving me tattoo artists like (laughs) - For the group, finish this segment. Never get. - Up. - Shot. - High off your own supply. - Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. - Never spend your bread on your own supply. - Yeah. Never take your own (beep) - Uh, number, number three. Can I see the way you walk bro? Can I just see your, your, your- - Strut for us. - [Danny] Your strut? - Yeah. Being from the block to the badge, you know? Uh, yeah. We look for those kind of walks and that kind of style. (curious music) - That's a mean one. - Okay, OG. - Yo. - Okay. - All day. (group giggles) - For the group, again. How'd you get in the game? - Oh, uh my flight instructor was a drug smuggler, and he just took me to the side. He's like, "Hey Ray, you know what? You're a good pilot. Why don't you become a drug smuggler? See the airplane out there? Every time you bring it back you're gonna make 60 to 80,000 per flight." So I did it. - I first moved to orange county. Everyone at my high school was doing Xans, and I was the only kid in orange county with no money. So I wanted some money, and they said this is how you can get it. - Well, y'all know in the hood we don't got much to start with, so just being from gangs in the hood and the older homies coming up to you, letting you know here's a way to make some money. - My uncle had me deliver (beep), didn't told me what it was. Take this money. - I lost my college wrestling scholarship. Moved back home, found out my girl was (beep) a coke dealer. What did I do? I took the same route he did. I wanted to do it better. - (laughs) We'd like to do another elimination please. Right, yeah. His answers were so like they were so on point that they sounded fake. - Also, when we asked him what was white, he said- - The man? - I was like... (Dorien laughs) - The question we have is for number six. Do you know what a dub is? - A dub? - Like somebody be like, "Oh, let me get a dub." - I don't. - Let's see, Number five. Can you name a class A, B or C drug? - Well, I could tell you right now, testosterone and steroids are under the same category as marijuana and stuff like that. If you get caught selling steroids you got three to five year sentence. - I didn't know that - [Ronnie] Great information. - No, just in case y'all ever need to know. - [Ronnie] I want to see you asking questions. - I don't know if I asked this already, but everybody's occupation. - I'm a performer. - [Ronnie] Performer? - Three? - Aspiring actor. - Yeah? That's great. - I'm a male stripper. I'll be real with you. - That's for sure. No, I've seen Magic Mike. I'm gonna do a little action. I just wanna know if anybody knows what this is. Like, say like, you know you don't have like a scale or something like that. You know, you wanna weigh something like, anybody know what this is called? - You gotta eye it. - Number three is doing (indistinct) (group laughing) - We want to eliminate somebody - [Producer] Drug dealer number six. Unfortunately, both teams have decided that you are not the real deal. And we are going to have you exit please. - You wait, you wait. (group laughs) - There he is. Number two. What's white? - Cocaine. - What's white? - Cocaine. - Number four, what's white? - Coke. Number one, what's white? - Cocaine and cocaine accessories, (group laughs) - Accessories. - Number three, what's white? - Coke. - [Producer] Okay. So time has, has run out for y'all. If you wanna go ahead and just make your final guess. - I don't think so. - I don't don't think it is. - I don't think so. - But if you say no, bro - Then that's what it is. - I know for sure it's not. - Yeah? - Yeah. - All right. - All right. - For the whole entire group. Do you know the difference between indica, sativa and hybrid? - Hell yeah. - Number one. - Nope. - You don't? - No. - Number two. - Indica is more like a downer, kind of chill. Sativa is more like happy let's get going. And hybrid is kind of good mix of both. It depends on what it's mixed with. If it's a hybrid dominant or sativa dominant - You got a little bit of Gelato 33, you got something to put you to bed. - There you go. Sativa. Just the opposite. - That's what I wanted to hear. - You got some Lemonade. Something like that. - Um, number three. Have you ever dealt with someone that had, like clear addictions? - Meaning that was obvious? - [Ronnie] Yeah. - Yeah. - And you still sell to them? - Yeah. Okay. It was a cut row business, man. You didn't, couldn't care about none of that. - [Bald Girl] Yeah, basically. - Number three. What do you do in the morning? - Wake and bake. (group laughing) - Search for some acting jobs. - Number five. What do you do in the morning? - I'm up at 6:00 AM with my morning blunt going to see my trainer - Trainer. Okay. Um, I'll say it again. Officially- - We're ready to lock in. Well. Mm. - Together. - Oh, okay. - Officially we're- - Oh, sorry. - Officially. We're ready to lock in. - [Producer] Are you all high right now? - Oh yeah. On the- - Well we just got- - Yeah. I needed something to mellow me out. - [Producer] So the stoners have officially locked in their real deal, - Finally. - Which means the game is over. - All right, we think the real deal is number, number two - Duce, duce. - They know too much about drugs. - Either a user or a seller. - We think the real deal is number three. Just feel like he was on point with everything that he was doing. - Yeah. - I, I, we're either getting bamboozled or he, he's really, you know, doing what he says he does. - [Producer] If the lights on your podium turn green, that means you have chosen the real deal. If they turn red, that means that you have chosen an imposter. Law enforcement, your guess was former drug dealer number two In 3, 2, 1 - What? - Mother lover. - Damn. - Get some more training, boy. - It was the stripper, huh? - Yeah. - I'm pissed. - I'm a little, I'm just a little mad, a little disappointed 'cause I second guessed myself. - [Producer] For our stoner team, you have chosen former drug dealer to number three. - Let's see, actor. - [Alejea] Aspiring actor. - [Producer] 3, 2, 1. (stoners celebrating) - I'm sorry that we ran out. (group cheering) - Hello everybody, I'm Tyrone, and I am the real deal. After getting arrested a number of times and watching friends get killed and things of that nature I was trying to find a way out, and the best way to get out of that type of life is you have to take yourself outta the environment. Leaving California is really what made me change. - We won this for the stoners. - We won this for the stoners. - We did that. Mm-hm. - [Producer] What did we learn in today's game? - We learned that the higher the socks, the downer the fools. (laughs) It sure comes down to that today. (laughs) - [Producer] So besides being former drug dealer, what were you also? - Law enforcement. - Oh. - What a twist. - Damn. (indistinct) - M. Night Shyamalan twist. - I thought he was an actor, like. - Yeah, yeah, for sure. - That was (beep). - That was good.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,276,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, the real deal, real deal jubilee, the real deal jubilee
Id: 8axiIoJ96qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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