- I'm not drunk. - I am not drunk. - I am not drunk. - I'm not drunk. - I'm not drunk. - I'm not drunk. - I'm not drunk! I don't drink! You know what I'm saying? 'Cause I don't like when the breath stink. (dramatic music) - [Everyone] Cheers! (words whooshing)
(timer softly ticking) - Salud. (bell dinging) - Oh, yeah. - Oh! - Tastes like... - Hydration.
(Chavela coughing) - Hi, everyone. I'm Tara. I go by Dr. Tara.
(words dinging) - Oh, doctor? Okay! Go crazy! Go crazy! - My name's Elvis Portillo. I'm from Las Vegas. - From Las Vegas? Yo! - Don't let that name fool you. Think I'm the mole right there. (group laughing) - I'm Christine. I'm not Dr. Christine. I
will be J.D. Christine. - Oh, go crazy! - I'm Steve, freelance writer. - Hi, Steve. - Hi.
- Hey, Steve. - Steve! - So I'm from pretty much everywhere. Africa, France, you name it. - Chey, hi everyone. I'm from Germany. I lived in London last. - What? - But of reasons as to
why I'm not the mole is because if my accents
weird, that's why. I'm not drunk, I promise. (group laughing) - I'm Chavela. I'm from here, from L.A. I'm an actor and I'm a model and a dancer and yeah, I suck a drinking, but. - My name is Gabe. - Hey, Gabe. - I've never traveled 'cause the budget. The budget. Is the budget. The budget is not there. - Yeah. I get it, I get it. Yeah, super sober. - Is the word sober? (group laughing) - [Steve] We all are, but yeah. Okay. - This guy sounds like he's (beep) faced. - Yeah, super sober. - That's exactly what a
drunk person would say. - I'm like, are you drunk? (group laughs) - No. No. - Okay, everybody wink. - Okay. (bell dinging) - Okay. - I can't do it.
- Okay. - You wanna like?
- That was cute. (bell dinging) - Like, yours is drunk. - (sighs) I was just
trying to give a smile. - Just 'cause you're from Vegas. - [Elvis] Exactly.
(timer ringing) - Hey, good humans. We're taking a quick break
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Liquid I.V.'s sweepstakes for a chance to win one year of free Liquid I.V. Hydration Multipliers. Now, let's get back to the episode. (upbeat drum music) (pictures popping) (buzzer ringing) - What the (beep)? Sorry. (group laughing) It's like getting booed off stage. You just don't know what to expect. You just get the oh. I even said, "I'm not drunk." I'm not even close to drunk. (laughs) It's just like, I'm high on life. - All right, guys, I
actually have an idea. Everybody show one dance move to see if they're little limping
or something, you know? - Oh, my God. I actually
prepared the same thing. - So I'll go first, if you guys want. - All right, all right. - So. (cheering) - Oh, damn. Like, you're good. - Yeah, yeah. - At a party when you were like, drinking, you are like, in the mood and you're like, ready to like bust moves and I was thinking that
might be a giveaway. - Little kick. - Geez. - Little spin. - All right. Wait, what
was the kick with the spin? - Kick and then spin. (upbeat music) - Elvis's dance move. It would not have been my go-to. - I don't really know how to dance well. - I don't want people to think I'm drunk just because I can't like, bust a move. - What's your relationship
with your mother like? - Oh (beep). Geez, you're not really
complicated and really dark. - When Chey asked about mommy issues, I was like, okay, Chey,
you are drunk, right? Like, I mean, if you are
asking about mommy issues, it means you want everyone
to talk except yourself. - I don't know. Traumatic. I'm Mexican, so it's difficult. (group laughing) - I can relate. I can relate. - Okay, mine's amazing. We're best friends. - Nice. - We've had a rocky road, but
I think we're kind of like, working our way back together now. - Me and my mom were kind
of separated for a while. We just recently kind of reconnected. - Nice. Yeah. - I feel like we're such the same person that we click sometimes,
but it's a work in progress. - Gotcha. - How about you? - Pretty good. Yeah. You know, relationships with
mothers go ups and downs, but love her to bits. - Yeah.
- Yeah. - I feel like drunk
people like to overshare, so that was like a question like, maybe one of you was gonna
go into like, immense detail. - Okay. Should we try Jubilee backwards? Go! - [Group] E-E-L-I-B-U-J. - You drunk! (group laughing) - I'm just dumb. - Oh, English is not your first language. - It's not. (timer ringing) (upbeat drum music) - Looking at her eyes,
they kind of seemed like they were like, moving everywhere. They were just like, nervous. (upbeat drum music)
(pictures popping) - He just seemed like he was trying to figure out how to be sober. Like, he was thinking a lot. - [Crew Member] We counted all the votes and we have a tiebreaker! Between Chey and Isabel. - Interesting. - [Crew Member] I'm gonna let
everyone choose a tiebreaker you want them to do. - What? - Balance.
- Okay. - Balance one leg . - Okay. That's good. - How about like, hop on
one leg like, 10 times? - Go. (upbeat circus music) - Okay. They're too good. - Yeah. - It was like the Peter
Piper picked a patch of pickled peppers. - Exactly. Yeah. - I'll say it slowly and
then you'll say it fast. Peter Piper picked a
patch of pickled peppers. - Peter Piper picked a
peck of pickled pickles. Pickles. (group laughing) I'm sorry. - Peter picked a bunch of pickled peppers. (group laughing) (beep) Peter picked some peppers la playa. That's what I thought they said. - She couldn't say the the peg. (laughs) Like, I'm drunk. I don't know. Peg Pippa pep Peppa pegging. Like, she couldn't say it, so
I'm like, you drunk, Isabel! (Tara laughing) (upbeat drum music) - [Crew Member] Isabel. (buzzer ringing) - Sorry, baby.
- Bye. Sorry. - Love your outfit. - I know.
- Thank you. - I already knew they
was gonna call me out. These people, they ain't
around people like me a lot. You know what I'm saying? With some spice, with some flavor. So they're gonna think I
have something going on, but I'm just high all the time. - If you think the mole
is still in the box and you'd like to
continue playing the game, please raise your hand. - I actually feel like we caught them. - I think just one more round. Just one more round. - I have a suspicion. Yeah. - One more round. - Okay. One more round. - Okay, let's just do it. Yeah. (soft drum music) - [Crew Member] We're gonna
have each of you take a shot. It's gonna be a shot of water for everyone except for the mole. - Oh. (gentle upbeat music) - Cheers, guys. - I suspected Tara. The way her eyes started glaring. How smooth she just took it
and kind of smiled back at us and just walked away smiling. (gentle upbeat music) - Cheers. - Bottoms up. (group laughs) I actually spilled it. - He said, "Bottoms up," and
I think that that made me a little bit suspicious because
everyone else was trying really hard to keep a straight face. - Let's get it. Oh, yeah. - He took a while to like, swallow. - He smiled at the end. Maybe he was just trying to cover up like, the burning sensation of the drink. (gentle upbeat music) - Cheers. - Okay, one of you guys
was way too good at that. If that's your vodka face, whoever it is, do we need to talk? (group laughing) Do you have a problem? - Yeah. - Okay. I have a quick question. Did you drive here? - Yes. - But you drove here all
the way from Las Vegas? - All the way from Las Vegas. - Today?
- Today. - Interesting. - And you're planning on going back there? - Are you staying at a
hotel right next door? - No, I'm going back tonight. - How long is the drive? - It's about four hours
from here to Los Angeles. - Did you drive here? - Yes. - Did you?
- I did. - Did you?
- Yes. - Hmm. - Did you?
- Did you drive today? - Yeah, of course I drove today. (group laughing) I like trying to see the eyes. Like, when I'm drunk, my
eye are glossy as (beep). - I slur just my words. - My eyes are getting
watery for some reason. - You were really quiet. - I'm just kind of shy. I can talk. - What made you wanna go on a Jubilee show if you're kind of shy? - Good question. - That's a good question. I mean, I just graduated college. I went to USC and I feel like, thank you. I feel like I was a commuter student and I didn't really get
to have a lot of fun. So when there was an opening for this, I was like, let me just try and do it and I'm really excited. - Okay. So then you got lit
before you come here or no? - I drove here so I
couldn't, but I might after. - Interesting. (bell ringing) (upbeat drum music) Oh, I drove from Vegas four hours. After this, I'm gonna drive
four hours back to Vegas. That's a lie. You are drunk and you're gonna go back to the hotel next door. - I definitely want to
get rid of her. (laughs) She started kind of going after me, so I had to kind of get the defensive and start going after her. - [Crew Member] Elvis.
(buzzer rings) - Damn! Oh, man, it hit me right here in the soul. Like, it hurt. - [Crew Member] If you think
the mole is still in the box and you'd like to
continue playing the game, please raise your hand. - What are you thinking? - Oh, I don't know. Is that what you thought? - I think we got them. - [Crew Member] Please raise your hand. (soft drum music) So the game is over. - Okay. - Did we get them?
(group clapping) - Hope so. Hope so. - [Crew Member] If the lights turn green, that means you have voted
the mole out and you all win. If the light turns red, that means the mole is still
in the box and you lose. Three, two, one. (dramatic music) - It's you! It's you!
- It's her! - It's you! - Oh, I knew I knew it!
- I knew it! It's you! - I literally voted her every time. - Oh, my God. (screen whooshes) - [Crew Member] On the count of three, the mole will step forward
and reveal themselves. Three, two, one. - I knew it!
- Oh, my God. - I knew it! I knew it! She was way too quiet! - Your face was making me mad. - She was the quietest person in the room! When you that drunk, you don't speak! (group laughs) I feel so much joy that
the people that took me out didn't get the money. (laughs) That's what y'all get! - Before this shoot, I
took five shots of vodka and then right before we filmed, I took another two shots of vodka. - How drunk are you? - How drunk are you? - On a scale of one to 10,
I'm probably like, a seven. - Wow! (Christine laughing) - Sorry. Sorry. (Christine laughing) Oh, my God. Being drunk really helped with my fear of being shy on camera. It was able to kind of help me tune into a more bubbly, outgoing side of myself. The only time I did lie during the game was about getting here. My boyfriend's been waiting for me, so I did in fact not drive here. - If you liked this
episode and wanna see more, then make sure to
subscribe to our channel. (Christine laughing) - Yay, girl. (Christine laughing) - I wanna celebrate. - Get money. (group cheering)