Momma’s crispy salmon croquettes with a twist

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hello you guys welcome to the wise woman way in the kitchen you are here with Elizabeth live today we're going to make some um fish cakes um girl cakes um whatever you want to call them but we're going to use some wild caught sockeye salmon and some wild pork smoked salmon this is going to be delicious this is my mom's recipe I never heard her use the smoked salmon I know that it's going to be good with that smoked taste but this is my mother's let me show you my mom Miss Etta Murphy a beautiful woman wow one day I have to tell you guys a story about my mom and wow when we was growing up she took in a lot of people children who had a Hard Knock Life coming through um her house on Kimberly Avenue she was an excellent cook she was the chef of the house everything she cooked was superb and she had six children she divorced my father her my father divorced unfortunately but you know we moved on in life and this woman here man she helped people out in housing somewhere for them to lay their head wash their clothes if they wanted 10 service um to worship God or whatever the case may be you need a hot delicious meal and a good conversation everything was therapeutic with moms lots of people love her she loved to laugh have fun cook with family and friends around that was mommy's life and she has done a good job anyway this is my mom's recipe and we're going to get moving okay so the first thing I'm gonna do I am going to get our mixture ready and we're using some cornmeal some organic cornmeal I get this from the Indian store and then actually I'll show you it again this is the brand I use wasn't expensive either 3.95 that's awesome and then I have some playing self-rising flour here which I'm going to use one tablespoon matter of fact two tablespoons of flour it kind of stuck so I gotta put some more in two tablespoons of flour and one nice tablespoon of the cornmeal flour and that's what it's looking like I'm gonna bring everything up closer so you guys can see this is gonna be so good you guys okay so let's get down there okay you guys let me bring it over closer this is what we're using this is Bumblebee sockeye salmon Wildcat okay so let me just grab another Bowl I always think I have everything I need but that is not always the case and you guys I need to let you know for the record you know we love our music okay so anyway we don't own the rights to the music okay so we're gonna go ahead bring it up a little closer bring it down some so you can see what we're doing we're gonna go oh we don't need the juice so what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and um save our juice we're just gonna drain it and yes this is Ken and for you guys who've been following me particularly you know that I stopped eating meat um at the first of the year and you know don't eat me uh only thing we're eating is fish things from the ocean anyway we're gonna have to take some of the little bones that's in here out so we're gonna just pour this right into our Bowl there you have it we're gonna pick the bones out of that and then we can go ahead with our wild caught smoked salmon this is by chicken of the sea and we're gonna go ahead and put it right in there so we'll put these to the side for now okay and we'll put the flour to the side as well as with the organic corn flour and we're going to use oil for our pin maybe about a cup of oil and that would be a full cup matter of fact that looks like a cup and a half we're going to use that's the way we're gonna do it today and we're just using some extra virgin olive oil a really good brand and what the price is so high I got this for 9.99 that's unbelievable anyway guys you guys we're moving on we're gonna go in here and get the bones out because you don't want to eat bones yep see you can see the bones in here but look at that um sockeye salmon nice and red that's what I like about it the true red okay so we're gonna get the bones out how do we get the bones out we use a um I'll put this up here we use a fork on mama's pictures falling down you guys this is a little small kitchen that I work in I hope you guys enjoy this video but this is how we do it so let's make these salmon croquettes this is what's up for dinner okay so you know what I don't want to mess up too many dishes so hands are clean we're gonna take them put the bones right in there with the oil the little small bones won't hurt it can you can just chew them down or if you want to take your time and take all your bones out especially if you have little children that's the right thing to do but mostly when it's like this and they have bones it really won't hurt you but you do want to take the bones out that's visual that you can see so everybody can stay well and we don't want no one getting sick anyhow I think you guys for tuning in please press share um so people can see this video okay so look at this you guy I mean like that's a lot of salmon wow what and then I know you looking and you're saying yes wild caught but uh it's still Ken's and I don't use canned goods but when I want me some salmon it ain't gonna hurt every now and then so I'll go ahead and use the um see see you got to get those bones off there there's there are little bones there like one sticking out right there you want to get those out as much as you can get your bones out so so far I think I did a good job getting the bones out so here we go you guys we might need to use more flour let's go ahead and get that salmon you're gonna mix it in real good with the flour with the two flowers of the um self-rising and the um oh it smells good too self-rising and the organic corn flour it's not meal it's flour so that's good especially for the sear recipe now this is gonna look at all of that salmon you get in that can that is a lot of salmon but you guys this is going to be so good and we're not going to use that much salt at all we don't need a whole lot of salt you guys we don't never need a whole lot of sugar either actually if you don't have to use sugar don't use sugar at all sugar is not good for you sugar is basically poison to our system you know so look at that you guys nicely kind of missed okay so remember this not all just um sound um no this is not just all the um sockeye salmon remember I mixed a pack of um chicken of the sea cold hot smoked salmon and this here is three ounces to be exact okay all righty now you're going to pay for these cans today for the sockeye salmon about ten dollars definitely about ten dollars and these the pack of salmon here is about two and some change two to three dollars so it's a awesome meal so here we go you guys this is what we're gonna do all right let me grab the Bones from out of here that I put in here I'm gonna go ahead and just get rid of the bones okay I thought I had some extra stuff here but oh okay so we'll use the can that it came in this is easy super simple okay so we'll go ahead and put the bones in here we don't need these bones but we definitely want to use the juice and another thing you guys I may have not told you is that we're gonna use some extra juice because the more juice we use from our tuna and salmon the more fishy the cakes will taste opposed to using the water so we have a bottle up here and I think the smartest thing to do is use that one I have a bottle in the refrigerator but what happens is over time when you have clam juice and stuff it can go very fast so let me just get my stuff and um stool you guys hang in there with me I'll get rid of the things we don't need anymore okay [Music] so you guys take some tips when you're in a small kitchen to organize everything to the point excuse me and I hope my butt don't be in you guys face I don't want that anyway let me go up in here and get the juice here it is and this is what we have we'll take the step in school and put that back and this is the clam juice by snows this is what we're using that's going to add more moisture so here we go we'll go ahead and and for sure we're gonna need more uh okay more um flour I'm almost positive but while we are doing this we're gonna go ahead turn the fire on get this pan started here we'll put that up on high until it can start to boil but in the meantime here we have our flowers we're gonna oh yeah we have our flowers we're gonna go ahead slowly and add in our juices here we have it get a little more juice in it because that's quite a bit of salmon look at that you guys that looks nice okay so what's gonna happen here so you guys what we're gonna do now how about we'll go ahead and add another tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of the cornmeal flour because we want this to be nicely mixed so okay and I'll get you the amount that we put in all together oh let's go ahead and do our egg this is one egg because we need our um mixture to be able to hold for the salmon croquettes okay and then you guys we will also be using a diced onion I don't know if we'll need another egg perhaps I might put it in because the egg matter of fact I'm going to tell you right now we're going to add yup more tablespoon of flour you guys here we go again okay now this is my first time heifer tablespoon of the um yep that's how I want it half a tablespoon of the um cornmeal again and I'll give you the count or either you guys can add it up for what you see me though okay so let's get this beautiful onion right here we have one oh let me get my knife all my tools are up here for the kitchen easy like I said as long as you stay organized when you're in a small kitchen it's much easier you don't have a whole lot of cleaning to do because everything is right there but some people like more space space you know it's their prerogative sometimes I like space but I work with what I I work from where I'm at and this is where I'm at right now in life core Cycle's been polling a time with my children okay so here we go you guys we're gonna dice one onion up we may have to dice the other one up let's see bring it up a little closer here bring it down yep there we go uh oh hey you guys I want you to know that um right after Christmas I wasn't feeling too well I you know on all those videos I was cooking a lot of different foods it was my grand finale for meats and stuff so uh that didn't work too well in terms of how I felt so at the um end of the new years I have made up in my mind that on the 31st um that will be the end of meets for me and that's what happened and not only is that for me but it's actually for the entire household which is good uh because meat stays in your system a long time um especially when you know the fat from it and all of that I didn't manage it well too busy trying to work and everything we got to take better care of ourselves you guys because nobody's gonna look out for us like we look out for ourselves so you guys I'm just cutting the onion onions off more or less dicing them um because they're really good in the salmon croquettes the onion that's what make the salmon Crow cake so good as the onions to make okay so right here I would say we have a half an onion and what we're gonna do let me just finish chopping it okay so I see the oil is getting hot so I'm gonna put the oil over just turn it off for a little bit because no need for the oil to burn okay you guys bear with me we coming together check this out okay I should have used the bigger chopping ball board okay you guys here we go now go ahead and take some onions dump it all right there and there this is gonna be so good you guys I kid you not a little onion flavor do we have another onion yep this one I want this to be good so let's get this onion cut up so now I see why mommy used to have so many crumb cakes because you know when you put the flour in it and you also add the um cornmeal it stretches and so there'd be okay that's enough putting up okay you guys here we go okay so let's stir this up a little let's put a little more juice in here we go okay wow look at that you guys I like that now we're gonna go ahead this really um where is it go ahead and use a whisk as a whisket things the way we want to there we go so sometime we start off with stuff as we go along with stuff sometimes we have to change our game so you guys I could have put all my dry stuff in and all my wet stuff in together but guess what this is how I'm doing it today okay so you want to go ahead and empty I want you guys to see it you're going to go ahead empty all the salmon we're going to empty all the salmon right into the mixture okay here we go sit there up there to get that out the way along with these guys give us some space here okay feed the onion okay so I do think that we probably will put another egg in but let's go ahead and get you know what matter of fact we are and not only are we going to go ahead and put our egg in this is a good time to go ahead and just taste the salmon um okay you guys regular pink Himalaya sea salt we're gonna go ahead and sprinkle that around because we want it to be delicious and then we're going to put a little regular black pepper in it oh bad okay you guys so let's just get this mixed in first I'll fold it in and after I fold it in I'll go ahead and more like mix it but you guys this is our mixture you know I think I'm gonna put that other onion in this is gonna be delicious you guys look at it oh now remember what I told you the seared dishes this is wild caught um sockeye salmon and wild caught smoked salmon okay so look at this you guys this is really looking good oh wait yes indeed ooh look at that you guys okay just want to make sure we got enough salt not too much but just enough okay then I say I will cut up a little more onion um which will serve us because that's more vegetable onions will make it right oh and when you taste it oh after they finish frying it you taste it with the um you know I don't fry a lot of food but you know if you want to make some fruit cakes this is how we're gonna do it the next time we make the crumb cakes we're just gonna go ahead and bad make it up and um lightly fry it and then freeze them and then put them in the fryer for them to get done I think we'll be better off that way eating because what we're trying to do at this point is find better ways of eating our food which will be more healthier for us and we know right off the bat frying is not healthy at all matter of fact frying has to come off my um my list of preparing Foods because I'm trying to come back better than ever before of course in 2014 um 15 16 I was at the gym for four years straight never missed a day um and I lost almost 50 pounds if not 50 pounds and I did it by hard work and dedication and kept the weight off and um first time I picked up weight is when this pandemic came in just this past um fall season when I started the um food shows show showing you our food shows that's when my weight picked up a little more black pepper would not hurt you guys so here we have it and then you know we're ready you guys look at that oh my goodness this is gonna be delicious this is going to be delicious you guys okay so now it's time to put the pin back on the stove where it belonged and let me just wash my hands for you guys who just tune in thank you for tuning in you know what I do you guys thank you for tuning in um I appreciate it you guys press share like um leave your comments but you know what I do with my eggs and stuff I always show you guys you throw all this stuff let me tell you even this extra onion if you're not going to use it again up here is a little dirty throw everything I mean everything everything into the sink you get the food because what the food do the foods nourish your skin okay so here we go we'll cut that on put that in we're finished with the flowers okay you guys here we go excuse me but this is how I clean up and I know on TV Land you guys don't see a lot of that stuff in the new day with people preparing food and cooking in the you know the big kitchens with the finest of everything but I don't have come to my point in life at age 60. I realize I don't need a whole lot of stuff I don't need a whole lot of stuff because I've learned when I was living in a house um on kohary Drive in New Haven Connecticut fine neighborhood um the house was 4 000 Square feets living space and the one thing I couldn't I did not like was cleaning the house and even if I was to get Maize I'm not into the main thing I like to do these things myself I like to clean up I'm a busy bee I like to take care of my own stuff I don't want nobody taking care of me I don't want to sit back and have people taking care of me you know maybe a little at a time sometimes but uh-uh okay here we go you guys okay so we got the oil on and let me show you how we're going to do this here as a matter of fact you guys let me show you this we are going to use our ice cream scooper to scoop out to make it all even okay so you guys we are here making our wild quartz Sockeye um smoked salmon croquettes you guys tuned back in I'm gonna cut this video I'm gonna have a uh we're gonna have a part two video for our salmon croquakes be sure to watch it if you like what we do please press like please share so people can see our content subscribe so we can get good ratings okay you guys so here it is we have the batter you guys come on back here now to our little small little country kitchen and we're going to show you how we're gonna bring it all together and taste it so you guys can have a nice recipe to feed your family and your loved ones okay alrighty you guys thanks for tuning in like I said tune in to the next video part two of our sock eye smoke salmon um another thing can't leave without saying be well be wise and always think higher because somebody probably won't tune into the video but I know you guys will okay you're with Elizabeth live from the wise woman way in the kitchen I say
Channel: Elizabeth Lyde
Views: 3,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Pv1hT5DuQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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