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y'all it is almost that time crock pot season is upon us and today I have got seven of our favorite best of crock pot recipes to share with you be sure you save this video so you can make all of these delicious recipes for your family all season long okay so to my crock pot I'm gonna go ahead and give it a good spray I'm gonna go ahead and add in my chicken this recipe is called creamy chicken rigatoni it sounds amazing next we're going to add in a good amount of Italian seasoning probably about a tablespoon and bumpy is actually going to play golf tonight with one of our friends who's in town so I'm hoping this is going to be ready like right when he gets home and then about the same amount of garlic powder and black pepper this recipe also calls for like the Lipton soup mix I think is what it's called but I don't really love that because it has a lot of onions in it so I always just substitute that with the zesty Italian salad dressing seasoning mix this packs so much flavor next is one can of cream of chicken soup [Music] and then I'm gonna do about a cup and a half to two cups of heavy cream [Music] and then about a third stick of butter I'm gonna do half a block of cream cheese about a cup to a cup and a half of chicken broth [Music] and a couple dashes of hot sauce okay we're gonna give this like a good little stir can I get everything mixed together and then I'm gonna pop a lid on and let this cook on high for about three hours so we get to our next step I do want to tell you I'm going to type out this recipe down below because I found it from a tick tock and I am kind of happy to three fourth sing this recipe so I will type it out to kind of the exact measurements that the original recipe came from I'm just like eyeballing it because of course I'm just making it for Bunkie and I but we're gonna add pasta in there later more chicken stock cheese y'all it's gonna be so good okay wait till y'all see this it looks amazing so I'm gonna go ahead and kind of shred this chicken apart and then we're gonna add in some more chicken stock as well as our pasta lots of Parmesan and then the recipe calls for like smoked gouda which I didn't have but I was like I'll just use mozzarella y'all somehow I'm out of mozzarella as well so I'm just gonna get creative here and do a few of these white American Cheese Slices I think it's going to be just fine and make it even more creamy [Music] the chicken's not all the way done at this point so it's not gonna be as tender as it will be once it's completely finished cooking but as long as you can get some kind of big chunks in there to go ahead and kind of just get it working y'all know how I love to make your recipe my own I hopefully that's quite enough pasta and I have just a tiny bit of this one left as well so I'm going to add this into because why not [Music] okay pop in a lid back on for about 45 more minutes [Music] pot dinner is looking amazing it smells incredible right yeah it does but I just checked it and it still has I think at least like 15 20 minutes so we're gonna let it keep cooking [Music] oh boy wow wow that is good I am shook monkey I'm definitely picking up on the creaminess it's very velvety it's kind of light it is I put one of the Italian dressing seasoning packets in there and I forgot that's where I can like taste and it is so good you know what this is kind of like what like when you do it with the um like we've done before with the Olive Garden but it's less Tangy like it's more edible is there cream cheese in here yeah a little bit of cream cheese but not as much no and I think that Olive Garden dressing is like so powerful right I really like the texture of it more the salt like the texture of the sauce is so much smoother this is creamy goodness yeah this is this is awesome okay I gotta tell y'all this hands down is in like my top best of ever crock pot recipes it is scrumptious like the flavor's so good it's so creamy you have to make this like you absolutely have to put this on your meal plan for the week you're gonna love it okay so for tonight's crock pot recipe we are making Mississippi chicken not Mississippi pot roast although that is one of my all-time hands-down favorite crock pot recipes if you have never tried Mississippi pot roast you need to so this is the exact same thing except for with chicken and if y'all remember this was a while back I made just regular grilled chicken with the Mississippi um marinade and it was incredible so we're gonna do the exact same thing but in the crock pot shred it up I think I'm gonna make some homemade mashed potatoes to go along with it and some green beans it's going to be delicious but let's go ahead and get it cooking so for this recipe I'm gonna go ahead and add my chicken to my crock pot and then I'm going to top it with one packet of aju gravy one packet of ranch seasoning mix if you have the big container that's about three tablespoons I'm gonna do half a stick of butter and then the juice from the pepperoncinis as well as like five or six pepperoncinis you can add however many of those that you want depending on which Spice level you like and then pop a lid on it and it's going to cook on low for about six to seven hours okay so this chicken has been cooking all day our house smells amazing so I'm gonna go ahead and shred this chicken up and just kind of let it sit in these juices while we make the mashed potatoes and green beans [Music] foreign y'all bunky and I are trying so hard to wait for the potatoes and green beans but this is so amazing it's really hard not to just like keep going back which thing Mississippi Anything Is My Jam Mississippi mud pie like I closed it back that is so good I could eat that every single night it is 2.4 and then came out putting it over the mashed potatoes and gravy I said gravy that's gonna be out right yes okay so for my green beans I like to kind of get a big handful and then line them up and I just run a knife through the ends to kind of take off just that side and then I turn them over take my knife kind of get them all situated over here and they run my knife over one more time to get the other Edge the french tips and that is the easiest way to do your green beans okay so we're just going to take our green beans thank you bee oh maybe perhaps okay and we're gonna throw them into boiling water just to kind of blanch them for a couple minutes [Music] okay once these are in here for just a couple of minutes you want to keep that bright green color in them we're going to take them out dry them off and then put them into a saute pan with some soy sauce and butter and salt and pepper and garlic and all the things and I think our potatoes are just about ready to be drained [Music] okay to these I'm adding just a splash of soy sauce and then some salt and pepper and that's it also I do want to make mention that these are obviously not Mandy in the making green beans nobody can beat those but they are still really good for like fresh green beans [Music] potatoes are done I'm going to pop them back here in to our pot and then to these we're going to add in all the things so milk butter sour cream some salt and pepper and even just a little pinch of Parmesan [Music] well I have got to invest in a potato masher because I'm still just using my little Pampered Chef Gadget it works but I definitely need a potato masher oh [Music] those pepperoncinis impart so much flavor into the chicken the most I'm the awesome gravy mix Daisy's down here you know begging she already ate dinner for real okay so like I told y'all I love Mississippi anything and this to me is equally as delicious as Mississippi pot roast and the chicken we marinated at one time in the Mississippi marinade it's just all all around amazing yeah I'm trying to think of just I feel like this chicken is so versatile it can be used in many different ways oh you could use like leftovers and make some sort of like a little taco we could pull chicken taco yeah oh I was thinking you could make a good uh like a good chicken sandwich with oh like on a roll oh yes you can with some peppers maybe like some red bell peppers it's like probably want our swiss cheese that is a genius idea look at Mommy come in a clutch so definitely recommend y'all making this it is incredible one of our favorite dinners and the easiest crock pot recipe ever and I will say I feel like the perfect pairing is definitely the mashed potatoes we are gonna make a creamy Caesar chicken I'm gonna shred it up I'm gonna toast some ciabatta bread and then we're gonna do some crisp cold Romaine on there with some extra parmesan make little sandwiches oh my goodness it's gonna be so good and I feel like this recipe is very versatile you can do lots of things with it which I'll tell you in a second but let me flip you around and show you these ingredients it literally could not be any easier okay so for this recipe you're gonna need some chicken breasts of course some Caesar dressing a little bit of garlic and parmesan cheese I like using a mixture of both but you don't have to and then some more Worcestershire sauce and a little bit of chicken broth and I did go ahead and lightly grease our crock pot [Music] thank you okay that is it pop a glitter on and this will cook on high for about four hours or you can do it on low for six okay so I think our chicken is pretty much done and the recipe actually says to drain off a bunch of this liquid I don't want to drain it all off because I think that is some good flavor in there but I will take some of it out shred it and then we're going to add a little bit more Caesar dressing to this and then mix that all up there's the oven I have my ciabatta bread right here so I'm gonna um slice these in half put a little butter on them and then I'll pop them in the oven for just a few minutes so they can get kind of crispy and delicious and get that butter that butter get that butter to melt [Music] okay so that's about how much I left in there it's not very much and I do see why it says to drain that off because I think the oil from that um dressing kind of would make it very greasy so that is drained now I'm going to add a little bit more Caesar to this and Shred the chicken [Music] oh [Music] okay I already made mine funky had to work late so he's just now making his oh okay yeah go ahead yes please because it's amazing no I want to be completely surprised okay and Bunkie wants to add tomato and bacon yeah to his you know where I feel like I am right now where Panera Bread oh funky this is like a thousand miles better than Panera Bread and you know what this sauce reminds me of that I made in here something delicious that kale Caesar dressing I used to make for Raquel salads it's like so similar to that yeah amazing well I need to get it on a bun I've been trying to hold out wait for you to eat but I need you to hurry up I took a bite I think I'm doing I'm going bacon next okay we've left over bacon from last night's crock pot yeah hopefully this oh this is gonna be out of this world you really warmed that back up let's go one more three slices of bacon okay that sounds good okay now tomato oh yeah you're not even be able to like close this thing um it's gonna be Delight this is gonna be so good and then plenty of lettuce all right now that is a monster sandwich but tell me that don't look good it looks amazing I already took a bite so I know how delicious it is so I'm gonna let bunky tell you well I keep eating here goes [Music] I'm trying to hold back tears this is so good um that is amazing it is insane how good this is and how much flavor it has I'm sure Bucky's does with bacon I would strongly recommend the bacon tomato the ciabatta bread kind of uh like absorbs a little bit of that the juice yeah it makes it like it just transforms them the ciovanna bread is a must I feel but here's what I was going to tell you guys like this being versatile you could cook this ahead of time like on Sunday night and you could put this on top of a salad so it's like a caesar salad you could put this in a wrap and I was even thinking you could get like for a party King Hawaiian rolls and like provolone cheese and then melt like some butter and garlic powder to brush on top and make like little chicken caesar King Hawaiian sandwich rolls would that not be so good yeah or you can eat it just like this I think this is a great way to eat it it is dank like y'all is so so so good say you're kind of eating the sandwich and the fashion that I did a mozzarella slice would be good yes a mozzarella slice with this chicken some bacon the tomato and this romaine lettuce on Ciabatta I mean that's the weight of my heart yes slow cooker drip beef sandwiches y'all I cannot wait we've never made this you're gonna love it already bumpy I'm real excited about this one yeah we're gonna toast our buns later and melt like provolone cheese on there and then I'm gonna make a bunch of like sauteed onions or caramelized onions I mean and you're gonna pile those on top oh my gosh mine's gonna be like minus onion but y'all it is going to be so good and guess what it like cooks with pepperoncini no and some of the juice okay my favorite my favorite flavors ever wow so it's gonna be like the Mississippi pot roast kind but not really oh you're not putting the uh gravy packet in there or ranch or anything just a pepperoncinis okay oh yeah come with me now we don't have any beef broth but y'all know we love all of the better than bouillon stuff better I think it gives way more intense amazing flavor and I feel like it's much more household friendly because yeah if you're not going to use that whole carton of beef stock or broth or whatever yeah you just end up with all this leftover and we never really use beef broth right so when you got this very long shelf life stable yes it's so good I'm just gonna put like a little tablespoon of my mixture in here and then if you've got a microwave you can totally microwave some water but since we don't we just Bowl ours we'll pour it right in I don't know how much we need so I'm just gonna put that much uh-huh okay it'll melt right off your spoon and give it a stir and this right here is just yummy delicious and there you have it so easy look at that flavor I don't know the flavor the color we're gonna cook this on low today our normal thing doesn't really work anymore so I gotta like look at it from different angles yeah we can our our little LCD screen there it's not not too not too bright yeah um okay I put it on seven hours so you're gonna need a beef chuck roast and since it's just being funky I got like this really small one now if you have a larger one for a larger family it's gonna need to cook on low for probably like seven hours because you want it to be nice and tender this one probably won't take that long just because it's smaller okay so I went ahead and graced my crock pot and then got my chuck roast in here and then I'm gonna go ahead and like kind of mince up this Rosemary we're gonna sprinkle that on top [Music] now some salt and pepper the recipe calls for one cup of beef broth since ours is smaller I'm probably just gonna do like half a cup right now and then I'll add more later if it needs it and then last thing we're going to add in there is about a quarter of this jar of pepperoncinis with their juice okay that's it pop a lid on and let this cook unload like I said this will probably take about 45 hours for us and then we'll finish making everything here in a little bit [Music] these onions y'all I have to tell you I'm laughing because you know I despise them but something about cooked onions smells so good to me and they look so appetizing I just like can't eat them but they're smelling great roast is done I need to take it out and then shred it up and then we're gonna put it back in here get all those nice juices on there and then get some of the juice out to actually dip our sandwiches in do you want to be the roasted router Shredder sounds like a job for me I keep thinking of uh How the Grinch Stole Christmas because isn't there a reference to roast in that I think there is in that movie oh this is uh is it nice and tender oh yeah oh my goodness funky we never make a roast like this which one is uh is that like all the good drippings yeah so make sure you leave that just shred this apart really good [Music] I'm not left-handed I'm trying to trying to use my left hand here how am I doing doing good this is making me want to make the Mississippi pot roast because we always just do it chicken style yeah we've had I mean either way it's delicious yeah I have a feeling this is gonna be like incredible oh yeah and you're eating it in Sandwich form hello what do you think you tasted it it's good you know I think I used to eat this a lot when I was a kid oh really I mean just have it with mashed potatoes oh yes yes yes I'm probably one of my favorite vegetables what canned green peas green pea pink no I'm being sarcastic oh did used to make those didn't she yeah I say make them she said he loves almost the other side of the can y'all will have to tell us down below if you actually like canned green peas because I don't think there's like a worse vegetable they were okay the only way I could really eat them is I would I would combine them with the mashed potatoes then they're okay I would have a little mashed potato and peas together oh no that would get me Bob I don't think I can like do them at all if it's nice and juicy while we get our bread assembled with our cheese and onions and pop it under the broiler like y'all I cannot I cannot okay that beef but by itself it's really good just a pepperoncinis in there and look there's a little kick in there it's not as spicy as the uh Mississippi pot roast Goods um but there's like a little tinge to the tongue they imparted some good flavor in there they did these look amazing so we're gonna take our buns over here and then split them in half add cheese to one side or both sides if you want to you know we're good I'm I'm going with two slices two slices yeah pile on the onions and we're gonna pop this under the boiler for just a minute sorry the lighting is so weird in here it's like that time of day the sun is shining bright I went back and read the recipe again and you're actually supposed to spread butter broil them and then a simple broil one more time to like melt the cheese so since I don't have any butter that's at room temperature I'm just gonna use our spray butter because you use what you have you know it's perfect okay so just pull these out of the broiler I see how they got like all of those little brown pieces that's what I'm talking about we're gonna layer a piece of cheese on each slice of bread you want a lot of onions um as many as you can pile on there please okay honey these onions gotten nice and caramelized oh my word oh that's probably good that's good yeah oh it's like an onion sandwich bong wow I won't complain though I know you want to just pow your meat right on top that some of those pepper cheese and the juice all the stuff one of yours wow oh my gosh all the juices going into those onions monkey yeah I like the uh the cheese in between is kind of like a little layer of protection to the bun yeah agreed do you see these things we got y'all turned down so like you can't see them oh not bad wow that's way better now these are going right back in the broiler and we got top cheese gonna melt well cheese is supposed to go like this is that is that how you want to do it um Let's do an experiment you put yours on top and I'll I'll leave mine uncovered okay I didn't think things threw very well we left an exposed bun because yours has cheese bottom beef cheese top no cheese protecting the bun I have cheese onion beef cheese protecting the Buns so now my bun is like a little crispy I think you know I think it's gonna be good you know what I think it's gonna be fine honestly yeah I'm not mad about it but I mean can we take a moment can we just take one second for this we can only take like five more seconds because I want to dig in oh my word and I have all of this like aju is that you call it the gravy although it's not Audrey gravy but that's the love juice oh oh look at that cheese [Music] in your shaded tears you're crying this is just everything it's everything was there a particular type of bun you were supposed to buy y'all think that's the right Belen no I think it's the perfect one oh it reminds me of like a sub roll almost like in the form of a bun they're fantastic bulky rolls and then your style the onions are like a little sweet oh you bring a little sweet Factor the provolone cheese being melty is awesome the beef is so good especially with a little bit of pepperoncini uh-huh I believe that's like a man witch this is like a man this is almost like you know a sloppy joe for adults oh because look like look at I mean you don't want to eat this at a sit-down dinner like with friends this is for you to devour and close friends to have juices are running down the elbows hands they're everywhere one of your favorite things bunking we cannot forget about this one first of all I feel like this is one of the best dinners like we've made yeah it's like one of those favorite dinners that's like up there in the top ten for sure 100 like if you you gotta make it you gotta make it and I want to say this too so it's like a guilty pleasure type of meal and I completely recommend going with the two pieces of cheese yes for sure don't like my lips are still just I can't explain okay I wanted to eat a second one same not make them a lot of times because it's just being bunky and I don't want to have like you know so much left over that like we're not going to be able to eat it all but I actually found this little perfect roast in Food Lion that was the perfect size for monkey and I we have enough leftovers to have a sandwich tomorrow and it wasn't too much so like if you're just me and monkey and it's just you two um there is a size for you in the grocery store so don't be afraid to make it yeah and then you know for a family your family's gonna love this okay right they will we're gonna make the Buffalo Wild Wings chicken pasta and if you love The Olive Garden crock pot chicken recipe you are going to love this one I feel like it's a little less Rich has a little kick to it but like still equally as yummy so I'm gonna flip you around and I'm gonna take you back to the other night whenever we made this one okay so for this crock pot recipe I have all my ingredients laid out here it's going to be very simple and so delicious um you're gonna need some chicken breast so I have my butcher Box chicken breast I am halfing this recipe but I will leave the full one of course Down Below in my description box and this is frozen so I'll just let mine cook for a little bit longer but right now it's super early in the morning so I think we'll have plenty of time to get it cooked and then I'm gonna use half a block of cream cheese you guys know we don't like to use too much cream cheese and since I'm having it I think that'll be like the perfect amount and then this star of the show is this Buffalo Wild Wings parmesan garlic sauce this has so much flavor and it is going to make this dish incredible and then you're gonna need some Parmesan and then also some milk or if you have heavy cream whichever is fine and then after this Cooks all day we'll add in our pasta and our broccoli this is just gonna be so yummy okay so I ended up having more chicken than a salt so I'm really just gonna make the actual recipe so you're gonna dump all of this sauce in here and then you're gonna fill your container up with your milk shake it around so you can get all that excess out and then dump that in here as well [Music] [Music] okay friends update on this chicken it is done I need to stir it and shred it Mr B over here yes just got us some water we're gonna bring this to a boil and then add our pasta I wanted to do like bow tie pasta with this but I just realized we don't have any so we're going with the linguine we can finish off this Linguini I know it'll be good to finish this and then we're gonna go ahead um my grocery store didn't have any fresh broccolis this is all I could find so we're gonna actually steam this just to kind of give it a little bit of softness and then we'll add that right in as well okay this chicken has been cooking for so long it is literally fork tender um and I will say that this made like a good amount of oil it was kind of sitting on top so I did take like a little cup and try and like skim off some of that oil um but of course I can't get all of it so I think once we get our pasta and everything in here it won't feel that way really and I have seen where people will add milk to this to kind of thin it out which I made out of Splash in here but really the good stuff is that pasta water so once our pasta is like finished I'll take just a little bit of that water add it in so that way that sauce just like really coats those noodles that's hard to say coats those noodles really good and gives it like an even better consistency yeah I feel like the pasta water solution is um it's the answer to every recipe I think well it's I think it's better here because that what we got going on in there already if you add milk to it that's gonna be really rich really rich really thick so I think the pasta water is way better I mean y'all this looks so good it reminds me of the Olive Garden chicken pasta which you guys know is so good um but this Buffalo Wild Wings sauce just has so much flavor very similar to the OG yeah for sure concoction however it did taste different this sauce has a different flavor [Music] okay we're ready to rumble broccoli still has like a minute or so you want me to dump this now yes no maybe a little bit a little drizzle we got my little extra gosh this just smells so good go ahead yep okay so pasta is going in luscious here is our pasta water because I think we're definitely gonna need some [Music] I'm gonna add like half and then we'll add the rest of it yeah because we can you know you can always add more but we can't take it out I'll use well yeah use your force or your tongs which just works let's do some talks okay which one is it because we can get it out with this too yeah although this is metal just be careful okay probably gentle oh yes did we get a the ratio correct here do we have the right ratio pasta to chicken I think so I think we do too oh my goodness girl I know do it again Daisy me girl someone was begging to be held I think she wanted to be on camera and say hello to you guys oh she's so sweet um so we get the broccoli out because now I can't I'll try and hold the camera I'll hold her and you put the broccoli in sounds like a sounds like an excellent idea so straight from the oven into the slow cooker Yes Monkey loves to call it crock pot slow cooker because tell us monkey oh crock pot is a brand of slow cooker no yeah anyway see this is made by Food Network so this is a Food Network cooker you get the broccoli out of the oven oh that looks good wow we got that right on time didn't we yes okay okay there's there's my hand everybody parmiso parmiso is that what you said yeah I think that means excuse me okay give us a good time I saved us a tiny bit of pasta water just in case we need a little bit more yeah the uh you know it continues to absorb a man oh man [Music] okay I'm so excited to taste this I'm in the um perfect bite here oh you did okay [Music] you know it's a little spicy you get that you have to get a little bit of heat in there yeah probably from that sauce you use I think that sauce had like um red pepper flakes in there so it gives it this tiny kick but it's not like too spicy no it's nice and the broccoli is really nice it almost needs that like freshness and that crunch in there nice little green vegetable mixed in you know yeah I really like the linguine as the pasta oh you did instead of bow ties but oh it's a little bit of a oh subtle kick in there a little kit it's not it's not hot though um you know what I do think would be good in here what I think some mushrooms would be a nice addition I literally to the grocery store and I almost bought mushrooms and I was like no I'm not gonna do it but I do think that would be really good in here because it really would this is delicious y'all will have to make it and tell us what you think we are gonna make my mom's white chicken chili and there are literally four ingredients in my mom always says how easy this is so it's like one of her favorite recipes because of how easy it is but everyone Raves about it so I'm gonna get our ingredients out show you what's going in it I think sorry this cord is like banging against there itself I think I'm gonna add in a little bit of like seasoning maybe like some fajita seasoning I'm thinking so I'm gonna add my own little spin on it but it's going to be super simple so let me get all the ingredients ready okay so mom's recipe she says about three chicken breasts I only have two so I'm going to add in just a little less of everything but her recipe is three chicken breasts one entire thing of pepper jack cheese two cans of Great Northern beans do not drain them just add them in and then one jar of salsa this is kind of a big jar so I'm only gonna do about half of this um and then like I told y'all I found this packet in our pantry of this chicken taco seasoning so I think I'm gonna add a little bit of this as well you don't have to it's not part of her recipe but she did say you could do rotisserie chicken and then you could just put this like in a pot on the stove you don't have to use a crock pot but for Simplicity we're gonna do the crock pot and because it's warm and cozy so I'm gonna go ahead and get this in get this shredded dump everything and then we're gonna pop a lid on let it cook on high for about four hours okay so I only did about half the cheese because I want to add a little bit later once it cooks for a little while and I want to have just a little bit to sprinkle on top and so that she usually serves this over rice or you could just do like extra chicken broth to make it like a soup or you could have like tortilla chips so what do you prefer so many options I know what if we just put it in tortillas silly goose is the Sizzle I think over rice is actually going to be best I think that'll be the perfect that's what Mom says she usually does what if we had do we have um man I wish we had like a cilantro rice bunky this is white chicken chili but it'll be good with cilantro rice okay maybe I think so yeah okay maybe give it a little I mean you're putting salsa in there give them a little yes yes yeah you're right you're right you're right and it has pepper jack cheese okay Bunkie your rides work with me here work with me here okay what I just got this piece of cheese is bugging me oh we don't need that getting all them up on the top there okay we'll check on this bad boy in just a couple hours this smells does it not smell so good credible sport Tinder so I'm gonna go ahead and turn it up put a little bit more of this pepper jack cheese in there and then we're gonna go ahead and get our rice cooking I am so hungry me too so I cannot wait this chicken is literally so tender yeah don't shred it up too much you know you like a little bit of a chunkiness yeah I mean we can you know you kind of like shred it up yourself in the I gotta try it you you are going to love this okay I'ma hold out I'm gonna hold out so I can just I mean it smells good though okay okay [Music] that's really good you know almost like the fact well the fact that this has rice with it not I like the rice because it kind of gives it like a little bit more heartiness you know yeah like substance like depth to it the flavor is really really good because that pepper jack just gives you the tiniest bit of like spiced but not super spicy wow and the beans absorb all that like salsa flavor too this is delicious you'll have to make it tell us what you think y'all this crock pot recipe that I have on back here I literally so good and as soon as I saw this recipe I was like I absolutely have to make this and like try it for myself because it reminds me so much of that chicken and rice casserole that you guys know is like a favorite for me it is so so good and it's kind of the same concept same flavor profile so I cannot wait I put it on earlier this morning so I'm going to take you back to this morning and show you what all goes in here okay so I've got some of our ingredients over here but honestly this is what I'm like most excited about and I feel like this is going to be the star of the show this brand actually has a couple different flavors of rice but the recipe that I saw the girl used this creamy chicken so that's the one I got but I bet any of the flavors would honestly be really good but first things first I'm gonna go ahead and spray this down really nice okay then we're just gonna dump this in seasoning at all so she did two bags so I'm gonna do two bags it's actually really early in the morning right now I'm making this in hopes that Molina can have it for lunch and I just like this will be a great like leftovers like a good almost meal prep for the week for us to have for easy lunches and then next we're gonna go in with one can of cream of chicken soup I have the kind with herbs just because I feel like it gives it a little bit more flavor and then we'll use our can to actually measure out our chicken broth as well if y'all don't know what um chicken and rice casserole recipe I'm talking about I'll link it down below for y'all because if you have not tried that you have to it is like literally one of my very favorite like top five recipes um and this just reminded me of that so much okay so like I said I'm using my can add in my chicken broth she did like a can and a half so that's what I'm gonna do I couldn't find any measurements so hopefully I'm measuring all of this correctly thank you you know what I only have a tiny bit left I'm just gonna use it all I think that'll be just fine okay I'm gonna mix this together just a little bit [Music] okay now to this if you wanted to like slice up some onions and add that in you absolutely can I'm not going to but I am going to use a little bit of onion powder to season our chicken and then I left my chicken in the fridge overnight so that it would solve it's still a little bit Frozen so I just put it in this water first thing this morning it's still a little Frozen in the center but I think it'll just take a little bit longer in the crock pot to cook [Music] so now to season my chicken I'm going to do some smoked paprika of course a little bit of this Cracked Pepper parmesan some onion powder garlic powder and then black pepper [Music] okay that is it it already looks and smells so good I'm gonna pop a little of this and then we'll let it cook on high for about four hours mine might take like four and a half five just because my chicken is not all the way thawed but I cannot wait for this recipe so it's been about two hours right now and I'll give you a peek it already is just looking so good I want to check in and see if it needed any more um chicken broth since I didn't really have like exact measurements until that rice is getting nice and soft um okay I already put the lid back on and it's folded up so you can't really see it but I just want to tell you I probably only added like a quarter cup more um of this chicken broth just to make sure that that Rice doesn't get like dry while the chicken finishes cooking all right the moment I have been waiting for all morning long because this has smelled up our house and y'all it looks so good there is some extra juice in here but every time I like swivel it around it like absorbs back it just absorbs right back in yeah oh my gosh like I cannot and the chicken just isn't so tender get that plate ready I got it right here y'all I want all this rice okay I feel like it even looks like that rice and chicken casserole that I love okay here is a close-up show them how like tender the chicken is well let me just just say goodbye you know tell you okay that chicken is that was scalding hot water in it no okay good I put it on warm like 30 minutes ago whoa that look how it just like falls apart yeah that chicken is really good there are so many good flavors going on in this that Rice packet was yes oh my gosh it's like creamy mm-hmm that is exceptional oh try it I'm shocked at how flavorful this is just from those little uh packets well that Rice Nugget had a bunch of like seasonings in there yeah does it taste like the chicken rice casserole a little bit oh it definitely does but it's um it's got like a little bit more I think like her herbal undertones to it yeah is that would that be accurate yeah and this chicken bunky the chicken itself is so so tender and good okay let me taste it let me taste it the whole crock pot what's the word what's the word wow I always always depth that whenever you like seasoned your chicken I thought there was paprika on there but the creaminess it almost has like a cheese text like a creamy cheesy but it's like not cheese yeah of the rice it's insane I feel like um the the rice like transformed into a risotto type of thing that is the best it's like you basically have wonderful risotto yes with that really good chicken this is by far um yeah like this is up there with like the best and it was such an easy recipe like this is one of those go-to's that you just like know off top of your head that you can throw in the crock pot whenever you're like in a hurry so would you go with this or Mississippi chicken or Mr chicken is my favorite of all time but I have to say of all the proper recipes I've ever made uh-huh this one the pepper belly Pete that one I got from Tick Tock yeah that's like my second favorite and then this one this is scrumptious like cannot recommend enough so there you have it our favorite top seven crock pot recipes if y'all are so excited for crockpot season and All Things Fall be sure you give this video a thumbs up also if you have a great crock pot recipe that you want to share with us so that we can make it as well leave it in the comments or send me an email I would love to know your favorite crock pot recipe if this is your first time here don't forget to hit that subscribe button before you leave I love you guys so much and I will see you in the next one bye y'all
Channel: Jessica O'Donohue
Views: 322,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessica O'Donohue, easy recipes, crockpot recipes, fall crockpot recipes, easy crockpot recipes, crockpot chicken recipes, crockpot beef recipes, slow cooker recipes, easy slow cooker recipe, easy crockpot dinner, dinner ideas, easy dinner idea, easy cooking, tasty
Id: yE1-wY_ql2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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