Delicious Fish Cakes | Easy to Prepare & Freeze

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[Music] hi everybody my name is Kim and I'm the happiest cook Welcome to our second video we hope you enjoyed our first one where we made Cantonese chicken super yummy and we're having some more get out of the freezer today we are making fish cakes think of crab cakes made with fish your choice anything from salmon to canned tuna which is what we're using today fish cakes remind me of my dad when I was growing up he would use whatever he happened to catch that weekend catfish flounder even trout the best thing was eating them hot out of the pan and then snacking on them the next day right out of the fridge super yeah love fish cakes and they make great sandwiches but enough talking let's get to cooking thanks for watching okay so first thing we're going to do is we are going to chop up three green onions I have four small little miniature sweet peppers a medium onion and an empty Ball jar the ball jar is actually a trick my dad taught me watching him make um fish cakes and he would always tell me honey don't forget to make sure you put the onions in a ball jar cover it with a piece of um Saran Wrap and nuke it in the microwave and I always thought that was super weird and in time I learned that it softens the onions softens the peppers and it makes everything hold together a lot better when you're making the patties so that the onions don't make Things Fall Apart so we are going to put our onions in here then we are going to seed and chop up our peppers and like that and then once we get all of these done we're just going to chop them all up just like we did our onion our green onions I don't know about you but the smell of peppers I love sweet peppers smell really good to me so all right the really fun thing about making fish cakes is that number one you get to eat them hot out of the pan and burn your mouth like I was saying before but the other thing is that they freeze really well so you can make up a huge batch and then um just break them up in a bag and it works really well [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] here are our onions peppers and everything all softened up really kind of cool be careful this jar can get extremely hot which I am going to grab one more pot holder so that I can handle this without too much trouble so here we have our peppers and they are all softened the next thing we're going to do is we are going to take our salmon which I have two fillets that I seasoned and just baked in the oven till they were cooked seasonings that I always use are my blackening seasoning my smoked paprika some salt and pepper that's it [Music] foreign [Music] I'm going to add a small pan of albacore tuna in water you don't have to it's just something I've always done it just adds just a different little bit of flavor to the fish cakes which is pretty much that so I squeezed out all the water not bone dry but pretty much everything so all right so we have our fish and our vegetables let's um stir this up all right okay so the next thing that we're going to add to this is about a half a cup of flour and the reason we add flour is to act as a binding agent when everything is cooking so we have about a half a cup of flour um I use panko panko in my fish cakes my father used to use a tube of saltine crackers so it's kind of your preference I just happen to like panko because it makes the fish cake super crunchy when you cook them and I am going to use about two cups of panko like that and then the last thing we're going to add is our eggs the reason we do them last is because the temperature is hot it's not hot hot but you don't want to cook the eggs you want to you want to put them in and help me so all right so we're gonna crack three eggs one two three when you're cooking I have learned to always crack your eggs into another dish and not directly into your food so that by chance you have any shells you can retrieve them so we're gonna put three eggs stir that in sometimes if you're when you're doing this kind of check it for dryness this is a really nice it's nice moisture it'll hold together really good what you don't want is you don't want it so dry that when you go to make a Patty it falls apart so all right so this is now ready to make into patties which we will uh come back and I'll have my pan out and we'll get ready to start cooking all right so we have our fish cake stuff all together if it seems a little dry you can always add a little milk to your mixture and it just kind of adds some moisture if it's too wet you can add a little bit more panko or even add in a little bit of flour you're going to be careful on the flour you don't want it to become too cakey so all right so this is how we do it all right so let's just kind of makes them all a little bit more uniform [Music] I think we're getting close to cooking what I do when I'm frying I don't know what you do is I pop a little something and it's ready so all right so we are ready to start cooking there's a little piece of fish I stuck in there just to see and we'll start filling this pan with fish cakes so here's what they look like on the back we're gonna just stack them up all right so here is our finished platter full of delicious easy to make very nutritious yummy yummy and they're all ready to eat have you notice the two testers that I made are suspiciously missing because we have already tasted them and they were really good so I hope you enjoyed this this by the way is considered one of the secret recipes from my Grandma's recipes my dad learned to make them from his mom and I learned to make them from my dad so from our family to yours in joy [Music]
Channel: The Happiest Cook
Views: 10,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a new recipe, everyday recipes, how to cook, recipe, homemade, fish cakes food channel, fish cakes recipe, food (tv genre), easy recipes, fishcake (food), fish recipes, dinner recipes, how to make fish cakes, how to make fish cake at home, recipes for lunch, recipes for lunch easy, recipes for dinner easy, Simple And Easy Fish Cakes, how to make fish cakes from scratch, recipes for lunch box to school, delicious fish cakes, Easy to Prepare and freeze
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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