Moments With The Master: A Demon Man Possessed

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when your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Mark at chapter number five the Gospel of Mark at chapter five commencing in verse number one from English standard version of these words it came to the other side of the sea to the country of the Gerasenes and when Jesus had stepped out of the boat immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit he lived among the tombs and no one could bind him any more not even with a chain for he had often been bound with shackles and chains but he wrenched the chains apart and he broke the shackles in pieces no one had the strength to subdue him night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones and when he saw Jesus from afar he ran and fell down before him men crying out with a loud voice he said what have you to do with me Jesus son of the Most High God i adjure you by God do not torment me for he was saying to him come out of the man you unclean spirit and Jesus asked him what is your name he replied my name is legion for we are many and he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him saying send us into the pigs let us enter them so he gave them permission and the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs and the herd numbering about two thousand rushed down to steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea the herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country and people came to see what it was that had happened and they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man the one who had the Legion sitting there clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid and those who had seen it described to them what had happened to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs and they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region as he was getting into the boat the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him and he did not permit him but said go home go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you and he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him and everyone marveled thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk this morning about moments with a master a demon-possessed man moments with the master a demon-possessed man by now I'm sure you know that I'm from south Louisiana and in that region of Louisiana there is a mostly Catholic influence from Alexandria on down to New Orleans is south Louisiana Catholic region of Louisiana from Alexandria up to Shreveport and other areas in the north of Louisiana is a mostly Bible Baptist belt but south Louisiana is dominated by a Catholic influence why Louisiana has parishes rather than counties because of the Catholic influence in the state of Louisiana and my aunt who is a strong Catholic everyone in my family on both sides are Catholic except my immediate family and my aunt who is a strong Catholic whenever there's trouble in my family or somebody goes to jail which is every other two or three days somebody's sick or somebody's in some kind of crisis she calls on st. Jude who is the patron saint of lost causes st. Jude would have had a field day in the 5th chapter of Mark because in mark chapter 5 there are three lost causes three seemingly impossible cases there is a demon-possessed man there is a diseased woman and there's a dead child three seemingly impossible situations but I want spend this day and next Sunday morning looking at how Jesus can step in a situation that seems impossible and do the miraculous in mark chapter five Jesus shows us in no uncertain terms that he has power over demons power over disease and power over even death this demon-possessed man meets Jesus after chapter four of Mark's Gospel where they encounter a fierce storm and the Bible says the storm is so violent that they think they're going to die they wake up Jesus who's asleep on their boat and he stands and raises his hand and says peace be still and the Bible says there was a great calm and the disciples looked at one another and asked what manner of man is this that even the wind and the waves obey Him they asked that question in chapter 4 but the question is answered in Chapter number five because as soon as they land and get out of the boat they happen upon a man who is demon-possessed this man of the gadarenes is demon-possessed he's possessed with demons so strong are those demons that they bind him with shackles and chains and he is strong enough to break them he has his dwelling among the tombs not in a nice beautifully manicured Cemetery but he lives in Hills where they put caves in the Hills to put dead rotting bodies and that's where he lives among the dead a living man among the dead because just like there's a storm on the sea there's a storm in this man's life and it's ripping him apart it's violently tearing his life apart and Jesus happens on this man who is possessed by a demon I want you to see brothers and sisters this man's slavery his demon-possessed the demons have taken hold of him he cuts himself with stones he's bleeding everywhere he screams night and day he violently tears off the chains he goes into town they chained him and he breaks the chains they bring him back to the hills and he comes back in town all during the night they hear him screaming cutting himself with stones because the man is violently possessed by demons he's lost he's wild the scripture says in the King James that they could not even tame him you tame animals you don't tame people you tame animals but this man has become so wild so violently possessed by demons that nothing they do can bring him under control he cannot be subdued he cannot be chained he cannot be held he's violently possessed by demons and nothing they do can deliver him from his possession he's lost his wild antisocial behavior superhuman strength wild untamable disposition slave to demon possession that's the picture of a man or woman without Christ antisocial behavior violently possess disposition you you you have to quit blaming people for their lostness quit blaming them for their behavior because without Christ their demon possessed someone ought to help me preach it now I know someone you don't believe in man some of you are too squeamish to even go there but I believe that the devil has power to take control over you now listen the devil is not omnipotent he doesn't have all power only God has all power but the devil has power to take over your life somebody help me told you there is such a thing as spiritual warfare we wrestle not I wish I had a Bible reading against flesh and blood I wish I had a witness but against principalities and powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and the Bible says if you don't bind the strongman he'll come back to possess you with devil seven times stronger than the one that we came there is such a thing as a prince of the power of the air and that's Satan himself he's not in control but he does have some control God has not bound him yet that's why you super spiritual people on the start stop claiming that you bind the devil how you going to do what God hasn't done yet and you don't have power to bind the devil because the mama do you think you got it all together Satan will come and show up and demonstrate I thought you were stronger than that I thought you had overcome that I thought that wasn't an issue for you anymore the Bible says take heed when you think you're standing lest you fall and everybody here is subject to the power of the devil all says every time not not not ever once in a while but after time I desire to do good evil is always present and the good that I would do I find myself not do an evil that I said I would never do again that's what I do all wretched man not that I was but that I am I'm a Christian and I still struggle battling the devil somebody ought to be honest enough to help me testify it's a constant struggle it's a constant battle now listen he can never again since I met Jesus possessed me he can manipulate me you can stimulate me he can motivate me and activate me but he can't ever possess me again because once Jesus has come in to my life my soul is under new management If any man be in Christ he's a new creature whole things are passing away behold all things are become new but if you're telling the truth this morning all of us struggle with the death don't know don't listen to these silly people telling you that there's no such thing as evil in the world for somebody to rape a baby as evil for somebody to hurt and kill an old woman that's evil this this woman the other day you saw on the new stabbed her own baby that's demon possession somebody ought to help me here and brothers and sisters as a thin line there's only God that keeps our minds because in the morning you could wake up out of your mind because the devil is going to and fro as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and he may fool the very elect of God he can make you think you're doing right when you're doing wrong talk back to me if you can that man is controlled enslaved by demons but then he meets Jesus I want you to move with me now from this man's slavery to this man's Savior because he meets Jesus and listen even the demon got sense enough to bow in front of G Eric I remember when we when we would come to Houston to visit my cousin who lived in Third Ward my father would always marvel that sometimes we would come and there was a funeral procession procession from on the highway and my father here in Houston would always remark about that when we got in the car when we got to my cousin's house it always amazed him that the funeral procession would perhaps pass in front of a beer joint or pass in front of a nightclub and people standing outside would take their head off if there was shooting dice they would they were staying at attention to pay respect to the people of God that always amazed him that even folk who are drunk got sense enough to stand at attention at the move of God demon got sense enough to bow in the presence of Jesus Christ so that ought to say that some of us in here this morning who haven't opened your mouth yet you haven't clap your hands you haven't said thank you you haven't said praise the Lord you haven't opened your mouth you sitting there stoic clear and statuesque as if the choir got to move you or if it's my job to make you shout no I came here this morning to get my praise on and if you want to join me you welcome to come on in join me but I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus and I'm not in here this morning to entertain you is there anybody here know that in the presence of the Living God demons tremble at the sound of that name that's a whole you too long Isaiah said it was in the year a king us iodide that I saw also the Lord come on you can help me said hi and lift it up his train filled the temple the house was filled with smoke Seraphim had two wings to cover their face and two wings they fly and two wings that covered their feet he said but in the presence of God the doorposts that were nailed down to the floor in animate wooden structures in the presence of God got up from the floor and move now if if a piece of wood that doesn't have a soul can shout in the presence of God who woke you up this moon who healed your body who put food on your table who made your enemy stop lying on you who protected you in the enemy traffice the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my falls came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled any fair demon watch this in in in Matthews account in Matthews account Matthew chapter 9 the demon said to Jesus have you come to torment us before time somebody should have shut up it better the demon said to Jesus in Matthew you mean it's over already you haven't been the Calvary yet you haven't died on the cross yet you mean you come to torment us already Jesus said to the man come out of him you unclean spirit and then brothers and sisters hear me Jesus says what is your name and the text does not tell us whether he's talking to the man or talking to the demon or perhaps the man is so possessed by the demons that he becomes what possesses here and you can be so enslaved to a habit that you become what possesses you so much so that after a while they stop calling you by your name and start calling your drunker start calling your feet somebody ought to help me preach it stop calling your whole that's not your name that's your habit but Jesus asked your name so he can break your habit you not a habit your name Jesus did not ask what is your problem he says what is your name he says my name is legion for we are many the demons that possess him speak with one voice and say my name is legion for we are many Allegiant in the Roman army a Legion is 6,000 soldiers at full strength this man is possessed by six thousand demons at full strength that's why they can't hold and we change because the demons are so strong in him that he's Samson on steroids my name is legion for we are many and brothers and sisters you and I need to just tell the truth we don't just have one issue well let me let me let me let me justify I don't just struggle with one issue my name is legion I wish I had a witness here I struggle with lusts I struggle with pride I wish I had a witness I struggle with anger I struggle with depression I struggle with speaking the folk I don't like cover got a witness here I struggle with wanting to come to church and don't want to come to church wanting to pray and don't want to pray wanting to preach and my name is legion but I have many issues some of y'all so spiritual and some of y'all so hold it nothing bothers you you always got your spiritual eye glasses on and then you see a sermon everywhere you go and you blessed and highly favored and you answer your phone praise the Lord and you too blessed to be stressed but some of us who are honest and cut all that line and church talk out we'll let you know some days you better leave me alone I'm feeling alright today but tomorrow you better go on I'm not a morning person I wish I had two or three witnesses here my name is reason cuz I struggle many Jesus who just got through calming a storm showing that he had power over natural elements demonstrates in mark chapter five in the first incident that he has power over supernatural elements the demons have possessed him 6,000 strong so that he breaks chains and shackles like toothpicks but the demons are no match for the safe because Jesus just looks at the man and without even putting his hands on it speaks the word come out of that man you unclean spirit and look at look look at what the demon said I want you to I want you to see this I'm not making this up I want you to see this he replied my name is legion for we are many and he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country that's the demons begging Jesus not to send him out of the country now great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him saying send us into the pigs let us into them and he gave them permission whatever the devil wants to do to you he has to ask God for permission Satan just can't come bother you and we'll God has to give him permission because God knows you can handle what he sends your way because if you couldn't handle it God wouldn't give him permission to bring it I wish I had somebody to help me here you can make it you can stand up under it if God says it by the devil he knows you can take it you don't have to take my word for that Paul says in second Corinthians that I went to the third heaven and I saw some things that I was come out committed to talk about and that's I should be exalted above measure that was given to me a thorn in the flesh watch this the messenger of Satan Satan brought it but God City and whatever is gone wrong in your life Satan might have brought it but he had to get permission from God because he can't just attack a child of God without divine permission lift up your head who you get and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall coming who is this King of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in the battle you remember that the sons of God in the book of Joel presented themselves before God and the Lord asked to Satan I said what are you doing in this cry Satan have you considered my servant Joe I need three or four Bible reading Satan said I thought about it I had him on my list but but I can't get too good cuz you got a head somebody ought to help me here and the only reason you haven't gone all the way crazy is God got a hedge around you have a got a witness here you not as low down as you could be cuz God got a heads around you have I got a witness here you're not as sick as you could be coz God's got a head Jesus be a fix keep my mind keep my heart keep my soul keep my hands he said I thought about it but you got a hedge around move the head and I'll make him Christian to your face and God gave Satan permission to touch everything but his soul cuz that belongs to God and if you are tempted and tried this morning as a believer no this Satan is not after you by his authority he had to get God's permission and God gave him permission because he knew that you're strong enough to go through and when you come out of it don't act like it was your lawyer don't give your doctors the credit it was nobody have a gun a witness here because some of us have been in some stuff that we know nobody could have got us out of that but alone I want you to I want you to move with me from this man slavery to his Savior to a Salvage I want you to I want you to get this three requests are made in Chapter five of Mark and one of them should have been answered and the one that should have been answered is the one Jesus deny watch the text the demons say send us into the swine and Jesus gave them permission and when the people had seen the miracle performed they told Jesus get out of our courses and Jesus left granted their request and the man who is healed wants to go in Jesus but Jesus told him no go home now now I would not have granted the demons requests because listen it is Satan is a hypocrite and everybody associated with the devil is a hypocrite Satan through these demons have been tormenting these men this man with six thousand demons and now he asked Jesus don't torment me what a hypocrite you tormented this man with a legion of devils and then you got the nerve to ask Jesus don't torment me what a hypocrite not so folk like that at the church always beating you up because of your phones and then when they get caught they want mercy something ought to help me talking every one of us in here this morning is messed up at one time or another Seaton and Cyn got the best of you how spiritual you are I don't get how large-print your Bible is I don't care how heavy that cross he is around your neck you're gonna take it off sooner or later and the real you is going to come out because if given an opportunity when your desire comes up and meets with the opportunity you are capable of all kinds of sin before I get back to that I want you to get this while the man is demon-possessed the people don't fear but when jesus heals him the Bible says they become afraid isn't it strange how we don't fear the God who can deliver us and we play with Satan who enslaves us the sin that enslaves us we're not afraid of and the God that can deliver us we're not in reference in all in his presence it's obvious that a miracle was performed but then was so steeped in their unbelief that they told Jesus I know what you just did but get out of our time because brothers and sisters even a miracle performed won't change your heart that's hardened against God the only person who can change alep response the only person who can melt a heart of stone is Jesus Christ himself because a miracle performed does not convert them they tell Jesus depart from us get out of our coach and Jesus is such a gentleman that he won't stay where he's not wrong and this morning if you don't want it he'll leave you alone he won't bother you you go right back to sleep just just just just finish that nap you started while I started preaching and Jesus will leave you alone but now watch this I told you he denied the one request that I think he should have granted the demon said send us into the pigs and he gave him permission the people said leave our coats and he got in the boat and started away from them cuz he won't stay where he's not wanted he granted bear requests but the man who is healed clothed and in his right mind says to Jesus give me permission to go with you Jesus turned to the man and said no don't go with me watch this go home and tell your friends not what the Lord has done but how much because what the Lord has done is qualitative but how much the Lord has done its quantitative in other words he's done so much that I just can't steal one day and tell it I got to live with these people and every day tell them my testimony even when they don't want to hear I'm through now but there's somebody here if I gave you the mic you wouldn't just talk about what the Lord has done if I gave you an opportunity we'd have to be here till tomorrow but you telling us how much the Lord has done I wish I had a witness here I told you if you don't want nothing to do with Jesus he'll leave you alone but if you want the Lord to bless you he'll show up on your pew he'll show up in your heart right now and give you a testimony like no man has ever seen somebody here this morning because God has done so much so I feel like shouting right now because the Lord has just done so much he didn't just open the door he made a way out of no way he didn't just heal my body he gave me a mind to enjoy the healing he didn't just put food on my table he gave me an appetite to eat it have a got a witness here because whatever you bring to Jesus you always leave with more than you can have a got a witness here bring Jacob to Jesus and you leave with Israel I wish I had a witness in bring soul to Jesus and you leave with the Apostle Paul bring Simon to Jesus and you lead with a rock named Peter bring Jesus a drunk and you leave a deacon bring Jesus a drug addict and she'll leave a choir member bring Jesus a prostitute and she'll leave a missionary because whatever you bring to Jesus you go away with more than you can is there anybody here I said is there anybody here got a testimony this morning not just of what the Lord has done but the Lord has done so much he's opened so many doors he's made so many ways have I got a witness here if the Lord has done so much for you don't act like you made it because you went to college because a whole lot of folk went to college and don't have a place to sleep tonight if the Lord open doors for you don't act like because you got money in the bank there's a whole lot of food got money in the bank but they don't have peace of mind if the Lord has done so much for you don't sit here and act like you made it on your own why don't you give God the glory now if you don't know how to give God the praise watch some people around you if you don't know how to magnify his name watch some people around you if you don't know how to raise your hand look at somebody around you and you might want to take a moment before you leave church today and I some why you shout so while your hollow so loud why you praise God with such excitement why every time they read the scripture you jumping up and down giving God to pray and they'll tell you he's done so much he's done so much he's done so much he's done so much he's done so much he's just done so much if the Lord has been good to you and you're not ashamed to testify if the lot open doors for you and you don't care who's looking at you why don't you grab somebody why don't you help me testify tell your neighbor he's done so much he's done so much I shout so much because he's done so much I holla so much because he's done so much I pray so much because he's done so much come on tell somebody else if it had not been if it had not been for the Lord on my side y'all know him don't you he's a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendly bread when you're hungry y'all know in don't you he's Adams Redeemer ables win Decatur Abraham's sacrifice y'all know him don't you he's God's only Son he died didn't he die but right Brannen Sunday morning he got up from the grave with all power in his hand if he's done so much come on help me praise it come on help me lift him up help me magnify he's wild he's wet he's all right hey he's done so much for me come on point to yourself he done so much for me tell your neighbor he's got so much from me I can't testify for you he got so bad no he's all right when they saw him again he was closed and in his right mind and the Bible says they begin to be afraid listen the devil doesn't fear you as long as you're drunk as long as you're hypocrite as long as you play in church but the moment you get clothed and in your right mind the devil gets afraid of you because he knows the most dangerous enemy to the kingdom of Satan is a Christian on his knees because if you pray and pray right God answers there's nothing like a person clothed in the righteousness of God and in his right mind because as long as you're demon-possessed you do crazy stuff while crazy antisocial stuff but once you meet Jesus you clothed you in the righteousness of God and you'll give you back your righteous mind
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 56,335
Rating: 4.71 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: P-41Wg6rpCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2016
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