Moments With The Master A Dead Child

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[Music] [Music] open your Bibles with me one more time to the gospel of Mark at chapter 5 commencing in verse number 35 through verse 43 Jesus has demonstrated that he has power over demons power over disease and this text demonstrates that he has power even over death while he was still speaking there came from the ruler's house some who said your daughter is dead why trouble the teacher any further but over hearing what they said Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue do not fear only believe and he Allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John the brother of James they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and Jesus saw a commotion people weeping and wailing loudly and when he had entered he said to them why are you making a commotion and weeping the child is not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him but he put them all outside and took the child's father and mother and chose who were with him and went in where the child was taking her by the hand he said to her Tia Cooney which means little girl I say to you arise and immediately the girl got up and began walking for she was 12 years of age and they were IM immediately overcome with amazement verse 43 reads and he strictly charged them that no one should know this and they told them to give her something to eat thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower Fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk again in this third installment in this series of sermons about moments with the master of a dead Child Jesus has healed a demoniac man he has healed a diseased woman and in this paropy he will raise a dead child and these Miracles brothers and sisters are not performed for us to believe in miracles but that we might believe in Jesus walk with me around the text I want you to see first this pitiful dialogue gyrus a ruler of the synagogue gyus who is an important man he is a man of prominence he's a man of position yes sir he's a man of prestige and privilege a man of prosperity and power but something theological something eschatological happens to him something happens to him that we cannot describe is called life with all his Prestige with all of his privilege with all of his prominence with all of his power he has a problem that he can't solve he has a situation that he can't get his hands around life has happened to him and life has drawn him to Jesus in desperate need because it matters not how important you are how much Prestige you wield how much power you throw around how much money you have how important you are life will sooner or later drive you to your point of need somebody ought to help me talk here you don't have enough religion to keep trouble from coming your way you're not spiritual enough to ward off problems in life into every life some rain will fall there will be some days of darkness there will be some times of sorrow and strife and if you don't know Jesus Christ you better find it he's a ruler of the synagogue yes sir when he comes in the room people stand up when he says come this way they come this way nothing happens at the synagogue that gyrus doesn't have a hand in he's a ruler of the synagogue he's a leader in the community He commands Respect by his very presence but he doesn't have enough religion to solve this situation that's a stressful problem in his home and his his 12-year-old daughter his only child Luke says his only daughter is at the point of death she is so sick that no money no privilege no Prestige no power nothing in his immediate concerns can solve this situation and he hears about Jesus and he leaves Prestige privilege prosperity and power because when life happens to you when Trouble Comes Your Way you put your titles aside and some of you will never get your breakthrough you will never get your blessing because who you are is in the way of who you could [Applause] become God is not impressed by your Prosperity God is not moved by your privilege and your power there will come a situation in your life that nothing you have will really make any difference when your child is in trouble somebody ought to help me preach it when there's a sickness in your home when there's a situation that you can't handle you you can handle everything but this and when this comes you got to find somebody who can get you out of that situation you put all your degrees on the side you put all your supposed power aside cuz when life draws you to a situation of need your prestige goes out the window some of you too proud to even tell God thank you you're too stubborn and arrogant to even glorify God in his own house you you you woke up this morning not cuz you've been so holy not because you prayed before you went to bed last night not because you read the scripture and you've kept the Lord's commandments so closely cuz some people who are better in nature than you are in practice didn't wake up this morning God just by his Mercy let you even come into his house and I Dare You Come In His presence with your head in the air like you belong here [Music] [Applause] check your ego at the door leave your title in the car because when life happens you going to need Jesus [Applause] Christ the name gyus in studying this passage the name jyrus means he whom God enlightens God has opened gyrus his mind to recognize that with prominence and position and Prestige and privilege and prosperity and power when you get in trouble you better find Jesus um and I want you I want you to see this when gyrus finds Jesus he does not give him the customary kiss on the cheek he does not stand up because he's an important ruler of the synagogue he falls down at the feet of Jesus prrs himself at the feet of Jesus suggesting God I got a PR that I can't solve but you [Applause] can somebody ought to help me here his falling before Jesus suggest I can't handle it but you can um falling At His Feet falling At His Feet falling at his feet when when Moses came to that burning bush God said take your shoes off for the ground you stand on I wish I had a Bible reading is Holy Ground in Joshua chapter 5 when Joshua is about to go against his enemy uh the angel of the Lord the captain of the Lord's host shows up and Joshua says are you for us are you for our adversary come on somebody help me preach it and the scripture says he told Joshua take your shoe off because he's about to make a covenant with Joshua who is an inferior making a covenant with a superior and since Joshua has nothing to offer the superior says take your shoe off as a sign that you depend on me to keep my part of the [Music] bar in Ruth chapter 4 I wish I had a witness here when the kinsman redeemer named Boaz is about to to redeem Ruth he meets another Blood relative of IMC and in order to ratify the agreement he takes his shoe off because to take the shoe off suggests I need you to do what I can't do when when when gyrus Falls at the feet of Jesus he says I need you to do what I can't do and somebody here with a problem this morning needs to fall at the feet of Jesus and say to him I need you to do what I can't [Music] do father I stretch I wish I had a witness there I fall down at your feet my child is in trouble my home is in a mess my health is failing I fall at your feet [Applause] listen listen listen to his pitiful dialogue when when he prostrates himself at the feet of Jesus listen to his pitiful dialogue he says my little girl is at the point of death watch watch his watch his face if if you come you you you you can you you can bring your disciples if you want but I want you to come if if you come and lay your hands on her she will be healed and she will live now now jyrus is is a ruler right he's a man of prosperity privilege and power Prestige people come and go at his beck and command but he knows who Jesus is and he realizes that when life happens you got to get your title out the way and he prostrates himself and and gives Jesus yes what his problem is my daughter is at the point of death and somebody here got a child who's not physically at the point of death but they breaking your heart they messed up in their mind somebody ought to help me talk here they're on drugs or they're on the street or they in jail or they just they're not they're not living the way you raised them you need to go come before Jesus and say Lord you gave me that boy and I'm giving him right back to you you gave me that girl and I'm coming to the altar right now falling down at your presence cuz I've done all I can [Applause] [Applause] do and listen when you've done all you can do and you come to Jesus watch what the text says and Jesus went with him that's all he he didn't ask any questions he didn't deliberate he he didn't call a meeting Jesus just went with him and when you get in trouble and you sincerely call him he'll go with you won't he do it he'll go with you in your courtroom he'll go with you in the hospital somebody ought to help me testify he'll go with you in the mess that you made of your own life he'll go with you through the valley and the shadow of death he'll go with you in the fiery furnace he'll go with you in in the Lion's Den he'll go with you in the Philippian jail wherever you get in trouble Jesus went with [Music] [Applause] him they on the way they they on the way Jesus has heard his pitiful dialogue and they on the way and on the way there's a painful delay Jesus is on the way to gyus his house because gyus asked him first if you come and lay your hands on her she will be healed and she will live yeah Jesus went with him because gyrus asked first but but there's a painful delay there there's a woman who's got a bloody issue and she too wants to see Jesus somebody ought to help me preach right here but Jesus is been called to garrus's house and he's on the way but this woman needs him [Applause] also gyus asks first he's on the way to garrus's house but this woman needs him she grabs His Garment and he stops and when he stops the blood [Applause] stops and he say somebody Touch Me Now gyrus asked first but the woman with an issue of blood needed him also it was not her turn but it was her [Applause] [Music] time and that might be somebody in this church this morning it's not your turn ah but it's your time if you pray and pray right it might not be your turn but if you trust Jesus it'll be your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time and Jesus stops to deal with this issue of blood he said some somebody touch me and one of the disciples I'm sure it was Peter say Lord all these people here somebody's bound to bump into you Jesus didn't say somebody bumped into him you said somebody touched me somebody who needed me touched me cuz when they touched me I felt power I felt virtue run out of me and that little woman stood up and and told him I touched [Music] you and Jesus said ma'am let me get your theology straight [Applause] your faith somebody ought help me preach it has made you whole touching this garer didn't do it cuz there's no healing in this garment the Garment is on the Healer your faith your belief that touching me could do it made you hope now watch this this is the second time in one chapter that Jesus defiles [Music] himself because he deals with a man possessed with demon which rendered him ceremonially unclean and then he lets a woman touch him who has an issue of blood which renders him for the second time ceremonially unclean then he's going to gyrus his house to put his hand on a dead child which renders him ceremonially unclean but the compassion of Jesus cares nothing about ceremony and the problem with many of us Baptist is we are too ceremonial and we have no compassion for [Applause] people we want to clean fish before we catch them we want to make them jump through our hoops and we couldn't jump through them ourselves we want to put traditions and restrictions on people we can't keep [Applause] you got to be baptized you got to take the Lord's supper and that thief on the cross wasn't baptized he didn't take the Lord's Supper he said Lord when you come in the Kingdom remember me have I got a witness here some of you so steeped in Tradition and ceremony that you can't even get out of yourself to give God praise for who you are God's been good to you and you're too rigid you're too stiff you're too tight to give God glory to give God honor to give God praise I I like worshiping with people who don't care nothing about ceremony they don't care what time it is in the service they don't care that we're going overtime in the worship God's just been so good and the spirit of God shows up whenever he feels like it and it doesn't matter who's praying it doesn't matter who's preaching it doesn't matter who's singing if the spirit of God touches them they don't care who's looking at [Applause] him again [Applause] I'm I'm going tell you one more time you have my permission at any time during this worship to get out of that dead spot you sitting in and get with somebody who look like they've been born again who look like they really came to give God the praise get away from them folk with their arms folded and with a scar on their face CU if you sit around them long enough you're gonna get as ugly as they are get with some people who know that if the Lord hadn't come through I'd be in jail this morning if the Lord hadn't worked a miracle I'd be in my grave this morning if the Lord hadn't heard my cry I would have been found out this morning if it had not been I want you to get this I want you to get [Applause] this in this painful delay look at gyrus he doesn't complain he doesn't he doesn't grab Jesus by the arm and and say I ask you first you ain't got time to fool with this woman my daughter's at the point of death let's go come on he does none of that because Faith learns how to [Applause] wait for [Music] they that wait upon the Lord shall renew th strength they shall Mount up with wings like Eagle they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not F just because God is delayed does not mean God has denied [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he may not come when you want him but when he gets there he's going to be on time now hear me brothers and sisters during this conversation with this woman in the meantime jy's daughter goes from getting sick unto death to dying and Jesus could have got there if he had gone when gyrus called him but he got delayed by this woman on purpose when Lazarus died Jesus could have got that but he delayed on purpose and in your situation he could have answered the first time you called him but he delayed on purpose to increase your faith cuz I found out the the longer you wait the stronger your faith gets is there anybody here I said is there anybody here learn that the longer you wait the stronger your [Applause] faith Jesus is on the way the woman grabs him and then in the meantime the servants come from garrus's house and say to him trouble the master no further your little girl is dead watch what Jesus says Jesus says don't listen to that ignore everything you just heard only believe he told him to stop doing something and keep doing something in the same command stop being afraid Keep On Believing I know it looks hopeless but Keep On Believing I know it looks like it's not going to turn around but Keep On Believing I know it seems like the light will never come on in your life again but just keep on believe it then we move now from this pitiful dialogue this painful delay thank you Lord finally a powerful Deliverance because when they get to garrus's house there are some professional MERS some members of my family who like a lot of holling and and jumping all in the casket and and and and trying to get in the grave a lot of commotion and Jesus said why all the tumult why all the commotion she's not dead she's sleeping and the Bible says they laughed at him my brothers and sisters you hear me and I'm through unbelief restricts the power of Jesus unbelief restricts the power of Jesus lack of faith does not diminish Divine omnipotence it just slows it down lack of faith does not diminish Divine omnipotence it just keeps God from being willing to get in your situation wow are you still with me Jesus deems it morally offensive to do great things where there's little faith he deems it morally offensive to help somebody who don't believe he will work out of your situation the minute he discovered you got a pretending kind of face um David reading uh in in his commentary on the miracles of Jesus makes this statement and I need to read it to you it makes us wonder what wonders might take place in the house of God now if all those who no longer took Jes Jesus seriously were put [Music] out it makes us wonder what kind of Wonders might take place in ly Grove if all those who no longer took Christ seriously were put out only a you would be left but that's all a miracle needs in order for a miracle to be performed it only takes a few to believe perhaps no great things will come from the church today until this prerequisite is filled it is hard for Faith to fight for its breath on the way and in the midst of the stifling atmosphere of arrogant disbelief he closes by saying worst of all Faith Can't flourish when there is that treasonous sabator pretending Faith you say you believe cuz you ain't been through nothing [Music] [Applause] but talk to me after your child dies and you're still standing after your home is broken up and you still got joy after you lose your house or your car and you still come to church after you haven't worked in a whole year and you haven't missed a meal come to church then and talk to me about how good God is I'm not impressed about a faith that haven't been [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tested and look at what Jesus does and I'm going to leave you alone he say she's not dead she's sleeping and they laughed at it and he put out unbelievers and took with him gyus and his wife Peter James and John cuz Peter James and John were with him on the mountain of transfiguration and they saw Moses and Elijah somebody ought to help me here only folk who got faith was Jesus let in when he's getting ready to work a miracle if you don't have any faith Jesus will put you out the room somebody ought to help me here if you don't know how to give God praise even when you can't see how he going to end up he won't even let you come in the room and there are some people in here in the room but you're not in the service cuz your Faith ain't big enough yet but there are some of us who've been through the storm and the rain who've had our back up against the wall and God came through right on time and here we are this morning testifying [Applause] only believe all things are possible if you believe yes and the scripture says that Jesus took that child by the hand and said Tia Kumi little girl get up Dr HB Charles says that Jesus went in the region of death and told death give me this one back [Applause] and he'll go in your situation and tell the devil I want this one back and listen brothers and sisters if you have the faith he can raise up a dead situation I said if you have the faith he can raise up a dead situation even in the face of death you still ought to believe that God is good God has all the power God can do anything God can make a way out of nowhere he said get up get up and told her mother give her something to eat and everybody we get off the streets everybody we take out of the Valley of the shadow of death once we get them to Jesus and he raises them up we ought to give them something to eat not not not frenches not not Kentucky Fried Chicken but Matthew Chapter 5 The Sermon on the Mount uh Romans chapter 8 all things work together for good to them that love God because the only reason you and I can shout this morning is cuz we've been eating the word of God we've been feasting on the word of God cuz there's power in the word of God [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 42,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 29 2016
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