3-Way Gone Wrong (Marathon) | Paternity Court

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Mr Muriel you and your sister have petitioned the court to order a DNA test to prove that you are not the father of the defendant's 18-month-old son zadrian you have always believed you are not the father and are hoping the court grants you the test so you can prove your case is this correct yes your honor Miss Redmond you say you are tired of being a single mom you didn't make this baby by yourself and state there is no reason for a paternity test because the plain of already acknowledged he was the father by signing the birth certificate is that correct yes your honor so this court must decide through testimony if there is enough evidence to order a paternity test let me start with you Mr Muriel why is this DNA test so important well your honor uh first of all I'm a young entrepreneur I'm 22 years old and uh I'm looking to expand my brand and with this lady here got putting a child on me is like stopping me from leaving and going to do what I want to do so I'm like really stuck and I need the answers cuz it's not my child and so you say that this young woman is putting a child on you you signed the birth certificate yes Earth no no the No No the point is this you're when you were at the hospital did you believe the child was yours at the time no you did not no and so okay so you you got this opportunity and it was time to sign the birth certificate you went and did it why because I feel very pressured like everybody sitting there looking at me as far as like her family his mom was there his mom was there telling him the baby look just like you ain't no denying this baby was your mother present at the birth Mr Muriel no yes she was wasn't no she wasn't neither was I or I would have never I would have never advised my C okay so listen Mr Mel zadrian Shard Morel you chose that name not me you chose that you put his name your name as his middle name Mr Muriel hold on hold on now and and the child also has your last name yeah and do you understand what being the legal father means yes you do so you now know that once you sign it under the law you are that child's father even if you're not his biological father you still the legal father okay okay and then you would then have to if depending on if I order this paternity test if we have enough evidence you know that something you'd have to deal with in your home state but this is something you should know and this is the part that gets me because young people you all so busy engaging in adult activities but you don't know adult laws and facts I do well I told him that before and I told him he also need the real d I was in the hospital like nephew nephew why didn't you name him Shard nephew that was you so you're saying people were acknowledging this child yes she called me his phone talking about nephew why didn't you name and then his nieces and nephews her kids were asking why did you name him zadrian and not sherard and because I wanted him to have his own name but I let Shard put it as the middle name I didn't choose that I just let it I just did it i a no I chose the first name I made that up when I was about 3 months pregnant I had that so my point is this I you were trying to present enough evidence to Warrant me ordering a paternity test and what I'm trying to figure out where are the doubts I mean as it stands right now it's like you were in the hospital you signed a birth certificate you said you did it because you had doubt now I need to know proof of that doubt Mr I wasn't even there yes and I believe she was with other people you say you weren't even there the fact surrounding that you weren't there I weren't there I was here in Atlanta Georgia trying to pursue my dream all right hold hold on I want to figure this out cuz you saying you're here you're there he was here let's try to figure out the actual date of conception okay zon's date of birth is what September 15th September 16th okay she don't even see I got the year and the date mixed up okay why does your brother know my son birthday if that's not his baby that's okay why'd he sign my birth certificate and give name still question after he signed it men if they stick firm with what ladies ladies ladies let's get down to the bottom of this zadrian was born September 16th 2015 right if you hit calculate the window of conception would be December 18th through December 23rd of 2014 the question I need answered is where were you between December 18th and December 23rd 2014 you know what time out I don't know where he was on them dates particularly I'll give him that he could have been wherever he wanted to be cuz that's where he so it is your testimony that you don't know where he was 23r but by the 26th he was here cuz we went we went New Year's Eve shopping together he was at the same we were at the same New Year's party together is that true he took me home cuz I was drunk he don't smoke he don't drink he he wasn't party he don't he be at the club with you too I mean I really don't care though I mean like him to get his closure and his sister to be quiet so I love for you to do this today your honor please do before I give my judgment as to whether or not there is enough evidence to order a paternity test I want to hear more facts that relate to the doubt in this case okay she got caught with a whole another dude that she saying she was at her friend's house this is what happened from the beginning of the story I'm in my city Lon Michigan riding around pull up to one of my boys house I leave there I see her vehicle in the neighborhood she's never in you know so I pulled my car back to wait basically I watched I sat and watched who house she was about to come out with cuz I don't know whose house this is and I'm trying to figure it out and she wasn't answering the she wasn't on the phone or text messages so I pull up behind her once she comes out and get to the car and I'm like who house is this who El was you just at she say some girl name I said all right go get her show me show me who you talking about she's like no like no all right I'll go get her myself we weren't together I didn't nothing so so no no no hey look so I said I'll go get her myself then so she gets in the car real fast turn around skirt off okay it's something going on there so I knock on the door a dude answers the door so miss said to visit a girl but you know there was there wasn't a girl in there there was no girl where she at right so this is the issue you all are the issue is one minute she says he's the dad one minute she says that he's not in he's trying to he's trying to live his life no that is you that is you get caught right down the street that's you on Snapchat saying look at zadrian playing with his dad with the same guy she got caught at the house Time Out Hold on hold on Miss Redman hold on now hold on miss m cuz asserted that you were on Snapchat talking about someone else was Zan's father zri with her dadri playing with his daddy look at um daddy and the kids you to answer for me I would like would like to hear I would like so anyway like I was saying um yeah you right it's been a year and a half my son is like you said 18 months old I don't even talk to him no more why are you pulling up to any house that you see my vehicle at what business do you have you on Snapchat with a video saying this lying she's lying did I ever say look at him with his dad no I've never I don't believe I've ever posted him in the boy guy I was talking to did he catch me riding in the Carro him yes cuz that guy was the guy I was talking to and I had to pick my son up from daycare I'm a single mom don't have time so now wait wait wait so now we're in court and you're saying did he catch me riding in a car with a guy yes with a guy yes the same guy she told me is that the same guy when he went up to the house and opened the door but this is the person you believe is the father Zan's father because you say there's a striking resemblance you say when you open that door it looked just like guess guess what the reason why he said that was my son he said oh that man is lightskinned and that's probably your baby daddy oh I could name a few of y'all that lightskinned I guess they are my baby daddies in here because every there there's more than just one person lightskinned it but this is the point Miss I mean she has not the dad this is the point period like period She told you you what I'm not the father multiple time why would you say that she says that she said it throughout the whole period of him being born talking about you're not the dad anyway I take real D you were there in the beginning it wasn't until she stepped in his ear it wasn't until she stepped in his ear that he started denying it was 3 weeks no it was Christmas time that he started denying my son and that's when she came up from Atlanta for Christmas all right so listen listen I've heard enough testimony in light of what's going on here and the testimony I've heard there is clearly enough evidence to order a paternity test in this particular case and I am going to do so for zadrian please because we need to get down to the bottom of this so after our injur in court you all are going to go directly to the laboratory and undergo DNA testing let's do it submit to to it and we will return back to this courtroom for the results are we clear M court is ajour I feel like I very much so proved my case I'm excited for the DNA test I'm ready to get this thing going so I can move forward in my life I'm glad she did that I need them to zip it up I need him to step up and his family to shut up so that we can all just move on and my son can have a dad and a mom and I ain't got to be both no more I a make them by myself I'm excited she did this we're reconvening in the case of mask Muriel versus Redmond in our last court session I found that there was sufficient evidence to Warrant me ordering a paternity test since that time you have submitted to DNA testing and I have those results here for you today before before I go to the results is there anything anyone would like to say yes Miss mask um I just want to say that he is a good person that is why he signed that birth certificate because he's like you know it's all these women here and I'm just going to do the right thing and if he is a dad then we'll make up for any lost time or money or anything anyone else yes Miss Redmond really all I want is um him to step up and his family to step aside he's the parent here he needs to be making decisions on his own like I've been doing I mean yes I have support but I mean I don't have an option I've been doing it so all I want is him to step up and his family to step aside and let him do that stop steering him let him he's grown let him make his own decisions on how to be a dad don't keep trying to play dad because you're not you're not mom or dad you're aunt and Grandma we mom and dad let us do ours and you guys just fall in like well listen I mean his sister is nodding affirmatively and we have not yet established um whether or not he is zadrian biological father but there's truth to both sides um you know you all are young but if you're bringing children into the world you have to grow up and you have to be parents at the same token um I have a brother I know what it means to be a sister I just have one brother I'm very protective over him and he's my big brother seven I mean so so you get and I I support her supporting him so I think this is an important moment when you both acknowledge what the other side feels but but I just want to make it very clear that he's a good man period he's he's doing his thing as he's not a bad individual so he's a good individual but he's not being a good dad that I need him to be I don't I don't care I I address you're a good individual you're doing your thing but I need you to be a good dad too I need both let's get the results these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of mask Muriel versus Redmond when it comes to 18month old zadrian murel it has been determined by this court Mr Muriel you are the father you are Zan's father okay how do you feel I feel good good I feel okay about it you know I'mma uh do what I need to for him and that's really it it's a huge responsibility oh yeah that's the only reason why I want him to get the test because a child is Oh serious yes it's serious it's not nothing to be running around like pretending you to Dad or one one month you're to Dad the next minute you're not so now you know for a fact even if she gets upset and says it or which she shouldn't anymore when's the last time you saw your son like I believe like a month ago just a month ago we're hoping that we won't wait another month we hoping we won't let things go for months at a time um Miss Redmond your testimony has been proven in court today that he is Zan's biological father but this is not going to come together like a little beautiful Tiffany box with the bow my mother always told me every battle isn't worth the fight that's and you look as a parent as a parent of a beautiful baby who now you know this is their father but you all have had some issues what I'm saying is is there may be those times that things don't go the way you expect but think about in your mind is this battle worth the fight we have counseling and resources for you all this baby is just too beautiful and I hope you understand how much he's counting on you miss Greer you are the mother of one-year-old laniah you say you regret cheating on the defendant Mr Thompson as an act of Revenge to hurt him yes sir because of the mistake you made you now claim you have no clue who fathered your child Mr Thompson for the first six months of liah's life you took care of her you bonded with her because you were told she was your daughter yes your honor then you had your heart ripped apart when you learned through a posting on social media that she could be another man's child yes your honor now that man is waiting outside of the courtroom and will be joining us momentarily Miss Greer why did you wait six months to tell Mr Thompson he may not be your child's father I found out that he cheated on me and I want to get revenge and um I met this man on on a dating website I slept with him and I found I was pregnant and I didn't have nobody and I just want to do it and you didn't use protection even with a man you barely knew no man no yarn Mr Thompson so how' you find out she was pregnant um while I was in Tennessee me and my family had moved to Tennessee and all of a sudden I get a Facebook message from Miss G saying that she's pregnant and I told her that she was lying that I didn't believe her so I told her to send a message of the pregnancy test that she took with it and she did and after that me and my family had moved back to Atlanta Georgia so they can help me take care of my child because because it was my first child and I always wanted to have a child ever since I was little all this time you find out she's pregnant you had no idea she had slept with somebody else even though you cheated no you knew nothing no I never knew she cheated she never told me anything you were there for the birth Mr Thompson yes and I have proof right here what do you have please pass that up when she was when we was in the hospital after she had the baby and as you can see on the picture I was exhausted cuzz I was up with the baby all night while she was sleeping yeah there you are both of you all look tired that's about how you look so you were there through it all yes this very moment where you're exhausted you all been up all night and yet you're excited and joyful you have no clue no y that she had slept with another man I didn't know nothing about it this one this after I cut her umbilical cord when she was in the hospital would would you like let me see that please Jerome so you stayed at the hospital you cut the umbilical cord yes your honor I was there until she left you stayed until the baby and and and her mom was they were released yes you were there yes and after they got home have you been there oh she's beautiful have you been there your honor after she left the hospital she moved in with me and my family oh so after you left the hospital you and baby laniah moved in with him and his family yes because I didn't have nobody to I didn't have no family that who care about me I was moved to fost home the fost home so it was like really bad for me I really couldn't trust nobody I didn't have anything I still don't but I try I try for my child so when did you find out when one of her family members posted it on Facebook about that the baby the baby's not mine that it can be two other people I guess she was sleeping with wait her family member posted this on Facebook on my page on your page after you've been at the hospital with the baby and everybody knew how excited and happy you were yes why would somebody do that in your family Miss Greer they was jealous and so you you didn't say anything until anah was 6 months old that's when you told Mr Thompson yes 6 months so that's 6 months of him believing that's my daughter loving her bonding with her caring for her providing for her his family loving her six months what made you tell and why' you wait so long I didn't want to ruin the relationship that we had and when I told him he start crying and it made me felt bad because you know what I'm saying this the man I love and it just like it just T everything apart if your family member never posted this on Facebook would you have ever told him the truth yes yes your honor till she was a year old when she was a year yes and is that because you felt like let me get him get attached to her so that he can't walk away from her then I'll tell him and it won't matter then because he'll always love her and be back in love with me and everything be okay yes Shan if you want more episodes of paternity court make sure to subscribe and click on the notification Bell the stakes are high today you really love this baby yes and you have a bond you've been there you changed the course of your life you were living in another state and turned around and headed back because you wanted to be there for the child then you followed through on that intention and you were there through the birth provided a place to live your family did at least yes your honor what does this mean to you to not know whether or not you really are the biological father well it hurts me a lot cuz I really want to be her father because I've been taking care of her F to be two years she's been living with me for the last three months she's been living with you yes and where is Miss Greer she lives with you all too no she lived with my brother and his baby mom and his family and her family oh wait a minute so you have had the baby laniah at your house with your family and she's living in a different house yes so you really have been full-time Dad yes your honor and so if baby laniia is not your biological child what are you going to do because this baby she believes you are her daddy yeah all she know is Daddy so I I wouldn't know what I would do if she's not mine Jerome I think it's time we speak to the other possible father please escort Mr tolls into the courtroom going have you go up right next to the judge watch your Stu hello sir hello thank you for joining us today Mr tolls am I correct yes all right you have had a relationship a sexual relationship or what type of relationship have you had with Miss Greer let me start from the beginning when I first met her it all started when I met her on the website we was talking for a minute and then after a we like a week of talking she came over to the house uh she already knew that she just want to have fun and it was nothing serious okay we ended up having said she kissing all over me after that I know she had her pants off so okay I need detail but not that much okay so bottom line is you all did have sex yeah we had sex without using protection we had sex on the floor the first time we used the condom okay the second and the third time we did not use the condom she stayed over my house the whole weekend some kind of way her and my sister became close friends and ended hanging out and conversating with each other okay a few weeks after that I found out she was pregnant she told me she was pregnant I asked her was in mine she said no it was um her boyfriend Mar Thompson which I did not know she had a boyfriend she so you had no idea Mr Thompson was her boyfriend no she she's a composer liar for once she lied about her age she told me she I'm not Li about my age yes you did I told I was 18 she told me she was 21 I found out she was 18 you a lie then she told me that she didn't have a boyfriend I found out she had a boyfriend when she told me she was pregnant I asked her what's the baby mine and she said no it was Mr tonson so I left it alone a few months later her relative calls me and inboxed me on Facebook saying that they think the baby mine cuz it look like me and I told her to send me a picture I have evidence of the picture let me this is my son and Laya they look kind of look like twins on there and how old is your son in that picture two and then this is lah yes and now you have another picture this is a picture of you lah and me and lenah yes now when you look at that picture I don't see no resemblance You Don't See did and so you are truly doubtful you don't know what to believe I don't know what to believe because she's a composed liar she said that he Mr Thompson was her boyfriend that I did not know about then comes to find out around the time that I was messing with uh Miss Grill I found this on Facebook where she hugged up with another dude was is it that's not me in the picture or Mr Thompson in the picture okay that's that's my exboyfriend so baby father he's not little n your daddy and so what okay so you see this picture posted with True Love by it so now you think there's a third possible father Yes and I I don't had I don't had her relative telling me that I need to get custody of the baby if it's mine because she's an unfit parent she's a child of herself that can't take care of herself so how do she how do she going to take care of baby how you tell me I miss Greer this man in this picture you say that's your ex-boyfriend yes your honor were you in a relationship with him during the time you also weren't having sexual relations with Mr Thompson and Mr tolls no your honor so there's no way when I read these results no ma'am this young man is going to factor in or any other man for that matter no yor your positive one of these two men yes your honor as I was looking at TV one day I seen that it was a app that can tell when your baby was conceived and I put in L's date and you can flip through the next page and see that the date that's up there I was not I was not in Atlanta Georgia at that time oh Jerome hand me that evidence please yes she was so the baby was born on September 27th 2012 and if we hit calculate possible date of ovulation is January 5th 2012 possible dates of conception are January 1st through the 9th of 2012 I was in and you just said you were not in town on January 1st through the 9th no yall 2012 I was in Tennessee I think it's time for the [Applause] results Mr Thompson as I look at you you seem very nervous are you just I am very hopeful yes I hope she's mine in your statement to the court you said you really wanted to be the father Yes I want to continue taking care of her and you say it was your mother's wish yes to have a grandchild and when I look at her I I think of my mom you do she's beautiful thank you your honor Miss Greer what are you hoping for today I hoping for he be the father okay he always want he always want want to be the father of my of my child Mr Thompson yes Mr tolls what are your hopes I just hope if if it's mine then I'm going do whatever what I got to do to get cussed cuz I I got three other kids and I just feel like I missed out on her life it's is mine a are we ready these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows when it comes to one-year-old laniia and whether Mr Thompson or Mr tolls is her biological father it has been determined by this court that her biological father is Mr Thompson happy I can see it in your eyes I'm proud of you for stepping up to the plate even when there was doubt Mr TOS I'm sorry that this did not turn out the way you had hoped and Miss Greer yes ma'am I am not sure what the circumstances are or were it led you to leave your child and yes have her be raised by Mr Thompson and his family what I'm thankful for is that that in fact is her biological father so she belongs there yes Miss Clark uh you claim that you and the defendant Mr newbie dated for only three months before you became pregnant with his baby uh you say the relationship was moving forward until he left you for a woman you claim is old enough to be his mother it is your belief that she is the reason Mr newbie is denying paternity Mr newbie you say the plaintiff was involved with another man at the time she became pregnant you do not believe you are the father of her child and claim it has nothing to do with your new girlfriend miss fauler you also say if the baby is yours you will fight for custody because you believe the plaintiff is an unfit mother now Miss Clark tell me what happened when the defendant left you he left me for an older woman woman and I feel that she put in his head that it's not his from the beginning because she thought I was messing around with some dude at her party and you did come to my house with another guy no yeah I wasn't messing around with him you wen't dry humping on the side of my house he was just dancing like this or whatever there was no dancing at let's get some Order in the Court now Miss Clark first of all before there was ever miss fauler you and Mr Newby had a relationship I need you to take me back to that okay you're hon when I met him you know I was in uh drug use but you know we were together for 3 months he he was in drug use and um when he left me I felt abandoned it because when I was younger at 13 years old my dad had hung himself because of drug use and then 5 years later my mother had died at when I was 18 years old because of cancer so when he left me when I was 7 months pregnant he I felt abandonment and pain and Agony so so you stuck a needle in your arm so when I was 3 months pregnant I um yeah went out and used and I am ashamed of that because you know and then I went to jail though for 3 months and while I was in there I had time to think that I want to be clean for me and my son you know so so when I got out when I was s months pregnant I got out we were going to be you know have a family you know so I was excited about that because I was felt that my son was going to have a father and a mother and instead we were not supposed to be she it's all wrong all right I told her from the beginning when she first went to jail she would call me and yeah I would talk to her cuz I was thinking that the baby might possibly be mine I've had my doubts from the very beginning she's constantly lied she's cheated on me with her ex like what three four times no only once going to the grocery store she would go to the store for like so Mr newbie she cheated on you with her ex during the time of conception during that same before after okay but excuse me your honor if you know you had doubts about you know being a father or whatever then why' you have this picture taken with me with the first ultrasound and being happy with about being a father well yeah cuz if it's mine I that's you two here with a sonogram picture M but and then when um when I first got the ultrasound when she was working at McDonald's and he was working at McDonald's he she was putting in his head oh prove it to me otherwise prove it to me otherwise I say prove it to me otherwise you were talking to he was showing the picture of this sonogram to everybody and I said why are you showing a picture of a baby you don't even know is yours that wasn't a secet that wasn't a secret I said it in front of you in front of him and in front of minut Miss fogner I have to ask you when he was showing the sonogram picture at work were you in a relationship with him then no I was not so why was it your business what he was showing because I was a friend of his you're old I have always been a friend of his he always been a really good friend of yeah but you're old my point is now I want to hear more about this doubt Mr newbie explain to me the other reasons why you feel like despite this happy sonogram picture this child may not be yours um like at first when I asked about the DNA test when we first found out she was pregnant I was like okay yeah I want a DNA test she was okay with it and then after the baby's born I asked for it she freaks out she's doesn't want to do it all of a sudden is that true Miss Clark yes that is true because I felt my baby was conceived the time that we were together it wasn't conceived when I was with that other dude cuz I was only with that dude for a week but you do admit to cheating yes and can you understand why Mr newbie may feel since you made to cheating that there could be a possibility I do understand that and I told him that I understood that so why not nip it in the bud with the DNA test because I felt you know and then even after like while she was pregnant after I had left her she had sent me a message from her brother's phone and a picture of a baby I was at work at the time when I got it and he was talking about he's an uncle now so I was thinking the baby was born and then I looked you I told everybody at work I ran home trying to get a ride up there and she was just playing you sent him a picture of a fake baby well it was a picture of the internet it was on the Internet or whatever and I sent to him the picture but I was just upset because questions he okay he had left what was your intention behind sending the picture of the fake baby I need to understand that um to see if he would like show any interest of seeing his son because he wasn't do you show him a picture of a fake baby as if the baby had been born yeah yes a newborn baby I got a picture on my cell phone while I was at work I showed my manager and ran home I don't even think I clocked out or anything yes it was messed up with me and I just wanted to see if he would show interest or whatever and if you know the son my son was born if he would show any interest in coming to see him or anything did he show interest in coming to see him she wouldn't let me go up to the hospital no no even when the baby was born she wouldn't let me go I told you she wouldn't let me go afterwards because I have a girlfriend yeah I told she he brought her to my doctor's appointment that's disrespectful okay and then and then I asked him I was like the day after my son was born I said you can come up here and see the baby but do not have her drop you off or come to the hospital he said oh no I'm get ride do matter if I drop him off I was the only one willing to give him a r care disrespect see his own kids I have kids I know what it's like to be a single mom and I not Jess if he would not take care of his responsibilities if you really wanted a father you would let him come and see the baby regardless on who dropped him off okay but my ex-boyfriend that left me for an older woman you know that's old enough to be his mom is disrespectful to me to bring to the hospital don't hate because I look better than you when I'm older than you okay okay you still look like you're pregnant right now okay what happened all baby and water I don't care Miss fogner I need to ask you so let's be honest did you ruin their relationship Miss fauler I need to ask you so let's be honest did you ruin their relationship no I did not this was way after they were over with was Jesse friends with your son yes he was this is getting interesting why is it that you're so certain that Jesse is not Miss Clarks I never said I was certain I said that there was doubt that's all I said I was not there when they were together and having all of that all I said was if you're going to be there you want to be sure especially since he lives in another state because she likes to dangle the baby over his head oh you can see him when she wants to he's going to need to know if it's his or not to have VI let me remind you though that you told the court that you would never be with a man that take take care of his kids that is right so if Mr new has reason to believe that he could possibly be the father why would you have any issue with him being there until he her son has been at our house find out otherwise our house her son has been at our house we have watched her son we had baby when he was holding up the sonogram picture why' you tell him to take it down I didn't tell him to take it down I said why are you showing a picture of a baby you don't even know if it's yours see that's disrespectful wouldn't the same woman that wouldn't be with a man that didn't take care of his kids wouldn't that same woman think to themselves well he may think this child is his and it's great that he's proud of it and if he finds out later that it's not let him deal with it and if I can't she can't be trusted that's how I now Miss Clark how have you tried to get him in your child's life I would call him and ask him if he can watch him or whatever if he wants to see him he said I can't right now I'm busy I want to take care of the baby I tried taking care of you how many diapers have you buy you only bought two packs of diapers you buy we bought stuff for the baby she refused she said because Joanne got it I don't want it because I bought it she did not want to receive the gifts I bought the baby stuff and she did not want to it's not your responsibility it's his money is combined it's together a real relationship it's not about the money I don't care but Mr newbie now it is very convenient that you have Miss fauler to kind of help you you in your potential responsibility I want to know what you have done individually to help Miss Clark take care of the baby I want to know what you have done individually to help Miss Clark take care of the baby have you helped to provide financially yeah when I could yes if she asked hey I need diapers I would get them whenever she needed from my vantage point there shouldn't be a thing that you wouldn't do for this beautiful baby there there's not that's what I'm saying like I wasn't working so when she would call me an hour before she needed me to watch him like you know Hey My My Buddy needs me to help pull weeds I can make some money you know as a father if he's the father he should want to take him regardless of anything that he has to do or anything to spend time with him we even we were she asked him to watch him last minute Jesse said no problem but me but we're fixing to go swimming she got mad and wouldn't let us take the baby cuz she couldn't go swimming with us no I didn't want them I didn't want them taking my son somewhere else where I don't know where going if it's his son why can't you take him because I don't know where you're taking him and I'm the mother told you got mad CU you couldn't hang out with us why would I want to hang out with you exact why did you want to come with us exactly so you were concerned as a mother that your son was going to a pool and he was so small yes now could you have told them that that I just really feel uncomfortable about swimming could yeah I could have but I'm a mother with children of my own be honest you're not the mother of her child but I would not hurt wait one minute me wait one minute wait one minute that I have lost one moment I would never do anything to hurt another child wait one moment you not my mother either so now let me tell you something I am a mother of a small child and I will be very honest I am married to my husband and the first time my child got in a pool I wanted to be there and I see mothers in in in out here in the courtroom nod in their head you taking my baby to a pool I don't think it was appropriate for her to want to go but I would have said to you guys hey the swimming thing he's so little maybe could we do something else I just feel uncomfortable that's it I think I believe am I articulating your position right because I'm not seeing in this situation why she just wants to hang out with you all at the pool I don't get that no it is admirable that they want to take your son and include him as a part of the family unit and get him to know Miss faul her's kids don't just come snatch him up from the father when he's really trying to show interest and take him somewhere and I have let him see him you know I took my son I took my son over to their house you know but I don't want him going nowhere where I don't know about or going swimming without me or anything like that at three months old this leads me to um your claim that if it is determined that you're actually the father of her son you would like to petition the court for custody of your child because you believe she's an unfit mother please tell me why you feel this way how are you going to be 7 months pregnant and then stick a you know stick a needle into both of your guys' bodies you know okay but like that baby had to go through that for no reason she didn't even give him a chance now Miss Clark admitted that that was an absolute irresponsible action which was inexcusable I heard her say that I also heard her say that she has done everything she can to get clean now have you witnessed her Improvement well yeah it's Court mandated of course she don't want to go back to let me tell you I've represented a lot of drug addicts when I was a criminal defense attorney no court mandate going to keep you from a drug when you addicted exactly you have to make a decision as a human being that you are going to be clean I'm asking you have you seen a change in her at all as it relates to the drug use do you see that yeah then we have to applaud her for that we have to well yeah I'm glad she's true I tried helping her as much as I could and then I have to ask you how are you doing if you are potentially this child's father I want to understand where you are in life as well MH are you working uh no I currently just moved and you are looking for work yes okay Miss fauler are you working I'm fixing to start working next week I just moved to Florida okay two people that's fixing to start working got a lot of nerve about to snatch a baby from its mother and neither one of you got a job you've accused her of being unfit yes um she collects a check right every month the that don't mean I'm unfit what does that mean that I get take care of yourself but I do take care of myself I buy I buy all his formula I buy everything he needs I buy clth The Bu him everything sorry she's just jealous like she can't get over the fact that I'm not with her no it's not I I care I if you were the last man on earth I wouldn't want to be with you again are you kidding me okay you're worthless all right she tries to break the C are we ready to hear the results please because I believe it's time for us to know Jerome do you have the envelope I do thank you you're [Music] welcome as per these results prepared by DNA Diagnostics in the case of Clark versus newbie when it comes to 3month old baby Richard Mr newbie you are the father and I see you smiling it's not a bad thing you're happy yeah like I never tried to deny him I just wanted some clarity you did deny him I will defend him in this he did not tell this court he denied him he told this court he had doubt well and that's what this courtroom is about better to know the truth so that you can operate under truth than to constantly in your mind have this small amount of Doubt circulating and it may affect the way you treat this child so now we know your honor I have a question you going to take care of him when you're all the way into Florida that's what custody's for okay but you're not taking my away from me yeah listen this is a living breathing little person you got to get it together I've tried working with I have not seen any evidence that you've presented that would indicate that Miss Clark is an unfit mother but I am a firm believer that fathers have a huge role to play in their child's lives I want you you to continue on your path will to Healing I will and being clean and you too are we clear yes Miss Osborne you have brought your mother to court because you claime she lied to you about the identity of your biological father you are here to prove Billy Jack Fitz Morris is your dad you and your aunt petitioned the court for paternity test to finally prove the truth is that correct yes your honor Miss asborn you admit your daughter believed that Mr fitzmorris was her dad but now stand in court to prove that another man is her biological father is that correct yes your honor so miss Osborne how do we get to this point that you have to bring your mother to court well I've always grew up thinking that Billy was my father and that I resembled him and I even moved in with my dad's side of the family and then all of a sudden when I was about 12 I got told other wise what happened when you were 12 we were just sitting watching TV and all of a sudden she looks at me she says you know there's a possibility that another man could be your father and what was your reaction at the moment I didn't know what to do I kind of just left the room and went and called my aunt and your aunt Miss Brooks yes Miss Brooks do you remember that call yes I do what happened um s Savannah was very upset because she thought that um Billy my brother was not her father and I assured her that I believe 100% that Billy is her father you've never had a doubt I've never had a doubt so until you were 12 years old Miss Osborne you were told this was your father Yes you even live with his family yes your honor so miss Osborne when your daughter was 12 you told her that someone else could be her biological father Yes I told her that another guy could be her father but I never told her that Billy Jack was her father how did she think he was because um his family put in her head that he was her father and um I just kind of went with it that's wait a minute so for 12 years who were you saying was her biological father I didn't say who was her father but she's living with his family um yes and at the time um her his family took her in I was young and I knew that they would have a good life for her and they stepped up and asked to take her and I knew that they could provide a better life for her at that time because I was young and naive and stupid so I let them take and raise her i' I've been in her life and I've done things for her and and I'm here today just to put things at rest so she'll know who her biological father really is and I believe it's the other guy tell me about the relationship with the other guy why do you think it's his um because I was back and forth between the two and uh I was with the other guy a lot more than I was with Billy Jack during the window of conception you were sleeping with both men yes yes your honor but I I I just feel in my heart that the other guy is her father so both can potentially be her biological father you understand that right Miss Osborne savannah yes and I see you can't even look at your mother right now you're not even turning your head because I just want to know the truth of who my father is it's I shouldn't have to waited till I was 12 years old old to figure this out I should have known that there was not a possibility before I grew attached to my father and grew bond with my whole family your mom kind of Dropped a Bomb on you at 12 years old wow I mean when you hear that and you had to live with this now for eight years you're 20 now eight years now this must hurt you very much yes it does because this is your mother and you're relying on your mother to tell you the truth yes I would always expect her to so Savannah when you hear your mother speak and she says that she just allowed them to believe what they wanted to believe because she wanted to make sure you were safe I know it's hard for you but look at your mother and just tell her what that feels like it it really feels horrible to not know who my real father is and after growing all these years to believe somebody else was my father and it it couldn't be I am sorry Savannah you was young when you was 12 I figured that you was old enough to be able to handle it when you was young you wouldn't have been able to handle it as well at 9 or 10 as you would at 12 and 13 so I waited to help you because I didn't know if you would how you would react being so young and me telling you that if it would confuse you more but tell her Savannah at 12 how that made you feel I was confused I was 12 years old I was raised around my dad's family for 12 years and then all of a sudden they could be just some strangers that I'm living with they would never be strangers of course they won't they'll always be my family now but what if they never were I am sorry I truly am but I'm here today to try to make it right for you so you will know 100% if he's your father or if the other guy's your father I was young and I was stupid and I just went at the best for you and so yes I swallowed my pride and I did let them take you in because I knew that they could provide a better life for you than what I could at that age I wasn't ready I'm sorry that I've put you through hurt because I've never wanted to hurt you ever sorry CU eight years later I still have to yeah Wonder but at the end of the day it must hurt that you had to drag your mother to court today yes it really does but I I need to know the truth I was brought up on a lie I have to know Miss Brooks I see this you have tears in your eyes as you stand next to the young woman you believe is your niece yes Savannah is my niece and I love her dearly and we were always told from day one from Donna that Savannah was our our I call her our baby but our niece the way we met Donna was under difficult circumstances um my brother he had a a wild life he liked fast cars fast women fast money you know anything to do with that kind of behavior that's what he liked so when he brought Donna home we were a little shocked because at the time she was working as a stripper and we didn't know you know what to believe but we believed my brother and um Donna both when they said that they that Billy was her biological father that she was pregnant with Savannah and that was our family but you don't remember telling them any of this Miss Osborne no your honor Billy Jack is the one that took it upon himself to assume that Savannah was his when I told him I was pregnant I had told both men that I was pregnant and they took it upon theirself to believe if they was the father or not I that's not true that's not true it is true she told me as well that Savannah was was my brother's daughter those words never came out of my mouth yes they did if you didn't think he was the father of her why did we raise her why did our family step point in time you know that I was unstable and you guys were a great family and I knew that you would love and take care of Savannah the way she needed to be taken care of and I couldn't provide that for her at that point in time I was young and stupid and you know I I regret a lot of things things that I did in in life but you know I grown since then and I'm trying to be there for my kids now even because I want her to know if in fact your brother is her father or if the other guy is her father have you ever gotten to know this other man that your mom says could potentially be your biological father I have met him I am do not have a connection with him whatsoever he is the father of my sister and my brothers but I wouldn't want that to be my father I want Billy to be my father because that's who I have always known to be my father and it's going to really hurt if it's otherwise so your sister you say was fathered by the other man that's what I was told but I also believe that my dad is her dad because we we share way too many similarities you know what she's here so I'd like to hear from her Ron can you please escort her in yes ma'am we're going to go up to the witness stand right next to the judge Miss Paton thank you for joining us there's actually been testimony that contradicts what I believe you were told who do you believe is your father I believe that the other guy is my father because I mean I've never met Billy Jack I've never even seen him I've just heard stories of his crimes and crazy lifestyle I have a connection a relationship with my father or the other guy and and his family yeah who do you believe Savannah's biological father is I'm not sure I I grew up believing that Billy Jack was her dad the same as her so growing up you just felt like I have a sister but we have two different fathers yeah I also believe Billy could be her father oh really yes why because at the time that Donna conceived Miss Patton uh she was also with my brother back and forth between my brother and the other man and I see similarities between Mrs Patton and this is his other daughter here Marissa and Savannah Miss Osborne your daughter Miss Patton testified that she believed this other guy was her father her whole life yes do you believe there's potential that Billy Jack could be her by biological father as well um I mean I was back and forth between the two at that at that stage of My Life um but I don't believe that Billy's her father I believe that the other guy is why the same reason I believe that he is Savannah's father um because they they look a lot like the other guy but you admit that you were intimate with Billy both during the window of her conception as well yes yes your honor this is very very interesting I mean because as this young girl you were just in a place in your life where you weren't making great decisions no I wasn't your honor and you have these beautiful girls and you have to find families for them pretty much yes and I was um I was in a very a bad relationship at that point in time and when she was born and I and I knew she'd be better off with my family and I've been there in their lives um all of their lives I've never walked out on them or abandoned them but my family did in fact raise them with me and I'm thankful every day for my family and and Mrs Brook's family for doing such a great job with my children what I couldn't provide for them then so you never told Jasmine that Billy Jack could potentially be her father ever never mentioned it no but why is it at 12 then you felt like you should tell Savannah because Savannah believed more that Billy Jack was her father than he is her father than Jasmine and uh I just didn't want her to end up finding out he wasn't and being mad at me for not at least giving her the opportunity to know who her real biological father is what do you want to get out of today's results besides just of course finding out the truth I don't want to her to have to lie to me anymore and I want want to have a better bond with my mom but until I know the truth I don't think that's going to happen and I also would say like to say this is dividing our family so we need to know the truth and you know Jasmine could also be my brother's child well it seems like the stakes are very high we've got a motherdaughter relationship on the line in addition to a fatherdaughter and the family that raised her yes I have the results for you I think it's time you have two we have two results the results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics the first is for Jasmine Jasmine are you ready as ready as I can get okay because the DNA of Mr Billy Jack Fitz Morris was unavailable to test for biological relatedness and avuncular test with the closest biological relative his sister Anastasia Stacy Brooks was performed with that being said the results determine if there is a viable relationship between Jasmine Patton and Anastasia Stacy Brooks in the case of Osborne Brooks versus Osborne Patton when it comes to 19-year-old Jasmine Patton it has been determined by this court Miss Brooks and Jasmine are are not related Miss Osborne you look relieved yes I I'm I'm relieved because Jasmine's had a relationship with the other guy and his family and I didn't want that to change and uh I'm I'm really kind of hoping Savannah is billies because I scares me that maybe the relationship between them a change if she's not you're hoping he is but you don't believe he is right are you ready savannah yes your honor okay just as in the case with your sister Jasmine the results determine if there is a viable relationship between Savannah Osborne and Anastasia Stacy Brooks when it comes to 20 year old Savannah Osborne it has been determined by this court Miss Brooks and Savannah are [Applause] related I love you Savannah so much and I'm so happy that it came out the way you wanted it and I love you Jasmine I love you tooo I love you too you know Miss Brooks I commend your family for taking this beautiful girl in at a time when her mother admittedly just could not provide a safe healthy environment for her she did the right thing Miss Parker in your suit you claim Mr Morton fathered your seven-month-old son Aaron while in a relationship with his current girlfriend yes Shona you say the only reason he denies paternity is because his girlfriend turned him against you because she's been unable to conceive a child with him yes youra in addition to the paternity test you're suing for $2,047 in back child expenses yes Shona Mr Morton you say the timing of Miss Parker's pregnancy doesn't add up and when today's DNA results come in you will win the case because you're not the father that's right so Miss Parker how did you end up having sex with Mr Morton if he has a girlfriend first of all your that's my B father anytime I want to have sex with him I'm going to have sex with him you understand like I was vulnerable he called me so you know we did what we did so hold on you have a child with Mr Mort yes I have a 5-year-old son and he's not the child in question no Aaron is but you also still continue to sexual relationship yes with the both of them both of them you were having sex we have sex I have sex with both of them them with Mr Morton and Mrs lemon and his girlfriend yes yes your yes oh so it's threesome at the same time or you have two separate relationships oh threesome at the same time separate relationship if I don't want to have sex with her and I want to have sex with him that's what happens oh okay it just got interesting [Applause] um well the only reason you honor the only reason why she was able to have sex with us is because I asked my boyfriend to have sex with her because she was lonely my desires me and my little freakiness I said my boyfriend can you have sex with your pregnant baby mother because she's in need pause your honor how would she know she's not there your honor that is not true before I even left to go anywhere before I was gone for a while we was having sex before then she wanted to have sex with me you're honor to be tell they don't ask her boyfriend nothing her boyfriend about it all anyway he had two girlfriends from the beginning so that's that's I'm consensual consensual or not if I want to have sex with my baby for all your H it goes down try it now it goes down try it down I don't want to try when the last time you did it when the last time you did it when we did it right no so ultimately Miss Parker Miss lemon Mr Morton you all agree that you were all in a sexual relationship and so you also are in an agreement that there's a possibility that this could be your child who cannot be my child because the timing is not right at all I'm not tripping off of that I know that that's my son's father I know he looks exactly like my other son and so you're doubtful Mr Morton because you say there's a timing issue yes she supposed to got pregnant in May but from understanding that's only would be seven months if she I never said I got pregnant in May you're owner okay hold on let me get my calendar so I can just understand what's going on exactly when were you intimate with Miss Parker during the window week of Mother's Day May 11th I believe you're intimate that day the only intimacy we had on Mother's day was oh sex how you going to get it off or section judge when was Aaron born December 5th so December 5th it only add up to about 7 months her boyfriend been L February this the guy that she was telling me father from 5th so your doubt is that it's only 7 months from when baby Aaron was born to when you were having sex with her and that doesn't add up to you yes ma'am yeah and Miss Parker when was the last time you were intimate with someone else before that May 11th period when you were the only person you're on I lie to you not the only person that I have unprotected sex with was my baby father was Mr that's a lie you're that's a lie she clock it she we down y I'm clocking it just like you clock M I can't we downtown the guy walks up to her they talking and everything and he swears up and down earn his his she had to keep reminding him that it's not yours boy it's not yours I had sex with you after he was already in my stomach exactly I said you told you didn't have sex with nobody said I didn't have unprotected sex over place that's what a li was all over the place let's let's get some let's get some control let's let's I want to understand this story your testimony Miss Parker is that you weren't intimate with anyone else during that time I did not have unprotected protected that's what I said were you having text with anyone are you Ser y h i listen my I do what I do I'm not I love I love me you understand me I don't have unprotected sex with nobody but the ones that I trust I trust this man so yeah every time I have sex with him you think of me so bad so you trust me you think of me so bad you down with me but you had sex with me too so that me you you like me right you like me right I like the way you um do your thing that's what I like I like the way you do your thing baby that's all I'm both that work okay listen listen you tripping Miss Parker you stated that you weren't having unprotected sex with anyone else but you're saying you're only you only have unprotected sex with Mr Morton yes Ira yes let me explain my side of the story cuz I'm trying to you know yeah be when my before my boyfriend went away I was pregnant by him that's what they're getting confused I had a whole misc y a whole misc by this all of a sudden so what you're saying is you were pregnant before like this was before though this is before I got pregnant he wasn't even away when I was pregnant he was with me when I was pregnant we yes I was but you mis miscarried listen Miss Parker I'm trying to explain what my understanding is so you can correct me okay I was pregnant by my boyfriend yes but I had a miscarriage exactly subsequent L I got back in a sexual relationship with Mr Morton had unprotected sex and I was pregnant again yes your honor that's what I wanted to understand now let's move forward at the point you realize you're pregnant you tell M yes that's I'm trying to get to I told him I was pregnant and I did I'm not going to lie I told him this is not your baby being as though I have a sonogram telling me I'm 13 weeks so when I go to my first prenatal appointment and they give me a fetal assessment and they say no Miss you're 8 weeks pregnant your baby is due December the 24th so you went to your appointment and then your due date got adjusted yes so initially when you got pregnant they gave you a certain due date ma'am and you said based upon that due date this is not your child because I was not sleeping with you then then you go because that's what happens you do you go to subsequent appointments as you get further along in your pregnancy they then gave you another test and determine oh no the first due date we calculated was wrong you're you're in fact how many weeks eight weeks you're eight weeks 8 weeks pregnant when I got that sonogram and I gave I went home and I gave him the sonogram to let him know we got a baby on the way what was your response Mr Morton when she told you we have a baby on the way they miscalculated my due date and now I really believe it's your child what was your response I had my doubts because of she what she had told me you still had doubts did you participate you have a child with her already did you participate in the birth did were you were you there through the pregnancy I didn't go to none of the appointments I ain't show up to none of the the doctor appointments but talking about I have a picture of him holding my son when he first came out Roman see that please so Mr Morton you say that you didn't go to the appointments no ma'am but this is a picture of you holding baby Aaron when he was first born yes so you went to the hospital when he was first born yes I was there to see him did you sign the birth certificate I see him when he came out did you sign the birth certificate no ma' I didn't sign a birth Cate because of my doubts what is that evidence you're holding for for me the birth certificate I didn't sign I'd like to see that so you decided not to sign the birth certificate because you felt like I just have too many doubts I don't want to do that have you been involved with baby Aon since yes you have so you still have doubts I still have doubts he got doubts your H but he on Facebook my son hand that to me what is that miss this is a page from Facebook from off of his page my son hands always in the air but you got so many doubts this is a picture of baby Aaron from your Facebook page Mr Morton it says my son's hands are always in the air M yeah you you you wrote that yes so if you had doubts why would you post that I know this man you feel me I know he loves people kids I know he loved children I gave this man his first child I know this you understand what I'm saying she like she once again like I said it don't matter I know like I said this is not the first situation and so listen this feeling that you he steps up to the plate and takes care of other people's children but does not properly take care of baby Aaron is the basis of your suit you're suing for $247 in child care expenses things you've spent on baby Aaron since he's been born and you say Mr Morton's done nothing besides $30 and she hme down a lot of hand contributing to the child care expenses that has incurred have you contributed anything anything cuz I never did anything to her but gave her that $30 that's what I wanted to know all right so just the $30 do you have any receipts from what you spent what you've done thank you explain to the court ma'am the items things that you've purchased thus far I see you have di diapers um baby wipes um bottles clothes formula toiletries all that I've been working almost is the total of this $247 yes ma'am $47 Mr Morton you acknowledge that all you've done is the $30 that I put in her hands right for her for these $247 worth of expenses you've paid 30 of it yeah okay I'm going to rule on this after we get the DNA results because of course that will determine whether or not you have a responsibility to care for this child Miss Parker I'd like to hear from your witness before we get to the results ma'am please stand thank you so much for joining us what's your name ma'am stated for the record Marie Dunlap Miss Dunlap you are I'm Mr Morton's mother oh you are yes you're Mr Morton's mother yes what do you have to add ma'am well for for the most part as far as support system when she first had baby eron she did not have anything cuz we were supposed to try to get together a baby shower so she did have him early so as far as support system it was me and my daughter which is Eric's sister sister and her mother and excuse me I'm talking it don't matter it does it don't so therefore did you just let her disrespect your mother yeah real bad I'm sorry I had to catch that come again H okay honestly I don't even know why she over there she don't do nothing that that's it doesn't it doesn't matter that's still your that's still your mother I do get my grandson so ma'am the bottom line is you know what about this situation well as far as them two to be honest I really think that they never sto dealing with each other from time to time even when she had the boyfriend I still believe they were dipping and dabbing because him and the boyfriend had gotten into to it over I don't know what the altercation was about but I heard about they had got into it and it's several times they they together it is your belief that baby Aaron is your is your grandchild yes that's that's us all the way have you witnessed your son connect with this child yes and you've connected with the child yes when your family accepts the child without doubt we do accept him without a doubt without doubt without a doubt I don't share his doubts because because that's that's ours that's a know my doubts you H my mother don't know anything about this situ every time I try to put her into the situation she don't want to bother thank you so much for your testimony you may be seated where are we going from here with this me tell you where I'm going from this when you read them D and they test and they tell and they tell you that that's that man son I'm going to child support that's where I'm going with this I'm going straight downtown you got me Twisted come on now and so I have to ask this are you all going to continue to have this unprotected sex no sex no sex J he's good he's good with his with his wife how long that's going to last feel me I mean what's what what's the point of you knocking what we have I'm knocking it because of the fact that is the reason why first of all I'm I I this is out of character for me I have never ever in a million years came at this woman like this it's one thing when you sitting there stating facts but it's another thing when you trying to degrade me the reason that I feel the way I feel about her is because we formed a relationship her whole pregnancy with Aon when she moved to that house I was right there with her every pain every time my foot got swollen I wanted to rub it I took in her to support her and to show her that she wasn't alone I don't care what my boyfriend did if he didn't want to be a part of her a part of eron's life if he denied them if he felt any way I ignored that and I still played a role I'm a very loving person I'm a very honest person I've never done anything to her and I have never told him not one time to deny him she sit there trying to make me Lo and that's not the case I would never do nothing like that her and listen I think before I go to the results I just need to ask the question are you too finished cuz it's become obvious that we're talking about the relationship between you and Mr Morton and yet there is still a relationship between you and Miss lemon that has a lot of Unfinished workings it's a lot going on here let's get to the results please please these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of Parker versus Morton when it comes to 7-month-old Aaron Morton it has been determined by this court do you want to watch paternity court on TV go to paternity court. TV to find your local listings Mr Mort you are Aaron's father thank you I told you like I'm not no come on thank you I need that paper so I can go down child support tomorrow morning when I get up Miss Parker you came to court with a suit in the Mount of $247 Mr Morton is in fact baby Aaron's biological father which means means you are legally obligated to care for that child and Miss Parker is entitled to half of the child care expenses she has incurred thus far you admit you contributed $30 is that correct you came in suing for $247 half of that is $1,235 less the $30 you contributed so therefore my ruling is for the plaintive in the amount of $99 $33.50 is that clear yes yes honor I feel like you two agreed to bring Miss Parker into your relationship and now it seems like Miss lemon and Miss Parker got more unfinished business than Mr Morton and Miss Parker and they got two babies together a relationship with two people is difficult enough to manage bring a third in Now You Really Got a mess that's magnified m s and Miss Elon you previously appeared in this courtroom with concerns surrounding the paternity of 2-year-old Carson let's take a look we started sleeping together two weeks after we met well who else did you have sex with my friend's boyfriend it was on Valentine's Day we had a threesome she knew about it the baby didn't look like me he don't have my nose my ears my eyes or nothing my unborn child and Carson deserves their father so I feel that we need to get this all cleared up when it comes to 20mon Old Carson Gregory Mr Elon you are not the father Miss Elston you are now here hoping to save your marriage by proving your husband is the biological father of your newborn son KAS Mr Elon you recently moved out of your home due to paternity doubts and you are convinced you are not cas's father either Miss Elon I'll start with you you're in desperate need to save your marriage yes your honor explain because laran moved out like shortly after K was born he's been having praternity issues since we found out Carson was not his he started saying that this baby doesn't look like me he's not mind and questions about the conception and he wants to leave his family all of a sudden just because of fraternity issues paternity to Carson wow it has really taken a turn for the worst Mr ston you felt like you had no other choice but to leave the home yes Ron because I can't keep you know going through the same cycle with babies not being mine with the same person and when Carson came back not mine it did you know it hurt my feelings but I still stepped up and was a father to him so I'm just trying to get the honest truth today before I you know move on so how does this doubt make you feel I mean you've packed up and moved out of your own home left your wife Carson K I mean how do you feel when you look at this baby I mean I don't have a bond with him and I don't I don't feel like he's mine they look alike to me so they must have the same father and the baby names are yet identical and it's it's you she's not telling me we agreed on the name I tried changing it plenty of times he told me he didn't want to change it no her friend chose the name you H her so the truth is even the name triggers you because it's so close to Carson k then you look at them you think they look alike in your mind and then you just revisit what you went through the last time you were here when we determined you were not Carson's biological father yes ma'am so Mrs ston how does your husband's doubt affect you and the family it's affected us a lot because we're arguing because you already know Carson is not yours but you stepped up and I'm glad so I don't understand how you think K is not yours so Mr ston what was your initial doubt how did you start doubting well you're honor when I was at work I was three hours away she text me talking about some she pregnant so I was like I can't leave work just to take you to the hospital so she said I call my cousin and see if he can take me so when I get home like we just started arguing because I told her this just don't seem right and she was like that wasn't even my cousin that took me to the hospital anyways it was my ex so no your honor that's not what happened what happened was he was at work so I had a friend come get me but we already had you know issues from the past of me cheating and all this stuff so I didn't tell him you know it was my ex cuz I didn't want him thinking I was sleeping with him or anything I told him I was like well that was not my cousin that took me it was a friend and he he asked who and I told him who it was and I was honest about it I just did not want no problems in our relationship at that point so you felt like you were just being honest yeah at the end at first told me that in in the beginning instead of hiding it from oh so she HIIT it at first yeah I'm not going to keep doing this ah so throughout the pregnancy were you doubting then yes ma'am cuz one day we got the argument bad and I left the house and she t Tex me and she was like that's why Carson wasn't yours K's not yours either and she said I married you just so I could put you on child support just in case you tried to leave me and you know we're separated now and you know I'm trying to file for a divorce so really so we're separated when you come up the house every day do you have any evidence of what I'd like to see that drone will you hand me that evidence please thank you you're welcome these are text messages between you Mr Elston and your wife Miss Elon you write why do you say that Carly she responds he's not even your baby just like Carson wasn't whoa Mr Elson you say blank then don't ask me to do nothing for them Miss Elon you say okay Bet larian stop texting me and go play dad to somebody else's kids cuz mine's not [Applause] yours whoa that's a mouthful right there miss ston how could you expect him to think Cas was his biological son after that exchange I just know how to push his buttons like I wasn't trying to like I already know what to say to him he had stayed gone the whole night and he was out cheating and doing him and he wants to sit up and say that K is not his but so you just said it this one time out of anger you were just really angry it happened multiple times so this is not the I said it like three times my pregnancy yes well Mr Elson you submitted another text message Miss Elson said Cas is not yours anyways I blanked your homeboy oh Mr ston said blank you dirty dog and then miss Elon responded I'mma still put you on child support because we married that's the only reason I married you blank what kind of conversation is this I know how to push his buttons I know how to make him M so that's what I was saying this is not button pushing this bomb dropping yeah I mean these exchanges are designed to destroy you already said you had one child that was his came back not his now you doing this again yes this is toxic so if you're so quick to say he's not yours that's what I'm going do is just put you on child support and why do you stand here so convinced that he is K's biological father when I um got pregnant with Carson I was not in a relationship with laran and we already you know established that on the last um time we was here this time we was engaged we was living together and that's the only person I was with and when I conceived K so I'm pretty sure he well I'm actually 100% positive she was sleeping with other guys she was sleeping on other guys she con see she was she got pregnant in June and she was sleeping with him in May so she admitted to my friend that she was cheating too so she admitted to a friend yes ma'am she my friend came to the house one weekend it's a female and she pulled me downstairs when Carly was asleep and told me that Carly had vented to her that she's been cheating she's been you know going to see other people you're honor the same friend that he's sleeping with so no she wants to break us up so she wants to break us up and the only reason she's here today is because she wants to say that um that he's not the dad and all this stuff which she doesn't know nothing about all right I would like to hear from her directly Jerome will you please escort Miss Stanfield into the courtroom right up to witness stand up here miss Stanfield thank you for joining us yes ma'am we're here today talking about the paternity of baby kase uh during the testimony it has been brought out that you potentially have a sexual relationship with Mr ston now no you a married man you deny that I have not spoke to either one one of them other than with him a week ago girl bye this was two weeks ago when you invited me over there no wanted to sleep with me I did not know these this is I don't know what to believe they going back and forth and it's so miss um Stanfield what do you know about the paternity of K from what I have heard from both of them Carly admitting to me that she was you don't know me I have not said nothing to you be real admitting to me she was sleeping with other men around the time that she got she got pregnant that her and Laren were not together wait a minut tell me specifically what happened and what did she tell you the day that I arrived at their house to spend the weekend with them laran had left because they were already arguing she started talking to me saying he's just a dog he doesn't do anything for her or the kids that she was sleeping with other men that she you just to break up our relationship he does do for me and my kids stop lying I don't want anything to do with you guys stop lying so wait answer my question was just answer my question I asked what do you know about this what did she tell you basically saying that he was Cas was not larians that she was sleeping with other men that larian and K look nothing Alik just saying that they look just like you know that look no they don't every time that you would ask me I admitted that case and look just like you what did you do with this information Miss Stanfield I told the Darion she just wants to break us up cuz wants to come and get what I have you have no car you have no house you're homeless baby stay where you're at he pays all my bills and the car that y'all was in was mine remember that remember that you're just no are you proving something no she is trying to lie and break up us like I already told you I want my family back she's over here trying to tell him that my son is not his I know my son is his I'm 100% positive but Darion even told me he didn't believe but he's moved out of the house he still comes over every day and you've also told him he's not the father because I was making him mad I know how to push his buttons as I said before but he will go and be with like this and then come back to me and act like everything is okay that's the problem like this is the problem our son is his I'm 100% positive no Miss Elon I uh I hate to break it to you but the the problem is you already had one child and you told him he was the father only to come to this courtroom and find out that he wasn't that's the problem and then you have a second child and instead of having enough sense to figure out another way to have a conversation you go right for the low blow and say you're not the father and I slept with your boy and now I'm just going to put you on child support and then expect that that not going to negatively affect your marriage and your relationship because what I read on these text messages amounts to emotional abuse he already hung in there after last hearing when Carson ended up not being his son and said he was going to step up to the plague now and look I'm going just tell you the truth he's a young handsome young guy that baby wasn't his he could have exited stage left and been gone and made a full-on family with somebody else I mean there's no reason for him to entertain you unless he loved you you all just sabotaging your life so early we got another baby now and a marriage on the line baby's last name is ston that's your family name that's your name Mr ston but you don't know if it's yours that's great you know what Drome I'm ready for the [Applause] results these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows if you want more episodes of paternity court make sure sure to subscribe and click on the notification Bell in the case of Elon versus Elon when it comes to one Monon old KAS Elon it has been determined by this court Mr Elon you are the father K is your little boy but I'm you know I still treat Carson like he's mine too so I don't show him no no different attention so you're doing an amazing job and thank you for everything I appreciate it thank you that's good honey that's a good start I accept your ology but it's still it's some things we got to work on we can't wrap it up in a bow today that's for sure it's been too much water under this bridge y'all going to float the whole house away no really and I hope this has been a lesson learned for you we have counseling and resources for you all because you all got to start figuring this out miss ston you got to get yourself together babe yes ma' there's old saying I can't say it all the way but always says don't let your mouth write a check that your can't cash
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 666,739
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: ipAGIgJ1mZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 52sec (5812 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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