Judge L.Toler Husband passed on 12/23/22

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Eric Mumford affectionately known or called Big E by his wife he has died just a few days before Christmas Eric passed away December 23rd 20 22. as it was noted in a report and no cause of death has been revealed but we should be aware by now of the same signs when the big wheels pass away number one sign low cause of death number two cancer number three they died of covet number four they were suicidal he was the husband of the 63 year old Judge Lynn Toler known from Divorce Court and they were married for 33 years foreign interesting was his wife Judge Lynn tollard post a thank you video hours ago thanking everyone for their condolences and um thanking them for their prayers and she finished up her verbal posts saying how she doesn't know how long she'll be able to speak and that was the reason she said she was doing the post now foreign did at age 72.
Channel: Friend!
Views: 32,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DokKZb8IFXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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