American Was Shocked By Latinos' Word Differences from 7 countries!!

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in Mexico [Music] hello no we use so many different words for the same stuff yeah I mean that's more a better description yes same stuff different words or we could use the same word for different stuff yeah yeah I know we have like Portuguese in Spanish have some similar words that's why we can speak Portugal casa combination I would like different but we don't use a different meaning for that one exactly the same oh that's the same one oh God yeah like what about straw like do you guys say it completely different yeah I don't know about other countries but like what we have in Mexico is we still use some words from now water which was the S6 language yeah [Music] I think there will be some differences with some words but yeah I feel like I'm gonna learn a lot today foreign [Music] half the word piscina but the word pisina sounds like when you're watching a cartoon and it's just dark it doesn't sound like how people really speak in Mexico [Music] it's the opposite it's like are you doing that TV show s good to know in the U.S Penn equator we say is Dominican Republic oh wow so we do have the word La pizeta in Portuguese but it's for the mechanical pencil yeah but it's like the pencil case for the ink one because it's also mechanical but for the one with like mechanical pencil it would be um the pencil but I think we would still use the same what so pen and then mechanical pencil like some of you guys have yeah this the same word but used for different things yes interesting it's funny like we mostly like the LA bicero we say yeah okay in the U.S wine in Ecuador in Columbus also Vino in Mexico we also say bino in Brazil say Vino in Argentina in the Dominican Republic okay it's the accent a little bit different but that's not the same one yeah a little little bit different but also how did you say it so for me no [Music] so for us it's an age oh [Music] which for us is the end with the wings yeah exactly same sound yeah in the U.S pineapple in Ecuador in Colombia Pina in Mexico in Brazil [Music] [Music] foreign yeah I was gonna say I mean I think in French I mean if we say penis [Laughter] no I guess it's the same name for the beverage but when you want are you gonna buy a pineapple you say oh I'm gonna buy a Nana okay so we Brazil in Brazil we have a fruit that's called Pina actually but it's completely different it has nothing to do with with the pineapple oh well I is there um I've heard that before I think yeah a lot of you guys said the same word but it is a little different although you have this one like if you like that exactly right exactly in the U.S refrigerator in Colombia in Mexico refrigerator in Brazil I think a lot of you guys are different we have like three types right yeah so can you say again I mean we we usually say you briefly we can say but that's like too serious so just the short ways of roughly not especially yeah it sounds similar I'll let you know if you say referee in Brazil they're going to give you soda because they say hey free for like sodas really good to know if you're traveling to learn all the differences in the U.S hangar in the Dominican Republic in Brazil we say in Columbus cabbage for me sounds like oh I'm gonna build something yeah in the U.S popcorn in Ecuador in Colombia in Mexico palomitas in Portuguese people in Argentina for chocolate but the pens were what part of Argentina but I say chocolate um in the Dominican Republic and one that I think it's very funny in Paraguay they say Pororo oh yeah so who is I feel like there's a lot of differences so for us in we say palomitas because it looks like the white dog uh oh is that why we call them palomita yeah so you say like like a horn like corn dogs like pop yeah that's so cool in the U.S hot dogs so in Portuguese or we can also say Hachi doggy that's cute in Argentina Pancho in Panama in the Dominican Republic oh I feel like there's a lot of differences I heard the pero which is dark it's funny how Argentina has a name of a person yeah it's like a nickname of Francisco's called Pancho I think the most interesting thing was that Pina is a complete different fruit in Brazil yeah which has a completely different name for all of us yeah for me the weirdest one was the hanger Armada I think for me it was the hot dog right now it just feels it felt the most weird out of all of them like everything else I can accept it in a sense oh yeah sure I mean if I know the context of the sentence I'm gonna oh I think she probably means that but hot dog like wait what pero Caliente are you serious you literally took the literal translation of that it's kind of funny I feel like it was all interesting because I haven't heard these differences altogether so I feel like I learned a lot yeah hot dog was really interesting popcorn I feel like all of them were pretty interesting so it was fun learning like the differences so today we try to see how we call different things in Spanish if you liked the video please like comment and subscribe we will see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 42,425
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Id: caUmeSzq9A8
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Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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