Mom reacts to ALL Genshin Impact characters!

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wait wait before I say anything my mom's sick so you know she has a stuffy voice and sexy sexy stop no no okay um anyways we're gonna we're gonna make you look at all these characters in the game and you're gonna like give your opinion on them we'll start from how come all females no no so I mean we'll start from the bottom ones these are like the older ones and then we'll go to the newer ones so what is your opinion on this person wait do you want to see the whole view like around yes okay okay what do you think about her she's nice she's nice do you like her outfit any opinions um her outfit is just okay just okay it's not not cute oh actually she has so this is one of the characters that got changed because of China sensory oh no so she got a free extra outfit she has this one versus this one can you even see the difference nope not much difference pretty much the same still kind of boring Amber's not it the second character Kaya he is a guy that wears an eye patch what do you think typical uh animation typical anime guy just just boring typical anime guy yeah nothing eye-catching no you don't like his coat or anything yeah typical just just uh just die there's a guy okay okay oh the next one this one Lisa would you want to hear them too no no no okay okay they have to how come their boobs is they always have to be so stick out it's this culture you know they they're they're scared to sell their characters to make money I mean it just is what it is not into that not into that okay so you don't like her at all you don't like her hat you don't like her oh don't like the battle s like having sex yeah I see I see uh the next one this one is it like a nun or I guess she sings She's an idol she's nice like you know a little girl little girl yeah I guess she's pretty plain too A lot of these early ones are pretty plain this one well with this guy what are your thoughts on him his name's razor well I picked like the previous guy did okay I don't like the The Shaggy looking guys important or he was raised by wolves in the forest can you see it he's his pants is too baby true his pants are he looks a little homeless just a little bit but that's okay xiangling she's a chef just a chef in China does it look like an outfit you would see in like Chinese dramas [Music] not into her what will her bear did you see that bear yes yeah yeah they're kind of cute that Bear's like a god oh a stove God oh okay this is Beto she's the captain of a ship he says she yeah but you not see from your favorite asset or something yeah yeah yeah oh like you know the eyes I thought this there's a patch oh yeah she's like a pirate nothing you know like her hair piece or anything or like her always have to show The Hip they're trying to sell the characters that's what a lot of people are into nice you don't like alcohol oh that's fair that's fair uh wow it's so proper so properly up he's like I think he's from a noble family I'm not really sure I don't remember so she's okay did you say she this is no it's not a sheet this is a guy oh my god look like a girl that's okay a lot of people make this mistake is it a haircut the whole thing she's like a rich rich person and this is her special dress she's okay she's nice wait wait wait I want to show you her other okay her other outfit too so that's an alternate outfit but her normal one used to look like this do you like this one better oh the blue one oh really the blue one you know this one is look at it so close to her skin tone it looks like she's like yeah it doesn't have any contrast you know it's Chinese New Years basically this is like the Chinese the lantern right the Chinese New Year's outfit that they designed for her yeah nice next one is oops sorry this one oh she has an alternate outfit too but this is um one of them her name is Fishel she also likes to call herself princess and she has like a a crow or a raven with her her real name's Amy her skirt is too short her skirt really yeah I guess so I don't know what about you know the way she acts do you like do you like her poses okay turn around turn around again she's just okay she's just okay okay okay next one this is one of my favorite characters this tree is a cute little boy yeah pretty much that's it he is most known for being unlucky like everything about him is just unlucky how to give him some luck how to give him some luck um I don't know you pray for him you give him four leaf Clovis give him anything I don't know how to give him some luck this is Noel she is like a maid she's like in between a maid and a knight that's the inspiration behind her outfit what do you think she is nice she's nice how can she work with a clothing like that she's strong she is very very strong well her coding will be in the wave to do any work I guess so maybe it's really flexible metal I'm not sure the next one he's an exorcist so he gets rid of evil spirits not not bad to the eyes do you believe in Exorcist oh yeah oh you believe in evil spirits oh yeah so you have to be good God you feel like they their character designs are kind of simple or do you think they're pretty good like oh we're doing I think it's overdoing okay like all this stuff and all this stuff yes oh I guess it is a game we'll see some of the the later ones get crazy looking this is sucrose she is an alchemist those things this is not her hair this is her ears if you look closely so she's kind of like an animal too oh well it's okay foreign do you remember that ah the other little girl who is an idol singer this is her older sister she's nice look okay I'm gonna ask you later who's your favorite one of these so pay attention this is D lyric oh I guess there's two versions of it I'll show him another haircut version that people really really like but this is the base version of him there's another version people pay like 50 just to get give them a haircut you like them yes yes oh no even his ponytail oh yes oh oh yes let me show you the the expensive version of him this is him with a ponytail like 50 Canadian dollars what's like oh hi ponytail I guess yeah yeah high ponytail I like the like the you know me too because it's free next one Chichi she is like a dead zombie girl nah nah nah you don't like her you don't think she's cute or anything too much is it as if it's a look like a Dracula the Chinese yeah come on and she died in a war and was Revival okay it's fine it's fine it's fine next one this is Mona holy holy what look at the Hat this is a big hat yes you know the rain wound even dropped under her shoes that's true look at it it covers everything yeah that in Vancouver what do you think about her is she pretty cool oh well it's okay just okay this is uh kaching nice this is uh venti what do you think of a venti look like Robin Hood looks like Robin Hood so you like venti or the whole outfit yeah good I like it do you think this is a guy or girl let me look at her chest this is a guy this is actually the God one of the Gods ah no no no no no no no no no she's too Girish this is clear oh this is a nice nice little girl is it cute right yep yes yes yes yes yes I love her she likes to bomb things my resolution air strikes bomb them bomb them keep bombing them bomb them again and again but anyways next one this is diona she hates alcohol oh she's like a cat too oh okay okay okay okay it's okay just okay you know just at all back to animal this is tartaglia oh he's so man he's so mad nice nice it's very nice you think he's one of your favorite characters so far yes you like his hair and everything okay okay next one this is shinyan she like plays guitar I don't know looks so vicious but she's like a rock and roll okay okay next one is only [Music] two oh no I think I know what characters you like already I think I figured it out oh no this is nice oh yeah this is a another God this is basically the god of China this nice very nice this is Albedo do you remember that little girl that I told you that you thought was really cute the red one this is his old her older brother he is a chief Alchemist he says okay he's just okay you don't like him um is it his hair or like what is it about him just his overall looks yeah he's just a young man not men in Lafayette oh Garnier half human half I don't know goat it's okay it's okay but this is Xiao he uh wait he also has like wait wait till he gets angry puts on a mask or something he's shall conquer demons nothing special about him nothing special he's okay he's okay though okay okay fair fair who tell she's a funeral parlor director [Music] she's okay she's okay you like her outfit yeah would you ever wear this outfit no thank you no think how about the hair would you ever just buy no thank you it's just like no you are dying Rosaria I think she's like a zombie nun or no she's not even a zombie I don't know she's a nun nun wearing like this no it's not but she kind of like you know does her own thing I don't like it her all her accessories she added on and everything um yeah but it's not for a nun not for none okay okay yanfei this is like a lawyer yeah this is this is this nice I like the color everything about her the color yeah it's fair this is Yola what do you think about Yola not bad not bad like her hair color yes is it a min that's a man because it's a man um ordinary ordinary but wait he has he has like a little patch of bread he's a very Maple leafy people like to call him Canadian nah this is ayaka she's um like the daughter of a clan a Japanese Clan it's okay what do you think about her haircut and her her face typical hair typical hair really yeah you see a lot of people with his hair yeah and Japanese hair this is sire she is like a ninja hey [Laughter] oh yeah nothing what's what amazes you hey you have to remember I'm 60 years old okay okay I thought you're not 60 yet oh well um okay okay okay I guess you don't play games either yeah [Music] she is in charge of like fireworks you think about her outfit it's only a little bit over doing it how can she sit down these she's covered it's kind of like you know she's all bandaged yeah but the thing in the back in a chair you know I never thought about that before I'm pretty sure it's maybe it's not that tough I don't know sit on the stool okay besides that do you like her outfit do you like like there's a lot of little details because she has like a lot of like koi fish details she has like a koi whatever this stuff is everywhere okay her hair how about her hair cut what do you think about her haircut oh yeah I like her I like it yeah good haircut yes yes so pretty good you want me up pretty good this is this is aloy sorry look at the face what about her face it's so unhappy ah I can understand why she's unhappy this character is actually from a different game but then you know they they did a crossover together so she just kind of got thrown here it's not bad you know normal looking this is Cujo Sara look at her shoes holy this is uh basically a general it's got wings too she's just okay this is Ryden Shogun you know my mind is because uh the The Taste on clothing is the different from my old-fashioned taste so you want more plain clothing yes but you know you can judge everything else hairstyle you can like color scheme okay okay now I changed my mind today okay okay okay okay I like this color you like her color actually I I like it and it doesn't show her boob like come out that much this is another God this is basically like the god of Japan I like I like her you like her she's really really popular really really popular I spent 300 on her um this is this is kokomi sanganomia kokumi she's like a mermaid nice very nice people said you would like the mermaid yeah that's pretty much it she's a mermaid yeah yeah like yeah this is oh this is Tomah he's uh like a housekeeper not bad this is Goro he's also a commander but he's like I don't know animals are you just gonna throw up animals okay animals uh it's like a demon or like ogre or something no no you don't like him at all no he's really popular can you guess why he's really popular because of the chest but actually people are really unhappy because his arms look super small this is yunjin I think I showed you her performance once months ago she's the one that's like an opera singer a nice little girl like proper nice proper yeah she's an opera singer this is shanha this is the ant of the popsicle Exorcist guy that you saw earlier wow her chest look at that too much too much no no no no you don't like her outfit the head's blocking one eyes oh so Bank shouldn't cover eyes it makes kinda you can kind of see it [Music] um that's okay just okay this first time I mean she's like a shrine Priestess you know what that is kind of like an animal too only like turns into a fox she has like a fox thing this is not bad not the color the pink characters are you like bright pinkish colors red pink that type of stuff yes this is ayato he's the the other girl's little uh other girl's older brother what do you think not bad better than the other guys that you've seen so far well not not the the first few the first few okay the first ones you like the like tartare Zhang Lee those are still just yes way better yes okay okay which is better this is yellow on this is nice nice you like her outfit everything about it I like her she has she has a look to looks like our cousin okay okay oh yeah okay we're just gonna go next oh nah nah nothing at all is it what is it the mask what don't you like about her [Music] green hair doesn't go with her clothing ah and then I think all the clothing is too too too much for her to revealing or too much stuff like this too much stuff this is a Hey Joe he's a detective okay okay just you know nothing's no nothing special just not bad but it's just okay this is color that's okay she's like a sick girl nothing I was just like okay move on who cares this is tignani the animals this animal pass yeah move on move on this is Dory she is like a coffee she just like uh she loves money she really really loves money is that grasses yeah those are glasses cool too much too much look at her face you know the head is already covered with all the stuff too much too much this is Candice if you look closely her eyes are different color okay just okay that's it just okay still we're getting to the last like eight this is Sino is that bare skin here yeah that's his that's his bare skin it's the general doesn't he needs to be cowabs just in case that I know somebody attacked him that's a good question I guess he is tough enough about armor um the next one is nilu she's a dancer very nice very nice I feel like you just love every red-haired person pink haired person except Dory and Guy characters are like older no look at look like the the things that she wears muscle things yeah next one is nahida oh nice girl kind of like an elf right like a little girl yeah yeah it's cute yes [Music] she's also a god this is Layla let me see the back the back the hair look at all that hair in her outfit yeah quite nice yeah it's quite nice quite nice so one of your like top 10 you would say yes okay Layla last for Father's on hmm nice normal normal look at her dress yeah yeah yeah it's like like like things that we can wear out there like you know something you can see yourself wearing possibly when I was young this is Young Forever Young not even 80 yet this is Scaramouche or Wanderer what do you think about him yeah you like his hat oh yeah okay wait wait wait there's another version of him that um that we got to see what do you think about this version he's he has a purple uh design basically you made this way yeah this one I liked the previous one you like the you like the blue version last two these are the newest characters they just came out basically a couple days ago this is that is that coconuts under her head coconuts I think it's oh the one maybe bells oh okay I don't think people wear coconuts in their hair that sounds heavy it's okay she's cute last one I'll hate them or I'll hide them I don't know how to pronounce his name he's a scholar very nice very nice one of my top three one of your top three the hardest one which character would you say is your number one out of all the ones you've seen I cannot remember the ones I know you really like were is him him um no no no this one this one for sure is your favorite yes yes are you sure wait you said you also like to her a lot for men is that one okay right okay fine for a man it's this one Zhang Lee is your favorite for a girl if you want to do separate them there is a lot to choose from there's like her he said he liked um her this one this one's your favorite yeah sure the dancer right the dancer yeah this is the dancer oh yeah thank you thank you for being here bye everybody have a good year [Music]
Channel: Notasadist
Views: 1,743,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, Genshin Impact, Sumeru, Amnotasadist, Hoyoverse, Hoyo, Mihoyo, Gaming, Vtuber, Genshin Challenge, mother, momreacts, mom reacts, every genshin character, notasadist, zhongli, tartaglia, xiao, alhaitham, kaeya, so man
Id: uPS_yQyu5kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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