Mom Horrified After Son Fails Polygraph

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the only thing you guys are ever going to believe me saying is that I chopped her up in the little pieces and put her in a box somewhere oh let's just kill stepanie go to jail for the rest of my life that seems like a good idea to do this morning I just like to talk mom iar to God I didn't hurt this is Kenneth Jones Cold Case Killer who's About To Get Away With Murder but there's one fatal mistake he makes that seals his fate 10 years later Stephanie her boyfriend Michael and their four-month-old daughter lived in a duplex in Idaho Falls Michael's half brother Kenny and the men's mother Lynette resided there as well on Monday August 20th Michael left for work at 645 a.m. and received a panicked call from his mother around 12:30 that afternoon Stephanie had gone missing and their four-month-old daughter had been left alone at the house eily the only thing missing from the residence was Stephanie's cell phone eventually Michael called the police as it turns out there was one person who saw Stephanie last Michael's 19-year-old brother Kenny who investigators sat down with only 3 days after her disappearance it would take years for Kenny's lies to finally catch up with him but when it all comes crumbling down you'll witness his epic meltdown the following neverbe seen footage has been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed attorney a licensed clinical psychologist a former licensed professional counselor a licensed professional counselor and a former detective former licensed polygraph examiner and former hostage negotiation commander and instructor to start Kenny explains that he woke up around 8:00 that morning and called his place of work cardon's car wash and you got home Stephie was there y who else was there nobody at there and then what happens Stephanie said she'd be right back said okay she left my mom came talked to my mom for a minute and she just after you got home yeah her and the baby I figured they were just going to the store Mike said that she had to go get some pet this morning she B yeah and what happens Stephanie comes home you know time that was not exactly it was just 5 minutes after my moment Kenny's use of present tense as he's speaking gives the appearance that he's telling a story rather than what actually happened okay happens I we can go back to work right away pretty much this is what is known as an exclusion qualifier which is much different than a definitive answer as it leaves the door open to the possibility that he could be withholding information pretty much is an easy way to avoid technically lying the suspect can justify in their mind that they told the truth they just left out a little part if it's also a form of Lying by Omission this is used frequently by skilled Liars as they can justify in their minds telling only what they think the other person needs to know or any other kind of justification they come up with to omit the whole truth when detectives hear suspects using multiple qualifiers they will likely see it as a red flag for possible deception they will keep this in mind as Kenny continues with this story he claims that he drove back to work to see if he was needed whereas Gary apparently told him to take the day off next the teenager drove to a friend K's house where he states that they played video games for 45 minutes Kenny refers to kobby as Kobe throughout the interview if I uh got a hold of kons and I talked to them and they said that you didn't work money at all well I were time do the show that well then I must not hit the right button don't wait for confirmation Well normally it says employee punched in but normally just so automatic we do it all the time but there's a lot of times that you won't act like get punched in so what happens if you're working and you use the wrong code or whatever understand what what happens then you go out to Velma and you ask her like you tell her that well I was clocked in from here to here it was supposed to be but it says I wasn't and she'll fix it she corrects that yeah how often do you do that whenever it happens how often is that I don't this probably the second time it's happened since I've started I worked for two and a half weeks Kenny appears to be unconcerned regarding the fact that his employer is not corroborating his story despite this he adamantly insists that he was at work on Monday August 20th and Gary along with his co-worker Jesus would be able to confirm his Alibi however this is just the first of many consistencies in his jumbled story I was there yesterday I talk when did that happen morning first time or second first time did you tell anybody about it I mean you're bleeding ask they asked about they said have that happen said out there so Gary ask you about it everybody's asking about it didn't they know what's going on and strangely Kenny arrived at work with prominent markings along his neck seeing as they were vertical rather than horizontal it's almost as if someone had intentionally scratched him but Kenny had an explanation he claims that he merely ran into a tree limb on the south side of cardone's parking lot anything else happened Mond you want to tell me about nothing just like a normal day just another day okay you remember that happen just like you told me though h y for positive I know I know all right what Kenny is saying for a positive fact is not only an unusual choice of words but it can also be considered a qualifying statement Kenny's words provide emphasis which he may feel he needs in order to sound believable when people are being deceptive they're more likely to give evasive answers whereas a truthful person will give firm yes or no no answers what you tell me is questionable and then we can always do a polygraph y okay do you have any problem taking one today you one okay so if I tell you that we've contacted Kobe and Gary and they see you P sh I'm glad we take a t me and her always got along never once once ever ever gotten an argument about anything get along with all their kids kids love me along with the Mike too oh Mike's my brother I know that I get along when I first got out of jail we might have argued a little bit cuz it took me a little bit to find a job but that's it you know just him want me to get back up on my feet and get a job next the detective asks for Kenny's consent to search his vehicle and the teenager complies however the significance of what is discovered will only reveal itself well down the road and the findings are shocking to say the least without hesitation Kenny agrees to a polygraph exam his willingness to help with the investigation makes it plausible that he was simply the last person to see Stephanie when he left the house that day the detective reads Kenny his Miranda wres while informing him that he's not being forced to take the test Kenny acknowledges this and signs a document submitting to the exam however seeing as how this is his initial interview it's never recommended that a polygraph be administered this closely to the event it's only been 3 days since Stephanie vanished and emotions are likely too raw for a polygraph to yield the most accurate results the purpose of the first interview should be to see what the person of interest knows and lock them into their story at the end of the initial interview investigators can ask the person if they would be willing to take a polygraph if the individual agrees it should be scheduled for the following week after some time has passed still investigators proceed with the polygraph immediately following the initial interview always of wonder how work it's based on like I don't know like blood pressure I guess m but if somebody was in here question when they already be kind of nervous or before I suspect so um I'm not nervous anything wrong just detectors never been here before the whole me your body has two systems the voluntary system and the involuntary system the voluntary system you have complete and total control over when you want to wiggle your fingers you tell your fingers to do so and they do the involuntary system that would be the system that controls your heart and that's the system that I'm going to be paying attention to today um you have absolutely no control over now are you going to answer each and every time yes perfect when I ask you if this card was all yellow in color how'd you answer that yes and were you telling me the truth or were you lying I was telling me the truth so what should your heart have written out in polygraph language for me to read true okay when I asked you if this card was all yellow in color how' you answer yes and were you telling the truth or were you lying I was lying so what should your body what your heart have written out and told that outstanding outstanding when you lie even a small small lie you're writing that out in polygraph language you're being read you're what we in the polygraph business refer to is a textbook for all right did you realize that you were so sensitive I didn't must be like this things working so for you the purpose of these statements are to calm the truthful person who should then conclude that they have nothing to worry about now because this really works and they'll prove they didn't do it on the other hand the deceptive person will become very stressed and conclude that they're about to get caught the examiner will be able to observe these reactions in the person's face as well they'll either appear calm or extremely stressed later during the post test if the individual says this instrument is wrong and the examiner doesn't know what they're doing the examiner can then remind the person that they were able to pick out the person's lie previously just as they are currently the two main ways liers think the poph it's to drug use or disassociation um neither one of them work the only way that it would work is if you took so much it rended you unconscious I had to call you an ambulance to to you out of here then you would beat the poly you would uh the other way Li tried to De keep the polygraph is through this Association uh thinking of something completely different while test questions are being asked let's say for example you were suspected of killing uh a green hippopotamus let's say that you actually did kill this green hippopotamus do you think your heart would forget about killing the green hippopotamus just by thinking about a dog course so what I'm telling you Kenny is this there's only one way you can beat the poly there's only one way beat the polyam there's only one way anyone can beat the polygraph the only way to beat the polygraph is to not take the test there's absolutely nothing you can do to keep this thing from working on here today according to our polygraph expert who's also a former instructor the polygraph consists of three stages including the preest the intest and the post test the purpose of the preest is to ensure the person is calm and relaxed as anyone would be nervous in this type of situation part of the pretest would include letting the person give their side of the story and also allowing them an opportunity to confess and say face now when it comes to Stephanie um if what we got going here is that something has happened and uh you're very nervous about coming forward because of uh because of all the the tension in the family and things like that uh I want you to get over that because you know inevitably the truth will come out and it looks a hell of a lot better if the truth comes out at at a at a your mouth you know rather than uh rather than yeah somebody else or through facts or through evidence uh it just looks it just looks better that way there are five different strategies a liar might use during an interrogation which are known as stancer transer romancer insulator and Prancer notice how often Kenny nods his head in agreement with the detective or tries to finish his sentences this indicates that he may fit best with the romancer strategy of lying because he's likely trying to please the detective so he won't consider him to be a suspect however the detective doesn't fall for this as he's about to confront Kenny with another piece of conflicting information yet again painting him in a bad light there's been a couple things done that have since developed and that's know that's that's what I really want to want to talk to you about uh what about Kobe you said you were over at K's house was contacted you I said I Heen seen you in months you me yes Colby claims that Kenny had only ventured over to his house two or three times in the past to play video games but nothing more he asserts that Kenny was never at his house on Monday August 20th and tells the detective that he had been working from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. that day at Murray Painting and returned to his house thereafter this would later be confirmed through col's employer his wife Tori made sure that her husband was present at all times during the teenagers visits as he made her feel rather uncomfortable although the reasoning behind this is unclear she also denies to ever seeing Kenny on that Monday if something happen I want you to tell me about it I need the explanation from you because the problem with people is they start making their own assumption the thing that I don't know that troubles me the most I don't know about everybody else the neighbor your and if somebody were come in our house and try to abduct her the neighbors would hear her scream because the family resides in a duplex it would have been easy for the neighbors to hear of any disturbances however they did report to Michael that it was unusually quiet that morning she's not really a little girl I she's small she somebody would to try and hurt her she would fight I she I and to Pi up anything she could Kenny may not realize it here but he's giving a possible explanation for the scratches found on his neck I can't even imagine be like I mean her oldest daughter she's she's going to she's so cutean just so young and just old enough that she'll remember but she'll never she'll never know we were all so happy something comes up somebody knew something you would expect come I don't know whether be sad I don't know if she's okay I don't know we've had we' had a case like this before in the past and uh what happened in that case was uh it was a bit of an argument and got lost his Temple accidentally killed take note of how Kenny uses the word sick to describe someone who accidentally takes the life of another person if a suspect is guilty they usually won't make negative statements about actions that they themselves committed this is similar to how guilty people respond to the punishment question is they're unlikely to agree to a severe punishment when given a hypothetical scenar Ario of a crime that's similar to what they committed in addition the detective is likely setting up the potential theme of what happened to Stephanie being an accident by mentioning a similar case he's trying to normalize the crime in order to make it easier for Kenny to elicit a possible confession person not like mental or anything they're just like sick in the head like they know have a good reason you think the reason would be I don't know he didn't have any enemies nobody nobody ever came to the house mad at her nobody ever called her phone threatening her nobody my mom said she had one guy in her group that her name was his name was that would call her I guess Stephanie said it never really freaked her out but it annoyed her because much she and I guess he called that warning but she didn't answer what what should happen to a person did something like this full second chances is it possible that this guy didn't mean for it to [Music] happen accident drunk and had a kid on in your car I mean that doesn't make it right me whatever although Kenny is giving the right answers there is an upward inflection in his voiceis an innocent truthful person would be more likely to respond with a strong punishment in a firm tone of voice this suggests that Kenny isn't confident in his response but instead is asking the detective if these should be the punishments once again placing him in the romancer category of lying it's also possible that he's digging for information to see if the detective will provide any feedback about whether these would be the punishments for someone harming Stephanie or if the punishment could possibly be less severe but as the Twisted story continues authorities are faced with another shocking revelation according to an inmate who had previously served time with Stephanie she was apparently Never well-liked by fellow inmates although it's important to remember that this was just one person's opinion of Stephanie and the validity of the statement is unknown other inmates may not share in this belief however police now have to consider the possibility that someone else may have set a deadly plan into motion due to an unknown motive given Stephanie's past substance use author ities are confounded with an endless list of people who may know more than they're letting on it seemed that the mountain of possibilities was only growing higher as each new piece of information was introduced is it possible that that there would be any sort of DNA SE DNA found on any of your clothing or in your car or something like that I offer them to search my car I offer them anything they want and now what about whate and Gary um pretty much saying that you weren't where you see are they lying they have to be Kenny suddenly sniffs as well if you watch the change in his hand movements when he's talking to when he's being questioned about his Alibi there's a freeze when his hands start working again there's a delay in his emphasis this is referred to as mismatching illustrators you can see when he starts listing the information about the games which he's knowledgeable about his illustrators line back up we play I tell you the game we play game it's called Sports it has like boxing uh tennis golf as track I mean all kinds of all did youur no did Mur no right yes right now can you take no a polygraph should be a single issue test relevant questions should be short and direct the examiner just lists off a sequence of four questions for Kenny however there was a problem with one of his questions as the answer elicited was yes while it should have been framed in a way that the response would have been no more familiar questions tell me the truth i' like you to do is take some time look over your questions some and I'll be back with you and once the detective Returns the actual test begins where Kenny is given the same questions he doesn't change one single answer even when asked again in a different order the detective leaves the room to obtain the official chart results Binny is left in an anxious State as he begins to fidget he also yawns possibly indicating shallow breathing due to a fight ORF flight response I heard your voice this is a significant comment from Kenny because he's acknowledging that his response is going to reflect an undesired reaction that all right you like to know the results any times okay you give 10 minutes do that trying to avoid the discomfort that Stephanie's picture causes him Kenny initiates small talk and sits it's as far away from her picture as possible however when the detective leaves the room the suspect decides to rest his eyes although they will be wide open in the coming minutes as the interrogation is about to take a drastic turn all right Kenny results indic told me the entire truth to what's going on stepan Kenny's reaction to the polygraph results is a red flag for deception someone who was telling the truth would be more likely to have a strong reaction to finding out the test indicated that they were lying they might become angry or offer firm denials however Kenny doesn't even appear to be surprised the used several different people and not one can have value up okay you just okay um put yourself in Kenny's shoes here he's being told that people are saying he's lying about his Alibi it seems most people would have a strong and angry reaction to being accused of lying about something so important and yet he has almost no reaction I don't know like I said I I think I think that you you've treated me very very decent this entire time okay um I don't think that you're trying I don't think that you're trying to play me for that's not we okay okay good you don't think I'm stupid no I know thank God the reason I have said that I I don't want to say I want to get in trouble so if I said something to you it wouldn't you wouldn't like go arrest dep then there's nothing to do [Music] okay heug detective so and so and we want to ask you a couple questions about Ken right away I'm pretty sure like I said before this thing's not going to draw a picture of it it's not going to draw a picture of what happen I need that you detectives trained in the read technique are taught that once the evidence clearly points to a suspect they should minimize the frequency of the suspect's denials this prevents the suspect from establishing confidence in their lies as the more times they repeat something the stronger they may hold on to their story the technology that we have today there just there just no way that if you if you're way walk away having that what we need to concate on here is control Kenny is unaware to the fact that the authorities have already uncovered critical pieces of evidence within the home still he maintains his innocence I just want Stephanie to come she I don't know where is she at but I haven't been completely honest we did get in an argument that morning after she came back and when I left and I said I went back to work and stuff I was just driving going off SC and when I came back my mom said that she was gone and then she was missing and then I just started getting worried that it was all going a point to me so that's why I tried say in that but we did get in an argument that day what were you guys I went in to wake her up she Ed her phone and woke the baby up and she said godamn it can Kenny states that he made the phone call to his dad after he'd already called his place of work however his story is quickly falling apart I'm having difficulty figuring this part out if you call your dad after you call work how come pH she the reason the reason you're having a hard time is because you're not telling me the truth listen to okay here's the problem when a person recalls events what you put down relax when a person recalls events it's a heck of a lot easier to recall them because they true if I would to ask you tell me about the first birthday part you can take me from beginning to end because it Happ it's an actual event the reason people can't keep up with their because the detective slowly begins to invade Kenny's space in order to instill a high sense of anxiety which seems to be working real man tell the truth it of B to tell the truth starting right now 8:30 in the morning I not 8:30 I woke up 8:30 I called work and told him that my dad had to come fix my car and that I wouldn't be coming in Stephie yes and they said okay okay K hold up right there right why is it um why are you lying to me about going to work you know what I mean I was trying to put myself in a place away from the house CU When my mom pay attention watch watch close why would you want to put yourself away from the house if you had nothing to do with her missing I understand now why you going to work you're damn right and why is he lying about phone calls you're damn right damage control let's let's go pick Stephanie up let's go get her I swear to God I do not know where she is Kenny has just displayed a few cluster signs of anxiety the hand rubbing the self- soothing face rubbing the shifting in the chair and his statement saying that he swears to God we an argument that morning she was a little mad and I left and when I got home let's get something straight about that she has no cause to yell at you for borrowing her phone you don't have a phone I suppose right and what she doing sleeping in the middle of the day any she just got home from jail and so she was tired she what do you do at jail except for sleep I watch I don't I don't B any that at all I don't think she had any reason to argue with you over that were trying to use phone it wasn't about using their phone because I W bur the baby up and the baby started crying Kenny goes over the time line of events once more but the detective isn't buying it as we will come to learn his story is full of holes and this will only be further confirmed by his mother when her account of events is later revealed I would have no reason to murder her I mean I would not gain anything from it I wouldn't G I gain I anything reason to do if we were got yelling screaming argument fighting or something the neighbors would dead dead they would have heard something happened in the house no matter where we were at downstairs upstairs in a bedroom with gor it wouldn't have matter okay so and you you beat that into my head from our entire contact that she didn't scream she didn't make any sort of sounds this is going to make you look very very coldhearted people have going to look back upon this and say my gosh with all that evidence a f HRA with all the stupid stuff that came out of his mouth he's still sitting there not owning up to what he did being a man and own up Kenny hear me out you're still not owning up to what what has happened you're still about tell them the truth those children deserve better they deserve an answer so does your brother I know you hav them no never once never once never even thought about it never she never mentioned it never never talk to me you're you're lying to me no I'm not I swear to God you're not lying I will you write questions me on argument that sail nonetheless the detective pushes forward and pleads with Kenny to give a truthful account before stepping outside to give the teenager room to think Kenny takes the opportunity to close his eyes yet again Upon returning the detective asked Kenny for his father's cell phone number as another piece of evidence has made its way into the light I can see look at those kids I know the one that find in the picture I know I didn't I Reas don't know I wish you come home I know story don't match but I didn't supposedly Kenny had a much darker side to himself than meets the eye according to Lynette he had a short temper and his anger even became so Amplified at one point that during a terrifying ordeal he had reportedly threatened to take the life of his father's dog with a knife fearing that he may actually follow through with the threat Doug took his gun and fired a warning shot snapping his son out of the spiraling rage it was as though the teenager could explode at any given second but the question of whether or not he could take another person's life remained at the Forefront of everyone's mind you want to know what's going on in your body right now your heart's beating real real fast your head's spinning because you can't keep up with your own buiness okay my head's not spinning it then how come you can't keep a story straight come on Kenny what do you mean keep the story straight you didn't call your dad yes I did it's not from her phone then whose phone did I call from it's your story Kenny you tell me I don't have any other phone hers was the only phone at home the only possible phone you're not a Harden criminal stop acting like what I know I'm not that's why I don't get what's going on I didn't do anything act like a person who's remorseful act like a person who cares I do you care I didn't do anything to her what's going on Kenny you're holding back no I'm not I do anything to her just lied to me earlier but I'm supposed to buy into what you're saying now I don't expect you to believe anything I say okay the only thing you guys are ever going to believe me saying is that I chopped her up in the little pieces and put her in a box somewhere the only thing you guys will ever believe me saying though you did that no there was there any blood in the house was there any blood anywhere there's no blood on any of my clothes there's no blood in my car there's no blood nowhere I didn't touch her she was fine little does Kenny know that authorities have already found damning evidence within that small duplex home while nothing but Stephanie's cell phone had been missing there was still a suspicion that a fight had ensued in hopes to reveal more detectives conducted luminal test for blood in the bathroom where they encountered a positive reaction around the backsplash of the vanity the sink both handles of the vanity cabinet the toilet handle the bathtub drain and the door handle although as we will come to find out this wouldn't be the last pieces of evidence they find I would never heard I would never heard HT anyone like that I know the consequences I know I know how smart the cops are I know I know they didn't find anything about anyone anytime anywhere they could find out anything I mean I know that I would know there would be no chance in any way to get away with anything nowadays I know that I would this is more romancer Behavior by stating I know how smart the cops are they can find anything he's trying to win over the interrogator and convince him to believe him we're not debating the fact that you had something to do with What's Up For Debate is how big how big a thing are we talking about have you killed before I haven't never done anything I haven't ever killed never I haven't ever hurt somebody I haven't I didn't touch she was fine living breathing so you're going to leave here and go look in your brother's eyes and tell him how you did on the polygraph you're going to go look at your brother look in his eyes and tell him that every time you opened your Gap it was a lie you're going to go tell him that your damn lady's going to be mad why would do anything to her Kenny there's more to the F no there isn't yeah there is no I don't see why you're smile it doesn't laughing matter it's not it's not but AR what we've got going here I'm smiling because you treat me like a no I'm not you treat me like I'm stupid no I'm not and I can already see myself but I didn't hurt her I didn't she was fine you can see that you already yourself okay you want I agree um the best way to un yourself would be to just just give it up okay you in the cars yeah okay you got a 1968 Camaro somebody puts a dent in the quarter panel just trash the car take it to the junkyard no youd fix it so why on Earth are you willing to scrap your entire life on something something why would I something I didn't do don't even start with that we give you a crash course in the holograph question number five did you murder her oh look at his blood pressure look at that I didn't touch her I didn't hurt her I didn't murder her I already told you when you asked me that question I don't did you Mur no when I heard your voice I kind of jumped a little bit three times 90% of the time people don't have reasons to do with they have no gain from it I know that number one would be Point Let's just kill Stephanie and go to jail for the rest of my life that seems like a good idea to do this morning you are a liar I don't see how you say I'm liar all I'm doing is sit here fine I'm not moving I might go like this or I'm looking straighten you want talk to you I know is that what truthful people do I'm not saying that's truthful people but I mean I don't see what full of it okay you are a liar that's the pro I've been a liar my whole life Kenny shares the common misconception that eye contact insinuates honesty many of us are taught from a young age to look at people especially adults in the eye when speaking to them however unwavering eye contact can be considered non-verbal communication indicating dishonesty the deceptive person looks for cues in the listener's facial expressions gestures and overall non-verbal communication to see if their dishonesty is successful as Kenny admits to being a lifelong liar he might think that sharing this character flaw would make him appear honest and willing in actuality this is working more to reveal a core characteristic of antisocial personality disorder disorder individuals with antisocial personality disorder can lie for many reasons but it's primarily to manipulate others and get what they desire but I know wouldn't lie about sing somebody I wouldn't so you're okay with that being a liar you say you never lied in your life you saying You' never said anything that you've never lied never in your whole life never ever all right then you li teamate I don't lie when I'm looking right at it straight the face all the evidence is there you have all the evidence then where is she he eventually breaks into uncontrollable sobbing however it's obvious that not a single tear is for the missing mother next he waves his arms at the camera and motions to his ear wishing to use a phone he takes the picture of Stephanie and her kids but is unable to actually look mom I swear to God I didn't hurt I swear to God I will never do that to you guys never my life what happened nothing I know I got P but didn't hurt her mom you fell the polygraph yes and you weren't at work that morning why did you tell me because I thought Stephanie just went to the store or something I thought she'd be back I was just trying to see what happened wait see what ARG about what I went there and woke her the baby up to get the phone and she got kind of mad and I said well if you're going to be a f man and I have to go get some pot and when I came back she was gone but that's not what happened K when I came in the house you said that she was gone she was she was with her with the baby she left and came backward she was fine perfectly fine okay none of Know Nothing fits we have to bring her home I know no matter what she I tell you guys Kenny asserts to his mother that he would have nothing to gain from Stephanie's death however this seems to be odd reasoning behind his proclaimed innocence I anybody I the detective the only way you guys are going to believe anything I her upie he got a smile on his face did you I want you think funny this is matter next lyette calls Michael requesting that he make his way down to the station it isn't long before he arrives where Kenny continues to gravel sorry man [Music] are youy I thought you'd be mad I called her we got an argument so I I didn't think she' tell either I thought she'd be right home I didn't think anything would be said that I thought everything was going to be okay I wouldn't I wouldn't hurt you guys on purpose I me the baby you that kid they all know that you wouldn't do it on purpose I wouldn't do it on accident I wouldn't freak out I'm so sorry Mike that I didn't sorry I'm so sorry I love you too Michael leaves to talk with the detective for a little while but when he returns Kenny's sobs have turned to rage talk to me Kenny explain it how how I how you tell me you're a professional how how I got out of the house anybody seen me tell me you tell me you're the one who did it there when I left you're a liar you're a liar she was there when I left I left she was perfectly fine breing and everything you don't know you haven't told me the truth yet today how do you know how do you know she's dead did you do it did you kill her I'm just assuming the worst maybe I'm assuming the worst that you did but when you do find out who it is and you realize it wasn't me I'd like handwritten apology that'd be great but if that never happens I'll write you one rying to you treating you like you're you say I'm treating like stupid I would write you handwritten apology letter if you find out it was me honest to I will write that I from the story everything when I find out yeah that's what I want the truth okay you prove it's me the true I was Shake on but it was not me find out of somebody else Kenny is finally getting upset which is what a normal reaction would be to someone falsely accusing you of something still it took him a long time to work up to this he appears to be a skilled liar and once he sees that the other tactic isn't working he switches and tries to pretend he's a man of Honor by offering to shake on it this is just a shift in his mode of deception okay you're on all right this is 911 sir how can I help you uh I need to get hold of sheriff department I uh found a dead body up here on the hill I'm sorry you found a dead what a dead body a kid or a woman small girl with red hair on April 23rd 2010 police were horrified to find Stephanie's remains buried in the Ammon Foothills only a short distance away from her house up until that point it wasn't clear what exactly had happened to her surrounded by large amounts of wheat grass her body was placed about 20 yards from the unpaved dirt road she was wrapped in a blue blanket along with a floral pattern fitted sheet but most disturbing of all black electrical tape covered a large portion of her head while her hands were bound with the same material because the body had been decaying for an extended period of time an autopsy couldn't directly pinpoint a Cause of death however the ultimate conclusion was undetermined violence with binding of the body although the authorities were sure that the remains belonged to the missing mother dental records had to confirm the gut-wrenching news Stephanie's family could finally bring her home but the question of how she passed would continue to haunt them on April 30th 7 days after the shocking Discovery Kenny is brought in for another interview however this time around his story is even more conflicting than before leaving everyone to wonder when the nightmare will finally be over can you talk to your mom all B yeah I did she told you anything about kind what's going on kind of a little bit I've been watching the news so I kind of know a little bit about what's happened or what's going on here notice that the officer has immediately started the conversation in a position known as the confession position and Kenny mirrors them also sitting in a similar manner the idea behind this is that this position is one that is more likely to encourage honesty and hopefully a confession what you heard from Paul um guys found a body and you identifi her and I learned from the news that it was on Sunny Side Road that had access to windmills or something I know it's been 2 and a half years yeah from that long you still kind remember that day yeah little B my story hasn't changed I was supposed to be to work early and I got to the workplace on time but decided I'm not going to go to work and I just walked out and left I never even made it into the building or nothing just walk around the back of the building where I could like see how busy work was through this this differs from his Orin original story that he initially claimed to have walked into work and spoke with his manager Gary before supposedly clocking in for 45 minutes I were 45 minutes that morning if I remember right you needed to use pH for some reason yeah I use it to call I told I was toate that was the last I used it he got the phone ready to that I got a remember where she was when you got that in the living room she can I your phone you go once again this is another discrepancy as he' previously told the detective in 2007 that he'd woken Stephanie up to use her phone I want him to wake her up she use her phone and woke the baby up and she said godam Can can you just gra phone leave so she goes where you think you think she goes to the store and I assume that's where she to the store why you assume that cuz said she'd just be right back okay and she took the baby was no she left the baby there I watch baby okay you few baby my mom got there and everything and then when she found the baby I I don't know what happened when I got back my mom was already there my brother was there I'm guessing that she had to arrived shortly after I left within 10 to 15 minutes and and backtracking just a tad there he said that he watch the baby just for a second then where did the baby go huh Stephanie came back I Kenny claims that after he'd made a stop at house he then drove to Woodland Hills Elementary School where he smoked some of his marijuana while listening to music however the detective is about to reveal information that negates Kenny's new story my mom asked me she said I said she went to the store watching the baby for a second all right I'll be right back and left and then Stephanie came back and I left and then when I got back everybody was already there she in your mother's statement when your mother came home neither Stephanie nor the baby was home the baby was there my mom never went to the living room she walked in the back door went into the bathroom he the kitchen for a second and then she walked right back down left do you remember where you were at when your mother came home I was in the kitchen okay because your mother specifically says you were in the bathroom and then she got into an argument with you because you wouldn't come out of the bathroom and then that's that's what she says well she didn't argue with me all I was just fine I was in the kitchen making something to eat I might have been taking a PE or something when she just got home but I was in the kitchen at time is there is there any way that you went somewhere else besides the people that you went to that's kind of why been so stressed out about it because I realized at first I I was like a pathological Li got thrown out there then once I realized what was going on and no body was ever found I realized you know what if they don't find anything that specifically points to you you or you I I honestly don't have anybody that can identify me anywhere because by the time i' got home nobody saw me and everybody was there when I returned so it kind of leaves me up about a p that's why I'm hoping something something will turn up next the detectives asked Kenny if his family members have accused him of having anything to do with Stephanie's death where he states that his mother grandma and sister believe him to be innocent however he doesn't mention his brother according to police documents both Lynette and Michael immediately thought that Kenny had done something terrible to Stephanie seeing as he had visible scratch marks along his neck you're saying you had no involvement in whatsoever yeah exactly is there any way that um so we so we're able to prove that this occurred at the residents and then like that that somehow the body had to be move somewhere else is there any way anybody could have forced you to move the body I I couldn't drive my car very far I was pushing I just driv as far as I did but that's up and around there was a pretty long drive I mean how would you explain if something was to tie to it and and tie your vehicle to it I don't see really how that happened I mean I heard they found we in my car but as far as I know those could have been there for a long time from a long time ago I really never watch my car or nothing and the only thing in my trunk would have been my speaker box and I've had that in and out of the house thousand million times I mean anything stuck to it or you know no blood or nothing like that but maybe hair I don't know what other than that should be absolutely nothing however Michael claims to have never seen Kenny move the equipment putting another dent in his never-ending lie as The Story Goes On we learned that although the alternator in Kenny's vehicle was supposedly on the fritz that didn't stop him from making multiple stops in total his driving time would have been 45 minutes and this wasn't the only thing that the detectives found to be suspicious ious as Michael drove back to work after not hearing from Stephanie he noticed Kenny driving Southbound on Ammon Road between 17th and Sunnyside at 11:43 a.m. heading in the same direction where Stephanie's body was later recovered apparently the teenager looked as if he was speaking to himself and Michael unsurprisingly found this to be more than a little odd if I remember right um was an argument that there was an argument I don't remember ever saying I wrote an argument I haven't been completely honest we did get in an argument that morning it's no surprise that Kenny's unable to keep his story straight according to Lynette the teenager's always been a routine liar referring to lynnette's statement to police even she would fear Kenny's inevitable wrath from time to time time according to one of Stephanie's ex-boyfriends who grew up with the suspect Kenny would supposedly torture animals as a child and was known as a Helen there was just no telling what he might do it was like a ticking Time Bomb waiting to explode I pretty much was like I blocked everything out just stay in a basement in my friend's house doing drugs that's pretty much all I've done for the last three years i' never got a job I've never so just been sitting and waiting and doing drugs and I don't even know what to do now I don't even know if I could go out and get a job I mean you went back to for a while you I mean everybody calling me killer Kenny hey look I know a murderer kid there he goes right there I mean in front of the customers everybody and so I went out to the main manager B told him hey look this needs to stop like they have was traumatizing almost allegedly Kenny's coworker Jesus made chilling remarks towards the visible scratches on his face allegedly joking and asking where he'd put Stephanie's body in response the teenager simply looked away in another shocking Revelation Michael had supposedly told Stephanie that if she were to ever be attacked that she should scratch at the person's face in defense to top things off Kenny's markings looked as if someone had done just that originally spoke 2 and a half years ago um and you and you gave me U the timeline of what happened Stu like that surpris you it's drastically different from what you I think the reason you don't really remember is I don't think he want to remember that the truth easy to remember but some Mis Fabrications it sounds like you're trying to say I'm protecting someone kind of no man not even yourself no it would have been me I would have probably already man what what just because how traumatizing it was and how I felt everybody look at me after that day and I always figured well this group will come out one day and that's why I've never done anything like that because I always figur you know I might Li I might be a little liar but one day the truth will come out and my li won't matter anymore you know because you'll find out whoever did it you're like it in the Bible you take an eye you lose an eye take a I don't know although Kenny's unaware the detectives are in possession of more information than has already been revealed in 2009 while the suspect was in jail for an unrelated offense an exchange of words between himself and another inmate would alter the course of the investigation forever Eddie arano a known jailhouse informant was well aware of Stephanie's case and knew exactly who Kenny was in hopes of discovering valuable information that could be used to lessen his own sentence Eddie wished to gain Kenny's trust fortunately his tactic was beyond successful Kenny supposedly divulged his dark and twisted secret allegedly claiming to to have killed Stephanie however he referred to her as his girlfriend Kenny apparently remarked that he had her all to himself now reason that you know is the only reason you said you drove out there because saw you in the car out there no I always drive that way I stop or I stop right there time did you see Mike driving out there yeah I really didn't see him he be truck see that you he your car wasn't looking for wasn't paying attention I really didn't see my is there any reason why Mike would fabricate that I'm not going to how can I even answer correctly when I'm not positive which road it is which why would mik say you saw you out there well if it's on the road I turned and drove and smok pot he probably saw me because I was smoking pot so he's not making it up well if he saw me out there where I was driving yeah you probably did see me I'm not going do you think we're making this stuff up no okay but if I say I don't remember I don't is that just an easy way out you have a better answer no I just honestly don't remember saying that you're just trying to Swift my work around or something you are you did this to years ago same thing I never made you mad yeah you were rude the whole time man that's why my mom doesn't want to talk to you either because you're Rudee yes you're kind of being rude you just don't like what I'm saying no it's just how you say it he's great he he talks to you like a person actually I I like him he's really good he Isn nothing broken in the house nothing tipped over nothing nothing nothing like somebody had a gun and told her you leave right now or I'll kill your child Kenny states that his mother was the one to actually introduce this Theory but the detectives are once again suspicious that he may be lying but none of us have ever owned a gun none of us nobody had even owned any type of weapon at all with the latest puzzle piece now a discovery from 2007 would finally make sense police discovered pieces of reddish brown hair located in the trunk of his car along with the same type of black electrical tape that was found around the victim's body forensic testing would later reveal that the DNA sequence of the hair matched that of Stephanie's molar tooth not only this but they also uncovered a large amount of dust on the exterior of the vehicle resembling the color of the dirt road leading to Stephanie's body along with pieces of wheat grass stuck to the car's undercarriage which happened to be the same grass located at the crime scene in addition authorities ran another luminol test for blood revealing a positive reaction to Kenny's jumper cables and a tow chain under his spare tire it seemed that Kenny would immediately be charged with a heinous crime however investigators didn't believe they had sufficient evidence just yet while serving time for the unrelated offense Kenny supposedly told a fellow inmate there's no DNA they don't have my fingerprints on nothing they've gotten no witnesses that saw me put her in the trunk of my car in addition while on a jail call with his father Doug Kenny allegedly claimed that if charged he would plead Insanity apparently insisting that he would be sentenced to two years in an insane asylum before being released but just as they always had Kenny's words would never hold any wait in 2014 detective Jessica Marley was assigned to the Cold Case hoping to exact the truth once and for all digging for more information the detective asked Eddie to sit down for another interview in 2018 where he recited Kenny's alleged confession of taking Stephanie's life however this time he noted that Kenny said he was in love with Stephanie and placed her body in a shallow grave in the mountains piecing together the string of evidence it was exponentially clear who had committed the brutal crime however it wasn't until he was officially charged with second deegree murder and a trial that Kenny would finally make an admission himself as you'll see in the following clip while behind glass and wearing a red mask Kenny was forced to admit what happened as part of a plea deal where he pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter still he manages to not quite own up to the heinous crime tell me what you did which makes you guilty of this charge unfortunately because of an altercation that happened that day and my actions uh I pushed her causing her to fall back and hit her head and which she never recovered from that's right even as he admits to killing Stephanie Kenny doesn't actually say that she died only that she never recovered he also never revealed what the alleged fight between them had been about in another clip Kenny also pleaded guilty to concealment and alteration or destruction of evidence tell me what you did which makes you guilty of this charge my great shame uh I didn't know what else to do and I panicked and I tried to conceal her body in the foot ultimately in 2021 Kenny was sentenced to 15 years in prison and will serve a minimum of six years behind bars
Views: 1,849,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, psychology, law, news, educational
Id: ZSaj2kqmi1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 21sec (4161 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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