Korean TV show accidentally CAUGHT a SERIAL husband killer

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[Music] bada bing badao June 30th 2019 in Sor South Korea seven friends are packing up their cars they've got towels coolers and a change of clothes they're going to drive 2 hours to this very quiet area called kapyong River Valley it's got these beautiful waterfalls these giant bodies of water that you can jump into it's popular amongst locals for literally cliff jumping that's their plan today they're going to do that all day long and from the get-go from the moment that they arrive there there's already tension in the group I'm going to give you a breakdown of the dynamic of the seven friends because it's pertinent to this case but it's also very fascinating we've got three couples and we've got one seventh wheel there's a lot of interpersonal relationships that are happening we've got un she's like the glue of the group and she's kind of organized this entire outing she's there with her boyfriend Joe but her ex-boyfriend Leo is also there Leo brought his new girlfriend Chloe and the awkward thing is Khloe has no idea that her boyfriend Leo and un used to date she just thinks they're friends so to kind of ease this awkwardness un invited a few more people her friend since middle school Yuna and Yuna brought along her boyfriend and then the seventh wheel of the group Sam it seems like everyone kind of knows each other Sam is the odd one out and un just introduced him into the group as a quote an Opa of hers now context Opa translates to older brother in Korean but it is not reserved for siblings like you can call a senior at your school Opa you can call your husband Opa you just call any man that's older than you OA so just to recap we've got un and her boyfriend Joe un's ex-boyfriend Leo and his new girlfriend Chloe un's childhood friend Yuna and her boyfriend and un's OA Sam the seventh wheel so the Group of Seven they arrive at this waterfall and they spend the entire day just tiring themselves out we've got videos throughout the day of them pranking each other in the water playing games eating watermelon they're exhausted by the time the sun is set and all seven of them they start packing up their bags it's time to make that 2-hour trip back home getting ready to leave and all of a sudden one of them suggest why don't we do one last cliff dive just one un's boyfriend Joe her ex-boyfriend Leo and un OA Sam they go up to the cliff they climb up the giant Cliff when it's pitch black outside and one by one they jump into the water below un is watching from the shore all three of them Splash into the water and only two would surface one of them would be dead and in today's case we've got three main suspects un's boyfriend who secretly runs a trafficking ring un's ex-boyfriend who is allegedly still sleeping with un on the side secretly and un the Widow whose husband just mysteriously died at the waterfall all three have motive to kill un's husband Sam so Sam is not just Opa this is her husband and she went on a trip with her husband her boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend and one of them [Music] died [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support Nami the National Alliance on Mental Illness they are the largest Grassroots mental health nonprofit dedicated to building Better Lives for those that are affected by mental illness Nami provides advocacy support and public awareness so that those affected by mental illness can build better lives for themselves this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten Mango's growing team of dedicated researchers translators from from all over the world who work really really hard at shedding light on lesser known cases and as always we would like to thank you guys our listeners for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates to these causes full show notes are available at Rotten mingal podcast.com now this case does take place in South Korea where many of the non-c central individuals names have been redacted from the court documents only their surnames have been made public so for the purpose of making it easier to follow we will be giving them aliases for this episode and because there's a lot of people involved yuny will be referred to as Sam chansu will be referred to by a suram Joe and Lee Janu will be referred to as Leo but with International cases if there's any additional information you would like us to know or if something was miscommunicated please let us know down in the comments and with that being said let's get started un calls SPS a huge News Network in South Korea and una is asking them for help she's like my husband just died and now my life is falling apart she wanted to raise public awareness public attention to what's going on right now she told SPS producers her husband was her everything her absolute Rock in life he was the strong person that if anyone could depend on someone it would be Sam and now just like that he's gone he's dead un had tried to tell the public about all the incredible things she's telling the producers you know Sam he just loves his family he's a hard worker he did everything for us we were his life L spoke to the producers about how her parents are disabled Sam would work overtime sometimes he would work two jobs just to help send money to her parents sometimes they would send every single penny that they had or they didn't even have you know where they wouldn't have any money for even Ramen from the convenience store this is how the couple lived she said it was stressful it was rough but at least we had each other or at least at the time we did and that's all that mattered she described Sam as being intelligent and just so so compassionate that his only focus in life was his family he didn't even buy himself new shoes he would wear out his sneakers until they were literally falling apart at the seams and now he's gone he's dead and he always made sure that he had life insurance it was just the one thing that he was always so paranoid about the minute that they got married un said he would talk about life insurance and how they both needed it and now with him gone the insurance company refused to pay unette and her parents they're about to be left on the street to fend for themselves while grieving Sam's death the insurance company cited suspicion of insurance fraud and Foul Play but una saying it doesn't make sense please like she's trying to reason with the producers there were witnesses to the accidental drowning of my husband even the police have ruled it an accidental death so what is the problem here SPS was sympathizing with in they were very interested in doing an episode to expose the dark underbelly of the insurance world how certain insurance companies they take advantage of young people who probably can't afford an attorney who probably don't know the laws who probably don't know how to protect themselves as consumers and this is a giant Corporation we're talking about they probably thought that and they can't fight back because we'll just keep the $600,000 of life insurance she's owed and what is she going to do about it she doesn't have the money to pay an attorney un said the insurance company kept asking her questions about the death just SP SPS released in this episode on their documentary series called I want to know that the episode was titled the last diving of the day kyang valley drowning mystery instead of exposing the corrupt insurance industry they exposed the events leading up to Sam's death and un's suspicious Behavior the day of the murder the day that seven friends went to the waterfall they had forgotten the knife and they're sitting there like okay now what do we do we need that knife knife how are we supposed to still go ahead with the day without the knife how do we forget something as crucial as a knife who forgot the knife they're looking around stressed well maybe we can find something else like we'll just use our own heads what we can play rock paper scissor rock paper scissors yeah and the loser will crack open the watermelon with the head the seven friends they're sitting down on a pink blanket next to the waterfall playing rock paper scissors and in the middle of them is a watermelon they forgot the knife to cut open the watermelon so the whoever loses the game of rock paper scissors they have to use their head to bang open the watermelon that's the punishment un lost but of course un is not going to be the one cracking the watermelon open with her head there is a video of Joe un's secret boyfriend holding the watermelon down on the mat while Sam un's husband uses his head to try and crack open the watermelon he's doing the punishment in place of his wife because that's the kind of husband he is he always put his wife first now to give you context it requires about 240 to 360 lbs of force to crush or crack a watermelon or visually it takes on average 400 rubber bands to be wrapped around a watermelon for it to start cracking this is a fulls size watermelon we're talking about even with a knife it takes me a few tries to get fully through and I have to use both arms I have to apply a lot of power and pressure with a knife imagine cracking it open with your head completely not even just creating a small crack and then using your hands to pull it AP part the punishment is you have to crack it fully in half but wouldn't it just make a mess yep it would just make a mess and could lead to damage to the Head they are making Sam crack the full thing in half using only the force of his forehead in the video that I'm going to show you I don't know if YouTube is going to keep it up it's going to be on Spotify if it gets censored in the video Sam can be seen stopping after each crack with his head to the watermelon he's using both hands to kind of hold his head after he slams his head down on the watermelon he's almost in this kneeling position on the pink blanket it doesn't feel like friends it feels like vicious bullying you can tell from the body language it's just unsettling everyone else they're just laughing at his pain and he doesn't want to be here he doesn't want to be doing this he keeps holding his red forehead because it hurts so much his glasses are on the side just on the pink blanket and his wife un is almost whining like o you have to split it all the way down the middle so the wife is encouraging this Behavior egging it on and her secret boyfriend is holding the watermelon still laughing with her Sam looks at his wife briefly before going down to slam his head back down onto the watermelon and you can hear him Grunt in pain and you hear his wife say things like oh which is almost cran for like why can't you even do this wow that was just part of their day at the waterfall I know here in the US some schools have swimming as part of their PE program so it's a lot more common for people to know how to swim or at least they've been in water enough times to know how to tread water and Float but in Korea pools are not really a fixture of everyday life especially those that live in Sor or in the big cities it's just not unusual that people don't know how to swim and Sam he didn't know how to swim what was unusual about that day was how he was getting bullied for it Sam is about 10 to 12 years older than the other six Koreans there now Korean culture huge emphasis on respecting elders and in Korea Elder respect isn't even just like oh show respect to your grandparents and to your parents even a one-year age Gap can warrant honorifics being used which is like a whole new language being used to even address someone wa Sam's 10 to 12 years older yeah how old is Sam he's late 30s like 40s so everyone's like 2030s yeah like 29ish to 30 wow to give you an example of how serious this is there are three ways to say happy birthday in Korean if you are saying happy birthday to your equal it's happy birthday if you're saying it to someone maybe one or two years older than you then you say which is a very respectful way now let's say there's a grandfather or someone older than your own parents then you'll use three ways to say happy birthday that's how crazy these honorifics and respect by age is taken in South Korea there might be more ways for all I know respect is a very serious thing but these six they're treating Sam like the laughing stock of the group which is bizarre regardless of respect culture in Korea it's just cruel Behavior the seniority context just adds another layer of maliciousness so another incident was filmed that day that shows Sam in the water next to the waterfall in this inflatable tube he's floating near the shore and while a few of the others in this clip mainly Joe and Leo are going to jump into the to the water off the cliff un and the girls are on the shore and at one point Joe and Leo so this is un's boyfriend and ex-boyfriend that Sam just thinks are her friends he has no idea okay they swim over to Sam's tube and start dragging the tube deeper near the waterfall and sure you could say it's supposed to be a cute little joke but Sam is clearly uncomfortable and terrified as the water is known to be pretty deep deep enough for people to jump off a 15 foot cliff without injuring themselves so he's trying to get them to stop and he keeps politely saying oh it's so cold like the water is so cold so cold okay so in Western culture someone could argue that's not a clear boundary that's being set if he doesn't want to go deeper into the water he should say I don't want to go deeper into the water right but Koreans have a very strong or more different social CU read the room standard and one of the biggest things taught even when you're a kid is nun so by Sam saying oh the water is cold is a clear indic a for almost every single Korean with good nuni he does not like what you're doing this is a very polite way of saying I don't like this please stop this I'm telling you something is cold and it's making me uncomfortable he's setting a boundary I know it sounds weird if you're not Korean but trust me it's not a reach but they continue dragging him deeper deeper into the water and Leo ends up swimming Away Joe is still with Sam and now Joe is rocking his tube he's using like both of his arms to rock Sam's tube and Sam is seen on the video trying to reach behind him to pry Joe's fingers off the tube wow this next part is chilling but Sam's wife un is standing there filming and she says which is he can't flip him over the way she says it the tone it's almost as if she is making a conclusion she's talking to them or to herself the other girls that are there wow but the way she's saying it is not like oh my God like he can't flip him over is like an observation a revelation a conclusion she's made then one of the girls on the shore chimes in because he's too heavy and it's almost like a cue for un to now lighten up her tone because she goes from to because he's heavy so her voice shifted instantly it was kind of chilling honestly un even calls to her ex Leo hey Leo go help him flip Sam over what and she wait she knows that he doesn't know how to swim though everybody knows everybody knows but they're trying to get him into the water yeah it's unclear if at one point Leo does go over to help Rock the tube but in the next clip we see Joe by himself really put all of his strength into rocking Sam's tube like he was kind of joking around earlier now now Sam is being submerged in water not fully he's not turned over but his head is probably being submerged in water he hasn't flipped yet though I mean any point he could easily flip he's being violently shaken by Joe un is still recording and laughing as if this is the funniest thing in the world to her when Sam gets a chance to escape he tries using his hands to float away from Joe but Joe catches up to him and one of the girls starts singing the Jaws theme song like and saying shark shark in a heartbreaking part Sam is so panicked and scared he covers both of his ears with his hands and Joe continues to rock the tube at one point in the video you can hear Sam trying to reason with Joe and the rest of the group and Sam says please let's just stop this now Joe says I'm not going to stop this what are you even saying okay got it I'm sorry I'll apologize please stop this it's immature and I'm not having fun I'm not having fun anymore un is fine with her boyfriend and ex-boyfriend doing this to Sam now at this point I wouldn't even be able to tell that un was even Sam's wife I would think that un is Sam's biggest enemy even Chloe so Khloe is the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend remember yeah Chloe said she had no clue in was even married let alone to Sam I mean they were stuck together the entire day eating every meal together hanging out even the 2-hour car ride to the waterfall Joe was driving and un was in the passenger seat in the front Sam was in the back it was Sam's car they were driving if anything it seemed like Joe and un were the married couple it was to the point where after the death police got involved and asked Chloe about un's husband and her jaw dropped she said never in a million years could I have imagined that un was married to Sam there was no indication that they were married none 3 hours after the tube rocking video was taken Sam was found dead in the water this next part is basically Khloe's testimony on what happened that night at the waterfall Chloe said that it was getting late and very dark Yuna and her boyfriend so the other couple that aren't really really pivotal in today's case they start complaining that they're getting cold so they tell the group hey we're just going to go into our car in the parking lot and sit in the car with the heater on and we'll just wait for you guys now according to Chloe this is when un suggest we have to go now let's just do one jump together one last one and this is just weird if you're jumping into the water from around 15 ft your full body is going to get submerged your hair everything's going to get submerged I don't know anyone that would want to get purposely wet again after becoming fully dry like right before getting into a vehicle for a 2hour drive mhm it seems counterintuitive it just seems gross like I don't think anyone wants to do that and it's cold it's cold and the worst part is UN herself isn't even jumping in so why does she care it's not like she wants to go up and all of them hold hands and jump into the water and she just loves it so much she wants to do it one last time why does she care if everyone else does it one last time she's not even doing it Joe and Leo boyfriend and ex-boyfriend they agree for the last jump and Sam does not he hasn't been cliff jumping all day because he doesn't know how to swim he's just been in the tube right and un whines all the men are willing to run up together but my Opa doesn't do it wow Chloe states that un has been pressuring Sam all day to Cliff jump the entire day and when he said no again for this last jump she said fine I'll go instead I'll do it as if someone has to do it like it it was weird she's insinuating that she's sacrificing herself for him so that he doesn't have to do something this is when Sam just imagine exhausted says fine fine I'll I'll go some people question why he chose to do this I mean I think that he knew that if he didn't none of this would stop I imagine he just wanted the day to be over I mean look at how the day had been going so far he just wants to go home is how I see it he's seen how Relentless these people are how this group is I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he had said no as a joke the group would have hauled him up the cliff and threw him in by themselves I wouldn't even put it past these people at around 8:30 p.m. that day un's boyfriend Joe and her ex-boyfriend Leo and her husband Sam walk up the cliff to jump one last time they climb up 15 ft un and Chloe are watching from the shore the other couple they're gone they're in the car in the parking lot they don't see anything Joe has this inflatable tube with him the ones that look like donuts they're just for one person like the skinnier ones and he throws the tube down into the water first and then he Dives in head first into the water he splash around surfaces he puts the tube around his hips and he's just kind of leisurely floating waiting for the other two to jump Leo the ex-boyfriend jumps next he goes feet first and then he comes up from the water and he's just kind of floating around too now it's Sam's turn he hesitates for a second and then he jumps into the water 15 ft below the water at the deepest point here is about 10 ft deep Chloe recalls seeing Sam resurface so she sees Sam he's not drowning he's back at the surface and and Chloe insists that nobody pushed Sam he jumped in by his own free will she also insists that she definitely saw his head come up from the water Chloe said that Sam seemed completely fine like yeah he couldn't swim but he wasn't struggling so he was floating maybe it's instinctual maybe some people just naturally know how to float I don't know and they're all kind of slowly headed towards the shore he's kind of slowly inching closer and Chloe claims that she saw something really odd Joe made some sort of weird gesture with his hand like he's like signaling someone on and before Chloe could comprehend what's going on like did he mean to do that who is he signaling what what does he mean by that what does that even what is that before she could even put two and two together unad turns to her and says hey can you grab me a cigarette Chloe turns around bends over to reach into her purse to grab a cigarette and as she's faced away from the water she hears coming from behind like a sudden ah and then the scream stops Chloe turns around and saw Sam was struggling to stay afloat he was now Act actively drowning and she didn't understand because he was fine just a second ago Joe is still in his inflatable tube and he starts swimming towards Sam he's only about 30 ft away so to give you an idea most residential pools so these are not pools in your apartment complex or in like a building or a gym these are like small Backyard Pools they range from 20 to 40 ft in length so 30 ft it's far but it's it's not that far especially if you're a strong swimmer like Joe it's not far at all experts have stated it would take someone like Joe about 20 seconds to swim 30 ft but Chloe saw the whole scene in front of her and it was bizarre Joe is swimming so slow and just watching from the shore Chloe said that she's getting tapped up pit which means so frustrated she yells at him like Hey take off your tube because it's around his waist so he's basically just like swimming but the tube is keeping him in place and he's just literally moving around in the same spot so she's like take off your damn tube she watches as as Joe takes off his tube and flings it away from his body and away from Sam and he starts swimming towards Sam now I just think that part is so interesting that's that goes against instinct to throw the tube away from Sam yeah but he throws his tube away starts swimming still suspiciously slow and un has suggest to Chloe we should go grab the life ring the life ring is kind of up the cliff on the hill so they run to grab it but now Sam is fully out of kloe's sight by the time that they grab the life ring and come back to shore to toss it into the water it probably would have taken 2 minutes that's what experts think Chloe said it was too late the water was calm Sam was nowhere to be seen instead there was just Joe walking out standing waste Deep in water and he just kept repeating I don't see him I don't see him he said he couldn't save Sam because there was low visibility in the water because it was dark what about Leo Leo's just like yeah I couldn't see him and it was so odd it felt like everyone was in on it un Joe even kloe's boyfriend Leo who Khloe would soon find out was still allegedly sleeping with inest still it's like they all knew something that Khloe didn't know Chloe was the one to call 119 Emergency Services the authorities arrived retrieved Sam from the water attempted CPR but Sam was dead they closed his case as an accidental drowning there's a few things that you can expect when you come over to our house my dog mango will bring you every single one of her toys every single one like the whole collection I don't know she's showing off my other dog tiger will be convinced that you are their new owner and my fridge will absolutely be stocked with easy delicious ready to eat meals one thing about moving closer to my family is they really do be coming over whenever they feel like it and Factor has been a huge Lifesaver not only in that regard but just when our days get busy with work Factor steps in to save my day factor is America's number one ready to eat meal delivery service you can eat well for breakfast lunch and dinner with Chef prepared dietitian approved ready to eat meals delivered straight to your door it is such a timesaver but I also like that not only am I saving time I can stay on top of my healthy lifestyle while not spending all day cooking up these meals factor helps you skip the meal planning grocery shopping chopping prepping cleaning with they're fresh never frozen meals and like yes you can taste the difference and they're ready in Just 2 minutes so all you have to do is heat it up and enjoy I like that you can also choose from 35 Plus Chef curated meals every week they've got calorie smart options if you're trying to be calorie conscious over the holidays side note they're dietitian approved and nutritious and delicious they have protein plus if you're trying to bulk up I'm not even trying to bulk up and I love the Protein Plus from Factor because I just want to get extra protein in like we've gotten Andrew and every single person at his workplace on Factor cuz he brings it into lunch and that's like the best marketing I guess but you can also get quick breakfast items lunch to go grab and go snacks or my favorite juices and smoothies from Factor this December get factor and enjoy eating well without the hassle simply choose your meals and enjoy fresh flavor packed meals delivered to your door ready in Just 2 minutes no prep No Mess head to factor meals.com R mango 50 and use code R mango 50 to get 50% off that's code R mango 50 at Factor meals.com SLR m5050 to get 50% off Sam's family had never been to his luxury newly wet apartment even though Sam's family kind of paid for it every time they wanted to visit Sam and his wife un's house and bring a housewarming gift and I don't know hang out with their daughter-in-law Sam would tell them no no no please don't come like he would always have a good reason as to why they shouldn't we're not home right now we're doing some work around the house it's just so messy uh we're in the middle of something right now if you come you're going to stress out my wife because she's going to be stressed that we didn't clean the whole place they didn't know the newly wet home they helped pay for was occupied by un and her boyfriends Sam the husband didn't even live there they found out after his death that Sam and in did not live together un had lived in this luxury apartment that Sam paid for whatever boyfriend she was seeing at the time lived with her in apartment sometimes she had multiple boyfriends or even girlfriends live with her all on Sam's dollar rentree meanwhile Sam lived really close to his workplace in a tiny little basement unit we don't even know for certain how Sam and in met I mean it's claimed that they met at a brothel but Sam told his family that they met at work none of Sam's co-workers even remember working with her or let alone seeing her Sam had been working this office job for a while he was making around 60 to 70,000 a year which is great considering the national average in South Korea is around 35,000 a year so he makes double the average salary and on top of that Sam has always been a big saver so by the time that he meets un he already saved up like 300 over $300,000 which in this recent economy that's a huge huge accomplishment very few people are able to do that and it's clear that un was attracted to that and the fact that Sam was very kind did not care that she had a daughter from a previous relationship I know here it's like nothing but in Korean culture it tends to be a bit more of a quote I guess you could say relationship obstacle than in the US they got married and Sam initially thought okay we're going to have a regular normal life right but right out the gate things are difficult un insists that they have two places Sam was tied to suan suan City for work but she's like I'm not moving there I hate it there I refuse Over My Dead Body she wanted to live in Inon which is where they airport is she demanded he get her a nice luxury apartment in Inon and that would be considered their marital primary residence and he would rent a dingy basement unit in suan and he would just stay there during the weekdays that was a plan and during the weekends he would come home to the luxury apartment in Inon a few major problems with this Sam is the one working and paying for everything he would be spending most of his time in a below ground basement unit Korean basement units are known to just be really really really rough to live in technically you're you weren't even supposed to live in those they were created for the purpose of being bunkers in case North Korea waged War but now they're being rented out because of the housing crisis and there has recently been a lot of discourse on these units they were flooded during the last monsoon season a lot of families were either killed or lost everything because there was no way out of the water like water was treading in it's a really bad living situation it's basically what the whole Oscar winning movie parasite is about it's below low ground usually the units will get little windows at the top of their walls very close to their ceilings because of their basement level that let in just like the tiniest bit of light but right outside the window it's ground floor that's the pavement so there's bugs rats cockroaches dust pollution dirt trash that just gets swept into their apartment and anyone can bend down and just look straight into their unit in the winter it's freezing and it's worse in the summer so in the summer it gets unbearably humid and there rapidly growing mold but you can't open the window because then rats will crime in and the tiny cramp bathrooms in these units most of the times they don't even have sinks you can barely stand up in the restrooms without bumping your head on the ceiling I mean if you watch the movie parasite apparently there's a basement smell that you can't even get rid of that's how people know that you live in a sub basement unit is because of a smell and regardless it's just not a great place to live it's more affordable than regular Apartments but it's rough the South Korean government is actually trying to phase out the leasing of these units because of how bad it is Sam is living in one of these basement units while un lives in this expensive highrise building Sam had to take out a $100,000 loan just to be able to afford the deposit on that building he borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from his family to be able to support un's life there and Sam's family didn't know this but his friends did and they all tried to tell him like Hey this is weird like this is not normal normal relationships don't work like like this what if she's cheating on you you don't know what's going on in that house you don't even have the key to that apartment but he would just dismiss all of their concerns and he said it's nonsense we're in love and right now we're apart because she has a daughter and I work in this city and there's there's no way for us to be together right now the thing is the original plan was UN was supposed to visit every weekend or Sam was to go she never let Sam come to their luxury unit that he was paying for but she also never went to Sam's basement unit it was probably too gross for her compared to her luxurious apartment she probably turned her nose up like she's too good for a place like that but 2 days after Sam's death un was caught on CCTV cameras entering Sam's basement unit with Joe they went in and they came out with boxes of valuables Sam's computer laptop tablet anything that he needed for work that had some sort of financial value resale value they took it neighbor said that was like one of the only times she was probably around but what do we expect from someone like L and Joe I mean she's she's the type of monster that really wouldn't mind watching her husband starve and suffer right before her eyes as long as she had a new Chanel bag every time Sam got paid the money all of it would go in and out of his account his bank was just a connection point it went from his company's account to his bank account lasted for 2 seconds and then directly into unes she had full control over all of his finances even if he wanted to buy his own food and groceries he would have to ask her for money no really beg her for money but even that's that's not enough un blew through Sam's entire life savings $300,000 spent all of his salary still wanted more like she always had an excuse of why she needed more money he would take out loans for her she would use her disabled parents as an excuse of where all this money is going and in just 5 years Sam went from being one of the most financially secured people in his friend group to being in heavy amounts of debt the year before his passing in 2018 he had to file for bankruptcy and his total debt was listed at $120,000 l did not care she demanded more money Sam took out more loans like the loan for that apartment she refused to share even a penny of Sam's own money with Sam Sam's friends would later say yeah Sam died in June 2019 but he was dying for the past 2 years starving to death he didn't even have money to buy $2 Ramen at the convenience store or a piece of bread the cheapest meal at the convenience store you could probably get it for $2 yeah with a drink a triangle K up Sam didn't even have that he couldn't even afford the power and water in his basement unit he would ask friends to borrow $3 for food and his friends were getting concerned they love Sam and they knew that Sam isn't the type to ask for money unless it was urgent so they're like what's going on like of course we can give you $3 we can give you a lot more but dude what the heck is going on like what are you doing with your life and they weren't trying to be rude about it they were just like Sam Works non-stop all day he's got a great job he's always been great with money and now he doesn't even spend lavishly on himself his shoes are always broken down his glasses they're crooked he's not even fixing his glasses so what do you mean you don't have $3 for food swich just responded you know at the office I get my lunch taken care of but there's no solution for the days that I'm not at the office I've already lost 14 lbs the past 2 weeks and I don't want people in the office to look at me any weirder a few times friends would send $100 and Sam would spend $3 and send 97 back his friend said for the past 2 years before his death Sam was constantly losing weight and he just seemed so out of energy and un had knew this like Sam was struggling to feed himself and she knew that he was basically starving he would text her breaking down asking for some some money he would text her things like I'm really sorry they said that they're going to cut off my electricity I won't make this type of request next week really but please can I just have a little bit of money I used the last money you gave me really frugally also you must be so busy you don't have to call me please just help me with my electricity bill un like I said you must be really busy you really don't have to call it's really okay I guess if you need an explanation to make an excuse my payday is the 21st and I was going to pay the electricity bill that day but they said that they're going to cut it on the 14th I'm really sorry again for making this type of request unfortunately these text messages would only mean something to people with some sort of conscious or empathy and un had neither okay sometimes Sam would take the lighter approach he would text her pictures of his shoes that were all ripped up or his glasses that were broken and he would text when the money comes in please buy your husband new glasses and running shoes my shoes ripped so I'm a little embarrassed at work un could not care less she even asked Sam for a credit card under his sister's name so she could spend that she racked up another $55,000 on Sam's sister's account in another really really sad text Sam texted un a picture of a lunch at the convenience store this was like a very lavish lunch for him it was no longer Caan it was like a Bento Box with some vegetables and he texted I have no money I have too much debt and debt from the company I don't know how much this is I think it's like7 or $8 please can you just send me $10 I promise I would have asked someone else but I have nowhere else to go to ask for money now he goes on to say I was going to do whatever it took to live off that $30 that I had but it autod drafted away into the car payment side note he doesn't even drive his car she does so it's not like he's out here just being bad with his money management clearly the situation got so bad that Sam didn't even see a way out of it he started having thoughts about exiting he purchased tools online that he thought he would need to do so but he realized it'd be a very selfish choice to make he felt like if he was going to die he would leave something to un before he did I mean yeah he's got life insurance but maybe he can do a little bit more so Sam went online and stated that he was selling a ghost helicopter he started getting messages from people all over the world inquiring about his weight and his age ghost helicopter in South Korea is a black market term ghost in Korean sounds a little bit like kidneys and then helicopter is an acronym of sorts in English H E for heart Li I for liver c o for corneas P for pancreas t e for tendon and R for retina he wanted to sell his whole body all of his organs and he thought at least I could bring in some extra money for unip before I exit meanwhile there is a recorded conversation of unette asking him rather demanding him to give her more money Sam sounds confused he says today you need the money today oh I told you not today why because I I told you I had to give it to redacted I guess you had to pay someone back no I told you Sam I needed to be given the money first it supposed to be 500 today you said that you would give it to me but you always just let my words go out one ear and out the other don't you would use most of the money to splurge on designer goods and go on these abroad travels with her friends in a letter Sam wrote when he was thinking of exiting he wrote it to un and it reads un thinks I'm upset with her she's so dumb I'm not upset I'm just exhausted I don't have the energy anymore and I just feel really sorry for un but I know that she won't even feel the empty spot that I leave behind un probably won't even come to my funeral she's always so busy unad did show up at Sam's funeral with her boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend it stated that she was sitting outside the funeral Hall with her little boyfriends playing mobile games on their phones they weren't respectful at all and if you just saw them you wouldn't even know that they're attending a funeral right now it seemed like a light-hearted gathering the only time un seemed emotional or even passionate about her husband's death was when it was about the life insurance payout which she got for Sam within 5 months of being married she bought four different policies for Sam's life and she was the sole benefit beneficiary for every single one of them his life insurance total to be around $650,000 the worst part is the insurance agent that she bought these life insurance policies from was another ex-boyfriend of hers wow who knows if they were still seeing each other or sleeping with each other at this point I mean I would not put it past in there so she's got Joe her boyfriend on the side Leo her ex-boyfriend that she's still probably still sleeping with and then the insurance agent that sold her her husband life insurance policy probably made commission from it that she's probably sleeping with and a really sad detail is Sam knew the life insurance was a big part of his relationship with in he even joked to his friends oh don't worry about me I've got I've got life insurance so when I die a lot of money comes out and in the insurance World timing is everything Sam died just 4 hours before his insurance expired there's a Japanese delicacy that can Kill 30 adults it's puffer fish so you know those like squishy looking fish some of them have like the spikes some of them have small spikes others have like the large huge spikes that are protruding out of them and when you get too close they puff up so it's harder for them to become prey that's just one of the ways that they protect themselves another way is their blood their blood is highly poisonous but humans are out here eating puffer fish it's a delicacy called Fugu and it requires a highly specialized chef with just years and years of culinaria experience because one wrong cut of meat from the puffer fish or too much blood certain death the puffer fish toxin is actually 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide one puffer fish has enough toxins to Kill 30 full adult humans there's no known antidote once it's in your system there's nothing that can be done sharks are the only species that are immune to the puffer fish toxin humans are not immune February 25th 2019 just a few months before Sam's death un took Sam to eat puffer fish for the last few months un had stopped paying for Sam's life insurance because it was too expensive to pay every single month right but just a week before eating puffer fish she started paying for his life insurance again and this would be a pattern The Unbelievable part is UN didn't even pay the monthly fee for Sam's life insurance it came from Sam's own money but even then un feels like this is a waste of money she hated seeing money that she could be spending on anything else like herself going to Sam's life insurance policy the one where she's the sole beneficiary of so she would constantly stop paying he would not be insured and then suddenly un would be like you know what I'm going to pay the life insurance again she would start paying for his life insurance and conveniently Sam would have a near-death experience almost immediately afterwards side note un would even stoop so low and have the Shameless audacity to even ask for money from Sam's siblings to pay the life insurance so like clockwork February of 2019 she takes him to eat puffer fish I don't know how she was able to get the puffer fish toxins Only onto his plate but she was able to Sam ate the plate but he only just got a little bit sick stomach ache really un was so frustrated she texted her boyfriend Joe I put so much blood and poison onto his plate why didn't he die for a month or two after that un stopped paying for Sam's Insurance again but suddenly started making those payments again and soon after Sam almost drowned to death so this is not even the day that he died this is a different incident this was exposed through a Korean YouTuber one of Joe's ex-girlfriends was anonymously interviewed so I know it's confusing un's boyfriend's ex-girlfriend so Joe is also seeing like a bunch of women at the same time he's half un's boyfriend and half her pimp we're going to get into it yeah so one of Joe's ex-girlfriends was anonymously interviewed by a YouTuber and she shared a story of how they all went on this cabin trip together in May of this year just like a month before Sam died she said so much of that trip was so familiar to what she was hearing on the news about his murder she remembered the whole group bullying Sam while un recorded they knew that he couldn't swim so they tried to make him use this floating floating device that you would need a lot of people so you know those big floatables that has handles on the side and it needs a certain number of even weight distribution to stay floating yes they would all go out into the water like that and then they would scream and ditch so he's like frantically trying to like stay afloat but this floating device doesn't really work when it's just one person on one side it just kept flipping over and un is laughing saying things like Opa are you having fun like why is he so cute he's so cute isn't he Joe's ex-girlfriend said everyone could tell that he's not having fun and no she did not really think that that was cute Joe's X remembered anytime Sam would even look in in this direction or even try to talk to her or even make small little moments of contact with her she looked irritated she looked so annoyed that night at the cabin cabin this is like a cabin on the lake so they have this dock right outside the girlfriend ex-girlfriend tries to go to sleep and she hears this big scream and a splash outside on the docks she runs out and she sees both Sam and Joe in the Water Joe is calm but Sam is screaming at un you push me you push me in the water so thankfully the water was not that deep he could stand because I think there hadn't been a lot of rain recently and un just calmly States what are you talking about you were so drunk you fell in the water Sam's screamed no you pushed me the ex-girlfriend said it was odd it's really odd it's like un was almost rewriting his memory she kept saying things like what are you talking about you think I pushed you in okay fine I pushed you in I'm the bad guy huh I pushed you in on purpose that's what I did right she would do this enough times finally Sam submitted and said okay okay you're right you're right you didn't push me it was so weird but it seemed like there was a pattern of water related accidents happening to Sam and it was always right after un reinstated his life insurance policy almost like she had a plan where she started paying the life insurance policy again and then tried to enact her plan so just to give you a few examples Insurance reinstated February 17th 2019 near-death puffer fish incident February 25th 2019 Insurance cancelled Insurance reinstated April 30th 2019 near-death drowning incident May 10th 2019 insurance ins cancelled Insurance reinstated right before he died and before Sam's death un received multiple letters from the insurance company cuz she was paying like earlier in June and he died on the last day of June and it was saying hey if you don't get us the next payment July 1st 2019 we're going to cancel the plan Sam was found dead 900 p.m. the last day of June 4 hours before the insurance was null and void but un had some fans in Korea though yeah so you know those reality makeover shows Extreme Makeover in Korea I think there's some here in the US where they do Extreme Home Makeovers so the producers they go out and they find families with touching backstories they come into their house give them a full Home Makeover and the viewers tune in everybody feels good the whole thing is wholesome un's family was chosen for an episode for one of these shows Called Love house she was 13 at the time and un's parents they were impoverished both of her parents were disabled the entire family lived in a one-bedroom house survived on a government check that was only like $350 a month both of her parents were wheelchair bound and in ever since she was young she did all the housework she cared for her parents she's like forced to grow up and mature really quickly and she's 13 when this show comes into her life she had a lot of fans from this episode so like yeah the focuses on the remodel of the house right the design choices but they also really focus on the homeowners Back stories so they would joke clips of un just taking care of her parents cleaning up around the place and she seemed so dedicated for a little 13-year-old girl like parents at home were like poking their kids hey look at you get off your little Nintendo look at that kid what are you doing for me do you even love your parents look at this girl do we get all upset the producers they even asked un if you had one wish in the whole world like what would it be I mean it could be anything The Producers aren't saying I'm going to give it to you it's a hypothetical question CH she could have wished for a million dollars a pet pig anything she's 13 but she said I wish I could have my own room because I feel bad I share a room with my parents and I'm a really noisy sleeper and I move around and I kick in my sleep and I talk and I have all these bad habits and I know it makes them uncomfortable when they're sleeping so I don't think that they can get a good night's sleep because of me it was such a mature kind selfless answer she didn't even want her own room because she's 13 and wants her own room she wants her own room because she feels like she's disturbing her parents sleep at night she would even say on the show later when I'm older I want to give what I receive to others during hard times that same girl on love house would grow up to be the main suspect of a true crime show in South Korea and everyone is confused how did she even get there a few years after being on the Home Makeover show un would meet Joe this is the boyfriend that was on the trip with her they've been friends since like high school they were on and off dating and the thing that bonded them together was sex un started hanging out with boys in her school and the school in the town over and every time she would spend time with boys the rumor was she would be paid a fee So eventually it would evolve into full-blown sex work by the time that she was in high school and Joe is essentially her Handler SL pimp and after getting into this crowd una's life just takes a 180 she runs away from home she abandons her parents she drops out of school her highest level of education is Middle School and in one year una was in and out of the police station like 10 times for petty offenses at 18 un finally shows back at home and drops a baby off a little baby girl and it's like I can't do it bye leaves un's parents they take full custody over this child and we have no further information on like who the dad is or really anything about that a lot of people said that un just just lost sight of everything that really mattered she abandoned her parents refused to take care of her own kid didn't care about anyone but herself started getting a lot of plastic surgery on her face now I don't think it's our place to judge when someone has plastic surgery right but I think that the reason that neens were really dogging on her for this later is you know one she's a shady evil person but also she gave her disabled parents the huge responsibility of raising her child because she stated she didn't have the money to be a mom but she spent a ton of her money on plastic surgery so I can see how that feels gross to Nance like just making sure it's known that it's not the act of plastic surgery that they don't like it's just you know you get it and I think in hindsight it's really to see her as this like vapid manipulative shallow gross person that she is but at the time for Sam I think that he just saw the girl from love house I think that he knew it was rough for her but he saw this sweet girl who had to grow up too fast and maybe now she's a little Reck with the money because she wants to be a kid again she never had a child so maybe she wants to experience it now maybe that's why she tends to want to have more fun and wants more excitement than Sam does she's trying to live through her kid life again but she still feels like pressure and stress from her parents and being a single mom so it's just I could see how people feel sympathetic towards her he probably saw her as this very strong sensitive woman that he could help Sam would see see the good in people because Sam was a good person but like what do you think is one of the last things you would do if your loved one passed from drowning I don't know if this is a conscious choice but I feel like most people would probably avoid bodies of water or at least I imagine it would take a lot for someone to go enjoy leisurely activities on bodies of water without thinking about their loved one who just passed un went to a water park 2 months after her husband's death she even went wait boarding in a lake there's a video of her that she posted she would later claim in prison that that video was taken way before Sam's death but like we don't know for sure we do know for sure that she did go to a water park which feels wrong the 100 days after Sam's passing un was focused on having fun she went to the water park she went wakeboarding she went on an overseas trip with her friends and her daughter she hung out with her new boyfriend Joe but fine like we say this all the time we really can't dictate how people grieve and process trauma but like there's just so much in this case that does not add up even the events of that day so the forensics the expert testimonies they don't make sense for example professional State there is a chance a possibility that even though Sam was okay when he first dropped into the water he could have had a sudden muscle ache from the cold water so he gets a muscle cramp he starts drowning but they also argue that it's very suspicious that Joe couldn't reach him in time to save him I mean even if he did reach him I get there a chance that Joe can't save him when people are drowning there's a chance that it's very difficult to help them because they keep panicking and they might even try to take you down with them right but that wasn't even a consideration in this case because Joe was swimming extremely slow and never even made it to Sam another odd thing is Joe had a tube around his waist when he took it off to quote swim faster he threw it away from him and away from Sam un's actions according to Chloe I mean it's all so strange and it's alleged that before Khloe called Emergency Services she said Joe turned to the group and said make sure we don't look suspicious the group would tell authorities that Sam did not struggle in the water so they heard him hit the water he said a and then went under never resurfaced that's why they couldn't find him because it was too dark to see in the water and he wasn't splashing around so they had no idea where he was they're looking around Joe's like I don't even know where to swim right because I don't know where he is but that completely goes against the forensic findings of this case according to professionals who performed Sam's autopsy they said that there was evidence that his lungs retained quick amounts of air and water how do they know because there was foam found in his lungs foam only occurs when air and water repeatedly enter and exit the trachea it's a strong indication that Sam was struggling in the water he was likely coming up trying to get air then going back down coming up trying to get air going back down so their statement that Sam never struggled in the water it did not match the forensics it just didn't additionally the police had a theory that his foot got caught on a rock and that's why he drowned because he was kept underwater but like I said the forensics don't match up to that because that would have resulted in very little or no foam in his lungs he would not have had the chance to surface for air and really add to the fact that un knew that her husband could not swim but kept encouraging him to jump off a cliff into deep water and peer pressuring him to do so very questionable and there's just so many other inconsistencies Sam's friend stated that it was really out of character for him to jump into the water unless he felt like he absolutely had had to this man is not a risk taker they said so this is not something that he would have done unless he felt forced even Sam's wedding to un there was no official wedding ceremony they just did paperwork Sam told his family it was because un's parents were upset that Sam was a decade older they said that having a wedding ceremony would just make their daughter look strange so while they approved of the marriage they felt like they couldn't have a wedding for social judgment reasons then it gets weirder after Sam's death Sam's entire family finds out that had a daughter from a previous relationship they didn't know about this kid they only found out after Sam had passed but it made things so much more complicated because Sam didn't have a will when he passed and he had legally adopted un's daughter un's daughter is the rightful heir to basically everything Sam owns but not only that there could be potential that even Sam's parents could be responsible for the care of Sam's legally adopted daughter and if they pass and have no will and if Sam's other siblings pass without a will technically Sam's adopted child could fight for a piece of the rest of the family's inheritance and money an attorney stated according to the rule of inheritance by representation the daughter is the direct descendant of the deceased Sam and because of that she becomes the heir to the family according to Sam's ranking in the family tree Sam's older sister Mong is seeing all of this unfold and she thought there's just no way like there's no way that she's not going to get Justice for her brother she post a blue house petition for the government she stated that every single day since her brother's murder has been filled with pain and despair she compiled a document with all the evidence she had so far and she made it public side note this document was almost like a group project netizens who knew people close to the case or YouTubers that interviewed people that knew people close to the case they all started contributing to this evidence document and at the very end of it it was signed from the people of the Republic of Korea Sam said sister went on to State married life looked a little bit difficult for Sam but I never imagined it would be like this my younger brother wanted love but Ian he seemed to have some other intentions my younger brother wouldn't have known that but I just wonder why couldn't he get away from her quickly it makes my heart ache so much I just want to know the truth her blue house petition got 100,000 signatures in one day along with sbs's episode and production team's investigation the police and prosecutors were forced to reopen the case now if police had properly investigated the first time around they would have learned that un had very bad luck with guys and relationships it was basically a pattern at this point so before Sam un was almost married at least four times in the past 10 years out of the four it said that three of them are now dead her first relationship ended in a car crash and this is an alleged Story by the way it's alleged that in and her husband were in car driving around Inon and they were T-boned a hidden run it's rumored that un's husband died because they were T-boned from that side she received insurance money from this and again this is a rumor on how the first marriage ended the speculation being un set up a hit and run to kill her first husband to get insurance money and she survived the car crash this is an allegation then her second marriage or relationship this one has a lot more confirmed details un started dating a man named Mr Lee he was working at a host bar and if you watch our yandere case I do a deep dive into the host bar culture go check it out but he worked at a host bar and un was a customer they hit it off they move in together and they're young you know this is early 20s so Mr Lee he's like I got to go do my mandatory twoyear military enlistment so our relationship feels a little shaky L is like don't worry about it like I'm going to wait for you don't worry I think we should do one last trip though to remember each other by she requested he' pay for a last trip to Thailand together both of them boarded a plane and only un came back July 16th 2014 almost exactly 5 years before Sam's death Mr Lee died in Thailand the couple went snorkeling to see coral reefs and in the process un claimed that her boyfriend fainted and eventually died when she came back to Korea all of Lee's friends are like what are you talking about why how could he just faint and then die like we want answers she said oh he drank too much and then got swept away by The Waves Lee's older brother said none of it made sense I think she's hiding something I thought even in that moment there was a possibility that she killed him but the confusing part is Lee's father was the beneficiary of Lee's life insurance policies the Lee family cannot confirm if un had other policies in his name that they just don't know about but the one that they did know about his one life insurance it was paid out to the Lee parents the police briefly investigated the suspicious death of Lee and closed the case deeming it an accidental death now with what happened to Sam I mean the suspicion is that she drowned him but there's no way to prove it Lee was created in Thailand then in in his last relationship before Sam she did something really bizarre she was engaged to a man let's call him Patrick and according to those who knew Patrick they said that Patrick was just like head over heels in love with un he really really loved her wanted to marry her but everyone in his life is like pump the brakes this girl is weird Patrick's parents his friends they all said I don't know just something is weird about that girl first of all una is going around meeting all of us meeting your family meeting your friends but youve never met a single one of her friends or family does she not have friends does she not have family but she talks about them so why can't you meet them Patrick thought H they're just being so cautious you know so skeptical Love Is Love the couple go ahead and they start planning their wedding the weekend of the wedding shows up and it's like a full weekend of festivities they had rehearsal dinners parties before the actual wedding and this would be the first time that Patrick would actually meet in his friends and family and and Patrick's friends immediately off the bat are like this is so suspicious it's the wedding weekend all of them are showing up in clothes that are not appropriate for the wedding weekend it looked like they didn't even know that they were coming to a wedding or they either straight up didn't care which I don't know which one's worse and in's parents they barely know a thing about her they don't even seem like her parents Patrick's parents were so suspicious that they immediately hired a pi and they discovered that all the people that un had invited to this wedding paid actors wow even her parents it's another uh Anna Anna doy yeah yeah Patrick confronted in there about it and she left him at the altar abandoned him it really really messed with Patrick his friend said after this Patrick developed severe depression social phobia I mean he's still struggling mentally what's crazy is even after leaving Patrick at the altar un comes back knocks on Patrick's door with her daughter and is like this is your baby the timeline didn't match up it was clear that was not Patrick's baby so then in had just left again and I don't think that she ever tried to contact him ever since and because fall of 2016 un married Sam Yun so she had four very serious relationships in the past 10 years and she probably did have a ton of other relationships with a ton of other partners but she's a Serial cheater these were like her four main ones so out of the past four three allegedly died and in was determined to be the one that got away when the police start looking for un she is on the run with Joe beginning of 2022 un and Joe are placed on interpol's most wanted list everyone is on the lookout for this child star turned potentially serial killer people are concerned since Joe has a lot of shady businesses they've got contacts in the criminal World in other countries that could help them flee Korea and keep them hidden I mean it would be really hard to find them if that were the case but 3 months in police get a hit un Joe never left Korea they were in South Korea in a smaller town and they weren't even trying to hide they were caught in a city hanging out with friends not even just them two with friends like how bold and how cocky do you have to be yeah that's bizarre and Korea's filled with cameras yes they were caught on CCTV cameras as well authorities descended on the region but they tried to watch the couple for a few days I don't know if either they were trying to gather more Intel on them or likely they were probably trying to find a way to apprehend them with without putting other lives at risk but they were finally apprehended 4 months into being on the Run they only made it this far because Joe had a ton of cash from his alleged Shady businesses now side note authorities stated the little apartment that they rented was Trashed by the time that the police got there it was filled with designer Goods there was no furniture they found five phones a laptop and a USB hidden in the ceiling of the master bedroom of the rented apartment un was arrested then Joe then the ex-boyfriend Leo but prosecutors they're they're mainly focused on un and Joe Leo is being charged for like being an accomplice and like conspiracy to commit but not really for murder during the trial un and her parents they try to do damage control to her image and now I want to make it clear I don't blame the parents at all I think maybe they either truly thought she was innocent or maybe I imagine they might have felt guilt like they had a rle in this if they hadn't made her grow up too quickly I just feel like they probably put a lot of blame on themselves her father tried to tell the judge that un was innocent and she has a reputation in their neighborhood for being a great daughter who always cares for their parents but it was also proven that un had not spoken to her parents in over a year and the residents of the parents' neighborhood said I have never not once seen that girl ever and there's just a lot of things that un lies about that comes out during the trial like when does she not lie I don't know when she was reaching out to S SPS producers to try and get her insurance money which is insane that she went out of her way to reach out to television show producers and wanted a whole episode of a docu series on her of her story just to get her paid I mean I'm sure part of it was also an opportunity to get sympathy and potentially even some Fame from it who knows but she told producers that her parents were being sent money by Sam and that everyone in the family was going to starve without this insurance payout when SPS contacted un's mom she had no idea what money they're talking about una never sent them money so before she reached out to SPS the case was closed yes but the insurance company they they were like your sus yeah yeah it's for insurance so they just don't want to pay but now she's like trying to get some money out of this and that's what opened it up right yes she it's her first of all filing a lawsuit against the insurance company but even then I don't think that this case would have blown up the way that it did but she reached out to SPS producers to do a whole episode on how Shady this insurance company is and how the public should Riot with her to get her paid is the incentive that she had see that's the that's the audacity the the the most evil people yes like they just really really think like oh my gosh I need to get my money and and wow like you would think that most people if they I don't think most people would commit murder but let's say they did I would think that most of them would be like I got to just be quiet and go live in a corner somewhere yeah which she's like no I need the world to know about my Injustice of not being paid this is unfair yeah and then the SPs producers they just felt like something was so off about her they started investigating and they were picking up these little Rumors by people who knew the couple and they started doing a full-blown investigation on their own into this case so yeah I mean even the whole money thing SPS producers were told by init that Sam was the bread winner for her parents and that's why the insurance money was a big deal Sam was under the impression that he was paying for un's parents un was lying about it her parents never received any funds it went straight into un's just lavish lifestyle like this woman is honestly pure evil even when the SPs episode aired that exposed her for who she was she applied for a provision injunction to ban the episode from continually airing needless to say un's trial did not go over well it did not help that she was a Shameless person like her history of past relationships her history of turning Sam's insurance on and off the videos of them torturing Sam the day of his death I mean all of that like I don't know how a defense attorney would even defend something like that even filing the lawsuit against the insurance company it's just an extra level of gross you know Joe Joe also sued more than a hundred people for defamation before he was arrested if anyone commented on this case they were getting slapped with the lawsuit by Joe and since this was before he was arrested a lot of the people were terrified of being sued for defamation so they tried to settle now I want to say that most of the people that he sued and don't quote me on this from what I can gather most of them were small people online so they were not YouTubers influencers mainstream media podcasters press journalists news networks these are just like random commentators that are posting like on Reddit they're like oh like look at this case look at what's going on I think he's guilty random people they would try to settle they would say okay like can I just take the post down and give you $1,000 because I'm nobody like five people saw my post and like one of them was you so why does it matter and Joe refused his lawyer would hit back with we're not settling for anything less than 1.5 1.5 what million no no no one like uh 1,500 oh oh oh I see so yeah the audacity they wanted they wanted more more they're negotiating for like these people that genuinely like they did not have reach and I'm not saying that in an insulting way but like what are you suing them for being greedy and yeah they're just like regular people on the internet not even journalists covering this case yeah normal people another opportunity for them to harass more people a 100 people during the trial the word gaslighting was a huge thing I feel like gaslighting has been overused in the US to the point where it's kind of lost its meaning which is not good but in Korea I think the word and definition were just recently starting to be taken seriously it would be thrown out during the trial because later judge would say that it's hard to prove gaslighting but the prosecutors they tried there are voice recordings of un manipulating Sam by saying things like when I drink I turn into someone else and I treat those who I feel like are the closest to me really badly I didn't do anything to you because I don't like you or because I was trying to ignore you I'm just like that it's very hard for people to listen to un was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison Joe the boyfriend was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years in prison and in one last moment of shamelessness uness said this about her verdict the investigative agency has already reached a conclusion so I lost the opportunity to prove my innocence basically being like I'm innocent but they already made up their minds about me so what can I do Joe stated on the day of the accident I did my best in rescue activities Leo the ex-boyfriend is also awaiting trial but it doesn't seem like prosecutors are really pursuing him aggressively but I will say he's a very shady character he's got 28 records on his criminal rap sheet he was also arrested for like domestic violence really heinous things it said that he worked with Joe in all the Shady illegal businesses so there's that and speaking of prison I was hoping that maybe she would feel some human level of remorse but netizens were shocked to discover that she made a pen pal in prison his name is chuin and we're going to be talking about him very very soon he was arrested for helping run the child trafficking ring en room which is one of the most evil yeah it's yeah I think even on an international scale that is probably one of the most shocking vile things I've seen he was sentenced to 45 years in prison and when he heard un was in prison he started writing to her almost talking to her like he's some sort of sick Mentor it said their letters to each other consisted of them basically babying each other and being like oh poor baby the world is so mean to us we're going to get out soon I don't think the contents of the actual letters have been released but these are what what people have been saying were the contents they're just consoling each other really yeah and remember how the police declared Sam's death in accidental drowning at first the prosecutor of that jurisdiction that handled the case from the get-go had a post an apology to her Facebook page it's very lengthy but it's very PR standard she apologized and stated that they were going to have an internal investigation into the case on why this happened I would say that most people were shocked at just how evil these people could be and I mean some of them even wondered if there's anyone that un didn't date it just seemed like she seems to have some sort of romantic connection with everyone other comments mentioned the fact that there were still other people that weren't arrested that were there why did they do nothing yeah someone commented really I think if I were in that position I would have done something to stop this how can people watch other suffer so much is that even possible this is like you would think this is happening in the high school right in in school bully yes but you would not expect this to happen as an adult no especially okay you know I don't know what I would have done in high school I think High School I was a timid kid that just really wanted to fit in I think even in high school I would have said something right but now in my late 20s like you would you would genuinely have to hold me back from saying something like that's kind of crazy they said nothing and they're watching it happen not once but throughout the entire day not one person another comment said I have nothing to say my heart hurts so much watching these videos still he believed this was love and he would have endured anything and everything for that he could have been loved by someone worthy but I'm so angry that he met a woman who is not even a human being and went through all that pain I hope these people live in pain till the day they die and to those who resorted to victim blaming Sam because there were some heinous people who said some heinous things about how he should have known it wasn't love how could he not see that she was evil some people even made remarks about their looks yeah some of the comments were really dark but I think one comment that addresses it really well says if you look at the way Sam was messaging his friends he would ask for $3 just to buy Ramen for a meal and if they sent more he would send the rest back Sam was kind by Nature I think because he was so kind he could never really believe truly evil people existed I think he never imagined evil people could do such things especially his wife it's so sad it just breaks my heart how scary and cruel it must have been for him but I hope he finds peace in heaven but there were also some really bizarre comments some people still supported in hi they wrote if you're pretty Everything Is Forgiven the crime is not important the face is important if you're pretty Everything Is Forgiven there's a saying in Korean like which is like again if you're pretty Everything Is Forgiven another comment was honestly if elen head did anything wrong wrong it was at least a pretty sin and probably one of the worst you can come to me and he but she can't because she's in prison for the rest of her life so wow whoever said that really I think they deserve each other yeah wow like after knowing everything and you're like you can come to me okay have her go to jail with her like you guys are great what are your thoughts on this case please let me know and please be safe I will see you guys on Wednesday for the main episode
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 1,491,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Creepy, Creepy Storytime, Documentary, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, Dark Reality, Dark Truth, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, kpop, k-drama, korea, korean case, Netflix, GrazyTV, korea case, scary
Id: Ei2ofFhJQz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 26sec (4526 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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