Detective Realizes The Witness Is Actually The Killer

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don't have me stop pounding on this ass in a minut this is crazy I'm not getting this I'm not getting this at all I got special skills hope your kids die from thirst you see this stuff on TV but not like this sounding right nothing you saying it was January 2nd 2017 and what started as a day of New Year celebration took a sudden turn when a brutal attack left Marine Andre Brown clinging to life in his own doorway Andre's girlfriend Helen Fraser is in the kitchen busy preparing a meal to celebrate the new year with her boyfriend and her family but the couple's plans are cut short when Helen hears a strange commotion in the Next Room she steps out of the kitchen to find Andre lying unresponsive on the floor and he isn't breathing in a panic she calls 911 and the operator walks her through CPR to save his life it's then that she notices something is very wrong and pulls back his jacket revealing red flowing from a stab wound in his chest police arrive within minutes and Andre is transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital by all accounts 55-year-old Andre Brown is well-liked he's a veteran specifically a marine and he's known in his friend group as someone who goes above and beyond for people he cares about little did he know his trademark kindness and generosity might cost him more than he could ever imagine though Helen is reeling after the incident she sits down with police to help them make sense of the vicious attack the following footage has mostly never been seen before they've been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed professional counselor and a former detective former licensed polygraphic examiner and former hostage negotiation commander and instructor iing about what happened at your home this afternoon for years but we actually said you known for 10 years have you visit a French that time you no it de but not and then it become more of a husband wife relationship um here and there or something you know like on the bus you know when I'm going to work going to work you know Helen explains that their bond became romantic in October of the previous year they reconnected through Andre's Uncle Tyrone who was also a friend of Helen's and Sparks flew shortly after Helen and Andre began living together according to Helen she and Andre were gearing up for a belated New Year celebration Andre asked her to cook and she was preparing all their favorite foods before they headed to her son's house to spend the evening with family door okay according to Helen Andre answered the door and was greeted by a familiar face I heard talking Wason someone he's been I've known him like about 15 years like us to live like in the Andre yes and were best friends according to Helen Milton and Andre both faced homelessness and had been in and out of the shelter system together last year Andre had been able ble to use his veterans benefits to help secure the home he and Helen now live in and recently Helen says Andre helped Milton out by letting him crash at their place for a week okay this is like um oh my gosh uh last time was over probably about four weeks ago or something ma'am be yes ma'am he ow him some money for St what he told him you know he gave his word give he didn't askre would not ask he give you his if he can you know yeah but allegedly Milton was still hard up for cash in the meantime so he asked Andre for a small loan to tide him over until he got more money well you never came back he never paid him that it's then Helen says that Milton vanished Into Thin Air and over time Andre grew a bit resentful Helen was also bothered by the situation as she said her favorite winter coat had mysteriously disappeared around the time that Milton had been there it wasn't until the week prior to the attack on Andre that the couple heard from Milton again Andre had suddenly spotted him at the bus stop but Milton apparently ducked away and the couple thought it might be to avoid paying him back while Helen said Andre wasn't thrilled with this he decided to let it go at least for the time being while police might begin to suspect that they have a cut and dry case about money on their hands they have no idea the crazy twists and turns that they will soon uncover as nothing about this case is quite as it seems and so it was surprising that he should have the door today was that right we no we were we we really W okay did you pick up conversation over here while you're busy doing kit stuff what whaton wanted why he was there he he said the Hat say Happy New Year's they were talking to president escalated said you said well you owe me8 okay okay then you left with my girl coat Okay and like what you talking about and I hate the cuss okay and he like yeah he said so it's not even about that but it's just the principle of it right okay like I trust right and they stepped outside and it came back in and it like calm down and so I just went back to doing what I was doing I was in the kitchen the I was in the kitchen and St and then I like at the and I turned but I heard and then I heard the door like slam and I looked and Andre was laying on his and I was like Andre and he was like he was just laying back like this and his eyes nothing was moving and his mouth was open yeah and I just called I got the phone and I called 911 I said so what am I supposed to doing I'm I'm Nur lady okay okay but I panic sure so I'm like so what am I supposed to do they said just you know just you know they tell you you know to do this or whatever on his chest or whatever they breathing his mouth I said but he's not doing anything you know he's not breathing I don't put your face down there like no there's nothing coming out nothing Helen was horrified to discover that Andre wasn't breathing and he had what appeared to be a stab wound on the upper right side of his chest but she tells police that she continued CPR until authorities arrived a few minutes later ask him what is he is he okay is he all right or what and it was like she Wasing she said well I don't know but somebody's got to know something First Responders continued Helen's life-saving measures but on Andre was being raced to the hospital police couldn't offer her much information about his prognosis just yet anybody El by the house was okay police asked Helen to describe what Milton was wearing that morning and it seared in her memory a black jacket blue jeans and black tennis shoes when the detectiv step out of the room briefly the reality of the situation is crushing for Helen about my baby man you guys tell me something let me know something about him um anything else you can tell us that we should know that I didn't ask you said I tell you have you heard anything about my sorry to you no he didn't [Music] ask question don't do this in this moment Helen isn't just faced with the horrific news of the death of her boyfriend her home is now an active crime scene so she'll also need to scramble to find a place to stay that night police offer Helen a phone to reach out to loved ones and she delivers the difficult news to family and friends mother [Music] mother [Music] this is crazy I'm not getting this I'm not getting this at all you see the stuff on TV but not like this I need you mother [Music] police do their best to comfort Helen but they know the biggest Comfort they can offer is Justice for Andre so armed with a name and a description police launch a Manhunt for Milton leak Helen tells detectives that a group of mutual friends who know Milton often hang out outside a nearby shelter but the weather in De Moine is bitterly cold that day leaving few people to point detectives in the right direction for now they spread word at local shelters bus stations and businesses showing Milton's photo and asking people to contact them if he's spotted and the next day their efforts pay off Milton is found at a local shelter and police jump at the opportunity to interview him as Milton's story unfolds the detectives hear a very different account of the previous day well I want to talk about what you were up to yesterday in bed okay kind run through your day can you start maybe in the morning in at the hotel Village in all day long except for when I went out and got me a ramen noodle and then at 12:00 my money came on my card I went over cases and got me a slice of pizza in uh how you been staying days five days while Milton's repeated interruptions of the detective could be signs of his nerves getting to him and a red flag for possible deception it could also simply be his Baseline when interacting with police did you check in under your name yes I did um before you stayed at uh vill where were you staying down at the shelter why'd you leave there CU I got paid and I want to stay there sleeping in tears you can only have one tear you can't have two tears uncomfortable people messing with your property and stuff as police dig further into Milton's situation they learn that he's no stranger to the criminal justice system you said you've been homeless the last year yeah what caus that situation well I said I didn't disclose it I had a criminal record 23 years ago oh back in Wisconsin oh your job you mean no oh the I was on low income okay through uh oh and then they dropped you from that yeah through Hub okay down in Fairway and uh I was there two years before they did some kind of international check or something and uh they said the H don't allow nobody with f oh got dropped okay I want to talk to you about uh I a friend of yours Andre Andre Brown I heard about that okay what' you hear I just seeing on the news that somebody got stabbed over there who's somebody I don't know exactly who I read it in the paper this morning at the library 55 year old man got stabbed I don't know at this point local news hadn't reported who was stabbed only the area that the murder took place so why did you think why heard you know what was on during the drug because I remember that address 1925 that's but it had in the newspaper 925 yeah and then I seen the house cuz I know the house got that little X thing and got to go up on the side porch picture the house Milton's response Peak detective's curiosity did he know more than he was revealing or had he simply made an assumption for now they move on tell me about Andre I speak nice though see a friend of yours well yeah we we used to live together down at uh y when I first got here he veteran so uh they put him up in the house in a little cottage I've stayed over there a couple of nights couple of times while his story aligns with Helen so far it would soon take a sharp turn did he live by himself well at that time he going through a thing he had two different girls but uh you he P one out and got another one she was just as bad as the other one so they went through his thing just before Helen and Andre had become official Milton explains that Andre had ended another relationship and asked his ex-girlfriend to move out of his home and according to Milton this breakup caused a bit of tension between Andre and Helen at first Helen doesn't deny this with authorities she even tells them that there was some early tension in her relationship when Andre's former flame needed to pick up some of her belongings but she also says that their issues are largely in the past and they're very happy together they're even discussing a wedding in Milton's interview the first discrepancy between his and Helen's story emerges have you stopped by there even to say hi to Andre or anything that time I haven't been back there since okay have you seen in the dark recently or when maybe last time you even caught a glimpse of him the last time I caught a glimpse of him I think uh I seen him and spooky ju getting off to the bus going to uh Walmart and they was drun and fuing crazy so I just let them alone according to Milton Andre was with his uncle Tyrone also known as spooky juice detectives would later discover that Milton is leaving out a key piece of this story did you did you guys ever um lend each other money or anything like that would you guys ever help other out in that way oh yeah I lo him some money you Lo him some money yeah does he ever pay you back it took a while but he paid me back he paid me money did he ever loan you money yeah okay she pay him back yeah when was the last time that uh he Lo your money that was a long time ago for detectives Milton's story seems Shifty and with an eyewitness account of his whereabouts things aren't looking good for him even so they give him an opportunity to establish an alibi yes uh yesterday when you were at um vill in do you ever check in or talk to like the people at the desk or anything do they know you there I guess oh yeah they know me real good yeah if you stayed there several times like did you talk to the desk person or anything day no no and the reason I'm asking is I want you to be honest with me today I talk to nobody we're not quite there yet but I I think think we can be okay um I know you had a decent relationship with Andre okay and I know that you guys had some kind of interaction yesterday at some point and that's what I want to talk to you about no we didn't okay and it's not a coincidence that we were trying to look for you it's not you know there's obviously I'm not gonna go into these things I have some information already okay I'm prepared I kind of know what happened before I talk to the next person and the next person and you're kind of just another piece in the okay okay all right uh and so I need to know what happened between you and Andre yesterday because there was some kind of interaction and and you're the only one that can tell me that there was no reaction between me I promise you that I'm just as sure as you sitting right there and I said here I've never seen an Onre yesterday it's not true what you mean it ain't true it's not true because we have people that just saw you there nobody see me there yes isn't it true that he lo you just a couple bucks and you ow him a few bucks no no after detectives put on the pressure and asked Milton about money the detail he left out about the bus stop interaction surfaces if anything if anything he probably said that uh I ow because I stayed over there he want some money from there he did yeah oh what do you want from you he just wanted me I don't know what he wanted did he tell you what he wanted no he just said where's my money at when did he tell you that the day that we uh I seen him getting off the bus with spooky juice okay about a month ago yeah he wanted your money from you staying there well I don't know what he wanted it for anyway like he felt that you him because he was nice enough just to let you when you thought was do not the kindness of well at the time he said I can stay over there I don't have to P nothing CU I did have money then and I said let me pay you man no man you just keep money you just keep your money okay and then couple after he let that other lady stay in there a couple times she I don't know what they talking about but anyway one day he came over I seen him downtown he said where my money at I'm like wait minut you said I I didn't have to give you nothing when I had some money right now you want to you want to invest with me or something I wouldn't understand because he was pissed off he he put it in his mind that you order money just like you just said okay that makes sense to me that's something that make sense to me okay like he's he's playing a game with you almost sounds like oh you're cool bro like we don't you don't owe me any money and then next last time you see him he thinks you owe them and you're like what's up you know it's either one or the other for me that would piss me off because well they piss me off while I did just walk away you want somebody to be straight with you and you think he's a friend but then all of a sudden you want something from you when he said oh I don't need you it's cool or whatever okay now I think that there I think that there might be something to that I think that maybe he was still pissed off with you I think that maybe when he talked to him yesterday I didn't talk to him yesterday he did called Billy J call Billy J I can call Billy Jim but if you're in your butt all day what are they gonna say not I'm not pulling I'm not lying to you okay I'm you lying to me no I'm not you lying to me it's interesting to note that his concern is not how he's coming across but more about the fact that he's being accused of a terrible crime the this type of reaction would be more consistent with a person who isn't guilty I wasn't there lady okay can you get that no I can't because that's not the truth why not what are you telling me then now I'm a liar to my face right now are have you identified who you are identified as being at the house yesterday what were you uh what were you wearing yesterday do you remember what I got on now same exact stuff yes okay same Ser everything Y at this point Milton's clothes are key for investigators and today as scene here before his interview started Milton arrived wearing a dark coat just as Helen had described they were talking to president escalated said you owe me8 okay okay then left my girl coat okay to keep Milton talking detectives switch up their approach instead of confrontational questions and statements they try questions that hint his actions may be justified what was his frame of he coming your do you think you ow the money still was he pissed off about that that's relevant to me that makes that was something that I can work with I'm not going to tell you something I don't know you think that we just magically pulled your name out of a hat I don't know I don't think so but uh you probably got my finger priner somewhere or somewhere over there or like you like you said somebody said that I was there but didn't nobody see me there not physically um Mr come on man I mean you we're not we're not we're not going to come in here and just throw the stuff around if we don't have proof of it you got my fingerprints from a long time ago have proof well I I can tell you right now we don't have any fingerprints yet I'll give you that clue we don't have one no we didn't get it from fingerprints but let me ask you this mton so do you uh uh uh walk around during the day sometimes like especially in the summer you walk around outside a fair amount of time yeah okay occasionally you might go through a residential neighborhood where there's houses yeah okay well you notice those cameras are popping up a lot more on houses have you noticed that not really I ain't paid that much attention to I tell you that is very very helpful to us I mean that's one of the best things to come along besides DNA yeah I know like that yeah yeah so that now that we we get video tape right away it's there it's right there the detectives are beginning an interrogation tactic known as planting seeds of doubt if someone is guilty and they hear that there is other evidence they may not have considered this tactic will make them extremely nervous but on the other hand if someone is innocent they'll feel confident that there's no evidence that can implicate them however these detectives execution of the tactic is a bit sloppy as it should be delivered with more unwavering confidence we don't have to wait for fingerprints to come back and DNA to come back police all but say it they have video footage of Milton on the day of the murder and they didn't know it yet but such video footage would become the foundation of their entire case in the meantime Milton's already limited patience is wearing ever thinner here's what I want you to think about you saying you're not even there makes us feel like what the hell's going on there tell me what the hell's going on I thought we could just have a conversation yeah I was there I don't try to psychological Stu I'm not trying to arrest me or let me go you got 72 hours you talk TV talk right too much TV no that ain't TV talk okay the 72 hours Milton is referring to is related to the US constitutional right to a speedy trial which includes filing charges after an arrest within a reasonable amount of time but the Constitution doesn't spell out what reasonable means so it's up to the states to decide how long police can hold someone in jail without charges often charges are filed within 72 hours of arrest but there's no hard and fast rule while the detective clearly thinks that Milton's misunderstanding is funny this is a very poor way to maintain Rapport and laughing at him and mocking him will only damage it further they aren't following normal interview procedures and haven't done much to develop rapport with them before this point either the detectives back off shifting their focus to Milton's version of events that day hoping he'll drop some new details they can use and he does exactly that now my girl we broke up two years e so that's why I didn't this year yeah so just two days ago yeah who's that huh who's your girl your ex girl exg girl talk about that's that's something else she don't know nothing about Dre or nothing like that no but her name you don't even know her name she's innocent she ain't got nothing to do with this red flags go up when Milton refuses to share the name of his recent ex-girlfriend could she have incriminating information about Milton that he's not keen on sharing I asked you earlier if this girl that you broke or this girl that you had his you don't know nothing about my personal business and I said how how do you know that because it's your personal business between you and Andre whatever happened to Andre no that ex that a what I see it certainly is man you trying to put words in my mouth you know with this I am notton this is recorded we can watch all this back you're getting me frustrated now why I've been trying to be nice to you you know what I'm saying explain all frustated because you up here trying to put words in my mouth and try to make me look like I did something Milton is clearly flustered and frustrated he's doing his best to stick to his story as the detectives continually try to confuse him and poke holes in it I ain't do nothing to Dr I love Drake you understand that I would never do nothing to Dr physically mentally because me and him knew each other we understood each other yeah we talked about each other like that but that's all you ain't GNA do nothing yeah you ain't gonna do nothing yeah we talk like that will we squash this Milton's frustration reaches a new level giving way to some strange Behavior I Ain will never take nobody's life for nothing not a penny not a dime not a different woman nothing and I got skills to do that but I don't go around doing that you got skills to take people's life yeah what kind of skills you got to take people's life I got special skills what are those special [Music] skills I know it only takes 60 pounds of pressure to break a bone M yeah I got all kind of knowledge about doing that I don't do that I'm 68 years old I ain't got time to go around here trying to prove myself to nobody but I ain't going to let nobody I would hope that you would prove yourself I don't walk around here all tough with my chest all blowed out my head blowned up I ain't out here to hurt nobody I'm just out here to survive do you ever carry any weapons for self defense enough no nothing no no never had in the past no any kind of guns yeah okay what you car it's loaded now what are you talking about my mind is loaded full of bullets I'm talking about a I'm talking about knowledge I'm talking about yeah I'm done too y'all going to buy me dinner or something Milton's unusual comments don't do am any favors with police and neither do his comments when they leave the room may you rest in peace man come on I'm hung can throw that out man come on do something find out what you [Laughter] do working y up for nothing you pleas you put me in anybody way you put me you falsified information that's what you do information on this just trying I ain't the one [Laughter] I yeah I knew you pleas you can't prove nothing you just think be pended on a homeless man crazy $25 million law no 125 [Music] million somebody come back here y'all getting me pissed off now embarrassing me like despite his protests Milton is placed in custody and his clothes are taken as evidence hope your kids die from thir police let Helen know as soon as they've made an arrest and she's instantly relieved to hear of his apprehension with Helen's eyewitness testimony the detectives are confident they've got their man but they want their case to be bulletproof so they don't stop there while the detectives do find a record of Milton staying at the village in on the day of the murder no one can account for his whereabouts according to cleaning staff they don't recall actually seeing him that morning despite having cleaned his room sometime between 9:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. but authorities also get a lucky break when they chat with a few acquaintances of Milton's according to police reports one friend reported that when she saw Milton on the day of the crime he seemed off she recalls that he wasn't his usual Happy go-lucky self another acquaintance revealed that at one point Milton had a long-term girlfriend named Sandy and police immediately suspect this is the mysterious ex-girlfriend once they track her down they asked Sandy to map out her history with Milton and when Sandy arrives at the station her adrenaline and anxiety are surging police allow her daughter to join them in hopes of keeping her calm and getting as much information as possible what was the first thing you felt when they came I saw them I said oh my God I what wouldn't you feel I was on this way you can't you breae too fast look no like this s's nerves are on edge as she struggles to come to grips with the idea that Milton may be in involved in a terrible crime look look watch me after sy's daughter gives the detectives the room police ease enter their interview with a few background questions how did you meet oh and a soon Sandy volunteers that their relationship recently ended unlike Milton however she's forthcoming with the reasons why after 10 years Sandy felt their connection was dwindling she didn't see Milton as often often as she liked and she suspected that he was shielding her from the realities of his life cuz I I asked him why you never he said it's my bu and know my buiness I said okay but in spite of everything Sandy said she and Milton were usually able to work out their differences and violent Behavior seemed Beyond his capacities oh he was he a good guy he he I just found so shot like my nose he never done nothing like this in two years when police spoke with Anita Sand's daughter she echoed the same sentiments did you ever see him get really angry or violent [Music] no he was he's a father fig to me okay even though not biologically he was like my father so he played that role really well and a need admits things have been different recently but since he lost his apartment everything changed detectives begin requesting CCTV footage from the locations Milton shared with them including the Cash saer Store and the pizza restaurant in the meantime detectives meet with Helen Andre's girlfriend again to make sure they don't miss any useful details about Andre's last hours and as it turns out Ellen had forgotten a few things in her first account like Andre running to the store for a sixpack of beer and a second visitor to their home that day and we went to the store he yes you didn't go no I went later him and I to okay then came back what did he go to he went to the picture okay you just walk how you get there he knowing that Andre walked to the quick trip down the street is a win for detection Ives there are several local businesses surrounding the gas station so CCTV footage may help them establish a clear timeline in their case against Milton but as the days pass the likelihood of that footage being erased only grows so the detectives must act fast and in the chaos of that morning Helen also forgot to mention what happened when Andre came back from the storm while she was in another room preparing for the festivities there was an earlier knock at their front door and and it wasn't Milton Helen tells police that Andre answers the door and heads upstairs with another man after a while Andre comes to the kitchen to grab a drink but something wasn't quite right yeah I asked him who was it that's what I asked him but he another kiss the might KN the door once again Helen recalled the event she heard in the Next Room just before discovering Andre unconscious but this time she shares two critical new details I heard that the door closed but I heard something like a loud noise or something like but I heard the back is like the door Clos twice like right behind the other know like open close open and close hand you know so I don't know if there was a person that came downstairs as well that was up there with him I'm not sure and I was like I don't know what you do I call Mom I said Mom I said right here I had seen he had his Jack he I said mother I said what should I do she said I don't need to call one I know I should have that's I call my and then I H up the phone call1 Helen's Behavior has changed noticeably previously she was more animated however now her non-verbal behavior is scarce the information that slipped Helen's mind during the first interview is essential the mystery visitor and the timing of his exit mean police may have another witness or even an accomplice Helen's phone call to her mother Evelyn could also provide new insights so authorities make a note to reach out to her it's possible that Evelyn remembers details that Helen doesn't like a comment or a background noise so a few things have changed into last okay why didn't you tell us about this person because I wasn't thinking wasn't thinking at the time while Helen's omissions seem odd at first glance her trouble recalling details may be in part due to the trauma sheet experienced it's also possible that the event briefly slipped her mind as she was likely focused on Andre's prognosis during the last interview as detectives continue building their case they request cell phone records for the three phones kept in the house Andre's Helen's and another phone belonging to Andre's niece authorities also turned to DNA in hopes of sealing Milton's fate at this point several kitchen knives found at the scene are undergoing processing at a lab perhap perhaps one of them could be the murder weapon when reviewing crime scene photos detectives not a strange lack of blood in the home except for a few spots here and there there isn't much to be found considering how much blood was on Andre's clothes authorities find this detail surprising Helen willingly provides detectives with a DNA sample to help rulle her out DNA is also collected from Andre's body and samples are obtained from Milton as he awaits his fate in jail police know Helen spoke to her mother Evelyn briefly before calling 911 but they've been unable to reach her would your mom answer your phone if she called her right now yes would she be willing to talk to detective Garcia yes she will once Evelyn is on the phone however her story leaves authorities more puzzled than ever we wanted to talk to you because you were on the phone with your daughter Helen around the time that this happened isn't that isn't that true yes maam okay I would like you to tell me in your own words your recollection of what you overheard or what was going on or what P was telling you about what was going on okay regroup then yeah in backgr it seemed like uh someone came to the house or I can't it but I think came before you hung up on your conversation did she tell you that anything that Andre was hurt at all did she mention anything like [Music] that call 911 yes ma it seems odd that Helen wouldn't have provided any details to her mother even if Helen didn't yet see Andre's blood soaked clothes she saw him lying in the doorway not breathing or moving the detectives aren't sure why Evelyn's answers are so vague perhaps she can't remember or she doesn't understand the questions or maybe she's intentionally leaving out information well you wouldn't tell her to call number1 unless you knew something serious so what' she actually tell you not just something what did she tell you as far know as far as like gotur or something like that or something happen so you didn't she didn't tell you anything was wrong other than he might be hurt that was that's all most you knew not that he just maybe stubbed his toe or anything could have I mean how did you know it was serious enough to call 911 confused anyway and you're her Confidant you're her best friend as she calls it so you would know she would be the one to tell you what happened that day and that's why I'm calling you but I feel like I'm not getting any kind of detail detectives go in circles with Evelyn for several more minutes before Calling it Quits even though their conversation with Evelyn doesn't reveal any new information directly they have a strange feeling about the way questions were answered Evelyn's cluster of behavior seemingly Point toward deception she frequently uses filler words in her responses like uh like uh as well as unsure language like I don't know and I think I think somebody something she also seems to stall as she answers perhaps buying time to think of what to say next sensing something is a Miss authorities walk Helen back through the day of Andre's death in case any new information surfaces and as they've come to expect there are indeed more details to be found you heard the knock on the door the second time yes did you hear a voice at that time yes I did who voice soundon me did you ever see milon with your own eyes no I did not are able to provide a that's because I saw Co I see his face but I saw his Co right the door Helen cups her head in her hands nervously as she explains her rational this is generally a self- soothing Action Pressure or rubbing will help soothe the anxiety how I really didn't see how sure are you that that was R for 50 6050 75 25 100% you sound like him sound like him and the coat look like a coat that you've seen him in previously yes Helen's response here is increasingly unclear instead of providing firm yes or no responses she seems to agree with whatever answer the detective offers by now authorities know that something important is missing from Helen's story but what they can't know is that this is just the beginning of a truly bizarre and complicated story you're Le a lot of stuff out okay you make a lot of assumptions there there are holes all over that story all over it we need to stop we need to hit the reset button we need to start who this guy upstairs I'm not you is there really a person upstairs yes sir really yes he was yes sir yes it was you he a door shut a door shut I mean back to back yes I did okay so he was there this guy saw it Helen's hands are often not visible as she's using the table as a barrier between her herself and the detectives using a barrier such as the table allows an individual to keep distance between themselves and the investigators regardless of actual physical distance right I'm not sure cuz what you're telling us I I don't believe in for a second maybe parts of it but not very much of it what happened him and the guy um just other guy he got family and stuff so do just you need to be honest this is your life this is your life and it's not looking good for you right now you're looking guilty of something right now I'm telling you that's how it looks that's how it's looking but here's the deal Helen what else are we supposed to think when you're giving us a story that doesn't even make sense we're trying to give you the heads up what do you think a jury's going to think he blood in the kitchen he hits the floor you're in the kitchen where do we think that R came from must be from you didn't tell us the truth I'm will set you free tell us the truth I'm telling you I did not do anything who is this person you're worri about who are you protecting you've got to be honest tell them this is your life this is this is very important don't you think it's important that the right person gets charged for this do you think that's important yesk you're not acting like it's important right now need to do something to prove that that's important to you Helen sits back in her chair as the detective brings up a jury trial she physically distances herself from the idea that she might face one if she keeps changing her story after a long pause Helen finally admits that the man upstairs wasn't a mystery after all despite her previous story such a big family and so what's what about tell me about is is ambicious this is a safe place to tell the story Helen fears for her safety as she opens up about the second visitor at her home she claims Kenny's family allegedly has ties and local crime was can you still there can you kill other you need to be honest did he did he I saw with hesitation Helen explains to police that Kenny was the only one at the house that day and while the rest of her story was true the fight that took place was only between Kenny and Andre not Milton in fact he wasn't even there that day he had been telling the truth all along police have the wrong man in jail for Andre's murder he like he stole one sto pH he came downstairs Andre Andre said to him Andre said that yeah he had laying out I guess upstairs like man you know I would do you something yes she did yeah yes but it really escalated it really and just said treat so what you want to do about it you know say i s something so if you feel like I st something hey it up you Andre came downstairs came downstairs as well Andre came in there where he came in the kitchen okay he got a knife but K got it from [Music] him s a sink that was conveniently full of dish water why didn't you just tell K I'm scared of very very violent what are you scared of to you they've done it to people is that why you didn't tell us yes'am they haven't gotten away with it Helen's story is starting to make sense to detectives but her changing story line means she's no longer a credible Witness an accurate account of the facts is more critical than ever so they ask Helen to take a polygraph test to bring a little peace of mind and she's happy to cooperate even though polygraphs aren't always admissible in court they can be under certain circumstances often asking someone to take a polygraph is an interrogation tactic itself as it gives the police a chance to observe how people react to the suggestion and see how willing they are to cooperate in the meantime they remove all doubts about Milton's involvement Milton was not there the Milton has nothing to do with why did you because I just want to understand I don't do you hate I dis likee him he very disrespectful Helen reveals that Milton is nothing more than an unlucky scape goat named as a suspect because she just doesn't like him or at least that's the reason she'll admit to right now if you been H we have a much stronger case than your credibility we got to get to help them narrow down their new search authorities ask Helen to review a lineup and point Kenny out to them but when it comes time to confirm Kenny's identity Helen's apprehension causes her to waiver [Music] [Music] you already identified my name I'm sensing some writing out for you to [Music] photo there's two photo lineups that you were shown did you see did you see him that r on I can see it lying it's okay to be scared it's not okay to the people's lives and this investigation is not enough hard right now to be honest this is your time to do it right for Andre do you give a about Andre yes my Helen asked to see the photos again and she begrudgingly points the two individuals in the photo lineups but it's clear that her goal is only to move past the question for now her strategy Works [Music] see him or him is that what you're [Music] saying yes before ending their meeting with Helen detectives offer her one last opportunity to share any information that might be helpful and it's a good thing they do I has anyone contacted you afterwards tell to shut your [Music] mouth it's interesting to note how she's rocking back and forth now a lot of people do this when they're anxious and Helen has to know she's not looking good at this point she's also hiding quite a bit behind the table they come to the house you seen a store and they just myet mycket like if you want to live you [Music] w armed with plenty of new information detectives let Helen go and get started tracking down their new suspect the same day authorities work to get Milton released from jail and the detectives asked him to stop by one last time after police promis him exoneration they chat for a few minutes about Andre and Helen in alignment with what Helen shared with police previously Milton explains that Tyrone also called spooky juice reconnected her with Andre but Tyrone and Helen had an unusual history she used to uh live with spooky juice until she said his apartment on high that's how he became homeless were they dating no they were just friends oh well he had some kind of fasy right while Milton never specifies if the alleged fire was intentional or accidental the circumstances certainly seem odd to detectives Milton who spent 17 days in jail was fully exonerated a few days later Helen arrives at the department for her polygraph examination and according to the police officer who conducted it she apparently failed remarkably polygraphs are generally not admissible in court because their accuracy can't be guaranteed but in combination with Helen's history of Ever Changing stories her indication of deception is noteworthy to detectives when Helen is confronted with her results her story changes yet again and it's soon that this entire case is flipped on its head though the polygraph can rarely be used in court it really is a psychological Sledgehammer in interrogations when the examiner tells someone they're deceptive different states do it differently but usually the examiner will tell the person they passed or failed the initial reaction from the person is huge if you call an innocent person deceptive they'll come unglued if they sit quietly this helps confirm the charts you have to be honest you have to face it whatever it is you have to face [Music] it keep lying now [Music] after weighing her options Helen shares another brand new version of events on the day of Andre's murder the question is is this finally the truth this time she makes the allegation that Andre may have been associated with a street gang referred to as the Vice Lords which has roots in Chicago beginning in the 1950s [Music] one buddies coming and knock on the door over time Helen's stories become more and more elaborate what began as a small unpaid debt with Milton evolved into allegedly stolen drugs with Kenny and now a money battle with with a Kingpin from Chicago while Helen says she didn't know Mark his reputation preceded him for now detectives play along when showed up what happened what you see here ISF as part of the read technique detectives don't often allow the suspect to get entrenched in their lies and often interrupt them so they don't get too comfortable repeating them here however it seems like detectives are playing along with her and letting her put the final nail in her coffin so to speak every story she tells will be played to the jury someday and if she changes her story again in court the prosecutor will have to ask her which story do you want the jury to believe [Music] yeah said have all of it and stuff he said what your name said know whatever you had get money as money only $50 I should have way more Helen goes on to describe a story similar to her past two versions the two men began arguing and it escalated to violence after Andre grabbed a knife from the kitchen police are left with many of the same questions and they're at the end of their rope this is is this the fourth different person we're saying now fourth different person Milton Ken Kenny unknown last name now it's Mark Keegan that's four so so I I've got to tell you I don't believe you I don't believe one hardly one bit of that story so far Helen's stories of crime families betrayal and murder over small sums of money are proving to be nothing more than fantasies leaving detectives to wonder what truths are being concealed Helen has turned turned away from detectives using her hand to hide part of her face true to form she changes her story as soon as police confront her about the absurdity of her stories now she tells authorities that Mark wasn't a stranger after all and she may have had something to do with his sudden appearance open-ended questions are a must in this case these types of questions keep from shutting down the conversation and keep information flowing they need to get her talking and let her keep telling her story how did you know him I live I called Mar over there up my [Music] face why you call Mark a up in my face tell me about that what was he doing call me these and finally the detectives called out the latest and a long line of fantasies Helen is using to escape reality you're you're caught up in this world that doesn't really exist enough is enough okay okay enough is enough I'm we're not going to keep chasing our tail we Pro all no it's not we proved it all wrong all of it proved it all wrong and now we got to go chase down a mark is this is this another guy that's wronged you in the past you pissed at no it's notable how different Helen's behavior is when compared to that of Milton Helen's words are repetitive and her no was very passive while Milton was clearly quite angry her lack of irritation and calm demeanor are unusual behavior if she was truly an innocent bystander is this the fourth different person we're saying now no somebody else lying to you this somebody else is lying to you I was not there police will also have noted by now that her constant expansion of the suspect list is a big red flag guilty people often want the police going in as many directions as possible to keep the attention off of themselves every time police talk to Helen she adds a new suspect to their list Le no so when we go searching down Mark Keegan and we can prove that he wasn't here at that time what's your story going to be there we're done we're done so I would rather get right down to the truth authorities now know there was a fight between Andre and Helen that morning but they don't know why at least not yet and when they find out it's even more bizarre than they could have ever expected why were you pissed at him I wasn't pissed at him I was doing the drugs yes I was upset okay that's also a lie that's also a lie he was not doing drugs yes he no he was not yes he was well either that or he we got the test back Helen no drugs nothing alcohol in his system that's it Helen forgot to consider that police would likely run a toxicology screen due to the nature of Andre's death and the results highlight what police already suspected that Helen's latest story is just another elaborate lie if you hav't been completely honest about how volatile you guys' relationship is we've looked the we' talk to neighbors it happens a hell of a lot more than out there was this was this a relationship of of convenience gave you a place to stay Andre wasn't so bad when he wasn't drinking is that what this was yes that's why you stayed there with him yeah Ellen you took a knife from that drawer or on that counter and you stabbed it no you did stab it no I did you did and you know how I know that because every single story You' told us is a Lie the only person who haven't told us it was is you and you were the only one there with him yeah police also find fault with Helen's claims that Andre grabbed a knife from the kitchen when Andre passed away at the hospital his property was collected and sent to the Police lab for processing police found that a kitchen knife had still been in Andre's pocket when he arrived at the hospital a knife that wasn't the murder weapon carrying an open blade kitchen knife in any pocket is dangerous a risk Andre may have been willing to take if he felt he might need it for self-defense [Music] already maybe you forgot I'm not sure at this point Helen is under a microscope her stories have fallen apart time and time again and now police are left to piece together what happened from outside sources the CCTV footage starts to trickle in detectives catch a lucky break when reviewing the Quick Trip footage close to 12:00 p.m. on the day of his murder Andre is seen interacting with three different people outside of the gas station as well as a nearby laundromat of Interest are two men and one woman police were soon able to identify the mysterious people who spoke with Andre near the Quick Trip while they were able to rule out one man who spoke to Andre but didn't really know him the other pair would prove integral and what they had to say would turn the entire investigation upside down this is Riley forell can you just tell me from your own recollection right now what you remember about that day yeah I was just going to CL trip with my friend to go get pizza what friend uh my friend Jess I just met her that day okay but um we walked from a buddy's house and then uh the guy kept trying to like talk to this girl and why this girl didn't know know who he was J yeah and we were just walking in the same direction and he was saying he might have to go kick somebody out of his house or something like that and I was like what do you need any help or anything he's like no did he say anything more about that a girl the woman Andre wanted to kick out was Helen far from getting married like Helen had told detectives he was breaking up with her and trying to get her to leave perhaps this is why Andre felt safer carrying a knife that day with no expectations of getting the truth from Helen police reach out to Andre's sister Deborah for help and what she told them would leave their jaws on the floor at first Deborah explained that Andre wanted to help Helen he moved her out of the local shelter bought her a cell phone and even helped her to get to her doctor's appointments but as Deborah recalls their relationship wasn't all smooth sailing me it was always AR he try to put her out she would throw the Bri in his house and I accused another lady or something it seems like the police calls to Andre's home were in fact related to Helen according to Deborah Andre was through with Helen but he had to follow formal eviction procedures to get her out of the house perhaps that was part of his plan the day that he died and Deborah wasn't shy about her reservations she knew right away that something wasn't right with Helen after she explained the circumstances of her brother's murder i s right nothing you saying Deborah's skepticism of Helen wasn't at all unfounded Andre allegedly told her that Helen had been making threats lately as recently as a week before he died yeah she said she going to kill me if this is true that means Helen may have actually planned Andre's murder after all with all of this new information in mind it's time to confront Helen about her never-ending web of Lies how long you talk to your mom before you called 911 I talk to about a minute long that phone call so what's going on hereen I remember and I'm telling you there's a lot more we haven't got to what were you doing during that time are you cleaning up no cleaning [Music] up no there's a soft upward in ction with her no almost as if she's asking a question it's clear she's unsure the stab wound to Andre's upper right chest area punctured both his lung and his aorta Andre laid bleeding to death on his floor while Helen talked with her mother on the phone for a full 11 minutes now that it's looking like Helen is the actual culprit behind Andre's death detectives dive into her background after speaking with one of Helen's aunts police learn that she's been exhibiting strange Behavior lately her family noticed that Helen began showing up to church recently and voicing in the prayer line that she wanted the detectives to leave her alone but the most startling Discovery comes from Edward Helen's brother he alleged that Not only was Helen talking to her mom after Andre was stabbed but during his stabbing this leaves detectives with only one place to turn to Evelyn herself police believe she holds the key to unraveling 's lies and they soon learn that they're right at first Evelyn tells police she can't recall when or how she learned Andre was stabbed but after police show her a photo of Andre her guilt becomes too much to bear she admits that Helen told her about the stabbing during their phone call and even describing exactly what happened Evelyn heard Andre's voice in the background of the call she says that she then heard Helen's voice become angry before an eerie silence fell over the line soon Helen began yelling at Andre to get up she then said that Andre was turning red indicating that he was bleeding significantly at this point Evelyn said she told Helen to call 911 now that it's time to bring in Helen to answer for Andre's death She's Gone Missing detective struggled to contact her and it seems she's dodging the police but the detective cook up a strategy to contact her Helen is on parole so detectives coordinate with Helen's parole officer to catch her by surprise during this final round of interrogation now that all of her lies have been exposed Helen's demeanor changes significantly instead of her usual submissive posture and sheepish responses Helen sits tall arms folded defiantly across her chest what still isn't completely clear is why exactly Helen killed Andre and when she finally does give an explanation it's shocking to say the least this Mark Keagan he doesn't exist we've been to Chicago we've done our work anybody with the description that you gave us does not exist that's right Helen's supposed admirer doesn't even exist your your mother doesn't strike me she strikes me as a religious woman she me as an honest woman would you agree with that um and speak to her you know she obviously told us some things about the conversation that you had with her that day and I and after she had that conversation with you she passed that along to everyone else and that's why we talk to all these other people here okay because she didn't frankly know what to do with that information when you told her because she sent a text message to people and she told people frankly that you had step Andre you told her that you're M sonar she had to do the right thing she didn't I told us the truth one of these texts ask family members to pray for Helen because she'd stabbed Andre the day after the murder once Milton had been arrested Evelyn fired off morex to her family retracting her previous announcement about Helen instead she said that it was a misunderstanding and that she'd jumped to conclusions Helen seems to demonstrate the freeze response here she remains markedly still this entire time she likely knows that she's caught up here and is resigned to that fact and we also talk to people that talked to Andre that day he went to the Quick Trip as you know we know that he went to go get some beer and such that day well he actually happened to run into a couple people that day they both said independently of one another that honor mes he fighting with you that day arguing having a hard time with you that day he actually told this guy who he just met that day he's going to kick you out was going on between you and that day I don't know I blocked it out I don't remember anything you really got nothing to say stories out of people to blame your mom talk about her talk to the county attorney okay you're going to get charge with M first I need you to stand up I'm going start by the time Helen saw her day in court her memory dramatically improved she now claimed self-defense despite Andre's lack of physical violence that day she argued that the way he walked into the kitchen was ominous enough to justify her action but just like the detectives the court found that Helen lacked any credibility Helen was convicted of murder in the second degree as well as two counts of malicious prosecution she was sentenced to 52 years in prison
Views: 3,248,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, analysis, psychology, educational
Id: cEduqws4WR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 10sec (4630 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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