MOISTEST BANANA BREAD How To make Banana Bread

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hey everyone today I'm gonna show you all how to make the best banana bread some of the best banana bread that you guys have ever tasted this banana bear right here is so moist alright first thing that you're gonna need you're gonna need three large over ripen bananas you're gonna need one stick of butter a half a cup of white sugar a half a cup of brown sugar 2 large eggs 2 cups of sifted flour 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 a teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of baking powder you're gonna need one teaspoon of vanilla and you're going to need a teaspoon of cinnamon alright so now the first thing that we're gonna need to do is you oh you want to cream your white sugar let's see let me get this in the camera actually let me turn my camera over this way you want to cream your white sugar with the butter now you can use a handheld mixer make sure your butter is room temperature see how nice and soft alright you can use a handheld mixer or you can just smash it this is VIP this will be very simple watch this okay let me let me zoom in a little bit so you guys can see a little bit better just like that this won't take any time at all just kind of mash it all right just keep mashing until this gets well incorporated with your sugar and you want to cream this until you don't hear the sugar anymore okay cuz right now you'll hear the gritty sugar I'm gonna turn the video off while I cream this and I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back I just want to show you what it looks like to cream the butter and the sugar so here's what I'm doing I'm just taking the soft spatula that's it and I'm just doing just like this up against that sugar and butter okay that's what creaming your butter and sugar means all right I'm going to continue to do this until the noise of the sugar you've until you can't hear the sugar as much all right but this is just what we want be patient like I said feel free to use a handheld mixer all right we're almost done with this all right I'm done creaming the butter and white sugar next thing that we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and add our half a cup of brown sugar and make sure you level the sugar off so when you go to measure it you use a butter knife or use your finger to level it off okay so you have the exact measurement that you need all right let's mix that in with our creamed butter and white sugar all right next after we do this I'll get this mixed in first let's do this step first okay this one's much easier than mixing the white sugar in C it just goes in very easily there we go okay let me see if I need to zoom in a little bit just a little bit more there we go all right I'm gonna crack these two eggs into a bowl you always want to crack your eggs into a separate bowl to make sure you don't have shells and make sure your egg is nice and healthy all right put that 1 egg in crack the second one put it on it all right now let's make up mix up our two sugars our butter and eggs so this is what you call the wet mix all right this right here is the wet mix in next we're going to let's get the egg in there nice and well all right and I'm still using my soft spatula you can move to a spoon if you want to it's really up to you just like this whip it up good put some elbow grease in there guys all right next I'm gonna get let me come over this way so I can reach my vanilla get that vanilla in there that's a teaspoon vanilla let's get my camera back to where I need it perfect mix your vanilla and we have all of our wet ingredients in all right I've pre-shift it my all-purpose flour do not use self-rising flour just all-purpose is just fine okay look at this there's our base this is our base for deliciousness all right now what we'll do let's go ahead and over here we want to come back over here to the calendar all right grab my ingredients first okay sorry about that everyone it's what we're going to do we're going to put all of our dry ingredients in with the two cups of flour so we have our cinnamon we have our baking soda we have our salt baking powder all right we need let me get a spoon we need to mix these things in get it nice and well incorporated into the flour okay this is very very simple all right get it in there everyone okay when we incorporate this we're gonna put our bananas in okay all right we have that nice and incorporated all right next come over here let's put that aside let's come over here to the bananas what we need to do we're going to go ahead and peel the banana all right everyone knows how to peel the banana okay and then we're going to mash the banana all right get them nice and peeled never throw out your bananas that have turned because you can always make a banana bread this is the best banana to use when you want to make a banana bread all right I'm just gonna mash this okay I'm gonna mash this until it looks like baby food all right this is gonna take me a few minutes I'll put the video on pause and when I come back I'll show you what it looks like okay everyone I wanted to show you something I went ahead and I have the potato masher we're gonna use that what better way to mash our bananas then to use a potato masher look how simple all right piece of cake piece of cake just go at it until it gets nice and smooth all right piece of cake all right give me a second I'll be right back okay everyone bananas are mashed we're almost at the finish line here's what we're gonna do now now it's time to incorporate our flour all right so now we're going to add a little bit at a time now at this point when you get ready to add your flour if you wanted to put like walnuts and here any kind of nuts raisins or even if you wanted to put like chocolate chips in here you would toss your chocolate chips in this flour the reason why you were toss it in the flour is so when the banana bread bakes up they don't fall to the bottom if you coat it with the flour they'll go all through your your uh banana bread all right so now let's put half of this in and half of our bananas all right that's how we'll do that it is when you do half and a half of the bananas and flour it's easier to mix it all right so watch this let me zoom in a little bit for you guys all right mixing flour and bananas in very simple this is a very simple recipe this is an old recipe and everyone that eats this loves it I mean literally and it doesn't take but minutes to make it you can freeze this after you make it just like this make sure you scrape the sky the sides just like I'm doing you can freeze this wrap it in some parchment paper and then put it in aluminum foil and then put it in the freezer bag and date it and write the name on it what it is Hey and take it out when you're ready take it out when your family comes in town and slice them up some fresh banana bread put some ice cream on the side why not I started to put nuts in here but I thought I don't think my husband would really like nuts so I'm just gonna do the traditional way maybe next time did you next time I'll put nuts in like chocolate chips in there or something you can kind of do what you want with this this is very simple recipe it's very forgiving recipe when I say forgiving you can kind of do what you want you can add apple sauce in here instead of sugar it'll make it really really moist okay and that'll be like a sugar-free banana bread oh yeah alright here we go and I'm still using this soft spatula this soft spatulas working with me guys scrape your side scrape your size you want to get all that baking soda and everything well incorporate it in there just like this everyone and we're going to cook this for an hour and 15 minutes on 350 in a greased loaf pan I don't choose to use I don't like to use grease all my pans so let me show you what I've done see how I put the butter I'm using butter okay so that's my go-to that's what I'm gonna use to grease alright just mix this up very well put some elbow grease in there guys in an hour and 15 minutes we're gonna have beautiful soft moist tasty banana bread I keep wanting to say bread pudding banana bread guys this right here is banana bread 101 see how simple this recipe is so simple okay here's what we're gonna do I'm getting ready to pour it in our pans all right let me pour it in the pants cuz I need I need I'll put the video on pause and I'll be right back I wanted to show you guys something before I pour it in my pants let me show you how thick this is see that that's what you're wanting this is not gonna be really thin like a cake batter alright see that that's what we want guys alright be right okay you all I have the banana bread mixture in my two loaf pans and you can see this one here is a little bit more filled and this one's a little bit more short hey but that's okay that is okay all right I'm gonna get these in the oven on 350 and when these are done I'm gonna slice into this bad boy and show you what it tastes like so excited all right I'll be back hey everyone banana bread 101 check it out look at this look at this isn't it beautiful and even the one that I put a little bit in it rised up pretty how they didn't it okay so here's what we got and what I've done and right here you can see where I've stuck my fork in I stuck my fork all the way down to the bottom and brought it back up my fork was completely clean and that lets me know that this was ready now I remember in the beginning of the video I told you guys an hour and 15 minutes this was 45 minutes it's done oven temperatures may vary okay so just keep an eye in on it all right just keep a good eye in on it and check it it's okay to open the oven door while this is cooking not excuse me not in a very beginning because you don't want your bread to fall but but once it gets nice and golden brown and it's already raised it's okay to open up your oven this is what it looks like now here's what we need to do I'm gonna put I have a cookie rack all right I'm gonna set it here but we have to wait at least five minutes all right we gotta wait at least five minutes and then we'll take it out because if we take it out we don't want to take it out right now and then we'll take it out of here put it on our cookie rack let it cool for 10 minutes and then we'll slice into this bad boy I'll be right back okay everyone it's been about five minutes I'm gonna see if I can take these out it should be very easy because we oiled this with butter all right look that simple look at this look at this that simple Oh beautiful beautiful Oh beautiful if you have a little bit of flour that's on the sides like this hey just dust it off it's okay no problem all right that's just a little fit a flower that's developed on the side awesome oh my goodness I am truly so excited right now no my husband's came out the room Dan what does that smelling so good and my son's coming from upstairs and he's like oh mom I'm ready to taste it I'm like hold on everybody hold on just for a second guys let's let this cool down I'm gonna slice into it even a few minutes I know I'm ready to taste it right now but I gotta be patient what you wanna do I know you can hear the excitement in my voice right oh you want to get you a serrated knife okay like a bread knife just like that with the serrated edges okay that's what we'll use to cut down in it and all mine I'm gonna spread it tab bit of butter all mine oh my few minutes we'll be slicing into okay everyone I'm going in I am going in all right and just do the sawing motion you don't want to just take your knife and just hack right down into it use the sawing motion this back and forth motion just like this all right and that will give you a good slice without it breaking apart now remember I'm cutting this early for you guys for this video but normally if I wasn't doing a video I would let this rest for a minute okay oh I can't I have to taste that oh my goodness we're getting there guys oh my goodness [Music] hmm now let me get a plate Dakota give me a little tiny white plate please look at this guys give me just a second I'm getting a little saucer look at me I'm tasting their mmm this is banana bread 101 let's dig in and get this piece this is the piece I want right there mmm still nice and warm let me show you guys what this looks like here we go look at this everyone look at this is that gorgeous is that gorgeous or what look at this nice crust isn't that beautiful guys I'm digging in I am going in look how soft look look look look look [Music] mmm this right here this right here makes me think of my grandma she didn't make banana bread but she made zucchini bread and this gives me that same like excuse me like that same memory mmm oh my goodness let me taste it again look how soft guys and you do not need raisins you do not need nuts you do not need chocolate chips this is all you need is this recipe guys you can put you some mmm-hmm remember I said I was gonna put some butter on here I don't need it guys mmm you could put you some vanilla ice cream on the side this right here this is what it's about guys if you all enjoyed this recipe give me a thumbs up mmm if you haven't subscribed to my channel subscribe to my channel share my videos with others and as always god bless have a great night I hope you enjoyed the video and God bless
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 761,575
Rating: 4.7869263 out of 5
Id: 8Stgd6hNKFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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