moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Jan 5th, 2019 [Soulcalibur VI]

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hi everyone pre notification squad now-classic what's poppin waitwhat Oh so used to smashed controls now damn [Music] hmm I have no idea you I don't have a single guess probably 30 that's quite a bit to be waiting [Music] it is time to turn on the epic gamer boosters good [ __ ] eat hope it makes you fat stacks hi there that's right we're back in the megamix [Music] Slayer level is 91 appreciate the resub Jason here's hoping that it's a good SCS if the SCS is stinky we're gonna switch to smash for a little bit this is your first stream while that's out the FCS can put on a good show for you appreciate the resub tangent [Music] hi Edgar I'm very familiar with the James key drama is this game still alive not at all not from what I see we keep it alive with our SCS I have no new creations I actually just got back from dinner with my parents that's right Theo's welcome aboard the penny you lost five years ago all right I think I think this has been ample time for people to get in here and get ready I'll give it another minute though just in case welcome miss lick potato please make a character we'll see don't worry about it rarity make sure you get in this room with some modern characters that's what you need to focus on do I collect funky pops I don't know what that means welcome role of the US what's wrong god dammit let's Rumble allons ank ankle was obliterated was at the wide receiver earlier today appreciate the gifts sub Edgar there you go rarity doing alright trunk space neck which of history welcome to standard hit you [ __ ] get the Ellen's was that a coked-out Pikmin wretched beer perhaps my leg oh it's spongebob [ __ ] yeah appreciate the resub will Lily oh thank you man that's not a bad start it like that reference the [ __ ] does he have on his back what is that giant thermos is he gonna be catching ghosts like Danny Phantom Oh baby I have no idea what I'm doing with this move suck still [ __ ] BAM nipple demon is unstoppable welcome to venture games in house live I don't think it's supposed to be a fish but tiny harmonica nice I bet it'd look lovely good to see you Linux [ __ ] appreciate the resub prodigal son tear to resub we're doing well man hope you're doing well the other characters the my leg guy from Sponge Bob I believe Oh [ __ ] Oh baby that was a close one I put the [ __ ] filth on him Scrooge ate the resub fry but I'm glad you enjoy the podcast as well man [ __ ] yeah [Music] you've been doing great chase keep up the practice I keep hitting B for a because of the the switch welcome to the stage of history retold I'm doing nipple demon again your whoop-whoop alright appreciate the resale of not Jesus is this nomadic Santa Claus perhaps I'm not quite sure the SCS disciple always got the SES Commandments okay I'm excited to read these we got another mater in here that's always good news is that God I'm not sure yet it says the SCS disciple I like his name a lot though he's got the SES Commandments it's so beautiful I'll go ahead and I came in focus I'm trying to try to read the commandments oh Jesus I know nothing about this moveset I don't think I'm beating the SCS disciple he carried the SCS Commandments up ten thousand mountains oh what a combo oh my lord I'll become the new SCS disciple I don't know what I'm doing hmm welcome Halterman oh it's gross oh my lord I'm taking a [ __ ] on the the tablets this that's the commandments are etched on dodj boozy [ __ ] appreciate the resub TV and Jimmy's Oh God Wow that got rough [Music] well you know what I put up a good fight against them I feel 100 bits bazzara my day's been all right yeah Emmys oh you changed your name okay what are your thoughts are chiropractors [ __ ] hated it I went one time and it really [ __ ] my back and neck up for a good long time welcome unify self so I'd never recommend chiropractors to anyone doing that right kha'zix hope you're doing well appreciate the resub upside-down pixel you went to the wrong one maybe I went to the highest-rated chiropractor in my area my chiropractor works on professional athletes I think Cairo practice is just a [ __ ] scam [ __ ] hated it it hurt for a long time Oh baby appreciate the gifts about your to Ibaka the Rubik's Cube God make sure the reset Baris I'm excited to see them I'm guessing flubber on the left and perhaps young Bruce Lee on the right I'm not sure probably not Bruce Lee the left is definitely a flubber appreciate the resub adrenaline thank you soul calibur oh there goes half the lobby not bad welcome to the stage of history amazing there's absolutely no questions as to why this game is dying and well it's pretty much that already appreciate the reset leg I don't know what the best made character I've ever seen is I'd have to really think about it DMX on the left and karate master crusty from Simpsons Oh Willie not an Akuma cried is glad you can agree bizarro and thanks for that Christian cookie so who the [ __ ] is McBride Oh Death Grips I'll explain why I don't know it appreciate the gift subgrant god the nightmare moveset is silly I thought you couldn't ring out with the throw anymore wasn't that one of the changes they made [Music] any chance of any dimma duels today you'll have to ask rarity embarrass there the demo disciples I really appreciate the bizarro thanks for the eight years of watching man Jesus I don't know where you get that from muffin bling at any given time there is only like 10 people streaming this game DBZ fighter Z has more than that welcome sonic fuzz fantana's welcome to join in Smash Knights just don't want to go I [ __ ] the music is that a Death Grips line oh that's right I need to whoops hold on you're right forgot that's my bad I totally forgot to change it hey varus made it in when is your next smash stream welcome to if SCS doesn't go well half like it'll be tonight if it does then it'll be who knows tomorrow will be more runescape though that's so sweet Raven oh Jesus Grand Funk yeah it's super sweet that's so much sweeter than you reven Raven grant you'd blow Raven out of the water with your sweetness that is a beautiful perfect sell versus the ps2 console holy [ __ ] that's the last component perfect cell needs to ascend beyond God wow that's really good let's see do you have more dimmadome for us rarities we can always make sure we hold a spot for you with the dimma goals welcome flash Bandicoot you know this is not the first time cell has ever seen a PlayStation 2 he was in Budokai that was on the platform he's very familiar with the ps2 god damn horrific cell was not even doctors euros finest work not many people know that dr. Gero is the one who invented the playstation 2 far better than perfect cell welcome Senor nachos my god yeah Tiana's in Vegas with her mom and sister surprisingly they didn't want to drive to Vegas so I was unable to join them appreciate the resub insanity brick it has been a while hope you're doing well thanks for the gifts uh breed appreciate the resub dingleberry [ __ ] popping off plays an ex EDF stream I want to do more EDF this week I've been really focused on runescape and smash at the moment welcome to the stage of history retold fortnight's dream yet probably what happened to many other games I want to be playing hmm seeing some nice-looking ones out here is that a bongo drum and I don't know who the [ __ ] dr. nefarious is the [ __ ] is it t aughts it take it totes totes what is that dr. nefarious is Ratchet and Clank so who is it toast does anyone recognize it totes it just looks like a [ __ ] button [Music] well it's certainly an interesting costume Wow [Music] dr. nefarious is just barely hanging on what a [ __ ] comeback Jesus Christ nefarious it's from an anime Oh a tear to sob welcome radioactive Canuck it's a all regions lobby two rounds Joe that's how you search it it's a difficulty I know I'm sorry [ __ ] lasagna hopefully you can get a spot in it's an album cover for what [Music] welcome big chunk is like such a rough name I appreciate the sub are you going Nick thanks for the resub chugging glue I did not seem a nerd say that I think we can expect a new tool album from them and maybe five more years oh I hadn't known Jesus Randy you're like a master of modern airplanes album cover [Music] yeah I don't know that one plain victory [Music] good work dr. nefarious Oh no I'm not exactly excited for Kingdom Hearts I never really played the other ones I'm going to play it but I'm not excited for it hopefully it'll be good welcome trogdor welcome to a stage of history retold look keep yawning this ought to be fun is that dyrus Oh Cena huh one of my favorite videogame characters of all time thanks to the voice actor it's such an inspiring performance it really was thank you for paying homage to such a landmark character in video games welcome it was destiny Jesus classic c4 oh yeah [ __ ] it's a good move oh no oh wow [ __ ] big dog you need to get some LP noir in there meadow has an LP noir Oh I still know nothing about this moveset shut oh man oh what the [ __ ] that was a close call that was those one hell of a gun juggle there Oh oh the alt well then that's underwhelming oh I'm still in already set my controller down damn claim victory and bask in the glory I was putting up a good fight hmm who is Sully Anthony Sullivan man what do you mean who is Sully what do you got for us Varys of course I'm gonna moist meter DMC five I'm very excited to play the new DMC warframe streams dead man I just haven't played in a while that's all no real reason welcome to the stage of history retold what helps with RLS what's RLS real long scrotum I can take you I'm guessing an ash ketchum verse excited pirate Fred Bonaparte I like that appreciate the resep dogging thank you man thanks for the kind words that's a good ash Ketcham you got a lot of pokeballs Oh what the [ __ ] ah the new Pokemon games looking fantastic I really appreciate that Thank You penguin I hope the next year is good for you this year now that it is 2019 it's only a level 26 pokemon trainer though I think Fred Bonaparte has the advantage did you get smashed characters in here that would be lovely the little buzzing sound is my water dispenser it turns on every now and then but it'll turn off in a second welcome wholesome cork hit him with a master ball rule oh nice I was super cinematic right there Ash Ketchum deciding on whether or not to capture or kill show you the water to Spencer yeah can you see it very cool I like that response thank you I think it's very cool that's know that's the water dispenser bone man it's a little humming come to the stage of history it's cooling my water as we speak and I know tetra I don't know why they can't understand well that's a good Darth Maul vs. Darth gnome maybe no that's definitely not unknown Darth Rumpelstiltskin Oh Darth Maul verse dark duck Dodgers that makes more sense Jesus that Darth Maul is really good probably gonna crash welcome wolf ski thank you Soul Calibur Oh baby it's like Nintendo online but sadder [Music] welcome aboard mr. crow one sub to this stream is one tear for Soul Calibur network it's a virtual signing in the petition for Soul Calibur doves that actually care about this [ __ ] game oh it's actually the guy that caused it what's a shame yet a good duck Dodgers [Music] appreciate the gifts up meadow when do you stream runescape all the [ __ ] time I'm trying to get 95 Slayer in the next 5 days but I'm only at level 91 but every stream dark souls 3 DLCs maybe Soul Calibur service is worse than Nintendo service I agree we have far more issues with Soul Calibur than we do a smash goes the monkey nuts oh they goes tetra I heard her bark at something do I think Nintendo online is ripoff I think it [ __ ] but I mean you can play against online people so it is what it is itself the guys running at 15 FPS uh his bars aren't super low though is he really lagging that hard we haven't seen any web [ __ ] yet thankfully the bar system isn't correct though I don't know why I thought that would work game FPS is lowered to player with lowest fps I like that system that's a great system welcome to the stage of history we toys it chooses the biggest pile of dog [ __ ] I like it how long do you think old school runescape will stay relevant I honestly don't see it going out of fashion anytime soon oh and gellick DF Jesus Angel med Flanders and Olaf I like it Ned Flanders believes Disney is evil hill and steel and still the fear of God in them cannot wait for this to not load I hope you have your hands on your penis you're about to start jerking off with this prediction it's not gonna load bang I'm a [ __ ] genius so it actually just is the guy I don't want to kick him though he has really good characters I really like the duck Dodgers in the Olaf give him another shot yeah I'll give him one more I honestly think there's still a chance it's Soulcalibur servers unless big Paisano comes out and says yeah I can't even play against him then I might have to kick him where he might have to leave but I'd really like to avoid that I'm excited to see a Joe what are you doing tetra I have a sneaking suspicion she took a [ __ ] hold on no no dog [ __ ] why did you start streaming on twitch oh man I made a video and talked about that quite a bit over the last five or so months Paisano said it wasn't very playable alright I'll ask to kick him after this one then that's a shame it seemed like you had good characters chef Ford of ask is an innocent baby I got fired today instead of writing a normal memo I talked about how big my wiener got from subscribing to Charlie I don't know if you actually got fired I hope you didn't man I hope you just memeing if you did get fired then stay strong I hope you find another good job soon current balance Thank You Man appreciate the gifts of penguin alright I'm gonna have to kick him it is his connection as a shame which one was using was he also using the the Dylan Klebold because that's just edgy for no reason appreciate the resub mujika which is worse this near Comcast comcast whitelaw those weird get in here rarity welcome to the stage of history retold if I had the chance to have an interview with nard wired would you do it probably I guys seems like a nice guy you probably have like baby photos of me that my parents never even took ooh well-hung dung doug dimmadome verse flubber Oh pickle fair enough dim a dick I like it [ __ ] yeah the demo verse continues oh my god I was worried you weren't kidding about the getting fired balance well thank you as a convincing sales approach and of course that's less of a timid dick and more of a timid Oh baby reverse cowgirl and pickle high in sodium and high in penis oh Jesus jewel is back oh yeah yeah we got various end you will let it why the [ __ ] is see if thieves have 50,000 viewers probably some sponsored streams from some big streamers would be my guess I can't imagine 50,000 people want to watch that game so it was summit yeah that makes sense god damn Pikul [ __ ] Peppard is dick my to lower those even close [Music] I'm up I liked it I liked the name I didn't know you could even hack the [ __ ] lobby man there's nothing rarity can't do jewel of I couldn't read it off welcome to the stage of history no no that is Kanye West maybe Will Smith YouTube rewind Will Smith of course Magnum dog anyone welcome to join as long as you can open slot welcome aboard cyanide gaming it's rewind time baby boom boom yes the YouTube corporate penis penis no no the monetized yeah the monetize Oh baby oh the outplay Oh God you can't rewind that [ __ ] will Oh God Oh oh Jesus mr. krabs brutal wow that's uh that's the five millionth dislike on the rewind however many dislikes it's at [Music] I know where it is shadow dragon appreciate the 200 bits and thank you slap shot melon thanks for the gifts up in the lead popping off 14 million dislikes I know something huge welcome to the stage of history that's super sweet Busta I hope you enjoy the streams man subbing is either above the stream or exclamation points up in the chat I can take you Jim sterling as stir dust oh my goodness the world's most fearsome wrestler and game critic he'll nitpick anything he could find a problem with nothing or everything excuse me I meant to make the opposite statement look to the stirs baby stirred us coming in hot I'm excited [ __ ] yeah mr. Crabbe will represent steam early access for the mob wins [ __ ] preciate another gift something to lead [ __ ] yeah man oh damn I wish I had followed that up nicely I could have been cool Jesus Dancing with the Stars good lord my god that was absolutely brutal my lord [Music] welcome aboard I not to Neve well it's a nice meme I know that one when's the reset I guess it really depends I'm not sure yet Nivas Flair master in runescape welcome to the stage of history retold appreciate the kind words Caden [ __ ] yeah I'm in worst games of 2018 that video go up tomorrow I don't recognize the guy in the right Oh angry Joe ho nice a co stream event oh I see I'm saying it's just the SES man the most important event on all of twitch four hours for what Oh baby yikes don't you ever talk [ __ ] about battlefield five in front of him I want some chicken alfredo wow it Barriss got [ __ ] annihilated angry Joe gave that a one out of ten right there he doesn't like battlefield fire I must be getting him confused to someone else then I thought he was defending battlefield 5 yeah welcome to the stage of history retold battlefield 5 is not a bad game may not be but it doesn't look like a game might enjoy thank you I'm not sure on either one Abu and the David statue I understand the David statue who is Abu the desire for power leads the way oh you even got this month he's even got the tiny penis and balls on the David statue I [ __ ] respect that that's still too big to be David's penis though the statue has a micro dick that's at least like average size for like a nine-year-old right there he's doing David a great service making him look well more endowed than he was appreciate the gifts of Edgar Babu is from Aladdin I didn't remember Aladdin oh good combo I like it good lord that was brutal oh I even notice it's an uncircumcised penis - nice work that's a lot of fine details that he included on that dick right there most people would have taken the easy way out on the penis but you really find crafted it like a true artist good work about to do dragon slayer - any advice I hope you're very well-equipped the action the last part of that quest is actually genuinely difficult to the stage of history retold I hope you have good items oh one of Krampus is gingerbreadmen Chooch esta who's Chooch esta who does anyone know who couch esta is oh it's Anthony Fantana like an alter-ego appreciate that of your [ __ ] Spidey's oh I see yeah what are we doing tonight it's the SES today Oh baby a huge miscalculation from the gingerbread man [Music] well I appreciate that lucky sorry to hear you're not feeling too great today I hope tomorrow is better for you welcome aboard Vicky quick good luck cleric rakia man wishing you the best out there anyone's welcome to join wani I have still not played near automata or at least not finished it [Music] oh so it's from near automata that would make sense since to be just got added but welcome to the stage of history retold the creator of near where's that mask at press conferences I highly doubt that he does Wow that character looks so familiar I don't know who it is the Auto Dovahkiin school shooter yikes yo gotaro yeah he doesn't like showing his face to the public so he wears that I had no idea I remember a meal from the first year I never got to him in the second game though I only played like an hour they welcomed silent stone monkey madness - is [ __ ] awful Zerona it is my least favorite quest in runescape just because of the stealth section it's absolutely absurd I also choose the final two parts of it with the dark bow which quest is more tedious recipe for disaster or all fired up all fired up I don't remember that quest at all is that runescape three we actually had a Thomas the Tank Engine last week on here I did not know that average goat that's a cute little trivia fact about castles that's very clever too [Music] Oh damn the castle trivia was about the staircase is being clockwise so that way the defenders at the top could use their right hand while attackers couldn't swing properly with their right hand it's very clever [Music] I don't even think the world and characters are amazing Zuko knows I I'm just not a fan of Witcher at all at all but I really like CD Projekt RED I think they're a great company I can take you Oh newspaper turd man cornflakes homunculus is that what that is why does he have a newspaper is it because I don't understand the desire for power leads the Warriors to the arid desert [Music] Oh from Jim sterling I'm unfamiliar with Wes that it looks like the cornflakes homunculus is mailing it what is the emcee from Pokemon Colosseum I don't remember that at all that game I remember anything about that game at all god damn take it easy Kaden have fun man [Music] on my hyper cyberpunk I think the gameplay looks extremely generic but everything else looks good welcome surgeon Schulte Sergeant Schulte mmm seeing a lot of dick tonight really full of penises on this FCS I'm assuming this is big penis gesture I'll just skinny penis just their skinny penis and I don't know who Chris is welcome Spidey Riku the cacophony of battle cuts through the deathly silence is an invitation to madness does anyone recognize Chris one thing I respect about the penises we've seen tonight is they all have a set of nuts on them sometimes we just see the dick without the balls so the fact that people are starting to care a little bit more about the scrotum on the characters is good [Music] the battle is over show respect for the Fox oh great [Music] that's oh it's Chris and hellbenders outfit okay I understand that I'm coming in don't worry i'll overthrow the tyrant I'll fight fire with nightmare moveset welcome to the stage of history we told ya please get raccoon eggs on the podcast if you weren't a d-sub you'd owe me a sub raccoon eggs was just on the podcast like two and two or three weeks ago welcome Sipan is that Belle Delphine Lily's annatto who's uh she a youtuber she doing any giveaways right now how many times I need to smash that like my fair maiden goddamn [ __ ] all right I wasn't paying attention I wasn't taking her seriously but now I will what the [ __ ] I can't even get up my god Oh Lily from Psychonauts how does everyone know the last names I had no idea and I play a puck out of psycho nuts we felt my water nobody misbehave the teacher will know welcome to the stage of history ah how long has the stream been going a little over an hour this ought to be fun error 404 character not found is that dr. misty restrain Joe or whatever the [ __ ] his name is from spider-man Mysterio I knew it was something like that I was a hundred percent sure and I nailed it too easy for me yeah we've seen that one beerus you can find the room by searching all regions two rounds there's not many people playing this game so you'll find it the only thing more mysterious than Mysterio is the character that hasn't been found it could be anyone [Music] I don't know if CBD oil is legal here I really don't she one head for podcast yeah she's absolutely welcome to come on if she'd like way CBDs oil is legal everywhere nice god to him [ __ ] blasted him is a thousand calorie daily deficit dangerous and unhealthy yes yes it is that's way too much of a deficit I've seen some of Shrek retold on YouTube I haven't finished it or anything now it ranges from really impressive to unbearable to watch welcome to the stage ski snowboarder neither I've skied once I would the wish I had done snowboarding instead I think what I liked it more can I sing well no I don't think so Jack Black on podcast would be [ __ ] great Oh kylo Ren verse patrick star we've seen quite a few patrick stars recently actually oh it's Darth Vader I thought that was Kyla that's so embarrassing a single slash can cut even the frozen air into that's a solid Darth Vader right there my god but Patrick is looking far more fearsome than any Sith Lord Sam Patrick Starr is going in right now he's the new hope well there it goes [ __ ] oh my god and Darth Vader just took his pants off super unnecessary episode 9 is looking great agreed appreciate the reached of Osby looks far better than the other shitty ones they've been making roll game the battle is over show respect for the problem we've fought so bravely [Music] please get little Dicky on the podcast yeah he's welcome to come on for sure how are you able to change your name mid lobby rape rarity no worries various I understand the demo verse must continue you definitely owe a sub dug or it's all good dog dicks been on the podcast twice now oh it's the hemorrhoid sands again sold your boy on the podcast there's a good idea to cool do a metal screen thank you thank you I'll be touring soon that is a big sands right there Drake and Chris Hansen on the podcast I'll be great yeah absolutely yeah I've been to a lightning game lately and I haven't been in like two years Takashi six nine on the podcast yeah I guess we could just go to like a high security prison and just start having the inmates on the podcast why would Drake be in jail a video surfaced of him today from like 2010 where he brought a 17 year old girl onstage and kissed her and like groped her and I watched the whole thing right before starting this dream because apparently I hadn't seen it all and then he asked how old she is and she says 17 and he goes I'm not going to jail for this [ __ ] but hey you 17 your breasts felt real good against my chest and then he walks over kisses her hand and then kisses her a couple more times such a [ __ ] weirdo welcome dragon it's not region-locked Danny it's all regions 17 is okay though in certain places 17 is legal 18s the norm the Drake went sicko mode yeah Drake went kiddo mode welcome to the stage of history retold how do you feel about our Kelly probably the same way most people do the man's a [ __ ] sick cult leader I appreciate it boba sauce so you don't worry about subbing man dr. dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome that's [ __ ] beautiful versa doctor strain dem estranged dimmadome strange welcome Skippy this is exciting dimmadome is looking [ __ ] fantastic holy [ __ ] Doug dim and protector the dimmsdale dimmadome dinner man appreciate the gifts uh Branson Jesus dimmadome is popping the [ __ ] off [Music] welcome Danny man oh my god not the Hat not the [ __ ] Hat oh my god Dimmie doom is merciless holy [ __ ] that's like stealing the Declaration of Independence right there that's just outrageous oh my lord that move looks really hard to deal with Oh Timmy doom holy [ __ ] that was a brutal one that's a lovely dimmadome though demon has been circumcised amen yes he has lucky dim a man has been circumcised all right take it easy very appreciate the continuation of the demo verse always nice to see what Asian are you I'm not Asian welcome to the stage of history retold please get cool cast on the podcast you mean Doug Savage or Fred Savage welcome Bryna is that pickle again if you're out of characters you got to leave and make room all right Rex Ophelia Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne is known to love pickles this is gonna be quite the emotional showdown he also likes bats call me Carson on the podcast yeah I would like to Oh take it easy Ibaka dereck savage I knew it was something close Fred Savage is definitely a human being though what who is it one New Year's I don't think ever saw the show I don't know where I know his name from oh he was a child actor and a bunch of [ __ ] oh wait a minute I know who Fred Savage is he was the kid from little vampire wasn't he nope nope not even close Jesus no yeah way off way off he was in The Princess Bride apparently allegedly no no he wasn't that was people that was things people also search for I don't know what the [ __ ] he was in welcome to the stage of history retold Deadpool - I don't know who he wasn't Deadpool - I didn't oh you're talking about the recut Deadpool - okay I know Mia Vidal oh that's Psychonauts that's a memorable name I know that one as you guys it's full right now do you think you can read me Roberts too shy for the podcast bullet Oh baby no idea what I'm doing with this move study there [ __ ] hmm what I definitely dodged no dammit sending a message oh oh oh Eustace calm down no it's a shame calvin coolidge for podcast now there is an idea uh-huh classic Eustis finisher yeah there we go that divot game rest in peace Eustace Bagge shows no mercy he'll eat your [ __ ] and then tell you thank you classic Eustace [Music] Stevie Nicks for podcast there's an idea oh it looks like we got another mater in here that's exciting thanks for the hundred bits mudskipper and yeah eventually oh you're messing with their names Oh goddamnit rarity you got the excited stage of history retold welcome kicker let's do some more - useless I was impressed by how looks familiar is that from the ginyu force freezy pop that's Frieza I don't know about the flames of the Warriors fighting experience oh it is Frieza okay I see it now use this about to go super saiyan v on him come on baby [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] [Applause] thanks sushi my lord oh that's huge yeah no I will save Namek come on use this oh i'll played oh my god use this is just a master tactician the calculations no appreciate the resub ultra yeah boy show repeats definitely welcome on the podcast appreciate the resale Buddha [ __ ] yeah man have fun dude yeah well I played dead or alive' six when it comes out huh maybe depends on the titty physics welcome to the stage of history retold do I like Billy Elias I have no idea welcomed watches kwacha we do smash really frequently we do a lot of smash bros that definitely looks like some blood-borne [ __ ] on the right monopoly man nice welcome not Zindel a single slash can cut anything can't you appreciate the gifts my homie yeah this is on PC Wow holy [ __ ] that was absolutely brutal [Music] oh my god what an absolute [ __ ] smackdown what kind of controller you're using an Xbox controller [Music] can I do a whole 2019 without shaving maybe we'll see I haven't shaved in a while welcome to the stage of history retold gonna grow that [ __ ] out like Arthur Morgan yeah I'll really good I'll really commit to it that's a ludicrous right oh it's Kendrick probably won't do smash tonight Chung guess I'm not sure we'll see one thing is for sure I will not be staying up super late I'm gonna try and make a habit out of going to bed early and getting up early so who is this Helga where is she from she looks like my life is a teenage robot character [Music] I ever play a big chunk is for ps4 yes a really shitty mean so probably not yeah it's typically how I feel bronze clutch I really do I've not played any black desert online are you ever gonna play overwatch again probably not maybe just to [ __ ] around once or twice though we'll see but I am NOT currently you know scratching at my neck waiting to play more overwatch where's the grandma for encouraging hardly dug somebody's gotta Muriel we've seen to me riyals welcome to the stage of history retold error 404 dimmadome not found I'm assuming vs. badly burned fire victim the man who barely survived the fire Harvey Dent but not to face his whole face is the [ __ ] the [ __ ] it upside who is chairman Drake a single slash can cut even the frozen air into no one knows who chairman direct is Ratchet and Clank one how's it going Nick but is a Ratchet and Clank villain min we've seen a lot of ratchet Clank [ __ ] that I just don't recognize was this doug dimmadome heartless notice you can see at the top left this is clearly redacted doug dimmadome like CIA secrets doug dimmadome doug dimmadome is the answer to this who's that Pokemon oh thank you smelly poop fart you too man great name the first Ratchet and Clank was kind of lousy I just don't remember it I know I played it but I really absolutely just do not [ __ ] remember anything about it Rasputin for podcast fair man Richard Steven Horvitz you mean the man who voiced him he's walking - c'mon talk about masturbating if you'd like would you go on Logan's podcast logan Paul's podcast probably that's huge exposure I don't know what the [ __ ] I talked to him about that's like a super frat bro douchebag podcast but it's really not bad like they do a good job with it but I don't know what I would talk about I'm not able to toss around the words Lit and savage enough they'd make fun of me I just don't remember this series I know I've played like two or three of them I don't know if I've played up your arsenal or crack in time now please explain the demo verse to non-gamers jewel of rarity and a varus have a bunch of different Doug dimmadome characters all types of different ones and they square them off for these really cinematic showdowns for the demo verse kind of like Marvel Cinematic Universe but a lot better Jablonski games for podcast of course he's welcome to come on like I said though I don't think Jack Black at the moment would be all that eager to come on and talk about masturbating when his YouTube channel is run by his son who is 10 years old and it's a family-friendly one that's a good ROI I don't know I don't understand what that quotes from I mean if Jack Black's son watches the videos it's very different than having his dad go on and talk about how he jerks off like if if I just happen to stumble upon my dad doing an interview where the interviewers ask me about his penis habits I'd be kind of disturbed as well Jesus immediately [ __ ] final smash the Roy oh it's move on [Music] Jesus Christ that was brutal I haven't seen Milan since I was a kid I remember anything about it or any of the characters Jackie Chan did the Chinese dub from Mulan I didn't know that and fast [ __ ] love Jackie Chan did he nailed the singing that man's got the voice of an angel he can really flex those golden pipes I had no idea you'd be the type to fail in the first wing on hot ones god no I wouldn't I would eat every goddamn wing covered in a pool of my own [ __ ] stinky ass filth swamp ass like a [ __ ] if I had to if I got on hot ones I would troop out all ten welcome to the stage of history retold bill Swift for sure he's welcome to come on who the [ __ ] is that thing on the left a cinder block versus Gilgamesh I don't know who that is the monarch oh my lord it's the actual dimmsdale dimmadome this is what doug dimmadome fights to protect this is the heart within the cards for the demo the demo verse that is a beautiful dimmadome it looks like the Epcot Center but placed inside of a dog bowl come on dimmadome there we go I like this looking at the dimmsdale dimmadome in this game is looking at like the the big bang that created our universe like taking a peek back in time to the primordial ooze from which we came I don't know I'm guessing the monarch is from Ratchet and Clank going off of Statistics right now with how many we've seen welcome finger blaster 69 Venture Bros never saw it yeah I never watched Venture Bros bode for stream what do you mean he wants to come on the stream does he have any soul calibur characters you'd like to show us can they beat the dimmsdale dimmadome because this thing is putting ass to face real hard right now I don't think it was even a question of if the dimmsdale dimmadome would win it was just a matter of how hard is he gonna [ __ ] the ass [Music] when is the reset I don't really know I don't think anyone's out of character yet how are you changing your name like that on the fly rarity I respect varus I won't say that to him ever watch you're a punk you a punk you Jesus zero punctuation yeah I'm not a huge fan of that show to be honest with you it's not bad or anything but I don't actively tune in I'm gonna go with anime holy night Doug dimmadome on the left that's my guess do-over heaven Jesus JoJo's I thought you were better than that rarity god I thought you were better than that he aches the desire for power leads the war here's to the apparent desert still waiting on the titties song what do you mean Matt mitosis I'm unfamiliar - that is the world over heaven is an even cannon posited JoJo's movie heaven ascension do oh it's a tag-team fighting game [Music] that's kind of cool has Smitty been on the podcast yet not yet I'd like to ask him pretty soon though I have no idea who bat mitosis is you should make a new fighter I really should I just haven't been around to and what I have I've been so busy with runescape grinding you you're not even speaking English to me anymore Nik just gold experience wreck liam is that another stand I mean I watched part three and four but I didn't like them I liked parts one into a lot though what are you grinding out on runescape Slayer trying to hit 95 Slayer for kibo but I'm only at 91 right now so I don't think I'll hit it in five days make your runescape character someone already has dough made a really good turbo what JoJo's more like Jose because the second half is [ __ ] yeah I really didn't like the second half welcome real killer moose oh so it's a part five stand okay I would explain why I don't know that one at all a jewel of dome I like that create one right now no no no oh I forgot about that quad I'm sorry man welcome to the stage of his welcome Josh Hashim Kashem the fights in part 5 were the best in sere in the series are they better than Joseph Joe stars fights in part 2 I'd be very surprised I do plan on watching it though and mop and moist metering the whole series so this is Sir Doug dimmadome this is the elite knight Doug dimmadome oh there's a champion of the dimmsdale dimmadome their Ultimate Warrior a single slash well can you go up against the ultimate champion of the cul-de-sac oh damn it oh oh my god I'm moving out of the cul-de-sac and into the doom dimmsdale dimmadome I'm taking away its bodyguard dimmadome of the round table oh [ __ ] good lord alright well this was a brutal smackdown yeah round two is not nearly as smooth oh I don't even know how I did that was he [ __ ] you like this button mashing I have no I will show you what I did there here's a little rewind that's all I was doing that right there that was your kryptonite this elite gaming strategy I see you can't see it on the screen can you see it anywhere here my [ __ ] idiot there we go that right there [ __ ] annihilated that's some elite gaming strategies yeah we've seen a cow man clever very clever rarity welcome to the stage of history retold I'm doing that again let's see if that strategy works on everyone No the undead angel Carl Weiser I like it [ __ ] I wish I had chose Carl Weiser now [ __ ] I ruined the matchup I'm sorry welcome aboard tactical Lally yeah I'm looking forward to the new Mortal Kombat this strategy is unbeatable oh my god I'm unstoppable welcome Taylor 58 97 I'll do it on screen I'll show you how to win Soul Calibur as you can see I'm steadily ahead here there we go it's working and that's how you do it well alright it didn't work so well that time welcome with Julio and there it is too easy button mashing baby that's how we do it has the MBA been begging you to join god I wish they'd stop asking so much yeah unsurprisingly I knew this was gonna and knew this was gonna happen the second I showed my bawling skills but I didn't have a choice what's the ultimate of inferno yeah I think we can handle the ultimate in fair enough welcome to the stage of history retold same strategy let's see how long it can go on a recognizer up oh it's Vinny does Vinny typically walk around in an aluminum foil jacket yeah he's running scared oh god this guy knows what he's doing yeah I definitely could not stream Bandersnatch that would be a hundred percent illegal all right I can't I can't be moved spamming against this guy he knows what he's doing damn it I almost found him to come back [ __ ] shame Oh oh damn it good lord that was brutal I'm moist metered Bandersnatch what do you mean it seems like you just don't watch the moist meters at least not every single one of them you [ __ ] but thank you smoothie welcome to the stage of history retold you want to watch it live tonight I can't [ __ ] stream Bandersnatch I can't do that that's a quick way of getting banned am I gonna moist me to Kingdom Hearts 3 yeah after I see rarities ultimate Inferno I'll reset the room super smurf fighter from the future on the right versus ultra furry it's my guess Puss in Boots and dumb who's dumb are you unfamiliar with SCS wolfhard Nick that's insulting I'd expect you to be irregular the SES is very important to the twitch community the ultimate inferno is literally a character you aren't allowed to use in the online I'd love to see it he's from Brock Hampton Jesus that was absolutely brutal the warriors from Shrek truly are fearsome would I ever stream on for nub yes it really depends [Music] have you had any no not no issues recently Cornejo luckily I have no idea what the [ __ ] the ultimate inferno is this man's hyping it up like it's the major villain in the Marvel movie but I'm excited to see it rarely someone makes shrunk II there is that an amalgamation of Shrek and Donkey please watch this on screen why would I just watch that it's just a clip from the show we all know a doug dimmadome goddamn it that's very sweet that sounds like a plan ready there's a chicken wing at the bottom of every chicken wing Thank You salsa I didn't know that fact that's a trade secret only chicken wing manufacturers would know I respect that oh yeah yeah a simple a a simple mistake I understand Nick yeah SC s not the s es se s is just silly that would make no sense of the stage of history retold why can I piss without [ __ ] but I can't [ __ ] without pissing you're asking the wrong guy you got to ask that to the Jesus or something I have no idea that's a modded character right there on the right isn't it oh you can't mod body proportions uh I thought it was modded motif uh I don't know who motif is is it another DBZ fusion of Shrek characters oh it's Oni it's one of Chris's that I don't know motif Oh from Oni plays our okay so it's one of his Oh Sees I must have missed that one we ever had Jesus on the podcast that's up to him entirely up to him damn I'm assuming nobody knows Isaac how's the podcast with raccoon I haven't seen it yet this one here's a good just did I son we scheduled ice twice in the knee overslept one of them and then just straight miss the other one so it wasn't for lack of trying that he hasn't been on I don't know golden son to be seems extremely strong Isaac is an assist truth trophy and smash that shoots giant hands at you I had no idea [Music] get post Malone on the podcast yeah sure if he wants to [ __ ] yeah I still either play through the goddamn game the first nears one of my favorites but I still haven't played through Nier automata damn you must be very serious about Soul Calibur very I don't know what GI is in this I only know smash I know D Iong room resets coming after rarity I played Drakengard three classic fetishism good Virgil GI is of the green shiny deflection [ __ ] ah my history of conflict repeats itself at this appreciate the resale Brian awesome rarities character he's not up yet he's too away I believe I've got a tinkle real bad Bell from here back in the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey is that trouble WAPA Chumbawamba that said that I think I recognize those lyrics right awesome oh it's back damn it I was close I know it was one of the two [Music] does anyone play Geralt I don't think anyone uses the Geralt moves up haven't seen Donnie Darko but I do plan on it I [Music] don't even know cake the [ __ ] did cake sing welcome Sergio seven seven seven two three three appreciate that fat [ __ ] sub man mispronouncing Geralt and not Geralt that definitely looks like double weave [ __ ] oh that's Geno's one punch man I don't know who the [ __ ] Ally is [Music] reluctantly crouched at the starting line I can't even imagine that melodic wavers to Castle don't say I don't think I know that one night before Christmas think so that's a really good genus though holy [ __ ] a genus is [ __ ] perfect appreciate the resub killbot Thank You Man there's one punch man worth the watch it's one of my favorite anime one punch man is truly spectacular absolutely amazing [Music] have you heard baboon is gonna be in season two I don't know who that is my familiar with that he said baboon I don't understand mom psycho 100 I still need to finish before season two comes out I only watched the first two episodes the first episode was [ __ ] beautiful that opening to Episode one is some of the most fantastic animation I've seen from anime but I've never finished the series or the season which I definitely need to do my hype for one punch man season two I would be if it was madhouse still doing it but this time it's a slice-of-life anime house that makes a parent apparently they only make stinkers and they've never made an action anime they only do slice-of-life so I'm not super optimistic what so bravely that's not true they have done action really I heard they haven't done a single action why are people saying they've never done an action anime isn't that like the big headline welcome to the stage of history retold I'm looking it up for myself I don't know who to believe in the chat I'm doing my own research like a civilized man those look like pretty low effort characters that's definitely Joe Tora Jotaro and then red lizard demon I was totally wrong ocean man and Joe Anderson solid alright so it turns out I don't know [ __ ] anything that's this company has made ever I've never heard of any of these except psyche K Tiana watch that show that's actually pretty good show but otherwise I know absolutely none of this [ __ ] oh there shows list was absolutely [ __ ] massive yeah five shows at once is not accurate that's at least ten since 1994 they've made like over a hundred seats a hundred anime series appreciate the resettlement [ __ ] em in [Music] Oshin man equals Jotaro classic I don't know why that song ever became such a huge mean I haven't watched any of part 5 of JoJo's but when it does end I am going to make a moist meter for the whole show I was the best Jojo Joseph I mean maybe I'll change my mind with part 5 but if it's anything like parts 3 & 4 I will probably not even like part 5 veruno no yeah I don't know that one is I'll have to I actually probably will watch part five does it release this I don't have to binge like 20 episodes at the end of the season why didn't I like part 4 part 4 was just so meaningless like everything seemed so incredibly trivial there were no snakes there was nothing emotional about it every character stayed the same throughout for the most part there was like one death and it was a character that was just a throwaway and the only good villain was the final one that explodes no stakes yeah there was literally no stakes the big villain was a guy who would kill someone once every eight years where his do was a guy he was gonna [ __ ] take over the world and cars was a guy that was gonna [ __ ] destroy the world like these ancient beings and then the big bad in part four is a guy who just wants to be left alone and occasionally kills somebody welcome to the stage of history that was super trivial it's like I was watching drama in a small town with bad jokes and very uninteresting and unlikable characters I mean that was the point though yeah and I didn't like that I didn't enjoy it I understand people do and that's fine but I didn't restart after this yeah I'll restart the room we've seen that crusty as well I believe we've seen a crusty and I think it was that one so definitely reset after this the desire for power leads the Warriors to the arid desert whereas inferno he said he doesn't have it on that on the this safe so they'll go ahead and throw it on after the movie set so it sounds a lot better I don't think all shows need to be huge in scale but when the whole show is built up to that point where it's like things are gonna get [ __ ] huge it's such a letdown when it's just this after-school banter with an occasional almost bad guy boring [Applause] no worries Irish potato I'm resetting the room after this anyway how far into the stream we are you can do exclamation point up time to get the exact but it's about two hours and you felt my water real quick actually I'll reset the room before I do that [Music] what in the room closed nice now we're [ __ ] cooking each part of Jojo is supposed to be a different genre yeah and I hated the genres apart three and four yes sir Parker and we've seen some bangers tonight nothing outstanding though I will say I'll bust out the Carl Weiser it's not about Dante the dome was probably the best we've seen tonight the physical dimmsdale dimmadome retro Ville may cry ooh baby goddamn what do you even do about that Auto counter that's [ __ ] rough man mmm close call should out played [ __ ] there we go classic Karl Karl Weezer's pulling that devil trigger baby oh my lord [ __ ] you ever watch a sports anime no I haven't seen any Oh what come on Carl classic there it is that's how we [ __ ] do it yeah I just reset the room jelly [Music] it sounds like a plan rarity I just won why am i on the bottom what the [ __ ] is happening welcome to the stage of history retold only some more mr. Krabs haven't done enough Oh perfect I'm glad I chose mr. Krabs well I'm the real mr. Krabs as you can tell his looks nothing like mr. Krabs mine looks like mr. Krabs of you is an extremely oily stripper which is the one we all remember his looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] that mr. Krabs oh it's awful you take one look at that and you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're looking at look at mine instantly recognizable as mr. Krabs [ __ ] [ __ ] mmm [ __ ] I am the real eugene show me your penis that's the only way we can be sure who's real there we go oh you like this hi Eugene fake Eugene oh boy oh yeah oh boy final battle fight Oh baby I think it's pretty clear now who's the real mr. Krabs oh boy you'll never catch me Oh the comeback what that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a chumbucket Android right there designed to look like mr. Krabs why does this actually sound lit as [ __ ] though I'm no idea I don't know what it is DJ comer bud sounds awful I don't know if I'd like that one welcome to the stage of history yeah any runescape tonight no he did runescape earlier I hit 91 solare have you considered getting zero on the podcast would love to I can teach him a thing or two about smash ultimate it must be the best day ever I like that oh it's not a Lego Stewart she is obviously a Lego stormtrooper Tommy was oh and doom guy that is a good-looking doom guy [ __ ] yeah from slaying demons to slang directors welcome fish daddy flex 96 you're king of flan we'll never be seen you don't know that names of the warriors fighting spirits so anyway doom guy how is your sex life always even got the football he's got the pigskin I'll keep that in mind rarity Oh God Jesus Christ doom guys tearing him apart appreciate the resep Todd man thank you I'm glad you enjoyed him it was to the last glad you been enjoying him boy this before timing but I think tetra has to go take a fat [ __ ] outside ten whoever's next not start the match right away so I can go take her out real quick he's down there crying about having to take a fat [ __ ] and we just have a gentlemen's agreement we will not start the next match until I'm back I'm gonna trust you guys I'll be right back good [ __ ] doom guy playing victory and bask in the glory obviously I warned I forgot my phone don't you little rascals go start in that match while I'm outside I will be right back we better not have seen a single goddamn match while I was taking my dog out all right let's Rumble beautiful timing unlimited Glocks welcome to the stage of history retold my nights going on right beef stir hope your nights going well thanks for the hundred bits Bev oh the world first Spyro okay I [ __ ] with that yeah the wings spanned the flames of the Warriors fighting spirits Oh men that is a super happy world and it's even got like a the moon next to it that is fantastic this guy [ __ ] killed it it's Earth Day [ __ ] and tonight we're eating Spyro meat that is a really good globe but it honestly can't be the world because obviously the earth is flat so this makes no [ __ ] sense welcome good bad and angry No he destroyed earth Jesus Christ Spyro what have you done that's such a shame oh there we go the earth is fighting back that's how we [ __ ] do it Spyro couldn't fly no round earth are destroyed with facts and logic yeah the [ __ ] is up Exelero appreciate the reset uh I feel like it was a lack of other suitable weapons to represent the world so they're sticking with the Flintstones club it's the molten core yeah that makes sense [Music] yes prior oh just showed us what happens when you don't recycle oh mama didn't even notice this Inferno hype is real I'm excited to see it I don't know if Finn readers here though that's what I was just wondering because two people are resetting I saw Tonka truck the one that's not Finn rear just fought though so I don't know what he's doing but Fenrir has been afk for a while another Skeletor geez guys okay well I'll kick Fenrir then if he's not there after this one plus I plan on going to bed soon anyway so I really want to see the ultimate inferno stand or whatever Warriors [Music] [ __ ] no but oh my oh my oh my oh my oh God there we go yikes sleep well pebble the battle is over show respect for the Fallen who fought so bravely [Music] I should check this out your acid dreams but it's pop-punk I don't really know what that means I mean I'll look into it later all right I'm gonna kick fen real quick nope you just came back and I'll take purple panda real quick then all right nobody joined except for rarity I need to see the ultimate inferno welcome to the stage of history retold would love to get Joji on the podcast I have no way of contacting him though never another Xavier renegade angel in another bow set come on boys we've seen these time and time again S stands for Soul Calibur Saturday [Music] the fake flesh of Eris got in before you all right now look after this well that sounds good rarity I can't wait to see the ultimate inferno turbo Lord that was absolutely brutal to be honest I think I'm gonna go to bed after we see the ultimate inferno hopefully that's a mic drop on the SCS for tonight that's so goddamn good but I'm trying to get in the habit of going to bed earlier so my streams will probably be earlier we'll see them I mean there's still like seven or eight more fights before we see the ultimate inferno it sounds like a plan Branson you have school on a Sunday Victor [ __ ] kind of University do you go to Wow boughs that popped off the ass reveal at 5k that could be fun I actually do have a good ass picture of me I'll have to find where that is and maybe we can put that on the table I have a cool little ass pic it's like a real artsy pic of my ass show it well I'm certainly not showing it now that'll be 5 K and if you keep demanding I show it now I'm gonna make it 6 K if I see one more that says show it now you can now blame Fino it's 6 K Natalie 6 K when I show the aspic I didn't take the picture of my ass it was a circumstantial picture of my ass welcome mark oh that looks like a really good samurai spiky nipple samurai verse archer nice welcome d koala did my uncle take a pic of it no no no no no I never changed Soul Calibur I appreciate that part when thanks for the hundred bits as well the time we be doing this next week probably earlier probably aim for like 7 o'clock that's so sweet max thank you I hope you find 10 cave at some point rarity is in the lobby his name is a jewel of rarity spelled backwards okay I got you yeah I totally misread that then yeah rest in peace shoots key hits soul calibur nerd thinking you're actually gonna get a round in with these servers for this network thanks for 100 bits and X I love the Indiana Jones movies holy [ __ ] is that it is that a Kinect on the left or a DVD player hide robot holy [ __ ] that thing is goddamn fearsome oh it did you let razor yeah that's a nice razor some would say it's even the best a man can get my god but this man doesn't need the shave he's wearing a surgeon's mask come on Tonka truck please win we should appreciate the Reese upline too many NBA contracts to keep track of to be honest with you well I was underwhelming sleep well Sousa roof Todd has been trying to get in for the feet well it's only been going for two and a half hours so it has not been a few hours what does Todd have to show us appreciate the resub cracks to me I didn't have even seen Todd in the chat [Applause] always in the discord okay well that makes sense well let me see what that was doing just made some loud noise [Music] I don't know my pc specs evangelion for moist meter only moist meter new things oh baby oh baby when will you make Mallory what does that mean I don't know what that means what is she doing she's just laying that battle is over show respect for the father responsibly [Music] play yet to show no not tonight welcome to the stage of history retold possible kenobi movie starring Ewan McGregor that would be fantastic I would really like that if they did that while I'm oyster medi evilly oh and the remake comes out we've already seen a mr. plow god damn it we're seeing repeats a single slip I got this oh boy [Music] hmm No nipple demon yikes Oh as long as I'm in the air he stands no chance [ __ ] he found my weakness yikes I guess edit plan on asking Carson on the podcast at some point this the next couple months yeah I was nipple demon have fun watching Raiders of the Lost Ark Matthew eight entry let's check out the ultimate inferno welcome to the stage of history this better be [ __ ] impressive the ultimate inferno has been hyped up by rarity all night this [ __ ] better be on the same Universal threat level as Spanos oh Jesus so the way he hyped this up is this this was a character that isn't allowed in the online game because he's so strong or some [ __ ] like he was designed to be overpowered and he's not allowed in the actual online game so let's see how strong he is it's just nightmare what one seems like oh wow what the [ __ ] I'm not that impressed to be honest with you I've seen stronger like my mr. Krabs can probably put that [ __ ] in the ground real quick but it's not bad it does seem strong they'd like that move right there that's kinda that's that's pretty I don't apologize Tonka truck you're totally fine yet some bangers it's got some meat on it that's a pretty strong character I see keep playing the ultimate inferno let's see who can take any damage off of that that'll be a fun game so this is apparently a character that exists in the game welcome to the stage of history retold uh hold on a second so it seems like based on my preliminary research the moveset of the ultimate inferno is randomly chosen but it doesn't seem like that maybe I'm wrong maybe I read the wrong thing who is this mysterious milady savor Falcon hoof [ __ ] is that it was random and old games welcome Abu Oh in Soul Calibur sixties a puffed-up nightmare but uh [ __ ] oh so he bleeds leave it to falcon hoof the champion of hogwarts to win that goes to the last one it's the last boss in the story mode oh okay i imagine in the story mode he's not played nearly as well as this that [ __ ] combo would be enough to kill the lord most likely holy [ __ ] my god [Music] I definitely want to pick my mr. Krabs up against it welcome to the stage of history retold yeah I'll be the one to take care of the ultimate inferno and save bikini bottom I believe in you Gallagher what is this weep [ __ ] Jesus Christ it's a cool little eye for a nipple though but that is a hundred percent weave [ __ ] I'm positive ryuko matoi that's a hundred percent weep [ __ ] I have no idea what it's from but just based on that name 100 percent weep [ __ ] kill look Hil haven't seen kill the kill Mallory from bird box could easily clap the ultimate inferno [ __ ] extra-hard ultimate inferno she's a big sinner it's a weed trash lord help my cut yeah I was an extra hard [ __ ] you won't see that in Japanese anime porn hentai he's a sinner oh my oh oh my oh no she's mouthing to come back I wonder how hard the ultimate inferno can ring somebody out why is everyone getting destroyed by this guy this character is forbidden in online Thank You edible dolphin right I can help get you in the mood the character that jewel of rarity is playing the ultimate Inferno is a band character and online because he is broken he was made just to be like a joke to be just overpowered that's why he's stomping welcome to the stage of history retold this is the ultimate infer is the ultimate inferno have an ultimate this you have a adult how the [ __ ] is he using them then Joule varieties a modern half of his created characters are modded it's [ __ ] great oh it's the same as nightmares now that's boring when souls collide tails that's really underwhelming I was hoping they'd give him his own like world crushing ultimate Oh [Music] Bowlby I didn't even notice man he's getting slap slap slap and clap clap clapped immediately no amount of class presidency will save him now holy [ __ ] Oh Bowlby appreciate the resub Lego Death Star oh is bully gonna get around it of course the hunt Jesus was such a horrifying scream from him appreciate the six years of watching salad ass but you just searched for two rounds all regions and that's it but it's full right now so it's not gonna come up you gotta wait for someone to leave yeah someone's actually using that characters jewel of rarity right there in the chat I agree rarity right now we have a raid boss we're going up against you've given the SCS its first Universal threat villain and now it's up to us to stop it that's that last airbender is it what the [ __ ] is buddy this is more weep [ __ ] Jesus why are we finishing the night with weave [ __ ] that's a goddamn sin appreciate the reset bus thank you man oh it's from Lisa okay that's fair let's find them [Music] oh man this is never an opening [Music] yeah there's a very deep character creator in this game so Soul Calibur Saturday's is where people put up their best characters against each other like the most entertaining ones you need to bust out Carl no for this I'm going mr. Krabs a villainous powerful can only be stopped by the champion of Bikini Bottom mr. Krabs is the only one equipped to deal with this level of stress this type of situation Inferno is the captain Zack of SCS yeah he really is the dimmadome scan stopped the inferno yeah if the dimmadome were still here perhaps them teaming up and performing a fusion dance like dimmadome she'd Emma dome fused then maybe we'd stand a chance against it but right now our best hope lies in mr. krabs appreciate the 300 bits 5:00 a.m. huh you're up late [ __ ] yeah man mr. Krabs we've got this this is what we've been training for alright just warming up just warming up mr. Krabs plays better from behind anyway you've led him into his element classic mr. Krabs good lord Oh mr. Krabs you greasy old greedy man all right it didn't work twice Oh when it's all said and done that's probably the closest we've come well you can take our land you can take our freedom but it can never take our Krabby Patties our secret formula remains safe yikes Gallagher I believe in you we need the dimmadome gate gaurdian right now perhaps I know I see his name as a kill counter how much longer we going for it not much longer I'm gonna get about here in a minute mmm bucket head this bucket head gonna lay down some wicked nasty guitar solo to [ __ ] make tits lactate and also kill inferno we might just have a we might just have hope yet it's not over it's on the PC Legend Killer that's what we play on all the world's ultimate guitarists I believe in the dream shred oh no nice moves oh you read it oh no oh Jesus bucket head just got full comboed by the Guitar Hero hi Ashley nice nice what the [ __ ] oh my this is [ __ ] dropping like a meteor on him that's brutal appreciate the resub Blastoise what is it a bad attempt though Gallagher [Music] all right after the next two fights I'm gonna call it a night that'll be another full rotation once these next two go welcome to the stage of history retold it definitely not gonna keep going till someone beats and this seems absurd what time zone do you live in the ultimate gamer time zone East Coast time World of Warcraft I'm sure that stands a chance I believe in Blizzard they do no wrong captain Zack beat him yeah captain Zacks our only hope at beating him now mmm was not a bad attempt though oh yeah this guy's taking the bird box challenge he's blindfolded himself hope nevermind inferno knocked the blindfold off yeah Jesus did he hit him with that hard depression there yikes [Music] Inferno verse inferno please none of us have in fair enough he's a character that is literally banned and online he has him in here because he's able to mod the game I know and he's able to change his name on the fly welcome to I believe in you graph we told he will defeat him regardless so I'm definitely going to bed after this fight here now it looks like a man to beat him and he's got a football oh it's over that's game set and match that's checkmate who is this guy oh it mark oh my god it's mark and he's got the pigskin [ __ ] yeah this is over the reign of tyranny of ultimate inferno comes to a close Mark's out here doing it for Lisa Oh yikes oh boy oh man medoh4 mod why do you keep saying that meadow is Ahmad Meadows been a Mon around here for a while it's not over yet you can pull it off oh wow holy [ __ ] that is a brutal combo right there it's just an infinite combo just throwing them against the lockers and stealing their lunch money that's that's rough Wow well we can't say we didn't try to save today all right I'm definitely calling it a night there I'm trying to get in the habit of going to bed earlier alright everyone thanks for tuning in appreciate the resub Lucas thanks for the kind words man thanks for tuning in another great SCS I hope you all had fun and I hope everyone sleeps well with some beautiful wet dreams let's say is there anyone streaming is there anyone to raid haven't done that in a long time [Music] yeah yeah we'll do cryotic so I'll send you guys to cry if you want to watch something else going on right now but I really appreciate everyone who donated and to all the new subs welcome aboard I really appreciate this sub and I hope you enjoy all the emotes so thank you and good night everyone so focused on typing their sleep well everyone good night see you tomorrow
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Views: 28,151
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Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kaya orsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, Fortnite, Full Streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist
Id: 0UUdae-asdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 49sec (11149 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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