moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Jan 21st, 2021 [HITMAN 3]

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so what the [ __ ] do i go to load hey pre-notification gang what the [ __ ] where do i load my game [Music] rust later we'll see haven't decided yet am i going to make a video about the grubhub ad what are you talking about what grubhub ad i can't say i'm overly familiar damn i forgot to save last night huh what the [ __ ] is up with these like rust cultists i i'm not going to be playing rust every day ever i want to finish this game god damn i heard you had to break those nerds apart again yesterday you might do russ later but not no so like i'm curious when you spam rust what are you expecting like oh okay i guess i won't play the game i wanted to play like you can see the title isn't rust thanks to the gifts of zango like their regular old number two and melts down when they go missing i guess pretty [ __ ] wild pencils are they red with the little metal cap on here and they write like there's the resub kuba how the [ __ ] do i even get inside okay hey there's some rogie and dan i don't think rust is boring at all i [ __ ] love rust that doesn't mean i want to play it every day and especially not just because 10 people say play rust i don't know why you'd come into the stream knowing it's not rust and then try and demand i play rust that's a supreme lack of social awareness you can learn so much about someone from what they keep around and that guy's this room's so clean thanks to the prime vinci and thanks to the [ __ ] tree hug how the [ __ ] do i even get to this lady she's like traveling underground as you can see one totally not looky wait what [Music] what the [ __ ] is that about i just came from that direction they were fine with it come you on uh hitman 3 is the exact same game as hitman 2. there isn't a single change that i've been able to notice aside from the camera like the inventory camera i mean everything else every animation every detail everything is a carbon copy of hitman 2. i would have expected like some changes or improvements but it's the same as a prime crist i mean it's fine though because i liked hitman 2. but jesus if you were expecting like any kind of change you will not find it here thanks every sub cone champ i heard you had to break those nerds apart again yesterday what was it hey security guy hold up i never picked up my gun don't move i hate aiming on the controller all right how about this can i just switch back and forth at will yes anytime i want to shoot i'm switching the keyboard where am i supposed to go here though i don't see it i'm guessing this rooftop is wrong even though there's like a million [ __ ] drones on it thanks for the tier one cone champ the tier one daxified gift sub jaeger and resub not so great techno matt lamaria and the prime edge lord and verve and the bit sober and the tier 1 j keys and prime hollow [Music] [Music] um this is the way i came from thanks there's a monkey in arkey how do i feel about hitman being an epic exclusive on pc uh i don't really care i don't have like a strong opinion on it epic story is kind of dog [ __ ] but i don't really care that it's exclusive to it it's no different than like demon souls being exclusive to uh playstation thanks to the prime hillary and the gift sub moose and resub armpits the bits canarian thanks man i've been enjoying the game but i would have liked them to change or improve things literally anything there's only seven missions i heard there's only six this is mission number five yeah this is mission number five there's the prime strikes and reset ethan and masterflex uh probably not grizz bear there's a tier one pop ahead marisa bryson the prime shelton i do not get it all where the [ __ ] this lady is this rooftop is [ __ ] useless is it tier one dub free and enriquez satyria satiro blue i'm sure i [ __ ] their name up sorry man thanks a bit sober happy birthday man this just takes me over there where's that take me hey thanks for the bits good week not wrong cone champ i'll play rust later maybe we'll see if you keep asking though i'm never touching the [ __ ] game again thanks to the resub nick what the [ __ ] is this layout man i have no idea where i'm supposed to go nixon five gift subs box good morning man and thanks to tier one servo and tier one hitman and resub rectum and timmy the wreath of eagle oh i didn't know about that grizz play rust we need you drop uh no i'm not gonna be playing rust right now and maybe it's time you learn a hard lesson about not being able to get everything you want should have been here the other five days in a row i played the game whining and begging isn't gonna get you anywhere exit five gift subs hit man i appreciate it man is there anything through this door ah so all the rooftops were [ __ ] useless jesus christ there's there's a beardy tray dog and minty i'm sorry what do you mean what the [ __ ] do you mean you're gonna regret no no no my gun my god oh god please thank you i just want to be done with this mission i think this mission sucks so far i'm just gonna rush this one i think this game looks like every other hitman that is it's quite literally a dlc for hitman 2. there's not a single change i've been able to notice graphically mechanically it's all been exactly the same unfortunately luckily hitman 2 was very good so at least this is still fun but this this whole mission here for these two kills have been [ __ ] terrible this has absolutely been my least favorite by a mile it's been super uninteresting and super boring granted i've only been doing like the mission kills but christ i went out and bought some of those but have you ever had those they smell like he's a tier one big daddy in the resub grim shark boy and the two hentai appreciator about trying meditation i can't say i've heard of that one i'll check it out though personally i prefer solutions i can take with a glass of water while sitting alone in my darkened apartment that's good fox yeah i was expecting some some changes nice recent floppy see all the hand-to-hand combats all exactly the same too there's a tier one the that guy that spams yeah i wanted to finish it select exit prime curt evacuate safe point go go go oh no there she is come back jesus christ get the [ __ ] back here quick she's in danger get my gun out christmas god switching between controller and keyboard on the fly is not easy oh good dodge i'll give you that very good dodge also you need new security all right let's do it again i'm loud and coming both targets down good just give me a second and i'm in you can now access the core 47. the data core okay where's that never found the data core good eyes good man where's your machine gun jesus i just want to be done with this [ __ ] mission thanks to the prime deadpool i don't know how people aim with controller man i don't get it where do i hack this data core next to the prime grindel and resub ocean and undead moose maybe over there i did loot her didn't i did i forget i'm pretty sure i picked it up because it said i could access the data core now but i'll go back it's not like she's far away i might have killed her up here didn't i thinks he gives some crumple in the prime pig in the resubzolpademic yeah i did looter i'm not sure ironic maybe later sub oh here it is that's why this looks like it feels very clunky i mean it's been the same game for like six years now whenever the first hitman came out [Music] [Music] wait is this not the way no the [ __ ] i have the dongle oh my god how the [ __ ] do i get in there it has to be there it's not like a usable item it's just the uh innovative new camera feature i guess oh baby good you're alone i'm sealing the room and dimming the windows 47. it needs to be some crispy and jump around maybe later jack maybe later it's all here clients operatives every hit the ica ever sanctioned enough to shut them down for good but first you need to locate all files referencing diana and yourself just turn the [ __ ] thing off a recep razor the murder mystery mission was fine but i think it dragged a little too long like the interviews were so long and underwhelming seems like a copy and paste it man too because it is leave you to prepare perhaps i see possibility where others see limitation i choose him the two of you go way back i didn't realize that you i don't know i get why you want to protect her so wipe all the data referring to the two of you from their system before we publish the rest would i call the game bad nope i wouldn't i'd call it lazy i think lazy is the most appropriate word to describe the game okay good i've set up a link to an information non-profit site when you press that button it's up there and the whole world will know there's no undo 47. [ __ ] you this will shut the ica down for good let's get it really okay with this it's who you've been for so long thanks theresa bro i changed my mind maybe it's time for a change i'll just return things to normal no need to alert them we were here prematurely [ __ ] i missed that we're blown 47 i can hold the doors oh yeah now we're blown use the fence to get out after i went [ __ ] guns hot and killed half this entire facility's security team now they know we're here this is bad that means they'll shoot on site i'm gonna create some havoc 47 make the core meltdown maybe we'll defer their attention a bit warning warning open this door olivia temperature critical thanks to prime levi oh i don't think so thanks i would probably not recommend it okay i guess i don't go out that way nothing to scan i guess i just have to go through this there's the reset donut warning fire detected oh god if only i brought the water pistol jesus giving you a chance to back down nice and easy oh screwdriver breach protocol initiated command area i wonder if they'll ever connect those dots what's the prime smokey no it's not quizzes that'd be a good spin-off cone come on let's get out of here quick uh can i go this way now breach protocol initiated access granted uh no i can't escape that way has to be that way or that way you got some burger king oh i'm super sorry to hear that man what happened why'd you end up at burger king i'm sorry it's [ __ ] tough overheating i think is it tier one son bro and theresa angelo there's a tier one motto ash forgot how i got here never mind i remember fire detected it's a prime charm rather eat dirt than burger king well the beauty of burger king is you're doing both at the same time when you make an order there so you have to choose between dirt or burger king i'm assuming i can't get out of this one oh okay all right thank god next mission that was the worst mission so far all the others were pretty good but this one was super not good thanks to the resub sparta hmm bombshell causing shockwaves across the world the so-called ica files the disclosure i feel like even if some [ __ ] like this leaked in the real world nobody would give a [ __ ] what happened tonight anyone remember the panama papers which was like an absolute [ __ ] bombshell and then the the girl the journalist that blew the case wide open just got killed in a car bomb and then nobody talked about him ever again that was 47 acting on his own he is untethered he is unstoppable and he cannot be bargained with he will find you mr edwards and i'm the only chance you've got i'm listening 47 has one weakness me it's not that people forget it's literally people don't care they'll care for as long as they can get internet points out of it and then they completely move on yeah of course i got the new yo box talking about vortex there's a prime dewey in armadill buenos aires international airport i know select it's crazy man harold's trey lands at the airport but turns out that a top providence operative owns a vineyard in the area don yates of infamous new york law jesus christ hugh hefner get this he's hosting his retirement party today she's infiltrated them she's sending a message she needs my help could have for me you don't know her anyway if you're going after her you'll need to deal with the herald her name's tamara vidal former cia asset who's the prime beer brand she's a master of surveillance and the constant most trusted aid she'll have eyes everywhere you won't get far as long as she's in the game why are you telling me this i thought you were out yeah old habits i guess anyway i i need to go see you around 47 bye-bye no you won't should hit him with the men in black line i'll see you but you won't see me and then neuralizer what do you do when you open cards again i don't know we'll see i don't plan that [ __ ] out this is mission number six i believe is that my target speed run let's just humor him yet likes his little game oh i can't push her you don't belong huh what's up diana you got my message you'd never get caught thanks to you're not the only one who's been busy 47 i'm this close to becoming the next constant i'll be able to dismantle providence from the inside only one three subscribers don yates that weasel was the partner's legal counsel for years he's the top candidate but remove him from the playing field it won't work if edward suspects i will convince him you acted alone retaliation for grey trust me i know what i'm doing diana's become evil tomorrow vidal loses tier 1 chica everywhere and they're all fixed on you the plan won't work unless we take her out there's a tier one dr jag whatever your plan is i'll help you if i can you're sure about this as sure as i'll ever be oh wow here i got you an invitation just like old times i need to save before i forget thanks again bros thanks for the invitation come find me when it's done also she's immune to being hit i can't push her over the rails onto the cactus i can't punch her or anything she's too strong for me thanks the prime arn well thank you very virgin have fun at work man hey move out of the way i've got something to say to the people of the world get the [ __ ] out all right diana we'll do it your way makes the reset releasing the prime tuna and the bits green i forgot the invitation come find me when it's done good luck 47 archibald yates i wasn't trying to make like a pun or anything thank you for the raid man i appreciate it you were having fun i see your invitation please gracias were you doing public lobbies uh public servers or were you on otb oh you just run into me hold on my maze is gonna decay here in a second give me two secs i gotta put some more [ __ ] in the tc before i forget it should still have like another 12 hours on it but while i'm thinking about it i might as well do it good lord taker thank you man that'll go right to the obviou positor and thanks to the recent hate you all now i'm going back to hitman it's just i need to put this [ __ ] in the tc before i lose my maze i actually had a dream that my maze decayed and i was waking up in a cold sweat that had me stressed and i completely forgot to actually put the things in the tc neo2 dlc how many hours did i stream in 2020 i think it was 2k i don't remember the twitch recap it was like 2k i think no i'm still doing hitman it's just i needed to hop on russ to put my tc and i put wooden stone in my tc it's hard to explain grizz it's very intricate uh she wanted to become the big powerful guy hey thanks ray i hope you have a great day man can we talk about the deposit eggs they're not deposit eggs it's an avi positor get the nomenclature correct please hold on it's still loading apex new trailer just for fun i'll pass never going to play escape from tarkov i have i didn't really like it and thank you prince why is this game loading so slow there we go okay back to hitman while that loads which would be like 20 minutes thanks to the prime mild what's going on nerds [Music] thank you so you must know everything that goes on at the event care to give me the lowdown she doesn't seem interested see most of the guests have already arrived and let me prime trojan convention but yetis are still no shows were these they're still up at the house they haven't made an entrance yet thanks to the prime nog any idea why well i probably shouldn't be saying this but word is that yes was in a great mood this morning but that all changed why would she know all of this isn't she just like the bartender i mean anyway thanks larissa the party is not the only thing happening at this stage the winery is open it's recent spicer and harmony you should check it out if you're interested in winemaking it's harvard's season after all oh maybe i can drown him in the wine thing [Music] where we stomp grapes or some [ __ ] and he dies hey chloe thanks for five gift subs good to see you again i hope you've been well so what's the story story related kill here this one looks pretty cool with the little handlebar mustache thing let's do that [Music] i'm here for the tour that's right i wonder if i push this guy over if the other guy would even notice oh jesus okay sorry all right all right all right all right all right jesus christ okay calm down calm down jesus christ hey somebody get this guy off me i gotta take a [ __ ] very close yes that's right just get yourself ready and sign into the visitor center oh have a drink on my behalf i don't drink it makes me sentimental a private tour of the estate diane yep that's the one i'll probably use it for like editing and [ __ ] blaine it's kind of what i'm thinking let's see if rust is done loading so i can get my tc taken care of before it's too late not yet it is incredible how long this game takes to load thanks to the resub druid you aren't telling me what i'm do realize the risk here boss broad daylight workers around thanks teresa betty it is on my ssd what [Music] ian well y'all still use ssd go get an envy what the [ __ ] is an nvmt i've never heard of an nvme that's still an ssd dumbass oh would anyone notice if i did it right here i guess not oh god damn it hold on that's still a bad spot don't look this way thank you there thanks to reset ninja in the prime sulfy and dead tree bark and pern okay the rest has to be done loading by now uh somebody killed me when i was offline so there goes all of my guns that were a gift i don't really know why that happened okay who killed me no they can loot me scientist i was in my own maze wasn't i i don't remember actually whatever all i care about is the maze it absolutely is hl2 okay now i can go take a [ __ ] i'll be right back give me one sec you you [Music] all right team i'm back i just took a huge [ __ ] that was big all right things there's ethan the prime rising warrior all right i'm here for the tour will meet you down by the wine fields i trust you another way i can find my way around enjoy let's [ __ ] go this better be a beautiful tour over here you two must be burned and vidal and you must be yates's garbage man sorry but i didn't catch your name oh you [ __ ] what did you say i see a regular i only work with the best well we're all here it seems except for our guide the chief wine maker looks like we're stuck here until someone fetches him mr black i'm looking in your direction hold on i'll track him down attaboy do try and bring him back in one piece man she's an [ __ ] god that was a bit rude oh wait this is the wrong oh boy i'm in the wrong disguise for this i found him what is he now what you have some guesses senor yates bring me the three more big grapes doesn't like how i prioritize he can weigh me down with concrete and toast me of a bridge how's that three grapes was it i'll get my picking knife can we talk about sports rock and roll and butthole maybe later i'm busy right now i don't have time to be distracted by those vices oh [ __ ] do i subdue him or not okay acquire a grape picking knife aka just a normal knife right i don't think there's a specially designed knife for grapes wouldn't it just be a knife makes the primes sweet feed and schlippy thanks to the bits blend and thank you joseph oh i see it's a knife with a curve that is huge malby chardonnay and cabernet okay now i'll be use this one wait double check so i'm here looking at the wall it's top right yeah it's this one there's a tier one bird man in the prime sweet spd he'll notice my disguise if i get too close god damn it i don't want to go next to anybody i don't want to have to injure another innocent worker what's this what's the resub emea quick it's flooding go do something is there any over here no it's a tier one point different plan wait what happened to the grapes that were here what the [ __ ] he picked him son of a [ __ ] oh god damn idiot i tossed a coin towards the grapes i want to pick oh all right let's make the wine mr vargas this guy looks like a grape expert okay what what i didn't do anything what do you mean good size large and firm uh be careful there you're about to be stung by a giant wasp he doesn't care you come friend jesus christ what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i hope you guys like uh collecting grapes for wine oh god damn that's a [ __ ] fat raid [Music] oh here sorry i'll turn this off i just noticed there god damn thank you for the generosity on that raid good lord swinging big dick now kill him with a bottle uh maybe in a minute i'm just doing the story related kills just to see all those before getting real wacky with it exit prime pain oh it was a bot raid wait what wait what how does that work hold on no [ __ ] way i've never seen that before let me see luna's second boss oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait how does that work damn i just got [ __ ] pranked hard i've never seen that before i thought it was maybe like a spanish-speaking streamer or something holy [ __ ] i i don't get it how do you do a bot raid it's a demanding mistress so hey hi i'm gabriel vargas chief lawmaker and that will be your tour guide any questions before we start yes thanks for the gifts of mayhem i uh yeah i i don't get it lead the way senor vargas wonderful follow me these are busy times in fact we're just about to harvest this year's crop great expectations so how do you like argentina like everywhere else full of americans first stop on the tour is the production floor where our fries we need malbec grapes are possessed we insist on i don't give a [ __ ] about grapes which means wine sucks what grapes plenty of storage space our equipment is state-of-the-art including an industrial-sized freezer unit and last but i mean i like grapes as a fruit but i'm not here for grapes i don't need a lesson on winemaking black somehow you don't sing the type oh i believe mr black hears something of a jack of all trades isn't that so and apple i see i just thought yates might be sending a message my mistake this is a really cool facility though i've been here before only on business next on our tour is the fermentation atrium when the wine goes to its primary stage i want to make my own um pruno prison wine it's just putting ketchup in a toilet right and just leaving it there for a year this is also where we squeeze them next recent bonfire juice using our great for the longer secondary stage of fermentation fascinating now before we move on do any of you have questions how about you mr black you look like you have something on your mind yeah of course of it's perhaps we can take a closer look certainly lead the way oh okay let's get educated on winemaking what can you tell me about this device great pressure was it that is correct senor the primary fermentation the mass is pressed through a fine filter leaving only the flesh and skins behind they use fruits from lunch no i thought it was literally ketchup and a toilet is all you need is historically red and mostly a tourist gimmick but you are most welcome to try imagine you're a grape thanks can i push her in that and like turn it on i wonder when in rome oh my god that's gonna be really cool wait diana don't go in there what are you oh god all right i want to see what it looks like yeah i see that mr vargas sorry diana run diana that was pretty cool exit prime wanted trillionbot in the resub cat yeah i know creepy it's wild thanks for the uh give some pat oh wait i can still do that oh my god the machine is malfunctioning [Music] is there any way i can get away with that kill i wonder there has to be a way i'm sure so this is what the little guy feels like nope all good looks like one for the man any further questions okay oh it's all good how they didn't hear the giant [ __ ] collapse of the hydraulic press okay what a terrible facility they didn't hear any of that you might say we run in the same circles must be very exciting it's about 99 preparation thanks to recent frosty and so we arrive to our final stop the barrow room this is where we store the wine during the secondary stage of fermentation the area behind the glass is where we keep our most precious bottles including a 1945 grand palatine the most expensive wine in existence wow the access doors which are made from ballistic glass can only be unlocked from the security room high above our heads remark it's crazy wines expensive for no [ __ ] reason is that wow look at that guy hiding in the wine burnwood is it eh don yates pleased to meet you you come very highly recommended harold's let me be the first to say welcome aboard why thank you mr yates rest assured that i will be following your everything ten dollar wine tastes the same as a hundred dollar wine anyone that says differently is just pretentious they taste identical to celebrate my forthcoming inaugural red wine tastes like a red wine a moscato tastes like a moscato it's all a scam i went to the burns restaurant which is like a huge winery that is the largest private collection of wine in the world and i remember we tried like a 200 200 bottle ones tasted just like the [ __ ] i'd find at walmart we're done here for now i think oh but don't go too far i may still need your services later i'll be closer than you think oh almost forgot cortazar please nip down to the wine cellar and tell mr flowers the sommelier to prep the 1945 grand paladin and bring it out to the world for our special occasion got it chief thanks to you some jimmy oh okay that's what it is narito i knew it was something like that i knew it was ketchup in a toilet i didn't know there was other ingredients for pruno peasant taste bud no you're just wrong expensive wine tastes the same as cheap wine it really [ __ ] does it really does i don't like wine to begin with but i can at least tolerate like moscato they taste the same a hundred percent unexpectedly come for dinner out here what could possibly be so special above your clearance flowers just fetch it already fine what's the passcode again last year of world war ii if you have to look it up shame on you let's go where are we heading i want to do the giant bottle of wine oh wait am i supposed to leave three sub elliot and theresa munro and blake heyo partner hello thanks to recent dennis thank you man bunch of vids showing wine as a placebo if they put boxed wine in a good bottle and bottled wine in a box even wine tasters can't tell i actually saw one of those uh [ __ ] who did that i watched one where they did that exact same thing where they took like really expensive wine and put it in a box and they were like oh this is disgusting and then they took that boxed wine and put it in that bottle and then like this is the best wine i've ever had it's literally placebo 100 i didn't know there was more like multiple ones that did that though but i did see at least one video oh this one's done i want to do the grand paladin i want to see it okay this is the right one thanks for the tier one raven and the resub rindrik i have to disguise myself as a sommelier this there's a tier one tom i need to separate these two oh jesus flustered that's [ __ ] crazy i need these guys to move that's a tier one suck wow can you go and see what's going on there we go oh god damn it don't say anything don't say anything don't you [ __ ] say a thing shut up shut up shut up there oh wait this is a waiter oh i thought that was one of those sommeliers yeah where how do i get in do i have to scan the door with the camera maybe oh wait that's exactly what i have to do nope no run can i drop down here oh i can no encryption key that's all right actually no that's not all right i need an encryption key who has that either these guys thanks to prime bull and nick uh yeah i'll play more russ just not today or not now maybe tonight where's the the guy that was on the phone there he is he's definitely got the key i don't want to restart god damn it i thought i could get away with that okay do i get the encryption key who's your favorite guitarist probably buckethead shit's crazy nice to be so exotic if he said the code was 1945. but that doesn't help me i need the encryption key i didn't see a place to put in a code i thought that'd come in later did i just miss it is there a place to put in a code let's see makes the reset bubbly all i saw was an encryption key nowhere for a code up here unless this nope not for code exit prime genetic no screwdriver no encryption key can't put a code in there don't say anything don't say anything why is he working on rat poison i can poison the ventilation system huh does that just kill everybody here let's find out there's the resub gin in lego star wars the prime generic hmm anything else brings the resub last life oh god i'm poisoning myself down here i see let me see the five macaroni oh wait a few cell there's a prime clue in recep adwad and b1 happy birthday rod it is perfection irreplaceable you don't drink the 1945 grand paladin any more than you would write a shopping list on the mona lisa oh god damn it he was onto me oh [ __ ] he's oh god he's fast holy [ __ ] he's got some wheels okay let's uh i didn't expect them to have those kind of jets i'm coming back pissing the vent it's a pretty good idea vin pisser thank you and thanks to prime senor and resub hydro where was the screwdriver did i pick it up in this i think so i did not where's the screwdriver there it is i don't think i can piss in the vent the 1945 grand paladin it is perfection irreplaceable oh wait wow the 1945 grand paladin the paladon my goodness oh what do you mean you got a body not in here you don't oh boy oh boy take me to the uh i have the the bottle damn it okay i'll do it myself excuse me you just saved yourself a lot of trouble i'll come back to be first hold on okay i'm gonna need to frisk you if you want to come through here i have not watched tin it yet thanks to reset cretan the bits young gouda ah i don't know i don't know where the ah depositor is thanks to reset five star i have always considered the heralds the unspoken heroes of providence ah ladies and gentlemen mr flowers our resident sommelier i believe he has brought us something quite special perhaps you will educate us mr flowers of course of course this is the 1945 grand paladin one of only five bottles in existence the vintage is legendary i didn't poison it no that would ruin the flavor of course not the year was poisoning the grand paladin would be the biggest crime of it all thanks to hail and frost the production was small only 300 bottles were ever produced when the vineyard was bombed during the closing days of world war ii only a single crate survived it is said to have amazingly complex aromas with long savory layers of fruit and spice flavors and a silky texture enjoy wonderful thank you mr flowers feel free to stick around in case our guests have questions this wine was gifted to me by the ark society an acknowledgement of my firm's legal services excuse me may present again reminder that providence draws its strength not from force but from partnership we are but a few and yet together we are unstoppable because we stand united my friends oh did she not get any lt is everything which is why we cannot allow traitors into our ranks oh yes here it comes this woman has wasted bloody war on us more than a dozen heralds and operatives dead okay i don't feel like waiting too long but i want to try a few things here exit tier one tommy and clients my friend ken morgan not to mention the partners let's see if this works where's my soda can did i forget to pick up the soda can okay i guess so how about this then our founders i thought they were going to turn their heads and then i was going to try and poison it and arthur edwards how about this supreme head of providence will this wake them up when he sees it perhaps this is why i am also in the running to become constant and following this childish outburst i dare say i am in the lead don you're lying of course which only proves my point you're gonna be trusted miss burnwood this woman will be our downfall that is unless we take matters into our own hands you are heralds sworn to protect providence against all threats including inside ones i have devised a plan i can't piss in the wine bottle either i don't think thanks for the tier one to decide now my friend righty see already there he said oh cat pony in tier one tommy i agree yes yes yes i scored miss burnwood to my office i'll join you shortly hey now right move it let's go i'm warning you yates this will not go your way as well diana byrnewood died today by the hand of her rogue agent 47. revenge is a tier one common louie hi there this is wow they really went fast oh god dang it you can stop thank you that jesus christ clear the floor and get yourself a guard outfit gates won't be long so all right we're looking good diana do you have a mop or anything to clean up the blood or that's it actually it should be fine okay thanks there's some chris and claw um what's up here just in case things get hairy i suppose there's so much poison just sitting around here there's a sniper on the wall let's see you must have missed it tell it though good i was beginning to worry were you no listen up 47. yates will be here shortly he'll have his thug quarters are do his dirty work but he won't pass up on the chance for a good gloat and a monologue so private space kill room decor exactly we won't get another shot do you think the blood's gonna tip him off though diana when i provide a distraction you just i don't know i feel like the blood and the guns on the floor might be a little obvious my car keys now oh corvo pick up your damn phone plan b is a go i repeat plan b is a go oh looks like we fooled them like we discussed remote staged accidents they didn't look on the he walked over the gun we got him nice to be some you smoke out the red carpet just for me dawn you shouldn't have so confident even in defeat i suppose you're not used to danger always safe behind your screens just tell me one there's a tier one toe knee luck why would edwards trust you please it will keep me awake at nights and i'm 65. i get up four times to piss as it is oh it's simple really edwards is proud he considers himself the cleverest man alive and yet we tricked him on isle of scale there's a tier one tale of profit he needs to win full unequivocal victory my recruitment was just the feather in his cap by the way you write about one thing yeah i'm all ears wow these are the worst guards in history gotcha what are you doing and i will make it my mission to tear down providence brick finish it okay you're getting the pirate saber such a good boy [Music] well i wanted to use the pirate saber but that's okay well done 47. better get rid of the body won't be long before they come looking when you're done meet me on the dance floor oh and dress appropriately nice where's my sniper [ __ ] i've got a plan watch this uh this guy looks like kind of a prick he's over there bragging about when he was like starting quarterback in high school let's see if they can find out who did that that was a good flip though these two don't really care this guy just likes wine i'll let him live everyone turned around oh was that a gunshot no it must have been the wind thanks to the prime dead sea and recent hype overlord and baked uh lime who else my god he's back and he's still bragging take this oh oh here we go don't let that distract you from the party see if anyone can heal him oh wait [ __ ] the guards are actually coming in this time i think could have been anyone though they'll never guess it was me [ __ ] this guy in particular can i get him to go over the railing oh good shot okay that's good enough wait whoa what uh i could come outside but i can't go back inside i'll just walk around my pirate sword thanks for the five gifts up drafa i'll tear providence down brick by brick dick by dick on the dance floor baby the way diana asked me to wait what come back come back good aim ah okay let's find a good outfit i am aaron hope you're all right oh sweet well thanks prophet thanks theresa brack appreciate the kind words man oh holy [ __ ] violin oh holy [ __ ] imperial egg oh man i need to find a good disguise for myself i suppose hey what the hell wait where is this oh oh wait load the cannon stop get the [ __ ] away get the [ __ ] away ah all right now i'm hidden good i didn't see a cannonball though is there one nearby uh that's a battery uh how about this no i think the gun was making me too suspicious the sword should be fine oh god pardon me diana are you ready to dance okay uh she's pretending she doesn't know me damn i'll have to drop the sword too i suppose i seriously patrick oh yeah [ __ ] this guy god damn it this way good dodge good move good move there's the prime sun [Music] i have his keys can't i just leave here yeah thanks for the resa brave ricks and the prime bruh thanks to the reset renegade so this next mission is the last one isn't it i'm sure diana found another good guy to dance with how did you know makes the resub sexy your deal that kind of power always comes with a price what's yours i think you know oh no i'm sorry this is a necessary evil what have you done eat the brand's neurotoxin transfers by touch see edwards learns by his mistakes 47 and as you've clearly demonstrated brute force is futile what how did i demonstrate i've killed everyone it was the only way to get this class five thank you for the five gift subs tale of prophet i know what you did after all these years i finally know i am sorry you didn't have a choice i did providence used you but i'm no better all i saw was a blank slate a weapon to wield i told myself it was what you needed but people aren't meant to be controlled kiss him this is a kindness goodbye agent oh hold on i'm coming i'm sending a quick text next three some kevin and skis are you still here hey dana still clinging on to your self-image agent 47 the apex predator uh where am i ah always hiding behind the headlines was perfection its own justification oh yes or a willful distraction [ __ ] i don't know a wall built contract by contract this mission in hitman 2 is my favorite from the uncomfortable oh wait that's not the hitman 2 mission you're exactly the tool they bred you to be thanks to resub drag and kevin in the bit spheres quite a piece of work you are how could you possibly function on your own you never even had a name the prime journal until i gave you one podegrass that's him burnwood never ceases to surprise me you really are a most singular individual and to think she wanted me to put you down lucky for you i never throw away anything useful prepare the serum forgetting's not so bad you've done it before thanks there's some soggy what's he doing is he still looking at us i'm afraid so poor sap just won't accept his days are done perhaps i should take him out to the woods and set him free don't you know it's a classic it was a loyal tool but everything goes the way of the horse and cart eventually i couldn't agree more next the prime are you done the toxins are playing into your fears don't let them come on gotta get your head straight there's a tier one demolton she wants me dead she has every right to after what we did nice to recep lady but that's not what is really going on she chose power in the end she was just like them no she found a way to turn edward's own cleverness against him the rest is up to you thanks the resub ego don't know eogon and the prime flambe once you dispose of edwards i will dismantle providence from the top down it will finally be over you have to do is embrace the past okay thanks threesome cinnamon goo where am i excuse me what the [ __ ] is this ayah [Music] thanks to the gifts to begin prophet uh yes of course mitosis meiosis you know cells uh the epidermis of course yes oh look at all this adiposes of course of course not wiped obviously but that's just fine tuning okay right now the serum erases long and short-term memory bags wholesale but in a couple of cycles we'll be able to is it two gift subs tomato soup appreciate it memories imagine if you could pluck out childhood traumas ugly breakups combat trauma you guys should be over the moon no crowbar yet what are the odds zero percent thank you for the tin give subs profit god damn man thank you for the generosity today i appreciate it thank you profit oh 1979 it's right there crowbar why is there a crowbar at the medical facility here what's the point but whatever is this game good or cash grab i mean it's hitman 2. uh there is no difference between this and hitman 2. just more missions and a different story well continuation but yeah there's a there's literally zero new mechanics new functions upgrades it's the same so it's hitman 2 just more of it basically you said lowercase in the prime lil uffi and kyle i do to give subs again profit goddamn man thank you get out of here [Music] place valve where's the bell what's up hmm there's a tier one squirty oh another big egg yeah yeah yeah uh pretty useless thanks to prime drin oh dread [Music] i can't open the other box crowbar broke the crowbar broke i can't open the other box i need to find another crowbar oh here's the valve huge dodge not worth it fine [ __ ] it i'll see what i'll see what's back there all that we're out there dragging supply sleds that wait five times more than any of us 12 hours at a time i was gonna throw the icicle first but there's no point there's four bullets and five men which means i'll have to use the icicle when it's that cold kissing god damn ice above nobody and that's just when it was snowing never mind [Music] okay first one wasn't a headshot damn exercise adopted was there six i only counted five so thanks for the five gifts up squirty thanks for the tier one space s um how do i do this then five times more than any of us oh yeah there's a guy crouching over there i didn't see oh i didn't even tell you about him it's not worth i don't care thank you squirty you have the egg i mean it's not a bomb it's a collectible isn't it thank you the six gift subs profit all right what [ __ ] it teachers just enough so what the [ __ ] was the point coming over here doesn't look like any point at all except the crowbar that's kind of what i was thinking exit prime td in the bits final generation oh i guess i did need this for the store the ether corporation bought this train for sample backup storage but this is the bombing site in johannesburg thanks to the gifts of paddle pacifist [Music] so looking pretty good just in case let's play it safe into the two gift subs tale of prophet [Music] a blueberry muffin though hey private that's enough people out like that oh no you don't wha no i pulled out a gun oh jesus out [Music] oh don't give me this [ __ ] garbage uh where is the crowbar oh here we go there was a key no key here oh here yeah that'll oh it's not even for that hey soldier boy all right looking pretty good okay i i can't squeeze around this side making good time here is it to give subs wingdrasil thank you prophet i really appreciate him okay that helmet's kind of tough [ __ ] god damn it thanks very soon moisture why couldn't i push that guy god dammit whoa why did i climb [Music] hang tight damn it's lasting a while reload come on i'm really taking it to him now why am i stuck on the cover get off get off holy [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off why jesus christ thanks to the prime role play and they give some space in prime awesome i have a single grenade uh somehow melee is a lot stronger than bullets against these guys oh my god stop stop sticking how is this guy still alive [Music] jesus this is a huge tier three prophet holy [ __ ] all right i thought i could hop on that turret or something but i guess not looking good [Music] your ass at this game well i'm playing it on a controller and it's very close to your point calling for help no playing a shooter on a controller is some old-school dog [ __ ] well played miss burnwood do you really think she'll be able to resist all that power this is not how people work she rejects the power not the responsibility a noble idea but please join me in the real world i trust you already know what this is no why not simply take it embrace who you were always meant to be no never again there's a prime oversoul well i had to try go on then do your thing at least i die knowing who i am i even have a choice not letting me pick this up oh here we go who am i oh i can do both and now i get the ketamine too use it okay i guess not inject him why that's a boring way of killing him i wanted to use it on myself well all he's gonna do is fall over i don't think this game has any good animations in it at least it hasn't had a single one so far i don't think there's gonna be something super cool with it but here i'll do it anyway christ let's see if it at least triggers a cutscene i guess what are you doing no no this is what it means to lose everything you're making a mistake it's mine to make oh forgive me i seem to have uh what were we talking about don't worry we were done that was awesome wow that was good that was good [Music] better than just shooting him no i thought i think that was significantly worse i hit him with a forget juice and then just walk away cool andy's still alive the string of resignations at the top level of international finance continues as milton fist classic ceo alexander fanon joins the president of hamzen oil while tesco was this better or worse than one and two in your opinion i liked two more than three they're the same game but i think two's missions were better i like to a lot that's not who i am anymore the pact is done the past then and yet here you are i choose this path because i can there will always be people like them so there will always be people like us it's good to be back yeah the story wasn't very good i didn't find this the story that great uh at least some of the missions were good though yeah overall pretty disappointing again not a bad game but i would have liked it to not just be hitman 2 again i would have liked some improvements or some changes instead of the same game and the missions were worse than hitman 2. thanks to the dollar gerald then maybe later i don't know i tried cell then it didn't let me okay let me take a piss real quick i'll be right back how many hours was it it was just under six hours going by stream time so all right all right team i'm back thanks to resub tray so now next step is just doing some uh experimentation to see what kind of cool kills i can do in the game because the goofy kills are the best part of hitman i don't know what we bet on there's no like bets to make right now yeah overall a pretty disappointing first playthrough i'd say you said andrew beat it yesterday what did he think of it andrew is a huge hitman fan what was his opinion he was disappointed as well yeah i imagine that's the consensus would be my guess there's the prime smeart dom and the recent chaotic he loved it i'm getting mixed reviews then on that thanks to recent kingston oh i thought he finished well of course the goofy kills will obviously make it better but just following story related kills i was pretty underwhelmed that's a good point meadow the lack of postman dale i think really hurts it have i tried tear down yet no not yet no i'm not doing youtube right now thanks to the resub parker people called it the new cod people called what the new cod what game you're talking about am i gonna go back to missions and get goofy kills yeah i don't know if i'm gonna do that now though i don't know if i feel like playing it again right now i'll definitely do it like i don't know probably this afternoon at some point might not stream it but we'll see i just don't know if i feel like revisiting the game immediately right now why is the word rust band i imagine mods banned it because people wouldn't stop [ __ ] spamming it like they're doing right now even though it's still banned most anticipated game of 2021 [ __ ] i don't know man i'd have to think about it oh probably near yeah probably near i forgot nearest in april or at least i think it's april no i'm not doing youtube right now you can't get the jacket anymore no you can still get the jacket when i play rust which is not right now here's the resub jsac i didn't play squadrons because i knew that game would make me sick to my stomach that game would make me absolutely motion sick let me see when is the last day january 23rd is the last day for the rest drop i'm sure i'll play the game again before then yakuza is dicks yakuza is [ __ ] great what are you talking about i don't know if psychonauts 2 comes out this year it's not confirmed when does the splorch arrive couldn't tell you i hope they hope you're getting profit please i mean more than enough man don't worry about it play music nah what time is it 3 p.m uh i don't know if i feel like playing anything else right now what am i waiting for nothing i just beat the game at least the main mission well main mission main story kills i didn't like experiment too hard or anything i'm going to play persona 5 strikers i don't know i don't know anything about it just the name how long did it take to finish it just under six hours thanks to re-separated okay i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to go eat work out and then we'll either do youtube or rust tonight so i'll be back at like i don't know like eight eight or nine or something and we'll do either rocket league or uh rust or youtube tonight thanks to the resub apu good morning hunter yeah i remember you men all right i'll see you all in like four or five hours from now thanks everyone for tuning in and we've donated a big thank you new subs welcome board sub means a lot to me thank you for the generosity and i hope you all have a wonderful afternoon and i'll see you tonight take it easy take it easy everyone thanks again here's the prime hype see ya
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 22,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cr1tikal, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya orsan, moist meter, huggbees, critikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, tiana, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, full streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist, vod, stream archive, cr1tikal stream, twitch archive, bigmoistcr1tikal
Id: uuWPSQ-TUxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 41sec (8801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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