moistcr1tikal Stream Jun 13th, 2022 [The Quarry]

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look hey hey hello pre-notification gang all good on your end looks like it yeah don't you like to wait around for like an hour though before we actually start playing yeah usually only like three four five minutes whatever however long it is for the notification the downright line i usually see you sitting on a stream just on a blank screen downloading a game for like 15 minutes well downloading a game i can't help but the why don't you download the game before the stream i don't always decide on the game before the stream jackson ah okay that ma yeah that's that's make that make sense that's way more respectful thanks there's some sarah yeah thanks sarah is this a horror game debatable kinda more of a comedy yeah it's really cute it's a tier one banana i have control back so that i can test um oh yeah there you go manageable yeah about the same as last time nice thanks to the bits plague you said was have you seen starfield yeah it kind of looked like [ __ ] like the gameplay looked horrible did you see it jackson uh yeah i mean it looked like a bethesda game like the gunplay is what i'm talking about it looked like a bethesda game but as the games always have bad gunplay i disagree fallout's gunplay was fun yeah well that's that was entirely saved by vats yeah but this doesn't look like it has anything no probably not thank you some van gogh the bits meet the performance also look bad though i didn't know frame drops ezra miller kidnapped someone i've been seeing so much [ __ ] about ezra miller over the last two weeks going wild yeah what happened like [ __ ] kidnap someone now there's so there's like allegations of grooming and then some parents of a girl came forward to say that ezra miller controls her instagram and doesn't allow her access to a phone or something it's it's wild and the court can't locate him it's it's a weird series of events billy what the [ __ ] how how does the celebrity manage to do that don't they have like armies of like publicists and people keeping them on track it sounds like unchecked mental illness sounds like it's definitely mental illness yeah it sounds like about that desperately need help there's three sub sky jackson teaspoon mine spa and schlurges let me give some dibs yeah it [ __ ] escalated so quickly it started off with him like throwing chairs at a bar fight and then he's now kidnapped a kid and grooved her and stolen her instagram account possibly the worst uh offense of all it's still a person's instagram account it's honestly the natural trajectory not only was ezra miller throwing like chairs i don't know if you forgot but they also broke into someone's apartment stole their passports and threatened to kill them what the [ __ ] yeah that was all during the same time period like uh i don't know an international assassin or something that's he's like jason bourne he's going in deep in his next role as your miller's the flash yeah well he's the actor who plays the flashlight a lot of people no no ezra miller is like the actual flash i mean he very well could be just vanished like off the face of the earth this recent elongated master mike adria rob ronan in the tier one crimson tier one mugen in the prime montan in roussex the bits ali hero josh and she there's one oh yeah there is a new dark pictures game coming out this year too the devil in me we got a good look better than the other ones yeah i saw a little of it there's a recent dismal it's anthrax and resa bungala so you're a twitch lord i have a hype train close to coming into station apparently what the [ __ ] does that mean do i have to like take my shirt off and switch it around or something it's a hype train yeah it's uh it means you got a lot of subs or bits in a short amount of time so hype trains leaving the station and wampus is the conductor baby choo choo oh yeah [ __ ] yeah they've they fired him from server responsibilities and put him in charge of the train i think there you said nick and blue you get really itchy a lot like your body like for no reason well i don't know if there's a reason or not i just get like weird rashes over my body now i think i've like contracted an allergy of some kind and i've never been allergic before in my life it's been like the last two months yeah it's probably like it could be like a seasonal allergy or something or i guess that's like crackhead symptoms but i don't think you've been like sneaking crack oh yeah you're right maybe i'm allergic to crack though exit 5 give subs jazzy appreciate it the prime chronos and recent sway the bits again meet and the resub wayne oh yeah one punch man's getting a live action adaptation i did hear about that directed by the fast and furious director uh urgent news charlie we now have a level three hype train oh baby god oh are you on push to talk yeah why oh nice why because you think i couldn't figure out that technology or something i'm just kind of impressed well it actually is hot once we're in game i don't think i can because i'm locked into the the parsec window that's why i'm just going to stay voice activity that's fine make threesome stove tier one james and the resub hugo all right it's not it's not ring worm chat i don't have ringworm i know what ringworm is it's the rashes aren't like circular they have to be circular for wing worm thanks for your subs orion you're making me itchy now goddammit i hate that i hate that i know i know it's the same i think i like trick myself into being itchy mentally i think it's a it's a like state of mind do you moisturize not my like body my hair though yeah you what is moisturizing your hair i mean you're like using hair conditioner yeah like conditioner yeah i've never heard that described moisturizing yeah i guess i do it's what it is um yeah but i don't moisturize anything else maybe i should maybe use that i should though i think you might be right maybe that's what we need to start doing well you're not itching don't try to hop on my medical kitchen well i'm itching now yeah like a hypochondriac jesus christ it's [ __ ] awful he's a tier one soul rat in the resub [ __ ] pika icarus shock and the gifts of archaea no but it's it's like um i i do think it's like an allergic reaction because my skin prickles up and gets like these weird bumps wherever it is itchy so there's actually like a physical manifestation of the itch i think i might have like an allergic reaction to like the fabric i'm wearing maybe or something like that could be like eczema or something oh no i have eczema but it's localized entirely in my foot and i've had that for life but now i'm getting the itch in different areas but it's not the same itch if that makes sense like i know what an eczema itch is yeah i don't know then thanks you should alter buckshot hamburger in the prime abby there's a dong white in tetsukabra do you eat a lot of dairy jackson no i drink like no dairy nice itch it could dairy allergy that happens sometimes as you get older yeah we've had one death so far in the game we lost emma well actually i drink milk with tea but i've done that my entire life he's a tier one real shredder and there's some mediocre shanny and sprite don't you go and get like allergies tested easily but they just yeah there's like an allergy allergy patch test thing they do i might go do that it could be fun make sure you said forsen and the bits alex what chapter are you on we're on chapter five right now it's a prime trip maybe it's anxiety from playing this game maybe i'm so scared and i just don't know it i don't know how scared i am but it like manifests physically over my body that's possible it is a very intense game it's hard not to get invested you know what i was thinking about the other day huh like shortly after we played the game stop playing the game i i was thinking to myself it's really weird that the game is called the quarry when there's no like we haven't been to like a stone mine or anything yet but then i was thinking the theme of the game is these hunters and stuff and a quarry is um also a like hunter's prey so it all fits together very interesting jet wow okay yeah pretty good yeah now we're getting somewhere really red between the lines now we're trying to save the characters well well we just we had a bit of a hiccup with emma's i am you sent her directly to her grave you agreed what do you mean i didn't i wasn't in charge you can't put that on me we came together and made that choice as a unit no throat it's all rko and the resub or the tier one mo in the prime guiseppi so how long does the um pre-notification stuff go on for usually like five ish minutes but you do you do you take it by a time basis is that what you base it off or do you base it off as to how many people filter in no usually like a time basis for a game like this though i give it a little extra time since it's so story heavy i don't want anyone that was here for the whole last one missed the beginning of this or something so i just give them some time that's right don't you have buds yeah but it's still more fun to watch it live who then you waste 20 minutes and they have to go to bed and then like miss 20 minutes i don't think anyone comes in for like 20 minutes of the quarry and be like all right that should be all he's a tier one decks tier one chifuyu why did you just call it finishing how are people meant to know you're just arguing about how like people should come in and watch the quarry or whatever you want as many people to come in and watch the quarry are you titled it just finishing the last one was just called tradition yeah at least that makes more sense how if they don't know you and i do this every year they have no [ __ ] tradition it is everyone knows about tradition this one just says finishing in the quarry so it's a whole it's a full sentence it's finishing the quote oh true yeah i guess that does make slightly more sense than tradition the quarry yeah yeah have you turned your lights off oh actually no good point uh what size am i five eleven why i only have 75 viewers i don't stream some stubs and switch right now the lights are off someone said that uh there was no warning for that death which is funny because you clearly didn't watch it she was talking all the way up to that [ __ ] uh trap door about how she was about to die but to be fair like who's gonna believe her like that just seemed like a fake out like oh i'm gonna go up here and die if i open this trap door i'm gonna die it's like yeah no you're probably not this is definitely a lie do you agree with me that that was kind of like a weak uh choice-driven death i didn't feel like we really interacted much with how she got there you just chose one option to go up a ladder and then she died to be fair we had two choices before then we could have gone down low instead of going up into that uh that house and then we also had the choice of searching the bag or actually condemning her to death yeah that's two choices but still it feels i don't know yeah we didn't have a whole lot of leading there i really didn't think that she was gonna die from that i also didn't plus we saw the crystal ball which is where she just took a picture of one of the things so i really thought she was safe yeah that's why that's why i wanted to get to the creature i wanted to get a photo immediately yeah i i think we had a good like plan but just we he [ __ ] up we had a good life yeah she went down doing what she loved yeah she did fine really things were so pip sloppy dorito the prime kiroshi all right i'm ready to ride you're you're next i think we're starting with nick yeah after watching you for like four hours my turn you had a good streak oh we can go back to start if we want to save a life yeah luckily it doesn't save at 43 seconds it should be not too far i am indeed ready let's do this isn't nick like already dead as well nick has got like a lot of bites on him and [ __ ] but he's still alive quick text message someone said you did buy the 70 version i don't know how they're able to tell from the main menu but apparently we should have the power to rewind deaths i did not buy the 70 version they're just wrong i bought this just before we started playing hey i couldn't find anything to eat the kitchen's pretty cleaned out oh shoot i left my bag i brought you this let's kiss again please that was [ __ ] i don't even know what happened it was all just a blur how are you feeling pretty good i actually made it with twice in one night by two different hot girls you should be happy oh he's very happy i'm sure yeah he he he's definitely grateful right i'm okay i'll be okay as long as you kiss me again no no i i just helped a little because thank you so beef and ryan you're here with me that helps oh oh he's probably going to turn there right yeah they both are i'm sure he is as well but she got that another mr his office so just in case what happened to the lights not sure any better i'm doing okay kind of wait are they going to the radio hut phone's dead they're going to try to send out an sos or something we're holding down the fort why not just all hide under the bed i think that oh what are you gonna do uh oh i don't think anyone's good is gonna be here i'll stay quiet i thought you said dylan and ryan already left god damn it i didn't speak up for a reason and now you're talking [Laughter] my goal is to get them to go to the creature giving me time to escape okay that's a pretty good plan i guess i don't know why we don't get some band-aids or something yeah is there not like med kits here yeah i mean it's a summer camp you'd expect there to be like some kind of first aid kit yeah i don't know why i said med kit like it's halo and much yay that was my entire turn luckily i had caitlyn up here two choices here we go this deer on steve and the resub dog tobias sam maggie i'm warning you charlie i'm just gonna start blasting hey you're in charge baby if you want to just start blowing heads off go for it man what what keep it out why would you shoulder it right now there's no evidence that there's a a monster here could have been anything oh yeah i guess she's still under the assumption that there's a bear roaming around in the attic wherever it is true oh no it's gonna come through the chimney that's the only way in a lot of sneaky we could just leave this up here and just go about our business oh hey it's that nice guy that is the opposite of threatening i know he's friendly so there's like no tension here i'm still gonna start blasting though no don't don't blast him jackson he's our only hope how did he not see her i'm getting in range for the takedown yeah this guy's meant to be like a master werewolf hunter or something you didn't see that also why wouldn't you make yourself known anyway like it's a human jax why they don't know why he's here he's totally friendly blood them yeah they could have phrased that better well no we know it's a good thing i'm gonna let it get blooded this is medicaid she falls down the stairs and dies [Laughter] yeah this is a little bit of meta gaming since we have a little extra info okay can i just say blood me don't shoot him jesus [ __ ] hit her with a can of tomatoes what the [ __ ] is that gonna do i i don't know it's certainly not gonna block a shotgun shot he's clearly friendly oh god i've been blooded we're friends now what are you doing i'm not putting up with the fight just talk to me that makes no sense that makes absolutely no sense he was super talkative with jacob uh someone said i love that jackson charlie failed the qt 90 of the time i did it intentionally because i didn't want to kill him yeah that was just that's so [ __ ] up jackson i also did it due to meta gaming because i knew the right choice was to fail hey so this may not be like the best time to say but like my goal is to get everyone blooded i think that's what you're meant to do yeah if we can get everyone blooded i think that'd be good for us you know thinking about like the start of summer and when we first met and started camp and like now that summer's over and you know is that like the last time we're gonna see each other you know well yeah but probably because you're about to die what are you saying i can do a little don't worry about caitlyn wait what why why the thing about caitlyn what did that have to do with anything then because she went to go hunt the noise yeah but are we talking about our feelings and [ __ ] yeah i don't really know where it comes into play hey i'm kind of pouring my heart out here nick i'm i'm sorry can we talk about this later i'm i'm really freaked out it's not a good time it's the best time okay i guess i'll just die then intrigued that you were intrigued by that response i was misreading the situation back there but he just ignores her wants and desires and her uncomfortable nature and just goes into it anyway well did you want a little bit more to happen are you dumb hey maybe it's not about werewolves it's about alpha males he's turning into an alpha seems like such a long time ago now don't say the opposite they can sell stuff no that's sigma maybe you can tell me yeah do you like me yes or no you're just saying that because i'm hurt nick give me another kiss to prove it prove you like me what is going on out there caitlyn we've died we've died it's okay i got this no yeah it's fine we're gonna get blood it's gonna be great well i don't really think nick needs to be blooded he's covered in blood right now oh my god he's still coming and he hasn't why is he walking like that just say something oh my god what happened jesus i've been blooded we gotta get out no we have to hide do you think i should hide or run no i want to hide because that'll probably lead to blooding right i would think so yeah let's unless i like run and trip into a pool of blood or something nick just [ __ ] hides directly in front of the door i'm not gonna breathe oh [ __ ] no this is good because now she'll get blooded oh she's got unnatural strength or something oh they might actually kill us because we're infected oh true [ __ ] i need to get out of here oh that's unlucky yeah you're gonna have to kill him he's definitely turning we know that yeah oh this is what we saw in the crystal ball yeah i've just made fate come true this is the opposite of what we did with emma true yeah unlucky i did it i led us to the fate that we're meant to get i think maybe i don't know if the crystal ball means that we're minted meant to do stuff uh i think it's just like a little hint i don't think you have to but you can like it can happen like that like an actual radio i thought it was just for your morning announcements oh yeah well i had a fun 10 minute turn now it's your turn for another four hours i guess um my characters are just better i mean it is still technical hold on i need to turn up the volume here for some reason it's a lot lower this time around i did choose one character who was only a wrap for the prologue and then never again apparently what the [ __ ] how's volume maxed what i think stinkle dank uh okay let me let me try it on stream it's so much quieter this time around than it was last time boosted in ibs yeah that's what i'm doing but is it just my voice in comparison to the game no the game the game is quiet for me also dankin just said the game is quiet as [ __ ] so it's just it's just quiet in general unlucky hold on talk right talking talking talking okay that should be fine i turned it up into obs and then i can you hear it yeah the game's just a little quiet for me but i can still make it out by right clicking on the like little sound icon in the bottom taskbar oh i've already maxed that out yeah i already mixed that up nobody brings their radio to camp anymore yeah it's weird actually that there used to be kids with their radio and their you know nowadays everything we need is on the phone but mr hackett takes it on the first day of camp so that we're not distracted by technology technology giveth and it taketh so is is that something like that you want to go into camp radio no like uh dj or music make sure you get the tarot cards um yeah yeah i mean i like music but oh i thought there's gonna be like a terrible just looking at major and um you know where he is now what wait what yeah uh you don't really seem like us yes not science guy oh yeah i mean you know not not here um i don't really like seeing things that the characters can't see yeah kind of necessarily more scary yeah it kind of takes it out you're gonna have to balance across this little bridge be careful that'll be easy for me well maybe you're not gonna break you're gonna drown i'm so completely fascinated by this what do you mean by not here not here at camp i do that at home and then here i um euro wise was cracking smart ass uh that's a little harsh but no okay so maybe i was a little nervous when i arrived in an uncomfortable social situation and i overcompensated a little bit by making a bunch of jokes you played into it yeah i mean people kind of enjoyed the why do we have to stop to have this conversation keep walking we could just walk and do do you enjoy the blase people dying right now not yet like you know whatever man it's pretty cool it's fine um i like dylan dylan well it's nice to meet you dylan dylan i'm ryan ryan well actually i'm let's get the [ __ ] out of here ryan yeah i like him he's that makes a lot of sense what are you guys afraid of [ __ ] bridges just crosses no we just needed to have a moment jackson god damn you i don't want moments you've never been to summer camp you don't get it yeah i'm gonna explore a little bit at that moment i never got to meet jackson jackson thanks there's a paladin titus magic and the prime vex and the two give subs decks please stand in that secret weapon [ __ ] no i'm not going to immediately ruin this something like that would really take your hand it was really triggered because you tricked it this just saved someone's life i'm sure it wasn't heroes yeah if it was then well no one i bet we were running away like in another multiverse and got hit by that whatever it was trying to catch you can't now nope you just [ __ ] us that's probably like the only thing stopping them from getting in here all right fine i'll open it back up that fate's been sealed damn i guess that's the end of that yeah bear traps are historically one use only wait didn't at the start we opened one of these cabins the one in the back yeah that's the one we're going to oh yeah that one there we couldn't open any of the other ones where's the golf cart we took though that'd be so useful right about now mm-hmm like three pills oh what in the name of voodoo dude is this wait didn't i smell it at the start oh tarot card nice you got the devil yeah it's going to be a good one for us yeah it's going to help us navigate the end game you didn't have the option to take that uh coyote urine did you no unfortunately not it was like a warning thing to keep them away all good all right oh it's giving you an option to go look around again i'll get the card my turn again nice why is he smiling he loves this room charlie did you hear me wanted to be a dj don't that's true i guess he loves brady is okay when i was a camper here it was barely working it hadn't been used for years and it took me a really long time actually it's just absolutely cleaned up and looking the way it is so i'm sorry if it's not up to your standards but i've been putting in a lot of tlc okay okay let me get this set up all right are we talking to dylan dylan at the moment we still have that anything over here we can use the power tools um that's mr h wanted more storage so it's kind of how he lets me keep the station going gotcha so uh true i guess we could start our own podcast right now um well it was designed just to broadcast to the pas around camp for announcements and to you know we have to wait for someone to find it on apple's podcasts uh i don't want to be dismissive how do you even he's trying stuff i just kind of picked it up the technical stuff has always been a little uh hard for me to get a handle on well if you like i could show you the ropes like a glass yeah it's easy like oh their hands are going to touch when they press the mouse oh that'd be so romantic they both go to give like an sos in the lips touch um but that's where this comes in you say it sls no i said sos supposed to be a signal booster it's kind of janky looking but it's worth giving a shot so we can actually talk to people with this thing yeah well it's not a two-way radio so um you know we can talk uh but then the best we can do is why would a one-way radio exist what does that see if anyone broadcasts anything back which is unlikely but that was incredibly annoying i mean you're just saying i guess like signal out there not letting anything come back so what should i no can stop you uh just like make it sound urgent okay hello how's it going out there this is oh my god uh we need help this is uh we are counselors oh just uh screen summer camp and there's been a horrible accident attack some stuff bad you sound like a sociopath you sound like a prank caller swarm of bears and they are everywhere seriously hunters too and they seem to be shooting at the bears but also at us um which is not good and a few of our friends are hurt and um we are in desperate need of help so please there's vicious bears and uh we don't know what to do so please uh come help us sos uh this is uh an emergency save our ship come on down please help us i was like is that swarm of bears yeah heard of bears that's what you had the problem with all right i guess you didn't use the correct plural version of bears you son of a [ __ ] no they're not gonna take it seriously techy stuff yeah that's true i mean that is kind of a big they're gonna pick that apart now they know it's not real they're gonna be like scrolling through the dictionary that word wasn't right hmm so you deserve to die oh we're getting a really good look at this creature now you're not at all like bothered by that no there's nothing left wait did he did he say i don't know two [Music] unaccounted males copy that piece of tier 1 daydream the resub aqua harp rockstar and senpai hmm i'm just gonna play dumb we can't be sure they were talking about us yeah there could be another radio shack around here it really really sounded like but that's that's not possible right why wouldn't that be possible [ __ ] we put an invisibility cloak around us right dylan where's our force field we can't stay here how did these people know we were here when we just put out a signal using the radio shack let's go find caitlyn they've been pointing out location we came here with the goal of alerting people as to where we were too by the way [ __ ] you it's a great point i saw the the werewolf monster and i still let him run outside you're a bad person i was gonna say [ __ ] you that's why [ __ ] you i i i didn't know what i saw but you saw something and you didn't think that you should [ __ ] tell me i forgot i mean the the guys yeah because then the radio turned on [Music] uh ryan it's probably nothing he forgot about the creature again now that he's heard a new noise isn't it what is wrong with these people i don't know they actually think there's a bear in the attic just start blasting to the roof it's definitely the creature they talk about bears like there's some kind of like morphing assassin like a shape-shifter a paranormal entity i'm just gonna shoot yeah i'm just gonna fire yeah right there nice that's our first shot by the way we haven't fired yet that felt good what is that that would have been the choice like you shoot the thing and then it falls down and kills both of you oh and then recreate what happened with emma they're coming why are they here how did they get here we gotta warn them um what about the pa up top yeah okay yeah yeah we can tell them to hide or something oh [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] only the bear trap was there hold the button uh caitlyn get into a building now do not come up here there's an animal outside the radio cabin now in the bits josh oh luckily we opened this door dude they're gone did you kill the thing in the roof it's not moving now i might have just blasted it uh i want to go like really like commando here let's get like crazy the power back we gotta kill it yeah it's not a normal animal man i don't think a gun's gonna cut out it's an ultra elite bear trained by the us army to hunt down teenagers it's got like the serum they gave captain america [ __ ] you got a better idea it's so clearly not a bear as well it's tiny it's also really skinny with no hair maybe i mean we could we could play a really high-pitched feedback loop and crank it to the max and i mean it would hurt like hell but you have no basis for that it's really not a bad idea though like just try a sonic blast okay come on dylan let's do this um but it's like the it's like the whole um what's that a quiet place thing how the solution is so obvious yeah and it's like how did no one try that oh my god that mean i like that movie a lot but that made me so mad uh i think urgent right because i mean we a we got a bear on our roof you know he's he's going to get his frequencies correct otherwise it'll shatter our eardrums oh yeah let him he's going to take him right yeah hey dylan just take her breath i'm sure you can figure it out okay yeah good job you gave him the confidence he needs to find the pitch and frequency there's something missing [Music] what's missing he's electric guitar he needs to shred to save the day i have to hit a g sharp it'll kill it on the spot hold the wire fix it i'll cover you it knew to pull the wire it might not be a bear but it's got the brain of a bear that's a smart animal up there oh is he a [ __ ] idiot okay amputation use the shotgun to shoot it off all right jesus i'll shoot your arm off [ __ ] [ __ ] using that against the creature i i'll use the chain this is gonna be so hardcore i'm using the chainsaw let's go like you been uh well actually now i'm thinking i'm thinking it through maybe the shotgun and just [ __ ] blast it oh we need the ammunition yo true true chainsaw is infinite ammo are you sure that is like his first oh my god it's just gonna kill him isn't that gonna cause extreme bloodlust well it's just it's going to kill him from from blood loss yeah his first solution to every problem is amputation the wire gets the water get the water what yeah put your head up then get it on it plug it plug it into the thing keep pressure on uh yeah pressure's really gonna hurt why i knew it was gonna hurt us no it's working oh no it actually worked oh just keep it going oh so now it just returns immediately dylan oh my god the annoying sound is gone oh god he's got delirious hey now that that's over can you just reattach my arm just hold on why did you do that you told me to that was a bad idea that really wasn't bad it really wasn't a good one that's true do you think there's an arm reattachment kid in that med kit thing yeah i'd say if it's not there it'll probably be it like the um is it safe general store yeah it's actually pretty we're pretty good now yeah he seemed fine i was gonna like passed out from blood clothes oh crap look at him none of the other ones are pointing it out like bro you had a hand four minutes ago nothing from that what the hell was going on oh no they noticed tell him what happened oh ryan said he needed a hand i'm okay i i already know they're gonna make the joke watch i'm not um but it's it doesn't doesn't hurt yeah it's coming just watch [ __ ] [ __ ] did that thing do this no actually that was all me well sort of caitlyn oh god the creatures learned how to use a gun the friendly locals wanted to say hi wait is that laura no it absolutely was laura who was she should we follow him 100 that was laura well she turned into [ __ ] a u.s navy seal using that serum yeah the uh the police officer must have trained her how to hunt that was absolutely laura just face down in the pool if you didn't get very far oh [ __ ] dylan what is that oh actually what who who is that it's all we see is their ass that doesn't have what it is this is the bobbing ass there i don't know i don't think so because i'm pretty sure it was laura oh maybe it's emma why would emma's body be in that pool that's where they go to dump it the chlorine like heals the wounds or something [Music] yeah i mean that probably was emma that'd make the most sense i just don't know how she'd go all the way from the island to this pool well the pool of the island that connected somehow she came through the uh filtration system oh yeah that makes sense wait where'd the moon go i am so confused i don't know why they only showed us an ass the presentation of that made it seem like it was the woman that just went in there there's one less vermin in the world so she shot herself accidentally in the philippines that had to be emma oh yeah we're about to see what the devil's up to the devil without restrictions like a shadow torn from a miscorporeal form pay close attention and act before the demons arrow cards are usually open for interpretation like they have positive interpretations and negative interpretations up to the tarot card reader what is the devil's positive uh interpretations he's kind of jacked like he's strong would that be all right strong horns a lot of calcium good bones lord of the underworld pretty cool good job stability it's easy to forget that the past told secrets too worth remembering that [Music] so it's goodbye again i'll be here i'll wait but we need to focus on now keeping her head on yeah that'll because the opportunity comes to amputate her head we take the other option all right that's a good rule of thumb i think [ __ ] it's gonna be dylan's first suggestion all right hold on let me go to the bathroom real quick yeah okay bareback we're halfway yes we are thanks for your sub smoker and rabbit how far into this game is this yeah we just reached chapter five and i think it's a 10 chapter game so definitely a lot longer than the other games that we've been playing like um the dark anthology games if you don't kill nikki's killing abby don't no spoilers in chat i don't know if that's actually a spoiler or not but we'll make our own decisions like we usually do notice no matter how small the cut is it must be amputated how many people can play this together i think it's up to eight people on couch co-op because there's eight characters but um i yeah there's no online multiplayer at the moment we're both using charlie's computer to play this i'm just taking over control for my characters kind of like international couch co-op why do you celebrate christmas in the summer i mean i don't really have a choice called living in the southern hemisphere take it up with the planet yeah it's so dumb that the online mode comes out a month after the game they should have just delayed the game and released it all at the same time doesn't make sense like surely you want people on twitch playing it like this just for attention i mean i guess it didn't stop us at the end of the day and it probably didn't stop most people it would have been way better though what kind of feedy slappies did you wear today i didn't wear any feety slappies i only just got out of bed because we uh had a late night working suddenly i slept for like five hours and then got up to play this with charlie no shoes do you guys sleep with socks on i think i talked about it recently but people that sleep with socks on are like lunatics why would you be so restricted why'd you choose to be so restricted in bed oh i'm back there's probably boomer sloth almond in the resub pontapon you ready yeah i'm ready i think i just controlled your mouse back so yeah there's your direct control zeitgeist emma oh he's going to be so disappointed [ __ ] oh yeah we got this like ghost in this game right well i guess we don't know if they're ghosts or not [Applause] you be the ghost of emma am is that you there's a tier one love sash in the resub flaming and recent madness really the only character i've actually got in play at the moment is caitlyn because the other two that i have are both injured and the fourth one that i have was only at the prologue apparently although i guess she could come back that that was absolutely her with the eye patch i'm telling you right now why would she have an ipad i don't know poked in the eye jackson i have no idea it didn't look like her at all it did is it tier one senior the prime sodie and there's some brandon let me give some someone said why is he's chess has a batman logo can you swing the camera around let me see his chest yeah on the left side it really like goes up into a wing well that bozell [ __ ] ammo are you just doing dog [ __ ] or something was that like a footprint it was a footprint oh i hope he finds his dead girlfriend and then she's actually alive i'm calling she's actually alive she's not we just saw her ass in a pool jackson that was absolutely emma i think the reason i think she got to that pool because jacob carried her there and then maybe got tired and dropped her off i don't know oh my god jacob's right here do you think this is a flashback yeah i think this happened before what we just did i hope this isn't qtes i am not prepared right now i'm not gonna lie it's just arrows charlie what do you mean you have to be prepared it's clearly not registering my movements correctly jackson you've got blood on your face it's fine yeah i've been wanted it should be wow okay that didn't work the blood is not effective it must be like an old wives tale uh i just quit talking to mental breathing choose uh i'm gonna try hiding that might be better because i mean we are blooded right so yeah that should be the better choice i haven't done breathing before so i release when the screen's not red right i don't know i have no clue how breathing oh you yeah you failed yours i think i failed it i don't know it was hard to tell because i survived you're meant to breathe when he's like not looking at you i think okay screen wasn't right there so i definitely got that [ __ ] i think yeah yeah 100 oh close call almost like fell dick first into it you chose the circumcised option oh jesus what the [ __ ] you could have just looked quickly amputate all right yeah we gotta cut it off now pull free that's impossible what the [ __ ] are you talking about you're gonna tear up your leg can you even pry that motion um no the lock had to be like disengaged or something yeah you can't really do it but you also can't pull it free either [ __ ] this is clearly the safest place though be in the middle of these bear traps what a nice guy yeah well i think it still was friendly he was like trying to shut him up yeah things all right let's find out whose body it was see that's short hair that's on emma isn't it i think it was just pulled back because her hair was pulled back she's like one of those hundred dudes oh no maybe you're oh my god you're right yeah you okay is she asking the body yeah ask you okay oh oh they know who that other girl was i've never seen her before but i'm in love me neither but her yeah that's kaylee hackett mr h's daughter oh man i thought she went home with her brother kaylee yeah i thought so too do you think you could tell when she's face down who she is you can tell by her ass i guess poor kaylee nick you smell so good now it's all the time nick jesus uh yeah i'll probably intervene because like you might just saw the decapitation yeah just rip your head off might just start fighting whoa just shoot him shoot him nick what are you i'm good the head's coming off hey come here oh nick what the hell shoot him watch out grounds oh does nick try to sit with him what in the [ __ ] are werewolves allergic to water uh let's comfort her because i don't want him yeah we shouldn't help him right because he's clearly yeah this is your choice i don't know this is a tough decision it's okay what did i do you poisoned him you put it you clearly pushed him into the holy water i don't know don't touch him he's so cold okay let's get him in the pool house well it's probably not a heated pool right they should lock him in a shed or something away from everyone else yeah man your sections are so short i know what they're just like one option i don't get to explore anything just try to rest which is kind of good at the same time of the lag ah quit moving so much why don't you crap it it's pretty clear what i could tell just like squeezed but you need to see a doctor where's your sweet potato look this is all i've got left from the nurse's station oh fat is it pan regrowth medicine we need to be keeping a record of everything that happens for the police yeah well my memoirs dead girl in the pool need some explaining huh easy man maybe like photos whatever we can i've got a funny feeling the cops are not going to want to believe any of this crazy [ __ ] unless we've got some hard proof no we just need to find emma's phone got your phone and you see something take a photo i mean they'll also be able to look at like bite marks and [ __ ] yeah yeah they'll probably jump to the conclusion of bears like everyone else so we we're meta gaming pretty hard right now but we should just kill him i there's probably a way to save him here is that better like what's the opposite of a werewolf maybe if we drink their blood or urine or something we can change him back opposite of hey well it's always been vampires right yes and then maybe we need to find a vampire we suck the blood out of him maybe he just needs to be blooded he's a tier one shari and there's a man pig in prime life the lag oh yeah that's not [ __ ] creepy at all this place was so different like 12 hours ago yeah so full of life and fun man it still can be i particularly like the spooky drawing class we held uh the screen quality is really bad for me so let me know if you see any like things that caleb is i keep my eyes peeled yo something is not right with that boy dude is real sick did you see how he freaked out in the water oh so dylan probably would have shared the same fate if we didn't amputate a fish yeah out of water right uh sure you know something was weird when i tried to clean his wounds too at the lodge what do you mean all of his clothes were bloody but i couldn't find where he was bit or scratched or whatever he just kept moving around like he didn't want me to see how badly he was hurt rabies yeah that was my first conclusion to i think abby would beg to differ yeah isn't aquaphobia a symptom of rabies wait yeah it is that's true yeah but i think it's more about a fear of drinking not just getting wet this was like like my cat in the bathtub oh [ __ ] that just reminded me my cats are getting groomed in an hour and a half nice abby yeah can i ask you something yeah of course not i want a sorcerer of milk now what the [ __ ] we need to keep him calm yeah we don't want to we don't want to set him off aggressive leads to head rip-off nick i think i love you tell me yeah i really like the way you are right now you've never been more attractive to me really enjoyed spending time with you this summer that's such a such such what makes me want to rip your head off this is such a cop-out answer hello i i don't oh god he's too deep into the reddits he's deep in the subreddits what i've got something to ask you like your head on your body yeah okay why don't you like me abby what what is going on well what the [ __ ] am i meant to be apprehensive i don't like i don't know you're trying to be nice and he's like no you don't actually like me i'm a [ __ ] loser you hate me i know you hate me i'll be compassionate it is actual like twitter [ __ ] right now i do like you no you're not like me oh my god what do you mean what the [ __ ] what was i meant to do to make a billy b oh god here goes my head i tried jackson you blew it you [ __ ] blew it ron jackson get out of there now quick time event to dodge not good he's smart stupid well no i don't think you like me no i don't like you easy pickings right off the bat this isn't you but this this isn't you oh god jackson get ready no head's still fine keep it attached to keep my head attached shoot him holy [ __ ] are we not going to talk about that superhuman strength like there's no one care he's turned into steve rogers someone give this man a shield here's a this is you jax do not miss this shot i will be very disappointed if you [ __ ] this up nice good shot hey for the head [Music] i swear i like you [Music] i think i just made him angry to be honest yeah did you miss did you not go for the head on purpose i went for the head on my screen okay that worked never mind good work jackson baby i'm sure we can probably change him back okay so here's what happens shooting activates the werewolf gene don't shoot them otherwise they turn into werewolves that's what i learned from that the lead in the bullets activates werewolf mode oh yeah it's like a chemical reaction oh i'm so happy i didn't die excellent work out there i killed him i killed him no you started his second life he's happy now he's out there being a werewolf to be fair it is her fault because she ran away after he kissed uh emma and then that's when they got jumped oh yeah true but then we can even type further back and say it's emma's fault for kissing him then he was gonna hurt you or then we can go even further back and say it's josh's fault yeah that's about where it starts i think it was you or him and well that definitely wasn't him man this is so [ __ ] it's like it's cold out here could i come back sorry for the outburst guys can i come back who's there i need your help please yeah come on in name first it's laura yeah so don't let me what do you mean you asked for her name what do you mean so there's a crazy woman with a gun killing people i'm not killing people holy [ __ ] you laura kearney you're laura kearney yeah you were supposed to be working uh helping out in the nurse's office right and you never showed up you and the guy what's his name yes max yeah yeah yeah yeah we just learned if we're gonna have this conversation you had changed your mind last minute i i think that we should i think that we should listen to her inside is she going to be eye patch girl you think it is eye patch girl 100 why wouldn't she talk to him at the pool okay she was hunting i'm gonna open the door slowly just it's only been like a month she's not gonna become a professional hunter in a month it's been a whole summer what do you mean she doesn't sound like oh you're right told you she's putting together the avengers like i've heard of your exploits have come from here we are again just you me oh i missed that on the card why don't we take another look at what you've found uh she's gonna be so disappointed he's always so disappointed in me hard enough these cards aren't just trinkets you should know this by now they they can they act she actually did help me with that last one to be honest that last one was helpful i knew not to trust him or nick this recep deck victorian and tier one dabs in tier one under course and give some angus did the web of talk before it left no it did not so uh why didn't you come where have you been for the past two months we did come one night early that was our mistake oh we're gonna flashback mode she's a bad hunter though if she's having this conversation with her back to the world yeah she's well she's only been doing it two months she's still new [Music] now i got another character in play though one of my other characters turned into a werewolf and died you know nick's not dead yet you might still be able to control him oh that'd be cool i i guess one of your characters died as well so we're even well he's still moving he's turning into a werewolf yeah i'll call that one up max come here come on yeah i haven't been streaming as much hope you're alright though man what was that blood he's just executing no i think he just burst like nick did oh maybe can i talk to my boyfriend that was probably my whole turn [Music] oh jesus i'm not hydrophobic though that's good right that is good well she was never bit what have you done to max shut up just shut up this is an interrogation i ask you answer can i ask for a lawyer name i'd just be super aggressive the entire time well she's got to end up she's in no danger i know she's in no danger because she ends up at the pool shed that's true so [ __ ] it [ __ ] when i say name you give me your name well that was my name can you write that down make myself clear you've got my license can't you read i am an officer of the law i need you to do miraculous and snowballed questions first name eight last name [ __ ] i actually did see a clip on lsf from that prison scene i guess when max doesn't get infected he kicks the bars and says oh boinky doinky no he does not he does he does what was the clip he was saying like the dialogue i don't think is poorly written it's just something something and then the guy kicks the bars and goes oh boinky doink it's i really wish we had gotten that one now to be honest i was listening to you what what did you just say i don't know i was trying to remember that i'll go into it guess that sheriff's badge doesn't mean a whole lot if you don't believe in the law excuse me we didn't do anything you locked us up explained that to me leading to a wealth was illegal i don't think you have any idea what kind of [ __ ] it's a class iii misdemeanor there is [ __ ] and then there's [ __ ] that's a pretty cool line and this is my family this is [ __ ] that took a [ __ ] and then there's five weeks old [ __ ] that was shot by me [Music] i think i'll go angry please will you just stop [ __ ] around with me and tell me what the [ __ ] is going on what the hell attacked us last night and why did you arrest us you goddamn maniac take me to max right now he's a prime ninja and the resub mic there's [ __ ] and then there's shirt [Laughter] wow i really convinced him to let me go just to see max yeah oh is this where he goes boinky donkey i i hope so don't don't do it don't do it i want to hear the boinky dink i'm not doing it she [ __ ] executes me that was my way out she just fades from about the reality of the future oh he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do blood hey you [ __ ] you wanna tell us what the [ __ ] going on so i'm guessing the werewolf thing's only temporary then maybe oh it is daytime right now yeah [ __ ] well that's a real slim dangle max are you okay are you serious you just left me to [ __ ] damn i was hoping you i was hoping you forgot that oh yeah true i forgot i left him [ __ ] you i was scared i was running to get help yeah well somehow you're fine we're live aren't we all i'm saying is i guess i know i can't count on you when [ __ ] hits the fan oh that is not fair i mean that is pretty fair actually that's like really accurate yeah i'd probably risen to yeah why am i naked what i mean after we got attacked the next thing i know i'm waking up in a jail cell and you're gone and now you're back again and and i'm super naked and he's not your underwear are still on stuff he's got jeans everywhere they're underwear i mean what the [ __ ] happened yeah i was kind of hoping you could tell me what happened i feel like i remember bits and pieces but oh he's probably listening if it makes any sense doesn't talk to each other yeah same i feel like were we drugged i feel like maybe we were drugged by a cop do they do that yeah it's time to pursue what does this guy think he is sheriff of north kill apparently north kale yeah max what did you even look at the map hack its quarry in north kill that's the town oh how would you not know that i gotta look at his name badge and uh oh oh it's hackett it's his brother right for the photo that's what i said that's what i think because i looked at that thing and it's chris hackett and then thank it is what they called the other one so this is probably fakit get dressed i think i say tea on that badge but it's gonna be the guest of honor fashion week i'll tell you that much hey did i say you could talk to each other why'd you put us next to each other then [Music] i wasn't aware we needed your permission detective dick whippet yeah it's a free country officer oat for brains nice he's about to get his bingled ankles whacked [Music] is this the same i'm pretty sure yeah hands through the bars he kicks the bars and says it i i hope it's coming up do it don't let them out god damn it all right what are we doing oh your turn maybe we didn't get it maybe we didn't unlock it we're not going anywhere we can talk right here come on hey hey this guy's meant to be a hunter right let's get the [ __ ] off come on move good boy oh he's training him hey stop struggling hey leave him alone yeah leave me alone i want him to do the bingo dancing [ __ ] you i said shut up yes yes hey oh hey you can't treat us like this you're hurting it hey he's really not he's kind of just like moving him forward yeah he really didn't look like he was in pain in fact he let him get dressed that's a step up yeah there's got to be something in here you can use so this is something i've wanted to try for as long as i've don't move yet i want to explain it there's a movie called shanghai noon with owen wilson and jackie chan and there's a scene where they're both have you seen it no they're both locked in a jail cell and they're trying to come up with ways to escape jackie chan takes off his shirt and pisses on it and then he wraps it around two of the bars takes a chair leg that was in the prison cell and starts turning it until the bars bend and they get out that way and i've always wondered if that would actually work on like an older jail cell i don't think it's going to be an option in this game but yeah i see where i see where your heart's at yeah because like i've i've been wanting to test that for [ __ ] years i i don't think that would i i don't see how that would work what because the wet still beams well the wet shirt won't break as easy so it'd be stronger when you're turning it it wouldn't like rip as easily so you could put more force on it i think is the logic behind it you would still need enough force to bend steel bars though which is what the table legs for for the extra leverage to keep track mythbusters did it like really i feel like the wooden table leg would break before the steel there well they didn't break the steel they just bent it enough to squeeze out uh you can explore now i just wanted to toss that out there because i always think about that whenever i see a prison cell while the town of north carolina sleeping the hag in the woods started weeping because we said zelda real thick mustard in the fit and the sheriff continues his creeping oh that's pretty on the nurse that's [ __ ] so with shakespeare apparently pretty cool what's this oh my god it's vibrating it's just a vibrator behind it not a chance i need some sort of lever quickly pissing your shirt how easily do you think you'd be able to uh escape from a prison cell if you had to i would not be able to at all a zero percent chance like if you were stuck in there with like don't count the guards the guards aren't a thing like they're not going to come around and check how long do you think it would take for you to find a way out i would never be able to uh i would just die in there i feel like i would try but i don't think i'd successfully get out the prison escapes that i've seen like all the videos i've watched in them are so intricate and so tedious i don't think i'd be able to do it well they mostly have to do like social engineering as well to some degree right no the actual prison break well if you're talking about prison escapes you can social engineer your way out like if you're in like the like the carpentry courses or something there's a guy who made like a a carpentry gadget which he hid behind and got out that way but like an actual prison cell breakout is so intricate that was quick do you think you could break out of prisons easily give me a break i don't think i'd want to free brent that's true you could even get like some star wars comics or something delivered yeah did have everything you ever needed get out of here your toast [ __ ] australian prisons probably have like flat screen tvs as well yeah new xbox series x's second you get out what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean no hey what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean [ __ ] he's not nice anymore he's missed a bad cup hey you can't just leave us in here hey come back deliberately he's desperate to get the cop back to let him out jax you just don't understand acting i think that's what it boils down to so dude that's the one binky bunk i knew it was something like that don't have a binky monkey oh yeah i'm going to go to playful mode now that i heard binky bonk no we just go in there we just baby talk each other sing like a i'm sure you've got plenty to confess well that may be true but i don't think he's too interested in how he cheated off mikey washington an 8th grade cab really though what happened yeah did you write on me he just makes you say you asked a lot of dumb questions all right i don't know you get off my back jeez i'm sorry i was being playful max jesus yeah he really ruined the mood i want that pinky bunk guy back max it's time you need to apologize to me oh hey did you get a look at his name badge you mean it's not really detective dick whippet it's hackit sheriff hack it called it wait sheriff doesn't start with the t oh my god like the chris hackett yeah who's the chris hackett as in camp leader mr hackett yeah what the [ __ ] does this have guy have memory loss memory's worse than mine where where are we last night feels like a lifetime ago the [ __ ] does that mean though you know where we set up a lifetime maybe it's some kind of crazy camp counselor kidnapping yeah camp councils have the best kidneys to trade max is probably the dumbest character in the game just saying something too what can i do well i guess sheriff hackett's not exactly acting like a typical kidnapper but he's not acting like a typical cop either well how do you know how kidnappers max is going to get like stockholm syndrome and get like super attracted to the club trying to get us out of here and i can't get us out of here until i have some clue of why the [ __ ] we're in here because you went to the campsite earlier making sense of it trespassing what well you have to sometimes things just don't make sense what and then there that happens a lot in the background or jail cell for the rest of our lives you're [ __ ] dumb that's why nothing makes sense yeah why not max bring the mood down lighten up yeah easy for you to say what can't you ever accept what's happening sometimes [ __ ] is just [ __ ] that's what the cops said too so challenge for you to overcome there's a lot of different kinds of [ __ ] sometimes poopy is just brown [Music] i've had a spoon that's going to get me out max all you've got is a letter of rejection about university a rejection letter for college why would you bring that up now he's been through enough he's kind of transformed into a werewolf right now i can't believe you didn't tell me yeah that's why i left you max to die i i was embarrassed your grades were good and you wrote a great essay apparently not good enough [ __ ] you stupid idiot making plans max what the [ __ ] i don't know what do you want me to do you mean what the [ __ ] it's not his fault it's to some degree but also it's not that big of a deal yeah true i'm just gonna lay it into it yeah i was thinking the same thing just keep piling it on something like sorry maybe that's the key to the web we're going to college together in the fall that'd be a good start you see i knew you'd be like this oh [ __ ] that no you lied just suck it up and apologize or yeah it's gonna be one long ass incarceration i'm the victim here even if i left you to die moments ago i'm sorry oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] whipped loser i'm gonna leave him the first thing like okay i'll leave him behind again getting out of here just keep leaving him right sign me up i don't want to be the one to kill him in the beginning like from when we left hall like from we don't have any like uh so afterwards allegiance to max right you're fine if he does yeah i'm fine whatever we ran into i think he's gonna die regardless though since he's not one of our characters yeah that's when [ __ ] started getting weird do you think it was a good idea to have lie to him yeah probably not about hitting a pothole yeah i don't know i think he probably knew we were lying he was acting strange what if he's not even a real cop well he's got it what if he's not even real prison cells i think he's a real cop state of mind we're in a police station the bars are made out of chocolate we can eat our way out nobody else around yeah that is concerning especially the whole hackathon thing let's just go with the idea that they're both in on it okay so we're supposed to meet chris hackett at the camp and instead there's nobody there and we get you showed up a day early it's something he's not supposed to be there and then the cop shows up that part's all fuzzy for me like i remember the steps and a smell like wet fur and a dog collar with the name ian on it ian hey where's ian yeah where's that i don't think it was a dog that attacked us whatever it was was big problem why did they make collars for the dogs too yeah it really did a number on you like i'm surprised you're not more messed up like like i vividly remember the things teeth i hope you had a good stream thank you then welcome then what is messed up about that is laura i don't have a scratch on me yeah you're definitely werewolf what hey okay so weird question do you remember before we got lost you got lost well yeah but before that i was all like whoa look at the moon it's so big so cool to see a full moon in the middle of the woods and you were all like yeah no [ __ ] max it happens once a month oh yeah yeah so right so we were right from the beginning though yeah yeah to be fair though you you were the one that sniffed it out from the park rangers thing what did i do no man you don't even remember enough to take the credit when they opened the trunk and they were closed oh yes are you actually yeah because it didn't make sense by the god damn mine did you just skip it what the [ __ ] this is bad editing what what what what's so funny i said literally the exact same i said literally the exact same thing what's happening okay do you got anything better i mean like zombies aliens time hopping draculas i'll be nicer though ryan right yeah you want answers i've got answers interrupt me again you're on your own oh gosh you're turning into a badass in one month jesus christ there's one life really yeah it really does so crazy you wanna do you wanna just give me a gun seeing with nick with a thing on the roof okay it would really start to explain a lot of stuff dylan like your ghost stories how is it so different from your girls those are those are just campfire stories like there has to be a rational explanation for everything for all of this okay you were not talking so rational when you separated my hand from the rest of my body you told me to and if it's bite with which your face to cleave limb from torso with great haste what you did the right thing see she's got a whole poem about it yeah cuddle fans there's more to all this than you think oh she's part werewolf just let me finish and you can destroy yourself if you believe me or not well no probably not but that'd be cool but i think you should hear all of it maybe i think she really was no she's definitely not part where there's a better chance she has a [ __ ] sharing gone under that than being half werewolf it's clear that she just got like attacked or something the next few weeks were long well she showed the scratches not just the [ __ ] eye thing they just didn't have the budget to show the eye okay so they only turn into werewolf once a month on full moon so that's why they've got little name tags with ian they live normal lives until that night and then they're all like locked up in places this community yeah that's why there's like clothes around itself it's the thing in the basement what happened to max we just kept going over it all again and again and nothing was making sense all we knew is that we needed to get out max is going to give her the scratch though and do whatever it is to her eye thank you for that grimes and things will give so well and happy happy 25th birthday grimes yeah happy happy birthday can't take this anymore it's not that bad they're probably in the same crap at camp no i can't take being in here anymore oh yeah well that part's pretty tough we've got to do something we've got to get out of here we need a plan we keep saying that but it's been weeks so turn into a webinar get us out of here that's really not very helpful max what do you expect them to do something what just the ecbt tiny detail that i may or may not be a [ __ ] werewolf laura so what what can we do really we run off into the sunset only to be stopped when i turn into a nasty ass monster and kill you and eat you and then i run off alone into the sunset with little bits of you stuck in my teeth okay okay stop just one problem at a time all right we don't even know if that's what's really going on and we won't until we get the hell out of here okay you should wait until it's a full moon yeah we only have two real we options play nice and try to get this guy on our side what so he'll let us go or we try to catch him off guard and make our escape oh christ let's just be friends with him yeah go okay he's probably gonna be nice too did we get on his good side he just puts up a hard exterior mimosas every sunday till he sees the error of his ways yeah i was being rhetorical the dude voices really don't matter in this section i don't know i think we could crack him laura i think he's just biting his time until he can figure out a way to get rid of us permanently what he could just do that immediately yeah it's not like there's really like a big hurdle that's stopping him from just killing him try i mean if he was gonna kill us we'd be dead i said laura so what's he waiting for look we just if this doesn't work we try to escape he's clearly waiting for the one thing that happens once a month you idiot yeah deal so all right how are we supposed to get this guy to like us if he won't even talk to us i don't know talk about baseball and he's got to have a weak spot that's something that we can use chocolate it's not like we don't have time to figure it out yeah maybe we just like offer affection hugs and kisses or something or just people that'll listen to him yeah he seems like an emotional guy he gets really angry yeah hey t-money all right well i call you t-money that's a good start why you you call me officer hackett hack it like as in packets quarry oh you know that place just interesting i feel like we hardly know you well let's keep it that way okay oh come on t-money lighten up man no reason we can't be buds right i can think of seven can you list them that'd be kind of cool yeah where does werewolf lie on that list it's gotta be like number four you're right we've been just awful and we really want to make it up to you we trying to [ __ ] him collectively oh i see what you're doing that's not gonna work you think we're just gonna be besties walk right out of here not gonna happen [ __ ] max jesus max well you blew it he was just starting to believe us too we know what's going on we know max is a werewolf full moon's in a few days right what what then no ma'am you don't know half of it you think he's a werewolf too um i don't think he is but i think chris is i said take your [ __ ] clothes off [ __ ] off get back that's what's going on get the [ __ ] away from him it's werewolf time thanks for subscribing [Music] come here watch it you're going to watch it firsthand shut up have a seat quit squirming said you want to be a vet right call us an internship we're going to perform a reverse werewolf you're not going to believe it until you see it for yourself just [ __ ] ask next time then dude yeah should she really yeah she would want to say this she she already believed like he could have just said hey you want to see this [ __ ] it's kind of wacky i can't [ __ ] believe what's about to happen mm-hmm [Music] just wrapping things up here i wouldn't even no i want to see it yeah down to 20. over maybe you'll be appreciative by the way thanks for not screaming well i'll tell you it's not gonna be pretty but don't worry i'll be back at dawn you're really gonna leave me here you'll be fine just don't get too close what the [ __ ] i mean she's already too close they have like long gangly arms that does seem needlessly cool i thought he was just gonna stay here with me and then move me after the transformation but i have to stand here all night and watch him maybe we can talk him down like using the power of love yeah like a campfire song or something to like ease him back into being human clearly these two have a lot of love oh i thought that's a cynical stop faking it he's gone you can take the break off now off now um yeah i want to be clinical about it i guess i want to learn max tell me exactly what you're feeling some rip all right poogie in the prime excalibur i don't feel so good not good like i don't know just sandals just snapped bad oh god he's turning to the dark side sir let me see your eyes no no no no no stay away max i need to observe you oh you're a freak you get away no wonder you got rejected from college where's the boinky donkey i know the binky bonk where's binky bunk i'm gonna [ __ ] big my [ __ ] bulky [ __ ] you won't like me when i bonk can you stop it you're being ridiculous oh he's doing it no he's [ __ ] his pants just transform so how the [ __ ] do they go back to normal from that he literally blows out of his skin oh oh you [ __ ] idiot yeah that seems about right the one thing he [ __ ] said was don't get too close so what do you do you put your eye within flashing distance she seems really cool about it yeah she really handled that well she's more disappointed than anything like [ __ ] that's gonna turned into a [ __ ] badass she lost her eye and then she got angry yeah i guess so this is so cheesy this is great [Music] but how does that lead into her becoming like a werewolf hunter though she didn't get any skills from that well she's gonna get framed she just said she lost her skills she lost depth perception she's going to be trained by this guy for sure bastard cops hiding well no they were only here a month so this is the night in which she no two months they were here two months so this is this has been like a month here then she'll still have a month worth of training before the events that were taking place at hackett's quarry hey max max he just [ __ ] slapped the other eye out of us so much for seeing max i can still fix this i just need to observe you again i'll be back so much for perception [Laughter] well i want to go in there there's gonna be something in here yeah i'm sure there is it's a corner of [ __ ] what was that what was it there again a spoon what did i use that well you used a spoon you took that brick out but there was nothing there uh i don't remember what was there actually thank you tier one ann cola and tier one brand and the wreaths of alex george and zai zindalini and wrecked why could i just go to sleep i kind of want to do that ah the brick hole is a hiding spot oh well so what did you put in there i don't know oh i can put something in there now then probably oh that is that would make sense here the camera is so far up for us right now i can't see [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude yeah this is awfully tight you just hear a raven tier one joe [Music] it's just max it's fine surely there's gonna be guns here yeah what's he hiding probably guns or more werewolves oh there's probably a bunch of werewolves here maybe i really don't understand how they go back to normal humans after blowing out their skin is it's your one tommy well skin has just grown charlie so that's a good hiding travis all right podcast i want to read that so do you think there's gonna be more than one werewolf in captivity here um i would guess because they have to be kept somewhere when they're not werewolf mode but then how do they get out how do why do they go on a hunt do they just do that for fun it's like exercise for the werewolf locked well they probably have to like eat certain things i guess i can't like people better keep snooping or i could go back to my cell and wait i guess let me do some frostbite thanks joe can you pause real quick i really need to fill up my water i'm so [ __ ] thirsty i'll go through this stuff then yeah fill me in on any lore i'll be right back oh hold on let me get let me get the mouse all right you're good you're back isn't the cop gonna ask where she got that bandage from probably which he's also really gonna ask what happened to your eye i assume but i don't feel like we're gonna be on the best of terms when it comes back because i feel like we're going to be making our escape attempt so he's not going to be a happy man actually i'm going to go piss as well real quick i'll be back in two seconds chad okay i'm back i guess i was first one back yeah what do you guys think of the game so far i definitely think that it's better than the dark picture anthology um it's definitely more entertaining than the dark picture anthology i feel more invested but i don't think it's as good as until dawn until dawn still feels like it had more cohesive and better writing but i'm enjoying it you ready yep just give me a sec there's a prime wisconsin wreck oh rectum okay the prime corpse i'm gonna need to rest soon you climbed one flight of stairs i guess you did get your eye ripped out though yeah that's true are you gonna become an expert hunter though if you can't keep up with that oh come on that looks like something very important there surely i can read that thank you resub niko i've been deputized okay so like that goes to the start is the hag pulling the strings or something maybe it's it's gotta be something with the hag of hackett's cory but we have we haven't seen her at all yeah and we also haven't seen ian what's in backwards maybe it's not even ian oh it could be an anagram ford it's not a whole lot of wiggle room uh all right [Laughter] annie oh my god what does that mean i don't know do we know any annie's yeah style was any oh my god anakin skywalker you're right all connected no i feel like each of the wells has like a um name tag so that they can keep track of them why it was a dog collar what would they be wearing collars what do you mean why else would that be that i don't know but i don't think it's because the werewolves are wearing dog collars i think they are they've been domesticated [Music] i don't understand why they get out though and then i hunted well i don't know yeah i couldn't tell you that either but i i can just say with a high level of confidence i don't think they're wearing dog collars and leashes but i hate this camera if they needed to identify him they could just ask when they're humans true no but you need to identify them with their werewolf mode too out and about i'd be like oh that's that's ian quickly get in yeah but you're not they're not gonna be able to get close enough to eat ian's not gonna put on his dog collar before morphing oh yeah it's true i gotta assume that they just transformed with it on but then their entire clothes like explode off them yeah everything blows off their body max would you shut the [ __ ] up i'm trying to find your cola is it tier one vibes the tier one dan there's some meerkat it could still be colors and then they're put on afterwards for when they go out for their walks or whatever the only reason the colors could play a role in the actual werewolves themselves would be if like the the sheriff here keeps them as pets and then he like puts a collar on them well that's that's what i'm saying but also maybe it's just like an insane patient's uh name tag or something hmm i don't know what else it could be i'm going to read this rhyme again though okay so there was a fire i don't know what any of the rest means apart from the wolves hunting their prey yeah i don't really know do you think that's the sheriff is also a spirit no i don't think the sheriff is a werewolf i think chris hackett the the uh camp guy is a werewolf also he's well no i feel like this is working with the hag maybe but the sheriff is clearly not a werewolf because he didn't morph with the full moon well we didn't see him more he he left before the morph happened like seconds before but he had no signs of like illness or anything yeah he's the prime j and the reserve lefty well i thought i was meant to find an item i didn't find [ __ ] you found the syringe you can hide that and i'm sure there's more did you look everywhere yeah i did i went everywhere yeah that'll do [ __ ] now i've got a supply now if i can't get to sleep at least i've got that why the [ __ ] would you go to sleep she could just leave out of all the things you could possibly do she could actually just leave right now but even i wouldn't leave oh what up to your eyes you want to tell me what happened i could ask you the same thing why didn't you run oh i could've i haven't finished my sentence well i've left him in the past so that's clearly not honestly yeah it doesn't make any sense unfinished business like what like how you're gonna tell me exactly just what the [ __ ] is really going on here yeah i want to answer this why would i do that why wouldn't you do that by now but i'm not because i have to help max maybe i can help you too turn around hands against the wall oh i don't use respect i am too tired to argue me too he's not going to ask about the eye i think he can just assume is this what respect looks like i think so that's a nice form there happy very happy did you like my backstory so i'm going to use a syringe on him clearly to eventually escape but like why clearly oh well i wish he didn't lock the door that was a bit mean yeah i don't even see why he's bothering i'm clearly not running maybe so max doesn't get jealous in education watch oh sweet it's how to be aware of 101. it's a rejection letter to werewolf university it's just me this is sincerely mu farm brandon jazz in the prime sam i want answers yeah i mean it's harder than they make out in the textbooks especially when nobody's helping you yeah where were you the doctor uh animal doctor and no i'm not and i probably never will be stuck in here forever yeah he he's why does he put his back to me he's in prime position to get a syringe in his neck just because you know he doesn't doesn't mean you know we have a syringe you know saying things over and over again just tell me what i'm not this isn't what it seems to be he's really bad at explaining you're gonna have to be more specific yeah he's pretty [ __ ] at this he can't communicate unless it's in [ __ ] metaphors are in just as much trouble as i am my family we didn't mean to hurt anybody we're just trying to survive like everybody else do you understand no what is that what does that mean incest ain't wrong the law is we're gonna end this thing once and for all we yeah where how was your family involved so are you well family involved my family you're the one that brought him up he's down at the bottom of a well what [Laughter] family is the most important thing in the world but if your whole family you know like every last one of them decided to jump down the bottom of a well and they're all just what are you saying hanging on the end of a rope how come one person expected to pull them all back out you can't oh so he's the only one that's not aware she'll pull on that rope right down the bottom of the well with the rest of them and what's the point of that right so you you're the one at the top of the well with a rope he's a stop [ __ ] yes i thought that was obvious okay yeah i got it let's forget it so i don't think they killed themselves i think they're it's like a metaphor he's the only one that's not a werewolf they obviously didn't kill themselves because chris we saw at the camp already yeah he's a werewolf as i predicted let's see oh so then this chick one-eyed woman laura um killed the hackett's daughter in the pool because she's a werewolf information well what does it mean read it how does the heck fit to this beast internal shall outward burst one by one leads lambs to slaughter it stalks your breath but shuns clear water and should you yourself be cursed yeah so it was a curse by the hag because they burnt down the circus with the hag probably wait with the circus yeah there was a circus at the start on the thing with the escape artists and stuff you're blind oh i fear the dread okay that's why it's burnt stuff or talking about breeding they'd burn her because she was a witch or something maybe i don't know yeah i'm not gonna take the gun no yeah we're bonding right now and if it's a bite with which you're faced cleave limb from torso with great haste perchance you'll save your cursed soul before infection takes its toll starting to get the picture can you just spell it out and frankly it's [ __ ] why did they have to make it rhyme yeah where are the pictures but it's all we have to go on you put this in a youtube tutorial video for me you and you'll be curious it has to be silver has to be full moon seems pretty straightforward to me genius if you can kill the werewolf and that's a big f i just want to cure max it's not as straightforward as you think there isn't there one werewolf that caused it from the beginning so just kill him no don't be concerned we know she's not infected yeah and why don't you kill it because it's family we know that if you knew all this why didn't you just kill it in the storm shelter when you had the chance it's not so i'm i was when i was straight forward no it's not they're not so easy to hit i was trying to protect you too wrong just says family you could just say his family you already gave us a hint like plainly you're not telling us everything i'm telling you everything you need to know i don't know just go back to the well metaphor it's obvious if you had to use science use science just like that oh genius wait i'll set an 80s montage going i'm serious yeah why not use science it sounds like a cool idea medicine technology why is killing not an option they're my family protecting someone look take some time to think about all this i'll be back why wouldn't you just say yeah there's really no reason not to just say seen enough yeah i think i got it well powers and [ __ ] pretty cool uh where am i by the way i hadn't seen that he could be lying why would he we don't even know if werewolves are really i believe him you can't tell me you could have been introduced to that guy now i didn't trust he just missed that i believe him about the werewolf stuff not the science bit i don't know what he wants he's a dirty lion kidnapping cop laura we should be careful of anything yeah you're a filthy werewolf well we don't know he's a werewolf he could be a bear a web [ __ ] him he's had his chance to fix this we're getting out of here and we're going to fix it on our own yeah the guy that [ __ ] tore your eye out i'm sure you both can do it hey laura sorry about your eye come on i saw what happened what i did to your eye yeah is it bad yeah it's pretty bad you seem fine i'm so sorry now she can't see things in 3d max you ruined her avatar watching experience that's a good point i i really feel like she hates max and my canonical oh she absolutely does yeah you've chosen every option that leads to [ __ ] max it's not like you could have done anything to stop it from happening it's not like you're in control yeah you're so weak and insignificant right right not even getting into college you're not in control of course not [ __ ] laura what are you saying i'm just trying to make sense of it that's all i didn't mean anything by it jesus i mean there's a guy who still says son of a binky bunk i don't think he's ready to claw eyes out yet i know they're in there oh it's david okay said you scrapped an abandoned car a while back i worked out the rest [ __ ] so they're all on the same page why why'd you think chris jesus travis you're still here that's [ __ ] up good save holy [ __ ] my depth perception doesn't matter i use the force to reach out to it you shot me i'm telling mom your lucky stars wasn't silver what's your plan can't keep them here forever i am handling it maybe if you've done your job they wouldn't been at the camp that night you ever think of that i'd have done my job you'd all be in prison you were thinking that was all bobby and caleb you know those hikers that that that [ __ ] journal dammit travis what are we gonna do now whatever happened to we're all in this together yeah we really shouldn't talk right next to the present you're right this is a weird place to meet uh max ah what is it travis was just in the hall talking the cop so with chris hackett was he here to let us out yeah no he paid bail he's the werewolf max chris hackett is the one that bit you down on the storm shelter holy [ __ ] that's that's great who would you have to kill him so i just had to put a bullet in his head right about it i could have and yet you didn't it all makes sense that's why chris's car was at the lodge that night travis was protecting him that's why he followed us and that's why he didn't kill the werewolf in the storm shelter because it was his [ __ ] brother god it's so obvious if chris was the one that bit me then yeah then that's our cure that's how we fix you jesus laura are we thinking the same thing are we thinking of pinkie donkey tomorrow we're getting out it's time to [ __ ] his last bomb i'm gonna get travis's gun wake up oh [ __ ] kill chris hackett yeah yeah hey help her lord needs help laura i need to pause it [Music] just hit escape all right i'll be right back two seconds no worries this is joycey and yash and reese he's probably just going to the bathroom i don't think he's going to take long you finishing it tonight yeah i think so we're almost done we only have like two chapters left he's the prime casper he's the recep chicken i would say this is the most entertaining one out of all of them yeah the writing in this one is so wild it i love it this has definitely been like the silliest thanksgiving snooper and tier one sleeky is everyone still alive everyone except emma is the prime circus does that have the horror like the other so there's no horror in this one unless you're like really afraid of werewolves it doesn't really try to be scary it's just really fun exit resub turtle in yw true 18. that's not me moving the mouse [Music] you back jackson oh it's probably his cat makes it prime back anxiety premium interior give some turtle all right let's ride my uh cat groomer showed up early oh nice all right um that means i'll have to go in like 30 minutes to swap the cat's over again but that's fine yeah no biggie [Music] what the hell is going on he doesn't see she's like holding it right in front of him go jackson nice is it like an immediate [ __ ] knockout thing probably yeah [ __ ] i paralyzed him it's werewolf juice full of cyanide yeah she didn't know what was in there she could have just insta killed this guy i don't know if that was the best choice i absolutely was given the situation so i don't i don't really know why we're even killing chris though it doesn't solve the werewolf problem we need to kill the top where we're starting well it doesn't matter because it cures max oh maybe i should consider acting as my major all she cares about is curing max he shoots him right now please give me the option this is one of those mean things you said to me for apologizing quick enough there's a tier 1 dome and theresa mel breebot lightning grievous and the prime jelly and bella and the bits babe i don't know how the hag fits into it also what was she saying the woods at the start silas she kept saying silas also there's still that monk that's uh underneath the lake i heard someone it was probably one of the like the hikers or the journalists or something oh true true that's probably where they hid the bodies which is a really bad spot because if any kids swim there they're going to find it instantly yeah it's coming from behind yeah so i definitely think this family who are the original chefs one of the chef's badges was burned by the way as well they started a fire that like wiped out this this group maybe oh jackpot a lot of cocaine contraband what the [ __ ] he makes them what is it shotgun shells he loads him with silver that's where he was last month hunting oh you should probably still keep the handgun hey i just realized something i'm nice hell yeah no i don't want to be positive yeah i know i know no max yeah happy chris hackett is dead you'll never be free and it doesn't look like we've got much time i'm not bad you're right you're still a [ __ ] werewolf let's just take the win for now huh we'll celebrate when it's over we're going straight to hackett's quarry and we're ending this tonight so we don't even know if this is gonna be there though this is current time uh no this is still before the hunt because he's not a werewolf right now yeah but it's daytime right now yeah so this is probably like that day like this is yeah jacob right now is taking the rotary arm out of the way he's already taken the rotary arm because chris left after that so chris left there to come to here oh yeah yeah yeah oh he did get a call right before then too here yeah to camp left mac left max at the island seemed like the best place for oh i'm surrounded by water i hope max killed him [Laughter] we literally said we brought him a meal wait the island like like our island like the one in the lake yeah why because jacob he went back there looking for emma and he hasn't come back yet neither of them has oh [ __ ] i'm sure they're fine yeah i fine yeah all right max is real nice trust me he's not like the other warehouse as long as they didn't go poking around where they shouldn't have them yeah yep poking around they shouldn't have jacob's middle name this is very bad oh it wasn't even after i shot chris um i went back to the island expecting max to be back to normal but wait that was chris in the pool what no that wasn't chris in the pool that was kaylee i remember ryan said it we yeah but like what's she thinking i don't know we haven't seen her shoot chris yet which i think we're about to well no she's going to the island this is after that as she said i don't know when did she shoot chris is she about to find her dead body though because this would have been after that no that timeline doesn't match because she would have seen jacob here we don't know when she shot chris yet i don't know the sennheiser tennis is such a badass werewolf hunting god though i don't know she's probably emancipated and [ __ ] she's been in prison for like two months who's the prime setonia and there's some fritz in the gifts of shaco what did you say she was what what word did you just use emancipated nope not that one emaciated yep there we go max hey max oh my god oh shut up a [ __ ] oh max you saved me to shoot him he had his chance we're all out of ideas shooting chris didn't work time to just kill him let's put max down i know you want to anyway oh maybe the 25 gift subs black watch it's been a while man i hope you're doing well let me give that fat drop appreciate the generosity dude him now oh please give me the choice nice they're not even cool looking werewolves they're the goofiest werewolves ever so the werewolf i killed can't have been chris that wasn't a werewolf it was kaylee hackett chris's daughter whatever i shot that was no girl unless i i guess it turned back after i shot it when i went to the island wait so how come max didn't kill you though well he tried oh [ __ ] wait is she happy yeah [ __ ] it you tried i got away no one saw that it wasn't even hidden yeah cut it off get it off [Music] we don't have much time just amputate well it's too late we don't know how long that that's happened the [ __ ] was that yeah what did you saw that was that back yeah the hag has infiltrated our steam i haven't played in so long you had the last like hour yeah that was pretty good that was good for me [Music] we had a little bit of a sneak peek of that oh i bet the hag is their mom mama hackett but is she also available absolutely so this is our new gas smell good donuts [Music] she's clearly she's clearly not a werewolf then yeah i don't think so this can't be jacob though jacob never got bit what happened to jake let me go yeah here he is let me [ __ ] go get your toffee or the other guy oh i'm gonna call the cops let me go ready let me come here i'll call the [ __ ] cops [Music] why are you laughing because that was funny it was a good line thank you tier one fantastic the prime explosive and the resub toby and give some turtle are these guys part of that fan i would assume they're part of the family then no no no no they're definitely not yeah they're hunters oh they might they she might be the hag then this is the hags family it's possible that's too bobby [Music] bobby's a name we've heard before hey so they created the curse of the werewolves and then hunt them down i don't know oh [ __ ] oh that's nick that's not emma yeah did he get bitten jacob [Music] it's sad look at what nick has become there he doesn't hear that i don't know why the song is careful what you wish for though it's not like any of them chose to be a werewolf oh why that happened you know my level hello it really might just be [ __ ] streamlabs man i need to stop using streamlabs obs i feel like that wouldn't happen with just normal obs why'd you go back to using them because normal obs was just tough to like keep up with chat and stuff because i'd have to pop it out in a different window yeah as opposed to having it all in one well i don't think it's just a streamlabs i don't see how it would be a streamlabs problem hello new chatters things are you subtitle in the prime explosives just give it a second to like go back live i've stolen your audience now you're all over here you're not getting them back yeah we'll see mig i'm not sure it's a bit sweaty you never went off that's good so do you think that um it's all the hackett family and they're trying to save their family by killing the original they're trying to find the original werewolf it would be the original werewolf oh silas probably right yeah it probably has something to do with silas we still don't know [ __ ] about silas or the hag so i have no clue how they fit into this the hag is a ghost so it's not that mother character yeah so it's definitely not that mother character do you have an update uh just giving it a second what's my favorite game destiny 2 at the moment old time probably like mass effect you've been liking the new season that's pretty good this is a bit simple i wouldn't say it's the best season but it's it's pretty good they're a rival family maybe yeah so they're from my perspective they're either half of the hackett family trying to solve the situation but then i don't like i get the sense that the cop is acting on his own to save his family no he said that they're trying to end it and then when he was talking he meant like i think he meant like he's working with the werewolfs that have already been infected to solve it not with these hunters doesn't seem like he's working with them yeah it doesn't seem like he's with the hunters so then the hunters are either either what i just said or they're like a different family and i don't know who they would be in that situation um it's there's ignoramus milkman the prime mexi all right let's ride oh that's me i forgot all around in the dark choice is yours you'll be seeing me a few more times before the night's over i look forward to that as long as you follow the right of course i'm doing my best right brian so sick of her judging us do you do it she gets so mad when we don't find her cards yeah [ __ ] tcg fanatic he's waiting for that epic rare where is chris hackett shut up okay yeah that was unnecessary we have been over this uh caitlyn tell me what to do alien really hasn't done anything this entire game i feel like wow real strong showing on the leadership front i said shut up oh no way i am not getting involved this is all you buddy why wouldn't you get involved think about everything that's happened tonight okay that's all i'll say the body in the lake too remember what jacob said yeah right listen to me these people are not who you think they are i promise all this over a poem hold on we did talk to the hag at the beginning of the game she whispered in our ear but she still just said yeah she just keeps saying silas what do you know it's the ghost story you told us about right caitlyn this isn't a ghost story it's a creature feature it's really happening and you're all in it your bracelet i'm going to try and be strong here i just want to get as many answers as possible i'm trying to connect this hole in my head same worst case scenario this should give you a fighting chance and this will kill them for good yeah well a bracelet with silver will kill them yeah just someone like i said worst case scenario brian put that [ __ ] thing down before you hurt someone she shoots herself shoots her own armor so come on where does chris hackett live when he's not at camp i mean oh they've got a house i saw on the map do they yeah oh wait wouldn't you be in the basement that's what i was thinking uh you guys are counselors right you've spent the last two months here he's not in the storm shelter i'm clearly getting nowhere hunting him in the woods i need a place to start well now you've offended the house behind these woods oh what's the house dude what he's a tier one dog and there's some hideous yazna and milk why is this guy so attached to him he's a werewolf he needs to die he's been really nice to ryan he hasn't there's not a single scene where he's been nice to anyone not killing him i'm thinking about not killing you what oh my good when the sun comes up i am stuck until the next full moon so is max so is anyone else he's been how is that our problem why don't you ask your friends in the woods don't forget about nick dude oh thanks paley and eddie for the 10 gift subs any clothes are going to spray you too with cold water ryan let's just get out of here i'm running out of time if i can't find chris hackett then a lot more people are going to get hurt you already know where he is uh yeah caitlyn just told you just go well it's not confirmed yeah it is there's no way i'm letting a murdering fugitive like you go anywhere near chris on your own wow are you flirting with me what what no fine do whatever you want jesus she latches on to the first guy after her boyfriend turns into a wow jesus christ i feel bad for max no everyone's gonna be fine that cop car you stole where is it ditched in the lake why it was a stolen cop car what's the try and fix the minivan get somewhere safe what why would what how long do you have it was stolen jackson which means it's ruined i don't know it doesn't seem like an exact science you didn't want to go to jail but but we're walking around killing people currently yeah but they can't prove that they should update that picture for the it's not representative of who she now is apparently yeah she's grizzled now are you sure this is the right way pretty sure yeah pretty or definitely what do i look like a torch he's turning into a [ __ ] do something about it jackson stop him oh he's leading me into a trap i think you're up to something i'm not you better not just be running out the clock i'm not the longer we're out here the longer we're in holy [ __ ] jesus christ laura you know it might be a lot more pleasant if you lighten up a little and we stop stopping what's wrong with you i'm never going to apologize nothing and if it makes you feel any better i'm not a murderer you murdered kaylee and you want to murder chris yeah besides those two everyone else he's infected except kaylee right she would have killed you all if i hadn't shown up true the one that was yeah allergic to how insane yeah that was the one that bit off uh dylan's arm yeah okay i give a [ __ ] we didn't get ryan's approval call it off there it is pack your house all right he's gonna try to save himself or something lives in some redneck mansion with his redneck family and the ass crack of the woods look at this place no what does that have to just go in and kill him lives i think never been there yeah okay they are the same family we're looking for answers it's probably the best place to start so uh wait how do we get there what do you mean how do we get to the house i don't get it we're here really good question maybe we just don't christ ryan just shoot him will you stop protecting him whose side are you on at this point i have no [ __ ] idea there is a lot more to this than you realize like what he's a [ __ ] werewolf murder cover-ups i think the whole goddamn hackett family is in on it maybe the whole camp maybe even you for all i know that's true he could be in on it they were kind of close just walk out away all death yes oh i'm sorry i just figured that instead of standing around listening to you complain i'd actually try to find another way across that's a good point hey you found it great now our bullets are all soggy does that affect a let's go mark what getting wet yeah i don't remember there was a i think there's a mythbusters episode on it it hurt me oh she's dying getting hydrophobic because she got bit we we could have died but we didn't that's nothing you'll be fine yeah it's not a bite or anything and you don't look delicious to me yet so i guess that means we still have time come on let's find a way up that's not funny it's a bit funny oh my god laura jesus marion jazz hands binky bunk what are you doing relax look whoa jesus it cues everything okay guys you have grandma you're beautiful [ __ ] can you see yellow in my eyes yeah it looks like urine [ __ ] we haven't got much time you've got this jackson can i shoot you're a big strong man just start firing from the hip knock knock oh i found something that's big yeah it's like a little treasure chest you thought it you could hide your loot boxes from me huh there's probably a card in here i assume i would think so yeah or lunch i guess oh [ __ ] this must be part of the old working quarry hey you were right it's a lunch these are some stony i wish they would provide the significance for me in dialogue so i don't have to go back to the menu to read it yeah i don't know what any of that meant so they must have been mining down here and uncovered an ancient evil which was the werewolf's curse they uncovered silas oh yeah maybe it all started with silas or maybe there was an actual well and they mined into the world another werewolf in the world he got lost he got stuck down in the world that they were talking about hey did you hear that too it's her who the hag the hag the fact it's corey it's like she's warning us off or guiding us is there bean why would isn't that the hacks curse why would she want to end the curse she's probably not happy about it there are no winners in a curse [Music] you think anyone heard that no they can't have done this but not the code i mean if the code is literally crumbling to the ground but i think it's doing fine let's just keep moving yeah careful oh geez i i don't know i i don't know she was like going to push him off the edge of something then she she did and then yanked him back i guess it was supposed to be a joke that's why that's not even like quirky yeah she's turning just look at this she's turning into a joker werewolf mode is giving her insane comedic timing what the [ __ ] is that what what is happening charlie i'm so cute with a hamburger right about now oh she's just stuck i can't tell if it's just her personality because we have barely seen any of her or if that's like werewolf turns you into a joker i i don't know a little goofster prankster werewolf she she is going real goofy mode yeah she's insane that's the show but i don't know if she was insane already she's gonna turn around and do the i got your nose on them next [Laughter] do you think actually something is in here with us either that or this route isn't as disused as we thought she pick up a hairy steak then i think it was somebody's rib this ain't scary well where's cave out oh my god he's turning two oh [ __ ] chris he got bit jesus christ she just [ __ ] punches him only i can tell jokes so what's your deal then what do you mean the whole mysterious brooding loner thing it doesn't quite fit with the i love my camp leader vibe well [Music] do you always do that do what uh start to engage in a conversation and then just immediately recoil into your shell who are you as therapist sorry two seconds gotta swap the cats over oh yeah no worries there's a recent fly thanks for the prime chewy where the yellow eyes i think that's only when she's like activating werewolf mode i don't think it's like a permanent thing makes the recep nacho and the prime nine-tailed how are you guys playing together parsec this is the resub philanthropic is bart is parsec better than steam remote uh yeah i think so we did steam remote for lego star wars and the lag was awful for jackson this one's much more manageable thanks to the resa blue cola how do you like the game so far oh it's super fun it's this is definitely their goofiest one yet this one is super super super silly so i'm really enjoying it things are prime darkness does he stream you talking about jackson yeah he started streaming again he's zealot on pc he's a tier one judah would you say this is the moon fall of gaming no it's not the moonfall of gaming but it is very fun bad we hear that joker 2 is going to be a musical i hope that reports wrong because i just do not like musicals at all that's probably one of my least favorite genres of movie if not my least favorite i can't stand it that would be so disappointing thanks to the resub nishi in the prime mochi that's got to be a meme i'm that's kind of what i'm hoping for i'm hoping it's just an unconfirmed rumor i don't see why they'd do that all right i'm back hey hey so that took a bit i was swapping the cat over to the groomer and she pissed all over my shirt hey that's fine did you hit her with like a cool quip like laura yeah what would laura said in that situation i guess i smell like cat piss and then she would have gotten finger guns or something i guess it's a golden shower i can't really make a pun out of cactus cactus is a hard one to work with only laura could weave something in there yeah i need to have the werewolf genome all right i'm ready do anymore oh wow charming i am assuming you're single yeah why no reason okay i meant the cat pissed on me not the groomer by the way this way i see a light yeah or you can just hang out here up to you oh tissue this falls someone's been eating their spinach so you want to go into the collapse apple and the reese's keeper the prime shady why wouldn't you want to be a werewolf you get super strength and cool jokes yeah but like having to like shed into a gamer gunky goblin thing seems like [ __ ] are you gonna get the card i didn't realize yeah that's the first one i found i didn't realize you had to click well that was given to you yeah that one was free looks promising how does this look promising [ __ ] run down basement clues jackson this is just where the hag would live these little minor hats all set on each other's cute they're just hard minor hats just general hard hats what the [ __ ] do you mean miners just wear hard hats jackson it's not like a what would you call them like maybe a prospector helmet maybe yeah don't process don't minus actually they don't even mind hats so i guess you're right miner hats are the ones like the the lights on them yeah that's like for prospectors these are just also really tiny they're hard hits for children too yeah that's what the camp kids do during summer they just work in the mines at hackett's quarry [Music] oh a moonshine business going on here it looks like careful splinters thanks i'm fine it just kills over dead they were silver all the nails are made out of silver that would make that liquor almost 100 years old probably still good good try vintage oh [ __ ] we got another hype train going on let's go i guess when the course yeah runs dope come on time travel later [ __ ] i'm so hype you think this is it god damn right oh beached me i'm pretty much completely lost yeah me too [Music] shall we [Music] bust it open your wolf gps systems then actually you can find [ __ ] in werewolf mode yeah i feel like werewolves probably have like sonar or something yeah they're like a uav they can deploy oh yes finally caitlyn what was caitlyn doing again she was just with the group right yeah she was with dylan and then wait did she wash the blood off her face i would think so yeah she de-blooded no i put so much work into that to be fair it's not like it does anything like the blooding doesn't do anything jacob was blooded and still got chased by the werewolf entirely nobody didn't die well that's not because of being blooded it's because i've succeeded all the quick time events what the hell happened here uh that's kind of my bad had a bit of a tumble with one of the locals the [ __ ] caitlyn this place is wrecked well you should see the other guy what the other guy is what do you think happened to jacob he didn't do anything probably nothing hopefully i mean should we go find them warn them i think the safest thing the most responsible thing is to try and get help right mr mosby where are you we need help and nick did people say that he was in this mr mosby the actor not not the bellhop no what why would mr mosby be in this why would brenda song be in this what do you mean he's an actor he is literally only ever been in that though he is mr mosby like in the real world too he's just he is mr mosby i don't think he's ever had another role brenda song's been in a lot i don't think she's been in a lot right yeah she has she's in a show right now that tiana's watching actually someone just said esteban is yes really yeah so it must be a resurgence of sweet life it could be yeah he looks like cole sprouse no oh not without some parts specifically a rotor arm there's a scrap yard up the road so you can fix it well no promises but if there's hope that's where we're gonna find it then apparently they pranked me that sounds like a long shot dylan come on look i need you we need you fine okay once again dylan puts himself in mortal danger for the sake of his work friends he is so chill with having lost a hand yeah and also super whiny and also doesn't realize that by helping them he's helping himself we don't all need to go he's not like helping them out my goodness of his heart it's mutually beneficial should i just go back to the lodge and wait you know why wouldn't you all hang together shelter under the lodge it's probably safer oh christ that's the least safe place you could possibly go i don't think so good great head down there that is the werewolf sleeping quarters they don't know that yet though jesus christ i just sent her to my dad good luck chicken probably i did everything to protect you abigail she can probably fend for herself no i remember dylan broke the [ __ ] ladder lady out of that oh [ __ ] you're right wait we're about to lose her i didn't even get a choice there yeah what that's so [ __ ] did you have a single choice in that entire section it was just dialogue but it wasn't like i could choose where she went [ __ ] that's so unlucky oh my god we actually are going to lose abigail in there well i might it might just make quick time events harder or something there no well maybe why wouldn't you just stick together though why would you send her away i don't know that's just the truth i hate i i hate that trope man same these are some pennywise and switchblade and clip what was that huh what was that oh it's nothing we got we got guests downstairs we don't want any more blood on our hands okay so they're good or bad [Music] you see anything in here you're gonna have to kill her probably oh nice that was a bit we got two whole cards now that we gotta hand into that chick yeah that was good she's gonna be really happy with us i think this time there's probably nothing back there right there's a hat a oh it's bobby's bobby it looks so different with two eyes now what who oh what are you talking about bobby oh [ __ ] what what is going on well whatever [Music] why is this happening i don't know man i don't know what what your problem is for the record anyone listening that wasn't me that's charlie that was me and i don't understand how cause i'm you could literally hear it it just didn't move i think we're okay i don't think anyone heard us can you use the keyboard i don't know but you're using controller i'm using mouse what you meant to press the keyboard for those no clearly not because i've used mouse the entire time what what do you mean mass it's clearly an arrow i've been using the arrows well it's clearly just telling you which way to swipe the mouse i think both work oh my god that's jacob how what do you know wow that's what you're meant to do that's exactly what you're meant to do this for the last like four games it's ryan no well no just this game jesus what happened to you in the tutorial it even had the mouse if i remember correctly no it's arrows it's just arrows of wasd please christ don't open the cage why would you open the cage i'm not hey bad idea it's clearly been working it has clearly been working though since i've been using the mouse the whole time okay you got to get me out of here yeah but it's clearly not working very well it's not consistent clearly but it's clearly been working it is an input that works from the woods he used that oh so that's why you said i really exaggerated the movement the other day i was like how can you exaggerate pressing the up key let's try to figure out what you meant you ought to be out with it it doesn't register the mouse super well for some reason all night long trying to keep those kids safe [Music] come on it's kaylee she's dead no the boys are bringing her in right now now i know you've got screws in that cop heady or there ain't no way to kill her in her kind of condition silver bullet she's dead no no that's that was awfully aggressive very forward [Music] she is dead no no no no no not my granddaughter not my only granddaughter not my kidney not my little kaylee not my little kayleigh not my little kid all right listen you whining to me what do you mean not my little kaylee god damn you i'm on her side what did you do to her little kaylee wait why is she mad at him though well he made the silver bullets yeah that's true but why did he even make them in the first place i wonder now well because they're trying to hunt the original werewolf but they don't know anything oh i guess silas oh true wait you can't think about it why would they lock him in a cage i knew that who the hell is she she's in charge you've already gone once it might even be nick your friend hey listen i mean it's absolutely nick they said that they've already got two of us accounted for oh it could be animals whoever this is definitely nick they're not going anywhere well i wasn't ever told she was just killed oh she was outright murdered yeah i promised fine fine you gotta get me out of here okay seriously man you [ __ ] idiot ma damn it you [ __ ] piece of jesus christ get away from me i mean it's not his fault they're close oh yeah they're very close i can feel the relationship on from down here okay okay okay talk me through it okay so all i know is you have to open my door and that door and definitely not that door oh cool thanks detective okay [ __ ] you man i'm trying to help no [ __ ] you i'm trying to stop what he's he's probably in the safest position out of anyone you should be able to use those switches to isolate each cage okay hang tight right why would you want to leave i mean they could still just kill him they clearly have no problem murdering other people kaylee was gonna kill um dylan and ryan yeah but she's a werewolf and the well yeah i guess the hunters we haven't seen kill anyone yet no we've seen them in fact save them yeah oh good luck i don't know what any of this means uh i think it's breaking new but i'm not sure i thought i saw a two on the door uh yeah i wasn't really looking at the door why would you just you could just uh no because we don't want to let out nick so one of these lets out nick and i'm assuming that's going to be one so i think we have to start at probably like three right because it's three would be he's on the end yeah i think although wait wait wait there's i think there's one door in and then two doors inside leading to either side maybe there's four doors total obviously if we could start there i i really think one is nyx and we have to start with the back doors so i think it'd be one in four or nix and three and two or his right maybe i don't know yeah i wasn't paying enough attention either you do what you want this is your decision i'm not this is this is [ __ ] i don't wanna i don't wanna blow it but i really have no idea i'm just trying to reason my way through it i think it'll kill us i think it'll kill nick because she'll shoot him if he gets out i guess and is that really the worst thing well it'd be good if we can set well we can't save anyone because what's the name's already dead well then yeah i would think that three and two would be the safest option since one and four would either be on the outside leading to where we are i think three is our safest bet off rip so let's see what this opens oh my god it doesn't show us that's so unlucky i think we have good odds i really do uh i think two would make the most sense that's kind of what i was thinking i'm just kind of guessing i think we're right with three i think three is good for us jackson we're gonna get someone killed again can we tell by the wise no they were i think they were on the cages i wasn't really looking i was just listening oh it looks like one and four are connected and four and three are connected by wires i'm not sure how that helps yeah it doesn't really help much i don't know man i think i'm just gonna let two rip i think it's i think it's just yeah i think two is the safest i think we just go for it all right here's hoping just [ __ ] electrocutes him handing off like holding it oh i think we got it dude hey all right now don't [ __ ] it up wait don't [ __ ] what up aren't you good just abandon it i don't like where this is going i came this far you figure it out no it's you i'm going for it i can do this i can do this i like my odds i like my odds yeah just let me look at this just turn around oh my god just i really wish you would just go back and look okay [ __ ] no clue dude i don't either what why do we have to press two then i don't know i thought that would open i thought it was gonna be two doors hitting him out yeah do you think maybe this one's now one and four since we did three and two no because that would let well do the opposite of what we just did well yeah but it's a different set of doors so it's obviously not gonna be three and two again i think it has something to do with the y's honestly i don't know well the wire position hasn't changed the wires are exactly the same right now yeah i know but i'm just saying i think one in four are connected for a reason but i don't know why this is so frustrating i had no idea this is i didn't know we were going to be quizzed on this i thought i could just listen to jacob say stupid gibberish and binky bonk god damn it i really don't want to lose another one you're gonna have to make a choice i i can't have this on my conscience you you chose to continue this we could have just left he would have been safe in there yeah but i also like the i like the stakes though like what's yeah like we gave him we can't just like snatch it away from him we're gonna let the other whale directly into jacob's cage it's you you made the choice you gotta live with it now good luck all right um dies i would have been the only one out of us who's killed characters so far i'd be so upset i'm gonna be so upset all right what do you think i i don't know i don't think i i don't think we go four i think it's either two or three then why is it connected though i don't know jackson i don't know i don't want to blow it figured out don't read chat this is on you i don't even think reading chat would help because everyone says something different but i really think four's off the table i think that one's death worst case scenario is you kill jacob you kill what's the guy the werewolf guys nick i think it's nick and you have killed uh emma what's emma yeah so yeah you you're kind of ruining a perfect run here i've been doing everything i can to keep them alive you were also the one that told me to do the trap door with emma to be fair that was an agreed-upon sound yeah that was a great one yeah so this one would be the only one that's on me but you also didn't pay attention to it either that's not me this is your character don't shift the blame i know i know i just didn't realize this was going to be such a it i guess intricate's the wrong word but like a attentive piece yeah i think four's off the table so i have a 50 50 between two and three but we already did three before right yeah we already was the one that successfully well we did three and we did three and two last time so we've already used two and i don't think it's four i'm just going to i'm letting it rip let's see what happens let it ride okay did that work does he get mauled jesus christ yeah so i saw it on the background there on the cage there was a five i don't know so three and two worked because it makes five well you should go catch up with them we got really [ __ ] lucky it had nothing to do with the position i don't know if there's a way back up oh it was just simple math yeah but we didn't look at the cage so we had no [ __ ] idea wait then four and one would have worked as well then yeah i guess as long as it makes five it would have been fine were the y is connected in a way that made five no i don't think so i think there were one and four were connected by wire no i don't think so that would have been so much less stressful if we just paid more attention i refuse to pay attention you had those [ __ ] no i guess i don't know what the back one was goddamn jail because i only saw one number so the back one must have been three months right and you were telling me that that instead of putting a bullet into each one of their little sorry shit-stained brains you you gave them your silver bullet gun and they shot my kaylee with it is that what you were telling me now travis no more blood on your hands that's what you you you said it oh my god past that now yeah kelly said what what if it had been me or or or bobby what then she was your family a good boy protects his family yeah but what about when that good boy goes bad i wish i could take it all back i wish i could take it all back but i can't well i just don't i don't understand why you you you couldn't have just taken care of the problem when you had the chance taking care of the problem you hear yourself yes i hear my goddamn cellphone may be old but i ain't deaf i'm a police officer no don't know i'm blind you [ __ ] okay [Music] like it's worth a million dollars the only reason you got it is because hank got killed in the gypsy fire my way hey don't mommy would you sit down please don't you tell me what to do don't you go around don't you go around like you better than everybody else because you ain't would you please sit down don't you tell me what you're doing piece of [ __ ] you silly disorderly put her under arrest yes we have composite yes i i don't know yes why would you be standing there yeah i i don't know send bobby damn what in the uh are you the one that killed my uh granddaughter what in the [ __ ] make sure that she doesn't bite [Music] is inside that's why i need to find the key tonight what is happening uh spontaneous folk concert band down here this is what bobby's doing currently bobby's in the middle of a content concert [ __ ] strumming along blown into his bottle i don't understand at all why the [ __ ] happened look at those two cards hopefully you've brought me some more of my look down then you'll see for yourself [Music] nice yes the empress look at her those at the top can fall the hardest such a shame to nurture little monsters only to live long enough to watch them kill you but it's no less than she deserves so do you think the empress will be the mom caitlyn's death oh no definitely the moment but she said raising monsters only to watch him kill you karma works in mysterious ways but it favors those who pay attention watch closely i'm just saying it'll show us okay spins the eagle eye can tell where it's going to stop details yes yes i do think then choose the possible future you'd like to witness and watch carefully try and find some clarity in the chaos what do we want impress her wheel of fortune i don't know if i mean both do empress because i don't know if it was katelyn i told you well who gives a [ __ ] i don't care if she dies i also don't care if she dies i don't know what the point was you still got time be careful now be very careful [Music] oh we could only choose one what the [ __ ] was the point of getting both why why even bring both i thought that was the worst one to get that as well yeah it doesn't help us at all thanks for your sub cat man in charlie what if we just like walk to the main road this isn't the main road no this is all hackett property the main road is another mile that way wait how do i know so much more about everything than you do wait shut up so basically it's another hour walk to the main road and then at least another three to four hour walk until we hit the nearest whatever yeah uh-oh what was that i was ecstatic let's just keep that's not a reasonable time frame there's a haunted television set chasing us i guess this is me now what you're going to look great with a hook we can call you oh god hooking the coke face oh my god that was good he looks so sad over there oh god no one would treat me the same because i lost a hand yeah i'll go to press they're all going to make fun of them nobody's ever going to treat me the same are they no no some people won't that hand was you would you date a guy with one hand i don't think it's me you're concerned about is it who's he in love with again ryan kind of got close at the fire pit back there am i crazy or was something about to happen it's always next year right yeah but now he's missing a hand so at first yeah plus the guy that he was in love with cut it off him it wouldn't really matter although that does build connection ryan's type confident heroic with an eye patch it's a pirates maybe she shivers his timbers there mommy where they came the rotor arm oh [ __ ] relax it's motion sensor we're okay i think oh look steampunk's back in ew come on this way what do you mean ew so what do you mean steampunk nothing's steampunk though oh that's nice that's it for me there put me down don't worry i'm going to kill i'm going to kill the old easy man put me down why can't you turn around and shoot so like everybody just relax can't shoot but you can't see darwin it's a shotgun it shoot anyway oh wow that worked gotcha you know old lady just kick her in the [ __ ] shins i'm doing it you've got it jackson oh jesus what is the point of the tarot cards when they never come true i didn't what the [ __ ] this i didn't even everybody stop you know you're going to want to keep the lights off i promise you won't want to see what happens the [ __ ] is going on up here she shot herself uh suicide uh yeah yeah uh those goddamn werewolves she's gone little bobby marlon's gone [Music] there's a speed run to her death i didn't even need to turn into werewolf mode yeah nice protecting anyone hey so i'm just gonna leave i'm [ __ ] out oh nice matrix ouch what the [ __ ] i didn't shoot anyone wait so the old woman was the only one protecting everyone no travis was but he's saying like no more protecting everyone travis good hidey hole there's just using him as like a knife holder why'd he take the knife with him i don't know that was so casual just like here hold this i like glitched on my screen i didn't even know how it got in oh you're meant to just keep the knife in you right yeah you're supposed to keep the knife in and dress around it yeah don't take it out no no no no no i'm not just pulling you yeah no i'm not pulling it yeah i'm not doing that yeah good no i just saved his life with that now he's got like a coat hanger on him permanently it would be great he could hang things from that you got to be careful not to bump into anything mm-hmm i can't believe we saw the mother's death and then immediately killed her in one decision yeah it was pretty awesome i'll keep that i don't know i actually want to read these letters because i am getting invested in like knowing the outcome of the story but i feel like we're missing so much ready because for some here i'm just going to do a queue to view haley hank's letter of confession addressed it yeah but what tell me what's the actual letter can i not read it oh my god that's so dumb try it here you you take the mouse jackson see if you can figure out how to access that no nothing what the [ __ ] what what is the point of that press escape now maybe like well no there's nowhere what do you mean there's no way it's the same it's the same thing like there's no way like that's not going to change anything [Music] that's so dumb yeah i don't really running on there wait was there something clues maybe what are these oh what does that mean i don't know that's enter though oh is this just [ __ ] a cheat sheet oh it must be oh wait then go back to the thing and see if that's there well no it's not going to be here it's going to be on clues i think what did it just tell us travis has used his power sheriff to help his family cover the tracks ever since the fire six years ago the fire was only six years ago look at the miners oh wait yeah do that do the bloodied caller it is a dog color it is but it's not i don't think it's for the werewolves oh we don't we don't have the evidence required what's this why is this one like see how it's got an exclamation point next to it yeah i don't know see the miners lunchbox oh we don't have that either we do have that one oh my god no [ __ ] brother's way [Music] oh my god this is going to be like they're kids something [Laughter] oh really in the full story i think this family photo indicates chris had children oh someone said drop it and look at it again to read the letter so i guess you can go back to the letter once you're done i don't i don't see why no no no no no no no no no the letter in the actual world well no i that's not there anymore that's someone that's not played the game before it this is where i got it god damn it this game hasn't really been very scary yeah not really it's more of like a drama production oh it actually was a [ __ ] bedrock giant poopy my god that was enormous yeah it was an absolutely massive [ __ ] i wonder travis is always talking about shits being [ __ ] yes there's [ __ ] and then there's poop you haven't seen proof until you've been back home yeah you don't know what mama hackett is up to in that bedpan this never goes well boom all right what did he smell something probably they'd put the [ __ ] look at it yeah just finally wafted over you stop looking through holes oh god well oh i put the poop in front of the door so he stepped in it should i hide or block it [ __ ] i don't know uh i'm just gonna hide because i don't think i'm strong enough to block right now since i'm injured you're gonna have yeah you're gonna have to do the whole uh i don't wanna hide on well the under the bed next to the poop might be good as a deterrent what do you think yeah maybe he doesn't want to go looking at the poop i'm just going to do cabinet just because that that one had an interaction i feel like it's got to be this since we interacted with it well you interacted with the poop dude yeah that wasn't the bed that was the poop like he might go over there and just start eating out of that bucket we don't know yet looks like i've come for my knife oh [ __ ] he's really lying up that poop right now as if you'd hear someone breathe from a closet yeah you probably would if it's just like completely silent i made the right call you said you like that i'm a [ __ ] genius he would have caught me under the bed right there about to run out of air here there we go [ __ ] did your breath open you blew over the cabinet with your breath why are you leaving all right oh i guess he's gonna go back over and look at the wardrobe now yeah sneak in there he did open this door you know i'm close stand by over luckily there's no way he heard that why is he walking so slow he's like the guy from resident evil 3 yeah nemesis oh [ __ ] look while somebody just had blue grannies you can't hide from me in my own house [ __ ] yeah that's a good point you do know better than i do oh good you're lying slapped in there you're a [ __ ] hey you suck jerk i don't like you very much hey spaz thanks for the knife [Music] this is you jackson i'm just gonna run [ __ ] it i don't want to do the breathing thing i'm not i'm not good at that that's my kryptonite oh man you got it there's a lot happening here it just immediately impales us bangs our eye on it yeah [Music] it'll be a bad time to lag dude that's just worked way better than the breathing thing yeah i feel like you got a lot further maybe i can soothe them with music hell yeah i'm playing [ __ ] [Laughter] bobby must be playing the piano again dick what that opened a secret passage surely there are bears around here thank you so why much we escape bears i don't know [Music] maybe the maybe this family also thinks they're bears and not werewolves what do we get up here oh these haven't been a tarot card over here would it be right yeah way to explore nice nailed it yeah damn dude was that a greenhouse over there oh yeah get a lot of exploring done oh he's head off too now you're going to rip his throat out i bet i wanted to explore why did i go the right way are you playing games no more little girl try me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you call their bluff ah don't worry you still don't got enough silver to kill you but are sure to hell can make you suffer hit him with one of the werewolf jokes nice oh yeah jackson keep up the good work beating ramps up perfect nice he's still making me suffer so i thought all of them were werewolves but i don't think this guy is oh no he no they're definitely not werewolves well no because that's yeah might as well kill them you've already killed the grandma i think so i think running is probably the right choice here up to you because i feel like i just got blinded by something [Music] i clearly chose run why did he not shoot oh [ __ ] christ you might you might have wanted to do attack perhaps but he had the gun that's true where are you what the [ __ ] just collapses on him hi everybody [ __ ] stop right now yeah i'm on travis's side i got the lights go out and it's like complete darkness apparently you know what you did to kaylee and she killed your mother too it had to happen travis wait i'm on your side we can kill cramps together the thing is though travis said his whole family was uh turned but clearly the grandpa and the mom weren't maybe they killed their original turners maybe this isn't gonna be too pleasant for you i promise you that [ __ ] i'm hungry i haven't eaten it all today how much longer do you think we have hello yeah i said how much longer do you think we have oh sorry i scratched my ear um we have what's that oh right you didn't hear me yeah uh we have you can only do one thing at a time well we have two chapters left so i think we're pretty close oh okay that was me that was entirely me i grabbed the mouse and then remembered that it's supposed to be the keyboard should be we'll be fine though we'll be fine this is where i rebound you [ __ ] us no i nailed like a ten i forgot about the keyboard jackson so i started mouse i started we'll be fine you're just too busy scratching your red no no he's not gonna kill me either we're gonna be friends you've got a weapon on you just use it come on man you gotta help me i do yeah i promise i want someone to win anything no man family first besides i'll get in trouble i think i'll just stab him [ __ ] it oh you idiot it's gonna be a bad move well he was gonna kill me if i didn't my nipple stabbed me yeah [ __ ] hurts donut i've never been stabbed before wait that's what that feels like oh man i'm sorry for doing it for you before oh nice uh can you pause it real quick oh yeah do you need to go yeah two seconds okay i'll go to the bathroom while you do that i'll be back [Music] uh i'm back thanks to tier one idos and the prime nova azrael and theresa earthbow [Music] you and jackson the same height not jackson six feet is this a scary game nope it's more of just a drama these are the bits piranhas alrighty i'm back all right let's ride all right go it's me what the [ __ ] happened to you he's fine nothing out of the ordinary all right oh how about it that's fine oh she are you gonna choose to turn him that bad huh yeah she's gonna wear wolfify him i keep trying to fix it whatever this is people keep getting her first max now you the making is all about you he's dying right now and to be fair it's not like she made the thing happen with max that wasn't her fault yeah that was let's see if i can get her to wait oh yeah what happened to jacob i didn't have to come here you just leave i shouldn't have let you come wait what the [ __ ] doesn't he have the car thing on him he does yeah what happened to him bro just [ __ ] dipped still searching for ammo am i dying yeah you've lost a lot of blood but it'll it'll heal though right no that's not how it works i mean i can put the knife back in maybe wait maybe maybe it will what ryan if you let me bite what who's to say that she'll stop though she'll have control well it's either that or die outright you'll be infected which means which means it will heal yeah do it [ __ ] it why not yeah but it also means yeah yeah i got it big bad wolf pretty cool do it it sounds kind of epic no downside ryan i don't have much time i can feel it like it's fighting to get out if you let me bite you and you heal then then i have to kill chris it's it's not killing chris it's killing a werewolf it's saving your own life and mine and max's and your friends too yeah i'm sorry can you just buy me like i'm sold i'm good i get it let you good and live to kill chris hackett or bleed out and die this one's for you chris [Laughter] it's your call he just [ __ ] pieces out he's like you know i like chris he was always a nice camp counselor are we doing this or not [Music] yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] i really want to know what happens if i say decline i wonder if he gives like a one last joke probably just dies doesn't even answer wait are you accepting her offer you're accepting death oh i'm accepting her offer obviously he's like no i accept death okay how do we do this do you like bite my penis it's intended for you just a little nibble just one yeah just don't go too crazy please wait wouldn't you need to be in werewolf mode first to do it no i don't think so because she's already like close so i think it just needs to be like a bite where she turns right now then that's very rough for ryan i'm not pulling away let's go i'm committed i'm having what what if she actually i'm [ __ ] bricked up now i'm ready [Applause] oh ryan i was so close man that was good you should start to feel better soon i guess all right thanks so much laura [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is flip to me lobotomies i think like i think that's the proper name for like a blood transfusion or something i don't remember actually oh it's drawing blood that's what it is drawing blood i guess you did do that i would say she had control still to some degree yeah i'd actually think that was the best case scenario i think if i successfully did the quick time event like a fool we wouldn't have had such a good outcome yeah that was really lucky that bobby just left so guilt having felt what being stabbed feels like [ __ ] maybe i'm the bad guy these guys never throw anything out huh so do you want to give me some direction on what we're looking for specifically well most of these cars look like they've already been stripped apart empty frames and chassis which doesn't help as much okay so we're looking for engines well anything relatively intact got it all right what do we get oh man we got some real good models in here what is this a ford pinto looks like we got our work cut out for us huh try not to mention it doesn't look like it [Music] anything about you pioneers used to ride these babies for miles keep looking oh so that's probably what bloody is if werewolves don't attack each other depend like based on the blood that's in them maybe they're putting werewolf blood over their faces to make them less attractive maybe there's definitely a tarot card here somewhere find it oh i will did oh yeah i found sun before tonight mm-hmm thanks for your subtitle uh the whales hate bright lights too right because we established that from her upstairs no i i think they're fine with light we've never seen them in light maybe in that they haven't said anything about light being bad for them though well no she when the lamp went on upstairs the girl that was turning really hated that um yeah [ __ ] it [Music] are we gonna end up in a documentary no shut up come on let's go are you gonna go upstairs and look up there first yeah i didn't realize that was gonna progress it it's hard to know what progresses and what doesn't progress oh sexy calendar maybe nudie magazine calendar what the [ __ ] it's been a full moon these sons of [ __ ] had it all planned out well it's not like they planned the moon no they're pretty powerful what is he not getting he's is he not on the same page as everyone else he still thinks it's bears you're still trying to figure out why bears hate supersonic noises looks like these guys were cooking the books a little dodgy you said it what are we auditing them now that's like the least interesting thing that's happening looks like chris was fudging his taxes a bit we gotta do something about this now it's serious let's take it to washington grab the sheets get the irs on the horn we're going to go back to the radio shacks in an sos for the irs nice all right looks like there's no tarot cards here oh but what about around here oh and the dumpster it seems like it'd be a pretty good hiding spot like for a tarot card or in general all these people know that it's just a werewolf thing at the moment why don't you just hide until the moon's gone yeah that's kind of what i don't get they could just stall it out so they've established that they don't like water so just swim yeah like what i said the other day with the whole canoe and the lake thing it would work just go out in the middle which way should i go for a tarot card there's so many paths yeah i don't know unless the monk thing is its own thing i guess that's all the whole ghost tag [ __ ] that we don't know anything about yet which is weird well yeah but the hag hasn't shown up or done anything yet yeah she's more just kind of like an idea and she might also be afraid of water for but i think they knew how to swim back then hag times yeah five years ago oh yeah the file was like only five years ago apparently uh what a beautiful feeling it's okay he knows what he's doing probably safer than we are out here come on he's walking around like a [ __ ] knife holder at the moment you guys really aren't investigating any of the cars for what you actually came here oh i'm looking for tarot cards right now but you're right she doesn't really seem that intrigued by any of these there's probably gonna be just like one car that's in pristine condition like a tesla model s or something then why don't you just use that car yeah i don't know if it makes sense jumpscare there hasn't been a single jump scare in this game and there's not gonna be i'm fine with that the cheap yeah i mean it's not particularly a scary game anyway i do like jump scares and games though just because it's really goofy it's just a loud noise these are prime cynical look [Applause] yes let's go for the car in the most dangerous possible position who parks the car up there so is that like the sheriff's car they don't actually park it there it's about to be jumped pretty good at the claw game at my local arcade the kids used to call me the grabber no no uh-oh oh i hear that yeah look why don't you see if you can lower it down so i can take a look under the hood it looks like a perfect car [Laughter] i can't even use the gun i have one hand i cannot use it [ __ ] executes himself sure yeah sure thing too much for him just uh watch my back yeah yeah he's probably the character i hate the least even though he's so [ __ ] weird dylan yeah i think the character that i hate the least is probably caitlyn's winning somebody's mom never taught them but i think that's because she hasn't had all right she hasn't really had much of a role in the game yet okay but she seems too cool calm and collected for someone in the scenario not too complicated so does dylan he lost a hand and doesn't care now what the hell is going on my bad he needs to listen to music to work caitlyn all right here goes nothing drops it on here well how's he going to press the button if he's only got one hand i mean you can still press a button he has to use his head you did it yeah uh i think i found my calling about time you watch his back inside the car maybe we can see if we can try and get this thing running ah score i'm just gonna live up here now oh they don't hate light yeah clearly how would you lift the car i because she might be in the car is she i don't know i'm just to do warn caitlyn it seems safer lifting the car is a big assumption oh she was in it i didn't see her get in there i thought she went to the hood [Applause] i got you caitlyn what do you want me to do reason with it or something what am i supposed to do from up here you have a gun shoot it yeah shoot it although i'd probably want the glass to say oh no destroy the [ __ ] oh sound the whole oh yeah because they they don't like the loud noise yeah that seems safe don't jump what are you doing what is what is this oh my god [ __ ] she's going for the oh that was the dumbest possible thing you could get the [ __ ] out oh boy all right don't worry i gotta blow torch the fire taking sure i'm gonna burn the [ __ ] out of it do it time to go straight to hell nice oh perfect okay we have left they hit fire they don't like fire why didn't you stay in there i'm gonna drop the car on it oh yeah true oh it's gonna land on her if i [ __ ] up the quicktime event it probably does hi stakes i'm coming caitlyn i'm jacked into the matrix do it nice oh but we could have used the car well we can still use the rotor arm also this shouldn't kill the werewolf unless the car is made out of silver we'll probably probably get a bit of silver in there right yeah how much time it goes into cars maybe like the carburetor and the fuel ignition system and uh stuff like that maybe i don't know well even if it doesn't kill it it's probably still strong enough to weigh it down right yeah you would think dylan thank you you actually saved my life for real yeah you know no sweat i just can't wait to see who they choose what to play me in the movie about how brave i am i'll probably choose brenda if i had to guess so so much for our brilliant escape plan okay i wonder which werewolf that was wait what do you mean back to lodge grab the rotor arm out of that car the car might be totaled but we can grab the rotor arm that's why we came here oh it's damaged beyond repair it's got werewolf all over it well then okay we came here to kill the werewolf and that's it yep it's ambition accomplished oh yeah this chicken oh i think i really think abigail's [ __ ] because we broke that ladder totally [ __ ] yeah is it gonna be chris down here yeah just gonna be a counselor at summer camp abby thanks brian howard and there's some sushi and commando loads of fun and make friends for life i'm so sick yes i'm sorry abby we didn't i hated putting you in this position that was your fault for coming down here before we both agreed that it'd be cool oh i didn't agree hello yes you did if we found a trap door and we said we should go down and look is anyone there i was peer pressured by you we couldn't have known the far-reaching consequences that little joy ride would have what if i go immediately to the ladder now and just get it out of the way try it it's probably worth a try like i don't think you want to click any of these because you're just going to make noise and alert chris at least that's my guess oh nice oh nice i got the elephant oh the egg i wasn't expecting her to show up maybe the hacks trying to help us yeah potentially maybe it's a positive spirit the spirit of good fortune there it is let's just leave yeah safety hopefully dylan didn't lock the trapdoor on his way out trap door this is your one who's watching diet go go go go it does sound like it's helping better work oh that wasn't nearly as detrimental as i thought it was going to be that probably would have affected us in the future maybe i thought that was gonna be catastrophic okay maybe doing it first there was actually good maybe if we're being chased that's when it would have been bad yeah then he would have like caught our leg or something yeah i thought it was going to cause us to fall like the whole way down i definitely think that might have saved us yeah i think so too actually i think that was the best possible scenario and i got the elephant god herefriend irophin what was the jail cell rhyme something about a trapdoor or something people have seen i don't know in a hurry man this place is huge you might need to rest a bit you're still being a [ __ ] you're well better soon cool you stop moping you're gonna have superpowers soon bro actually yeah that's gonna be fun stop it do you smell that no never mind let's just find another way down a way to create a thought or something way out what was that i'm done being chased and stabbed sure and another way out fine god he's such a [ __ ] about things wait did we not just see the [ __ ] werewolf right in front of us no no no the lights are off jackson it's impossible to see anything yeah they meant to be off is this a glitch i i don't see i can see that werewolf yeah anyone with eyes can see that werewolf but for some reason in this game when the lights go off their whole [ __ ] body shuts down yeah but it would make sense for us to not also see it whatever i don't know what to tell you man i didn't make it hello oh is this the original werewolf no wait that wouldn't make sense oh my god there's a werewolf here who would have thought does he have a name tag above him what you don't oh we just need to kill him then what the [ __ ] is the point of the change if you can just leave whatever you want where's our shotgun okay man you [ __ ] it up jackson how did i [ __ ] that up you [ __ ] it up what oh that was the end of ryan it just cried right there yeah let's all transform actually now would it be a pretty optimal time to transform really i don't want to kill travis don't kill travis yeah travis is the only like reasonable portfolio no no travis mommy the gun oh yeah [Music] they should have used some stronger chains he broke out of that no problem this was bound to happen eventually you need to kill chris remember crystal will revert everyone else i got him blew his [ __ ] head off i think that was i think that was uh laura no that one's laura oh sweet yeah that's so easy why did you think that was laura i have no clue they look the same no no i calc honestly when you said that i was like you're probably right and i was so upset why would there's like no tension yeah well it's because my aim is how do you just click yeah no my aim was so good i just i [ __ ] popped it he wasn't even rushing you or anything though thanks he accepted his fate he knew he sinned he had it coming not killing me no chris was the original one for everyone likewise um so i don't know what now everyone's yeah wait why didn't she spawn in nude what oh you think this is over this isn't over i can go do it every full plane i don't understand chris is dead that was a clone of criticism chris wasn't the first that was chris from the future that's not possible [Laughter] he's actually in an international space station her brother she didn't live on the moon what they're dumb caleb what did you just say chris and kaylee chris was just trying to protect him he was a good man my brother then who bit caleb silas oh finally i've been tracking him for years he's a gypsy transient he'd been long gone from the area but we hoped he'd come back some could end this why would he come back you could just leave and not come back settings up and down the coast uh parallel binom child giant white wolf white wolf what what'd you say where's earlier tonight huh he didn't say anything okay why did we take the white wolf it all makes sense i don't know he must have been back for months and he's what ran you off the road two months ago help me help me exit five gifts subscribes i appreciate the generosity save caleb we can still say great enough to my family we we can help those who are still alive who's left in his family uh caleb you just said well that's it that's just the only one yeah that's what he's saying oh let me say left oh right is this me yeah this is you why would i be mean why the hell should i trust you i really don't remember seeing a white wolf though i don't either okay okay so where would we even find him maybe size is the one that's under the car right now okay oh yeah i wonder which one that is probably this doesn't mean i forgive you for what you did to me i understand otherwise it's probably a human under that car right now spawned in [ __ ] crushed i'd like to go check that car right now thanks to the resub sammy you had your chance he what do you mean doesn't matter there's still time we can still come out on top oh she's the head let's uh it's what it's seeming like but what did she mean when was our chance to wipe out that family well i guess they could have killed him the the son what's his name travis the vitality of did we even have a chance to kill travis still time to wake up to the war yeah i mean we could have let your choices your actions no actually no life hangs in the balance it's up to you to find your path in the darkness and see the sun rise once again [Music] thank you so corey hierophant oh she seems about that i'm gonna choose that one yeah where did you find it this shouldn't be here yeah i want to see that through enough pain no no no it's silas i bet that silence is good boy you see what that did to us oh oh we're going real in that was a that was a big card to get nice this was six years ago and it was eliza no i was right my gypsy camp was burnt to the ground that's what caused the curse [Music] i don't remember why was it burnt they didn't like gypsies [Music] the dog boy that's on the nose oh damn silas the dog boy i don't know my boys my boy but he's still alive oh is this when she became a ghost oh what what is gonna fall back into it i i don't know what's going on i didn't even get a choice to like move out of the way what was the point in even having that little scene oh is that the burnt sheriff i guess so yeah not silence what the [ __ ] is happening i'm very confused i don't know just gonna bring it back to life [Music] so that's the sheriff which means silas is still out there and she's looking for stylists mommy's coming silence silence she just died [Music] but he was already a dog boy before this then yeah so he was a werewolf before this [Music] well i got another card no i don't know thanks for five good subs again grimes even generosity there's a booty in indy no no no boy do you see what they did to us how they heard i mean i guess he's still all alone each full moon they linked him armed with silver trying to put an end to a curse they inflicted upon themselves when they set my shore place six years ago i knew it all from the beginning so how did he become a werewolf i wonder he must be protected maybe he was born with it he must not follow this path do you understand remember how i've helped you almost yeah you have been a big help actually apart from them okay but can i look at the other card i bought another card yeah the iron fan was cool and whatever then i'm sorry about your son and whatever i'd like to see the other one i didn't even wait who's max you get to be max the fabled prophet returns i hope it's just a [ __ ] 30 second scene of me chowing down emma oh man don't oh i was gonna say don't start it yet i was going to fill up my water he paused oh damn now you spoiled it bare back maybe she just assumed it was the sheriff and he was trying to free the boy that might be correct maybe it was just a normal fire i was thinking maybe that silas got out and like ate an innocent person and then they burnt down the camp in retribution or something like that but yeah maybe maybe this is a normal fire and the chef was trying to help no no i assumed that she assumed it i feel like all the pieces are coming together now though maybe silenced out of the fire potentially to get out yeah maybe actually yeah that's probably maybe he didn't want to be a freak show caleb and kaylee or whatever their names are started trying to freestyles maybe oh yeah maybe caleb did start it because then he got he's the original one under silas right max looks like you a little bit looks nothing like me he's got freckles who do you think the old lady is talking to she seems like she's talking to the player yeah they they usually do this with mostly until dawn not until dawn one of these games super massive games they have like a character in between chapters that's talking to like the player so it's like the same thing actually i'm gonna go to the toilet as well i'll be back two seconds i'm back all right i'm ready to ride is jackson not here lazy resub toki into the bits ace gonna prime first though [Music] he's a tier one holland in the prime soviet in the resub hinted monk all right i'm back back i'm back all right is it my sound yeah it is yep these are prime blue is there gonna be a twist of some kind i hope so he's really feeling himself oh man he's dead what the [ __ ] why am i on top of a [ __ ] tree well why'd you put yourself in the [ __ ] tree he was a werewolf jackson he didn't know any better how am i gonna get down that's the dancer he doesn't have his cure abilities anymore yeah no he's just lame i'm gonna go investigate uh the log uh the cabin if i get a chance i wanna see if she's her dead body's just there it absolutely is no maybe she's the one that started all this no i'm about to find out yeah she's not there she's alive no he must have dragged her somewhere where the hell are my clothes [Music] oh yeah if we went through those bags before we would have seen all his stuff you gotta be kidding max's stuff true i preferred the path we took though it was really cool okay gotta find where's her body i don't know yeah that wasn't a good outfit though maybe she isn't dead i would i would think she got turned yeah but he like if they eat some and not the others well keep it like you remember he said like they ate the journalists and [ __ ] like that they say well killed yeah so i'm assuming they ate them well they only cared about the family i feel like they turned the other ones and then they hunted them down kind of thing killed them then with silver bullets oh last part that's possible actually give some spanky and bash and recep isabella and honey bones honey jams i can't see a [ __ ] thing am i going in the right direction yeah there's something up there like a pile of bricks told we should have just gone to the harbinger motel you've had it easy man you were like a werewolf for a bit and now you're on the safest place that you could possibly be well we don't know that we don't know where silas is oh there's your butt wait she's definitely not dead oh [ __ ] maybe i can't tell oh no she doesn't look injured at all yeah oh holy [ __ ] they even have 100 gift subs one bow jesus jesus christ good to see you man i hope you're doing well thank you for that thank you for the generosity that's gonna be like a bullet train of hype train yeah it's that sent it all the way to level five jesus christ thank you wumbo you're right miss so she she's dead then i guess yeah with no injuries at all like he was eating the [ __ ] out of her now uh no she's dead her eyes are open though yeah unlucky sucks we didn't get a perfect run then just walk it off nice prime jacks and tier 1 tricks we definitely haven't seen a white wolf anyway i'm not sure when he would have seen it yeah i don't know i don't recall seeing one either like to give some brow really show the point putting the hat on but okay and there's some slug i i'm telling you dude just stay here it's a good island it's guarded by a zombie monk yeah that guy's that guy's pretty cool you just put on those clothes too you can just make him stay [ __ ] this is my new home he's there for the rest of his life thanks chris for the gift oh well uh i of course try not to get any backseating from chad here for spoilers but apparently because you didn't swim you saved them because swimming gets him killed oh that was pretty [ __ ] lucky then yeah good instincts that's so dumb that like one decision can just kill you like that yeah okay well he is wonderful he already is right we need to look it up thinking you said he has the dumbest death in video game history just like the cartoons i wish i saw it i didn't care about max really neither did i gives us a little time how do you feel like until dawn yeah it is they don't like water remember same developer i think you've said we should have boom in the primary lake all night we said midnight and die of hypothermia no all right well we're good now night's not over yet these [ __ ] know we're in here and they're coming back first chance they get great news okay all right we gotta get a vantage point what's happened to jacob is he still running around in the woods yeah i don't know we haven't seen him in so long i know i i don't even remember what happened to him though he was in the cage we let him out of the cage and he immediately left so something's gonna happen with this [ __ ] chimney at some point because it's open to the world it's a way in probably what are we here for again uh i don't remember exiting the prime blue and dime and the bits damp the dankins already finished this game then yeah i guess it's been out for a couple days oh dog nice to put a name to a big mean face so what you're like i didn't see what it said i also didn't see what it said who the big dude from earlier when you and ryan went to the radiohead mr h's brother i guess right right thanks for the anonymous bits that was bobby yeah it was bobby he's dead now yeah he didn't make it jeez i'm see really struggling they're begging for a dollar i want to read these things christ no one's gonna tie into what dylan found with their taxes okay so just increased why would they need to increase money does that even have anything to do with the plotter is that just a standard business thing that they need to do i don't know it doesn't seem to have any tie in with the plot unless the whole werewolf angle was somehow a scam yeah it's a lot of finances and stuff they've been taxed per werewolf now as well oh yeah i guess i could have been buying more silver oh that would make sense yeah it's like a dumb thing to open a like children's lodge in a werewolf territory though why don't you just ask the us military to help you know what's happening yeah they can easily prove werewolves are real yeah and then make millions yeah maybe even open up a little freak show of your own god i can't [ __ ] see so close you were just walking in the corners jackson jesus christ i can't it's the visual quality it's bad yeah fair and the camera is like right in here and this lag shut up at least i passed my quick times that's [ __ ] up i failed him on purpose for the tactical conclusions for the entertainment are you kidding me you're gonna get in my way oh how long has this guy been here a long time ago long enough ago that it was okay well we on cat like at camp here for two months no one saw it i kind of want an oil wanted that benjamin franklin that's all i needed i'm ready yeah i hope we just need to we make our last stand we'll protect this painting with all that we have i needed something to protect now i have it every dusk and donald so there should only be one werewolf left or two caleb and silas we're proud to say shout at stroud and shout out loud we're packing tears two months and you never learn the words do the corn puff dance song peanut butter pop peanut butter butter pops it's gonna come through the chimney yeah why is it attacking us where is it coming from it has to be the one from the junkyard it's got to be caleb oh you think he's come back yeah i mean that's silence it's it there's only two werewolves left it's silas and um caleb it could be jacob jacob's tumbling down the chimney like santa claus what is he doing how is he not in any danger whatsoever i have he's been making this entire game i have no [ __ ] clue man was he still thinking emma's alive yes look at him so happy i just wish i could tell you i'm sorry [Music] more than anything you had nothing to be sorry for this is all his fault yeah he has a lot to be sorry for oh well yeah but he's he's talking about emma or night together [ __ ] stop crying you big baby is this gonna be a death scene silas kills him i don't know what to do no this is just a powerful reflective moment i'm reflecting oh that was it i had my fun with jacob that was good i asked the question what's happening with jacob at the time that was the morale boost i needed to defend the slogan wait i thought it was caitlyn it did say caitlyn didn't it let's say oh it looks like everyone's coming together here what the [ __ ] from jacob oh my god the painting the thing i was about to protect damn it let's try reasoning with it do we even have silver bullets no these two don't run i don't know this is a tough call runs i don't have silver bullets runs worked for me in the past probably run since you don't have silver bullets look no you're fine the frames are dropping odd to me oh you're missing some incredible fluid action oh this is tough i don't know yeah yeah [ __ ] it i don't know if this was the play it probably was wolves kind of balanced we all know that yeah they have bad balance they're known for that plus you have the shotgun you could use as like one of those sticks they use on the high rope or i could rocket launch myself using it blast down at the ground get some air yeah that's good you're good you're looking good you're looking good jackson you're looking oh my god like [ __ ] plummeted running always run running is working so well for me i don't know that one might have been a hide don't stop running this way what have you been doing it looks like running worked yeah always run it seems like hiding is the worst choice really no oh okay looks like a velociraptors in the kitchen excited oh they're gonna go in the freezer just like jacob said yeah don't [ __ ] this up did you tell me when to release because i can't see i don't know what i'm doing what do you mean you can't you can't see red so oh when it's floating red like that that's been hold yeah you hold until the red goes away okay i got it i'm good so why why is it all of a sudden blind it hasn't been blind this whole game like now there you go i don't know i think that was wrong he said this would be a terrible place to get stuck oh that's what you meant i thought yeah i even take your suggestion anyway yeah here's decoy i don't know what that means i don't know i don't know just do the decoy [ __ ] it i'm like hey look over there it's a one-handed man the the rabbit thing with me wait that worked super well nice jackson i succeeded it was an awful place to get stuck charlie it was a terrible location to be stranded i can't believe that actually worked tactical i really [ __ ] stumbled my way to victory there yeah it worked out well for us i wasn't expecting us to throw the decoy in the freezer neither was i man i have been succeeding old [ __ ] game oh i totally i forgot the cop was with him i was like damn they just [ __ ] bounced they said we're done here now we're going after silas yeah where is he how did i do what what am i accusing you of i don't know he hasn't really done anything very impressive he just like cleans up messes i'd be curious about the original fire maybe no well let's i think inquisitive would get to the bottom of that so what exactly happened six years ago there was a fire that wiped out dozens of people and now there's werewolves and a ghost that roams the woods looking for her lost baby boy which i've just put together is silas oh [ __ ] it's a lost story elephant no it's not there was a fire silas the wolf boy escaped but a bunch of your family you failed to stop him burn what happened in the past doesn't matter right now but it kind of does actually we need to know what we're up against at least what we're up against is a feral boy turned werewolf for the last six years has avoided being found no matter what we did every full moon we were out for every single one now the son of a [ __ ] is finally here so what we're up against is my only chance to end this thing for good so how do you even know where he is how the hell are we going to find him just driving down the middle that's definitely caleb well actually no it can't be then who did we put in the freezer she's gonna have the bed her head was gonna break through the window and die are we all past that what the [ __ ] yeah everyone banged their head on the window uh wait how long do i have to make this decision it seems like a golfer yeah just like timer yeah let him just keep driving he's doing a pretty good job all things considered he's opening his eyes i'm waiting for him it's true travis oh i got faked out [Music] okay i got it i got it just get down he didn't look like a he didn't look very wide oh good play thank god we have silver wheels where did he go this channel just disappeared he's in the car you got to be nearby what happened vaporized how did we lose him we just ran him immediately vaporized him yeah he just i just de-atomized him where's dylan dylan good oh wait yeah that might be dylan dylan what no dylan's back with caitlyn also if you're talking about nick if you're talking about nick he's he's already been turned back by now because we don't know who turned him over here well we got some blood we do he could have been turned directly by this caleb oh it could have been yeah he could have been turned by caleb i guess leads through there oh ian yeah i still don't know who [ __ ] ian is what the hell happened back here whoa [Music] what this is where we went off the road two months ago you're trying to decide if you should shoot me in the head right now why why would you think that that's joanna won't stop you i that's what what is what are you talking about what is happening why is this going on do i say that i'm missing i don't know why did this just happen we we made why is it significant that we came back to the place where we crashed yeah that's not what we would do we made the decision to come on this hunt with him cover our scent but i'm all out so we're high risk we could be killed you ready to end this what just happened i'm so confused i don't know let's [ __ ] do this go team why are you so eager there's no one to find that suspicious all right whatever we must be near the end now surely so there's two confirmed werewolves potentially three with nick left and nick never left his cage so damn no he did he did oh yeah that's right that's right that's right we let him out i forgot half of it this is where i said when we turned off all the lights yeah you're right you're right i thought she was i thought max hit her but i was out here and she was something else who the woman the old woman she was saying something over and over again oh my god she was saying silas yeah that's something important talking about i saw her too in the wrong tunnels it's eliza voris salz's mother i think i feel like he's just saying he's seeing stuff that he hasn't because he said he saw the white wolf as well yeah but he actually did see the the hag in the tunnel remember when we got to oh yeah yeah yeah you're right we already know because we saw the card or whatever she made a traveling sideshow called harem scarole came here six years back she kept her son in a cage called him silas the wolf boy died in a fire some say she never left the heck of heck it's corey we've been looking for silas ever since how did the fire start oh come on what the [ __ ] stop now yeah that makes you tough we're at the end you blew half the head off my niece kaylee hackett one of the kindest gentlest souls to ever walk this earth well i didn't get to make that choice all she wanted to do was help that little boy uh oh she looked in a cage by that freakshow okay liam what did she do caleb started the fire yeah he just wanted to help him travis she convinced caleb to start a fire it was just a distraction it's may bails give him enough time to get silence out of his cage and give him freedom that's not what happened no because within minutes everybody was dead never see hey burton liza whole crew kaylee managed to get silas to freedom hey burn caleb got back from process huh does hay really burn like super well or something i i mean it's grass so of course it would burn but like does it spread more because it's hay i guess it's really dry but i mean it's not like a [ __ ] gasoline tank exploding or anything i think they would have had time silas i mean every full moon for six [ __ ] years some hunter you are jesus christ i chose i deliberately chose the not main option let's see this is all that's left jesus christ man oh so that's why we crashed here because silas came back to it inside negative damn i never saw any of this i didn't even know this was here it's right off the it is literally a few steps off the road how did how did you not know how would you not know also can we not split up immediately christ the head of heck it's corey he's black [ __ ] i'm sorry close we must be close did you push you too i kind of wish i hadn't seen so oh my god we already know that must be it careful that must be what it's a horcrux beside us that's a [ __ ] flyer that we just learned about yeah obviously we're in the right place oh silas he's just chilling nice he just puts a flyer in front of wherever he stands well this was easy oh he built a little nest for it all come on jesus christ well now's our chance to shoot him yeah easy doesn't even look wide [Music] what's wrong what are you waiting for he's sad shoot your stupid girl i'm i'm gonna shoot him it's a yeah i mean i think it i i see no reason not to this solves all our problems are you sure about this shoot i'm pretty sure oh but it's so sad jackson i'm thinking is this the right thing to do did he even do anything i don't know you need to decide [Music] silas all right bye silas hey good work jackson i guess [Music] yeah i feel like there's a twist here that we're not getting or something well we'll never know now since you [ __ ] blasted him on site it put me in a time we could have taken all night to make that choice i don't know why there was a time he wasn't doing anything everything all the information that i've been given has led me to think that that was the best choice yeah really a mother that was locking her child in a cage for his whole life yeah it's a freak show it sucks that i had to kill an innocent wolf man boy but also at the same time he did bite caleb or whatever [Music] i bet i killed yourself you have it all figured out i bet you think you're [ __ ] clever well no i just can't i tried to shot him on site i tried to warn you i even started to like you not now not after this i will not forget what you made them do to myself you didn't give me enough information and i'm not about to stop now just because the night's come to an end oh my god she's haunting me in real life now whenever you hear a noise in the dark of crisper from the shadows the breath on the back of your neck that's gonna be me oh i have an alcoholic ghost mom chasing me around now oh i will there's coke out of her mind so who's ian oh god the lag we did it everyone's safe minus emma and all of the hackett family follow me are we one we did good yep evil was defeated i mean everyone survived apart from emma well and all of the hackett family i'm sure those were playable characters i am sure you could save some of the hackett family members i don't know about that i am positive thanks hi dome for the five you subs nice really this is how they're gonna end it with like a montage here [Music] was found dead [Music] you wished okay yeah we didn't do uh too great yeah we're not we're not looking too hot honestly i thought it was just all the playables also i blew his head off so this doesn't this is just wrong jesus christ one of them is going to be alive though oh not him [Music] what did she do she just went to the [ __ ] camera room yeah [Music] we saved all the playable characters that that's what i was well accepted i did yeah oh that was caleb [Music] travis is gonna be so disappointed when he gets back he's gonna be like what what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] froze to death why don't you just open it up or ask for help they probably didn't trust it [Music] i think shooting him was the right option though no i don't know what would have happened if what do you think would have happened if i didn't shoot him absolutely not i don't know what would happen but i know for a fact there is a lot more to this because we like how did silas get infected right like there's still so many more questions and [ __ ] uh well he could have been born with a unique but we don't know what defect what he wasn't going to [ __ ] talk to us he's a woman camp murder mystery what do you make that anton bad journalism murder mystery isn't that just an unsolved murder yes i suppose that is what most journalists how did that freezer kill him that quickly though i don't know they must have just forgot to ever look in there again yeah i guess there wouldn't be much competition in north kill probably not getting the best writers there okay can we at least start the podcast before you completely resign yourself to seriously i thought we'd done the whole hack it's quarry thing not this hack it's quarry thing what was that three months ago old news dude anton introductions first uh we are do you think this is important get bonafide the podcast of the paranormal i'm if you don't shoot him he slaps travis's head off of supernatural it was the right choice yeah but i'm there's definitely a way to have everyone including the hacketts and silas people there's no way that everyone can be saved including silas i bet they're i'm gonna look it up right now but there is like the perfect ending let me see okay so i have to lift the curse insurance and time because i'm about to blow your mind did you just ask if i had hat insurance yes it's responsible to ensure those things uh probably because of like um yes okay i know where your priorities lie anyway what's the system capacity actually yeah coming back to hacking cuts off all the audio for some reason developments and they can set all of the endings thank you that's something that a lot of podcast listeners might not know about me we're not listening to this can we just skip it just so happy yeah just go for it everyone on the inside so to yeah it looks like you're right so the bad ending is the one where silas survives so you can choose a bad ending at the end there just by not shooting it looks like today's episode is going to happen things are used in the gifts of brutal that was a fun journey that was so [ __ ] fun that was so fun i had so much fun throughout the entirety of that i would still say it's a good uh good adventure definitely yeah probably their best since until dawn i would say so as well it's just the right amount of like outrageous goofiness it's so much fun i don't know how this would go playing on your own but just uh with a friend it's it's really fun this would be i don't think it'd be fun at all to play on your own honestly alrighty are we rapping there or is there anything do you want to like see if we can watch any alternate modes or something no i'm good alright sounds good i'm going to leave then as well thanks everyone for watching it was super fun hanging out we'll be back within the next super massive game oh wait wait wait they want us to see max's death real quick here i'll pull it up well i can't oh yeah yeah i'll pull it up on my screen i forgot about that okay you can see it can you still hear the game yeah i'll just close the game okay does each character only get one death scene uh well probably for maxia because he's not really like a side character or like a playable character he's just like a side one he's probably gonna die from like hypothermia from the water since everything's so cold apparently he's deer on sloppies oh my god makes the resub maybe the monk like grabs him and kills him he wasn't a lot the monk was dead it's just bloody cool so this is gonna be a whale [Music] wow that they didn't give a [ __ ] about max at all huh jesus yeah that was [ __ ] dumb okay anyway lauren max never reunited as well also i felt like no one reunited at the end we didn't get a thing where like they all came together yeah it was just like a complete slideshow wait what what just something i oh wait no how does it end well hold on like how did they even get to that point well it says decisions that would have had to be made like way before this scene yeah but he never even goes to the dock there oh he thought he's coming to the dock now they made it on the dock oh yeah i guess you lost man max yeah what are you wearing oh you mean this sort of thing together just something i threw together nice better yeah okay can we go home now all righty cool whatever i feel like we did pretty good then we actually did really well i mean we annihilated the entire hackett lineage but whatever yeah also literally the only thing we did wrong was going up into that attic with emma if we hadn't done the other thing we actually would have had every character alive it wouldn't sometimes main cost that would have been the first time we pulled that off in three years yeah oh yeah do you remember man of medan we did so well until the end where you were the alien and then i [ __ ] stabbed you and he killed you i still love those videos they're so good to go back to sometimes they're so fun bro i love these kind of games they're so so so fun yeah it's the most treasured of our traditions i would say yeah i would agree with that all right we'll i'll see uh everyone for whatever what's the next one that's coming out in the view um devil inside all right we'll be back for that one our tradition will continue later this year yep thanks for hanging out alright see you guys see ya [Music] all right oh hold on [Music] thanks theresa bitsy that was good yeah i'm going to bed all right everyone thanks for tuning in to everyone who donated big thank you new subs welcome aboard the sub means a lot so thank you for subbing i really appreciate the generosity and hope you all have a great rest of your evening let me see who's streaming [Music] i'll send you on over to [Music] cannoli he's doing the quarry [Music] see you tomorrow thanks again [Music] you
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 31,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big moist, bigmoistcr1tikal, charlie, cr1tical, cr1tikal, cr1tikal livestream, cr1tikal stream, critical, critical livestream, critikal, critikal live stream, critikal livestream, full stream, full streams, game, huggbees, kaya orsan, live stream, livestream, moist meter, moistcr1tikal, penguinz0, speedrun, stream, stream archive, streaming, the official podcast, theofficialpodcast, tiana, twitch, twitch archive, twitch stream, video game, vod, youtube gaming
Id: Ilg8v5NLsqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 314min 2sec (18842 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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