@GameGrumps Man of Medan (Full Playthrough)

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welcome everybody it's man of me Dan is that like cocked and loaded or no I just I just looked at it and I was like hooray I get to say this Dan we can play this game together uh what does that mean I don't really know okay should I have a controller I don't know okay uh online press the pad and played the story together yes okay pass the pad movie night oh okay move it move it who turned on movie night wait a second I want to watch the fanatic I know nothing about this game or John Travolta all right Let It Go by Fred Durst it's not that bad oof what the hell is this is he training to help me with my punches all right one two back and forth here we go uh I guess I got a new story yeah and a new slot and to play oh the screen name yeah okay oh right there's a keyboard because this is the PC version um my name will be air Rin or just error Rin oh great job stop player one I will be hey my name oh boy is everyone scared is everyone spooked out your name to be uh it's gonna be D no what it's gonna make things what is you doing over there no it's just it's being straight okay what do you want okay m e m e comma d-a-n yeah and I'm gonna be May that's gonna get confusing all right perfect Do It um back uh ready okay fliss that is that a name it could be Conrad I could be Brad Brad or Alex or Julie Julia she's very um what I don't know what the word is I feel for her sympathetic sympathetic yeah what do you want keep going we got Conrad yeah Brad goo Alex Alex looks a lot like someone I know but I can't play through the faces and that's it uh I'll be Conrad I like his hair hey it's sweeping what is this now each player must be assigned at least one character oh and all characters must be assigned I'll be Bliss man what are we playing dodgeball you can be Brad I'll be Alex Alex is cool dope Brad's a nerd bro why wouldn't it just go straight to Brad like I don't know all right here we go I got four characters I guess great job then who is the first character Julia no no no four uh who's that guy I don't know yeah I guess I guess he's the main character it's my turn the man of me damn enough it belongs in a museum it's like the beginning of Indiana Jones it really is oh I guess they're bringing bodies though that's less funny this isn't funny at all this is another game about war jeez man it's all these war games I guess war is the true scariness of all war as hell bro it's the it's the it's the one Universal Horror that we can all agree on it was a long time ago I want some like like a voiceover artist that's like acting as if an age but clearly not that age oh yeah it was a long time ago meanwhile the guy's like 23. almost 60 years before I was born what is this Final Fantasy 15 the movie oh I can kiss you right now looks like old Charlie Charming's got a little business to attend to gotta buy a mask I'm gonna kill this man yo wait he can speak Chinese nice why can you turn this up a little bit the future yeah let's have it yeah yeah what's the score for me pop eye thank you a question to ask the tiles oh uh choose art of shoes uh uh uh wait what am I asking about uh the fortune teller is asking if okay when am I gonna hit the jackpot you know ask the tiles well let's play a little game of checkers shall we [Music] uh do I want the dragon tile or your call uh red it's yes press and hold use R to examine I see a fish it's a dolphin it looks like a fish a fishy fishy swimming through the ocean swimming through the ocean all right all right fish yeah sorry sorry that was just a mysterious wind uh that's not epic yeah what I was asking about if I'm gonna be rich [Music] you think you got the stuff can you do better than your weak limp wristed friend let me know the quarter tab shut up I'm epic I'm Gonna Be Rich what's Chinese for noodle arms ah oh look at it go I love it oh uh R to aim Bang uh Bang what a slow puncher cool tutorial shink yeah I'm Epic oh uh whoops ah uh okay owies B oh boy damn girl yeah she's sassy oh yeah every time you swing like ah [Laughter] B now you're getting it you got it stupid I'm a karate master even though this is China hey Chuck we better get back to this [ __ ] we don't want to get stranded come on man just let me ask another question we really need to get back when am I gonna die when oh man we'll never make it to the ship it's miles from here I got a fish on a chip what do you think it means he got the fish is the fish in there looks like a face yeah everybody here oh that's nice this looks cozy got a lot of friends in here oh it's dark oh shut up pox no never mind I was gonna be like not zero 1028 sc4 c275 he was my closest friend are they poisoned yeah were those not coffins boy we are drunk and I punched some things come on man hey fuss off is somebody gonna die tonight over 50 cents yeah oh give the man is 50 Cents Bear's Fair s to the Medical Group I think I might have killed him accidentally and the other would get him to the chamber where we give people 50 cents looks like everything's been taken care of search why do you talk like that I don't exactly know maybe I should be taken to the Chamber of talking weird uh-oh is it gonna poison the water Watering Hole yeah then the whole ocean will be poisoned Frankenstein's alive oh that's not good it is the poison dude poison in the water hole what does it mean when water becomes Smoky and green this water according to my medical opinion is drunk off its ass secret to life 50 cents I need 50 cents gotta pay my friend back no that's a dish Abba bruh oh Sick Bay oh do I control them now or oh geez whoa this is weird what's in here RT 50 cents oh no oh my God maybe I could sell that for 52. it's wallet our Suites of coins the handling covers from the key over to the money foreign well done I'll just keep this sir this man appears to be dead off his rear end send him to the oh it's already there oh [ __ ] little boy it's a fishy a blue oh wait there is something on the back the pops come back soon ah is it my kid or I don't know like the sickbay guys kid or let's get the heck out of here oh I guess I was supposed to look at the door first and it's like oh it looked oh yeah I'd be acting with a little more urgency yeah uh dead man there's a dead man in there anybody it's like the way he walks is like a little too realistic yeah it really is it's kind of like Charlie I saw a dead man just so you know what's going on up there I heard aircraft and gunfight me too and there was a a corpse what in the Sick Bay of course there's a corpse there's this we're the army we're in the Army corpse Why are my osrid I don't understand turn this way Joe it's pronounced poor oh keep calm it's to keep calmometer the keep kamometer press a and time with the heartbeat keep commenter oh boy keep calm keep calm we're about to get shot off our rear ends oh heck I never looked behind me in these situations why would I no one's there keep come keep come keep come oh [ __ ] [Music] oh heck yeah I would not feel comfortable on this boat right now oh I'm still hungover God what am I in 4k that's amazing Graphics insane oh well I guess keeping calm won't open that door well he even has like the little like slight shoulder slump yeah you know ugh hey man you find something keeping calm or yeah I'm gonna press some a to the heartbeaters it was a boy it was a little boy uh see if that little bastard has 50 cents on him next time on game bro I'm just really nervous can I get a kill oh man yeah hello welcome back hi so good to see you oh so good to see you it's gonna be tasty I wish I could kiss some man but I can't cause I don't have a man to kiss that would let me there could be all right Aaron I'm sorry geez what do you want me to do hey whoa this is wild man I mean would you what the heck yeah right it's pretty awesome really oh my God don't even get me started on what's over here oh all right we have to find out what happened to the crew was there some kind of sickness what let's make a lot let's make a lot of noise yeah loudly oh Force the door Force [Applause] yeah you said it Fubar in that song [ __ ] up Brandon raisins what does that even mean sounds like a terrible meal oh yeah Charlie I think this man's been shot huh pipes let's check them for 50 cents I'm gonna pay him back I'm a man of my word except when I'm drunk right another stick what oh a dead guy got me excited for a second yeah look at the Smoky poisony floor man I wish this game had like game camera angles you know yeah that'd be cool I mean I get it it's cool it's like I'm walking a movie watching a movie but I'm walking faster hold three I Can Only Hold one hold three men at once well okay I mean if the wall says so I don't know are you feeling all right no yeah feels like I need a kiss right now I mean there's like dead people everywhere look at this guy all splayed out only the relaxing power of a kiss could probably all right they don't even look like they've been shot yeah it looks like they're getting comfy [Laughter] oh what the hell you got the gun man I feel like the second guy Contra who gets like the fire and the r yeah the crappy like yeah the rapid fire big [ __ ] deal you got spreadshot shut up shut the [ __ ] up for a second check out my mouth have you ever seen a door before child I'm gonna shoot that kid yeah someone's getting led to the face I would I don't know maybe put on a mask of some kind yeah it's almost like farts in here look wearing farts kid you farting in here John you farting no Charlie oh why would he say oh God no to that guy because that was the guy he owed 50 cents to oh right or no that's the guy he's with yeah yeah I don't know he likes Charlie Hey kid shoot it why would he do that it's just a child I think he's losing his [ __ ] where'd my [ __ ] go is it in here I hope I don't find a dead kid in there yeah good going could have done without that oh he's dying because of the fear juice oh dip or maybe the kid is real but also there's fear juice oh crap did you just die he was our only main character well I didn't pick him oh [Music] oh come on oh it's not fun to stay at the YMCA just tell them that man these are already in really bad shape here I'm wearing a silly hat oh crap that's not good no take my tiny hat um yeah I don't know yeah you're gonna need it we're gonna need a bigger cross all right well I got this canoe all to myself that turned out not to be the best move boy his teeth look great this is just gonna happen over and over again if somebody does somebody dies was there anyone who didn't die what about Charlie they didn't show his friend dying yeah [Music] [Music] nice harmonies oh [ __ ] yeah guy in a bowler cat Pat bowler cat the hell Orlando Bloom is that show that's nobody's watching right now with Claire cara de viligence with clear clouds oh well that was very Silent Hill Quassy sangui is in this game there's crows flying against the Moon [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm out like the lights will match and throws it behind him you think you can scare me the ring girl please oh I got a tiny bowler hat I remember my wife are these just all like horror famous horror tropes I guess I [ __ ] love this yeah me too this is butt Rock opening well it was my company say I am I am Governor I say that a hero will save us Jason Graves wrote this music don't you like it is oh it's chemists but it was produced to mix my devotara [ __ ] out of here yeah I gotta look cool when I open the door gotta put a lot of effort into it candle candle hello why this manure is broken to my Repository you put them in your butt oh sorry Repository I'm gonna burn these books I am I am did the scary child frighten you you little [ __ ] these are all more stories this one's about the guy who owe the other guy 56. curator of stories stories of love and hate greed and Beauty life and death stories such as this and here's what about a little dog named Spock called the story you choose to take you see this tale is only part written and the choices you make will complete it and determine whether the lives of those with whom you are interfering continue to flourish or whether they are snuffed out oh dip you see we each make decisions according to our own moral compass like you saw when I had a compass earlier right or did I buy them but you shouldn't fear death it is after all inevitable inevitable it is the tax one pays for having lived and it comes eventually to everybody what as in life the action she looks like an older Robert Patrick yes I was thinking he looks like Robert Patrick have you seen this boy here's one for free there are pictures you're an [ __ ] can I show you some possible futures if you can find them and study them they may just help you to make better decisions okay or should I say decisions that result in the outcomes you would prefer hey don't zoom out on me hey wait no come back here we'll talk again soon enough it's a boring Community to account for all the actions that you've taken or whatever mess you've made boom in the shot we'll do it again we'll do it live [ __ ] it [ __ ] it sink I'm a very big fan of Mario 64. May again I gotta go again yeah you picked like four characters it's gonna be here's a story about a guy on a boat and a dick and he's carrying some stuff no he's got a polo shirt on it's bread witty Alex's brother innocent how do you know he's innocent he's the Duke of Milan oh never mind the boat is the Duke Alex Julia's boyfriend oh he's insecure and motivated hey bud I think we have enough security down the water diving or maybe you could show me how the pros do it are you serious uh yeah yes stupid you came out here without taking any lessons kind of yeah um uh uh it's embarrassing it's it's what that's not insecure it's Honest by yourself it's embarrassing you came all the way out here expecting me to Hold Your Hand 250 cents whoa careful aren't we supposed to be brothers come on bro be cool what Julia and Conrad are you know how do I say super [ __ ] loaded so whoa dude we haven't even drank beer yet don't make me regret letting you tag along um accusatory I was invited tag along seriously I thought I was invited Julia wanted you to come along for Real uh that means I'm invited idiot I want her to see how cool you are which you're not so be cool capisce wow you're acting really insecure I am cool I am still stupid total shocker and man the long distance thing Julia it always works hahaha uh uh must be tough yeah I gotcha must be tough no worries man we're brothers we understand each other yep right on cue what Conrad doesn't think we have enough beer ah I guess I keep these in an undisclosed locations your relationship has been updated um I'm envious and innocent and truthful and witty and look at me go oh I'm looking around all over the place freaking facial stuff in this game is nuts I know right hiding the beer give me more of those hot ankle shots what is this a Tarantino movie um why don't you tell them what it is that's what I learned recently Conrad he's relaxed and foolhardy stupid boat go with your God go with your God Alex right here it's got a strong grip wrap that hand around a dick or two things might be different around here killing ladies killing ladies to their more guys around I'm a drunk that's what they say right yeah ready to have a bevy with the boys yeah cool yeah cool tight I love beer I too think it is tight uh weirdo yeah our relationship has been updated wait what is he what's the relationship who is Conrad yeah so we're cool yeah we're cool radical um uh never um no actually never done it before water virgin nice hot hey we're gonna pop your cherry awesome I love your I love your water I mean next time I take grabs we'll update these traits oh he's so happy yay hello welcome back okay we're gonna continue this little sexy boat meeting where's the old crust bucket Skipper anyhow oh whoa what she's got a nice crossed bucket is that what you're talking about I'd invite you to make yourselves at home to uh is there a word for shorter than short shorts the thing I uh you're selling I'm buying do they like know her or like what's going on she's stealing the boot don't let her get away she's getting away after her step step ooh me Dan oh how do I play this uh just do what it tells you to do baby okay we're out in the ocean [Music] nice midriffs everyone has a nice midriff everyone's in great [ __ ] yeah yeah it's hot right that's pretty hot yeah you know maybe I should yeah oh boy uh what a buffoon boy he's innocent feeling insecure over here no over here that's pretty far out of the way I'm just thinking about backup Targets in case we don't find anything on the dive cam listen to be honest I've never heard of this wreck you're looking for what accent do you have yeah yeah this one's different I'm just saying if it gets too late I know some nice places where you can just take you know a nice dive is it from your oh you use the right stick to point oh right okay if he says a Rex here it's here okay look you're the client I'm just saying we don't have unlimited daylight that's where you're wrong yeah this is my daylightometer what you got fires a rocket into the sky and makes unlimited daylight it's highly legal Brad's calculations were right on the money always bet on Brad I told you we should thank him I mean he's a wiener but yeah World War II we are ready to dive uh technically we should call this in to Port Authorities as an unreported wreck maybe we should report you as an undocumented immigrant from wherever you are yeah maybe we should Port you as a serious narc can't dive wait are you saying we shouldn't dive the right way come on what is this kindergarten I had to bring it up if we just go down and take a look who's gonna know fine as long as you're quick you know me I'm really quick I gotta go take a flesh can you imagine untouched except by the demons yeah the demons live down there they love it you should be ready why'd we tie over the anchor good luck diving without this oh boy oh now you can move around ah yeah it's a little it's a little janky hmm I don't think it might be a way in dang look at that bod yeah there's a little Gap in the tail take a look don't say it like that I don't want any gaps in any Tails dude I always hold screens right at my penis yeah [Music] it's an airplane I mean it's pretty cool yeah it I would be I'd be into this this is the coolest [ __ ] ever should I okay this is a cockpit cockpit is that the tail hey Conrad yeah cockpit I like beer I'm fool-hearted what is it doctor what's her face yeah hey so are you gonna be weird dude you're cool you could be weird this whole time you know we have rules out here for a reason you guys gotta respect that okay but don't I look like a superhero in this outfit sorry about early yeah sorry about before everybody's just a little money hungry I've been planning this whole thing for a while now I get it but there are rules and laws and gusts these rules are all pretty Customs like the ones that I avoided to come to your country just a couple minutes over the years I'm expert but you know experienced if this is your first unreported wreck then you should know there's a very specific protocol you have to follow for all you know this could be a war grave disturbing it's awesome I mean a little bummer I'm gonna say nothing okay well I can't stop you just respect the rules down there don't do anything your ass is already in trouble those shorts are must be shaving like crazy that's a spilling all out of those jean shorts so how did uh when our relationship got updated like did it uh update it I just like that like his reasoning for doing it is everyone's been looking forward to it it's like you can't rob a bank oh but we were really looking forward to it okay you might want to just let it do its thing fine whatever God oh something wrong unbelievable it kind of wraps up hey Conrad are you gonna piss me off man we got some good stuff on the camera yeah you did all right see ya okay good talk that table's got some stuff on it like a magic marker or something ah it's my diving license yeah I could probably trigger this Felicity Dubois oh she's like she's Canadian I guess you're French French Canadian you go down to the to the yacht area that's where all the cool people go can't do it you can't oh I did it yeah oh this is dope yeah I want this you guys partying in here yeah got all kinds of beer check what's in the fridge fridge um we're having sex in here damn the fridge is locked Jesus check what's in this fridge how you doing hey man looking good don't worry all part of the adventure sorry for putting a damper on things no worries dude do more than that just to screw up the trip let's get some rest come back when you're feeling better yeah what a jerk don't borrow from the bed all right yeah so far from bed you got it break brother where did Julia go she's up there she is uh-huh she's right here oh what yeah she was here before Oh I guess she was like in the shadows and I didn't she wasn't there before before but she was there slightly before I see okay so this is the rebreather way cooler than a regular scuba setup it takes all that CO2 that you normally just exhale into the water and instead it gets totally reused totally this is decompression time on your way up state of the art who says state of the art in there I don't know O2 check done foreign [Laughter] looking good Jay looking good Jay I'd like to take you underwater hey hey that's my sis you're talking about you know it don't drown her in dick little clown fishes I'm gonna go see what Bliss is up to yeah behave Connie now that I chastised you for uh having sexual feelings I'm gonna go try to get some puss um the camera the GoPro that's clearly a GoPro uh you gotta use the directions I'll take the stick oh so you're an aggressor you ever have to use one go God I'm not comfortable with this yeah maybe I'll take this too the camera yeah you're on camera I'll take the wheels let's get it before photo last photo before death all right okay what is this a soap opera yeah oh I'm so jealous so many ah close-ups all right here we go we're so hot [Music] come here in half it's like a hundred sharks just floating down whoa you good oh God not cool right away not my favorite type tiny little thing would hurt anybody I have a feeling it's gonna hurt somebody yeah it's not like they could scan the record every night at sundown ha ha ha that's cheap that's gotta be it uh no I don't think that's it wait it's a [ __ ] airplane it's pretty intact too this is a [ __ ] room it's incredible and find a way in the only thing more important my Postmates just arrived oh snap well next time my game for a second no was it did it really yeah is it yeah yeah two welcome everybody yeah we're so full of sushi right now dude I know we are you know please go ahead on on Grump days you know it's like we're working all day so we like to treat ourselves you know sometimes we get a little sush yup fills our bellies real nice and uh I'm probably gonna have terrible guys [Laughter] I like to occasionally treat myself to some uh some green apple splatters laughs I've been eating a lot more veggies and a lot more yogurt and my my poops have been fantastic great dude when we no one cares when we were on tour yeah yeah it was just like yogurt every morning yup veggies throughout the day and you know maybe I'll have something something indulgent yep and man it was just like it was beautiful this is the kind of thing people brag about and uh everyone is like I I don't care well 200 000 people seem to disagree with you Dan all right all right well we'll get back to this you are not my second in command third in command no freshening your cabin boy still a no you're well paying dashingly handsome seafaring client is requesting the pleasure of your company over a frosty Amber liquid um very attractive oh uh oh yeah why not sure why not you're another living human being on this boat yeah I guess I just want to see some connection yeah yeah I want to see it too characters interact where'd you get the cash uh uh don't ask a lady about her money no it's not polite to ask a lady about her money fair enough I was just thinking about buying a boat myself and I thought maybe you'd like to point me in the right direction one that I could perhaps throw a girl off of it would be my pleasure my pleasure to help you part with your money oh no oh sorry my friends getting eaten by sharkometer just went nuts the undersea weather is it an all-time high or something there's a high chance of precipitation [Laughter] oh I get to control fliss weather looks clear okay cool so why was it beeping then yeah right beep beep beep oh my God it's the weather looks clear alarm thank God 83 31 she's younger than me far in the future oh oh oh oh hello hello how's it hanging it's been hours slow and lazy he looks like you're taking full advantage of your relaxation time I'm a man of many talents um it's not very talented to relax so stupid hurry so are you beached like a whale okay I just thought why spend all my time down in the dark when I already like what I see up top the a so smooth uh afternoon good use of your time I like to make the most of it oh just [ __ ] already oh my god so let's see uh oh the Conrad relationship has stayed the same well if you had chosen the Romantic one I'm sure they'd it'd be farther along I am not impressed by his Commons I'm sorry I can't even lie about it yeah hmm the sea interesting I don't see them anywhere what what the oh it's the Bobby poppy car Barbie car sorry we're making fanatic references John Travolta's character in The Fanatic so good dreams Welcome to Hollywood I don't want to do this I hope those clowns don't get me in trouble oh god there are clowns down there and sharks this is my nightmare [ __ ] I threw the diving stuff overboard now the clowns can dive oh how's the sea big and blue and how's the sky brighter than you oh game set match all right actually I don't want to help this guy get laid at all I know he's terrible he's super annoying all right let's go down here and talk to barf boy knocked out by Cold Frosty man I feel like such a wimp you are uh hey it's your vacation hey it's your vacation you're allowed to overdo it I am officially starting a Temperance club party of one lifetime membership hope the lovebirds are having the time of their lives down there um you're really lame I'm gonna probe you just rumors and theories and thumbers are Theory rumors uh what got you into World War II just stuff I read about well I enlisted then I found out my grandpa was in the Navy got lots of medals I wanted to understand what he'd been through got me hooked like a fish it's stupid it's just stupid I'm interested can you tell I'm unsettled and interested you can actually use all those Old World War II stories to help them find the sights yeah you know when they started wreck diving I realized I could be a pretty good resource I knew a lot about where planes would go direct diving like recreational connections Alex and Julia have done a lot of Dives but I gotta say finding this plane takes the cake gotta get back up [Laughter] that's so boring guys this is a huge fridge well the room is checked again I go such an idiot forgot to check the beverages ah look at this fridge it's a romance novel oh is that her stuff or not I don't know oh no I guess that looks like a cologne it's got dude [Laughter] I'm gonna spray myself with a little dude shroud of art Lee I must read forever [Music] [Laughter] well I'm bored wish I went diving with those chuckle [ __ ] into wait oh there's a thing oh [ __ ] Pirates um that's not the Coast Guard that is not the Coast Guard so we're not under arrest that's good we handle this um we are not doing anything I'm the captain so you be quiet and let me handle it I'm the captain now uh-oh uh oh this is an uh oh spaghettias if ever there was one two two two two two two two two two two two look out guys guys you gotta keep back we've got divers in the water all right see you okay bye well they seemed cool hey we got damage here you see this look at our boat we can take care of this man it's not a problem what do you think like uh 10 bucks cover it good job dude yes 50 cents I think it's more like 30 I can do that's always good show them you have a lot of money and you don't care to get rid of it yeah wow what a cool guy we got damage here yeah well maybe you shouldn't have hit the only other thing in the ocean they got like it's like Jurassic Park toy battle damage you know yeah there's a little chunk that they just like take out yeah oh damage whoa It's the best wait what the it's a semen yeah but they would have like decom well okay let's get a sec like how would that hand still be like full God damn it one of the pictures showed an opening Conrad really really the rear turret the rear turret yeah you'd like that wouldn't you you never let me put it in your rear turret wow look at it it's so turdy and in the rear okay there's a spooky scary skull I got the knee got her in the knee I was readjusting in my seat I didn't know I had to press a button so okay that kind of caught us all by surprise [Laughter] Anything Could Happen oh what the what premonition Oh weird oh our boat's gonna die oh crap she's gonna have a heart attack from uh being so scared not scary what about down there oh was that it I think that was the same thing look things wow creepy Channel leave it no I need it for my collection it's pretty tight what if you get stuck without your ring breather never let me put it in your tight pipe maybe it is kind of dangerous oh [ __ ] oh damn oops um be careful Julia there could be clowns in there this is a really bad idea yeah this is a terrible idea yup it's updated dead former girlfriend he's gonna ink me foreign [Music] [Music] what happens to the water that's like oh cool you do something stupid down here that's it one chance you get that um it was fine I'm fine see no problemo no scary clowns you're always just scared of C clowns see all the areas are clear those paperwork shows that we're okay stay frosty man it's gonna make you like hit a bunch of buttons I think yeah I'm starting to think this plane crashed [Laughter] you don't think that could be the case but I think I cracked the code I feel like Nicholas Cage right now interesting is it though one of the rescue boats is missing think they were using it let's see what else we can find probably floated away hey wait a second this camera's not working underwater oh this is a waterproof [ __ ] dum-dum you're supposed to put a case on those things yeah if we act fast we can save them what do you think happened to him junk it didn't mean anything to him how's his skull staying on well whatever my friends always told me I had a strong spinal column in my chair [Laughter] bearing updated what the [ __ ] do you mean you used the bank stick um okay I guess you only get one shot with that bang stick I see hmm still got the gun he's got a gun got him with the bank stick whoa whoa damn man I don't need this [ __ ] in my life I hate that [ __ ] pointless jump scares are the worst for me yeah pilot and co-pilot gotta be on the counter that they're in the pilot and co-pilot seats Larry and Billy gotta be there's no other explanation hey check it out I'm a pilot okay I'm the job of the pilot I'm driving the pilot I'm riding the plane look I'm Gonna Fly it out of the water don't touch anything else please what you think I did that really a fart but it'll be so obvious down here I mean you're already out yeah you're kind you kind of freed yourself wait not my pointless paper whoa oh God Alex it's clown yo Julia it's a shark for the last time clowns are the ones with the colored wigs sharks with a fish I just can't tell them apart didn't know if it was the right time it's no times I want to take you to the circus to see some sharks oh wow really I know you can't tell there's a [ __ ] shark in the water Julia will you marry me I know it like puts our lives at risk by making your heart beat faster I'm sorry I mean I I just I mean we almost just died Julia I'm serious I want to live uh yeah sure what a goddamn story how's it end I can never tell this to Cops with me updating our relationship to It's Complicated I'm so glad we both use Facebook [Music] I don't feel safe without clown swimming around here it's a shark it's a shark Julius I love you come from what the hey yeah we got we got a pirate situation we gotta decompress here whoa oh what the [ __ ] we gotta get up there we we have to decompress I mean we do yeah yeah okay or else you get the bends he's fine uh no no you're my wife now I get to tell you what to do I mean she had a premonition where she her [ __ ] heart like exploded or whatever oh yeah that's right what the hell happened it's cool man everything's all right now we're Pirates uh okay there was a little uh mishap the barbecue Jesus looked like the whole boat was lit up um the anxious yeah yeah what's up with that other boat I threw sixty dollars at them it's fine what'd you guys find well we found the plate and it is huge huge full of cool stuff oh my God you guys can you all just shut up for like one second holy [ __ ] wow I hate him there's a [ __ ] shark in the water get out there's a reef shark ugh these sharks don't give a [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] well that was [ __ ] boring wasn't it looks like someone doesn't know how to hit Y in a timely manner a lot of bad decisions you made there [ __ ] [ __ ] you're getting to know these Intrepid adventurers then Alex and his little brother Brad trying to swim with the big fish both seem out of their depth I see what you did yeah the love of Alex's life and he the love of hers so they say Conrad a bold fellow you might say a tool you'd say arrogant yeah yeah that's Captain fliss weird name forthright stubborn she appears somewhat immune to Conrad's charms God there's a lot of dust in here let me reassure you you help them to make some decisions they'll value later on when they're dead oh I mean you're good good job is there like a path where he's like boy you really [ __ ] up wow so we're down to two people all right next time about Game Grumps you killed like half of them yes will she resist Conrad's charms now that she's dead find out next time all right hello and welcome back doesn't that Sky look real those are the graphics what happens out of the jaws of certain deaths well certain I'm in this meatball meatball this meatball pulls a ring out of God knows where yeah where did you hide the ring my meatballs say this lady was impressed well play there man though wasn't Conrad gonna get us some more beers after he helped fliss maybe he decided hey I'll drink some and then he got drunk and now he's dead he's dead anyway we're getting married you've had some experience with this kind of phenomenon yeah I've been studying it for years I'll go look for him oh we found a bullet lodged in the plane huh I left a below deck if you want to check it out oh boy [Laughter] Julia Smith um it does have a nice ring honestly sure how it would feel but now that I hear I hear so I got you a nicerator uh uh I've been taking lessons yeah I can't wait for us to plan everything together I was so worried you might say no um of course I never had any doubts of course I was gonna say yes you dimwit you [ __ ] wad you did I had a premonition I'm gonna die in like an hour ahead of us um I saw so you can walk all over me oh like a rug so you can walk all over me hell yeah what the [ __ ] was that celebration do we had I'll go find them you just relax yeah welcome to nine ball Island uh no I got distracted let's go get him sure distracted with what God I miss Endless Ocean yeah I know right which one is uh you know where the magic happens cool so cool thanks for interrupting my amazing line apologize for my brother with my family I'd like to apologize for my brother acting like a horny fifth grader ah it's okay I can deal with children Fierce where are they oh yeah the beard right I'm not a child they're up your ass into the left hey [Laughter] stupid hey foreign all right now that everybody's here let's tell some ghost stories maybe we can figure out why the plane was out here tell you the secret story of the swimming clown it had fins and teeth and it was like pictures um am I going to look at them or by the way I actually wrote a song for Rhett and Link many years ago called clown shark really yep we're talking about this exact like nightmare scenario pretty much I forgot all about that until now I was like why does this feel so familiar talking about this wow look oh memories pretty oh and here's the dead pilot just before he proposed to me so handsome I guess that was it man he was really snapping a lot of picks so wait did I like leave it with the battery on or oh whoops maybe I should turn the battery off okay I feel like that's a thing that will be important or something yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] I just pressed the wrong button got distracted yeah I understand what was going on with that Matt guy or whatever his name is sorry I got distracted [ __ ] so many butt shots in this I almost said movie this game it's it's a movie it feels like a movie back [Laughter] I love romance more beers we've definitely drank more than we brought on didn't they have like six all right everyone check it out Manchurian gold who wants to find some sunken treasure so what do you think Adam coordinates those are coordinates all right maybe the plane's destination you think we could get there by tomorrow how did that piece of paper survive for [ __ ] 45 years underwater well they pre-laminated it just in case the plane went down in water cool yeah that makes sense after the war they turned long-range bombers into rescue planes and then this play Lane must have been shot down because it was riddled with bullet holes well that makes sense because there were people that were shooting at them because they were in warm got excuse me I told you to leave everything down there alone oh come on we've been through this already I'm not talking about the low no hey they were respectful no you did whatever you wanted whatever you took it was too much yeah okay maybe we should have been more careful that's not me I'm sorry let's look for that treasure okay maybe I don't know you should have never gone down to that plane in the first place it's bad luck bad luck you can scavenge down there and it makes no difference but every single thing you bring back has an Essence it's like a ghost you invite to the surface here we go huh I never thought about it like that he never thought about it like the stupid way I never heard about such cool ghost stories they're not cool Ghost Stories not like for fun people drowning these Waters and you have to respect their resting place damn straight Fred you got a fun ghost story right it's ghost stories yeah I heard a story it happened right around here too let's hear it this is a story of The Annoying [ __ ] Captain who wouldn't let us do [ __ ] uh let's hear it let's hear it I you can spin a good yarn it kind of messed up actually it's okay it's cool Grumps okay here goes this story they're actually telling ghost stories right now you're here in an Old Lighthouse classic setup wait true story where'd you hear this from the lighthouse man about an ancient old man skin like a leather book eye patch wooden leg the whole nine yards and for a dollar he told me his Secrets seems legit the lighthouse he said if you order the fish sticks Sailors respite [Laughter] and that's the story pirate Jack it is delicious chicken pretty scary right on the beach he hurries to her Aid and she falls into his arms sobbing as he hurries her back to the lighthouse he asks where she's from he doesn't waste any time it's smooth shut up I hate you he of the one track mind the woman answers I'm so sick of you [ __ ] on me sister you're upstairs right now Twist of course the Lighthouse Keeper says that isn't so of course he's lived there alone for years hysterical and his sister parents are upstairs so they go to the top of the lighthouse I'm there splay down on the floor is a man and a woman brutally murdered with an ax always an ax I mean do people even use axes anymore obviously cliches and all chopped up into little tiny giblets we have an ax giblets that's how you pronounce giblets you know sometimes you have to embellish the facts a little to get at the deeper truth it's okay I say giblets Okay so who did it so the woman she still hysterical says her husband did it and he's still here in the closet the husband he should be comfortable with his sexuality hey no backseats you're locked in so the Lighthouse Keeper creeps over to the closet opens the door and sure enough there's a man inside the man of me then he looks closer to see the Dead Man's face in the dark closer closer and he sees it's his own face and then its eyes bulge out and screams boy I hate that [ __ ] super twist nice one squire how did he do that with his face yeah was it scary you have me going anyway I'm gonna poop in my pants [Music] [Laughter] I gotta go just dives into the ocean regulations but it had to be one of the sort of the foreign [Laughter] orders man I'm a distant storms well everyone came out okay it goes back to the man he's just like I mean Julia definitely shattered herself you're definitely you're not making very interesting choices I can tell you that all right hmm you should see conradling his face like slowly come into frame you sleeping oh it's so hot cool I also sleep oh [ __ ] there's people on the boat oh we're there yeah I didn't see it and raincoats oh dip ponchos even swing oh dip dang daru three [Laughter] sleeping well oh goodness me I'm cool everything's cool Brad looking hot I'm gonna cut him no I'm gonna cut you you got a pair that's what this knife is paring knife I gotta concentrate now this [ __ ] just got really real know what to do when I'm not playing video games like I play with my Thanos toy I know hey man yeah no [ __ ] these guys were pirates you couldn't tell lift my eye patch at home yeah embarrassing sucks she's your tongue on Gag don't gag who gently I mean just just use your tongues yeah no one good me come on man not so close though I'm like really ripped him thank you oh I don't feel responsible so do you still want to hang her like what you know they'd have no sense of humor I don't know one of them was missing an eye yeah they ran into our boat trying to con us I don't know so are we gonna [ __ ] her like is somebody gonna undo my mask or hey guys sorry we got the wrong boat so yeah we're gonna be on our way very embarrassing oh tip [Music] the tape just fell off my mouth I swear oh hell yeah yeah that's what I'm married into yeah shut up hell yeah double jointed so uh good news is these are kind of kindness stuff earlier and the good news nice how was that good news I thought you were gonna ask the good news first you're such an idiot Jesus what are they gonna do to us well no burgers well should I tie yeah he's big and beefy we gotta get it again love love love love love [ __ ] wow when you guys are butt to butt like that it's really it's really hot oh [ __ ] are you trying to break out no okay cool I'll be back for you for you I mean I could just beat you up right now yeah but I'm busy nobody in those are out here little lady Nobody Knows the Trouble you're in yourself man slap oh you've been all up on me and I'm like dude I'm so not into this see that's what you get man I'm all right I'm five for this sixty dollars oh you're in luck it's floating right there oh [ __ ] do you have any pairs Slow Down Easy antagonistic just stop man yeah he's scared him later yeah he's scared me look at him he's like penis pants and everything [Laughter] yeah he did yeah definitely I saw it I smelled it very asparagus see yeah okay okay okay I'm really scared I'm scared [ __ ] you you're coming back so put the [ __ ] scissors over here dumbass oh oh what should we do oh no they're gonna come in and find us with scissors oh cart press X really fast welcome back that went well that was actually kind of pointless now that I think about it yeah hi oh God next time next time I gave grabs yeah pause it dipstick your words are hurtful all right next time I get Rose here we're in there do you know that your actions though [Music] [Laughter] I was like welcome back hello okay here and right back into the action with them hi brother yeah he's dead uh no no but I'm sure he's fine these guys probably just want money or something all right every now and then I get a little bit closer and goes around your hands we'll get Julia back if we could take him to my surprise right after I get a little bit tired of whistling mess out of my Tears all they wanted to know was some Alanis Morissette lyrics I was like I know them but and I was like You You You Oughta Know hey I really think I won favor with them with that one they didn't touch me Alex I'm so sorry but I tilt him every day okay we're not married anymore anyway I mean it's already over so it's like I don't even care see what they want to do with us [Music] they all come in and they're like so uh we're making like a movie God how many conrades are there tell Conrad to get out of here Conrad 7's getting really upset yeah main guy here he's got a gun well at least is his name Janie get some help nice timely reference I can get on that boat I can get on that boat the dude with a gun won't even realize until I'm long gone and then I'll be safe through the window we gotta break these off first it's too loud they'll hear it but we're gonna break them during the Thunder good call oh that's stupid window it's Shawshank Redemption it's not real that wasn't a real story stay focused and get to the boat okay let's do it no what do what I'm talking to Conrad 7.2 counter three kind of oh nope that was too early gotta watch these gotta be ready for the QuickTime events oh yeah um just gonna hit a okay keep calm keep calm keep oh [ __ ] a knife uh grab the day first game uh what do you think I don't know grab the knife silence is cooler Oh No Escape okay she said just get to the boat right now oh well if you put it like that then yeah I should absolutely do it no no [ __ ] oh dicks oh dicks um we're just gonna shoot you oh man they only give me one chance at that come on shoot again for the knife dude [Music] man this game is [ __ ] ruthless oh sit down do you want to put a shirt on or something sit now your tight pecs are just driving me wild side nice dude who's speaking your language his name's Danny it's probably cool are you me Dan gonna tell me about this Manchurian Doom s [Laughter] really wish I had stereoscopy stereoscopy whatever okay and putting what's repellent on you oh it stinks hey all right you gave me your best shot all right shut the [ __ ] up no there's no harm in just talking you want to talk keep the volume down you're pleading are you okay Bliss has got to be in on this these guys they travel in the same Waters he told them about the Manchurian gold they're in cahoots what the [ __ ] are kahoots I can't believe what I'm hearing I just lost everything I have and this is what you think you're all in this together this is a trap and you set aside yeah oh God dang it dude I know it comes out of nowhere well it's also I like don't remember where the [ __ ] buttons are um soon do you think I've got like a sweet metal voice [Music] fishy I don't like fishing requesting weather update over and they order the fish sticks come in uh uh oh I don't know I'm asking any information about this storm you can give us it's a little bit hairy out here over big storm coming in from the sound a little stressed dude please let me know if you need assistance not used to a little weather freaking you out um my charger's been a little difficult not exactly going as planned we're starting to have some serious problems anyway so here's a script uh if you could be my opposite while I do this so get ready oh yeah no no oh no please not gonna let you die hey you just saved your life he's pretty nice I'm gonna punch him right in the jaw throw out the beers no [Music] no oh heck hold on hold on help the guy cut stuff loose hey do it move it what oh they're getting out of there because there's water oh yeah where's the other guy Brad chill the [ __ ] out dude is he hiding somewhere oh no Brad's the other guy sorry I don't know where he is and I don't care it's not like he's my brother or something oh dip leave him down there he could drown in his own barf what does that mean guys I sleep in my glasses well I'm sure his seasickness won't be acting up what the heck oh [ __ ] oh damn oh hello should have been driving with my good eye open I've got to unleash the shirt again are they gonna get stranded on the giant ghost boat oh hell yeah you know it everyone's still alive but barely missed her Slow Hands yeah not good on that y button are you just playing I have a book just for the occasion it's called the stupid slow [ __ ] player dick bag by you on autobiography chapter one you're such a stupid slow little I'm an idiot uh forewarned is okay Merchant of Venice act 2 scene Seven the prince of Morocco pulls a scroll from the eye of a skull and reads all that glisters is not gold blisters often have you heard that toad I was really hoping someone would ask me to quote they've been keeping that in the wings distress I presume you're eager to get back to your story no I'd rather listen to you [ __ ] Yammer away everything may not be entirely As It Seems oh yes I for one am I raging alcoholic ah thank God probably shouldn't have said that but what can I do I'm drunk as [ __ ] you read the most I had the most relationship decreases wow great it's your turn wow all right oh chivalry [ __ ] I don't know what you're saying yeah speak English no one speaks French Danny Junior oh God he looks like Millie Vanilli without the hair all right no quick time events I have to scratch my head [ __ ] what the hell is that I don't know oh he's gonna Vape us to death it's very dangerous ly eight Vape deaths am I gonna slip and then I have to push a [ __ ] button I feel like that's what's gonna happen why are they doing this is there boat sinking I think the boat's just getting too destroyed or maybe that's where the gold is The Manchurian gold [ __ ] in French hey don't take the lord's name and say it's not Jesus it's just sweet Jesus yes that's French they're speaking and no they're not French they're American hmm how'd they get these trucks Out on the Ocean they can't float stop the game right here oh sorry I got confused oh nice place could use a little fixing up maybe a little uh little sprucing maybe some Kleenex swipe a little tip a little water away hi wow a new place huh this whole place is a floating death trap no everyone here died in this trap a long time ago yes I know God what okay I'm sorry I just I guess you weren't moving it's hi guys friendship guys this is a friendship what the hell was that I don't know my giant wrist ring everything that Alex gave us for the wedding oh crap I was so scared sign up for a trip to creep down um it's not called creep town okay this is a boat that was an unfortunate poster for this boat to have oh [ __ ] is this where the Sailor was oh this is the boat where everyone went crazy yeah neat Neato where's the gold where's the gold where's the Manchurian gold is it in here junior I found it I'm not stopping until I find this Manchurian gold so ARG damn in French is ARG damn yeah what a relief all right I'll keep what are you looking at [ __ ] ocean rats huh what good where why how awesome there's doors everywhere good you found a door into the door into this door you say sit my treat sit on one of these doors around this table sorry I still don't quite have the hang of what the door is here pitch African-American [Music] oh thanks oh they're just gonna leave him there yeah well that's nice of them neat God everyone is shredded on this boat no they're so everybody's in great shape all right what the hell is this [ __ ] place first of all language it's our new gym dude even those Meatheads seem spooked you think this ship is the Manchurian gold we are in the vicinity of those coordinates yes um does anyone else have to pee I need a plan well I do now thanks for bringing it up all right we all have to pee second they let their guard down we got to take advantage of it and get off the ship it's dangerous here this whole rust bucket's one tetanus shot from the bottom of the ocean we already tried to escape didn't exactly work out they swiped our distributor cap gonna be difficult to get anywhere without it luckily I brought my vape you won't need a distributor cap remember the fat clouds you want to suck on this lightsaber and information gold or whatever they think they're gonna find on this floating coffin we gotta take advantage and look around for a way out of here although everyone's so poetic in these moments yeah we're ever going to find out in this floating coffin This Land of the Dead upon the sea I may have kind of prematurely come to the conclusion that maybe you know I came I came in my pants yes I deal with these guys or whatever I had to pray but I I mean obviously that's not true they're being just as bad to you as they are to us so yeah allow me to translate he's saying that he's sorry well I well now that you're married you'll be saying that a lot cool dope right after I stab you in the heart [Music] all right next time on game grabs we're gonna explore this ship oh man all right no God oh man oh God oh god oh man oh God oh man welcome back baby excuse me um just gonna take a peek at some stuff 750 ahead how much for the whole body all right all right all right hey baby doll Misty like crazy three months until my next leave and jumping in your arms three months I've been on some Shirley with the guys that had a few beers but don't worry I'm trying to get everything ready for you if you catch my drift how's work hope that both of yours is leaving you alone I know you're gonna take care of first off but I feel helped with being so far away I want to keep you safe oops I'm poisoned yeah anyway um in the event that I'm scared to death by a zombie child uh I'll miss you real real creepy dude we could use these to see oh wait was I supposed to turn those around no okay can I ask me right now keep an eye out for anything that has a big a next to it there's one fun guys a sideways Grill anyone have any Burgers look what I found over [Music] this probably really keeps the Venturian gold come on [ __ ] well uh all right just [ __ ] already oh this was the egg yeah oh let's check the news yeah guys Truman got elected ah [Music] um how does an expedition arrive in the Kingdom in seven or September I'm earthing the uh dang this is that supposed to be related to what happened on the ship I think so what how would they have gotten a newspaper on the ship about the thing that the show very strong armed paper boy yes yes little birdie bring this newspaper to the big ship oh thank God it I speak French oh man I could have learned how to say [ __ ] you in French but we didn't have the volume up high enough it's okay I can Google it for you okay Junior's standing watch the prisoners Danny why are you being such a dick yeah yeah very good Danny yeah something's wrong here you really have a strong hold on the situation your [ __ ] ancient abandoned boat with dead bodies on it yeah something went really right here actually the American Army just loves abandoning battleships in the middle of the ocean okay cool guys they're having the funnest conversation out there do any of you speak French why don't I get to hang out um so about flirting with you I don't know what to oh okay any luck I can't get it open hey how about now squeeze through those sister you're wearing those a little high-waisted freaking busted open freedom for you're in the middle of the ocean yeah nowhere probably go to land big man someone should create a distraction this is gonna be loud I'm at home you got it hope it's not a quick Time Event oh distract barricade or distract distract you sure yeah okay hey yeah you Long John Silver and [ __ ] but what are you guys doing out there pieces of eight and shiver me timbers you one-legged [ __ ] face yes I'm warning you I am an American citizen you really want my own president yeah hey can you hear me I'm talking to you hello Gotti see you guys all right you can stop now yeah put the vent back on to put it on the place what the hell ah I'll get you Gadget next time are we safe now yeah you're Ding Dang mud oh hello now we're really sick it's always got that look on her face like laughs oh my God precious time you can decide what about the door you just pass the door this door yeah there's an a oh geez I don't know if I should be opening doors hey dude you can find some rations in here oh God where'd he get a rash dude you could I think I should stick with the group dude oh where'd everyone go [ __ ] I I'm gonna go to the group okay I'm scared well now you're separated from the group and you don't have rations oh did you just see that is that a person yes I know where the hell they all went there should have been dozens of people on board hundreds or maybe it was either like a mannequin or whatever it was like it was like a woman in a sailor costume cool can I turn around no dude you want me to go back and get rations in that room or okay okay it's scaling here scalewood oh God I don't want to die in a bathroom there's a thing there's a thing in the corner oh crappity oh finally finally hit this fat deuce retweet here Joey dear aisles I'm finally coming home this is it darling one last trip across the Pacific and I'll be back to you and the girls three-way I can't wait to see your faces tell Ned Nancy to get excited they're gonna see Daddy real soon Ned is with the girls the girls are named Ned and Nancy real soon and he's got gifts he for y'all I'm sure glad to be back at Sea it's hotter than an Oklahoma summer out here on land and there's no escape from it I've been all right because I got your letters to keep me going they censor them which is probably for the best because sometimes the others steal them to read not only them reading our letters I know really creeps me out he keeps telling me there's a little boy on board and it sounds like Ted what he's I know he's just messing with me there ain't no way we gotta stow away our Ops guys are far too slick now that the war is over oh the war was over I bet they'll let it this bit out but it shows what a place can do to a guy I gotta go for now honey there's some commotion outside and that usually means I'm about to be real busy for a while or dead I'll write again soon Robert the 20th I'm gonna draw what my dead eyes are gonna look like as if I were a cartoon character Robert XX well that was pointless yeah what was in there uh just some World building [ __ ] yeah so not like rations or anything like they could have been the other room I was too scared if you want to take the controls you can you can go get the rations oh you should you should be in the moment dude Live Your Truth be scared oh cool if by that you mean the terrifying sound then no huh more boats yeah there could be like so many jump scares in here oh sis are you ready to press a or X you better be actually you better be ah that wasn't an X but it could have been oh thank God it's just you fake Brad hey what's up my name is Alex whatever I was I was looking around absolutely Rusty in here what was that oh bunks oh whoa yeah you did see us yeah it's the girl from the poster I think wow that was a pretty cool effect yeah that was mighty spookers oh cause it's the stuff what it's the Smoky stuff look in the ground oh oh are you sure wait wait you're missing a thing where but on the left in the distance the left can keep going there you go oh yes picture oh you get a premonition oh crap oh wow nice so super psyched about that one What did the what did the girl look like was she just standing there she was like really pretty and she had like a like a crop top she had a sailor hat and like uh like Daisy Dukes yeah she was pretty though right yeah yeah she wasn't like a zombie or anything cool um I think the premonitions are they give you hints because that's what that dude was saying yeah he's good at the beginning bang my head into the wall so like well because like the hint that we got for what's her face when she looked at that picture was that her her heart was giving out so I think that was a hint to like not to give her the best decompress yeah okay so I'll know not to get my head smashed through a window by Olson maybe the flashlight yeah put away the flashlight and Hardy Boys over here badly boys [Music] [Laughter] oh my God dude we're all quiet thank you ah my metal cow utters okay that's the [ __ ] exchange the [ __ ] crap would you please calm down oh he left it was a chance we gotta be careful be careful now's a chance to like each other what do you think I've been doing good chance that uh you'll die if I don't get this QuickTime event right yeah sorry sorry you died I was too busy looking at your bud come on I am thinking oh my God will you wait Bros we're back hey kids uh uh oh uh [ __ ] it's Danny huh smells like teenagers in here look out gotcha damn it they're taking place shut the [ __ ] up get him get him hey man you got a light oh [ __ ] creeper is [Laughter] get him dude get him uh I think either one don't they mean the same thing yeah that's what I was thinking oh no we're screwed that didn't work I see you come on step out I'll put that with her hold on I'm gonna get a couple more let's go God damn it which one of you should I shoot first ah jeez no I don't want to do this anymore I hate playing oh no okay what are we doing I thought we were keyboard [Music] oh sweet the main deck guys we made it you're in control now oh oh man Jesus who knows I have to take a [ __ ] I could just do it right here Heritage John Jacob Jingleheimer [ __ ] right now my turds are gonna look like giant J's you know what I'm saying I wasn't being joking I wasn't being joking ugh this boat so much bro so [ __ ] haunted an iceberg what is with this place you're in the middle of the [ __ ] ocean all right whatever wait a minute we've been here before uh don't think so definitely not swear we've been here before Alex have you been leading Us in circles come on guys have we been here I don't remember being in a kitchen no she's tripping dude you're tripping right now tripping I think that you're a trooper hold on let's see here oh sweet the beef casserole today's beef casserole not me everything just ground Health on this one day the whole ship just stopped functioning it was a Sunday Sunday Sunday is Sunday oh it had to stop at some point Tuesday is cereal guys we gotta stay here for at least two days what do you think to have Frosted Flakes Cinnamon Toast Crunch toast prompts French Toast Crunch cereal are you in here oh man that's some old ass beef casserole oh it's Coco Puffs around the kitchen hey babe once we settle down I will be your personal chef big Cuisine boy you guys are real quippy for people who might die at any second yeah this is how relationships speak to one another to where [ __ ] hi I'm standing here hi Conrad what there's something in here with us didn't you I mean did you hear anything uh I heard you go ah yeah I heard the real creaky squeaky sound effect that you always hear uh uh Julia just try to get a grip uh I wasn't laughing at you there was no laugh no babe don't update our relationship what do you want to do turn around no babe please great thanks Conrad I should have been annoyed it should have been more compassionate gross caskets and crappy chapels not my scene you know what is your scene it is crappy you're right it's gross and it's crappy gotta get out of your toot sweet and we gotta find fliss okay so can we just get the [ __ ] out then you know it right after we check out these coffins no the fear juice fear choose can I not oh hey we got a name on this guy and what are they even doing here Brian Carter I don't think stuck on a ghost ship for all eternity sounds like a good plan A who cares where they're from or where they're going they're dead and we're not found a secret Brian Carter well this one oh no Ryan Prada yeah open it [Applause] yeah Secret Sound oh friends what the hell look at this it's insane is it even human I mean was it ever human am I gonna have to do a quick Time Event s the skeleton's like dude rude I can't help this is the way that I am right after you check these last two coffins babe yeah you you hold on there's locks in these caskets why would they be Chained and locked they're afraid all right and what's over here spooky or something oh no get out of here yes maybe that's little baby Dracula right there and those are his parents and they're lying in the Conrad and eat off his face The end uh premonition yeah it's spooky right one last thing oh God a curtain hell yeah pass go on hey foreign [Applause] are you trying to freak me out huh oh it was a poor rat it was a vase it wasn't a what it wasn't a head yeah it looked like a head right yeah yeah for sure it's because the fear juice dude the fear juices look all kind it's crazy about this [ __ ] ing up in my lungs oh man well this looks like a fun place yeah what sound yeah horror movie sounds classic horror movie sounds um nope more dead people oh cool scary ghosts this is no time to be [ __ ] around I'm serious I can't take it uh very compassionate of you is that Joe that's like a full body no yeah it's our boy Joe I think oh yeah yeah it's happening ah touch it why did you touch it why did you touch it why did you touch me all right you know what I think this is all I can handle for one night yeah all right next time happy Halloween happy Halloween everybody good God hello there so oh no go ahead go right ahead Aaron no oh no no no please please please please please please okay okay um since we're doing these longer episodes we figured we could probably burn through man of Medan in one more giant episode or two more or two well definitely quickly and we're involved in the storyline um so involved in the storyline I don't know about you yeah no I'm I'm involved like I want these people to live they're not going to because we have the QuickTime event skills of a a thumbless monkey child but uh let's try anyway let's see what happens oh let's hope it's faster it's not we're dead I already forgot these characters names okay so this is Alex he's the cool brother okay um there's Brad his like dorky brother like who barfed uh on the boat oh and he's been like missing for a while right well he and fliss the uh attractive French Polynesian Captain oh yeah uh they both got captured um got it because we tried to get the distributor cap but we sucked oh weren't we like trying to throw a rock or something yes okay um and this guy Alex is engaged now to Julia the girl with the blonde hair because um uh uh he proposed to her underwater when there were sharks around that's right they were diving and it was all romantic and they were probably gonna die yep and um and Conrad is uh her brother who's like the he's always cracking wise what a Cracker Jack hilarious I'm scared don't be scaled I'm already scale I have two friends and a flashlight your fiance is with you and her stupid brother my fancy there's so much family in this situation do you think that's the message is Family First always what is with this place it's so funny when you make Titanic references while you're on a giant boat I love it we should have played this game while the sun was still up I'm already scared yeah well Oh you mean like 11 A.M because the sun sets at like one uh oh there's the green steam so now everyone's gonna start hallucinating the green steam yeah this is this what is this Dr Seuss yeah this there's that's the stuff leading Us in circles yeah we were in here before God damn it son of a [ __ ] this is not gonna be fun for me that was the fake out scary thing too now the real scary thing's gonna happen maybe there's a double fake ad nothing scarier to me than the prospect of having a quick Time Event that's true for these people's lives they're really trying to put you in an uncomfortable situation what what in here yeah don't know all right we'll keep moving neat maybe it was Batman to the [ __ ] probably see nothing yeah no no do what you want dude uh it's probably just rats that's pretty just rats wait I can't change my mind Hey what weird was it the right stick oh maybe it was it make you feel better baby yeah good job not comforting your fiance yeah we have been here before every now and then I get a little bit closer and it never comes around oh this is the mirror boat yeah they just made it room after room of the same room oh no no I'm listening to the sound of my Tears was there subliminal stuff flashing it is crappy uh I don't know dude I can't oh it is the other okay dismissed your fiance what I I totally I said the other thing last time this is the second time we've done that you fool oh have we played this scene before yes oh okay it's freaky and sure they are going to stay dead relationship updated she thinks you're a dick now oh yeah absolutely um you picked the dismissive option okay I think that's uh like in his head he's like should it be dismissive or supportive yes okay dismissive we've done this we've done this and then there's yeah we stopped like right here that's where they're from or where they're going they're dead and we're not so let's keep it that way okay neat it's good writing it is they're dead and we're not so whatever whatever I think she'd probably just be like I don't like this this is really creeping me out yeah okay Conrad and this is Uncle Sam yeah oh this is this is the uh you can go to all the caskets you can go to every single I'm not going to miss a single one not me this is the gross one is it like a zombie inside you are you found a secret yay I swing a bit more I swing a bit less even practically falling off anyway what does that mean look at this skeletons are like hey hey how have you know what's the deal with this place what's the deal with airline food it's like it's never good should we close that I feel like we should close that right I don't know like the best all right all right I think the best airline food bit was Brian Regan he's talking about how like they have like the three options and there's like one gross one and then you can hear them in the distance like like listing them all off but then when they get to you all the good ones are taken so they just pretend like all they have is the gross ones it's like uh on this flight we have a a chicken wrap with a ranch dip we have a filet mignon with a um a a Chutney and a fish head cold fish head to you and she's like would you like to try our fish head it's cold sitting on a plate fermenting in its own juices boy that scared me for the second time I forgot yeah that's right because it's a Vaz but they they think it's a head oh because of the the goo because the gas The Goo Gas what if the gas is the Manchurian gold what yeah well because like that's what they're after the Gold right but like this gas is like gold colored and like what if it's like a code name or something oh like ancient orange or whatever yeah yeah huh [Music] I guess so oh it's like oh the real value is that it's military stuff yeah the real Treasures the friendships we made along the way yeah oh this isn't good uh but it looks fine looks it's got a warm light to it you know it feels safe oh oh yeah this okay we did this this is the dead guy in the bed the bed guy dead guy I mean it's fine that scared you no oh you need to chill the F out well I'm gonna touch it I'm gonna touch it maybe here I go yeah flick him ew oh what the [ __ ] don't touch it why did you touch it because it was delicious looking yeah I wonder if the meat was still tender it was a thin candy shell are you kidding me look at that nougat I could never get enough of that Sugar crisp where's Conrad she calls him Connie that's adorable [Music] [Laughter] just keeps echoing stop shut up where is Conrad where is Conrad tormeifu if I should have accepted your marriage proposal I'm just to be honest oh that's not good was there was there a boy there's a man with a sledgehammer approaching oh cool it's May yeah yes it's gonna rain good luck Aaron what character am I you're Conrad oh delicious rat I'm Conrad yeah are you sure yeah you're Conrad excuse me no but I didn't pick oh well maybe you're fliss maybe you're fliss oh maybe I'm Conrad I don't remember yes I am Conrad you picked Conrad yeah because I tried to escape off the boat okay I'm fliss and yeah be real careful because Danny's got a gun [Laughter] oh boy oh I swing a bit more I swear you're a bit of glass really getting ahead of this guy oh what's this ah special a wrench I just wanted to do some mechanical work yeah engineering is not for you I could tell you're more of a flying type yeah you got it could you just call me credit me frog here I am so [ __ ] up get him take his gun smash him in the head with it yeah see you no don't test him you can get us killed really well yeah I mean these characters can die at any moment now I don't want that me neither I'm attached to them emotionally maybe and so were you if you could remember them from the last time jeez it's over here nothing I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to keep walking dude but there's so much things I could be doing any quick time events in here just run be ready shut the door always be ready memorize those buttons a b q t e always be QuickTime Eventing okay what's in here it's a scary valve just a hat damn it dang it stupid hat oh here comes the smokiness let's eat it's about to get weird first of all language yeah dude seriously we're trying to do a Let's Play it belonged to Sam Stevens oh oh my Dan wow NG Madan I'm not gonna be Dan would you help me [Music] so many places I can go I can go somebody had to make that whole room just for me to walk over to the door I know [Music] oh boy I'm nervous [ __ ] I knew it I could feel it coming I son of a [ __ ] now he's gonna walk through it and be like ah oh [ __ ] if only there was some kind of warning no Jesus Christ I'm just vibing straight vibing I'm Sunday goofing you have no idea what you're talking about I'm gonna get right up on him yeah hello what's your name [Laughter] oh my God but we've got to keep moving and find Austin oh man this is so [ __ ] funny screaming corpse wait what was that a thing that got added to my thing did it say screaming yeah it was like RB screaming corpse Oh weird fliss speaks French oh yeah that's right she's French Polynesian I believe oh that's not oh cool oh that camp girl oh sweet remember her from last time she kept showing up in weird spots oh yeah word premonition I'm trying to look at premonition yeah stop appreciating art do you need stop dude why you keep pushing me you weren't doing this before that's like a bad move on his part what's it go ahead yeah yeah let me just turned my back to you guys I like to knock with my gun I'd like to move it I like to move it move it move it wait is he losing it yeah he's definitely losing it one two and they just pees his pants what the heck oh what the okay so I guess we can go I don't know uh you look [Music] um yeah let's go back sure I guess we could take his gun oh flashlight [Laughter] I mean you do every one of the corpse he said come on we should keep moving and you walked in the exact opposite directional well now I can look at the picture oh right okay because he was like don't look at it but me I'm gonna look you know me unlock that premonition yo oh I'm the man what are we fighting Druids now premonition online how's that supposed to help us all right I just got a premonition about a guy in a cloak with the thing any other thing and he said it would be hot anymore [Laughter] oh I did it popped over there for a second okay yeah so easy I guess I'll choose one of the many warm inviting stairways that we've encountered yeah I have to pee stand over there [Laughter] oh this is where the distributor cap was schwat oh well where they got kidnapped yeah that's what we need to get to get off the boat I think really yeah right I don't remember I mean why else would we risk our lives for it I don't know it was epic it looked rad as [ __ ] dude that's lewd get it what are you doing doing oh it's something there's a thing I don't know about the stuff man oh that's probably Lou oh no he didn't he wasn't wearing a helmet remember who we were playing uh as in the very beginning oh yeah yeah no was Charles Perez dude yeah you're right well I'm gonna go over here you can go ahead and stay there man I'm gonna get cremated when I die like decomposition looks like a [ __ ] drag word you can get like water cremated now what's that mean they like boil you really yeah it's supposed to be like better for the environment or something I want to be cream cremated in cream yeah just like a delicious like strawberries and cream situations wait yeah keeping that right we're keeping that right yeah I'm updating my bearing so obviously if she's gonna be like oh cool an ornamental knife and then put it down it's like dude yeah you know wow yeah just uh like in traditional uh Chinese uh like the hand-me-downs knife knife knife would you find lesser brother yeah what what are you doing all right I guess I'll go over here then okay huh oh it's yay thank goodness oh crappity get ready for that QuickTime event why did you close the door he had a flashlight a tiny flashlight or man's flashlight well they're all hallucinating now please baby honey where can they send mail to [Laughter] you where'd you go uh baby bliss is that you someone shot you 40 years ago laughs it's like that scene in the Kung Pao you know we're just they're all in the field and they're all dying please like [Applause] [Laughter] the best I need gopher Chucks I didn't want you to die like this as a 70 year old dead man always look exactly alike thanks what's going to pop up behind me because there was too much negative space behind me oh what's up hey I was just standing right here she's wearing different clothes what though wasn't she wearing a red tank top I thought so she hallucination I guess there's there's a smoke less what the heck is going on here no shot you oh oh we used to tell him Alex there's a bullet with your name all over it that's how smart were we to say that do you want a flashlight right in your face I don't know if that's her dude there you go how do you like that you weirded out do you like it get ready for the quick times I can feel something coming this is gonna be like a second bliss now oh man is this giving me PT vibes um [Music] oh God I'm scared absolutely shut up and keep moving again hi Danny so happy to see you again I thought he was dead yeah well now I just kind of ran off and disappeared I am but I can't see where I'm going because you're blocking my field of vision man what the [ __ ] is he alive no he's like freshly dead oh crap we're going back in time now this is spooky ew oh cool oh crap sister hallucination just hallucination yo this is gross okay oh boy wait wait wait what's going on what is going on you hate this oh it's my shadow six more weeks of shitty space winter oh wait what that was him wasn't it I think that was flesh maybe a shadow of him was a fliss it's like translucent flesh translucent fliss sounds like something they put in toothpaste oh sweet he missed what the [ __ ] it's him no that's Alex oh that's his brother oh right yeah yeah oh boy alex you okay yeah buddy I told you not to cook ever again look at an Ace bandage snap oh oh just by missing one you missed it yeah I missed it you missed the QuickTime event yeah well I didn't man oh oh he's fine he's all right it's just a hallucination everything's cool things are going well so now what uh you walk forward yeah this ship sucks you know what I'm starting [Laughter] out right light in my face okay cool oh this is where I'll set up my new house and I'll put the TV over there I'm gonna put the couch over here oh this is awesome oh perfect for my man wow this place is gonna be so impressed when she sees this she's gonna be like oh I really love this space I'm gonna be like oh yeah that's cool I mean you can hang out if you want you should just stay over I mean it's pretty late you probably don't want to walk on let's be like oh his chest is so strong it'll work out a little bit you know it's just it's kind of natural skeletons skeletons spooky scary huh yeah I'd imagine so that guy doesn't have any more internal memorandums you asked to be Captain foam to the radio situation we attempted outgoing messages the following times with no response all the times they were able to pick up indirect messaging traffic until 0-140 hours however there has been no Feathering coming a message you know what I don't think this guy got back to him by over 300 hours I'm starting to think oh it's another wrench wrench is Danny gonna be behind me again like no no no I guard all the wrenches they're unsafe listen it's for your own good sir ew huh see this uh okay uh sure buddy I feel like his neck would have disintegrated after 60 years or whatever oh yeah we're just falling apart yeah give me the flashy light no hello hello um hello it's like the whitest thing you could say what are you not hearing yeah right I'm actually not hearing yeah huh is boxes yeah which I'm scared you're just laying down for an hour yeah [Music] okay well I got the wrench so anyway brother showed up and he's half his head was busy and I said okay [Laughter] he gave me the Crystal Light mix oh boy oh boy oh I don't like that I don't like that at all time to drop down oh is that the the Storyteller what I think that was the Storyteller guy standing there really yeah oh boy oh no oh boy oh boy x y a b x y a b x y a b x y a b no it's your turn again yeah yeah she was in a different colored shirt she had a blue top when you saw her again she's an orange kind of girl you know yeah oh wait I never thought I saw an a very briefly yep okay cool why is it the flashlight is not like working anymore glad we explored that they just didn't program it oh boy huh was that Brad I don't know okay look I recognize that chest oh boy I guess yeah oh that that was a good facial expression they gave her for that second it really looked like someone like what the [ __ ] oh sexy new position yeah very very suggestive so this isn't the Alex bullet this is another hey Jared touched that come on that's my stuff hello privacy right here I wonder oh boy oh that's not good get ready with the quick times good job dude dude I don't know what buttons are what right after I told them oh boy but I pressed it it it it it it it hello no don't don't stab what what don't stab why because you're hallucinating that could be anybody oh boy [Music] uh all right well I got away so I guess that's good oh boy oh boy miss you love you got it oh this sucks yes oh what the hey but I don't like you oh man uh uh save Brad good traits excellent updated traits nothing's even happening who even knows oh go boy yeah [ __ ] that really got me well damn we got out yay everything's fine I guess so you okay Dan yes super good feeling great very confident so glad we saved Brad wait where's Brad I I don't know who knows as soon as that smoke shows up like you don't know what you're doing like dude I don't know what I'm doing anyway yeah not right I think it looks pretty cool I'm scared if you stab a zombie it's gonna be your friend you know yeah um back hmm who put blood in this fountain that doesn't seem very clean ah silly books it's a naughty man nasty man wasn't this like a like a Army ship yes this is very The Shining um it's a book it's so hot in here oh that's better it's got some symbols on it maybe open it and it wouldn't let me books are for opening it wouldn't let me and reading you've been alive oh zombie oh hi oh God no I wish it had been a zombie oh no would she suddenly have a coin activate it oh no why would you do this that's my first instinct no laugh Jolly Jack [Laughter] Yeah Boy what the hell is the point of that funny stuff well okay that was worth the corner yeah loved it wait wasn't there something else like that in a premonition that we saw where someone's head gets bashed into glass I don't remember do you don't remember anything about this game oh good what's this girl's name flesh like Dental fliss keep your head on straight come on let's turn it on yeah boy oh oops I activated the murder machine oh good I was in the mood for a show what is that a [ __ ] coffin superb is why don't you go near it and open that [ __ ] up of course I am okay I'm gonna close my eyes what are you nuts like I'm not gonna open the murder coffin yeah oh boy the door's right there oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's full of blood ew what was it it was just a hand okay good to hand grabbing from a face it's all I wanted in this world I wanna it was candy Dan delicious hand candy me candy it was some candy outside again thank goodness oh that means you'll get here like wits about you again oh cause like the smoke isn't out here yeah um maybe I'll go back in yeah it's much better out here in here oh so now that my wits are about me I'm seeing like what the ship actually is yeah uh uh [ __ ] but the Smokey is back but maybe I have like a good like 10 minutes before I maybe have fun opening that then it's like the smoke in episode one you know where he's like highly toxic how did you know but only after 45 minutes oh Manchurian gold dude you're right should I not call that [ __ ] yeah you called it yeah baby wow I'm very proud of myself hey man good for you or this just reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode like and that's what it would have been and am I like opening this or I think you should there's nothing else I can do it wasn't it lower the opening part just isn't letting me do anything no all right is that holding back a bunch of water or something maybe well back to the dope dope dope the smoke and the fear God why wouldn't you just stay outside you really get over it quick yeah it's nice she was out there for like three seconds I guess that's how long it's like when you inhale helium yeah you have the helium voice yeah all right give me another balloon man I liked it way better when it was a ballroom yeah it sucks boy being crazy must suck yeah seriously you just don't know what's going on yeah that that's you know what I don't want to give Fight Club spoilers but like Fight Club taught me a lot about that I would get close to that baby bear but what's Happening Here exactly I need to investigate yeah perhaps my face could be stuck in there for reasons all right I'll see you later broken wires how could there still be electricity going through those how are these lights on uh because I don't know it's 70 years later because duh oh oh am I stuck or what like I'm trying to get something there yeah get over there sometimes it's just so frustrating there you go and what's over here wow so this ship is actually pretty harmless once you're like okay once you're not breathing in The Manchurian gold that's a really clean plate yeah it's a patrol vehicle it's Corinthian Steel what is this Star Wars go see a star war s pick your friends oh oh daddy don't like those cutscenes oh [ __ ] says it out loud scared I'm scared scared oh my relationship to fear is updated relieved Brad oh he is well oh crap get ready for the QuickTime Aaron get ready for the quick time I'm waiting learning those buttons good thing Brad's slept as [ __ ] we are not friends anymore oh that means he got his bearings what the [ __ ] no don't go up the murder stairs oh boy if you have to oh boy again dang well yeah you chose a bunch of characters at the beginning damn it's all grouped oh be careful there's a man with a sledgehammer around here prepare for more quick time events this bridge is awesome wait that's too many feet what the hey it's too many feet extra feet means extra Danger oh just like the Temple of Doom yeah oh this isn't where I'd want to be submerged in water yeah yeah oh geez that's pretty deep hmm and I am where well I only have about 30 seconds to breathe so uh oh check out some stuff yeah I'll just casually like pick up and look around and oh wow okay oh no oh no that's got to be upsetting well give me the ring back yeah I guess I'll take it she got a little chipmunk cheeks shink man don't expect your rain go just for just I love it underwater it looks so much better yo boy those eyes are gonna open hi honey hi honey honey oh what the hell this is so hot which one's the real one they're fighting for my love I'll just let it play out I want the strong one anyway oh boy stop he'll drown stop he'll drown no what are you doing you're gonna get him killed well I mean what's gonna happen that could now he's The Rook the good one one really yeah the other guy was like a zombie you know the other guy what if the other guy was Olson or where's that guy's Olson I don't know man I'm just trying to stay alive jeez can't bet on I just gotta bet on what I see the game wants to trick me like that and that's the game's fault holy crap is it you yeah at my behest a drone I'm sorry sorry but you did the right thing it was Alex or Alex [ __ ] oh oh wait what the [ __ ] hey what's up man how you doing I'm a new guy do we know you come on I'm coming for you good quick time real slow gate there I will continue to walk slowly look at my Terminator yeah wait so who is dead was that Olsen the the guy with one eye the pirate I don't know boy I'm really unclear as to what's happening right now this is very disorienting it's all the scary gas dude I know we just ripped one really hard yeah believe me hold on yeah your palms are sweaty unless mom's speaking mom's spaghetti Aaron's uh wiping down the controller for me before he hands it over here okay hold on I'm gonna take a sip of water too yeah uh this is very stressful you know what actually let's let's take one second because I gotta pee okay let's do it a refreshing P time yeah where's the [ __ ] like guy to be like or it's just a story I'm telling you a story that guy's relaxing that really breaks the tension son of a [ __ ] [Music] just like a real baby she's done a wee-wee doesn't that taste good baby boy all right we're back we are back we are freshly peed no no I mean it's funny are they funny but I think the guys you hired are taking it a little too far Maybe and don't be cheap I mean you didn't feel like paying top dollar and that are you talking to they're not cream of the crop they're taking it a little too far cream of the crap oh yeah another 360. is Conrad losing it I mean these guys are [ __ ] crazy they're chasing us around the ship what that's uh the the subtitles were not it was not right now I'm sensing QT oh hi honey oh this is not good hello my baby hello my darling no I don't like it I don't like it at all I don't like it at all daddy don't like Daddy no like oh you just gotta go bro yeah this is as fast as I can freaking go you're being a real weenie about it something is [ __ ] um um hello excuse me mama just kill the man this is [ __ ] just [ __ ] I gotta find everybody yeah crappity whatever this is hey at least he's privy to it yeah why can't I go this way it doesn't want you too oh never mind on the table what is that on the table what do you mean solo table a candle labra is this is this like suddenly clue yeah like everybody gets a weapon of their own it's like he's got the wrench knife in the [ __ ] thing oh boy oh boy oh oh gosh oh that'll be to guide your way what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I will be your ghost host with the mouse and grab it again yeah why would I do this I'm gonna take the Candlestick with me okay you really should not even warm huh maybe you were hallucinating ha impy this dude's Barefoot and there's like Rusty ass oh I know it it gives me real agita I mean I probably would be too but I love being Barefoot hi I'm Captain Dan sack I don't know why have you taken the picture yet it's turned out well for me you can just tell I love my family oh [ __ ] they didn't end up on the bottom of the ocean oh no please don't make me go into a tight space no yeah of course I should oh boy oh boy yeah I should oh boy God damn it God damn it oh thank God that means something terrible is about to happen because there was a fake out uh just kick it I don't know yeah I don't know push a I gotta find something to pry the door open how about [ __ ] me those big meat hooks yeah those big nasty jugs of yours big jukes laughs well I give up are there any big jugs in here what the Candlestick Maybe oh word Em Up no wait hang on hold please oh a door opening device how convenient let me pick it up you know you know I want it you know I need it I could fill this with piss uh-oh uh oh there's not much of a practice when you preach kind of guy what was there stuff that oh oh that doesn't look like it's part of the scene at all huh that was poorly done magnets how do they work what the [ __ ] is a clock [Laughter] all right grab that candlestick I know something else has got a little Hefty yeah my peanuts play Planters and goo smash that a button dude smash that like come on oh boy oh I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it like comment and subscribe if you like it no no smush that like button oh God no tell your friends subscribe to Game Grumps if you like it oh god oh no no no no no no no terrible oh God oh God oh God hello oh no that was way too fast us oh God oh this is [ __ ] me up what scene is this oh God I know I hit that [ __ ] man okay I did not do very well in that oh boy oh I hit that okay oh boy oh that's not good ew ew hello come on and hit this [ __ ] okay the advice I gave you earlier is not I know that yeah ew that was a really realistic looking hand yeah she's like why do you think of my oh boy that's spooky hello you're not as hot as I once thought well it's been a couple years you should have seen me in my twenties come on man uh run run run run hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime yeah baby My Heart's On Fire uh I'm so nervous right now so if these are all come on dude she's way too fast for an old person I work my workout ah no God damn these quick time events yeah they come at you so fast and hard oh come on huh no no no ouch well that's it for Conrad no no man is that our first death that is our first death oh my goodness God damn it shh that was [ __ ] hard yeah that was tough yeah oh well apparently I'm looking to walk through right now oh really just to see where like we're at uh-huh and uh apparently there was an opportunity like for the best playthrough uh-huh you wouldn't have even gotten that scene because he would have been already gone it would have been already like off the ship oh super yeah oh right when I was trying to get off that I'm just not good at QuickTime events sorry Conrad he'll be all right um I do years of oh I was gonna say yours are so much slower than mine Bitcoin shut up shut up whatever man see if you can press X fast enough um run yeah always run [Music] so who's the real one who [ __ ] knows I'd assume the one who's with you just mean we're over because like we didn't even you know uh hell yeah oh whoops yep yeah this game is [ __ ] hard man oh come on another throw outside is it gonna like change I don't know we're all together yay everyone's okay everyone that matters nobody's like where's Conrad yeah wasn't there another person with us no I think this is everyone yeah yeah I'm pretty sure we're all here no I think yeah I think we'll be all right here yeah you know considering Conrad was the one who uh threw the sixty dollars and and got the Pirates all pissed off and got us onto the ship in the first place yeah if like one person was supposed to die yeah I'm all right big ahead no you're wondering well you killed someone it's your fault that blood is on your hands and what about Conrad he well rather you should have been a bit less careless thanks have you figured out what's going on how to stop it how to save the lives of your poor unfortunate stowaways let's stay outside I hope although it seems the ship's previous occupants never managed to yeah let me help you out give you a little hint stop playing I need some help please well then how can I put this there may be forces at play here that are more scientific and even some that are more political just say hit a faster yeah Supernatural perhaps you've started to realize something that the the gas makes you hallucinate yeah and everyone may not be quite what they appear to be um it didn't no not really well aren't you excited I think that there's probably something more complicated you might avoid any more unnecessary tragedy yeah hit a faster it's like after playing Tetris for 10 hours he's like you might have figured out that you must make a row of Tetris read the most kill the character hey awesome I did it congratulations dude you read the most yeah I feel like a dumbass you got the cool one yeah you got like the tattoo I got like the like you bookworm the ship must be cursed it's the only way we can explain all this evil [ __ ] that's happening down there let's just uh well you're the one that actually found the Manchurian gold yeah wait where's Conrad has anyone seen him we got split up I think I heard his head crack on the ground he's fine he's probably just chilling out somewhere yeah but just for a second I tried to catch up but he was gone gone where why this this just doesn't add up I feel like you're not telling us everything for us look I don't know what you want me to tell you I didn't see anything yeah I didn't see her I didn't see your brother fall down a ditch and die okay we're going back right now and we're gonna find my brother oh Julia he's not dying I promise already there yeah [ __ ] like big time you almost killed me what are you talking come on no come on that's ridiculous uh that's what happened though because it feels like there's some like like evil like literal evil going on down there let's just stay calm and relatively sane about this okay the stuff I saw it's like there were these old Soldiers they were bodies they were dead but then they came alive and that doesn't sound that crazy right about now what are you talking about somebody talking about she's nice walking around with his face on them Alex's face it was horrifying what do you mean babe dude oh my face is horrifying now did you think you were me and babe [ __ ] so much of a coincidence there's got to be something going on here what can we absolutely be sure about that Conrad's dead what [Laughter] where's the gold anything this isn't exactly what our friendly fishermen's are expecting either so you still think it's cursed or yeah you just solve the mystery all right I think actually happened to this place wishing you I saw 1947 on the newspaper what do you think it means in military time that'd be 7 47. at night dirty stinky weird and I don't like it it's like this place is stuck in a Perpetual bad feeling machine Brad that's the dumbest [ __ ] I've ever heard listen to everybody on this ship where did they all go I can't shake the feeling we didn't go anywhere they're dead they're right there yeah that's something at least we're wasting time whatever we do we have to do it now time to get off all right orgy we're not going anywhere without the distributor cap the Duke needs it to run yeah hold on the ship's gotta have a radio if we can find it because I could use some Katy Perry right now yeah do you think oh you're gonna hear me roar because I kissed a girl and I liked it yeah oh hey hey my one character that hasn't died yet might be a little sweaty but uh it is yep oh I'm so pissed that you killed the guy yeah I mean just that like it makes it such a razor thin like um chance to survive yeah hey man that's life yeah I guess so whatever he'll survive in the next playthrough oh you know it sounds crazy but maybe it was these guns that took down the plane from our dive um no that doesn't sound crazy at all I know it sounds stupid I know it sounds crazy but starting to make sense Alex there's gas maths construction too are we really close to the end yeah we're getting pretty close relatively can we pause and make Connor alive again no no really you can't go back in this right you can't go back boy what a [ __ ] cruel game word ooh what a boat did you see that boat yeah I saw the boat hmm look at all these boat things yeah sort of boat stuff going on over here Love Boat stuff babe why don't we ever do both stuff what you told me you would came up closed I couldn't yeah I couldn't turn around fast to make it funny because this game moves at a [ __ ] snail's pace until you have one millisecond to hit a button until the snail grows legs and goes standing in the corner uh you okay Brad you Blair Witch in an army bow oh open God damn it it's a gas mask oh hey oh my goodness oh my damn oh sweet do not panic remain calm and clearly shout gas gas to warn anyone in the vicinity hold your breath attach the gas man carrier by pitching the bag on your left arm position I don't know if we're gonna see anything interesting in this yeah literally instructions on how to use a gas mask I've been moving some pretty dangerous cargo uh yeah didn't she tell you that why aren't they telling each other stuff I saw a thing of gas can I have it can I take that off your [ __ ] face oh there's another gas mask you were supposed to take earlier God damn yeah all right you can climb up on the ledge now or that little shiny thing was where you it was like up on a like a staircase that was above you it's where Brad was Blair wishing it oh you can climb up on that ledge spectacular by pressing X or um oh there yeah okay I didn't see it how the frick did you not see it oh I think this is our way up give me a look sorry that was yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry it seemed it's nervous yeah just a little on edge now that our comic relief is dead I get mean when I'm scared [ __ ] [Laughter] sorry it's just sorry it's just the scared I'm just really afraid right now what's all this stuff everywhere oh it should be a radio station up here somewhere that's what you're looking for right k-l-o-n clone we play the songs that sound more like anyone else than everyone else s-k-a-r the scare do you think he's dead yeah probably oh gross I wonder if we'll find him oh nice oh yeah that'd be dope that'll be fun that'll be fun for everyone a door yeah over here a door that doesn't work yeah oh everyone press X do it why is he standing halfway in the door is he holding it open oh I see damn he was strong strong boy long man sir sir Conrad Conrad I didn't want it to end like this I can tell by the shame of his skull at least he's been dead for 60 odd years oh we don't want to pry open that door really all right great uh go to the radio bro where is it in the in the uh the room that you're in oh oh wait premonition oh oh is that the pirate yeah it's one of the Pirates oh man get that pirate to get a little trigger happy you know it'll be all right he's in jail I think it's like the Captain's wheel or something yeah this looks Captain eh I don't think there's any radio here sir do you know where the radio is oh hold it's a log book well all books are made from logs [Laughter] Captain Thug blue ink it really smears a lot okay I don't I don't think this is yeah this is not as helpful as I wanted information that's just kind of like I don't yeah I don't know building I don't care yeah oh this ship was a ship and people did work on it right great help me oh God make me [ __ ] walk so goddamn slow all the [ __ ] way around this [ __ ] bread great work keep it up [Laughter] are you walking into a room with another wall I could stare at find the radio yet um I don't know did you find it just standing there is that a radio set a paper radio on the wall yeah I think it is oh look at all the places they went to San Francisco crazy to take this route like hiding out in the ocean shut up um Smugglers or whatever like hide and seek in the ocean no yeah yeah nobody was nobody was trying to seek them paper this is Nice Notes cloud cover was bad they couldn't establish ment sounds like they uh got lost and everyone died yeah that's what all those papers telling me cool about that radio [Laughter] do you think everyone here made it oh here we go oh yeah I remember this guy from the opening get ready for the creepies oh he's probably gonna get up huh yeah wait there's no gas in this room no no no pirates from this point on radio contact intermittent many crew dead oh good sounds pretty desperate I die neat was he you you die take a look oh dude nice I thought we have a touch screen this thing actually still works well radio science hasn't changed much in 70 years as long as there's power dude all right freaking Poindexter [Music] get to a number station seven three oh it was a number station military bad GE there we go hey we're on a ghost ship holy [ __ ] we got him oh um this isn't it uh oh boy uh oh uh if you can hear us we're on a ship did I [ __ ] that up I don't know approximately um did I I did didn't I oh boy did we really [ __ ] it up wait say nothing oh okay say nothing oh really yeah hey okay oh is the military not on our side yeah that like isn't the military oh great or or yeah they like know what happened with the boat or something and they come and like try to kill you all oh good yeah basically because the survivors of teams seen too much and the military doesn't want the secrets about the Manchurian gold getting out oh what the [ __ ] Saint the ship you monsters hey little bro what's up wow I'm thinking you might deserve a promotion how's medium bro sound I'm so slimy why aren't you wet I'm not sweating [Laughter] what is this ow ah my Knuckles uh I'm I'm sure you're up for it okay okay I believe you got it bro what no what what's one of those other Alex's whoa whoa whoa case closed did anybody did anybody argue her on that my relationship is I immediately can't handle it wow great all right it's all you bud Frick she is this freaking game it's gonna be meh yeah explosion's a scary thing oh my leg luckily I touched it up while I was passed out yeah I probably have Ed what about that dick would it do power up the radio look didn't we just decide that the radio was a bad idea yeah um thanks for your trash oh man now it's gonna get spooky again oh cause we got the dust yeah cause the freaking gas down here thankfully I have my boyfriend trash [Music] lower levels of the ship what does that say oh a sick Bay yeah don't go in there it suck bad [Music] what's over here some kind of door I don't even care whatever whatever your character model's dumb anyway keep it going Julia I'm experiencing lag OS and it says the girl who couldn't wait to dive a rag shut up thank you never told your brother that I hate you but I hate you 've ever seen anything here come check this out let's drop down it's an engine it's engine Brad down there with all the [ __ ] chemicals we talked about earlier maybe that's what [Laughter] are you okay hey that was a terrible idea yourself on my shattered ankle well we're trapped and me with this broken ankle we'll never get out of here now hello okay so I so I'm seeing things but you're not okay so follow my thinking here we know this ship is carrying Manchurian gold which was actually some kind of dangerous chemical right and there's just like um can we just go that's the Manchurian gold maybe it's Brad I figured this out like two hours ago that's called dramatic irony wheel but maybe it wasn't we know the crew were scared shitless of something none of it happened none of it I'm not scared I'm scared thing to do with the plane wreck we dived okay so the plane was a search and rescue they came out here that's just a statement done its damage and for whatever reason they shot the plane down I mean who knows what the hell they were thinking or thought they saw oh God Godzilla oh yeah dumbest movie of 2019. you remember when we saw Godzilla and we came out of the theater and we were with Matt yeah and no one was saying anything and Matt was just like well that just happened [Laughter] [Music] I guess everyone's ready for bed now huh oh bad I was like I liked 40 of it you were like I [ __ ] hate it [ __ ] sucks it's such a bummer yeah it was a bummer it was like uh well you know I I feel like they they get it now like they just want to see monsters fight and then yeah it's just fighting wasn't even that great yeah yeah it was a boring bummer flank ahead where I can use some mistakes my favorite kind yeah it's delicious all right I guess uh I'll just go power the thing on and use the radio again stupidly really yeah wow you just came up with that yourself oh me wait so where are these lights that keep flashing so the power is on or not is this the generator nope down here with my future girlfriend [Laughter] after I kill my brother what um am I singing this out loud no the rebreather the rebreather you think it still works should we bring it with us because I said it it's true now uh you could be a lifesaver take it take it it's a delicious lifesaver relationship updated Brad is an [ __ ] oh there he is oh he's fine he's just sleepy yeah she's it's getting a little shut eye get away from here she's all right she's over it yeah that's video game logic I'm taking it out on Olson what the better what the my mouth is quite clean um what's going on here uh oh this might be gross he looks super dead yeah the cat there it is don't [ __ ] up that QT or else everyone we did oh he's dead no oh it smells like I wanna be you sledgehammer [Music] oh [ __ ] oh keep calm keep calm oops good job Eric I forgot what button a was [Laughter] stay calm oh so stupid oh man oh boy I don't know which qtes are gonna be now I know it's rough ly [Music] oh boy I am in control and I am the one I'm the captain here oh I kept away calm there yeah please tell me you have an Escape Plan oh no that's just me of course we'll escape this whole world this guy's like crazy unpredictable run [ __ ] you run we'll grab the rebreather and run now I know where you are get ready for the quick time I've read I'm gonna be really hard but he's got the distributor cap please tell me we're safe we're as safe as your brother yeah sledgehammers oh none of you move oh Junior I forgot all about him maybe they'll shoot himself in the head like in the premonition um but I don't but I don't want to all right put your hands in the air wave them like you just don't care we've got no beef we're basically best friends again it's all gone changing on me what what's changing stay away stay back from the Mist what there's no mist man there's a lot of mess don't break the Mist uh uh why can't we breed the mist why can't we breed the Mist what does it do because it smells bad man bringing things to life the truth Sierra Mist don't breathe to drink the Mist stop if you're one of us isn't it I'm sorry now why would you say that the Rhythm the Rhythm of the Night it's in one of us the Mist is in me ah ah the miss okay all right look there was you know something back there maybe a Mr fog Maybe I knew it I told you breathe I can't see you it's very Misty in here see smaller breath okay how about for 50 off you've been holding your breath this whole time you're holding your breath right now this is a good conversation we have we haven't yet to get the Mist out of us you know we could use it on you too okay no no no no no you keep the finger away from me that's definitely a miss machine isn't it oh yes gently the inside [Music] uh grab the pistol oh God I love you so much oh oh hell yeah though hell yeah well like seriously are you okay maybe grab the gun maybe grab the gun uh uh hey guys now I'm your best pirate friend thanks for helping me out I'll show you the way okay pretty dope getting real close to the ends oh shiz on YouTube it's all on me yeah I don't want that there's a lot of qtes here all right I'm gonna give it back to you no I'm gonna get us all killed dude what do you mean yeah all right all right the next qte for sure guaranteed yeah it is no don't but this is even Lamer what's lame you want to survive don't you I'm I'm not as good you're actually good better at the qts now are you out of your mind no I've controlled two out of our five characters and got them all killed it's 4 44 A.M excuse me I'm not going far just wait by the radio whatever why dead foreign stay calm I am calm just keep oh crap bottom button this [ __ ] sucks come the [ __ ] on how long is this wow oh God damn it dude I'm telling you this [ __ ] sucks it's so hard it's like the hardest game I've ever played in my life hmm do you want to take this [ __ ] controller from me I'm gonna be so pissed all right oh walk faster you dumbass I know I do not want this responsibility distant screaming did you hear that distant screaming sounded like Olson Colin [Laughter] this must have been what we just heard huh this game is for people who know the Xbox controller yeah uh we also need our lives that sounds like a distributor cap oh good into the Mist swirling around holy look at that [ __ ] looks like a dog laid it oh [Laughter] [Music] I think he's all right yeah as long as the camera doesn't Hitchcock pull [Laughter] ah we are the [ __ ] worst Edition yeah okay okay thank you oh boy there's something here oh there's [ __ ] not God damn it oh man all right I really gotta focus on this okay okay this is unfair I know it's it's a terrible game the upcoming qte if you mess it up you mess up everything I know of course ah My Country Tis of Thee I was sweet he's dead yeah I guess so that's nice the way around found it it's just a door I'm here ah awesome everything is fine nothing to see here oh boy that's nice oh what's in here what's in here the laundry awesome high five sorry just kidding Lo-Fi oh he was looking for the dragon balls too that was top secret yeah hey I was protecting that I just wish there was like um I wish you could choose like an easy medium hard version you know like I just wish there wasn't one version that like [ __ ] speeds as fast as it does yeah because if you're just like garbage it QuickTime [ __ ] this game's gonna be a bad time word wait was that was like the only way to go though really was it was it did you see like a door or anything when I was in that room I can't remember uh can I go the other way nope what the hey back we go dude I am flipping PO'd right now [ __ ] you know what I don't want to curse but I am cheesed off right now whoa I've never heard you say that before oh over here is there like more door or maybe go to the maybe go to the right here oh yeah there we go [Music] um ew [ __ ] [ __ ] gross oh suck cool oh okay they just sometimes you just get you just brush these rats off brush brush brush brush brush brush all right here we go excuse me oh that wasn't very nice yeah rabies got it scabies oh [ __ ] yeah if I had [ __ ] even one of those up that was like yeah the what the cap would have gotten smashed by the elevator oh no way yeah oh and then you're just stuck there yeah then you're just stuck that's holy [ __ ] uh this doesn't seem possible oh here's your favorite oh my God uh uh who are you what who are you oh gross this is oh is that flesh yeah uh oh this is this is your moment dude no it's it's I'm okay with it I'm okay with it being your moment what the hey hallucination I'm probably okay okay [Applause] look at us uh [Applause] don't attack you're my sweet babe oh okay it's gonna get romantic oh thank God it's like the end of the Thriller video uh yeah yeah yeah sure fliss is the hallucination the demon yeah you like drive to safety on the boat like [Laughter] I love you fliss oh [ __ ] holy crap wow so this is that this is all right four out of five not bad huh hey guys hey I helped yeah um oh uh Conrad you look different oh yeah got a little son about that [Laughter] it doesn't fit credits roll uh how do I do this how do I do this yay not gonna get Conrad's body you're just gonna [ __ ] leave him there yeah no that's fine I'll sync with the ocean he'll sink with the ocean yeah the ocean's always sinking we did it yay super 100 happy ending scared like terrified I heard that new Katy Perry song did you hear she collaborated with zed that's awesome he was my [ __ ] moronic thing he was up to dude always meant well not really yeah just a big old puppy dog let's try to make everyone laugh I've never succeeded though Julia I mean he'll live in the next playthrough gosh whatever Stakes are low it's a video game he'll live in the time Loop dude [ __ ] uh Happy Endings oh geez oh I'm all right guys I feel like I lost a lot of blood there oh man what a weird Wild game it doesn't even end with the guy being like well it looks like you did really blew it sort of screwed that one up didn't you yeah oh there he is good job I've got RSI in my wrist carpal tunnel that's it game over you're done for now at least unless you want to play again right now if you can't do better next time around oh [ __ ] you almost everyone survived thank you almost ah intense but Alex kept his nerve well done Alex well done you thank you I controlled Alex what about decisions decisions made in a hurry in a panic made with the heart instead of the head or vice versa yeah or just forgetting which is why and which is like a long time to have repercussions like you remember when you were like no thanks on the gum that's why the sledgehammer guy came after you it's all according to the plan but oh one more thing maybe it's with you man it's yeah I've in fact it seems distinctly inevitable that well oh wait oh no I don't want to get copyright striked or some song Oh smart smart [Music] yo all right so for anyone who uh feels uh depressed that Conor died um well there's more oh hello just uh watch a YouTube thing of um Conor living yeah yeah lots of YouTube videos out there where everyone survives oh so he wasn't dead Danny yeah oh cool wait what the hey there's all this like prologue or epilogue yes prologue would have been over a long time yeah or do they find Danny and then they kill him I don't know yeah I think that's what happens because we called but we didn't tell them what we were so it would have been faster if I was like we're a friendship we're here oh so out of nowhere this thing just sent out an SOS guess we got a real life ghost ship here oh boy it's happening again Dan oh no what the hell is this oh I think someone farted someone definitely farted sir but who I don't know man I'm just a day player yeah a voice actor I came in for five lines well they say whoever smelt it dealt it sir yeah well they also say whoever denied it supplied it captain it looks like we're in a pickle here we've reached a real impasse did you grow a second head not today I'm seeing a second head on you sir oh damn holy crap yeah Danny Danny The Keeper of the ship you silly goose like that movie with the ship what the heck what is this oh this must be another one of their games that was the guy in mid-summer another video oh God looks like another fun romp [Applause] little hope little hope highways the little hope twice there next thing you guys always making things yeah you chose the most head decisions I found the most secret what is the head decisions uh I don't know I'm the light in the head instead of heart ah I had the most relationship decreases and I had the most trait increases good for us looks like I'm the better person okay all right well thanks for joining us oh wait I'm glad we got to glad we got to finish this up yeah that was fun that was a fun game it was very weird and very crazy congratulations to the makers of this game uh it uh it scared the [ __ ] out of me and was fun to play and also slightly infuriating yes indeed have a good one everybody yeah goodbye
Channel: Grumpy Gamers
Views: 324,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ghJ-lavdGXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 6sec (13686 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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