Moist Meter | Ghost of Tsushima

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this episode was brought to you by manscaped initiating moisture welcome to the moist meter today we're taking a look at ghost of tsushima a game that i was highly anticipating this year and i'm happy to say this bad boy did not disappoint so let's just dive right in i want to say how beautiful this game is i have a real soft spot for this time period in pretty much any media set during like the samurai era and [ __ ] like that and this game is one of the best i've seen it is absolutely stunning and the game knows it's gorgeous too it even gives you a camera feature where you can take pictures of yourself in the game world and just doing all kinds of [ __ ] because it knows that it is absolutely beautiful and you're gonna want those pictures it's almost like those guys that date those instagram supermodels and they take pictures of their girlfriends to post online just so that way people know that look how hot this girl is that's what this is to this game you take these pictures of the game so people know how [ __ ] great and gorgeous the game looks it really is just super stunning in every single department every cutscene is wonderful [ __ ] sweat mechanics in the game you can see a lot of emotion going over characters faces during dialogue during intense scenes it is an absolutely incredible looking game and it's just an absolute joy to experience every single death in the game has blood guts and ass flying all over the place it's it's [ __ ] incredible so now let's go into the combat because i think the combat and the game player what people are most curious about and comparing it to things like sekito and [ __ ] like that i don't think it's super similar to games like sekito or neo other games set in this time period and after spending about 25-26 hours with the game i can confidently say it's not really that similar to sekido or neo or pretty much any other game except maybe assassin's creed when it comes to its open world in certain elements of its combat but really it has its own unique identity the game has multiple stances for you to play with in each one play to a different strength against a different kind of enemy there's water stance which is good against shields wind stands good against spears then you have stone stance moon stance each one plays to a different strength against a different enemy type and with that you also have some other tools where you can throw kunai a smoke bomb an explosive throw a wind chime to distract enemies get them away from you you just have all these things at your disposal [ __ ] throw a pile of dog [ __ ] or something you just have a lot of different options of approaching a fight and i really like that now i consider myself a master of the blade as well as most of you know i own a fleshlight katana which is a damascus steel katana with a fleshlight hilt and it is a wonderful creation so with this game's combat i was pretty familiar with a lot of the sword techniques present in the game so i i felt as though i was almost right at home with my training as an actual uh a studyer of the blade and that was lovely every single move is so [ __ ] flashy all of them are so nice there's tons of different ways of experimenting with mixing and matching stances since everything's on the fly you can constantly interchange things to approach different things different ways and i just really enjoyed the combat it flowed really well together i played on the hardest difficulty and i didn't really think the game was all that challenging but i don't think it needs to be either because the game is all about just making you feel like this badass [ __ ] samurai who's just claiming scallops left and right ripping [ __ ] in half and just going absolutely wild throwing honor to the side and just saying you know what it's time to get [ __ ] brutal and this game really lets you do that you mow through thousands of enemies in this game and all the time the entire time is enjoyable it's always fun the combat never gets old now branching off of the combat there is stealth not everything is full nuts to butts action there's stealth options as well and i don't have any problem with the stealth the stealth is functionable you know it's serviceable it's not it's not the best because i think the ai is too [ __ ] stupid even on the highest difficulty to figure out how to even play against stealth because you can actually just assassinate someone right in front of their friend and they won't even be alerted to you you can assassinate two people right in front of three people and those three people won't even notice those two people are dead they don't even recognize a dead body on the ground they will literally trample over a dead body without being alerted or you know hey something's wrong here how long has this dead body been here i'm just talking to this guy wait what the [ __ ] that's fine probably just the wind the the ai when it comes to stealth is absolutely [ __ ] stupid the stupidest [ __ ] in the world you could hit them with an arrow and they still wouldn't be alerted that there's an enemy nearby so the stealth i think actually puts the game in easy mode because you can approach everything with stealth and just be totally fine and have no problem at all but it takes a lot of the fun out of the game i'm not even exaggerating you can actually just be staring at an enemy as they stare back at you in some kind of romantic exchange and they won't recognize that you are there you can do pretty much anything in this game through stealth and have no problems at all or any struggle because it is just that easy to stealth through this game so i didn't do a whole lot of stealth only when it was absolutely necessary and that's a big complaint i have a lot of the missions have a lot of hand-holding where you have to play the mission the way they want you to play the mission if it encourages you to be stealthy you have to be stealthy if you're seeing it auto ends if it wants you to go through a certain path you have to go that path and can't find your own way there or else it auto ends you have to stay in this very tight tail area where if you branch off you have like 10 seconds to get back before it auto wins i don't like that i don't like taking that freedom of choice away from the player to approach things how they want to approach them so that was a bit of a complaint for me and another thing that kind of branches off of that quite a few of the missions were super repetitive and shitty there's [ __ ] trailing missions in this game it should be illegal to have trailing missions in a video game trailing mission is when you have to slowly follow an npc as they just very mindlessly and slowly walk their way from point a to point b making stops along the way to jerk off or you know have a picnic or whatever you just sit there and wait and wait half the time they're not even talking there's just nothing going on you're just trailing them and it's so [ __ ] boring and there is a lot of those missions there is a [ __ ] ton of those it was too many way too many trailing missions in this game they're just genuinely not fun and there were a lot of repetitive missions for example for a set of legendary armor you had to visit six farms across this game world that were really far apart so it was a long [ __ ] ride there you could fast travel to make it a little bit quicker but you still didn't get that close and then at each farm you had to save three people fight through x number of enemies and you get a key it was the same mission repeated six times and it took like an hour and a half going at like the fastest [ __ ] speed you could possibly go it just feels like a lot of it was there for padding and i didn't really enjoy some of those missions especially the trailing ones now this brings me to the writing the writing in this game i think is absolutely great i think it is absolutely a wonderful story where even the side quests feel really impactful to jyn's development and the characters in the game world as a whole the side quests i felt were [ __ ] great not all of them had a really satisfying conclusion at the end of their plot line but most of them did and it was a lot of fun to experience the story the the individual story of some characters that you come to know and love i really enjoyed a lot of the side quests even not even off like the main characters side quests the legendary armor and skill set pieces those side quests also were great they gave you a bunch of lore like historical lore about these figures in history and what they used and then it's all about finding those items so you're learning about these characters and you're exploring these unique areas you know sometimes leading to a boss battle sometimes just learning more about this [ __ ] i just found it really fun everything i felt was written with so much care and passion and all the characters i thought were really well-rounded nice characters there wasn't a character i felt that was just outright shitty or not developed your core cast of characters all kind of just keep evolving and you start really caring for them by the end of the game it was a really nice story with an absolutely beautiful conclusion perhaps one of my favorite in recent memory this game wraps itself up so nicely and i just loved everything about acts 2 and 3 going towards the end of the game i loved its narrative i loved the way it told the story every set piece it had you experience as the leaves fall down during a climactic battle it's just wonderful truly [ __ ] wonderful this game's score is also great the music is great i didn't think it was like the biggest standout i loved this kind of music and i thought it was really good but it wasn't something like a masterpiece but it was very good worth pointing out now i want to get to my biggest complaint about this game and the biggest complaint anyone will ever have about ghost of tsushima the camera my god the camera is atrocious it is absolutely [ __ ] abhorrent the camera is like battling a demon in and of itself it is [ __ ] terrible this game tried to like reinvent the wheel when it comes to combat there's no lock on to enemies instead you have to directionally input gin towards the direction you want to attack with the people on it so it has this pseudo auto lock on feature that it you know it thinks it knows where you want to go but it doesn't always get it right and the camera can't always follow if you have a fight indoors you might as well just turn off your playstation at that point if you're fighting indoors just [ __ ] pull the power cord because it's going to be a headache and you're going to just die the camera cannot [ __ ] work half the time it has a mind of its own and it is terrible the camera often will betray you and it really [ __ ] sucks because all it needed to do was just follow the same thing that most games have done for a long time for good reason which is in an action game like this give you the character player a way to lock onto a character so you can choose where you want to go instead of having the game guess where you want to go it led to so many frustrating encounters when there are multiple enemies on the screen the camera itself got [ __ ] confused and didn't know where you were even wanting to look it was a mess the camera was absolutely terrible in my opinion it when it worked it was just passable it's not like the camera ever did this game any favors even when it was working perfectly it was still just damn i wish i could lock on and attack where i want to so that is easily the worst part of goes to sushima that camera i cannot overstate just how frustrating that camera can be now plugging ghost of sushima into the voice meter i'm giving this bad boy an 85 percent this game is extremely fun the combat never got dull and the narrative is so [ __ ] good i really liked it i like the story a lot and i absolutely love love the game world in here the universe in here was [ __ ] fantastic and i really just enjoyed my time with it start to finish an extremely good game that i would highly recommend so yeah that's really about it see ya there's a massive storm going on here right now so you might hear thunder in the background and i know the cause for this storm is because the weather is angry knowing that someone in this city isn't using manscape tonight manscape is your go-to source for all grooming needs you already know about their perfect package kit which comes with a lawnmower a fine tool that gives you the cleanest shave on your nut sack and everywhere in between with minimal risk of injury by far the best that i've used in that area but it's more than just ball shaving devices and just general downstairs grooming they also have things like the shears 2.0 which is a luxury four piece nail kit they also have the weed whacker for ear and nose hair it just has so many things that you definitely need to look 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Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,687,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z7Sh1mnA5eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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