Moira Guide | The Best Comprehensive Guide To Moira

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if you want to really develop and enhance your skills on moira you've come to the right place so let's get right into it moira regarded as one of the strongest healers overwatch has to offer creates insane amounts of value within every single fight while she may not have a great amount of utility the healing and supplemental damage she provides is enough to give her the power of being a great support with her coalescence she can not only heal her allies and find picks but define the tempo of a fight extremely quickly thus with great power comes a great deal of care skill and responsibility that being said what is this guide going to have that is different than something you could find somewhere else this is indeed a comprehensive guide so there are many different players from all over that will end up watching this video in the future so i'm going to go really in depth in this character many guides go into detail about moira within ladder which is perfectly reasonable however within this video we will not only accomplish this but also go in depth about how moira fits into a scrim setting in order to do this allow me to introduce myself to you my name is paz and i am a top 500 flex support player that specializes in ana i play for the team attack mode that just recently placed third in open division that took place in february of 2021 to put that into perspective we were a game off of making contenders trials so it was a little heartbreaking throughout my time as a player moira has been in and out of meta quite a few times because of this within my stay at attack mode i had the opportunity to learn how this character fits into various compositional styles forcing me to learn new play styles as well the skill required to get the maximum value out of moira is often overlooked so i hope i can teach you some useful information within this video so let me lay out the basic road map for this video throughout the guide we will go over all of the concepts i have listed in the description in a staircase structure for instance with moira's biotic grasp we will start with the basics and work our way up to the advanced concepts including her difficult resource management however before we do get into the guide 91.6 percent of my viewers are not subscribed these videos take a ton of time and i would greatly appreciate it if you would do so and with that out of the way let's start with moira's weapon the biotic grasp moira's biotic grasp has two different firing modes one for healing and one for damage when used for healing moira provides 70 healing per second with a long range of 15 meters note that there is a slight projectile speed so there is travel time for the spray to reach its ending destination her healing is also blocked by enemy shields it's important to note a few things early on when learning her first firing mode one is that her healing lingers to heal 35 hp over two seconds after a target is hit with the healing this can be used to tap a dps like doomfist tracer or genji before they engage for some extra brute force power since moira has a resource tank that goes down the more the player uses her healing this technique can help by allowing moira to heal without expending excess resources that being said while there isn't an exact ammo indicator within the game ui her tank gives 160 biotic energy at least eight biotic energy is required to activate her healing beam while she does regenerate 3.84 biotic energy per second while her healing is inactive her damage regenerates healing which brings us to her secondary fire provided by the biotic grasp moira's secondary fire provides a consistent beam of damage that deals 50 damage per second it is important to note that forgiving is an understatement in terms of aiming this weapon thus i won't be recommending any aim training routines as they are rather unnecessary the beam connects from up to 20 meters away which is an extra 5 meters when compared to her primary fire while no head shots can be applied the beam does heal moira for 20 per second which allows her some crazy self-sustaining potential when combined with the rest of her kit keep in mind that damage boosting moira while she uses her secondary fire only boosts her damage and not her self-heal as well the most important aspect to note for her damaging fire is that it generates almost 22 biotic energy per second without using any other strategies this means that she can generate about 26 biotic energy per second when consistently dealing damage however if you tap the damage beam onto a target you can get energy much faster thus it is smart to bind both of moyer's attacks to the scroll wheel personally i put my primary fire on scroll wheel up and damage on scroll reel down i used to be against this change but once i got used to it it definitely made me a much more efficient player on moira it is important that you don't over tap damage on weir though if you have enough resources to close out the fight and can find a pick with a consistent beam of damage take the pick every single time that being said while this might be more of a positional tip it still applies to her biotic grasp after fights most notably on king of the hill maps your resources will likely not be on full because of this extending closer to the enemy spawn to tap some damage in order to increase your healing resources is a valid strategy to keep your uptime healthy progressing into the next fight just make sure that you are in range to fade back into your team the last thing you want to do is engage so far that you die before the fight even happens lastly much like baptiste make sure that you don't waste your resources when you don't have to before the fight if your tanks take a very slight amount of damage you can just tap them with heals instead of spraying their health all the way up while this might seem like a slight difference in resource management that is what will put you ahead of the enemy moira in mirror matchups more resources gives your team the option to take a longer fight which in turn will allow you to generate your ultimate faster to win each fight with ease now that we have finished moyra's biotic grasp let's move on to the first of her abilities the biotic orb much like her biotic grasp her biotic orb has two different firing methods one for healing and one for damage both orbs share one cooldown of eight seconds meaning that you can only use one orb at a time both orbs bounce off the walls and travel through shields but not damaged through them they share a projectile speed of 20 meters per second unless they are tethered onto a target in which they will then move at a much slower 5.5 meters per second which is the walking speed of most characters within the cast of overwatch now that we have finished the basics of the biotic orb let's get into the specifics of each orb type when moira launches a healing orb it has a max radius of 5 meters and heals for 65 per second for up to 300 healing per orb if a healing orb is entirely consumed meaning it heals the full 300 when utilized 13 of moira's ultimate will be charged thus it is important to understand how to utilize moira's orb effectively since moira is mostly played in brawl or six-man dive compositions it is simple to throw an orb behind your team as they walk in so that it can't be intercepted easily by a diva or a sigma this is why the orb traveling at 5.5 meters per second is so crucial to understanding how to use her orbs as it is the walking speed of the brawl do note however the lucio speed boost will force you to change your timing as your team will engage quicker than the normal walking speed because of this make sure you compensate by throwing the orb a bit sooner a slightly more niche tip for the healing orb is to bounce it on vertical doors in 1v1s or weird brawl situations so that it doesn't leave your team this isn't as practical for the damage orb however so let's cover that next when moira launches a damage orb it has a max radius of 4 meters compared to the 5 meters provided by the healing orb so you must be much more precise the damage orb deals 50 damage per second for up to 200 damage per orb if a damage orb is entirely consumed meaning it deals the full 200 damage when utilized nine percent of moira's ultimate will be charged thus if you use your damage orb it is extremely important that whatever the orb is on is focused down and killed by your team why you may ask well in most of the recent metas healing orb will consistently get more ultimate charge in comparison to the damage orb this can be seen in the 13 and 9 comparison but you also have to understand that it is much easier to eat a damaged orb as a diva in comparison to eating a well-placed healing orb not only this but the healing orb supplements brawl compositions in most situations much more effectively than damage orbs because of all of this you will find that ninety percent of the time you will be using your healing orb and the other ten percent will include the utilization of the damage orb ultimate charge is extremely important for moira because of how strong coalescence really is it can swing fights that seem as though they are already lost but we will get into that later my last bonus tip for using your orbs effectively is before a fight starts since they fly for a maximum of 7 seconds you can throw damage orbs into the enemy spawn for more ultimate charge before the fight starts this will give you an extra advantage at virtually no cost since the orb will be up by the time the fight starts this can also be utilized to scout out angles before your enemies engage for extra intel you can also use the healing orb to save on resources before the fight starts as well if your main support already has their ultimate online while moira's fade might seem like an easy ability there is a lot more that goes into the fade than people realize on a 6 second cooldown the fade can allow moira to get out of sticky situations in a pinch by giving her immortality for a short amount of time it is important to note that you move much faster in fade so you can get to a lot of areas extremely quickly while the ability is active also make sure to jump at the end of each fade in order to gain some extra distance as the speed boost gained by the ability will carry your momentum after a jump much farther than normal upon entering fade status and damage over time effects like anti or dynamite get cleansed keep in mind that you can also use the fade to escape zarya and sigma ultimates while within them this can be rather important as you can then use your coalescence to possibly change the tide of the fight when sombra is in meta using fade to dodge the emp and then calling is a common outlet of outplay if you want to practice this there are a few codes in the description that will help you improve upon this concept as noted earlier you want to be sure to not overuse this ability for its mobility and rather use it as something that can keep you alive consistently when facing moira forcing out her fade is a crucial step in defeating her and subsequently her team knowing this it is important that you put yourself in positions to succeed and force your enemy into bad situations but we will get into this later remember also that you can use fade to get back to your team after resource farming before the fight starts before we move on to moira's ultimate coalescence there is one last technique to moira's fade that must be considered and that is performing a fade jump with moyra's fade there are specific object around many maps that can be utilized to access some places much quicker than by walking to perform this you must start a fade and then jump on various objects while within fade to maneuver to your destination while there are many spots that allow for this tech to occur there are many useful ones within the maps of nepal and ilios if you are interested in learning these fade jumps let me know in the comments down below and i may consider making a series much like the set nades playlist in the future now however let's move on to moira's ultimate coalescence coalescence is a powerful ability that creates a beam of damage and healing teammates hit with this beam receive 140 healing per second while enemies take 70 damage per second when hit not only do you heal yourself for 50 health per second you also move fifty percent faster for the eight seconds that coalescence is active because of this you can throw out an orb right before you coalescence since you will have the cooldown back immediately no matter what it is also important to note that the beam extends for up to 30 meters a hole 10 meters farther than moira's damage fire and 15 from her healing fire thus with solid positioning there is not a target that she will struggle with hitting within the beam that being said while you may be able to hit many different targets you want to avoid tunnel visioning whenever possible while you might be inclined to focus on the tracer that is peppering you in the back line it is much more important to continue healing your front line while also dealing damage to their front line you don't have to worry too much about the tracer with good movement as well since you do heal yourself at an alarmingly fast rate since your coalescence is a beam it is important to try and get as many people in your beam as possible this isn't without solid communication though if you find an opportunity to use coalescence in the middle of a fight and your team is split it is important that you are assertive and tell your team exactly what they must do in order for you to get the value that you see start with calling the target with force and if that does not work you have to stress the importance of the call that you are making a phrase i like to use is if you aren't on blank person you are throwing while i know this sounds like a joke it really helps stress the importance needed to take the reins of the team when they are sleepy just like damage orb it is extremely important that whatever you are on dies promptly this also applies when healing your allies as sometimes during fights multiple teammates may fall to critical while you are channeling coalescence in these situations the best thing to do is to make a call out to stack in a specific location in order to get your team to group up in your beam so you can heal them all at once overall it is very important to coordinate positioning with your teammates in order to assure you get the maximum value out of your ultimate since you charge coalescence extremely fast you must understand that using it quickly is extremely important in order to win the game if the enemy moira outpaces you in coalescence generation you are putting your team at a severe disadvantage use all of the tips from the earlier section of the guide to make sure you know how to go about generating coal that being said if you were only losing a fight by a single pick coalescence can be the only thing you need to turn the fight in your favor this could be in the form of forcing an onatenade a baptist to use immortality field or quickly finding a pick on a mercy if she flies too high out of position with a pharah or echo just be sure to support your team immediately after finding said pick one final tip i can give is to be aware of enemy cc abilities because getting coalescence cancelled is one of the most powerful fight swinging plays that can be made in overwatch before using the ultimate take a moment to assess the situation to make sure that you are in not only a position to get value out of your ultimate but also in a safe enough position where the enemy cannot easily land stuns in order to cancel your ultimate because moira cannot use fade during coalescence it is essential to either bait these abilities pre-fight using fade or use the increased movement speed and long-range beam to dodge cc more easily now that we have finished moira's kit let's talk about how she fits into compositions to create strong wind conditions a win condition is a way in which a team can win a team fight obviously there are many different possible win conditions for each and every team fight but there are some that are much more effective and efficient than others that is there are ways to win a fight by using a minimal amount of ultimates to get the maximum value needed so let's talk about how moira fits into various compositions powerful wing conditions within the compositions themselves and how the wing conditions interact with different comps the first composition we will go over is the classic six-man dive composition this composition includes winston diva tracer sombra moira and lucio this composition wants to scout for a support or another dive target using sombra's infinite stealth ability to set up for an incredibly coordinated dive on said target an added bonus could possibly include finding a hack on a tank to make the target even easier to kill upon a dive which is possible due to the comp's insane mobility that is their basic win condition some strong combos with this composition include emp bombs basic emp engagements and the clutch potential of moira's coalescence as moira your goal is to keep up with the dive and supplement it as best as possible while keeping your fade online for as long as possible moira works well with this composition because of her insane survivability since she gets her value from being in the action the composition can play much faster in comparison if an anna was played the team utilizing the composition must play much slower in order to keep the ana alive with fade this is not an issue the second composition we will go over is a possible aggressive brawl composition this composition includes rhine diva reaper mae moira and lucio this composition wants to brute force its way into the enemy team using the raw healing potential provided by moira to decimate the enemy in a close range brawl that is their basic win condition while this composition doesn't have any crazy strong ultimate combos using defense matrix on the reaper's death blossom can cause for some crazy outplay moira reinhardt and mei's ultimates all stand on their own as well as moira in this composition you want to support your brawl as much as possible while keeping your healing resources healthy to sustain for longer fights this will ultimately allow for you to get coalescence extremely quickly to force your enemy into difficult situations as well now let's talk about how these compositions interact against each other for moira while playing moira within these two comps your overall playstyle will be quite different considering the fact you were playing two very different compositions when looking at it on the spectrum within the dive composition against a brawl you want to make sure that you are staying as far away from the brawl as possible whilst supplying your team with heals and pressure because of this and the nature of the brawl comp you were against you can use your fade freely compared to the flip side of the matchup the name of the game as dive against brawl is to continuously force out cooldowns until you are ready to finish off an open target so help your team do this with aggressive damage and consistent heals while sustaining yourself as much as possible with the brawl composition your goal was to keep your team alive through the various poke damage they may take but most importantly to keep your fade online as much as possible since the enemy's win condition is to force out your fade your strategy is simple don't let them do that if you are struggling to do that it is evident that the team composition is not working and that you must switch as a team while it may be a mechanical issue on your end it is not worth bashing your head into the wall for the rest of the game know when it is time to switch the name of the game as a brawl against dive is to play the objective and force the enemy to take a fight so accomplish this by keeping your fate online whilst pumping consistent heals now that we have discussed win conditions let's talk about positioning many players think that moira should be extremely close to the fight to proc or healing but this is actually incorrect remember that your healing can heal for up to 15 meters away so utilize this to the best of your ability while this range is crazy you don't want to play too far and risk getting caught out by a flanker or end up missing your healing spray due to getting out of range of your team so it is important to find the happy medium where you won't get hit by the enemy main tank's cleave damage while keeping your uptime consistent sounds easy right wrong because of the metas that moira is strong in her positioning is much more difficult because of her constant need to rotate positioning yourself effectively in a six-man dive composition is incredibly difficult to master her rotations it is important that you are constantly moving with your team and keeping up with your lucio so that you don't need to use fade to engage the last thing you want to do is to cause your fade to become offline because of a lack of correct positioning as it will cause you to die much more often moira's positioning is all about putting yourself in places where you can keep your fade online whether it be brawl spam or dive to finish off the guide where are you going to see moira in high level team play moira has been in and out of many metas throughout the seasons of overwatch because of the addition of baptiste moira has not been seen in brawl compositions nearly as much as she has in dive compositions mostly due to her insane survivability the characters i like to duo with the most in ladder while playing moira include ryan winston may and lucio ryan and winston set the pace of the game and pairing amoira along with these characters can allow for them to do this with ease mae is a solid character to pick as she is very strong in most games she has played in within the chaos of the competitive ladder doom and reaper are solid contenders but are heavily dependent on the meta at the given time lastly in metas where moira is strong lucio is oftentimes the secondary support because moira allows for the lucio to play heavily off of speed boosts and picks on his own make sure to always think about your win condition in order to pick the best fit for every single game and with that the guide comes to an end but let's finish it all off with some key takeaways for beginners learn how moira's kit works including her weapon ranges orb speeds and fade range and make sure that your resource management is solid to avoid forcing your team into taking short fights for intermediate players start understanding how moira fits into every composition you are playing and how you should rotate to win the fight and keep your fate online set yourself up to outplay your opponent with fades by fading through emps and controlling fights with coalescence for advanced players find ways to keep your resources at full at all times also push your limits and create opportunities for your orbs to be fully consumed ultimately allowing you to get coalescence even faster be assertive with your coalescence to create a line of death for your enemies using your teammates to decimate every fight even harder also play around with fade jumps to create crazy roll outs to take your enemies by surprise or escape any hot pursuit moira is a healing and damage machine so it is on you to create enough value to make up for her lack of utility she provides for the team and with that you have officially completed the paz certified moira guide practice makes perfect in learning every hero within overwatch be sure to watch moira players to apply things that you have learned throughout the guide today these players include nolan irp myself and others from within the community if you are interested in seeing me go live i stream every monday wednesday and friday at 4 pm est i also just started coaching over at fiverr for ten dollars an hour satisfaction or your money back the link will be found in the description if you have learned anything from this guide please do like share and subscribe as it helps the channel out a ton but until next time guys i've gotta peace out and pass out i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Paz
Views: 40,491
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Keywords: #overwatch, #overwatchcompetitive, #organizedoverwatch, #gaming, #paz, #swagdiff, #moira, #overwatch moira guide, #moira overwatch, #moira overwatch tips, #moira overwatch tips 2021, #comprehensive moira guide, #moira guide, #moira guide 2021, #moira guide paz, #comprehensive guide, #overwatch guide, #overwatch moira, #moira tips, #how to play moira, #pazswagger, #paz overwatch, #moira fade jump, #moira fade jump tutorial, #moira overwatch guide, #moira overwatch gameplay, #coalescence
Id: xqdUZg9hND0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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