Winky face! Stall Orisa, stall Orisa. Oh. (LAUGHS) # HIP-HOP MUSIC Hey, there. I'm mL7,
and I'm here to teach you how to play Ana. I know she's a hero with a reputation
of being hard to master, but don't let that scare you. This guide's got you covered,
both beginners and advanced players. This video's sponsored
by Blizzard Entertainment, and we're really hyped up
to work with them. Let's get started. Ana is an aim-based support that combines hitscan
and projectile types of shooting with high-impact abilities that will help
you secure more wins on the battlefield, and I'm going to break down
how you can use her kit in the most efficient ways possible. ANA: Hello, there. ML7: Let's start with her weapon,
the Biotic Rifle. The ammo she uses can heal your allies
or it can damage your enemies. It's important to keep in mind that she uses the same type of ammo
both for healing and damage. Try to do one to two damage shots
and use the rest of your ammo for healing. Do the damage shots to enemy characters
that have 200 or 150 HP, because Ana's shots sting. You only need three of them currently
to secure a kill onto a squishy target. Reload when you don't need to heal
or do damage. If your team is hiding around walls
while being full HP and there is no enemy in sight,
then it's time to reload. With Ana's gun, you can do
three different types of shots - unscoped, scoped, and quickscope shots. Unscoped shots are projectiles, so you need to predict where the target
you are shooting at is going to be when the bullet hits, while also taking into consideration
the travel time of the bullet. Target's being at long range
will be hard to hit, while targets that are in close range
will be easy to hit. You'll most of the time use unscoped shots
for close-range targets. You do not suffer a movement penalty
when you operate in this mode. You can jump and move as you like. The bullets leave no trace, which means that it is hard for the enemy
to predict what you're shooting at. If one of your allies is hiding
in the distance, waiting for the enemy to pass through,
and is low HP, heal them up with unscoped shots
so you don't give away their position. Shots fired while scoped in are hitscan. When you shoot, the bullets will go
directly where the cursor is placed at the moment of shooting. You should use scoped-in shots
at medium-to-long range. They have a couple of downsides. You suffer a movement penalty
when you stay scoped in, making you an easier target to hit. If you jump
you'll exit the scoped-in mode, but keep in mind
that you can still crouch while using it. You lose a bit of your field of view, so maybe you won't catch
that cheeky flanking Tracer to your left. The bullets leave a trace. This means that the enemies can see
what you're shooting at, which might compromise
your teammates' surprise flanks. This is how you can play around
these downsides. You want to stay scoped in
when you're playing in a safe position where the enemies cannot contest you - usually on high ground,
a bit behind your team. Try to stay scoped in
as little as possible. Do not walk around
while staying scoped in. Quickscope shots. Sometimes you need to switch positions
while still doing hitscan shots, or you want to take duels
while not suffering any movement penalty so that you're harder to hit. This is when quickscoping
comes in to help. Quickscopes are done
by going into the scoped-in animation, shooting as soon as the animation starts, and exiting the scoped-in animation
after the shot is fired. If you want more information
on quickscopes, I've covered the topic exhaustively
in another video. Check the description for the link. For a basic Ana training routine, check out this Workshop mode
from PMAJellies. Ana's Sleep Dart is a projectile that makes an enemy target go to sleep
for a short duration, making them unable to do anything. If the target gets damaged
while being slept, they will wake up. It has a small wind-up time,
which can be tricky to get used to. From my experience, there are three ways
to shoot the Sleep Dart. The panic method: When you wiggle your camera aggressively, hoping that the Sleep Dart
will hit something. It will, but mostly air particles. The prediction method: When you try to predict
where your target will be, right as you start the wind-up animation. This is what the majority of players use. The flick method: You start the wind-up animation,
and just as it ends and the Sleep Dart leaves the chamber, you flick your cursor
to where the target is. This is the hardest but most efficient way
to hit Sleep Darts, in my opinion. When to use it?
Here's a list of scenarios. For self-protection, when the enemies have a hero
that has the primary goal to kill you: Tracer, Doomfist, and so on. To counter ultimates, such as Winston's
Primal Rage or Ashe's B.O.B. As an entry pick tool. For instance, Sleep-Dart a sniper
by jiggle-peeking the wall once, and then peeking again
while shooting the Sleep Dart. At the beginning of the game,
see what heroes the enemy has and think about
who you need to save the Sleep Dart for in order to protect yourself,
as well as what ultimates you can counter. Biotic Grenade. The Biotic Grenade is one of
the most powerful abilities in the game. It's a projectile that splashes on impact, and it can be applied both to enemies
and allies at the same time, but with different effects. For allies, it heals them
for a sizeable amount of health and applies a buff that increases
all healing received, including from health packs. For enemies,
it deals a decent amount of damage and keeps them from being healed
throughout the effect's duration. In order to understand
the 'nade trajectory, make a Custom Game
with the Training Range settings on, with zero cooldowns, and just throw the 'nade for a couple
of minutes until you get used to it. Do not try to throw the 'nade exactly
onto allies/enemies. You should always look to take advantage
of the splash characteristic it has and use it accordingly. Splash the 'nade on walls, throw it above enemy shields
to apply the anti-'nade effect, throw the 'nade between you and an enemy
when you're doing a 1v1 to apply the healing to you
and the damage to them. Understand that the 'nade can be blocked
by enemy shields, and that it can be cleansed
by certain abilities. Save the 'nade for big ultimates,
like EMP or Graviton Surge. As a side note, heal denial is the most efficient way
to deal with Zenyatta's Transcendence, so, if possible, save your 'nade for it. The last thing I want to talk about
in this section is preset grenades. They are used to get an early ult charge
or to break chokepoints. The maximum time Ana's 'nade
can stay in the air is six seconds, so sometimes you'll see players
pick certain reference points to align themselves to so that they can throw
a preset grenade into the sky. Here's a Workshop mode from DarwinStreams, or you can make up your own. Ana's ultimate is Nano Boost. It is single-target,
usable only on allies, and it applies two buffs -
a damage buff and a damage-reduction buff, which means that the hero that is Nano'd
does more damage to the enemies and takes less damage from them. The Nano lasts for a couple of seconds
and, when applied, the target also receives
an instant burst of healing. Remember that Ana's ultimate
does not increase healing done, so Nano'ing a Zen in Transcendence,
or a Mercy, for example, will not result in more heals. The Nano Boost Sensitivity setting means
how precise you need to aim on your ally in order to apply the Nano, while the Nano Confirmation setting,
if set to "on," will ask you to confirm
your Nano selection. Usually, Nano Boost is used aggressively
and in combination with ultimates - Nano Blade, for example. Keep in mind that the Nano Boost is strong
also without ultimates. If your Zarya glows like a Christmas tree
and there are enemies close to her, Nano her for fast kills. Unconventionally, Nano Boost
can be used defensively as well, especially due to the healing it does. Your Reinhardt is getting very low HP
while fighting the other Reinhardt? Nano him. For more explanations about
who are the best heroes to Nano, check the description. How to position yourself with Ana. As a support, you should always be
positioned behind your tanks and be the last one to die in teamfights. With this being said,
if the enemy's playing with flankers, you want to play close to your team
so that they can help you out. If the enemy doesn't have heroes
that can contest you easily, keep a medium-to-long distance
from your team. Better positioning comes with experience, and experience comes by playing
or by watching others play. Top three heroes that go best with Ana. From tank, Zarya. Ana has the highest single-target healing
in the game, which means that your Zarya can play
really aggressive if you hit her shots. From DPS, Soldier. They complement each other well,
often playing side-by-side. Nano Visor is a very strong
offensive combo, and if Ana ever needs heal, she can ask for a healing station
from Soldier. From support, Lúcio. Ana's biggest weakness
is her lack of mobility. Lúcio can help her reposition faster
with his speed boost, and can peel pretty well for her. Brig is also really good
at keeping her alive. Top three heroes Ana's best against. From tank, Roadhog. Easy target to sleep,
easy target to 'nade, and you're probably not going to play
in his range of effectiveness to get contested by him, unless he flanks. From DPS, Bastion. Ana's good against almost every DPS,
but I think she's stellar against Bastion. If he's playing alone,
he is an easy Sleep Dart target, and if he's playing behind shields, try to look for an anti-'nade
above the shield. From support, Brig. Brig is really aggressive
and can be quite hard to focus down, but with a well-applied Biotic Grenade,
the raid boss will die easier. Top three heroes
that Ana struggles against. From tank, D.Va, because her Defense Matrix
can deny everything from Ana, apart from the Nano Boost. Winston and Hammond are also tough
matchups because they will be diving you. As long as you save both of your abilities
for when they do this, you should be good to go. From DPS, Doomfist. You need to save
both of your abilities for him and learn where he can come from
in order to survive. Also, because of his shields,
he's really hard to kill one-on-one. From support, Ana doesn't particularly
struggle against anyone, but a well-thrown damage orb from Moira
will force her to reposition or use a 'nade to heal herself up. # ELECTRONIC MUSIC