The ULTIMATE Guide to Moira (how to CARRY)

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Moira may seem like an easy hero that doesn't  get much value, but Moira can have a lot of   solo carry and capability. Once you watch this  guide you'll be able to start carrying as Moira   and you'll never need another guide again.  Let me break down how you'll carry on Moira.   We're gonna go over Moira's priorities and  abilities, Moira's ultimate coalescence,   determining when Moira is good and the match-up  guide, identifying a play style on Moira,   and things like where you should position and  path mid-fight to get the most value possible.   Hey there by the way my name is Shift and  I'm a top 500 support player and streamer.   I've managed to reach 4534 with these tips that  I will now tell to you. If you liked this video   or found it helpful consider hitting the like  button to help it get shown to more people.   This is the ultimate Moira guide. Let me start by  taking you back to what I said in the mercy guide,   "you can't heal stupid." Unfortunately, that's  all Moira's got. Moira is a self-sustaining hero.   Moira has no utility in her kit meaning she can  only do damage and heal, no other abilities like   Mercy's rez or Brig stun so let's break this down  into her two components of damage and healing orb   as well as fade. Moira's damage orb is a good  intro and exit fighting ability to get extra all   charge. Throwing damage orbs into a fight can be  really good for starting to poke the enemy down,   however I practically never use damage orbs  mid-fight. The only way you're going to put   yourself over other healers is by sustaining  more healing for longer. Moira heals an insane   AOE 70 healing per second and the damage orb  while annoying to the enemy team provides less   ult charge for you and less overall value. So try  to use damage orbs only for intro and outro things   when there's no healing to be done. I don't really  recommend using them in 1v1s either because of how   powerful self-healing can be. Let me explain  what I mean by going over the healing orb,   the savior of Moira's power. Moira's power  comes in the form of massive amounts of healing   Moira can do combined with her healing orbs and  how fast her ult charges. Like I said before   Moira's primary heal does 70 healing per second  however stack that with her healing orbs that's   135 healing per second. 135! Healing orbs do 65  healing per second and do 300 total healing till   it runs out. 135 is an insane amount of healing  and can keep people alive so much. The extra orb   not only provides this crazy healing but also  gets your ult-charge farming. I use heal orbs   practically all throughout the fight in order  to build coalescence as fast as possible, but   there are two things you have to know when using  orbs. Firstly, orbs have an 8 second cooldown   and the orb lasts for 8 seconds so you should  basically have 100 up times of your orbs please.   Secondly let me introduce myself as Mr. Shiftkid,  I will be your geometry professor for today.   When throwing heal orb you need to be using these  geometric angles to get the most value with them.   If you threw your healing orb straight forward  down a hallway that healing orb will heal what   it can but eventually will pass your team and stop  healing them. So use walls and ceilings and angles   to keep the possible 300 total healing actually  go off. Let me use an example. When playing on   rialto when your team is standing at this corner,  I throw a healing orb up and down on the ceiling   for it to bounce as much as possible and to get  the most value. This way my primary healing will   last longer and I can heal myself if there's some  poke damage. That healing orb will be right there   as soon as someone takes damage and it will begin  healing. Besides ceilings use walls to bounce in   weird places wherever you can. This point on  Nepal has a staircase with some small walls   that I actually use to bounce healing orbs off for  insane value. Moira has a lot of sustain even to   herself with these orbs, so if you aren't getting  any help from your team you can basically give   yourself your own pocket. Moira can do upwards  of 89 healing per second to yourself. 89! That's   a lot of self-healing this is super important  to do up against flankers that are carrying   because they practically can never kill you. In  order to do this massive amounts of self-heal,   you're going to want to throw your healing in  one of those good geometric locations so it keeps   bouncing then use your secondary fire to suck the  enemy and get some life steal. The healing orb   will do 65 healing per second and the secondary  fire suck will do 24 healing per second. There's   like no downsides to doing this you are able to  keep yourself alive easily and do damage to the   enemy. You are your own pocket. Fade is Moira's  biggest ability and it's literally so powerful.   I know fade only has a six second cooldown however  you shouldn't be using it mid-fight unless you   absolutely have to. Try to save fade for the  last possible moment when you need it rather than   doing it for fun because it is so powerful. For  example if you're in a flux but Lucio uses beats   and it doesn't seem like you're going to be  taking more damage, save fade for later because   as soon as you land there may be more damage  and pressure you have to avoid and you can do   that if you saved your fade. Just use fade with  a purpose rather than for fun. Also one small tip   in downtime tap instead of holding to heal because  it does 35 healing per second over two seconds and   you won't use all your resources. You could also  use the healing orb if you wanted. You need a good   balance between doing damage and doing healing.  Basically you should never be doing one or the   other for more than three seconds, generally. If  you only heal you will very quickly run out of   healing juice, and if you only damage you won't be  healing your team. So when you're in the downtime   when your team isn't taking a lot of damage, get  in a small suck every off chance you can to help   yourself. Also, a pretty standard thing to do is  throw a healing orb in a geometric good location   that bounces like before and while that heals the  team you can get more healing juice and suck off   the enemy. Always be having that back and forth  between healing and damage so your resources   never runs out. Moira's coalescence can easily  turn the tide of a fight you want to be charging   as fast as possible, but you're already doing  that thanks to you throwing healing orbs mid-fight   and getting insane amounts of ult-charge. Most  of the time you should be using Moira's ultimate   to engage with the start of the fight or use it as  soon as you get it mid-fight. Coalescence can heal   and damage people all at once so trying to get it  through as many people as possible is going to get   you the most value. When using it to engage, I  normally like to throw a damage orb to do even   more damage to the enemy team. You kind of do  an animation cancel by throwing a damage orb and   immediately pressing q and w with your team. It's  a pretty powerful space maker but almost think of   it like a cool down use it. Use it. Use it please!  Let's go into the matchup guide and when Moira is   a good pick. You want to pick Moira in a team  comp that wants to play together. Moira does   not have much if any long range healing so you  want to have team comps like rush with Reinhardt,   or tanks that like to sit still and play  together even something like double shield.   There always comes this question though whether to  play Moira or Bap in certain situations. Normally,   I like playing Moira with rush if the enemy team  is not playing rush back. Bap is good with the   rush mirror for his immortality field, but if your  team is playing rush with Rein and Lucio, but the   enemy team is playing Orisa or Winston dive  comp, I like Moira better for the survivability   and healing there. Moira also works great as  a six-man dive comp. Like I said before Moira   is a self-sustaining hero so going six heroes  that can all survive on your own can be a good   way to get lots of value by sustaining yourself  and your team longer than other supports can.   Moira can heal a lot y'all. Moira is kind of weird  though because she has no utility and she isn't   really ever picked to counter a hero like I say to  do with Mercy and Brig. So it can be kind of picky   to pick Moira. Remember you can also play Brig and  Mercy for more utility, but I really like playing   Moira when your team needs a lot of healing for  your tanks but your other support is picking Zen   or Lucio or even Brig or Mercy. As well as if  you aren't getting a lot of peel and just kind   of need to live and can't survive on brig. When  your team is not supporting you you can easily   keep yourself alive with fade and heal orb as well  as do damage heal and do everything. She is really   good in low ranks but gets worse the more you go  up in the ladder. Like I said before Moira has   no utility which is more important rather than  raw healing and upper ranks. Now that you know   when to pick Moira and how to play her, let's go  over some play styles that you should be aware of.   Even though Moira doesn't hard counter everyone  there are heroes that counter her. Those heroes   are mostly D.Va and Ana. D.Va can counter Moira  pretty easily by eating all of her orbs. Normally,   when I see a D.Va on the enemy team, I rarely ever  throw damage orbs because they just get eaten.   So be aware of throwing random damage orbs or even  healing orbs just for them to get eaten and lose   that incredible power you have over your orbs.  Ana can also anti you and your team which stops   literally all of Moira's kit. Moira can only heal  and do damage so when you and your team is anti'd,   you really can't do much besides suck off the  nearest target and hope your team survives.   You can fade to take the anti off of you, but  remember only use fate if you absolutely have to.   If the enemy Ana is getting lots of anti's, it  could shut down your Moira gameplay. For reviewing   what we know from before, make sure you're also  thinking about surviving yourself. That is the   best thing you can do on support, so be using fade  at optimal times just don't use it for no reason,   and use that healing orb and damage combination to  do insane amounts of self healing. Also if you're   running out of heals at all, that means you are  not having the correct balance of healing to suck.   Use those healing orbs in the nice geometry to  heal your team while you recharge your resources   and suck them off. Lastly, let's go over some  important but underlooked part of any supports   kit - positioning. Like I said before, Moira has  little to no long range healing so you almost   always need to be next to someone and preferably  a tank. Moira is a main healer and she needs to be   close to her tanks in order to win. Do not play by  yourself, it really doesn't get much for Moira and   you can have your cooldowns easily forced by being  alone and getting focused. Stay inside your team   and around shields and hard cover to ensure the  longest chance of surviving. It's really important   here that we play with our team so we can use  our resources correctly. Use that map structure   but you will need to walk with tanks so at times  it may feel a bit aggressive to be close to your   tanks that's okay just path with them and walk  with the walls as much as you can. If you are with   your team, your geometric healing orbs will get  so much value and you can save your fade for the   best possible moment forcing resources out of the  enemy team and carrying! You now have heard from   the holy shift bible on the Moira guide and have  graduated from geometry class. Congratulations!   Good luck with your games. Oh! And if you  have a question or concern leave a comment   down below or come by one of my twitch streams  at Thanks for watching!
Channel: HolyShiftKid
Views: 2,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, top 500, ranked, competitive, gay, gameplay, support, grandmaster, grandmaster support, top 500 support, main support, edited, top 500 overwatch, holyshiftkid, top 500 ranked, grandmaster rank, carry, 4500 sr, ultimate, how to carry, interactions, play style, mindset, gamesense, match up guide, guide, positioning, overwatch gameplay, moira tips, moira guide, overwatch moira, how to play moira, overwatch moira gameplay, ultimate moira guide, ultimate brigitte guide, coalescence
Id: 1wFMZB5rWsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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